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Name Or Status Or Blog Sexiness
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Mickey Mouse
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Rolling Stones
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Tender Heart
Hello Kitty
Snack Sword
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Stop And Smell The Flowers
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Mini Mini's
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Teddy Bear2
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Rolex Replica Watches Only For
Over a century, Rolex Replicated watches has grown to become one of the most pre-eminent companies in the history of watch making. Rolex was originally called Wilsdorf & Davis. It was founded by a German national in 1908. A perfectionist, Hans Wilsdorf worked hard to improve watch standards and prove that high quality products which could be produced outside Switzerland. A hallmark of Rolex is its continuity in design. The models produced several decades ago still have the same outer appearance (though internal pieces are of course improved and upgraded). This faithfulness to tradition helps to give Rolex Replicated watches its reputation.  These perfect Rolex Replicated watches will help you to keep up of the times. With these best replica classic watches, You can enjoy the timelessness luxury feeling and discreet elegance these best Rolex replica watches convey to you. Rolex replica watches at our store are all made from the finest materials and are able be worn with just about any
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More Mini's
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Teddy Bear
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Discount Of Brand Replica Watches At
Replica Breitling Watches, a remarkable brand of Swiss watches, has been considered as an important sign of able aviators. The Breitiling is one of most popular brands in the world. There are a great number of Breitiling replica watches in the market. Quality varies from the change of prices. People likely fall into a misunderstanding. They think replica breitling watches price at 80 usd with price at 175 usd are the same quality. Then some poor quality brand watches suppliers use this misunderstanding to make the maximum profit from that. Many people have a deep fond of Replica Breitling Watches. As a noble and exquisite car brand from Britain, Bentley cars, more often than not, are considered as an identification of a men’s social class. Like movie Ironman II, Mr.Robert Downey Jr. and his Bentley car captured numerous audience for its nobleness, distinguishes and practicability. In a simple, Bentley is a taste of knight. So do the replica breitling watches. In the brand replic
Nth\ ENTH \adjective; 1. Being the last in a series of infinitely decreasing or increasing values, amounts, etc. 2. (Of an item in a series of occurrences, planned events, things used, etc., that is thought of as being infinitely large) being the latest, or most recent.
In the end, everything is a gag.  -  Charlie Chaplin
Ain't Going Down Till The Sun Comes Up.
Rules: 1. Put your iTunes, windows media player, etc., on shuffle.  2. For each question, press next to get your answer. 3. You must write that song name down no matter how silly it sounds.  4. Tag 25 people in your note that you want to do this activity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  1. If someone says "Are you okay" you say? I Swear   2. How would you describe yourself? Hedwig's Theme   3. What do you like in a guy/girl? On A Night Like This   4. How do you feel today?  Damien    5. What is you life's purpose? Something Like That   6. What is your motto?  Behind the Blue Eyes   7. What do your friends think of you? Angels Anomg Us   8. What do your parents think of you?  Everything I do   9. What do you think about often? Wild Thing  10. What is 2+2? Where the Green Grass Grows  11. What is your life story?  Here Comes The Rain  12. What do y
I Need A New Name
Ok, I need a new name, any ideas?   I like gwen stefani, so it was Hella Good. Help, but nothing pervy please
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Candy Kiss
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Mini Text Art
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Making Love Out Of Nothing Air Supply
Air Supply Making Love Out Of Nothing At All Lyrics Send "Making Love Out Of Nothing At All" Ringtone to your Cell I know just how to whisper And I know just how to cry I know just where to find the answers And I know just how to lie I know just how to fake it And I know just how to scheme I know just when to face the truth And then I know just when to dream And I know just where to touch you And I know just what to prove I know when to pull you closer And I know when to let you loose And I know the night is fading And I know the time's gonna fly And I'm never gonna tell you Everything I gotta tell you But I know I gotta give it a try And I know the roads to riches And I know the ways to fame I know all the rules And I know how to break 'em And I always know the name of the game But I don't know how to leave you And I'll never let you fall And I don't know how you do it Making love out of nothing at all Making love, Out of nothing at all Making love, Ou
Heart Smile
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Awareness Ribbon
Stfu Truck
|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ||_____|__The STFU Truck__|||""'|"")__,_| __________________ l||__|__|__|)|(@)@)" " " " " **|(@)(@)**|(@)
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Floaty Hearts
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Bbw Sexy
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My New Owner
Everyone should check out my new owner. He's been a great friend of mine for several years now. JAKdaSQUISHY@ fubar
dear bloggy,   hey, im tired and have really nothing to say my mom is in the hospital and will be having surgery on her leg tomorrow.   love,.   ruthie
Awesome Commercial
If I Die Tomorrow - Motley Crue
If I Die Tomorrow I wake up to find myselfAfter all these yearsAnd where all the time has goneStill seems so unclear'Cause there's no one elseSince I found youI know it's been so hardYou should knowIf I die tomorrowAs the minutes fade awayI can't rememberHave I said all I can say?You're my everythingYou make me feel so aliveIf I die tomorrowIt brings out the worst in meWhen you're not aroundI miss the sound of your voiceThe silence seems so loud'Cause there's no one elseSince I found youI know it's been so hardYou should knowIf I die tomorrowAs the minutes fade awayI can't rememberHave I said all I can say?You're my everythingYou make me feel so aliveIf I die tomorrowI spent all my lifeLooking for our innocenceI've got nothing to loseOne thing to proveI won't make the same mistakesNow I knowThat everything will be okWhen I die tomorrowIf I die tomorrowAs the minutes fade awayI can't rememberHave I said all I can say?You're my everythingYou make me feel so aliveIf I die tomorrowYou mak
Twas The Night Before Gameday !!!
Twas the morning of game day and all through the land the fans were all stirring, with their tickets in hand. A quick cup of coffee, then each Jill and Jack Get dressed in their very best silver and black.   Then out to the car, or the truck or the van to p...ack for their tailgates as much as they can. The stickers are placed in the windows with care And the Raider flags fly in the crisp autumn air.   The excitement is mounting as their engines they start; it's easy to see that these fans have such heart. Then out on the highway there arose such a clatter I ran from my house to see what was the matter.   The morning sun shone with a soft golden glow on car after car traveling below. Fans from the east and fans from the west heading to Oakland to watch football's best.   One fan in particular went driving by. A mean looking dude with a patch on his eye. His face was all blackened, as it scattered with soot and he was dressed all in black from his head to his fo
Thinking Ahout Your Wedding Gowns When Attain Your Teenage
Starting through the time which you attain your teenage many years via your puberty phase and steadily right up until you turn to get a youthful adolescent,wedding dresses you could have absolutely believed about marriage at the least when within your life. It is just organic to try to do so and there is no require in your case to get ashamed even in the occasion you certainly are a quite conservative person. Cheap Maternity Wedding Dresses this can be due to the fact marriage is deemed to get among the most memorable and fundamental gatherings in one's life. Since marriage is a specific thing that is sacred and is also intended to get when inside of a lifetime experience, cheap wedding dresses it is consistently celebrated inside of a remarkable manner. Junior Bridesmaid Dresses this can be particularly accurate when the households from the bride and groom are exceptionally wealthy. on this form of setting, there would absolutely be a great offer of company and obviously a grand cele
Thinking Ahout Your Wedding Gowns When Attain Your Teenage
Starting through the time which you attain your teenage many years via your puberty phase and steadily right up until you turn to get a youthful adolescent,wedding dresses you could have absolutely believed about marriage at the least when within your life. It is just organic to try to do so and there is no require in your case to get ashamed even in the occasion you certainly are a quite conservative person. Cheap Maternity Wedding Dresses this can be due to the fact marriage is deemed to get among the most memorable and fundamental gatherings in one's life. Since marriage is a specific thing that is sacred and is also intended to get when inside of a lifetime experience, cheap wedding dresses it is consistently celebrated inside of a remarkable manner. Junior Bridesmaid Dresses this can be particularly accurate when the households from the bride and groom are exceptionally wealthy. on this form of setting, there would absolutely be a great offer of company and obviously a grand cele
Funnies My Boys Say!
last week my youngest asks his brother.. do you ever have headaches? The oldest says..not much. The youngest says..I do..must be because I have a larger Brain!   2nd story..just done tonight.. we were watchin national lampoons vacation...theres a part in the movie where the boy is in his cousins room..they are looking at playboy magazines.. the cousin says..These magazines come in very handy..i use the alot The boy says.."how" oldest who is 12 says.. how do they come in handy? how does he use them? Youngest says.."he reads them..duh!"   as for me..other than laughing..I just went along with the youngest..I do you explain? LOL. Oldest is getting of age..but still clueless! :D
Aquarius About Your Sign...
Aquarius About Your Sign...Aquarians basically possess strong and attractive personalities. They fall into two principle types: one shy, sensitive, gentle and patient; the other exuberant, lively and exhibitionist, sometimes hiding the considerable depths of their character under a cloak of frivolity. Both types are strong willed and forceful in their different ways and have strong convictions, though as they seek truth above all things, they are usually honest enough to change their opinions, however firmly held, if evidence comes to light which persuades them that they have been mistaken. They have a breadth of vision that brings diverse factors into a whole, and can see both sides of an argument without shilly-shallying as to which side to take. Consequently they are unprejudiced and tolerant of other points of view. This is because they can see the validity of the argument, even if they do not accept it themselves. They obey the Quaker exhortation to "Be open to truth, from whateve
Your Eyes
Looking at you, my heart on my sleve, My heart pounds with need To feel your touch, to see your smile. Inside, I slowly die.   You have others on your mind. They are what you crave. It is written on your face. No matter what, your eyes don't lie.   I try to capture your attention, Yet again, you pull away, Pushing me further As you settle deeper within. Caught in a world all your own, Without me is how you want it.   Your words tell me one thing. Your heart yet another. No matter what, your eyes don't lie.   I know the truth; I'll face it yet. You will leave, and I will see. No matter what, your eyes don't lie.   Tammy Welter Origionally published 2006 Timeless Voices   I guess that four years later nothing has changed.  Living a lie all this time, you say that you care but you do not love me. I will take you any way that I can have you.  I cannot explain why I have held onto you for so long and loved you as much as I do, except that maybe we have to go throu
This Crazy Thing Called Life
Hi My name is cody lenz, I was born in Coeur d'alene IDAHO on june 13th 1985.Many people know me, maby more than i would like but never the less, i am a very down to earth, open minded, caring, understanding, chill person. i try my best to put myself in "other peoples shoes." to get there prespective on things, most of the time i am farly good at it.You know this thing called life, We are all in it together. It's all a learning process everyone is learning somethimg about themselves and other people, It could be something you have already learned or wont learn for years, We ar all different and hence we learn different.So people end up getting hurt that you never even ment to, Or know how you did it. Its hard enough to live youre own life sometimes. And you know people do accedentialy do get in the way, And its hard.To who ever reads this, I am truly sorry for in any way hurting you, by any means at all or in the future if i hurt you. I am only human and i try my best to be the person
Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus
I post this every year, to me, this is the spirt of Chirstmas. Enjoy. Or dont. whatever   Eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York's Sun, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial Sept. 21, 1897. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church has since become history's most reprinted newspaper editorial, appearing in part or whole in dozens of languages in books, movies, and other editorials, and on posters and stamps. "DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old. "Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. "Papa says, 'If you see it in THE SUN it's
How To Clean Yahoo By Bill
How To Clean Firefox By Bill
Phone Sex
Ive been up for two hours and already Ive been well fucked and had my little asshole stretched around loveys cock. He fucks so well. Then one of the hopeful men (a cop oh cuff me and fuck me oficer) Called about our New Years apptment.... some how or another the conversation turned to sex... Imagine that a conversation with me leading to the topic of hot and heavy fucking... Lovey started licking and sucking on my pretty little busd and i couldnrt help my self... I told officer dick what i wanted him to do to me on New Years and heard him cum all over the place... YOu know me by now.. things like this excite me i had to suck loveys dick while he ate me out I felt my entire body quiver with his mouth lapping up my juices it was the BEST phone sex ever!! I would know I'm the one woman in the world who calls phone sex hot lines just to hear the man on the other end cum... I just get on the phone call the number and find the right guy... Hes the one with the big raging hard on who needs so
Dear Santa.
Dear Santa, All I want for Xmas is a man (not boy) who will say sorry, appreciates the small [and big] things I do for him, who dates only me, who'll turn the air on when i'm hot regardless of $3 xtra bill, who'll love my cooking and return the favor, who'll realize how amazing I am & all that me (and family) offers, oh & TALL DARK AND HANDSOME would b perfect. If u can't find that, plenty of booze will hold me over.
Crucify The Dead - Slash
"Crucify The Dead"(feat. Ozzy Osbourne, Taylor Hawkins)The fire started long agoThe flames burned out, still embers glowSo charred and blackThere's nothing left to burn, to burnWe had the same dreamLived life to extremeA loaded gun jammed by a roseThe thorns are knots around your headYour ego cursed you till you bledYou cannot crucify the deadTo me you're dead, yeahThe future is unset in stoneDecisions past leave you aloneBetrayed us all with your own selfish greed, your greed, yeahNew soldiers now sayThat your beggars collectRe-crucified and paid by youThe thorns are knots around your headYour ego cursed you till you bledYou cannot crucify the deadTo me you're dead, yeahWe were like brothers with the world in our handsYou always have too much to saySomeday you look back and you wonder whyYou let it all slip away, yeah[SOLO]Crucify the deadCrucify the deadThe thorns are knots around your headYour ego cursed you till you bledYou cannot crucify the deadTo me you're dead, yeah 
One Awesome Owner ~ Check Her Out
Hey, stop By and Visit NurseKate! She's my Newest Owner & She is one Awesome Person as Well!  
Bigger And Better
I have started on my search and going by my own philosiphy I have expanded my search perameters! I now am looking for a couple so everyone gets just what they want! I nice pretty fuck for me and hopefully a hung hottie for him.. My new (enough) favorite word orgy! By the way I blame all of this on my strict chrisian upbringing and my desperate need of love and approval... LOL I just want to be used and used in turn, Is that so much to ask? Like yesterday the ardest parts are the screening and the waiting! Today it will be more waiting. Couples are harder to cum by then singles! Especially for what we have in mind. I am happy to have found my lovey with his want to explore the world of sexual encounters with me! I finally have someone who is more turned on by my need of sexual conquest then put off! Now to fuck my way across the world... One dirty little fuck at a time
Passing Away....
Whoever decided to call it "passing away" was an idiot.  "Passing away" sounds so peaceful.  But dieing is anything but peaceful in my mind.  I have had to fight to live for the past 3 years, I don't want to die.  I don't want my parents to die.  What is peaceful about someone who appears to have no health problems just dieing one night?  Especially when they are all alone and their spouse they saw yesterday had no idea anything was wrong?  What is peaceful about that?  It makes no sense. My best friends dad died 2 days ago.  He was in Mexico for a week and then he flew to Las Vegas for a business meeting and his wife flew back to Washington D.C.  His wife is a nurse.... she would have known if anything was going wrong with him... He never showed up for the business meeting so they sent someone to look for him.  They found him in his hotel room.... dead.  My friend.... my poor friend.... What do I say to her?  How can I comfort her when I haven't lost a father?  I have lost my soul,
And I Wanted More...
I woke up this morning hot and wet.. Figures get fucked crazy last night and I want more. Its not really just the more that i want, I want bigger and better. For christ sake Im an american we always want it bigger and better! I want a big cock... Not huge mind you but the pride of the town might be nice... Something big hard and juicy that i can suck on and he can take... this time I want him to fuck me while he takes some mans monster and I WANT to get fucked out of my pretty little goard by both of them. I want to be so filled up with cock and cum that i cant walk sit or think for at least a week I mean honestly is that alot to ask? So the hunt is back on for something, anything that could qualify! But today thats not all I will be looking for, i am also going to try and find a woman to help me in fucking him, a nice submissive woman who will lay down and be petted and licked, sucked nibbled and fucked, I want that too. I was wondering if I could do them both... how much time is l
All We Need Is A Little Patients
I started my volunteer work at the VA yesterday.  I was a bit tired, stayed up late watching the first Tron, but I made my way in.  Stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a little energy to get me there.  I went to sign in for duty, but the room was locked, so I just went down to the ER.  While they told me Monday that she'd tell the crew I'd be there on Saturday, I don't think that was the case. I jumped right in to my duties though.  They asked me if I could take a patient up to X-Ray, so I wheeled him on up, I didn't even get lost.  I also then help stock the carts they keep in the rooms with all the sample vials, bandages, antibiotics, and IV's and junk.  As patients left, I would wipe down the room.  The anti-bacteria stuff is toxic on your skin, so I had to wear gloves, but I did a good job.  A lot of my work is wheeling the patients around, or taking them to the wards when they are admitted.  They have these cool motorized beds that I got to drive around. I didn't lose a single patient y
The Glow Radio
Sunday on The Glow Radio: Deejay Dovey starts off our Sunday starting at Noon Pacific/1pm Mountain/2pm Central/3pm Eastern DJ Siren spinning 80's, 90's, Today's Rock, & Metal Music starting at 3pm Pacific/5pm Central/6pm Eastern next up is TonytheMisfit and his Freak Show featuring the best in Rock, Alternative, & Metal Music starting at 6pm Pacific/8pm Central/9pm Eastern closing tonight will be the Bossman James Bound and tonight he will be spinning Classic Rock Music starting at 9pm Pacific/11pm Central/Midnight Eastern   Tune in to The Glow Radio on iTunes; you can find us under Classic Rock in The Radio Directory or you can go to our website at: ___________________ Tune in and enjoy the best tus anyhere on the Web.  The music community for the coolest cats in town! 
Suppress to impress digress to ingest the feelings that infest your core and your chest success in excess a subtle request I do at your behest leaves you to detest because you love to hate to love me.
OK, So Im sure I will get some hating for this. But it has been coming for awhile....   I will use myself as an example, but this happens to everyone...   Im a decent looking woman - who takes decent care of herself. Some of you may not agree - and that's fine. But for this blog - I am. LOL   Why do men who are over weight - no teeth - their pix show they live in a dump - why do they actually come and hit on me? They are usually the boldest ones too. I mean - yeah yeah, I know... its whats on the inside that counts. True - as a friend. But call me shallow or stuck up or whatever you want... I take decent care of myself and I want my partner to do the same.  To me, it is called self respect. How or why would I be with someone that clearly doesnt have any for themselves? What type of response are they actually looking for? And would I be completely out of line to point this obvious mismatch to them?         As with all other questions.. please stay on subject and IF YOU CANT B
My Auction
Christmas Again
Merry Xmass To All This year is Supposed to be Worse, and for a Lot of People it is" But For me Its Turning out to be a Good Year  Iam Still Working My Company Actually Gave Me a Bonus this year!  I have My house and my Health  Which Means iam Doing better than many americans And Iam Gratefull! So Last year Was Bad For Me  This Year is better Hopefully For All Of Us! Merry Christmas & Have a Happy New Year!
My edge is a razor slice and dice all you fools like a Julienne fry-maker please pass the assault I'm about to blast off the viciousness of my wishedness is a primal maliciousness 50 feet tall and made of solid granite if you could hear my inner thought you'd pass a petition to ban it the rumors are true my status ain't new I just took off for a few hours days years thru the passage of many seasons the flow is still right here I feel so strange everything changed everything stayed the same. Still don't give a fuck if you remember my name. Crazed2APoint ENIGMA WRAPPED IN FOOLISHNESS carry multiple razors in my mouth, when i spit, blood comes outgot a sharp tongue, spit darts, of sick thoughts that should not be allowedi'm shadowless, darkness inside me that u don't know a thing aboutthey asked who killed em? no hesitation, it was me without a shadow of doubtas the blood trails lead, to bodies that bleed, laid out on the concreteon my street, it becomes a canvas, chal
Just A German Song
Wenn es dich doch gibt Ein Herz nur für mich schlägt Wer sagt mir heut was Morgen noch zählt Wird die Welt bald neu geboren Der Weg ist mit Blumen und Sternen gesäht Ich spür mein Held wird kommen Siehst du was ich seh auch Wunder können geschehen Dann wünsch ich mir Flüsse die Wasser noch führ´n Dornen die weichen und Rosen die blüh´n Küß mich - Halt mich - lieb mich für immer Küß mich - Halt mich - lieb mich Ein Prinz der sein Leben sein Herz für mich gibt Ein Kuß der die Nacht und den Zauber besiegt Küß mich - Halt mich - lieb mich Küß mich - Halt mich - lieb mich Wenn es dich doch gibt Ein Herz nur für mich schlägt Dann wünsch ich mir Flüsse die Wasser noch führ´n Dornen die weichen und Rosen die blüh´n Küß mich - Halt mich - lieb mich für immer Küß mich - Halt mich - lieb mich Ein Prinz der sein Leben sein Herz für mich gibt Ein Kuß der die Macht und den Zauber besiegt Küß mich - Halt mich - lieb mich für immer Küß mich - Halt mich - lieb mich Dann wünsch ich mir Flüsse die
Lesbian Sex Again?! Uh Thats A Naughty Pussy ;p
well hello ;p  yes you, you know what im up to? im up to answer on 5 questions i got asked alot ;p again?! yes :O and again nad again :O till you guys become more creative   QUESTION 1: WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A GUY?! 1. MANLY (oh come on lets say it straight man has to be a man otherwise how im suppose to feel safe and secure when im with him ;d) 2. CARING (i like when someone is protective and takes care of me it makes me feel good, special and wanted ^^) 3. FUNNY (so he would know how to put a smile on my face ;]) 4. INTELLIGENT (one of us has to be otherwise system would eat us hahah) 5. GOOD IN BED (i think i don't have to explain that one hah)   QUESTION 2: WHAT IS YOUR FAV SEX POSITION? pleasuring position ;]   QUESTION 3: WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD?  i love pastas mmmmmmmm all type of pastas mmmmm and i love to cook! so if you have any cool recipies hook me up we can trade ;p   QUESTION 4: HAVE YOU EVER SLEEP/KISS/PLAY WITH OTHER GIRL? yes i did ;] and i liked
X-mas Just Isnt The Same
Fuck man its been over a year now, and i still hurt as if it were the same day.  Close to X-mas now and i want to scream and hurt cuz ur not here with us .....never again will u be... i miss u pops.......words cant stress how i really feel, nor can i find the words, to describe what i am really trying to say.  Ur granddaughter is now six years of age and she misses u terribly day after day........ I stay strong and and fight to keep my emotions from showing ..cant make anyone happy if  i myself am not...this i continue to hide in my own fucked up finding way.  Cancer took u away from us and it did it very just thankful u didnt suffer much and feel much pain...u were and are to kind and caring of a man ..and i think this is why u said what u said to me on that fucked up god damn day..... I continue to do what i promised u i would and being the man that u showed me to be...i continue to do so till the day we meet again to hug u once again and tell u all that i didnt get to
Caught up in this madness too blind to seeWoke animal feelings in meTook over my sense and I lost controlI'll taste your blood tonightYou know I make you wanna screamYou know I make you wanna run from me babybut know it's too late you've wasted all your timeRelax while you're closing your eyes to meSo warm as I'm setting you freeWith your arms by your side there's no strugglingPleasure's all mine this timeYou know I make you wanna screamYou know I make you wanna run from me babybut know it's too late you've wasted all your timeCherishing, those feelings pleasuringCover me, unwanted clemencyScream till there's silenceScream while there's life left, vanishingScream from the pleasure unmask your desireperishingWe've all had a time where we've lost controlWe've all had our time to growI'm hoping I'm wrong but I know I'm rightI'll hunt again one nightYou know I make you wanna screamYou know I make you wanna run from me babybut know it's too late you've wasted all your timeCherishing, those
Remember To Teach The Children And Adults.. The True Meaning Of Christmas
True Meaning of Christmas   Just a week before Christmas I had a visitor. This is how it happened. I just finished the household chores for the night and was preparing to go to bed, when I heard a noise in the front of the house. I opened the door to the front room and to my surprise, Santa himself stepped out next to the fireplace. "What are you doing?" I started to ask. The words choked up in my throat and I saw he had tears in his eyes. His usual jolly manner w
So I Fucked
I wish i could get exactly what I want but even when you are specific its hard... Or in this case soft... I wish it was easier to get pounded into soft slut meat by two thundering cocks!!! Do you want a description? I know you do... you want to hear how i sucked them both till my jaws hurt and my pussy lay wet and throbbing how one of them fucked me while i continued to get face fucked by the other... Then how one went down on me while the other pounded my sweet little asshole until i came so hard i shot his cock out of my ass? or do you want to hear how I slammed loverboys face into the matress so he could get his tight little virgin ass fucked by a throbbing waiting cock? Just to let you know I was so turned on I shimmied under him to watch him take it in... you could tell he was loving it and I came harder from that then I did anything else! I sucked his throbbing dick while this random stranger pounded into him. The man fucking loverboy shot his load deep into his ass and i could s
Street Bikes
Rip Grandma Marie
"love Is Just A Word Until Somebody Comes Along And Gives It Meaning"
TRUE. we all claim we know what love is, but do we really? think about it. Ive had boyfriends in the past whom i thought i “loved” but as i think back to those relationships and compare them to the one im in now…those were nothing but a joke! I thought i knew what love was and i thought i was happy, but i was NOWHERE close to either of those things. Actually, I was the farthest i could ever be from those things. i was taken advantage of, made to believe i was loved so i would buy them things, little did i know i was buying myself a ticket to broken heartsville and a “relationship” full of lies. I met this guy Bronsyn, sweet as can be. we talked but never hung out except at lunch but thats not hanging out. we would text each other for periods of time then randomly stop then talk again. I knew the moment i met him he was the one. He was funny, caring, cute, perfect smile, GORGEOUS eyes, in my eyes he was completely and utterly flawless. i KNEW i had to h
Happy Holidays!!
Hey everyone...  Hope you all are doing well... Thought I'd pop in and check on you all... Some things have changed but some are still the same.  Skott and I of course are still holding on strong.  I recently found out I had a sister so flew to Phoenix, AZ to meet her it was wonderful.  Now she has moved here to Collinsville, Il to be closer to her brother and I and lol is now dating Skott's bro!!  I hope you all have a safe and great Christmas.  Love and Miss you all!!   Smurfette!!
[what's Your Excuse?]
WelpI'm buzzed.Finished my Zeta C1 (that's the one with the huge gun that turns into a jet).And I decided to celebrate with a drink of hooch that no one wanted.My mother's cabinets are FULL of booze nobody wants. For some reason. Anyhow- build went smoothly, got to netflix instawatch take home chef for a few hoursandpoofthere's a jet/mech on my table. Pictures... eventually.No software to upload. Kit has problems, none of which you'll comprehend or care about, and they're not my fault, just how the damn thing was designed. Alsodelightful news: My dog is in heat.For really reals this time.And  she is being a pain in my ass... and... wearing an adult diaper with a slit cut out for her tail.Fun. Had to fucking happen 2 months early and RIGHT over christmas. I've left the head unassembled since I plan on changing colors aroundand the face and eyes are about... 1 square CM.So... it made more sense to leave it as it is. I've pretty much decided on a paint scheme for the project, and
Eating An Airborne Tablet At Work
I'm being an idiot here... trying not to make a lot of noise because I'm at work and my friend Carl gave me (another) airborne tablet to eat because he found it hard to believe I ate the last one instead of dissolving and drinking it.     I also posted it here for people who can't see the video in the blog 
Road Trip
It was the end of the week, it was rough for both us. Not wanting to stay home for the weekend, as the walls were dingy with familiarity and the windows tainted with sameness. I proclaimed "Road Trip! Let's go and get out of town. I don't care where, you'll drive and I'll navigate. Let's see where the road will lead us." She hesitates "I don't know, the last time we did this we ended up in that one horse town and had to shoot the horse." "Well, how I was supposed to know how to shoe a horse, besides the horse needed that tetnus shot anyhow" I replied. We pack our backpacks with camping implements of destructions. sleeping bags, water purifying pills, cast iron pan, spacious tent GPS locator and satellite phone. Seeing how expeditions can turn into an adventure real quick, I decided we're not too proud not to have modern luxuries. She packs an extra bag and I inquired about it "Never you mind, it'll be a surprise." Great. just what I need. With destinations unknown all I need now is
What Is Hot And What Is Not
What is Hot ? Real 36Ds and an ass that will fit into Victoria's Secret skinny jeans. SIZE 8 and under .................... Classc1 has REAL 36D - DD tatas and owns and fits into size 4 Victoria Secret skinny jeans. What is not Hot ? an over weight woman and unattractive claiming all these men want her fat ass, thinking all these men are lusting over her and talking 3 kinds of crap on her page about how hot she is .................... PLEASE !!!  Let us step into reality. Of the women whom are depicted in REAL profiles, YES I said REAL Profiles. This site is way inflated with false and fake ones. Maybe 1%, ( I am being generous ) are good looking enough to say that they are sexy or  HOT !! Thanks for reading.
Plans And Waiting
Today I infiltrated the craigs list sight to find new partners that i felt comfortabe sharing this Minor sex obsession with. We narrowed it down and discovered fakes suck... which is sad because so do I! First guy was 8th grade in computer class... Tonight we will dine on jd... a tastey treat for a tastey day... He is driving all the way from ky to let us have a good taste of him and be taken to new hieghts in his sexually explicit fantasy world. You see my friends.. He has never fucked a man, I want to see them It might be a crowning achievment for this year.. Last year it was Double teaming a 18 year old virgin after helping her ditch school with the mistake... It was my acheivement because he couldnt get it up... So i just took her and made him watch... once she was broke in he fucked her with good measure... His fantasy scared him to som unknown an un measured extent. That amazes me because we live in a country where the only safe way to expess yourself is sexually. You can keep th
Trial Period
So back stories are nice... I have had enough cock and pussy to qualify as possibly the dirtiest whore on earth... Never caught anything do to three simple rules... 1)get to know them, 2)use condoms 3)if you wouldn't talk to them agan... don't fuck them. it seems simple but its not... I am a grade a hundred percent friend fucker. I love friends with benifits and if I cant have benifits... It seems kind of hard to be friends with some people for me if I can't fuck them or havent fucked them or havent fantasized about fucking them. Its just a matter of sex. I have had the discussion with a psychiatrist about this... We wont get into what he said because they don't say anything that you'd want to here anyway. So to the history. I started fucking young, real young. My cherry was popped barely out of grade school. Honestly any of the people who have ever met me can tell you every word group of words or item ever can be related to sex or be found sexually expicit. I make sure you know it.
Favor Simple Beachfront Wedding Ceremony Apparel
Are you buying for beach wedding dresses? You as well as your soon-to-be partner last but not least opted for that desire location wedding ceremony through the beachfront. You've tousled and tossed close to wedding ceremony ideas, details, budget, and now you're scoring for beachfront wedding ceremony gowns which will make you glimpse totally stunning and fabulous when you trade your "I dos" prior to near knit pals and family. cheap wedding dresses Why not favor very simple beachfront wedding ceremony apparel to harmonize the vibe, tone, Cheap Prom Dresses and mood on the ocean backdrop in tune with each and every couple's budget? Modern bridal apparel have leaned in the direction of simplicity more than the years. Simplicity gives out the elegance on the place. Cheap Evening Dresses No location for extravagant apparel and decors since it destroys the ambiance developed through the venue. Junior Bridesmaid Dresses Gone have been the times have been brides drowned in laces, details, an
Favor Simple Beachfront Wedding Ceremony Apparel
Are you buying for beach wedding dresses? You as well as your soon-to-be partner last but not least opted for that desire location wedding ceremony through the beachfront. You've tousled and tossed close to wedding ceremony ideas, details, budget, and now you're scoring for beachfront wedding ceremony gowns which will make you glimpse totally stunning and fabulous when you trade your "I dos" prior to near knit pals and family. cheap wedding dresses Why not favor very simple beachfront wedding ceremony apparel to harmonize the vibe, tone, Cheap Prom Dresses and mood on the ocean backdrop in tune with each and every couple's budget? Modern bridal apparel have leaned in the direction of simplicity more than the years. Simplicity gives out the elegance on the place. Cheap Evening Dresses No location for extravagant apparel and decors since it destroys the ambiance developed through the venue. Junior Bridesmaid Dresses Gone have been the times have been brides drowned in laces, details, an
Anal Sex And The World Around You!
I am honestly a dirty little whore. I dont mean to be, it just happens. It starts with the throbbing aching pussy and the need for more. I get out I get laid and I want more and i want to try all types of things. This means Ive probably secretly and not so secretly fucked, licked and sucked my way through most items in the Karma sutra. Through all of this I have been searching for someone to share my particular taste in nympho mania with and I have finally found him. This is my blog of our adventures getting fucked sucked and licked by as many men women and couples as we can get our hands on... Its a little whores diary..
Do You Have ?????
Do you have a Boomy ? God Mode ? a Famp ? or some other piece of pricey bling to bring you a few hours or days of Fu Point and cyber popularity ? I can remember three years ago when a friend asked me to join this site. I was hesitant and it took me three months to set up a profile.  When I did finally join I met several people on here. Little did I know that I would meet someone and have something that all the money in the world could not buy. A beautiful woman that was true and loved me for me, not some sorry a## woman looking for that next bling to earn points to level up on a website. I have had 3 profiles on this site over the last three years. This is the one that will be here for many more to come. Each month or two I chuckle to myself to see the next edition of bling every woman will be begging for to try and get to the next level.  I am truly amazed that most men would buy bling or bling packs for women just to see some NSFW pictures showing a little chest or a hint of a belo
Mind you, I listen to all kinds of music and I've searched high and low  across linguistic boundaries as well for that one song to call my favorite.  It's been hard because there are so many wonderful songs out there and it seemed like every song that I came across, I was loving on every one of them.  Kind of like the men in my life.  I know it's terrible.   Let's save that problem for another day.  Ok. Neeedless to say, it was rather difficult  for me to decide on just one.  Well, after careful consideration and extensive research I have concluded that this is the masterpiece song of all songs.  There's no doubt about it.  I want this song played at my wedding and also at my funeral.  Whenever that may be, and if the latter happens to come before the other one,  well, there's not much I can do about that now is there? lol  *cough-cough* Yes, it's a love song and without further ado, here is the masterpiece song of all songs.  Enjoy. :)   November Rain Lyrics Artist(Band):Guns N' Ros
Many May Not Believe
Many of u may not believe what I said in my first blog but it is very much for real. Iroc's first experience was a yr ago with the opposite sex. To test what he was saying was real I wanted a play by play. (you couldnt make this up if u wanted to). He met a guy at a bar and they had sex in the bathroom. He was wearing blue that day. Blue thong with garter and bra. He went back the next day gave same guy a bj and they had sex. Now Iroc isn't a top with women or men. (most will know what I mean). This who he is. I just happen to realize it and use it
Hunger For Her
Where has my love gone?Has she forgotten my heart?Does she feel my hungerReaching out for her?My lustful appetite begging,Yearning, slavering over thoughtsOf her embrace enveloping me?Her gaze burning a hole through meAnd piercing my very soulSetting me ablaze.She is too much to bear and yetNever enough to satisfy me.Only time will tellIf she feels the same.
The Wolf & The Indian
It's not surprising that the Indian saw the wolf as a significant animal. Both were hunters of which the survival of their families depended. The Indian was very aware of the many ways in which his own life resembled those of the wolf. The wolf hunted for himself and for his family. The wolf defended his pack against enemy attack, as the Indian defended his tribe. He had to be strong as an individual and for the good of the pack. It was a sufficient system of survival; and in the eyes of the Indian, no animal did this as well as the wolf. The Indian worked to be as well intigrated in his environment, as he could see the wolf was in the universe. The hunter did not see the wolf as an enemy or competitor, or as something less than himself. His perception of the wolf was a realistic assessment of the wolf's ability to survive and thrive, to be in balance with the world they shared. He respected the wolf's patience and perseverance, which were his most effective hunting weapons. To say he
Porcelain Heart - Opeth
 Porcelain Heart I lost all I had (that April day),I turned to my friends (nothing to say),I wrote down a name (and read it twice),I wallowed in shame.I said that I loved (eternal schemes),I cling to my past (like childish dreams)I promised to stay (and held my breath)I went far away.Icy roads beneath my feet,Lead me through wastelands of deceit,Rest your head now, don't you cry,Don't ever ask the reason whyKept inside our idle raceGhost of an idol's false embraceRest your head now, don't you cryDon't ever ask the reasons why.
May I Borrow Your Cock?
I promise to give it back as soon as we’re tired of it. (No, really. I will.)So, I have a chicken problem: the girls are bored. This boredom is caused by a number of factors. One, the coop is small. Two, it’s very cold outside, and even if the girls were insane and wanted to play outside when the temperature hovers around 0 degrees fahrenheit, I probably wouldn’t let them for fear that their weird little bird-feet would freeze in the snow. Three, I have provided the girls with a sizable library consisting of unwanted books, some of which are old romance novels I found upstairs in my home and most of which are books I found in the barn, books about the Seventh Day Adventist faith, which is, as far as I’ve read, mostly about fearing the pope and believing that all other religions are wacko (which is not unlike my own faith, except I apply the descriptor wacko pretty indiscriminately), and although the books are clearly within reach of the girls
Words To Love By
Come inside my love and join meI'm your worst nightmareThrill my cool flesh with kissesOoh just right there!I can feel your heart a-thumpingYour blood, your soul, my body pumpingCome and taste the bitter fruitI will drain you of your juiceLet the straining serpent loosePut your head into my nooseCome and kneel, boy, before meKiss my sacred altarCome to me like a ramTo the slaughterFeel my poisoned stingTonight I'll spread my wingsCome and taste the bitter fruitI will drain you of your juiceLet the straining serpent loosePut your head into my nooseI've been left in misery but then how can I refuse What have i got to lose?Take my blood,take my juice!Come and taste the bitter fruitI will drain you of your juiceLet the straining serpent loosePut your head into my noose From...Intercourse with a Vampyre by Inkubus Sukubus
Everything Dies - Type O Negative
Everything Dies Well I loved my auntBut she diedAnd my uncle LouThen he diedI'm searching for something which can't be foundBut I'm hopingI still dream of dadThough he diedEverything diesEverything diesMy ma's so sick she might dieThough my girl's quite fit she will dieStill looking for someone who was aroundBarely copingNow I hate myselfWish I'd dieEverything diesEverything diesEverything diesEverything(No why)Oh god I miss you(No why)Oh god I miss youI really miss you(no no no no)Everything diesEverything diesEverything diesEverything
Love You To Death - Type O Negative
Love You To Death In her place one hundred candles burning,As salty sweat drips from her breast.her hips move and I can feel what they're saying, swaying,They say the beast inside of me's gonna get ya, get ya, get... yeah.Yeah.Black lipstick stains her glass of red wine,I am your servant, may I light your cigarette?Those lips smooth, yeah I can feel what you're saying, praying,They say the beast inside of me's gonna get ya, get ya, get... yeah.Yeah.I beg to serve, your wish is my law,Now close those eyes and let me love you to death.Shall I prove I mean what I'm saying?Begging,I say the beast inside of me's gonna get ya, get ya, get.. yeah.Let me, love you to...Let me, love you to death.To death.Let me, love you to...Let me, love you to death.To death.Am I good enough for you?Am I good enough for you?Am I?For you?Am I?For you?Am I good enoughFor you?
Favorite Quotes
"A man goes to war so his son doesn’t have to. Yet throughout history, every son has a war to fight." ~ David Michael Bunnell“We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing.” ~ Unknown"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die." ~ Hunter Stockton Thompson
In 1862 American Blue And Grey Were Battling And Stopped To Write This Poem
A Soldier’s Christmas Eve published December 27, 1862 In a southern forest gloomy and old, So lately the scene of a terrible fight, A soldier, alone in the dark and cold,    Is keeping the watch tonight. As he paces his round he sees the light     Of his comrades’ campfire, gleaming far,     Through the dusky wood, and one bright star Looks down with a twinkle of light and love From the frosty sky that bends above.     Large, cler and bright in the far-off skies It twinkles and glimmers there alone Like the blessed Bethlehem star that shone     On the shepard’s wondering eyes.   As he watches it slowly, sweetly rise His heart is touched by its gentle ray.      And away, away, His thoughts on the wings of facny stray, He forgets the night with its frosty air, And cheerless blast, that every where Moans load through the branches black and bare, He is thinking now of the little band   In his boyhood home, whose faces bright Are beaming with happin
Rise Above This - Seether
"Rise Above This"Take the light, and darken everything around mecall the clouds and listen closely, I'm lost without youCall your name every day when i feel so helplessI'm fallin' down but I'll rise above this, rise above thisHate the mind, regrets are better left unspokenFor all we know, this void will grow andEverything's in vain, distressing you though it leaves me openFeels so right, but I'll end this all before it gets meCall your name every day, when i feel so helplessI'm fallin' down, but I'll rise above this, rise above thisCall your name every day, when i seem so helplessI'm fallin' down, but I'll rise above this, rise above this doubtI'll mend myself before it gets me(I'll mend myself before it gets me)I'll mend myself before it gets me(I'll mend myself before it gets me)Call your name every day, when i feel so helplessI'm fallin' down, but I'll rise above this, rise above thisCall your name every day, when i seem so helplessI'm fallin' down, but I'll rise above this, rise ab
Fake It - Seether
"Fake It"Who's to know if your soul will fade at allThe one you sold to fool the worldYou lost your self-esteem along the wayYeah[Chorus:]Good god you're coming up with reasonsGood god you're dragging it outGood god it's the changing of the seasonsI feel so rapedSo follow me downAnd just fake it if you're out of directionFake it if you don't belong hereFake it if you feel like affectionWoah you're such a fucking hypocriteAnd you should know that the lies won't hide your flawsNo sense in hiding all of yoursYou gave up on your dreams along the wayYeah[Chorus]WhoahWhoahI can fake with the best of anyoneI can fake with the best of em allI can fake with the best of anyoneI can fake it allWho's to know if your soul will fade at allThe one you sold to fool the worldYou lost your self-esteem along the wayYeah[Chorus]Fake it if you're out of directionFake it if you don't belong hereFake it if you feel like infectionWoah you're such a fucking hypocrite 
Go Ahead Dear
Do not become a drone, dear, While I am far away. Just have a lot of fun, dear, Step out each night and play. The lads I left behind, dear, Must have their fling. Be sure to treat them kind, dear, And dance and laugh and sing. Do anything you will, dear, Just pet or flirt or park With Jack or Joe – with Bill, Dear, be careful after dark. The years are too few, dear, Your happiness to wreck. But if these things you do, dear, I’ll break your little neck.   by Anonymous
The Way I Am - Staind
"The Way I Am"I'm not very good at just paying attention I'm not very good at remembering things that you say I'm not very good at persuing redemption I'm not very good at concealing the hand that I play [chorus] It's the way I am, you'll never change The way I am, or re arrange The way I am, just let me be The way I am, it's the way I am I'm not really sure of the coming attractions I'm not really sure of the illusions we read on the wall I'm not really sure of the preaching we practice I'm not really sure if we notice it before we fall [chorus] It's the way I am, you'll never change The way I am, or re arrange The way I am, just let me be The way I am, it's the way I am I'm not very good at just paying attention I'm not very good at remembering things I'm not very good at pursuing redemption I'm not very good at concealing the hand that I play When I'm trying so hard just to beat you I'm not really good at controlling my fate I'm not really good at controlling my anger I'm not really
Tangled Up In You - Staind
"Tangled Up In You"You're my world The shelter from the rain You're the pills That take away my pain You're the light That helps me find my way You're the words When I have nothing to say And in this world Where nothing else is true Here I am Still tangled up in you I'm still tangled up in you Still tangled up in you You're the fire That warms me when i'm cold You're the hand I have to hold as I grow old You're the shore When I am lost at sea You're the only thing That I like about me And in this world Where nothing else is true Here I am Still tangled up in you I'm still tangled up in you How long has it been Since this storyline began And I hope it never ends And goes like this forever In this world Where nothing else is true Here I am Still tangled up in you Tangled up in you I'm still tangled up in you Still tangled up in you 
Excess Baggage - Staind
Well I know the words, but I can't really speak themTo youAnd I hide all the pain that I've gained with my wisdomFrom youAnd I'm eaten alive, by what I hold insideAll the things that I live with I can't easily hideAnd I'm left here with nothing, nothing to live forBut youIt’s not easy to hideAll this damage insideI'll carry you with meUntil I'm not aliveWhen you look at my face, does it seem just as ugly?To you?I can't seem to erase all the scars I have lived withFrom youI'm so sick of this placeThis taste in my mouthCause of you I can't figure what I'm all aboutAnd I'm left here with nothing, nothing to live forBut youIt’s not easy to hideAll this damage insideI'll carry you with me‘Til I'm not alive
If At First You Don't Succeed, Tron, Tron Again...
I went out for my steak last night.  Dinner was very good, and Outback was doing a deal where if you bought 100 in gift cards you got $20 bonus card.  I had wanted to get a gift card for my mom anyway, so I did the deal, so it looks like I'll be going for another dinner in the future. I got over to the theater at 9:00 for the 10:00 show, and it was sold out.  The next available showing was 10:50 in 3d but not IMAX.  (They said they had a non 3-D, non Imax show earlier, but I cut the girl off right there)   So I figured, well I want it in IMAX and 3D, this is my birthday present to myself, and I am not going to take anything less than what I want.  My new plan; go to Blockbuster, rent the first movie, and get myself up for the new one.  Blockbuster didn't have a copy, they checked the computer, and none of the stores around had many copies, or if they did, they were out of stock.  By this time the snow was coming down, but what the hell.  I went to Best Buy, I'll buy the freakin' thin
Jason Cant Be Ur Superman My Real Life Husband
Patience, However, makes us wise. Patience stands in the doorway where anger is clawing to burst in, but waits to see the whole picture before passing judgment or reacting. "He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who is qu...ick-tempered exalts folly" (Proverbs 14:29) Patience understands that everyone fails. When a mistake is made it chooses to give more time than you deserve to correct it. It gives you the ability to hold on during the tough times rather then bailing out under the pressure. "Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger" (James 1:19) If patience becomes your priority number one, it will allow you the time Jason, to find peace with yourself. It will allow you to be at peace with others. Most importantly, it will allow you to Love rather than anger or be restless and afford you with the time to gather your thoughts, get focus, dominate the motivation you need to achieve everything you set out to accomplish! Patience is learned, for ev
have you ever felt like you want to grab someone by their neck and shove their head through glass and nails cause they wont shut the fuck up? like you didn't care who they are , as long as you could make them shut up? i feel that way right now. im sick of hearing " me me me me me me me" i have problems too but you dont see me complaining!!!!!!! im so sick and tired of their bullshit. im not prefect , but at least i dont go around complaining i dont ahve enough money for fucking ciggarates ... stupid bitch.     have you ever felt like your all alone? like your in the shadows and everyone is going against you? like they all throw shit up in your face that you regret or ahte or cant bear to think about? i feel that way everyday. im sick of hearing bitching and complaining im so fucking tired of it and im to the point where ill pack my things and live in a living assistance facility!!!!..... i hate my life. but ill be fine , i do it everyday. how , idk. but when i get out i aint never c
The Glow Radio
Saturday Rock Block on The Glow Radio: The Reverend DJ Furg & his "Church of Rock"  he will be spinning his mix of Punk, Grunge, Hard Rock & Metal Music starting at 3pm pt/4pm mt/5pm ct/6pm et/11pm gmt next up is The Mistress of Hard Rock & Metal; "Thee Witch" starting at 6pm pt/7pm mt/8pm ct/9pm et/2am gmt next is Tony the Misfit with his Freak Show featuring the best in Rock, Alternative, & Metal Music starting at 9pm pt/10pm mt/11pm ct/Midnight et/5am gmt   Tune in to The Glow Radio on iTunes; you can find us under Classic Rock in The Radio Directory, you can find us on Microsoft Media Player under Internet Radio in the Classic Rock Section or you can go to our website at:
Do It Again
"What are you doing to me? I moan deeply, breathlessly as this magic, this voodoo you do takes over my body. Mmmmmm........I have no control over me; my body is so hot. I tingle. There's electricity in your touch and it feels like heaven. My body moves at your control-a delicious spasm of pain and pleasure. My insides feel so weak yet this urgency inside me is so strong........I long; I languish for more of this spell you've cast upon me." "I feel as if I am years younger than now and my love is needy. My body has never known the things you do to me....I am silently enslaved the devilishly decadent things you do. I never knew, I never knew.....and now you show your hand; you play me so skillfully and  so well. I can only toss in my hand at this game...." "The insides of my thighs twitch; my skin crawls as your hands invade my  bodies most private of spaces. My legs, I can't keep them closed. I am under your spell. My conciousness rises above me now as to observe my uncon
dear bloggy,   my laptop charger is broken so i need to buy a new one today so i can write this stuff on my computer. i need to work out but its not going to happen today because i have to work 2:30 to 11 :( im also going to go shopping before i go to work. so i can buy more panties :D i dont know im just kind of sick of things. but i think everything will work out in the end i just need to keep stressing till then. oh i got a 3.5 gpa.   love,   ruthie
Injurious Vision...
Twas The Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas, He lived all alone, In a one bedroom house, Made of plaster and stone. I had come down the chimney, With presents to give, And to see just who, In this house did live. I looked all about, A strange sight i did see, No tinsel, no presents, Not even a tree. No stockings by the mantle, Just boots filled with sand, On the wall hung a picture, Of a far distant land. With metals and bages, Awards of all kinds, A sober thought, Came through my mind. For this house was different, It was dark and dreary, I found the home of a Soldier, At once I saw clearly. The Soldier lay sleeping, Silent, Alone, Culrled up on the floor, In this one bedroom home. The face was so gentle, The room in disorder, Not how I pictured, A Canadian Soldier. Was this the Hero, Of whom I just read, Curled up on a poncho, The floor for a bed. I realized the Families, That I saw this night, Owed their Freedoms to these Soldiers, Who are willing to figh
How To End An Unwanted Sb Conversation Politely, And Still Laugh Your Ass Off
  annagirl2010: Hey how u doing todayu To annagirl2010: oh, im doing fine. i got my profile blocked for being bad in the mumms  so i'm starting over trying to re-add all my friends. how are you? annagirl2010: ok that sounds great Then, nothing but crickets.... chirp! I have some awesome friends here. I want you all to know, everyone, that I am genuinely thankful that lost cherry fubartap has given me the opportunity to meet and get to know each and every one of you.   *goes back to sending friend requests*
Don't You Ever Feel Like This?
El DoradoGaily bedight,A gallant nightIn sunshine and in shadow,Had journeyed long, Singing a song,In search of El Dorado.But he grew old -This knight so bold -And - o'er his heart a shadowFell as he foundNo spot of groundThat looked like El Dorado.And, as his strengthFailed him at length,He met a pilgrim shadow -"Shadow, said he,"Where can it be -This land of El Dorado?""Over the MountainsOf the Moon,Down the Valley of the Shadow,Ride, boldly ride,"The shade replied -"If you seek for El Dorado."by Edgar Allen Poe
Voodoo Penis
The Voodoo Penis A businessman was getting ready to go on a long business trip. He knew his wife was a flirtatious sort with an extremely healthy sex drive, so he thought he'd buy her a little something to keep her occupied while he was gone. He went to a store that sold sex toys and started looking around. He thought about a life-sized sex doll, but that was too close to another man for him. He was browsing through the dildos, looking for something special to please his wife, and started talking to the old man behind the counter. He explained his situation. The old man said, "Well, I don't really know of anything that will do the trick. We have vibrating dildos, special attachments, and so on, but I don't know of anything that will keep her occupied for weeks, except---" and he stopped. "Except what?" the man asked. "Nothing, nothing." "C'mon, tell me! I need something!" "Well, sir, I don't usually mention this, but there is The Voodoo Penis." "So what's up with this Voodoo Pe
Dont Go There!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BEST BUY If you purchase something from Wal-Mart, Sears, etc. And you return the item with the receipt, they will give you your money back if you paid cash, or credit your account if paid by plastic. Well, I purchased a GPS for my car: a Tom Tom XL.S from 'Best Buy'. They have a policy that it must be returned within 14 days for a refund! So after 4 days I returned it in the original box with all the items in the box, with paper work and cords all wrapped in the plastic. Just as I received it, including the receipt. I explained to the lady at the return desk I did not like the way it couldn't find store names. The lady at the refund desk said, there is a 15% restock fee, for items returned. I said no one told me that. I asked how much would that be. She said it goes by the price of the item. It will be $45 for you. I said, all you're going to do is walk over and place it back on the shelf then charge me $45 of my money for restocking? She said that's the store policy. I sa
From Rev
The only time I feel Alive Is when you Are inside Me She said on Her way down I am obsessed With your Insertion Addicted to Your cock Just fuck me Like you Hate me Fuck me Until I Hurt Ride me With no Mercy Pound me Until I Squirt I never wanted To love Like this You are My worst fear Come true I never believed That someone Inside me Could not Feel Close enough I once acted Like A bad ass Bitch But your love Has called My bluff  
My Addiction
                                                                        My Addiction I feel my addiction growing everyday for you, You brought me out of the darkness of the world into the sunlight, You are now part of me and my world, I share you with the world and share my secrets thoughts heart love and soul with you, You show me the light that says everything will be'll stay by my side no matter what that ur my rock that you will stand by me and stand up for me that you love me for me just the way i am, I'm the one person you can always count on and as i can count on you, Your my whole world, We belong together we're meant to be for now always and forever we are one, You had me on the first call, Because of you I finally know what happiness is, We've never been happier, We're soul mates our hearts beat as one as does our love! You are the love of my life nothing will change that, Your my destiny your my addiction that I can't say no to and never will I l
The Spirit Of A Thank You
I couldn't think of what to do.   My friends at work had been there for me through my time of upheaval and I wanted to show them how much it meant to me.  Being very short on funds, I didn't want to just get cheap little gifts.  I wanted something more meaningful. So I bought Thank you Cards, not the pre printed one either.   You won't believe how liberating it is to sit and think about what one has done for you and try to truly convey your gratitude in the written word.  Yes written, not typed but written.  I wrote out only 7 or 8 cards to my friends, but the reaction I got was more then I expected.  I was thanked and hugged for taking the time to make them feel special.  They were thanking me for acknowledging their good  friendship. Who would have thunk that? recognizing even the little things can be a present in itself.   Happy Holidays to All and Best Wishes for the New Year    
Drinking With A Texas Girl..
Drinking with a  TEXAS  girl...   A Mexican, an Arab, and a Texas girl are in the same bar. When the Mexican finishes his beer, he throws his glass in the air, pulls out his pistol, and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, 'In Mexico, our  glasses are so cheap we don't need to drink with the same one twice.' The  Arab, obviously impressed by this, drinks non-alcohol beer (cuz he's a Muslim!), throws it into the air, pulls out his AK-47, and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, 'In the Arab World, we have so much sand to make glasses that we don't need to drink with the same one twice either.' The Texas girl, cool as a cucumber, picks up her beer, downs it in one gulp, throws the glass into the air, whips out her 45, and shoots the Mexican and the Arab. Catching her glass, setting it on the bar, and  calling for a refill, she says, 'In Texas, we have so many illegal aliens that we don't have to drink with the  same ones twice.' God Bless  TEXAS !!!
Society is a hypocrisy and living is just fighting to breath minority is the majority we can't unite and show our loyalty so we battle to our full ability even though we want the same shit politically greed consumes our dignity we have to suffer tragity before we find humanity, you cant tell me this aint sad to see when this isn't the way its suppose to be. Don't ever forget the love and piece because our nation it only as strong as its weakest link
Opening Jan 1, 2011
Simple Choices
A single smile,A simple kiss,Can lead you on to love's true bliss.A single lieUpon your pateIs all it takes to make one hate.Promise meYou are mine aloneAnd I will place you on my heart's throne.But lie to me...Prove me a fool...Then I shall be anger's tool.
Here we go, once again, I venture on to Fubar and the site has changed. Wtf, man? Seriously, this is fucking gay!! Its looking like Facebook. Every site, it seems, is changing and looking more and more like Facebook and I'm really getting sick of it!! I personally think the makers/owners of this site should just go back to good ol' CherryTAP - What do you think? Anyways, Christmas is coming up really soon and I still have one person to shop for but I dont know what to get him. I was at the mall earlier and I thought maybe something would just pop out at me for him but nothing really spoke him. -him meaning my boyfriend. Well I think I'm just about ready to pass out for the night. I have to pick up a package tomorrow. Night everyone! ~ Jams!
It's Snow Joke
Despite how much I love it when it snows (I've only ever seen snow four times in my life now), it doesn't love me. In fact, it's very dangerous for me.   When I was barely old enough to walk, I was put on growth hormone treatment that continued til I was almost 7. In my first year of proper school (not pre-school) I was still only the size of a toddler, which was the cause of much ridicule as you can image. My hormone treatment regime ended rather abruptly when the NHS suddenly withdrew the treatment without prior notice, and they gave no official reason as to its withdrawal. I found out the reason when I was 15. It had some real nasty side-effects over long-term use. One of it's nastiest was that it interfered with the way your brain wires itself you many health issues from then on such as non-existant short-term and very little long term memory capabilities and affecting the way your body controls it's core temperature. Unfortunately I now suffer from both these aff
Guess Who
Maybe Today We Can Put The Past Away
dear bloggy,   so today i was hung over... i drank thursday night with my bf. well we had sex then we went to bed and woke up at 5 in the morning he had to stay he can work all night.. well i started vomiting because i was hung over and he really didnt even ask me if i was okay... hes such a douche and he didnt tell me he had a xmas party at 9 in the morning and i had to sit there till 130 then pick him up in which i wa supset because i just sat a lone at his house. then when we got there we were on his couch and hes like i think i need to go to bed i was like really dude! seriously that pisses me off. then he went and sat on the recliner and really didnt talk to me for 2 hours like i dont know why i bother spending time with him when hes always busy doing other shit. i just sit there and text other guys. so i met this cool guy the other day and now were pretty good friends and he found out today his ex is preggo and im upset about it because i was hoping that there was a way
Blah Blah
Same shit different day. i write cause i can. nothing new with me. the same pain in drama. i speak the truth and it gets twisted im tired of feeling like the bad person. i wont lie to kick it so why do you? i feel like poppin off and cant stop it. im mad at my self for letting you in and stomping on my emotions. why do i let you do that. am i crazy or do i love you. i cant believe this shit man i let you in and now you have to go? you got wat you wanted dont think imma let you back in. who am i lying to i know you wiggle your way in. so why bother? 
Absolute Vibez Radio Live Video Feed
It Is What It Is
ever think oh i'd never do that just to get something, the more and more i'm on here the more and more i'm getting sick  of really being on here, seeing the same thing again and again  ill do this for this or you give me this ill add you to this, blah blah blah just so  much for having respect for  oneself i say no names cause i ain't going to slander shit  bout no one you really need to learn.  but alas no one ever does  not pointing fingers directly cause that'd be trouble ooh right do one thing over and over placing certain people in certain spots  getting just really sick of it all no one is ever who they are, people come an go mind you there are few people i do deem important to me an they know who they are, the few things i can do to help show it,  hardly get asked for anything do not get told  to do  things  to get other shit needless to say i have had a lot built up over the last while it has been sitting an stirring and not going any where building over  boiling til it woul
Long Road
I walk down this lonely road where it will lead me. Wondering when and if I will ever be able to leave long lonely road. each time I stray it has just brang me pain and disappointment. Not only for me but from my broken family to. this time of year is not the happy time it's supposed to be for me. So I wear my happy mask for all to see. Inside I hold my broken heart together. Will I ever fill this hole in my life? I may never know. Till then i will trudge along taking it one day and one step at a time.
Purple Rain - Prince Sorry, Love This Song
"Purple Rain" I never meant 2 cause u any sorrowI never meant 2 cause u any painI only wanted 2 one time see u laughingI only wanted 2 see u laughing in the purple rain Purple rain Purple rainPurple rain Purple rainPurple rain Purple rain I only wanted 2 see u bathing in the purple rain I never wanted 2 be your weekend loverI only wanted 2 be some kind of friendBaby I could never steal u from anotherIt's such a shame our friendship had 2 end Purple rain Purple rainPurple rain Purple rainPurple rain Purple rain I only wanted 2 see u underneath the purple rain Honey I know, I know, I know times are changingIt's time we all reach out 4 something newThat means u 2U say u want a leaderBut u can't seem 2 make up your mindI think u better close itAnd let me guide u 2 the purple rain Purple rain Purple rainPurple rain Purple rain If you know what I'm singing about up hereC'mon raise your hand Purple rain Purple rain I only want 2 see u, only want 2 see uIn the purple rain
Why Is The Zenith Defy Classic Chrono Aero?
    The word “Zenith Defy Classic Chrono Aero” in different brand names is clearly overused – reliable Google the word and you’ll find references from eyelashes and radio-controlled cars to rock bands. But the Zenith Xtreme watch truly is sovereign in the horological realm. Let’s reliable say that during the course of your day, you found yourself free-diving at 1000 meters sunk, and that you had to get to the depthless, engage in a harrowing headlong chase, precisely measure the time within a few seconds when you have to slip past any changing guards, get knocked around in a fist fight (you won) and suddenly show up at a black-tie festive a few hours later – and you didn’t have time to change your wristwatch. Yes, you are reasonably James Bond, and Q decided that, on behalf of make you a watch from the top, he would reliable bring you the Zenith Defy Classic Chrono Aero. Your Defy Xtreme was intelligent to handle total the punishment an ecu
Ensign: Holy Ghost, Batman!
All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye.            Isaiah 18:3   AN ENSIGN ON THE MOUNTAINS                          17 December 2010    I don’t do street very well, do I?  I remember when I was much younger – I just turned thirty-nine six days ago – and in Sunday school our lesson was about Mary and Elisabeth meeting when they both knew through divine appointment they were going to give birth (Mary to Jesus, Elisabeth to John) and I got asked how they met or how Mary even got to see Elisabeth to give her the news.  About ten minutes of circumlocution ranging from “Mary called [her]” to “Mary drove” and other answers showing my upbringing and ubiquitous use of late twentieth century technology got me to say the answer Mary put one foot in front of the other to go see her kin!  (We went over that last week.)   “And Mary
Best Replica Watches Tag Heuer Carrera, Tag Heuer Monaco, Tag Carrera, Tag Heuer Grand Carrera On
  Every day we meet a lot of different people, maybe you will notice their clothing, appearance, but whether you notice their Tag Heuer Carrera_Tag Heuer Replica_ Tag Heuer watches? I am a watch hobbyist. Natch, I keep a watchful eye on their watches!  To my surprise, the hottest souvenirs of Switzerland Pavilion are nothing else but Tag Heuer watches! Holy nice timepieces! I eagerly want to get one! The shortest answer is doing. I just queue up for the limited version Tag Heuer with cheerfulness. But it didn’t work out. You know, I was so depressed at that time. I still remember my father’s Tag Heuer Carrera_Tag Heuer Replica_ Tag Heuer watches which with Scratch Resistant Sapphire, Brushed and Polished Stainless Steel Case,Black Dial and Brown Crocodile Strap, possessing Chronograph Function. It’s my dream at that time. Nowadays I have finished school and been working interiorly. But now I still have not enough income to purchase my fond Tag Heuer Watches. But loo
A soft kiss full of passion  Gentle embrace our bodies matching So soon a long departure Till the war of endless pain Nothing to lose But all to gain Soon my love, I will take away your pain. Burning love so full and bright Never turn to ember No need to ignite  Warm caress apon your skin Together we are And forever, the end
I'm Not A Homewrecker!
Hello, and thanks for reading!!  I need more of opinions from females, married and not married.  So I have a situation...  Here goes...   I am almost 8 months pregnant with a baby from a man who is married.  Now, before you go judging, read on!!   He and I dated several times before we decided to become intimate.  He was VERY good at hiding his marriage.  I trusted him and didn't even think to look for signs that he was lying about being single.  After we had slept together a few times (I was on birth control, but it failed), I really began having feelings for him, and wanted it to be a little more serious.  I brought the subject up to him, that I wanted to pursue a relationship with him, and he freaked out and didn't want to see me anymore.  Few weeks later, I found out I'm pregnant.  After a few phone conversations with him, I find out he is MARRIED!!!  He denies the child is his, because he swears he's had a vasectomy but cannot tell me the date, the facility, or even the CITY i
Best Way To Select Wedding Party Dress And Men's Program Footwear
Men's Program Footwear Men's program footwear are footwear that which have thick soles. program footwear have been put on in different cultures during the old times. Christian Louboutin 2010 Now, men's program footwear are put on frequently for style and further height. The soles of men's program footwear are usually produced of rubber, plastic, cork or wood. program footwear which have wooden soles are also named "clogs". In old Greece, Christian Louboutin Boots guide characters during the Greek theater wore program footwear to increase their height. The guys of Europe throughout the 18th century wore program footwear to stay obvious of the muck of urban streets. Men's program footwear have been preferred during the United States throughout the 30's up for the earlier 50s. program footwear faded through the style sector but have been once again out during the 70s till the past due 80s (this was throughout the "disco" era). Christian Louboutin Pumps Men's program footwear are normal
My Obsession With Ugg Boots
I had to admit that when I first noticed the Ugg Boot trend, I did not get the obsession with ugg boots. I have always been an admirer of more sleek classic lines in both footwear and clothing.  I attended a charity event in New York City called the posh sale. If you are a New Yorker you are probably familiar with this fantastic sale. One of my purchases at this event was a pair of classic short Uggs pink. I was still not sold on the look of the uggs, but I was curious. My thinking at the time was "this charity is for a good cause and I can always just wear them to walk my dog."  My attitude changed after slipping on these rather odd ice cream colored ugg boots. The merino sheepskin and supple suede were not only soft, but incredibly light weight. These were definitely the most comfortable shoes I had ever worn. I quickly found that I could walk the streets of New York for hours in complete comfort. No more hailing a taxi because my shoes were hurting my feet.  Finally the world's o
Best Way To Select Wedding Party Dress And Men's Program Footwear
Men's Program Footwear Men's program footwear are footwear that which have thick soles. program footwear have been put on in different cultures during the old times. Christian Louboutin 2010 Now, men's program footwear are put on frequently for style and further height. The soles of men's program footwear are usually produced of rubber, plastic, cork or wood. program footwear which have wooden soles are also named "clogs". In old Greece, Christian Louboutin Boots guide characters during the Greek theater wore program footwear to increase their height. The guys of Europe throughout the 18th century wore program footwear to stay obvious of the muck of urban streets. Men's program footwear have been preferred during the United States throughout the 30's up for the earlier 50s. program footwear faded through the style sector but have been once again out during the 70s till the past due 80s (this was throughout the "disco" era). Christian Louboutin Pumps Men's program footwear are normal
A Journey To El Yunque - Benicio Del Toro
El Yunque National Forest, formerly known as the Luquillo National Forest and the Caribbean National Forest, is located on the island of Puerto Rico. It is commonly known as only El Yunque, a Spanish approximation of the aboriginal Taino word "Yu-ke", thought by scholars to mean "White Lands". However the lightning storms that occur there were to the Spaniards the sound of a giant hammer hitting an anvil (yunque in Spanish). It is also the name of the second highest mountain peak in the Forest. El Yunque is the only tropical rain forest in the United States National Forest System. The forest is located on the slopes of the Sierra de Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico, and encompasses 28,000 acres (43.753 mi² or 113.32 km²) of land, making it the largest block of public land on the island of Puerto Rico. El Toro, the highest mountain peak in the forest rises 1,065 metres (3,537 ft) above sea level. In descending order of land area the forest is located in the municipalities of Río Gran
Couses It's Always Raining In Side My Head.
  Staind - Epiphany   Your words they make just a whisper Your face is so unclear I try to pay attention And the words just disappear Cuz it's always raining in my head Forget all the things i should have said So i speak to you in riddles Cuz my words get in my way I smoke the whole thing to my head And feel it wash away Cuz i can't take anymore of this I wanna come apart And did myself a little hole Inside your precious heart Cuz it's always raining in my head Forget all the things i should have said I am nothing more than A little boy inside That cries out for intention That i always try to hide Cuz i talk to you like children Though i don't know how i feel But i know i'll do the right thing If the right thing is in fear Cuz its always raining in my head Forget all the things i should have said
Recipe For Eggnog
Here is a great home-made recipe for eggnog that I have used for years, and I have always received great compliments on it.....   Ingredients 2 dozen eggs* 2 qts. milk (whole milk or low-fat) 2 cans evaporated milk 8 oz. vanilla extract 4 c. granulated sugar 10-12 dashes cinnamon 10-12 dashes nutmeg 1 pt. 151-proof rum 1 pt. bourbon 1 c. brandy DirectionsPut eggs in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour mixture into a bowl.Add milk to the mixture, keep stirring constantly. Add evaporated milk, keep mixing. Add vanilla, keep mixing. Add sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg, still mixing, of course.Add rum, bourbon, and brandy. Refrigerate after it is made. It tastes best when chilled. It is very powerful and tasty!Makes approximately 1 gallon (fills a giant punch bowl).*Food safety experts warn against eating raw eggs. I, like many others, am willing to assume the risk of using raw eggs in this recipe. Raw eggs may contain salmonella which can make you very sick and in ra
Letter To My Son 12/17/10
Dear Son,     How are you?  I hope you are doing well and are happy.  I am ok.I am still here at Frank's and just trying, day by day.  I am still waitingto start work at OnStar.     Along with this note are the things I want to give you for Christmas this year.     I recently went through all my things and I saw the black Superman you alwayswanted.  I told you that when you were old enough, you could have it.      There is also a Superman movie that I am not sure if you have or not.  My Daddy got it for me for Christmas 12 years ago but didn't get a chance to give it to me.  This year, I want to give it to you.     When I saw the Superman and Batman it made me remember me and you.  We would sit on the porch and play.  You were always Batman and YOU let ME be SUPERMAN FOR YOU.  Right now, I can't be there to be Superman for you, but now you have Batman and Superman and hopefully some day, when you play with those toys, I can be Superman again to you.     I also put in a book for you abo
What You Will Find Here
Dear Reader:     Here in this blog is a look inside my heart and mind for all those who want to look.  I have always been a huge fan of Superman, or rather the idea of a man who could do almost anything...  Fly faster than fast, squeeze coal into diamonds, melt steel with a mere glance and whose breath was mightier than a hurricane but also who had a warm and caring heart and whose greatest strength was ALWAYS doing what was right.       I am not going to jump off a building because think of the traffic jam I would cause nor do I think I could stand to get shot by a BB gun, much less take a howitzer round to the chest.  I do believe however that a man, with the right convictions and who genuinely cares about others beyond himself is Earth's Greatest Hero and there is a woman in the big guy's life.  She is why Superman can soar so high.  Like the famed Last Son of Krypton, there is a woman in my life like that now and
Go Team Awesome!
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes.  I am officially a dirty old man now.    A special thanks for Team Awesome, I really appreciate the renames and profile pics.  It has put a big smile on my face all day.    Just got back from the gym, and now my birthday will begin.  Going to do some x-mas shopping, then it's steak time!  Hitting the IMAX Tron after that for glorious 3D.  Should be a fun night.  
Taken From Us Too Soon...
Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Keith Moon, Jon Bonham, Bon Scott, Phil Lynott, Randy Rhoads, Layne Staley, Dimebag Darrell, Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan, Chuck Schuldiner, Chris Oliva, David Wayne, Cliff Burton, Miika Tenkula, Richard Wright, Peter Steele, Paul Gray and Ronnie James Dio....Your music will live on forever...
The Vampire
The VampireYear written: 1858    I found a corpse, with glittering hair,    Of a woman whose face, tho' dead,    The white death in it had left still fair,    Too fair for an earthly bed!    So I loosened each fold of her bright curls roll'd    From forehead to foot in a rush of red gold,    And kissed her lips till her lips were red,    And warm and light on her eyelids white    I breath'd, and pressed unto mine her breast,    Till the blue eyes oped and the breast grew warm,    And this woman, behold! arose up bold,    And lifelike lifting a wilful arm,    With steady feet from the winding sheet    Stepp'd forth to a mutter'd charm.    And now beside me, whatever betide me,    This woman is, night and day.    For she cleaves to me so, that, wherever I go    She is with me the whole of the way.    And her eyes are so bright in the dead of the night,    That they keep me awake with dread;    While my life blood pales in my veins and fails,    Because her red lips are so red    That I f
The mountains are my homeThe forest animals are my brother and sisterThe wind through the trees calls my nameThe moss on the forest floor is my carpetThe river washes away my aches and painsThe mountains is my home at heart
Is All New Music The Same?
FUCK NO!!! Seriously, It breaks my heart when people speak phrases like, "All the music these days sounds the same." Your parents said it and you hated it. Their parents said it. My friends are starting to say it. So much of the music that came out when I was a teenager is timeless. You can still be inspired. The world can still be huge. Music can still be good. You probably won't find it on the radio but you might. There are musicians born every day. They have vision. A guitar feels good in their hands, or the rhythm drives them to drum. Maybe industrial or tribal or digitallly enhanced sounds drive them to create. Open your heart. Your old favorite musicians still put out great shit. Find out what they are doing these days. Who are they working with? What are the musicians that you love listening to? EXPLORE!!! Art never stops happening. I love all of the music I used to love. I still listen to it. When I find a new band that blows me away or a new song that just leaves me swelled up
Cry For Help - Shinedown Okay, So I Love This One As Well, But It Would Be Better As A Slow Song. Imo
"Cry For Help"You've been hiding outFor quite a while now,Living off of people you knowTrying to raise a little moneyTo pay off all the monkeysThat you met inside theRabbit holeYou're taking candy from the white witchYou're smoking tea with Mama KinWell, there's a wolf outsideA brick house screaming;"This time I'm gonna blow it in!"[Pre-chorus:]Because the mind is a weapon, seeAnd it's got you onYour hands and kneesPull the trigger if you're gonnaWe all know that you wannaCount off 1, 2, 1, 2, 3![Chorus:]You better pray that theresAnother way outYou better pray thatSomeones listening now(And doesn't wanna watch you drown)'Cause when you lie likeThe devil himselfNo angels gonna hear yourCry for help!I know you must really thinkIt's funny, you had everybodyFooled in the endBut it's a little unassumingConsidered how you knew meI'm the only one that calledYou a friend[Pre-chorus:]Because the mind is a weapon, seeBut you're not gonnaUse it on mePull the trigger if you're gonnaWe all know th
Call Me - Shinedown Love This One As Well!!! Jfs!
"Call Me"Wrap me in a bolt of lightningSend me on my way still smilingMaybe that's the way I should go,Straight into the mouth of the unknownI left the spare key on the tableNever really thought I'd be able to sayI merely visit on the weekendsI lost my whole life and a dear friendI've said it so many timesI would change my waysNo, nevermindGod knows I've tried[Chorus]Call me a sinner, call me a saintTell me it's over I'll still love you the sameCall me your favorite, call me the worstTell me it's over I don't want you to hurtIt's all that I can say. So, I'll be on my wayI finally put it all together,But nothing really lasts foreverI had to make a choice that was not mine,I had to say goodbye for the last timeI kept my whole life in suitcase,Never really stayed in one placeMaybe that's the way it should be,You know I live my life like a gypsyI've said it so many timesI would change my waysNo, nevermindGod knows I've tried[Chorus]Call me a sinner, call me a saintTell me it's over I'll st
The Crow And The Butterfly - Shinedown - I Love This Song...jfs
"The Crow And The Butterfly"I painted your room atMidnight, so I'd knowYesterday was overI put all your booksOn the top shelf,Even the one withThe four leaf cloverMan, I'm getting olderI took all your picturesOff the wall and wrappedThem in a news paper blanketI haven't slept in what seemsLike a century, and now I canBarely breathe[Chorus]Just like a crow chasing the butterflydandelions lost in the summer skyWhen you and I were gettingHigh as outer space, I neverThought you'd slip awayI guess I was just a little too lateYou're words still serenade me,Your lullabies won't let me sleepI've never heard such a hauntingMelody. Oh, it's killing meYou know I can barely breathe[Chorus]Just like a crow chasing the butterflydandelions lost in the summer skyWhen you and I were gettingHigh as outer space, I neverThought you'd slip awayI guess I was just a little too lateJust like a crow chasing the butterflydandelions lost in the summer skyWhen you and I were gettingHigh as outer space, I neverTho
The Old About Me.
This is my old about me. Im not this hostile person anymore. People grow don't they? ==== REAL QUICK: from here on out, comments made on my status that have nothing to do with my status won't be posted. If you want to stop by and leave love, do so in the comment section. Don't be lazy, scroll down and enter the comment there.---What is there to say? I'm here mainly because I'm bored, and enjoying the equivalent of high school drama unfold on a digital landscape might cause a few hours to pass by (this isn't my first rodeo here so to speak).That said, I'm actually quite the nice guy once you get to know me. Just take some time to say hi and we can chat it out.I use this site to make friends. Not to boost my own ego, not to gain levels, or whatever. To that end I won't set up a bomb folder, I won't ever subject anybody to tons of pictures of me, or any showing off my wang. But i do appreciate honesty, showing skin doesn't hurt, but I don't need to see 300 pictures of you taken in your
Call Of The Kindred
Come to me, little mortal I can bring you to heaven's portal There'll be no sorrow, there'll be no pain Feelings of joy will fill your brain Come to me, sweet human thing Give me your heart and I'll make it sing Forget your fears, leave them behind Forget the troubles of your kind Come to me... yes, that's right Now hold still, it's no good to fight I'll take your blood, and leave you dying Didn't you realise I could be lying?
Sex With Neighboor Girl? Yes Please!
 im going to answer here on the  10 most often asked questions. (you were really thinking im going to write of my secret afection torwards my neighbour?!) so if you are reading this it either means you love me and you are a good friend of mine wanting to know me a bit better (and i will love you for that forever!)  or you've asked me one of the questions and ive sent you here. QUESTION 1 : WHAT IS THE SIZE OF YOUR BRA? ARE THOSE BOOBS REAL? YOU HAVE HUGE/ BIG / MASSIEVE TITIES YOU KNEW ABOUT THAT?Why do you need my bra size? are you going to buy me lingerie? if so than its DD 42 i like red and black the most. Yes they are real.... thank you Mommy (h) well you see them on the static picture i see them moving, shaking, bouncing 24/7 so thank you captain obvious i do know my breasts are rather big than small ;D QUESTION 2: ARE YOU SINGLE? WHY ARE YOU SINGLE? Yes, I am single. Why? because i can, because i want and because it's good for me. when/if i will meet a guy who blows my min
You Know What Else Is Dying?
boobie blogs. i miss them.  no ones posting boobies anymore.  its sad.
I Am The One
I am the one who loves your heart, The one who still believes, with kept promises and Souls released. The one who knows the real name of love... Still never asks and waits a while for your smile. The one far behind but walking for you You made the distance though i love it,  with no regretting instance. The one with such a tough heart, the one with many tears left  loves you the same as he used to. The one who never falls with dreams around, loves you the most, though someone better you found The one with real pain who never stopp, The one with only love, For you.... and always remains
Motd Coding
*~motd section~*   .new_lounge_wrapper {  visibility: visible;  background-color: #000000;  background-repeat: no-repeat;  background-attachment: fixed;  background-position: center center;  background: show;  background-image: url(IMG CODE AFTER RESIZED);  background-size: 100% 100%;  -moz-background-size: 100% 100%;  -o-background-size: 100% 100%;  -webkit-background-size: 100% 100%;  -moz-border-image: url() 0;  width: 100%;  height: 100%;}.new_lounge_wrapper #fixedtipdiv {  width: auto!important;  background-image: url(IMG CODE AFTER RESIZED)!important;  background-color:
The Glow Radio
Friday  on The Glow Radio: Starting is Deejaydovey and is spinning Rock starting at Noon pacific/1pm mt/2pm ct/3pm et/8pm gmt next up is the Rev DJ Furg and he will be spinning his mix of  Punk, Grunge, Hard Rock. and Metal Music on his Church of Rock starting at 3pm Pacific/4pm mt/5pm ct/6pm et/11pm gmt next up is The Mistress of Hard Rock & Metal; "Thee Witch" starting at 6pm pacific/7pm mt/8pm ct/9pm et/2am gmt next is Tony the Misfit with his Freak Show featuring the best in Rock, Alternative, & Metal Music starting at 9pm pacific/10pm mt/11pm ct/Midnight et/5am gmt   The Premiere of our Newest Member of The Glow Radio Family DJ Mike Howard Live from Chester England on Saturday he
The Tea Party Stands Firm
Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago last night, a group of colonists disguised as Indians boarded British merchant ships and dumped an estimated £10,000 worth of tea into Boston Harbor. This Boston Tea Party, which John Adams described as the “grandest event which has ever yet happened since the controversy with Britain opened,” was not just a protest about taxation. Our forefathers did not destroy tea because of a simple tax dispute. The 1773 Tea Party were protesting the process by which the British government taxed them. They were fundamentally rejecting the way the British were governing them.Last night, the spirit of the Tea Party won another major victory when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D–NV) was forced to drop his $1.27 trillion, 1,924-page omnibus spending bill. The problem with Reid’s omnibus spending bill was not just its size—although our federal government does spend far too much of other people’s money—but the way it was
Oh Boy
First, Happy birthday Pedro     Now.... I seem to have lost my Christmas spirit in the last two days.. Going shopping has been a chore ( how strange for me ) People are all so rude and miserable Help me get it back?   Oh and ps, ty Witchie for givin me your points the other day (h)
snowflakes dancing across the sky clouds overhead like giant marshmallows cold air tickling my nose children playing and laughing Christmas is near   the tree is decorated the lights are flashing radio playing merry tunes family is visiting yummy treats are baking Christmas is near   church bells are ringing choirs are singing feeling of love is all around Christmas is near   my favorite time of year Christmas
Home - Daughtry
"Home"I'm staring out into the night,Trying to hide the pain.I'm going to the place where loveAnd feeling good don't ever cost a thing.And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain.Well I'm going home,Back to the place where I belong,And where your love has always been enough for me.I'm not running from.No, I think you got me all wrong.I don't regret this life I chose for me.But these places and these faces are getting old,So I'm going home.Well I'm going home.The miles are getting longer, it seems,The closer I get to you.I've not always been the best man or friend for you.But your love remains true.And I don't know why.You always seem to give me another try.So I'm going home,Back to the place where I belong,And where your love has always been enough for me.I'm not running from.No, I think you got me all wrong.I don't regret this life I chose for me.But these places and these faces are getting old,Be careful what you wish for,'Cause you just might get it all.You just might get it al
Pain - Three Days Grace My Life Story?!?!?
"Pain"Pain, without lovePain, I can't get enoughPain, I like it rough'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at allYou're sick of feeling numbYou're not the only oneI'll take you by the handAnd I'll show you a world that you can understandThis life is filled with hurtWhen happiness doesn't workTrust me and take my handWhen the lights go out you will understandPain, without lovePain, I can't get enoughPain, I like it rough'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at allPain, without lovePain, I can't get enoughPain, I like it rough'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at allAnger and agonyAre better than miseryTrust me I've got a planWhen the lights go off you will understandPain, without lovePain, I can't get enoughPain, I like it rough'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at allPain, without lovePain, I can't get enoughPain, I like it rough'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothingRather feel painI know (I know I know I know I know)That you're woundedYou know (You know you know yo
Sorry - Buckcherry
"Sorry"Oh I had a lot to say was thinking on my time awayI missed you and things weren't the same[Pre-Chorus:]Cause everything inside it never comes out rightAnd when I see you cry it makes me want to die[Chorus:]I'm sorry I'm bad, I'm sorry you're blue, I'm sorry about all things I said to youAnd I know I can't take it backI love how you kiss, I love all your sounds, and baby the way you make my world go roundAnd I just wanted to say I'm sorry:This time I think I'm to blame it's harder to get through the daysYou get older and blame turns to shame[Pre-Chorus][Chorus]Every single day I think about how we came all this wayThe sleepless nights and the tears you cried it's never too late to make it rightOh yeah sorry![Chorus] 
Wonderwall - Oasis
"Wonderwall"Today is gonna be the dayThat they're gonna throw it back to youBy now you should've somehowRealized what you gotta doI don't believe that anybodyFeels the way I do about you now Backbeat the word was on the streetThat the fire in your heart is outI'm sure you've heard it all beforeBut you never really had a doubtI don't believe that anybody feelsThe way I do about you now And all the roads we have to walk along are windingAnd all the lights that lead us there are blindingThere are many things that I wouldLike to say to youI don't know how Because maybeYou're gonna be the one saves saves me?And after allYou're my wonderwall Today was gonna be the dayBut they'll never throw it back to youBy now you should've somehowRealized what you're not to doI don't believe that anybodyFeels the way I doAbout you now And all the roads that lead to you were windingAnd all the lights that light the way are blindingThere are many things that I would like to say to youI don't know how I said
Lounge Virginity
Ok, short and sweet... I lost my cherry in the lounge tonight.. Roooarrrr.... ROFLMAO!!! Thanks to the guys and gals in Military Brotherhood Radio!!!  Woot Woot Thanks Camaro and all the rest of you cammo nuts... And they got to meet my crazy self... watch out Fubar... This Kitty/Cougar is on the prowl... puurrrr.... Lovin it here.... My FOURTH day!!  ROFLMAO!!!   I now have another addiction.... oh, that sounded bad... or good, depending on who you are and how you look at it!!  
liminal\ LIM-uh-nl \ adjective; 1. Relating to the point beyond which a sensation becomes too faint to be experienced.
Blame it on a simple twist of fate.  -  Bob Dylan
Let The Dreams Lead You To Me....
make love to mequick and slowsoft and roughso drunk that I can't control myselfso sober that I can't ever get enoughkill my inhibitionsand show me what it means to lovetake my body into yoursand taste the sweat you bring forthmoan and sing and smile and cryfeel painand releaseand immense innumerable pleasureknow that I'm afraidand shelter me within the walls of your bodybe dark and deliberatesmile at the emotion you force forwardpush me into youand kiss as though you crave my soulfeel the power you have and push me back into my placebeneath youbend my skin to fit every crevice of your bodyand let me feel connectionheatand powerand the wonder of crumbling under the weight of another-love completely utterly and darklydirect and infuse your soul into every movement watchalways watch and observe and take in and respondact and force and comfort and controlalways control meand I will never dissapoint you
Just Litttle Help
 just want to help friends out
Snuff - Slipknot ;)
"Snuff" Bury all your secrets in my skinCome away with innocence, and leave me with my sinsThe air around me still feels like a cageAnd love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again...So if you love me, let me go.And run away before I know.My heart is just too dark to care.I can't destroy what isn't there.Deliver me into my fate -If I'm alone I cannot hateI don't deserve to have you...My smile was taken long agoIf I can change I hope I never knowI still press your letters to my lipsAnd cherish them in parts of me that savor every kissI couldn't face a life without your lightBut all of that was ripped apart...when you refused to fightSo save your breath, I will not hear.I think I made it very clear.You couldn't hate enough to love.Is that supposed to be enough?I only wish you weren't my friend.Then I could hurt you in the end.I never claimed to be a saint...My own was banished long agoIt took the death of hope to let you goSo break yourself against my stonesAnd spit your pi
Longines Master Collection Watches
Longines master collection has been famous for precision, elegance and sporty since 1832, based at St Imier, Switzerland. Many top-level international events have consulted Longines. Longines provided timers used at the first modern day Olympics in 1892. In 1899, Longines went to the North Pole with Arctic Louis Amedee de Savoie. Longines always strives for elegance in design and technological innovation. It was the first to use automatic timekeeping for the Federal Gymnastics, at Basel in 1912. Today, Longines remains a widely recognized name in sport watches and chronographs. The brand is exemplified by models in the Longines Master Collection, the Longines Evidenza, Longines Spirit, or the Heritage Collection (Flagship Heritage, Longines Clous de Paris, Conquest Heritage, or Les Elegantes de Longines). longines master collection are of the highest quality and just for a small fraction of the price. You will love these best imitation Longines replica watches for their elegant appear
Breitling Replica Watches
Replica Breitling Watches won the title as the technical timepiece specialist by introducing the first chronograph to be fitted with a circular slide rule in 1942. Breitling has developed a collection of specialist timepieces that are no longer exclusive to Pilots, who for many years have made the famous Navitimer model their timepiece of choice. Today Breitling offers influential models such as the Chronomat Evolution, Superocean, Emergency and Breitling Bentley - one of the most exciting collections to be developed in recent times. Watches here are of models acknowledged for their refined designs and pure styling, combined with our unique exclusive service. We just offer the replica Breitling watches are made to reflect the company ethos and are built to the highest of standards. The designer exact Breitling replica watches are continually tested to ensure they meet strict guidelines of readability, performance, and precision and water resistance. Each brand exact Breitling replicas
Louis Vuitton Focuses On Are Employed By Spring Summer Season Next Year Fashions
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Causes Of The Popularity Of Franck Muller Inexpensive Watches
Patek Philippe Accuracy Black Rose Gold Frame Men Watch You see, actualization is actually alteration fairly quickly, plus accurate snug watches are often foolishly steeply-priced. For anybody who is rich, youre advantageous to accept the adeptness in proudly owning the aboriginal single and consistently modification check out kinds in accordance with the actualization pattern. Even though to get accepted men and women, mainly because anon as they assuredly save plentiful income to get many comfortable items, they might by now accept get to be the outdated. For those who want to finest use of the more demanding turning out to be hard earned cash, low priced franck muller dreams watches are actually acute techniques you need to go for.franck muller power reserve watches, watches which are apish from highly praised watchmakers, are absolute aggregate of discount level and high quality. Whilst they may be fabricated with beneath enormous ticket materials, they may be advise
Ferrari Watches Are A Association Which Has An Have An Impact On
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Love One, Want The Other!
how did i end up in such a don't ever touch me?  I've been married almost 18 yrs, together with the same man almost 19 years.....totally a non-touch marriage for close to 9 yrs now.  NO, not even one little bit, of desire to EVER be intimate with my husband again...NEVER!  yet, someone that drives me emotionally and psychologocially INSANE, that I actually don't have a thing in common with, someone that walked out of my life in the most horrendous way several years ago, has been back in it for over a year now and driving my 'don't touch me' body completely to the edge and back of ectasy on a semi-regular basis.  Total love/hate realtionship for us both I think as when not in bed, we really don't like each other much!  I couldn't imagine leaving my husband (who I beleive is also cheating on me) as we've been through things most families wouldn't ever imagine.....yet the whoel affair thing is taking its toll on me.  how do you turn off what your body so badly needs,
RELEASE inside  LOVELY GUIDE. verse is North Star NEVER FAR. lost and found HOMEWARD BOUND. word and deed TRUSTY STEED. passion play EVERYDAY.
Santa No! A Christmas Carol By Bradley Raptor
When I was a boy About five years old There's one christmas story That I never told Christmas eve, I was tucked in my bed so tight I awoke to a ruckus shortly after midnight I walked down the stairs And who did I see? Standing beside my christmas tree T'was Santa unpacking toys Like he'd done on christmases past He said "I've been in your chimmney, little boy Now let get get in your ass!"   Santa No, santa no Don't touch me there Santa no, santa no But he don't care He shaves snowflake designs into his pubic hair Santa no! Don't touch me there    Little boy: "Santa doesn't molest children!" Brad: "He sure does Jimmy! He touches little boys constantly! It goes somethin' like this..."   He walks into the room with a "ho! ho! ho!" Like "Little boys! lets make out under the mistletoe!" "I'm gonna check my list and see if you've been naughty enough, Then I'll put GHB in your eggnog and squeeze your butts and stuff!" "I've got a present for James, Billy and Gary'
Create Your Pink Wedding Ceremony Outfits And Operating Shoe
Choosing A Operating Shoe Choosing a operating shoe that is engineered for the specific kind of foot can support you keep away from some typical operating injuries. Christian Louboutin Shoes It also can make operating extra gratifying and allow you have extra mileage away from your shoes. Shoe suppliers are mindful that, anatomically, ft generally fall into a single of three categories. Some folks have "floppy" ft which can be incredibly loose-jointed. Christian Louboutin 2010 simply because ft such as this are as well mobile, they give and roll towards within once they strike the ground. Floppy ft leave a flat foot impression on wet sand. Improperly fitted operating footwear have a tendency to trigger uneven put on on equally the within and outdoors belonging to the shoe. The heels will have a tendency to put on unevenly about the inside. typical injuries for floppy ft from improperly fitted operating footwear are knee pain, Christian Louboutin Sale arch pain, and heel pain. Floppy
2011 Spring Women Wholesale Fashion Popular Trend Forecast
  Winter is coming, can spring be far behind? Pursuing beautiful Korean fashion MM should also clear up their wardrobes. How to decorate yourself in 2011 spring summer? Here, for you list some fashion dress trends in 2011. Hope to be able to help you. Actually, clothing also has the circulation system. Every stage will return the past fashion. Of course, there are also people who open a new age for fashion pioneer Trend.   Tide vintage wind is back, 1960s wave point items are great hot. In the 1960s the fair maiden beauties are understaffed one wave point sheet is tasted, because it is really a tie-in sex super pattern. Guccigabbana a breast point of vigor and vitality, let a person appear wavelet points are fair maiden gas. These two years of wave point the resurgence of dynamics oodles, tie-in, if you try really hard you can always find belongs to you Japanese fashion wave points.   "After 90s" T-shirt fashion skirt will be frenzy. As the focus of this season popularity trend
Follow Asian Fashion It Girls Learning On The Streets Collocation
    Is ITGIRL your dream shape? Long legs, slender waist, charming eyes, extremely thin. Congenital backward is really hard. But actually you need not too much entanglement for the original lack. What is being taken delight in talking about are the nice fashion dress up and tie-in of those famous IT GIRL.     British IT GIRL Peaches Geldof and Daisy Lowe are not extremely beautiful, figure can’t be mentioned as slender, but they always are British media Gossip source and young Asian fashion idol. Their bold tie-in color and the talent are a big help, so legs aren't fine and arms not strong enough for what? Still can rob foot camera lens!      Of course if you already very thin, Korean fashion dress but I want to have a thin so 2-3kg, cate current but cannot manage own mouth, such time, would have to go on excellent clad method immediately let oneself show thin, trick is very simple, everybody can easily master is to recommend it!      Line is clear, simple styles of dress
Tell You Seven Precautions For Japanese Fashion Woman Dress
   First: skirt don’t match socks. Election reason: trample popular. This year, all kinds of fashion skirts are wantonly popular. Colorful socks is more to reveal popular be-all and end-all. Purple, pink, turmeric, green etc are all color front-end of fashion, are exceptionally bright. But if you're wearing a black Korean fashion dress, in the concealed opening place, revealed a bright ginger, just a bit really trample popular.   Second: inside and outside don't match each other. Election Reason: the exterior-interior style was not to be unified. The cold weather, lets the women's coat less chance to choose. If you only make a choice between a coat and a feather, then the probability of this duplicity combination is certainly extremely high. And what expressing this mismatch way of dressing to acme, is the fair maiden long skirt matching with mid-length, feather Asian fashion coat.                           Third: large base shoe XieDe. Elected reason: didn't catch vogue
Teach You How To Wear Korean Fashion High-heeled Shoes
   Like high-heeled shoes? But wear too long will cause foot pain and waist sour. Experts teach you wear right high heels Heorshe. Let you are both healthy and tall.    1.If you wear 4-6 cm high heels   Physical problems: Harvard University health experts have discovered that wear 4-6 cm Korean fashion high heels boots is most helpful to lose weight. This height shoes can effectively consume waist belly fat metabolism speeds, let your abdomen flat and sexy. But if wear 4-6 cm high heels too long, the biggest trouble is that it will make your back’s pressure increased, making you feel something acerbity-pain.   Solution: Suggest you select a piece of soft mattress during sleeping to reduce back pressure. In addition, when back muscle is rigidity, coldness is easier to invade urinary bladder channel through the back. Therefore you will feel cold, immunity reduces. Experts suggest you don't wear scoop-back outfit.    2. if you wear the Asian fashion high-heeled shoes of 6-8
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Create Your Pink Wedding Ceremony Outfits And Operating Shoe
Choosing A Operating Shoe Choosing a operating shoe that is engineered for the specific kind of foot can support you keep away from some typical operating injuries. Christian Louboutin Shoes It also can make operating extra gratifying and allow you have extra mileage away from your shoes. Shoe suppliers are mindful that, anatomically, ft generally fall into a single of three categories. Some folks have "floppy" ft which can be incredibly loose-jointed. Christian Louboutin 2010 simply because ft such as this are as well mobile, they give and roll towards within once they strike the ground. Floppy ft leave a flat foot impression on wet sand. Improperly fitted operating footwear have a tendency to trigger uneven put on on equally the within and outdoors belonging to the shoe. The heels will have a tendency to put on unevenly about the inside. typical injuries for floppy ft from improperly fitted operating footwear are knee pain, Christian Louboutin Sale arch pain, and heel pain. Floppy
My Nickname By My Real Brother And His Club....lmao
I Am Writing this Thanks To You Chrissy,lmao...How We got on this Subject I Do Not Know...Oh yeah Kicking Peoples Ass....And I Said I Am a Lover not a Fighter....And It takes alot to Make me Mad...But the Easiest way would be to Mess with those Ones that I Love....Im Sure We all can vouch for that....But anyways I Worked at My Brothers Club [Dewalkers]...for 16 Months...Its Closed Now,cause they Sold it...But Anyways It was a Great Experience and I Met alot of Nice Peeps during that time....But I had Been Working there for about 2 Months and DJ-ing and Bouncer and then they were another bouncer we called Big Bam cause He was Huge and he was from Alabama...But anyways My Brother this Night had Hollered My Name-and of Course My Brother-I Ran over to see what was Up....He said Bobby!!!! get him.....lmfao...and I turn looked at the guy and back at My Brother-I said Bro are You Sure?He said Yes!!!I Looked back at the Guy and back at My Brother and said are You Sure?He said Yes!!! Get Him!!!
Passion's Come Alive...
Desires In The Dark Staff Rules
LOUNGE STAFF RULES (all staff must agree to terms to become staff) 1.) Staff must be in the lounge at least 5 times before being considered for staff 2.) If a member is being considered for staff, s/he must be voted on by all top staff 3. ) Top staff must be staff for at least two weeks before being considered for a Top staff position 4.) If a staff member is being considered for top staff they must be voted on buy all other top staff memebers 5.) If you have a problem with a staff memeber you must talked to the owner (DJ Chaotic Cutie). Do not start drama in the lounge or fight with the other staff memeber! A meeting will be arranged in yahoo messanger with myself (DJ Chaotic) and both parties involved. 6.) All staff must have all other staff added to their friends list 7.) If a DJ misses two shifts with out them being excused they will be put on probation. If they miss four shifts with out being excused they will be fired. If a dj however gets a hold of a GM or the Owner and t
Stupid Pages People Might Actually Use
I know this is anathema to certain people, but how about adding some utility and usability to aid members in enjoying the site the way casual observation reveals about their behavior patterns?   Suggestion #1 - Pimpout market/exchange. A place where people selling or needing pimpouts, buzzkills, pimp slaps, etc... can meet and exchange services, like an internal eBay or craigslist. Sure, it's not interacting with each other the way you might want us to, but it's how a lot of people interact, and would be much more useful than another way to spin those point wheels you say you're so disgusted with us for spinning so fast, anyway. People interacting and talking with people rather than clicking on pictures at random. This is a community of people you want to see interacting, and you keep giving us more excuses for narcissism and voyeurism. Not exactly social behavior. I think I'm done for now.   Love, Higgs Boson
A Soldier's Christmas
Bored With Poems Lol
So I don't know what to post and just wanted to post my first blog on here for shits and giggles I guess. So I guess I'll put some old poems I wrote. Enjoy with my boredom.   True TearsChaos,Pain,Death,Small breaks,Huge chunks,The pain over bearing,How could this happen,So full of life.Then cold,Why,Kind and caring,But still taken,My heart can't hold it,My mind can't wrap around it,My whole being over loaded,Will the pain stop,Or must I die first,To over come this,My tears wet upon my face,I wipe them away,And still I cry,Surrounded,Everyone crying,But they didn't care,They destoyed,By simple words,Introduction to death,My tears,They are real,Not out of shame,My feelings true,With the tears I cry,And the pain in my soul    And another I guess The Curse Pain and suffering,Loathing and hatefulness,Anger and fear,Cause clear,Hurt by the one,The one who wasn't surpose to,Turning on me,Coldly killing dreams,Telling me it is for the best,It is not,I am grown,I can live my o
The Background - Third Eye Blind
"The Background" Everything is quiet since you're not around And I live in the numbness now In the background I do the things we did before I walk Haight Street to the store And they say where's that crazy girl You don't get drunk on red wine and fight no more I don't see you anymore since the hospital The plans I make still have you in them Cause you come swimming into view And I'm hanging on your words Like I always used to do The words they use so lightly I only feel for you I only know because I carry you around In the background I'm in the background Words they come and memories all repeat I lift your head while they change the hospital sheets And I would never lie to you no I would never lie to you no I felt you long after we were through, we were through The plans I make still have you in them Cause you come swimming into view And I'm hanging on your words Like I always used to do The words they use so lightly I only feel for you I only know because I carry you around In the
God Of Wine - Third Eye Blind
"God Of Wine" Every thought that I repent There's another chip you haven't spent And you're cashing them all in Where do we begin to get clean again Can we get clean again I walk home alone with you And the mood you're born into Sometimes you let me in And I take it on the chin I can't get clean again I want to know can we get clean again The God of Wine comes crashing through The headlights of a car that took you farther Than you thought you'd ever want to go We can't get back again We can't get back again She takes a drink and then she waits The alcohol it permeates And soon the cells give way, and cancels out the day I can't keep it all together I know I know I know... I can't keep it all together And the siren's song that is your madness Holds a truth I can't erase All alone on your face Every glamorous sunrise Throws the planets out of line A star sign out of whack, a fraudulent zodiac And the God of Wine is crouched down in my room You let me down, I said it, now I'm going dow
Motorcycle Drive By - Third Eye Blind
  "Motorcycle Drive By" Summer time and the wind is blowing outside In lower Chelsea and I don't know What I'm doing in this city The sun is always in my eyes It crashes through the windows And I'm sleeping on the couch When I came to visit you That's when I knew I could never have you I knew that before you did Still I'm the one who's stupid And there's this burning Like there's always been I never been so alone And I've never been so alive Visions of you on a motorcycle drive by The cigarette ash flies in your eyes And you don't mind, you smile And say the world doesn't fit with you I don't believe you, you're so serene Careening through the universe Your axis on a tilt, you're guiltless and free I hope you take a piece of me with you And there's things I'd like to do That you don't believe in I would like to build something But you never see it happen And there's this burning Like there's always been I've never been so alone And I've, I've never been so alive And there's this
Good For You - Third Eye Blind
"Good For You" Hey will you stay awhile My smile will not mislead you Cause I've been alone My faith turned to stone Still there's something in you I believe in Close to the pierce I go wild and fierce Still I let you be, I feel you next to me Cause inside I feel a wind that starts to blow I'm taken in your undertow Everything is fine, I'm lonely all the time Cause all I want to do is be there For the things that you're going through Well, is it good for you, is it good for you Cause you haunt my nights when I don't know where my life should go Well, is it good for you, is it good for you Hey child please stay a while My smile will not mislead you Cause I've been without, I go wild with doubt I grab at you, I can't stop grabbing at you Cause I feel you cross my mind In disarray, intoxicated ricochet There's nothing wrong just don't take too long Cause all I want to do is be there For the things that you're going through Well, is it good for you, is it good for you Cause you haunt my
How's It Gonna Be - Third Eye Blind
"How's It Going To Be" I'm only pretty sure that I can't take anymore Before you take a swing I wonder what are we fighting for When I say out loud I want to get out of this I wonder is there anything I'm going to miss I wonder how it's going to be When you don't know me How's it going to be When you're sure I'm not there How's it going to be When there's no one there to talk to Between you and me Cause I don't care How's it going to be, How's it going to be Where we used to laugh There's a shouting match Sharp as a thumbnail scratch A silence I can't ignore Like the hammock by the Doorway we spent time in, swings empty Don't see lightning like last fall When it was always about to hit me I wonder how's it going to be When it goes down How's it going to be When you're not around How's it going to be When you found out there was nothing Between you and me Cause I don't care How's it going to be And how's it going to be When you don't know me anymore And how's it going to be Want to g
My Little Girl
Today I turned 41 yrs old and had a birthday lunch with my 18 yr old daughter. I can remember back over the years at all the scrapes, cuts, bruises, getting bucked off a horse, etc etc. Sitting there talking to my little girl over lunch,watching her mannerisms, the way she spoke to people, you name it i gleamed with pride. For this little girl over the past 8 years has been through a lot since her mother and i divorced. But through it all she has lasted with a smile on her face. As we left the restuarant she asked if we could make a stop before she dropped me off and we went our seperate ways. She pulled into the cemetary where my mother, father, and sister are laid to rest and quietly place flowers on each of their graves. It was at that moment that i realized shes not a little girl anymore, shes a young lady, and i'm proud so very damned proud to be able to call that young lady my daughter. This might just be ramblings from a old saddle tramp, but by god I'm a damned proud saddle tr
Soul To Squeeze - Rhcp!
I've got a bad desease      Up from my brain is where i bleed Insanity it seems           Is got me by my soul to squeeze Well all the love from me   With all the dying trees i scream The angels in my dreams     Have turn to demons of greed thats me Chorus                            Where I go i just dont know                                       Ive got to got to gotta take it slow                  When I find my peace of mind                                      Im gonna give you some of my good time      Today love smiled on me      It took away my pain say pleaseGOh let your ride be free     Youve got to let it be oh yeah     Your so polite indeed        Well i got everything i need                 Oh make my days a breeze     And take away my self destruction                       Its bitter baby and its very sweet                            Im on a roller coaster but im on my feet   Take me to the river let me on your shore                            Ill be coming back bab
La Isla Del Encanto ** Paradise, Beauty
"You are not dreaming, you are in Puerto Rico"Whether you're dreaming about spectacular surfing waves, a challenging golf course, or the perfect sunbathing beach, Puerto Rico offers the active traveler a tremendous array of opportunities. Surfing and golf compete with tennis, fishing, kayaking, SCUBA diving, and horseback riding, not to mention windsurfing and parasailing, for your active time. Our perpetual summer weather begs you to enjoy the sport of your choice! Puerto Rico beckons active travelers interested in spicing up their vacations! From hiking in a forest, to dining on the infusion of classic and delectable Caribbean cuisine, to romantic walks on a moonlit beach, virtually any type of vacation interest can be accommodated in the land of your dreams, Puerto Rico. If you fell in love with this video, please forward to your friends. :) Text and video provided by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company.
Blended Families
"Blended Families" Let me start with a basic definition, courtesy of (see, I cite my sources like a good girl)  blended family : –noun a family composed of a couple and their children from previous marriages. Notice a key term to the definition, "their".  Blended families are not defined by drawing lines in the sand, stating "his" and "hers".  Rather, its an all encompassing term, specifying a new family formed by including both parties AND THEIR children.   Granted, things are complicated.  More often than not, both biological parents are still in the picture to some extent, and often, one parent may object to another party stepping in to fill this role.  Of course, for the case of this blurb, I'm not talking about replacement parents.  More specifically, I'm talking about the social dynamics of a family structure who live within the same dwelling, where one of those parties is not a biological parent. Regardless of your position on the subject, certain fac
5 Shows I Wish Dexter Morgan Would Visit
If you're familiar with Dexter (and if you're not, shame on you, it's one of the best shows on TV), then you know that the eponymous main character is a serial killer, but he only kills bad people who deserve to die. Perhaps I'm a little more liberal in my definition of "those who deserve to die" but this isn't about me. So let's pretend for a moment that Dexter considers extremely annoying people to be worthy of his death sentence and imagine how much better life would be if he could cross over into some of these other shows for a special guest appearance.   Let us also imagine, for the sake of variety, that Dexter may deviate from the norm and use different methods to do away with these characters so that this doesn't get really boring after about the third entry. Many of these shows have already completed their run, so let's just consider how great it would be if Dex could appear in a rerun and suddenly retcon these sorry losers out of existence. So wh
No Mumms Today
I shall write in my blog today and complain and praise flu, you may be  funny but you are a two faced liar, I appreciate your sympathy in my shoutbox.  To Lisa Ann, thanks for being a good friend.  To Emanon and Lord Spinoza, hate me for me, not that I am Jewish or a regulated capitalist or a conservative.  To damncupid, good luck, and I hope your baby will be healthy.  To joseF, your mumms help brighten the day even if some of them are cut and paste. To Freedom, I agree with a lot of what you say, but I have a general disrespect of all politicians, to misfit, stay happy, to Helliyon I like your attitude.  To Dud, one of my first friends when I had little d as a profile, stay warm. To wyked, Ohio isn't as bad as West Virginia, to Bob aka Boob, stay on making music.  To those I forgot I may make a second blog.
.best Divorce Letter Ever.
  .BEST DIVORCE LETTER EVER. Dear wife: Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband & wife. Either you’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone.   -Your EX-Husband P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!     Dear Ex-Husband Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter.
A Very Special Personal Christmas Message
Cleaning Out Yahoo
Another Reason Why I Dont Like Many People..
DUBUQUE COUNTY (KWWL)-- A nearly 7 month investigation has led Dubuque County attorneys to charge Tamelia Harris with Murder in the First Degree in the death of Harris' toddler, Cecilia. In witness reports to Dubuque County officials, Tamelia Harris slammed her child's head off the headboard of her bed, and threw her in the master bedroom closet. After searching a fire pit in Tamelia's backyard, police discovered small human bones. DNA tests compared those remains with those of Cecilia's parents Tamelia Harris and Tobias Drummond indicate that the remains are 9.95 trillion times more likely to be the biological offspring of Harris and Drummond. In the criminal complaint, Harris is accused of knowingly acting in a manner that created a substantial risk and intentionally used unreasonable force, torture or cruelty that resulted in bodily injury and resulted in the death of her 20-month-old daughter, Cecilia. Harris will be in Dubuque District Court Thursday morning. She has been in ja
Who Started Christmas?
This morning I heard a story on the radio of a woman who was out Christmas shopping with her two children. After many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything else imaginable. And after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids. She was feeling what so many of us feel during the holiday season time of the year. Overwhelming pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, taste all the holiday food and treats, getting that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping list, making sure we don't forget anyone on our card list, and the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card. Finally the elevator doors opened and there was already a crowd in the car. She pushed her way into the car and dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff. When the doors closed she couldn't take it anymore and stated, "Whoever started this whole
Lol Too Funny How Some People Have To Be So Lame
So, I havent posted a blog in some time. I used to love reading blogs about fakes being busted and finally gonna do one of those myself. Chump calls himself Randy Orton and claims to be the actual wrestler. Goes as far as stating on his profile that he is a single dad, blah blah blah. So me being me asked in a comment how the real Mrs Randy Orton would feel and that I'd love to see a salute or him get the old verified celeb status they used to have on here. Funny now I'm blocked yet the woman also claiming on fubar to be "Da Bitch wife to Randy Orton comes and rates me a 10. Gawd I love fakes, lol   link to the profile if you'd love to go say hi  :)
So Close
So close Death in my ear Too close are you my friend? Define friend So many willing to confront death Braggarts I carry disdain for those who do not carry my burdens My disdain so clear to me And so cloudy to those I have chosen to ignore Disdain  
Cleaning Out Fire Fox
Deep, Dark, Berlin Style Techno By Sebastian Plossner Airing @ 7pm Later!! LIVE Thursdays 7pm-8:30pm Eastern (free download) and On Demand Daily @
Modeling And Acting Jobs Available
Our Toolbar Application Agent Blue has been upgraded and ready for download free!! Not only do we supply job and career resources in entertainment, there are tons of apps to enjoy in your spare time. New Features Include: Facebook Connect Skype Maps Flickr YouTube HD & Satellite TV Flixster and more!! DOWNLOAD: CLICK AGENT BLUE IN THE FREE APPS. DROP MENU ON or
God Forbid I Have A Decent Heart Attack
NSFW cause of you fucks   well it was not a heart attack...they dont think..ffs no bloodclot either actually they have no clue whats going heart rate and bp kept sky rocketting..gave me nitro 3x and the shit would still fly thru the roof. a few CT's and intravenous drugs later...the pain subsides..but only to come back with a vengance around 3am today...gotta get a stress test and a CT with dye injection to check for possible cloggs...   on a fun note: the nurses loved my tat's...and my odd sense of tired of waiting for them to come back in and check on i pull off strategic leads and flopp around as they rush in...hey i got them to come in at least...   Money making opportunity: for fucks sake someone invent the lil sticky tabs they hook heart monitors up to so they dont pull off my chest hairs and make me scream like a canadian having their beaver waxed....OUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Horrible Road
I am the horrible road The one that gives pain So what?   You chose that fucker So don't whine now  
Why Stagger Lee Is My Fave Nick Cave Song
He delves into the mind that destroys for fun So few admit to destruction let alone for fun To me it points out hypocrasy The joy at viewing destruction that so many have   Is that viewing somehow The way to my road My road that I saw in a dream Literally running up a street without breath That 's what  I see  
Cheap Flights To Orlando
Coming across cheap flight to Orlando is not as difficult as major media sources put it out to be. With the improvement in the country’s overall economic condition, the major airlines are reporting higher revenue and increased profits in their quarterly disclosures. To further fuel the demand for international aviation from all quarters, these flight operators are providing lucrative discounts and deals on air travel between continents.This has put the travelers in a very convenient position to fly back and forth between international destinations, especially the cities that are important from an economic perspective. The vacationers are also not left out as the airlines announce packaged or groups discounts for them, even during the peak holiday season. In this case, though, the major criterion of advance booking becomes operational.Last minute flight to Orlando does not necessarily have to cost a fortune. There are also just in time cancellations and carriers gladly offer these
Is This My Fate?
Slip the rope and take my life as I take you out of the lime light , your hate for me becomes more as you see me succeed in my everything...I will never hate you for what you hold over me...  I will just take this fate as my time to fall...Fall from the top that I once had claim , from years of strive to make  myself something in this world of anarchy...Positioning my body on that wooden stake, I can feel my wrists bleed with the pressure of the rope ..cutting into my flesh...Feeling my feet dangle there as my legs feel as if they are about to fall off from my torso it's self..I can hear the chants of haters along with you in the dark.. behind the flames of fire ... ... they scream MORE!.. HARDER!... TIGHTER! ...Pulling ...harder..tighter... you try to bring me to my breaking point... I wear this white dress, ..  bleeding from my stomach , I wonder why... Looking down and I see that you have me by a second rope... ... they scream MORE!.. HARDER!... TIGHTER! ...Pulling ...harder..tighte
Sleep Is For The Dead...and Narcoleptics
So for the past five years I've been having these sudden black-outs. They've been getting more and more frequent, and have lasted longer each time they occur.   On several occasions they've actually put my life at risk. Take three months ago. I was riding my awesome chopper-like bicycle down Victoria Hill (it's this REALLY steep hill in the town I live in). I got about halfway down, was flying along really enjoying myself when I felt it. That sudden, odd floaty feeling I get that signals an impending black-out. I didn't have time to apply the brakes, or even leap off the bike. When I woke up several minutes later I found myself in the middle of the road, vehicles stopped all around me and people gathered in a circle pointing at me and whispering. After I finally woke up enough to make sense of it all, I noticed my bike had landed right in front of a double-decker bus that had been coming up the hill. Lucky me that the bus stopped before crushing my pride and joy. And even more luck
Up Date About My Knee
Well I get my MRI until next month on the 11th but the doc is thinking I riped my MCL and somethings between the knee. It sucks trying to go to school still. Its taking a lot out of me and each night it seems to get more fucked up...this blows
Last Lover You Come To My Side...
Bleeding.... and breathing... bleeding... and breathing... I bleed away.....Taking my life ... I feel my body drain of all existence..You can see my living soul slip from out of my eyes..You can hear that my vocal cords  no longer make a single cry..Bleeding... and breathing... bleeding ... and breathing.. My last breath I struggle to take in and hold..For one last time I taste life's every want and need to hold onto what I had ..Bleeding ..and breathing...bleeding...and breathing...I can smell for the last time of my beloved roses of red.. that once you had given me...I can see the never ending sky of what I use to gaze... looking .. thinking.. What could this day bring to me now. Today was a day of my death, so watch me ... see me ... die..Right before your very eye.....Bleeding...and breathing...bleeding....and breathing...I lay there with no sound, no life.... just a small body ...That is turning the mind is slowly next to die...It's last memories unfold..Poke the dead bo
The One Who I Was Never Ment To Be Mine ..
It was a day of happiness and sorrow, For it was the day we had a few laughs , Your words of how you longed for me to say hello,The day came and that was today, Yet little did any of us know, my first hello was my last.I was waiting for you, There I sat, alone on the bench, Looking in the distance to see if you were coming. It was then that I had a feeling of pain..My heart dropped so low, it might as well fell out of my body along with my soul.I suddenly heard a voice whisper....  I'm sorry. ....I didn't know who said it at first. . .Until I got up and couldn't even move, After a few moments that seems to have lasted a life time of pian fades away from my body,I run. I run, and don't stop.I can feel you need me or some kind of help. So I run to the only place I can think of where you would hide. .....It was that first day that I saw you, at your place you call the shadows.You would go there to think, and at times to hang with friends. I walked by there every day from school.Yet I coul
The Day The Heaven's Took Your Name... ( Second Part To No Happy Ending For This Chapter In My Life)
Listening to the never ending quiet sound that fills my life,I sit here .. With so many thoughts of what was once there,I could almost taste your lips , the lips I had wanted to kiss so sweetly,But nothing could keep you safe within my reach,Taking you from my once peaceful life,Now it is only filled with more puzzles that I struggle with putting back together...A day goes by, and soon many more..I can only try to hold myself together from here on out,Doing with out ..What was so whole..Taking you from my once peaceful life,Now it is only filled with puzzles that I struggle with putting back together ..Holding myself late at night, As I lay but under the moon light and clear, cold sky,Crying out to you and what was meant to be...Screaming your name...As to make sure you don't fade from my life, .....yet the heaven's have found a way to take what little I had left of you,Your name.. The morning I woke up from the a night of crying out your name, Screaming so loud as to make sure the hea
No Happy Ending For This Chapter In My Life...
I have found a part of myself in your eyes, in your words, in your smile,I miss the days I had seen there , hidden in those eyes, How could this be?That the heavens could take you away from me?Where does it say, that you had to be taken from my life?That the days that fallow could not be filled with smiles and laughter of needed happiness?Why must I endure all the pain alone and with no way out?I need you here, to take my hand, to lead my out of the shadows....All I could do that day was cry many tears..I would never let you go, nor do I even to this day.I will not agree with the heaven's choice,I had only wanted what I saw in your face of endless love, and care,The face of love, face of many things, The face that held so many dreams of the future..I will not let you go...... I hold you in my heart so close...I just wanted to be with you for another moment from the first...So... many moments that I have longed for with you...Why must I live in this darkness with out you by my side?Why
I Don't Know You Any More..
Though I love you so muchI want you to knowThough you mean the world to meI'm learning to let you go.You can only become so close to someone before you let them fallI didn't want to admit itIt was easier to lieTo hide the hurt and emptinessTo smile, instead of cryBecause things are very different now and you are not the sameFor every time you hurt me, another scar is gain...Is this only a game you're playing or is this how it's always going to be?One day you say it's over and the next you're saying how much you need me.I've decided that I'll try, try and find anotherBut the feelings I have for you I'll never feel for any otherI just have one more question,Are you willing and ready to sacrifice our love so that we can be just friends
It's The End
Ashes to ashesdust to dustliving in a worldfull of hate and lustscreams of painthe sounds of splattersagainst the wallmy brains shall fallblood puddlesknee deepflooding the earthas angels weep...some pray the lordtheir souls to keeparmageddon around the cornereach day draws nearthe end is comingthe world will fallas your grandchildrens children still crawlstreets will run redas we all knowto repay our sinsblood must be shedcries of childrenleft alonenobody now to take them homehow will you act?you took so much for grantedand now its all gonethe agony of memorieswill outlive you by long
As I Watch The Rain Fall...
As I watch the rain fallI wait for someone to callSomeone to call my nameSomeone who feels the sameAs the rain drips down the glassI think about my pastAll the things people have said to meHow all I want is to be freeFree from all the pain and fearI've suffered too much these past few yearsI wish that I was different in so many waysLife has been so hard these past daysAs I listen to the rain fallI wait for someone to callSomeone to say they love meSomeone who can set me freeFree from worry and painBut tight nowI'll just sit and watch the rain.
You Know Your Old School Fubar When.... (credit For This Goes To Hard 2 Handle)
You Know Youre Old Skool Fu..... If you can remember only being able to rate a profile ONCE in a lifetime Making it to the rank of Godfather was a big deal If you remember leveling groups If you competed in contests with the prize being a Big Pimpin Gift If you use to win spotlight every couple weeks with a bid of 32,000 fubucks.  If you remember Sporks You remember big nasty dimple ass pics being OK to run as default If you said to yourself... "Yeah RIGHT!" when 1 credit blings came out If you ever comment bombed  If you can remember JD being a chick ;) If you couldnt use a credit card on here if you wanted to. If you remember only being able to rate a pic once in a lifetime VIP? WTF is that? If you actually spent most of your time on here rating pix You paid attention to Bulletins If shouts were shitty... Oh no, that hasnt changed. Sorry If you use to trade stash rates If you can remember WTF a st
It's Cool
It's cool the way i am.  Why ask. Because i am the way i am.
So I'm sick...AGAIN. I'm sooooo tired of this shit. Seems like every other week I'm getting sick. Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat, and today my glands are swollen to the size of golf balls and my throat is raw. I currently have a mix of: -Emergen-c -Oxy -Dayquil -Doxycycline and -Herbal remedy in me...   I refuse to be sick for christmas, this is bullshit. the people who keep bitching about what *I'M* doing wrong all the time...friendship is a two way street. You expect ME to call always, ME to email always, ME to be sitting in front of my computer 24/7 and if I don't then it's world war 3...if you're not available or if you have something pressing going on in your life it's fine for you to disappear for any length of time. You need to understand that I have a life, I have people who count on me, and I have a set schedule that I adhere to every week. Time differences make a huge difference as well. Especially, say, a 15 hour time difference. When you're a
A Love Like Ours
A love like ours   Oh my love can you feel that gentle spring rain and how it beads down our necked flesh. As you pull me to you I feel our temperatures rise and how wonderful your lips feel pressed against mine. I feel your hands roaming radically over my body so afraid you might leave a place untouched. I feel your lips slowly move to my neck these soft sweet kisses causes a sweet wetness between my legs. Your lips slowly move down my body I see you look up to gaze into my eyes. To my surprise you gently grab my ankle to place it on your shoulder. Now I am placed snuggly between you and a tree. I feel your tongue at my wonderful sweet spot gently but radically I feel your tongue move about my clit I moan with sheer delight unable to stop my body from quivering how my body aches in a pleasurable way. The next thing I know you are placing my clit into your mouth sucking and gently nibbling it in such a way unable to hold back I squirt deep into your mouth and to my surprise you suck
Sexy Sirens Infoblog With My Commentary And Translation.
Please note, the parentheses is my translation so enjoy. Sexy Siren info Hello, Thank you for your interest in participating as a Sexy Siren.(Thank you for being a woman with extremely low self esteem, and boosting mine by being in my little clique). These "rules" take effect on Jan.01 2011 and will be modified as needed.( These are the guidelines to stay in the clique and coddle the low self esteem you currently have.)Thank You for your patience. Only Ladies will be Friends on this page, participating or not.(I need all the women on fu I can get on a list to hit them up for nude shots).  Though I will not Fan you unless you are participating.(I don't care if you need points, you aren't getting any more than you deserve). The Sexy Sirens are the Lovely Ladies of Fubar that allow me to post thier photos to help attract attention to thier pages(and my fapping pleasure). As part of that help, the Sirens will be cycled thr
Day 27
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge BECAUSE I AM ALWAYS FUCKING BORED
Ruadh Gu Brath! Redheads Forever!
Throughout history, redheads have been feared and revered, loathed and adored, degraded and exalted. No other human trait has provoked such a array of emotions in such a large number of fellow humans. It is like boiling is to freezing or despair is to hope. There are degrees of reddishness when referring to hair, including ginger, auburn (reddish brown), and strawberry blonde. Red hair is found most commonly at the western fringes of Europe. Leading the pack, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and England have the most redheads. Scotland has the highest proportion with 13% having red hair and approximately 40% possessing the recessive redhead gene. Ireland is second highest with approximately 10% having it and 40% carrying the gene. The U.S. can boast (or not) anywhere from two to six percent of the population having red tresses. A seemingly insignificant figure, but with a massive population, this gives the good ol' USA the largest number of redheads in the world with 6 to 18 million. Compar
Thursday - December 16, 2010
I am auctioning off my points for Thursday the 16th of December.... This auction will close at 6PM CST on December 16th, 2010.... The points will be given from 6:30 PM til 6:30 AM.... This will allow for a reset which will generate more rates; thus more points.... Please leave only auction bids in the comments section below.... Thank you and have a wonderful day/night....   I will accept the following: - Fubux - Ability Blings (Boomerangs, MegaPolishers, Famps, Auto 11s, Cherry Bombs, God Mode) - Bling Packs - Happy Hours, Blasts, Pimp Outs, etc....   * Will also consider multiple day bids....   **Remember: You get what you bid for, someone else just does all the work for you....
boondocks\ BOON-doks \noun; 1. A remote rural area (usually preceded by "the.") 2. An uninhabited area with thick natural vegetation, as a backwoods or marsh.
Something cannot emerge from nothing.  -  Frank Herbert
Happy Holidays, Too Those Who Care.
I note my first blog was a fail but nice, and if you have the time to view it I fixed it!! Was sentimental and you will fully enjoy. We have so much to be thankful for! I used to think it was so cheesy because of the idiot notion  of gift giving, picking names out of a hat and buying them a 10$ gift they will stick in the bottom of their drawer. now, I realize how important it is to give thanks for our  immence abundance, each year, each day! I won't list every single thing i'm thankful for, because ill be here all day, but if your reading this, know that I am thankful for you and your presence in this amazing life. Yours truly...Tarantula
You're All Clear, Kid! Now Let's Blow This Thing And Go Home!
Candy cane, Kutlass, and Unique … one benefit of working the paper route delivering the Minot Daily News is that we get to hear parts of the “family friendly” (sorry that’s in quotes because it’s so overused and sometimes covers a multitude of sins) Doug and Jaci Velasquez early morning show on KHRT and earn points by entering online the early bird word, the artist of the day, and the word of the day.  Since I’m online more than Martha is, it’s left to me to have the account in my name at the Family Rewards page ( and I don’t mind doing it.  Not only can you win items if your name is drawn by entering the rightly picked entry – so far I haven’t, but my time there is young – but also there are great items you can buy by redeeming x points.  And it’s fun to hear too, even with blaring Christmas music these days.         So Luke Skywalker flies down the Death Star trench wi
Zenith Defy Classic Chrono Aero Watch For Men
    Does it ever cross your mind why most men dislike shopping? Is it because they hate the idea of spending money for a very expensive stuff but would only use it for rare occasions? Zenith Defy Classic Chrono Aero Or they just don’t like to swim in a large crowd of shoppers especially during mall sales? Whichever reason is acceptable, guys are plainly minimalist. But if there is one thing they won’t hesitate to spend their money on, that would be for a classy, timeless and sturdy accessory – a wristwatch. Men’s watches sometimes just look the same but the elegance of each varies from one another depending on its use. For this season, Zenith Defy Classic Chrono Aero offers their very dazzling Zenith watches in addition to their growing and famous Zenith El Primero Watches. If you still can’t find the perfect Christmas present for your dad, brother, boyfriend or husband just yet and you believe that they deserve to receive a simple treat this season, th
Wholesale Replica Omega Seamaster Watches,constellation,de Ville,speedmaster 50% Off On
As one of leading members in Swatch Group, undoubtedly the Swiss watch maker Omega is consistently specialized in making the best timepieces meant for the planet. omega seamaster watches_Replica Omega watches_ Omega watches is only for excellent precision combined with techniques.  In the past 150 years, they have received great number of success along with formulated superb landmark designed for the very whole watch industry. At present, a number of luxury watch designers in particular manner along with functionality speed straight into some people’s everyday life, Omega remains to be one of the top promoting watch companies. Omega watches are highly liked by many keen watch fans and entrepreneurs. The omega seamaster watches_Replica Omega watches_ Omega watches are the lovely choices to make your outfit nice. When it comes to the stunning accessories, the most important, possibly is your watch. Go to the online stores and take a glance at them, you will find them a lot. You ar
Thinking To Oneself,
Thinking to oneself, covering such thought with sounds of static overlapping the visual language within colliding with memories, echoes though out time, hearing only certain forms that wish to be heard, how this connection of life and the independent view agree without conversation about the outcomes of such chaotic patterns, with emotional conditions eclipsing certain moments relating ones own experience to the present, subjects concerning ….
Wasp fly overhead wings of…., lines within…… so many drifting minds, day dreaming about their lives, each hour…. spanning seconds…. special moments, tides, rhythms of lovers dismissed then reattached reasons that thrive to keep such ideas inside…. Frames…. disfigured lanes…… broken shores…..creaking doors finding a place to be sane….perpetual motions…… songs of oceans tides clashing back and from written…dwelling hearts finding time apart to understand choices…part of the plain…adoring parts designed…violets and sunflowers…sensual examinations…..translucently covered….those lips…breaths..
Breaths In
Simple Bliss Breaths            In Visions began               Started her trance Reflecting what she dreamt Beneath the moon She saw the fool Dancing to his tunes He ran next to the winds Thinking of that last kiss                     Rain started falling                           Drops echoed Through the mist she watched Smiled, Laughed Debating questions                Within his glance Answers Returned Gone
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Where Have All The Flowers Gone?
I Am Back
hey everyone   its been a long time since my last blog but there has been so much that has happened since then like first off i am a father now .... and its fuckin awsome but at the same time me and the mother are seperate which sucks but wat can u so ah ummm wats else is new .... this is new someone has voted me a asshat for some odd reason but wat can i do its their opinion .... but anyway make sure to check my profile to rate, add, and chat cus its always good to talk to ppl
Fubar Oddities
If you get caught in a endless rolling bouncer check for some reason clicking on a friends profile and entering the code gets you out of it      if you are polishing bling and leave the list of Favorites for after you have polished ten the click the link above that say click to view all favorites you get 10 more for there
Faux News Exposed! :p
Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid A new survey of American voters shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. December 15, 2010  |     Yet another study has been released proving that watching Fox News is detrimental to your intelligence. World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation. So the more you watch, the less you know. Or to be precise, the more you think you know that is actually false. This study corroborates a previous PIPA studythat focused on the Iraq war with similar results. And there was an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that demonstrated the break with reality on the part
Athletic Footwear And Quinceanera Dresses For Your Fifteen
A Specific Component Of Men's Clothing Athletic footwear undoubtedly are a specific component of men's clothing. energetic guys require footwear which can be durable, lightweight and properly made. Christian Louboutin Boots Basketball footwear are usually the 1st issue that arrives to thoughts when one thinks on men's athletic shoes. There are countless other kinds of footwear in inclusion to basketball. All sport activity footwear for guys are produced essentially identical with several distinctions along the lines of cleats and height. There are also several groups of footwear that create a distinction in put on and comfort. Christian Louboutin Shoes through the least expensive footwear towards most pricey men's athletic footwear vary. It is critical which you come across the appropriate shoe to suit you man or women demands for training, durability and comfort. The 1st class is movement manage Shoes. Christian Louboutin Pumps These footwear are one of the most rigid, manage orien
Athletic Footwear And Quinceanera Dresses For Your Fifteen
A Specific Component Of Men's Clothing Athletic footwear undoubtedly are a specific component of men's clothing. energetic guys require footwear which can be durable, lightweight and properly made. Christian Louboutin Boots Basketball footwear are usually the 1st issue that arrives to thoughts when one thinks on men's athletic shoes. There are countless other kinds of footwear in inclusion to basketball. All sport activity footwear for guys are produced essentially identical with several distinctions along the lines of cleats and height. There are also several groups of footwear that create a distinction in put on and comfort. Christian Louboutin Shoes through the least expensive footwear towards most pricey men's athletic footwear vary. It is critical which you come across the appropriate shoe to suit you man or women demands for training, durability and comfort. The 1st class is movement manage Shoes. Christian Louboutin Pumps These footwear are one of the most rigid, manage orien
Twas The Night Before....
Twas the night before xmas all over the fu, all the fu whores are whoring, even the jew. The stockings are hung by the desks with sweet care. In hopes Baby J will soon be there.  The pervs are all nestled snug in their beds while visions of fu whores dance in their heads. When out of the server we heard such a clatter. and ran to our puters to see whats the matter.  Typing away with such a flash. we open our browsers to see what had crashed. The glow of the screen gave it away. The crash was a fu whale who had gotten away.  When what to my wandering eyes should appear. But a miniture gnome and eight tiny fu ponies dressed as reindeer. With a horny lil driver so lively and quick. I knew at that moment it was St. Dick. more rapid than viagra his coursers came and he whistled and shouted and called them by name.  Now chewbacca!! Now blackhole!! Now blue tacos and cunts!! On yetti!! on skunks! on fu whores and sluts!! To the top of the fu charts we must go! Go fu ho, go fu ho, go fu ho
Janey Godley’s Podcast “episode 23”
(Please be aware that this Podcast Contains strong language) In the Twenty-third episode of Janey Godley’s podcast, the mother and daughter duo discuss The Virgin Media buzzing box, they dissect the latest Hollywood movies and debate access to famous people through twitter. Janey has a rant about Liz Hurley and her latest sexual conquest, Ashley’s talks about her weird jelly dreams and Janey rambles on about the Irwin Family in Australia. Ashley explains why her generation was let down by the movies of the 90’s. Our photo competitions get a mention, Janey tells a big Glasgow story that really is lost in translation and Ashley tells the truth about getting vibrated in a department store.     Mother and Daughter comedy team get to natter and the world gets to hear it on Janey Godley’s podcasts, expect some bawdy language and home truths, as Janey Godley and Ashley Storrie lead you down the roads less taken in their fantastic weekly podcast. Listen as mother an
12 Days Of Xmas! (fu Style)
On the First day of xmas the Fu Whores Gave me a herpes breakout that everyone could see. On the Second day of xmas the Fu Whores gave me two over used balls.  On the Third day of xmas the Fu Whores gave me three french ticklers.  On the forth day of xmas the Fu Whores gave me four calling pervs. On the Fifth day of xmas the Fu Whores gave me five golden cock rings.  On the sixth day of xmas the Fu Whores gave me six penises spraying.  On the seventh day of xmas the Fu Whores gave me seven whales a swimming. On the eighth day of xmas the Fu Whores gave me eight jacks a jacking. On the ninth day of xmas the Fu Whores gave me nine sluts a whoring.  On the tenth day of xmas the Fu Whores gave me ten sparkling belg's prancing.  On the eleventh day of xmas the Fu Whores gave me eleven begging bling whores.  On the twelfth day of xmas the Fu Whores gave me twelve over charged credit cards. 
My Suit Is Being Made.
I ended up going with a 75% Wool 25% Cashmere suit in Charcoal grey, with a brown and green lining (to bring out my eyes). 2 shirts (oxford of course) with French cut cuffs (because cuff links ROCK) I'm gonna look PIMP in Vegas next month. Pics as soon as it's finished!   -R
Sb Shout....
when I went on the perv scroll,  I come back to tons of shits & giggles  & literally ..... I mean shits!!!  now....  should I be offended that he didn't even say Hello first..... Jake900: I wanna bend you over a chair and fuck ur pussy so hard u scream   gotta fly but (h) some of ya's   who the fuck doesn't like gigglesnortin all day?    peace baby  
bored out of my mind wish the cybersex worl wasnt a dying a breed. if u read this and ur a woman who loves to cyber fuck send me a messege
dear bloggy day 2.. so im sitting in a room in the dorm over listen to a exchange soccer play i think shes introuble for playing professional and then coming here which u cant do.. i have now taken 3 finals and got two Bs and i hope the rest are A's i had to write 12 pages and mine was the frist one the teacher got its about my depressing life. yuck.   love,   ruthie     im excited about tomorrow because im going to be drinking yay!
Nothing More I Hate Then Doing This
So as alot of ya'll know Im recently divorced from my 2nd worthless husband that left me for his co-worker and I needed to start my life over..Typical after a divorce...Anyways I recently moved and had my stuff stored at a "so called" friends house...My words exactly "SO CALLED" well as I finally find a place for me and my son (and daughter tho she decided to move in with her bf)...I went to go and get all my stuff moved and well the "so called" friend had stolen prolly 85% of all my stuff that belonged to me and my son...When I say 85% worth of stuff I mean anything she could get her hands on...Everything I had for my bathroom GONE...Pots and pans (in which I had very little of) GONE...Silverware and kitchen stuff I had GONE...Shelves that were made for me GONE...Sons trunk full of video games GONE...His tools and much more stuff...Well Iam asking anyone that has anything (or knows of anyone) that has stuff they are getting rid of to let me know...It really brings tears
Lances' Non-rant In Christmas Honor
In honor of the Christmas Season, I shall NOT hate on something. BEHOLD the wonder that which is...Wendy's!I know what you are saying under your breath about Wendy's and how you only eat there when you are drunk, but hear me out. In our current struggling economy, sometimes you need some value for your dollar. You can be the cheapest bastard ever and they still ask you, "Will you be eating in the dining room sir?" You are goddamn right I am going to eat in the dining room, and you are going to serve me too!!! The attempt at keeping it classy when I am as far from it as possible is commendable. Here is a tip of the cap to your chicken sandwiches, baked potatoes and fake flowers on the table. You keep all of us poor bastards from starving.
My Christmas Wish
The presents are wrapped and under the tree The lights are all up and bright as can be Everyone's full of Christmas cheer It's just not the same without you here This time of year is always so sad I wish you were here, I miss you so bad You always loved when Christmas time came Since you've been gone it's just not the same The gleem in your eye, the smile on your face Nothing else on earth could ever replace You made us all happy no matter the cost Now with you gone I'm feeling so lost If I could have one wish to really come true I'd wish for this Christmas to bring me back you I know that I shouldn't be feeling this way I just don't understand why you couldn't stay As time slowly passes, every single minute There's no memory I have without you in it        Wanda A. Jones 12/15/10
Help With Punishment!
I don't ask much of my slave, but what I do ask is for him to follow my 3 simple rules!  Rules are as follows 1. I'm always right 2. What I say goes and 3. If in doubt refer back to rules 1 and 2.  Doesn't seem hard to do.  But for my lovely slave it is very difficult for him to grasp this concept!   I have promised that if he follows these rules that he will have everything his little heart desires.  He will be able to become the woman that he wants to be.  Yes, you all for those that don't know it our little IROC is wanting a sex change into a woman.  I'm more than happy to give that to him!  I will give him all cock he wants to fuck and suck.  Yep, that is what I have promised him!  I've also promised to love him cherish him and accept him for all his little flaws.   While I'm a loving Mistress. I do have a wrath like no other. I am not called a Bitch for nothing! I give out harsh punishments and one of the punishments I told him would be that I would come to ya'll and ask for you
Sexy Siren Info
  Hello Ladies and thank you for your interest in participating with the Sexy Sirens. Detailed below you will find all the info you will need to participate. Satyr's Sexy Sirens are the lovely Ladies of Fubar that allow me to post their photos to help attract more attention to their individual pages. The Sexy Sirens Homepage is Ladies Only! ALL INTERESTED MUST have a Fubar approved sfw salute to even be considered, this is required to ensure the page remains LADIES ONLY!! Also you can NOT share an account with your boyfriend or husband or allow access to the Sexy Sirens Homepage via your account to your boyfriend, husband or male friends. You and your photos will be deleted and blocked immediately! To participate you will need to post 2 photos minimum. The first is a SFW photo. This photo is public and will be cycled through the Profile Pic to bring attention to your page. The other photo is a NSFW ( frontal topless minimum ). This photo is Family Only! This photo was suggested b
Ok So I Might Be An Asshole...
DJ PEACHYG...: drill: Please do not send me your invites to your crappy lounge....thanks DJ PEACHYG...: ok u dont have to be mean about it drill: If I was mean about it I would have called you an intruding cunt who was violating my personal space by posting this fucking garbage in my shoutbox and I would have told you if I wanted to go to your piece of shit lounge I would already be a fucking member...but notice I didn't say that. I held back. Kept it polite. Hell I even said the word "Please". Next time do not attempt to give others a lesson in manners when you invaded my space in the first place. Have a good day and a very merry xmas. DJ PEACHYG...: im sorry DJ PEACHYG...: i dint mean anything bye it and im truly sorry drill: No problem...have a good one I really liked how she was apologizing there at the end....I found that to be funny and I had to share....
Funny Pregnant Woman
Funny Pregnant Woman Graphics & Funny Pregnant Pictures
Prego Funies
Funny Pregnant Womans Graphics & Funny Pregnant Pictures
Prego Funies
3WoRdSIAMPreGnAnT Graphics & Funny Pregnant Pictures
My Mom's Battle With Ms & Why I Will Never Give Up On Health And Fitness
I am a complete "Mama's girl". There is not one person in the world whom I could ever love more. My mom has been my rock ever since she gave birth to me. She is my best friend and the only person in the world I can tell my every secret to, no matter how dark, and not be judged. I can go to her for anything. She has given up so much for me and done everything in her power to ensure that I have the best life possible. Needless to say, she has done a damn good job at doing that. My mom has always been a passionate nurse and puts everyone before herself. As long as my brother and I are happy and everyone else she loves is taken care of then she is happy. When I was 15 years old my mother was diagnosed with MS. At that time, I did not understand what the heck this disease was and what a long hard road we had ahead of us. I just noticed that she could never lie by our pool anymore (her favorite thing to do), she did not have any energy, she was always sick with flu-like symptom
Fuck Milk,got Beer Lmao
Funny Graphics & Funny Baby Pictures
Funny Baby
Funny Baby Graphics & Funny Baby Pictures
The Glow Radio
Wednesday Night on The Glow Radio: First up is DJ Siren spinning 80's,90's,& Today's Rock & Metal. starting at 3pm pt/4pm mt/5pm ct/6pm et/11pm gmt next up is The Mistress of Hard Rock, Goth & Metal; Thee Witch at 6pm pt/7pm mt/8pm ct/9pm et/2am gmt Closing Tonight is Tony the Misfit & his Freak Show featuring the best in Rock, Alternative, & Metal Music  at 9pm pt/10pm mt/11pm ct/Midnight et/5am gmt   Check out the Website & check out all the new improvements DJ Summer our Webmistress has done   TUNE IN AND WATCH THE GLOW GROW ___________________   Tune in and enjoy the best tunes anywhere on the Web.  The music community for the coolest cats in town!      p
Free Things
For Tawnya
Dear Tawnya, I loved you. I don’t know how I can state it any more plainly. I loved you for everything I thought you were, and for everything that I became when I was with you.  When we were together, I felt truly happy and complete in a way that I had never felt before. Being with you recontextualized everything that I thought I knew about love, and I came to understand that while I had felt love in the past, it was only a shadow of what real love could be.  Now, I don’t honestly believe that I will ever find someone who I can feel that same love for, and with that realization, I can find very little motivation to experience the future at all.  The two of us related on a level that went beyond simple emotion or base attraction. We made our connection on a truly spiritual level, which is something so rare as to be unique in our lives, and something that I believed was worth trying to hold onto.  I loved you the moment i met you, like all the pieces were falling into pl
Her Arrival Part I
  She adjusted her seatbelt as the announcement was made over the plane's intercom to prepare for landing... she could feel the nervous butterflies in the pit of her stomach as she momentarily panicked... what was she thinking of when she agreed to travel across the states to meet with a man from online... yes they had spoken on the phone and they had chatted online for a long time... but reality hit her... how much did she really know him? she felt the tension of the plane's speed as the wheels touched to the ground... her hands nervously clinging to each other as the plane slowed and made it's way to the terminal... she watched out her window and wondered if he was looking out toward the plane... feeling the same nervous tension in meeting her... she stood and reached into the overhead compartment for her bag when the plane finally stopped at the terminal gateway and set it down on the seat as she checked herself one last time... making sure the cotton eyelet white b
How To Build A Tesla Generator To Save Money On Electricity
The increase in electricity costs has impacted many of us which is the main reason why an ever-increasing number of people are seeking to find alternative energy sources, including wind power, solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal power. There is an escalating curiosity about self-sustaining generation devices, that were at first developed by Nikola Tesla and enhanced by quite a few others. Click here to read more - Tesla fuelless generator and How to build a Tesla generator These kinds of Tesla Generators apparently create more power than they take in, therefore their proponents claim that they create free electricity. A number of small-scale systems have already been constructed and they do seem to operate. These types of systems work with exactly the same principle as radio and cell phone antennas, as they are hit by radio waves they create a little current which can then be utilized to do things such as fill up a cellular phone power supply. Bigger devices have already been creat
Breakeven lyricsSongwriters: Frampton, Andrew; Kipner, Stephen; O Donoghue, Daniel John; Sheehan, Mark Anthony;I'm still alive but I'm barely breathingJust prayed to a God that I don't believe in'Cause I got time while she got freedom'Cause when a heart breaks, no it don't breakevenHer best days will be some of my worstShe finally met a man that's gonna put her firstWhile I'm wide awake she's no trouble sleeping'Cause when a heart breaks, no it don't breakeven, even, noWhat am I suppose to doWhen the best part of me was always you andWhat am I suppose to sayWhen I'm all choked up and you're okayI'm falling to pieces, yeahI'm falling to piecesThey say bad things happen for a reasonBut no wise words gonna stop the bleeding'Cause she's moved on while I'm still grievingAnd when a heart breaks, no it don't breakeven, even, noWhat am I gonna doWhen the best part of me was always youAnd what am I suppose to sayWhen I'm all choked up and you're okayI'm falling to pieces, yeahI'm falling to pie
Too Funny 4 Words!
Joe complains to Mike his elbow hurts. Mike says "go to Walmart Dr." It's a machine you dump a urine  sample  and it tells you what's wrong with you. Joe figured he would try it! He goes to Wal mart and  dumps his urine into the slot. After 30 secs the Dr. prints out instructions. You have tennis elbow,  take some alieve(aisle 2) and avoid heavy lifting. Later that night Joe wondered if he could mess  with the machine.  So he mixed some puppy pee...urine samples from both his daughter and wife, and a little semen of his own.  He took it back to the Walmart and dumped into the machine.  After 30 secs it printed out instructions.  Your puppy has worms buy meds (aisle 3),  your  daughter's addicted to crack, put her in rehab, and your wife's pregnant with twins, their  not yours get a lawyer....& Quit jacking off, your elbow will never get better!!  Thank you for  shopping at Walmart!
Love And Caring
Love the heart that hurts you, but never hurt the heart that loves you. - Vipin Sharma Love is a wonderful thing. You never have to take it away From one person to give it to another. There's always more than enough to go around. - Pamela de Roy Teach love to those who hate, and let that love embrace you as you go out into the world. May the teachings of those you admire become part of you, so that you may call upon them. Remember, those whose lives you have touched and whose have touched yours are always a part of you, even if the encounters were less than you would have wished. It is the content of the encounter that is more important than the form. The buddy system is essential to your survival; it gives the enemy somebody else to shoot at. - Murphy's Military Laws True friends can see the hurt in your eyes when everyone else is fooled by your smileAnyone can make you smile or cryBut it takes someone special to make you smileWhen you already have tears in your eyes Throughout your l
Withheld flaws create perfection, but perfection creates flaw in itself, for there can be no good, without an evil. -12.15.10- ~Astra Thundersky~
Moments with this phase trance /sliders/  Movements pause then drifting Useage living such death phases of flesh rubber ducky /sliders/ hearts numbing rain singing to the huh........ /sliders/  
Tears Tonight
Tossing and turning.. Seems to be part of my nights since he's left. I miss my Hubby and Sailor so much. A night hasn't gone by that I don't lay my head on my pillow and tears slowly begin to fall.. I grab the pillow next to mine and hold on tight and breath in the scent of his aftershave. Not many people understand or even can begin to imagine how my heart feels. I can't help but miss him. I can't help but feel empty and like something is missing. The obstacles we have overcome and here we are. I love this man with my whole heart. Counting down the days till he comes home is all I can do. Staring at pictures and hanging on to his last words. Writing emails and hoping he has time to read them or hope he even receives them. Tonight is just one of those nights where I miss my other half. I miss laying my head on his chest and falling asleep. Send him home soon my heart misses the other half to it!
equations,... crazy i am or nasty so sweet another +- finding breath to be so -+ some move/others stay +- simple lips drench in decay -+ another voice go run and play+-  
Every 15 Minutes
Every 15 MinutesThe sound of the heart monitor steadily beeping,A teen laying in a room barely alive,Families in shambles praying to God,A school laying in wait wondering why.One dead three hanging on,Every 15 minutes somebody dies, Drinking and driving could have killed them all.A little sister clueless,Not understanding why she cant see her brother.A late call in the middle of the night, Made to and unexpecting parent,The Grim Reaper has claimed another life.Two dead, two hanging on.The cuffs being put on one.Every 15 minutes a family loses a member.Every 15 minutes a school loses a student.Every 15 minutes a someone loses a friend.Every 15 minutes…. -Cassie Hart
How I'm Feeling About Something And It Also Explains How I Am,sung By Luscious Jackson
                                                    Stardust   One day I was telling you all about coming from dust, cashed it in to buy a few locks I knew would'nt rust, If I lock you up,will the edges fade, would you understand, how simple I am?   I can walk for many miles thinking that I'll never comprehend, I can't argue worth a damn cause I know my questions never end, If I walk away,will the phrases play or would they all become one, under the sun,   And when the pleasure is done, why don't I wanna know it all,why don't I want to know it all? And when the measure is done, Said how I already know it all.   Answers never satisfy,I wear them out as soon as they come, I lye in between the sides,I'm happy when the fighting is done, So I'll read the news and I'll get the blues, And I'll make it matter, for a minute or two,   And when the pleasure is done, Why don't I wanna know it all,Why don't I wanna know it all? And when the measure is done, Said how I al
"UNITED" The beat of my heart flows along with the music, the music of the horses breathing, the horses pounding hoof beats, and the horses' heart beat as we as one united being gallop across the open land. I hear the gushing of the rivers and waterfalls; I hear the whispering of the trees deep in the forest, I hear the whooshing of the sands in a desert storm. I hear the lonely cote cry to the moon and the proud wolves rejoice a life of freedom. The beat of my heart flows along with the music, the music of the horses breathing, the horses pounding hoof beats the horses' heart beat as we as one united being gallop across the open land. -Cassie hart
Spirit To Spirit Unified
I was at the Hospital yesterday and received a very expensive gift, not in monetary value but rather in the value of coexistence. While waiting for transport I stood by the front window and noticed a man dressed shabby but clean, walking toward the front with a large Golden Retriever on his left. Dog-Hospital-state law***It was a seeing eye dog, a guide dog. As they came down the ramp I saw the man's lips move, I was in=he was out, didn't hear words but the dog veered to the right and headed for the doors which opened electronically. The dog stopped and waited for door motion to cease and then proceeded to lead the man to the 2nd set of doors with the same reaction there. They stepped inside and on to the carpeted floor and once inside the dog stepped in front of the man to stop him and when he did the dog looked left, then right, then up and only then did he start to move again. When the floor turned from carpet to tile the dog stopped and he noticed a janitor with a mop touching up s
Letting Go
In life we hold on to everything from the physical to the material.  We tend to never let go of the past so that the present can make sense and the future can unfold.  I have loved and lost many a times and when it hurts i pull it in so that I can keep the memories but I am realizing now that it is doing more damage than good to hold on.  To let go to me is like losing a part of myself just like the initial loss in the first place so it is going through the pain all over again.  Boogieman I release you from my life because I know now that you will only cause me pain if I continue to love you in ways that you don't deserve.  I have loved in without love in return.  We have both hurt one another but you are still seen as perfect.  You have blamed me for your unhappiness for the last time.  I can no longer accpet the blame I will now move on to a life that deserves my love and presence. If hurting me has made you happy and my happiness only has caused you misery then we don't need each ot
My edge is a razor slice and dice all you fools like a Julienne fry-maker please pass the assault I'm about to blast off the viciousness of my wishedness is a primal maliciousness 50 feet tall and made of solid granite if you could hear my inner thought you'd pass a petition to ban it the rumors are true my status ain't new I just took off for a few hours days years thru the passage of many seasons the flow is still right here I feel so strange everything changed everything stayed the same still don't give a fuck if you remember my name.
Wednesday - December 15, 2010
I am auctioning off my points for Tuesday the 14th of December.... This auction will close at 6PM CST on December 14th, 2010.... The points will be given from 6:30 PM til 6:30 AM.... This will allow for a reset which will generate more rates; thus more points.... Please leave only auction bids in the comments section below.... Thank you and have a wonderful day/night....   I will accept the following: - Fubux - Ability Blings (Boomerangs, MegaPolishers, Famps, Auto 11s, Cherry Bombs, God Mode) - Bling Packs - Happy Hours, Blasts, Pimp Outs, etc....   * Will also consider multiple day bids....   **Remember: You get what you bid for, someone else just does all the work for you....
brazen\ BREY-zuhn \adjective; 1. Shameless or impudent. 2. Made of brass.
I decline to accept the end of man.  -  William Faulkner
Cobra- Ology
1.You have 10 dollars and need to buy snacks at a gas station: Mt Dew, reese's pieces, sour cream and cheddar potato chips2. If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you want to be? Dolphin 3. Whos your favorite redhead? Reba McEntire4. What do you order at IHOP?  Bluebery Pancakes 5. Last book you read? The Bible and still reading it 6. Describe your mood. Content 7. Describe the last time you were injured? about a month ago when I fell through the kitchen floor 8. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with? all of em 9. Rock concert or symphony? rock concert 10. What is the wallpaper of your cell phone? a beach scene on two, and green neon lights on the other11. Favorite Soda? Mtn. Dew,  12. What type of shirt are you wearing? Pink shirt13. If you could only use one form of transportation: a 4wd jacked up pick up truck 14. Most recent movie you have watched in theatres? None don't care for the theaters much  15. Name an actor/actress/singer you h
Holiday For Two: Couples Gift Guide
Whether you and your spouse fancy wine tasting, travelingCwatch hobbyist or just lounging in your home, here is our gift guide of what to get each other and enjoy together this Christmas holiday season. As a fun holiday gift, treat your lover (and yourself) with his or hers luggage for your upcoming excursion. You can walk through the airport declaring your love with these stylized, personalized totes. A LV draw-bar box and a dark color Chanel handbag will make you couple always the best matched mate in the airport. Spend quality time with the one you love by whipping up some hot cocoa and reading to one another or working on the crossword puzzle together. These custom mugs are meant to stay in a pair, just like you and your plus one. At this great beautiful moment, if you two have couple watches, like Corum Golden Bridge and Chanel J12 Diamond, to witness, to record, to leave your harmony, peaceful but profound love on the track of time will be the most unforgettable time sect
For Space Travel
  The Omega Speedmaster 3534.70, selected by U.S. space agencies. Zero gravity environment and other extreme conditions encountered by astronauts in space require the use of specially tested watches. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin wore a Shturmanskie (a transliteration of Øòóðìàíñêèå which actually means "navigator's") wristwatch during his historic first flight into space. The Shturmanskie was manufactured at the First Moscow Factory. Since 1964, the watches of the First Moscow Factory have been marked by the trademark "ÏÎËÅÒ", transliterated as "POLJOT", which means "flight" in Russian and is a tribute to the many space trips its watches have accomplished. In the late 1970s, Poljot launched a new chrono movement, the 3133. With a 23 jewel movement and manual winding (43 hours), it was a modified Russian version of the Swiss Valjoux 7734 of the early 1970s. Poljot 3133 were taken into space by astronauts from Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine. On the arm of Valeriy Polyakov, a P
dear bloggy, so i use to write in a blog everyday on myspace but now i dont like myspace and the last time i was on it wwas a year ago i need a new place to write to so i picked my beloved fubar.   so today wasnt that bad i had a final at 10 and of course i woke up at 10.... so we were suspost to do presentations then take a test but we ran out of time and the teacher didnt give us the test! which was supper sweet because i didnt study that hard. i have 3 finals tomorrow which they will all be easy.   then i need to pack and get away from the dorms which sucks becausei  have to take the fish with me. i dont know where to take him. and i dont want to go home for xmasbecause my dad was a super dick last tiem i was at my house here is the story:   9:47 am i get 2 corn dogs out of the package my dads like how much do u weigh and im like 263... hes like u should be down to 200 and im like yeah it doesnt happen in a week. then hes like i know. hes like u shouldnt be eafting that and i
30 Things You Wouldn't Think To Ask
30 Things You Wouldn't Think To Ask/Share Answer these 30 Things You Wouldn't Think To Ask. 1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? yes 2. Do you close your eyes on a roller coaster? No. 3. When's the last time you've been sledding? mud sledding just a few weeks ago 4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? If I can't sleep with the one I care for then alone!5. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes 6. Do you consider yourself creative? Yes 7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife? well Duh 8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Angelina is good movie actress, Jennifer is a good tv series actress9. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? yes, most are full of lies and false promises10. Do you know how to play poker? Yes. Not well 11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? Yes12. What's your favorite commercial? the pothole commercial and the state farm commercials13. Who was your first love? first "puppy love" Bo. First true love was Scott14. If you're drivi
Sing With Me!
WHEN THE END OF THE MONTH ROLLS AROUND   You can tell by the smell that she isn't feeling well As the end of the month rolls around You can tell by the blotch that she's got a leaky crotch As the end of the month rolls around So it's Hi Hi Hee in the Kotex factory Shout out your sizes loud and clear ... Small ... medium ... large ... We've got rags to fit a barge When the end of the month rolls around You can tell by her pout that her eggs are falling out As the end of the month rolls around You can tell by her walk that you will get it... NOT! As the end of the month rolls around You can tell by the stain that she's in a lot of pain As the end of the month rolls around You can tell by her stance that she's got cotton in her pants As the end of the month rolls around You can tell by her pain that you'll be beating off again As the end of the month rolls around You can tell by the string that she's got something up her thing As the end of the m
Day 26
Day 26- What you think about your friends i've been looking forward to this question for weeks, and now when its here i'm at a loss for words...but plan and simple, i've had the same best friends for forever, weve all grown up together, and been through everything together, hell were closer together than our own damn families. matter a fact, my bitches are my family
The Origin Of Dress And Gucci Footwear
Gucci Footwear For Varied Occasions And Interpersonal Functions Gucci footwear are various in the finest stylish footwear that you simply can see in your industry today. Christian Louboutin Sale becoming a head in fashion, Gucci's programs continually highlight the latest, most stylish variations of shoes. These footwear are created away from best good quality components and developed delicately and elaborately to ensure one of the best quality. Gucci is well-recognized for its stylish and luxurious pairs of footwear and towards the upper school owning pairs of Gucci footwear is surely a indication of fame and wealth. Christian Louboutin 2010 Most people are so acquainted with Gucci manufacturers mainly because it is recognized for its large finish programs all throughout the world. Wealthy people surely require pairs of Gucci footwear for varied occasions and interpersonal functions. the majority of them personal pairs of footwear for shopping, dating, sports activities actions and
The Origin Of Dress And Gucci Footwear
Gucci Footwear For Varied Occasions And Interpersonal Functions Gucci footwear are various in the finest stylish footwear that you simply can see in your industry today. Christian Louboutin Sale becoming a head in fashion, Gucci's programs continually highlight the latest, most stylish variations of shoes. These footwear are created away from best good quality components and developed delicately and elaborately to ensure one of the best quality. Gucci is well-recognized for its stylish and luxurious pairs of footwear and towards the upper school owning pairs of Gucci footwear is surely a indication of fame and wealth. Christian Louboutin 2010 Most people are so acquainted with Gucci manufacturers mainly because it is recognized for its large finish programs all throughout the world. Wealthy people surely require pairs of Gucci footwear for varied occasions and interpersonal functions. the majority of them personal pairs of footwear for shopping, dating, sports activities actions and
General Cleaning Tips For Ugg
General cleaning tips: Yang Maopi you need mild detergent such as Woolite Yang Maopi detergents to clean UGG boots snow, or it can try to use will not damage the wool and the internal organization of all-natural cleaning agent. Must be based on instructions in cold water and detergent dilution, dilution every 2 cups of water 2 tablespoons Woolite; like all other natural cleaning agents such as Ecover Delicate Wash, with a 2.5 liter bottle of cold water and 1 1 / 3 detergent mixed. Some people say, you can even use mild diluted shampoo, but be very careful - you never want to remove all the natural suet, which is part of the wool boots. Oil in the hair, the bad; oil in the wool uggs boot, the useful! Next, use a cloth soaked in cold water boots a little wet the surface, pay attention to careful not to completely soak the entire wool cortex. With a sponge dipped in a small amount of cleaning agents, to fight the way a small circle and gently rub the entire region. On stubborn stains or h
Marine Corps Christmas
Twas the nite before Christmas, they lived far from home, in dark,sandy quarters, but not all alone After clearing the checkpoints, and with presents to give, I wanted to see the Marines Who in these quarters did live. As I looked all about, an awesome sight I did see, some of the few and the proud, U.S. Marines Some young, some old, with boots full of sand, Marine Corps brothers with rifles in hand. Seeing bravery, courage, and toughness of mind, a sobering thought came thru my mind For these quarters were different, housing hardcharging Marines; Who make it through with various routines The only easy day was the one they just got thru; Uncommon valor, still a common virtue Yet their spirits were high, Minds and bodies were strong; Despite the months that were trying and long These were the heroes of whom I had read; Whose main purpose was to make the enemy dead I knew the Americans who i saw on this night owed their lives to these men, the first ones to
Search And Rescue - Larry's Big Casino - Angels & Idiots
Ka-ching! Even though I’d never heard it before, the sound was unmistakable — metal striking metal. It wasn’t a coin dropping into a slot machine tray, although ironically we were searchers at a site that would soon come to be known as Larry’s Big Casino — a steep chute on the backside of Sun Valley’s Bald Mountain. The tip of my aluminum avalanche probe had connected, two-and-a-half feet beneath the snow, with a ski. It was attached to 18-year-old Larry Arwin from Seattle. He’d been there about 90 minutes and I sensed that he was toast. Fourth from the left in a 15-person probe line, I yelled the trained response, “SHOVEL!” The patrol was digging in less than fi ve seconds. A mid-level mountain trails manager, I’d just led nine rescuers — patrollers, volunteer locals, and ski school instructors — single-fi le off the top of Baldy. We were the main column of a full-scale ski patrol avalanche rescue. Outside the sk
Singles Profile No No's And Assorted Ranting
    talking in great detail about how you got divorced, how your last relationship went down in fiery flames of doom, all the ways your ex lied, cheated etc.  and how you are so  untrusting in the opposite sex and so on and so forth in your opening paragraph on your singles page  is **hint hint** a serious red flag. as fun and fascinating as it is to listen to you pick apart an  ex and go into mind numbing detail on all the things that went wrong, you might want to save those  conversational gems for your next girls night out or that fifth round  of tequila shots. if you can't talk about your present and future without devoting a huge portion of your dating profile to all  the negative things that went on in your past then you might want to give  yourself a lil more time  to deal with those nasty personal demons before trying to go find someone. it's not  that i don't  want to know all about you both good and bad, but when most if not all of the page is full of piss and vi
Wear Red On Friday!
As a Company, Southwest Airlines is going to support "Red Fridays."  Last week I was in Atlanta, Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest act's of patriotism I have ever seen.  Moving thru the terminal was a group of soldiers in their cameos, as they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the  soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for it hit me. I'm not alone. I'm not the only red blooded American who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families.  Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal!    Just when I thought I could not
Jim Morrison - Open
open The Night is young& full of restI can't describethe way she's dress'dShe'll pander to some strangerequestsAnything that you suggestAnything to please her guest
P is for persistent, and whatever p words you can think up for me.
Just A Few Jim Morrison Poems For Now.
What are you doing here?What do you want?Is it music?We can play music.But you want more.You want something & someone new.Am I right?Of course I am.You want ecstasyDesire & dreams.Things not exactly what they seem.I lead you this way, he pulls that way.I'm not singing to an imaginary girl.I'm talking to you, my self.Let's recreate the world.The palace of conception is burning.Look. See it burn.Bask in the warm hot coals.You're too young to be oldYou don't need to be toldYou want to see things as they are.You know exactly what I doEverything
Truth Has Fallen And Taken Liberty With It
Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It Written and published by Paul Craig Roberts - Wednesday, March 24, 2010 (and used here entirely without permission.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a time when the pen was mightier than the sword. That was a time when people believed in truth and regarded truth as an independent power and not as an auxiliary for government, class, race, ideological, personal, or financial interest. Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it. Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded “anti-American,” “anti-semite” or “conspiracy theorist.” Truth is an inconvenience for government and for the interest groups whose campaign contributions control go
Sixx A.m. - Courtesy Call
*Dialtone, knocking*Female voice: Housekeeping... *Knocking* Female: Hello, housekeeping? *Tries, door, knocking*Female: Hello?Well you found me, but I don't knowWhy you wanna save me...Well, God is great and God is goodBut God didn't help me when he couldAnd life dances so lonely by.This is just a courtesy callThis is just a matter of policyThis is just an act of kindnessTo let you know that your time is upThis is just a courtesy callThis is just a matter of policyThis is just an act of kindnessTo let you know that your time is upI, I can't feel anythingMy arms are numb and I'm hopingYou noticed the line I left offAll that you'll find insideAre bells and butterfliesBut I'll be smiling when I dieThis is just a courtesy callThis is just a matter of policyThis is just an act of kindnessTo let you know that your time is upThis is just a courtesy callThis is just a matter of policyThis is just an act of kindnessTo let you know that your time is upThis is just a courtesy callThis is just a
Sixx A.m. - Permission
I apologize That your memory serves you more than I can nowYou'll have to make sense of my life somehowYeah, somehowWell, I close my eyesRemove each piece of armor one by oneInhale this moment deep into my lungsMake amends for all I've doneAll of my devils are free at lastAnd all my secrets revealedAnd your permission is all INeed to healWell how long have IBeen sitting here, I must have drifted offI cannot finish any of my thoughtsForgive me for my wayward shotAll of my devils are free at lastAnd all my secrets revealedAnd your permission is all INeed to healI wake up in the morning, and it comes back to youI breathe in I breathe out, it comes back to youI stare up at the ceiling, and it comes back to youI step out my front door, and it comes back to youThe end of my driveway, it comes back to youBrakelights on the highway, it comes back to youI could die in Los Angeles.It would come back to you.All of my devils, they are free at last, ohAnd all my secrets are revealed, yeahAnd your p
What Would You Do?
my best friend of 14 or so years and i have  always agreed and  talk about being  each  others  best  man  when we got married. even talked about getting married simultaneously! he got engaged, cool. to the best friend of one of  my exs, also cool, no  big deal to me. her maid  of honor happens to be  that  ex, totally  cool  with that too, sooooo what  right? his soon  to   be  wife decided  and   convinced  my hm  that it   would   be  awkward and not ok  for  me to  be  the  best  man  because  of   this...  >_> uh why do i  get  kicked? ive  been here longer.... honestly  broke my heart  but i brushed off, but i  still dont think   its  ok... last   week  i  asked if i  was  still getting to at   least stand  up  there..... nope... why? because she thinks ive  been rude  to   her  and very  disrespectful... >_> if barely talking  to   you and answering your questions is rude then you  bet. they had  asked me to draw  and paint out  a  leafless tree so   they could use thumb prints
Sixx A.m. Heart Failure!!!
When I think back on this lifeI guess we were doing the best we couldAnd to look at us from the outsideI'm sure it seems somewhat romanticbut when you've tasted excessEverything else tastes blandYeah, we had everything to loseBut we still lived like we were about to dieAfter all, we were the drug scouts of americaI've begun evaporatingRight before your eyesI just keep regurgitatingMy own demiseI miss today I miss the pastI miss my veins 'cause they've collapsedA simple thought occurs to meI'm face down on the tracksThe train is coming fastAnd it's not derailingIt's not the first timeAnd this won't be the lastThat my heart is failingAs the blood is rushing to my headAnd from my wristsI'm in love with all the things I know I should resistAnd all the times you said to meYour falling down ones destinyA simple thought occurs to meI'm face down on the tracksThe train is coming fastAnd you're right there waitingIt's not the first timeAnd this won't be the lastThat my heart is failing[Spoken]L
Gypsy Angel...
How To Screen Grab?
There are many programs ou to do this simple process. Some are better than other. 1. You can always use the "print screen" key and then paste it into whatever photo editing software you use. That is old skool. 2. You can find a zillion different screen grab programs, but some blow monkey chunks, some mine your data and some are just bootsy. 3. I have toyed with many for years. I have been using pixlr grabber on both Firefox and Chrome and love it. It is simple. It allows multiple options such as editing and annotating, link sharing, save option and you can copy and paste into an email. Many people ask me daily how to screen grab stuff. you know.....and knowing is half the battle. You can go into your firefox or chrome extension and search pixlr grabber or copy and paste this URL if it does not link to the page.
Tell Me Now From King Arthur
Long Ago,Your name a shadow,in my dreams, the white brave still searchingRaining Winds, fall apart.I believe, your hearttell me now,what you seetell me what you feelnow you're here tell me tell me now,what you knownever let me gotell me nowwhat you seeWho Cries from the hill?the mist creeps from your eyes,your banner will promiselet's remember the startI believe, your hearttell me now what you knownever let me gotell me what you seetell me nowwhat you seetell me what you feel now your here, tell metell me now (tell me now) what you know (what you know)never let me go (let me go)tell me nowwhat you see WRITTEN BY MOYA BRENNAN & HANS ZIMMER.
The Sentinel
The Sentinel He stood at the prow of a mighty war ship He looked for an omen of the coming battle ..then suddenly His shield was shattered by a bolt of lightning into a thousand shards Each reflecting an image of the moon so that a thousand moons spoke to him as they fell into the ocean Deep splashes of flickering color and sound At first they shimmered in great brilliance like a thousand stars in the heavens..then They grew dimmer as they sank deeper into the seas Dimming and soon extinguished of all light He saw them like the days of his life Fleeting and ephemeral The battle was lost   By me
I Should Just Give Up And Write Nothing But. Seems To Work For Me.
Fingers trail softly a line down my face Lips locked gently in such a sweet embrace Reveling the feeling of your skin Moving so slowly embracing the spin Hands move to my hair grasping it tight Whip my head back I refuse to fight Whimper and moan as my senses overflow again My voice becoming louder as I begin to ascend Your soft lips roam down my butterfly tattoo Locking my eyes not losing sight of you I straddle so eagerly across your lap Knowing in this instant there's no turning back Run my hands over yours as you explore my every inch Lean my head back as your teeth start to pinch I embrace the pain as it flows within I need you so bad don't know where to begin Kissing you again as I move my hips  Locking against those most beautiful lips I can't get enough of you As I scream myself hoarse  No turning back we're right on course Not letting me go as I come down again Keeping your teeth locked on my tender skin  Arms locked around me holding me tight Knowing t
Interview Of Trevor Luchis
patient name:Trevor Luchis Age :29 Location: Federal Prison In jail for killing:300 multiple grand theft Subject has been murdering people for 20 years. first kill was at age nine. Has just been cuaght and trialed 2 months ago. Judge ordered him to 3 life terms in max prison solitare confinment for hole term. Trevor is in one of the rarest kind of punishment his cell is bullet proof glass with camera surrounding each angle electric bars cased inside the bullet proof glass. perssure sensors on the out side. I have been assigned as phiscology to determin and try to find out were other victims dead bodies. They put me in a room with high security guard with shotgun and cameras every where in the room. I sit there waiting for trevor to come in shackeled and collar that sends electric shocks if he tryies anything. When Trevor sees me he looks down at me and smirk gets on his face.He sits on the other side of the table."Good evening my name is steven barnhart i'm here toevalute
December 14, 2010 12:35am reply  XxDetroitMikexX: now why did you buzz kill me? ty 12:36am more To  XxDetroitMikexX: because its part of the game 12:36am reply  XxDetroitMikexX: yea well not wile im in god mode 12:37am more To  XxDetroitMikexX: dont take it personal, cause it wasnt, read my status, i do as i please 12:38am reply  XxDetroitMikexX: well im not taking it personal. but its pretty ignorant to buz kill some one in god mode 12:39am more To  XxDetroitMikexX: lol, its ignorant? why? you are not god, there is no fucking god!! 12:39am reply  XxDetroitMikexX: now stop being a fuckin dickhead 12:40am more To 
My Friends
hello and thank you to my friends for your birthday cards as well ok my new book is now out part 3 to get my book go to google and tipe in blondie all that i am sharon dixon click on it it will take you stright to my book blondie 
Words Of Love
From: RobSent: Nov 01 11:20AMMsg: I love you Michelle Lynne Baar with all my heart and soul, all of my love, everything I have, my love and dedication for you is endless and overflowing baby.   From: MichelleSent: Nov 04  6:52AMMsg: (1/2) Rob you make my world everything ive always known it should be. Full of love & emotions that are returned & a place where i can smile n b myself w/out fearFrom: MichelleSent: Nov 04 10:45AMMsg: The sound of your voice always touches  me so deeply baby. Music to my ears. I love you RobFrom: RobSent: Nov 04 10:57AMMsg: As yours to me, sound of your voice is the most beautiful soothing sound I've ever heard. I love everything about you Michelle.From: MichelleSent: Nov 04 11:09AMMsg: Every day proves again that your the one for me. Ill never let you go Rob my life is meant to b spent with you, by your side always loving you.From: RobSent: Nov 04 11:19AMMsg: Oh honey, you continue to make me the happiest man in the world.From: MichelleSent: Nov 04 11:46A
All About Him
Cause I'm all about him him him him him And his all about me me me me me And we don't give a dang dang dang dang dang About nobody-e-e-e (x2) Well Had him shooting for me like a? Every guy was a knock out, ? But not none of um had? That's my thing It's not enough to have boss Small? One day by starbucks I bumped into a guy rocking black chucks He said excuse me beautiful I said aww chucks Then he asked for hey wanna grab lunch? Never ever ever met a guy so fly Got me hooked like apple pie-i Think I'm falling and I dno why But I won't fight these butterflies Cause I'm all about him him him him him And his all about me me me me me And we don't give a dang dang dang dang dang About nobody-e-e-e (x2) And I swear what we have just is super cool The way his always in my head like a blue? I got a text from him he said just come through Told me he wants to kick it kunfu Don't do nothing much at all Just me and his boys watching football He asked for a kiss so I gave him two He said why t
That Would Be Me
Here i am just tryin to figure this all out place looks great so hope yall can be patient with me lookin forward to meetin lots of new people an makin so friends round here thanx all
"Without you being just the way you are, we would not have such beauty."The feeling of hopefulness sometimes comes from someone helping us. Think back to a time when you had lost hope. Many times we regained our optimism because someone gave us a
On Sunday December 12, 2010 I recieved a call at work from my mother.. "your father is going to the Hospital, he's having a heart attack. can you come home?" well of course i told my boss and such and went straight home. We went to the hospital and since sunday this is what happened. the doctors ran some tests (SOP) EKG, cat scan on sunday and had no answers. but dad did have another episode after the cat scan... Monday morning at 0530 dad had another episode. monday afternoon (late) he under went a Heart Catheterization. (lil history on dad - in 1974 he had a heart attack. in 1994 underwent a quadruple by-pass) 2 arteries were 100% blocked. 1 was only 99% blocked, the other was ok. doctors are going to attempt to open the (native artery) first.. if that doesnt work, then the by-pass artery in a second attempt. if that doesnt work they will use another artery for a complete by-pass operation.. the good thing is he didnt have a heart attack on sunday. heart muscle was good. all
We Just Was Friends ?
No longer i feel the music of your voiceIn my dreams i hear a massive noiseAlways wondering, Whatever i ment to you ?Was i just a bait ,When i felt something true ?Just cause i did so much ,I thought you loved me tooNow im left alone ,Crying, How could you
We Are Too Sexy
You’re too sexy for my love too sexy for my love My love is in vain   You’re too sexy to be hurt too sexy too sexy to be hurt Too sexy to flirt And you’re too sexy for my hand too sexy for my hand You won’t hold my hand   And you’re too sexy for my wit Too sexy for my wit Just one laugh is all I’m asking   You’re a model you know what I mean And you do your little turn on the catwalk Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah You do your little turn on the catwalk   You’re too sexy for this bar too sexy for this bar Too sexy fubar And you’re too sexy for all that too sexy for all that Is nothing worth holding   But I'm a person you know what I mean And I do my little dance on life’s catwalk Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
Why Must Your Hollow Heart Of Stone
  Why must you stay alone if you know your hollow heart of stone is alone Why must you wait for something so great if you know that our love is fate Why must you hold back on something so stupied if you know that im your cupid A hollow heart of stone can be heald in time with love an care holding back on something that isn't fair A hollow heart of stone can loved holding you in love is to be loved holding your heart of all hearts will fill will happyness and shine like dimonds holding your love is holding a royal flush of hearts holding your qween of all hearts and you holding my king of all hearts keeping our hearts whole and safe will never bleed and never feel sworrow
Where To Spend Christmas
Well not sure just what to say. Figured I had some things on the brain and here was as good as anyplace to put them. My boss chewed me out because I was thinking of signing up for overtime on Christmas eve and Christmas. He said I hadn't had a Christmas off in over 15 years, maybe he is right. I guess not having a reason to stay home has been the reason, or maybe afraid of having to spend the day alone. Either way I am not sure which way to go on this. I dont need the money, even if it is very good, but I dont really need the time off either. Just not sure how to spend a Christmas home alone and not sure if I want to know. Well I dont know who will read this or if anyone will but maybe if you do you can give me your opinion.
[do I Have To Hate Everything New?]
Things really were better when I was young. I think it has... oh fuck me... stupid windows laptop with your STUPID automatic double spacing. I think it has something to do with the emphasis being on story and not technology. My favorite games all have sprites (those lil flat guys drawn with a few hundred squares of single color?) Y'know- back before polygons, havok, 3-D EVERYTHING, blood spray and voice acting? But this actually isn't about video games... Tonight my grampa gripe is about ... I could do it about contemporary cooking too- It's about mecha. In my day... The days of original transformers, and prolific Universal Century Gundam sagas Mobile suits didn't have a special attack. They didn't have a "hidden powa" drive (some device that conveniently saved your ass and had to be activated in a moment of crisis that makes binders and stabilizers look like spread wings, or makes glowy parts). You just got out there and shot fuckers. Now- I'll go ahead and make the accusatio
Why I Should Not Have Wine And Fu .... Besides The Pic Uploads (2nd Attempt)
  To odie: odie likes you +235 points! lowered your standards huh  odie: lol say what To odie: lol odie: what gives  To odie: uhmmm nothing ... I should probably lay off wine on mondays odie: lol thought i did something wrong To odie: nooooooooooooo i was attempting to be a smart ass odie: lol bring it hun odie: lmao no worries To odie: errrr done To odie: and you are not the odie on my friends list are you .... dies laughing at least i didnt ask him if he wanted to see my tits 
Why I Should Not Have Wine And Fu .... Besides The Pic Uploads
To odie: odie likes you +235 points! lowered your standards huh  odie: lol say what To odie: lol odie: what gives  To odie: uhmmm nothing ... I should probably lay off wine on mondays odie: lol thought i did something wrong To odie: nooooooooooooo i was attempting to be a smart ass odie: lol bring it hun odie: lmao no worries To odie: errrr done To odie: and you are not the odie on my friends list are you .... dies laughing at least i didnt ask him if he wanted to see my tits 
A Superb Apparel And Munro Shoe For The Homecoming Dance
Munro Is One Of The Best Adapting Shoe The excellent issue about Munro and what definitely sets them apart from any of the competition is the actuality that they offer sizes for each standard ft sizes as well as odd shaped sizes. They provide seventy-five totally different dimension combinations. a whole lot of are created with some stretchy material that support the ft suit into the shoe. Christian Louboutin Shoes The footwear are definitely among the most cozy footwear I have worn, plus they are incredibly stylish. Munro is one of the best adapting shoe around the current market today. Munro has become generating comfortably fitting footwear for many years now. Munro footwear are identified for their a whole lot of totally different sizes. They truly have seventy five totally different combinations to wear. that is excellent for any lady with an odd foot dimension or width, because there is a specific thing for each foot. Christian Louboutin 2010 The sizes variety from four to four
God's Eye-letter Of Love - Something I Wrote A Year Ago....
God's Eye-Letter Of Love by Becca Tidwell on Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 7:01pm   Dear Child of Sin, I see you looking back at me, surrendering all you fall on your knee. Asking for mercy, and forgiveness too, What am I supposed to say to you? You say your a christian, but how can that be? You only come to me in YOUR time of need. I send you abundance of all of life's needs, yet you refuse to go out and plant one seed. Others speak of my name and ask you questions of me, yet you deny the thoughts, shamelessly. I see you living life in your own constant sin.I've knocked on your door but you refuse to let me in. I sent you my son, he paid the ultimate price. He died for your sins, his greatest sacrifice. Yet, I see you looking back at me,now trembling on your knees, asking for my mercy and and my forgiveness too. What am I supposed to say to you? Close your eyes dear child, and see me with your heart. That's when you will find that we never have part. I was always there with
A Superb Apparel And Munro Shoe For The Homecoming Dance
Munro Is One Of The Best Adapting Shoe The excellent issue about Munro and what definitely sets them apart from any of the competition is the actuality that they offer sizes for each standard ft sizes as well as odd shaped sizes. They provide seventy-five totally different dimension combinations. a whole lot of are created with some stretchy material that support the ft suit into the shoe. Christian Louboutin Shoes The footwear are definitely among the most cozy footwear I have worn, plus they are incredibly stylish. Munro is one of the best adapting shoe around the current market today. Munro has become generating comfortably fitting footwear for many years now. Munro footwear are identified for their a whole lot of totally different sizes. They truly have seventy five totally different combinations to wear. that is excellent for any lady with an odd foot dimension or width, because there is a specific thing for each foot. Christian Louboutin 2010 The sizes variety from four to four
How Would It Feel
how would it feel, surrendering to the sea getting one last glimpse of light before the wave crashes over your head one last gulp of air before you go under there in the darkness, in complete submission without a struggle, allowing yourself to be pulled down weightlessness, hopelessness, nothingness sinking below..... how would it feel.......being dead
From Impasse To First Class
Ya may have heard me say, but my company xmas party was this past Sat night. They had a makeshift casino, and for every 1000 dollars in chips you could redeem for a voucher to be entered into the prize drawing basket at the end of the night. Each employee already had one in by default. I took a bit of a hit at craps, so switched over to blackjack, and started mopping up. As my winnings got up, I did manage to redeem one voucher. But as time drew on I accumilated quite a stockpile of chips, to which when I decided I best offload some more winnings, I found out the table was out of vouchers. :( So I shrugged it of and kept playin just for fun. One of the corporate managers came past and commented on my towering payload, and I informed him of my ordeal, to which he scowled "aw man thats bs, hang on". He went and got the contracts girl that was sort of the organizer of the party, and she managed to pull 2 more from the craps table so I could redeem at least some of my chips. That gave
So A Lawyer Is Someone Who Tells Other People What To Do
At least, that’s the gospel according to my daughter Sarah; yesterday I bought a used book that was a collection of the sayings of Abraham Lincoln, and I pointed out his photo on that book’s cover and Lincoln’s giant profile on the newer five-dollar bill, and she said the latter one looked brighter.  She also offered that the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 looked like a “money house”.  I shared that Lincoln was President of the United States nearly one hundred fifty years ago and then Mary asked Sarah if she knew what number president that made him.  I thought that was unfair, and I asked my sister-in-law if she knew.  Though Martha guessed the twenty-sixth (who’s Theodore Roosevelt, big currency in North Dakota for he ranched here several years before becoming President) both got their second guess – Abraham Lincoln’s the sixteenth President of the USA.         Our current President Barack Obama’s forty-fourth for those
To Music Only My Ears Can Hear
moonlight glistens on the snow a spotlight for my dance moving along as if in a trance to music only my ears can hear   under the magical moon i don't feel the cold on my face or my hair happily i dance without a care to music only my ears can hear   giving thanks to the stars shining above for the moon and the stars and snow that i love as i drift along, this free moving dance to music only my ears can hear   i dance for a ghost from love's past starting out slow, then moving so fast a love concealed, a dance in the dark to music only my ears can hear  
It Would Be Total Chaos*
but even if there are only three of us, I don't mind looking like a fool for a day (or more!) lol   *this blog is about my status  
prosopography\ pros-uh-POG-ruh-fee \noun; 1. A description of a person's appearance, career, personality, etc. 2. A study of a collection of persons or characters, esp. their appearances, careers, personalities, etc., within a historical, literary, or social context.
He has Van Gogh's ear for music.  -  Billy Wilder
Snow N Shit
dude, i recently moved to michigan from florida.  as a kid i always wanted to play in the snow.  well, i can say now that snow fuckin sux man.  it stix to u and its cold as hell.  boooooo!!!!!!
Where It Is Warm
heat is on but i feel a slight cold chill running down my spine and i complain from the couch where i am sitting at home but out in the streets with no shelter from the weather, the homeless man is left to roam he has no coat, no home, no bed... snow is falling down upon his head what do the homeless do for heat? something to eat? where will they sleep as the snow gets deep they wouldn't complain from my couch, where it is warm
Tuesday - November 14, 2010
I am auctioning off my points for Tuesday the 14th of December.... This auction will close at 6PM CST on December 14th, 2010.... The points will be given from 6:30 PM til 6:30 AM.... This will allow for a reset which will generate more rates; thus more points.... Please leave only auction bids in the comments section below.... Thank you and have a wonderful day/night....   I will accept the following: - Fubux - Ability Blings (Boomerangs, MegaPolishers, Famps, Auto 11s, Cherry Bombs, God Mode) - Bling Packs - Happy Hours, Blasts, Pimp Outs, etc....   * Will also consider multiple day bids....   **Remember: You get what you bid for, someone else just does all the work for you....
The Meaning Of Replica Watches
      Watch means too much in people’s life. It is not merely a timepiece, but also harbors some of your life attitude on it. Like Chanel J12 Diamond watch, it symbolizes purity. As a lily, in western countries, it was the incarnation of a Fairy maiden German girl Alice; in eastern, Lilia. No matter Lilia or Fairy, they are all emblem of innocence. Some watches indicate a noble manner. They are low key, but impressive. They are simple, but elegant. If life is a beautiful cro wn, they will be the diamonds on it. Never steal the show of the crown; only set off for more. Maybe Corum Golden Bridge watch is the representative sample of them. Time changes and we grow up. We become mature and sophisticated. We select the talks with the friends; we cover up the real-self before colleagues. We start to adjust the position in your circle and learn to be low profiled. Breguet Classique Grande watch would be a good choice for you now. We are far away from the age we only use cell phon
Tag Heuer Modern Microtimer
The 150 years story written by Tag Heuer Replica Watches ever since its foundations has more ups than downs, as this company has been continuously updating and improving its technique, models and ways of approaching watch manufacturing. The timepieces introduced by Tag Heuer are exceptional watches defined by elegance, excellence and value. The core values of Tag Heuer made it clear that this was a brand in the quest of visionary designs and innovative mechanisms that would eventually create a name and reputation for their manufacturing brand. The contemporary design of the new Tag Heuer Replica Watches Microtimer reminds the watch connoisseurs of the Micrograph Formula One from 2002 and brings in the attention of the watch enthusiasts the digital dial, such a futuristic element for the world of traditional watch manufacturing. The lines of design of the new Tag Heuer Microtimer are subtle and extremely refined, shaping a rectangular case fitted with a black and sporty strap. The desi
My Take On The Term Bbw
I know it's been a good 6 months since I threw up a blog on here, and I know it's a blog I have probably done on a previous account that I was banned on, or I just deleted, but here it is... My take on the term BBW......   I honestly feel that this is more of a syndrome than a bad label itself. I take a look at the women on the internet who label themselves as much, and honestly, they don't have much room to talk about themselves. It's an extremely shallow term, and these people fail to recognize that beauty doesn't come from one's physical appearance. In turn, it definitely comes from the person themself.   BBW, is a term in which, insecure bigger women coin on themselves to give them a self esteem crutch. Seems to be this site is riddled with this issue. I see that on a profile, I tend to steer away QUICKLY as I see a ball of deep insecurity in themself, and an ugly wall around them. I mean c'mon, you don't see the thinner women sitting around the computer and coining themselves
In Bed! (this Is Why I Married My Hubby!)
Scorpio in Bed When it comes to sex, Scorpio is at the top of the food chain. Sexy Scorpio is insatiable, primitive, and overwhelmingly fierce. Scorpio in bed has one goal, to give and receive the greatest pleasure possible. And Scorpio sex uses any means to achieve this result. A Scorpio sex partner should expect mind blowing, out of this world, anything goes sexual dominance from this sign. As a matter of fact, it will probably be the best sex you have ever had. The astrology sex profile shows that Capricorn can be an equal match for Scorpio in the bedroom. Each has the creativity and passion to put on quite a show. Their love making sessions can only be categorized as triple X and would outdo any steamy pornographic movie at the local sex shop. While Scorpio Pisces love is not as steamy as Capricorn and Scorpio, theirs is more a meeting of the minds and heart. Nothing can beat the emotional connection these two sign make in the bedroom.
Happy Birthday! Oh..... Wow...
Why I fired my SecretaryLast week was my birthday and I didn't feel very well waking up on that morning..I went downstairs for breakfasthoping my wife would be pleasant and say,'Happy Birthday!',and possibly have a small present for me.As it turned out,she barely said good morning,let alone' Happy Birthday.'I thought....Well, that's marriage for you,but the kids...They will remember.My kids came bounding down stairs to breakfastand didn't say a word..So when I left for the office,I felt pretty lowand somewhat despondent.As I walked into my office,my secretary Jane said,'Good Morning Boss,and by the wayHappy Birthday ! 'It felt a little betterthat at least someone had reme
Things That Happen To Me
I walked into the Co-op shop in Shawlands on Sunday, it was deathly quiet, I was picking up some smoked salmon for my niece and strolled around at my leisure- there was nobody about except for two old women who stood beside me bemoaning the fact they couldn’t get tomatoes during the snow snap. The silence was broken by a staff member screaming “Hit the panic button Tam, there’s a man with a knife stealing!” the old women looked startled, I languidly pulled out my iphone, for if there was going to be a Co-Op stabbing, I wanted it on You tube. “where’s the panic button?” screamed the panicked Co-Op team member. “Under the till you fucking knob” shouted the other panicked Co-Op team member “he stole a selection box of Terry’s Chocolate Orange and ran out with a knife.”   The underwhelming robbery was over in seconds, I got no stabbing on my Iphone and nothing to upload to YouTube. The staff all stood outside and
Bedtime Football
An old married couple had no sooner got into bed when the old man passes gas. "Seven points" he says. The wife rolls over and says, "What in the world was THAT??" The old man replied, "fart football!"  A few minutes later his wife lets one go and says, "TOUCHDOWN!! Tied score!" After about five minutes the old man lets out another one and says, "AHA! I'm ahead 14-7" Not to be outdone the wife rips another one and says, "TOUCHDOWN! Tied score again!"Five seconds go by and she lets out a little squeaker and says, "Field goal, I lead 17-14!"Now the pressure is on the old man. He refuses to get beaten by a woman, so he strains really hard. Since defeat is totally unacceptable, he gives it everything he's got, and accidently shits the bed! The wife says, "What was that?" He replies, "Halftime, switch sides!!!"   ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!
Bang! Bang!
Something you may not know about me;  I like guns.  Now I'm not an avid hunter, nor is my license plate "NRA4EVER," I just like guns.  Maybe its the workings of the machine, maybe its the physics, maybe its just cool that they make loud noises and punch holes in things far away.  Anyway, I like guns.  I used to shoot often, I'm not a crack shot or anything, but like sex, just because I am not good at it, doesn't keep me from doing it.  By now you are saying, well pete, why are you telling us this? I'm glad you asked that question Billy.  I have a friend at work, I'll call him Mr. Clean, though I'm fairly certain you would never guess why, former military like me, and he too likes guns.  We were talking about hitting a range sometime, when we found there is an indoor range not even 15 mins from work.  The plan as it stands now, one day for lunch, we'll run over to the range and get a little GSR before heading back to the office.  Those of you who probably have legally registered firea
Stupid Encounter #57
This Guy... Hits me up and says... seeking a mistress to use me online. So I write back and say... Arnt you that guy that dances in pink underware on youtube? and he says... yes i am you tube video where g rated. i do mostly xrated pics and videos. i am seeking a mistress to use me online. have an interest mail me please then i can send you my info some pics and start with one of my videos. these videos would never be posted on you tube. i am into bdsm online and in person thanks bi slave rob peters. So I say... Right on Im on YouTube as well I do fubar Videos... its probably not a good idea sending random girls messages about seeking them to be online mistresses this can get you deleted! So he says... yes your right i don't usually. i guess i thought you were into bdsm online from your nick name my mistake. sorry i did not mean to say something wrong bi sl
So Mad At My Moms Parakeet
This is so not Funny-So right Off dont even Laugh.......                              But here I Am Playing Pool at My House and I had Just bought a New thing of Pools Chaulk,And My Budz and I had been Playing and Drinking a Few,and Playing Pool...And I had got to Missing My Pools Chaulk-I Like totally Cussed My Budz out and told them I Knew one of them had my Freakn New Thing of Pools Chaulk....So I Told them to Just Leave....And geeeez if they wanted it that Bad,They Knew I Would have gave it to them dayum!! But anyways I Had been watching My Moms Parakeet all week cause she was out of town,And he never gave me a Problem One...Well Here I Was sitting watching a Movie on Tv and I Looked over and that Mug had raised he little leg up and Farted and of all things Blue Smoke Came out.....lmfao WTF!!!!  You tell me cause I Dont
A Touch Unfelt
How can you ache and crave for someone's touchWhen you have never felt it?I do this for yours, though,And the yearning grows more each dayI have never wanted anything in my lifeAs much as I want youWhen you whisper such sweet loveIn my ear when we talkYou make me melt into a puddleOf complete helplessnessYou have become my every waking thoughtAnd my every dream at nightI breathe in so hardTrying to catch my breath when we can't talkI close my eyes so tightHoping when I open them you will be thereBut I know I have to waitUntil the time is rightIt seems so far awayThat I think I am losing my mindI want to breathe in your scentAnd keep it with me all day longI want to taste your love for meBy kissing your sweet lipsI want to feel your body next to meSo when you leave for awhile I can hold onI just want you to knowThat I really do love youWhen the day comes and we are togetherYou will always know and feel thisI will always hug, kiss and love youEvery moment of the day and nightYou will nev
Don’t you know that I have cared about you,That I fall just for youThat I cried because of youThat I could die for you. Don’t you know that I live just for you,That I dream just for youThat I laugh just for youThat I hope just for you Don’t you feel my great love just for you,My dreams I have offered youMy pain each time you cryMy joy each time you smile. Don’t you see what’s deep inside of me,What’s in the very heart of meDon’t you see, yes you really don’t careBecause you don’t know me after all.  
Ever get that sinking felling?The one you can’t escape?I’m walking down a lonely road.A passenger of fate. Every day is torcher.A self-sustaining hell.Every moment’s a blind approach.There’s noone I can tell. But my conscious still retains,Thing’s could be much worse.Indecisive actions, perhaps…Or lying in a hearse. Still, my heart is yearning.For whatever could have been.I feel the dagger burrow in.I’m bleeding with this pen. I’ve said all I can say,Now I’ll just be on my way,Down that lonely road again,
Body Jello Shots 2010 Lounge
Body Jello Shots 2010 Lounge News letter Rules and Regulations@ Body Jello Shots 2010 To be a staff at the lounge you must be a active lounge member . You need to set time to be active in the staff position u run for. You must run a campaign and be voted in by the members. You must agree to the duties of the position you run for. If you no longer are able to fulfill your duty as staff at lounge you must resign and hand your position to the next person in line or runner up. Each term is 3 months and then u must run for re election. If you are a manager. You must notify presidents of any major decision making. As always entertain the lounge as much as you can and have a great time.  Enjoy the work that creates a great lounge.    Events @ Body Jello Shots 2010 The more we get to join the events the more fun it will be in the lounge ect... Staff that runs the event picks the winner prize ect.... Event list  Trivia “any”
My Self Improvement Project
I've been divorced for almost 10 years now and have dated often. Having had a few relationships lasting 2+, 1 and 1.5 years none have been of real quality. Yeah there have been the short lasting flings here and there but little that would produce real connections. I have done some reading and learned a lot about who I am and what I project about myself. But there is a point when too much is to much of that crap and ultimately we are who we are. the biggest thing I gained from that is "I don't seek approval" any more. either she likes me or not as is with me to her. I'm have an E/d personality and simply don't find attraction to those who won't open up and talk about things and I'll get bored prety quickly with someone that isn't into exploring or adventure. I blew out my abdominal wall years ago and along with that my stomach muscles spread in the middle, (a diticulitus). the fix isn't covered by insurance and runs about 12K. Well, that just wasn't worth the investment yet it leaves
Day 25
Day 25- What I would find in your bag broken necklaces, braclets, and earringsa shit ton of papers and receits moneys, and about a pound of change- i do not use changecoach wallet, that has nothing in it because i always throw moneys, plastics, change, and receits in the bottumsunglassesmedicine35mm fish eye camera flimbroken lighters, and  working lighterspencils &caculater (i FUCK at math)hair pins, and hair tiescondomsgerm x my badge for the nursing homeextension holdera brushperfrumes tamponscamel crushes
The Glow Radio
Monday on The Glow Radio:  The Reverend DJ Furg is next with his "Church of Rock" spinning Rock, Grunge, Punk, & Metal  at 3pm pt/4pm mt/5pm ct/6pm et/11pm gmt Deejay Dovey is next spinning her blend of Pop & Rock and she calls it a Manic Monday where anything goes  at 6pm pt/7pm mt/8pm ct/9pm et/2am gmt and closing tonight is Tony The Misfit & his Freak Show featuring the best in Rock, Alternative, & Metal Music at 9pm pt/10pm mt/11pm ct/Midnight et/5am gmt   Tune in to The Glow Radio on iTunes; you can find us under Classic Rock in The Radio Directory or you can go to our website at: ___________________ Tune in and enjoy the best tus anyhere on th
Christmas Stuff
Not Tellin's blog about favorite Christmas songs is the inspiration for this blog. What is your favorite Christmas movie? Or favorite Christmas special on tv or favorite scene from a Christmas episode of a favorite show?   Favorite Christmas movies:   It's a Wonderful Life White Christmas A Christmas Story Miracle on 34th Street   Christmas specials:   A Charlie Brown Christmas Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer Frosty the Snowman   Favorite Christmas scene from a tv show:   The Holiday Armadillo!! Ross Gellar from Friends dresses up as an armadillo for his son because that's the only costume available.     Your turn!
A Friend (in Reality) And I Were Talking This Morning
We were rattling off Christmas songs... Name your favorite?
Bye For Now Fubar
I'm just going to leave Fubar for a while. I don't see a point in it anymore. I'm not a people person, I hate small talk, and I hate people with no common sense even more. Which is a big majority of this site. I can't bring myself to be a fake whore for bling, or ratings-and I can't afford VIP so I get no where [point wise] on this site. So yeah. Thanks to the people who were nice to me. Take care.
Music Monday 12/13/10
I feel like some of these may be repeats... Oh well 1.  Janglin' - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros2.  Heartbeats - Jose Gonzalez3.  Whistle For the Choir - The Fratellis4.  West Coast - Coconut Records5.  Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs  
It Is To Laugh
I have now seen it all. We all know the vast majority of females on this hoar sponge of a web site are drama queens. It seems they all thrive on being the center of attention, the fantasy "piece of ass" for every guy on this site. Gimme, gimme, gimme is all you see from them. Selling boobage for a happy hour; cam sex for some bling credits. And we all know they gutter slime guys this sponge attracks do everything they can to keep that atmosphere going, in fact they expect EVERY female to be here for just one purpose; provide cheap porn thrills for web site gifts. But now I've run into two guys who do much, much worse. And I know there are more guys on this page that fall into the same category of wagon-rut snake droppings. I'll only deal with one here since the other has conned a very dear friend of mine past  the point of reasoning with and she is still on this site oozing with blind love and devotion for this worm. But the other is even worse. He's conned a friend, who I talk to alm
The Morninig
Download as wallpaper Powered by GR
Thoughts On The Royal Wedding Of Prince William And His Beautiful Commoner Kate Middleton
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant After 8 years of dating, canoodling, breaking up, making up, breaking up the on-again-off-again relationship of Prince William of Wales and long tressed Kate is officially on.  The airwaves of the planet dutiful report the expected congratulations.  Her Majesty and Prince Philip are "absolutely delighted for them both".  Prince Charles is "thrilled". And no doubt they are, for it's time for the next generation of royals to get on with their important work. There is much to do. Amongst the royals monarchy is referred to as "the firm"; they say they "live above the shop." Exactly so. It's time for the next proprietor and his spouse to start doing what they're supposed to do: bring Britain together. help the tribe of those battening on the monarchy sell their trinkets and reap their profits. provide us promptly with an equally photogenic man child ... and then promptly, another. "The heir... and the spare." And above all else do what's necessary for an endless s
The Pointless Life....
What is the point of life?  Especially if you are a woman who has had a colorful past?  I mean think about it.  It doesn't matter how a girl looks, if she has had a bad life, she has had a bad life.  There doesn't seem to be a way out of it.  It's like this deep dark hole that is swallowing me.  Every time I take a step forward, I am forced to take 3 steps back and 1 step over.  Why can't life ever be simple?  Even for one day?  I hate this time of year.  All the snow, the ice, it's beautiful.  I love the cold even though I complain about it.  But the days are too short and the nights are too long.  The nightmares get worse and the fear of the light becomes even more heavy on me.  The slightest bump in the night will make me reach for my hunting knife.  How many times have I almost sliced my family members because they startled me?  I don't even know.  I don't mean to be a paranoid freak.... but I will never let another man touch me like that again. What is the point of having legs t
What Cha' Know
well you can like me or you cant, who gives a hary rats ass? i am me, you are you, they are they. a lot of people like barking up other peoples trees, here is an idea, bark up your own damn tree. maybe if you tried that ever once in a while you might see that the real problems in your life is realy only just your own problems. i know it is hard for some people but dont shit and fall back in it cause it makes you smell just like it, and it gives you away cause other people can smell shit also, and most of them aint stupid so they know exactly where that shit smell is coming from. sincerly (FU) josh- have a nice day :)
~lessons In Life~
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month. 6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. 8. It's okay to get angry. You have the right to be mad, but you don't have the right to be cruel. 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. 11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present. 12. It's okay to let your children see you cry. 13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it. 15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. 16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying. 17. You can get th
Lances' Christmas Rant
you know what I hate?The fact that Relient K is popping up on my Christmas station... yes, Relient K, the screaming Christian band.I understand why, as a Christian band, they would feel it is their duty to record Christmas music, but it's cacophony to my ears to hear these emo-pop good boys screaming "I AIN'T GE...TTING NUTTIN' FOR CHRISTMAS CUZ I AIN'T BEEN NUTTIN' BUT BAD!!!!!!!!!" Come on, let's stick to Mariah singing, 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' and Amy Grant with 'Jingle Bell Rock.' When did Christmas become any singer's opportunity to cash in by recording a song or even album even if it sounds like shit? Bah....
Where Have I Been...
For the record, I never truly left this site...I just took a 6 month vacation! OK  So now that I've paid my "Hell Freezes Over" tribute (fans of The Eagles would know what I am talking about there), time to answer the question on a lot of my friends' minds...where the hell have I been and what's been going on?  (I seem to answer this one quite a bit!) I like to think of myself as one of the most liked and most respected people on here...and I have/had the messages to prove it!  Yet in the last 6 months I have found myself wondering who is a true friend and who just takes me along for the ride.  I have heard friends talk to me about what other friends have said about me and I consider myself betrayed once again (and the ones telling me are not the lying types...I've looked into their souls and seen the integrity they have).  I've been called a player to a fraud...hell, I've even heard the comment about being a "Jeckyll and Hyde" (I gotta admit, that one was creative)...makes me wonder
Karma Is Not Real
Today i realize Karma is not real. It was made up by the rip off blood sucker of the world to trick nice honest people to be chumps. If you try to do the right thing the good thing, you lose. They will suck until your dry and leave youhomeless left without anything. Well I'm done trying, as I burn all my stuff and go bad to the streets everyone had better watch out because now I'm going to be a winner too. FUCK KARMA FUCK CARING FUCK LOVE Love it just a word that is used to trick you into being a dumb fuck.
The Story Part 2
There once was a man from Wyoming who had a pet kangaroo and in the kangaroos pouch my polka dotted elephant.    Feel free to add to the story.
If I shoot them as they jump the fence instead of counting them...could THAT be why I don't sleep? Did someone caffeinate my sleepy time tea? UGH UGH UGH
Bully From Andrea. Awesome!
    PEBBLESINAZ is GOD for 2 days!!! spank her page starting tonight!! show her she ROX your FU ( i know she kicked my FU's @$$ ) i say love her everyday!! but especially while shes a GOD! Spank her page with tons of love! shes got a great Holiday Auction... check it out u might wanna bid shes has tons of pix for u to Rate and Bomb theres a lot of stash to thumbs up rate a blog or 2 or 24 CLICK 2 THUMBS UP STASH BLOGS NEED LOVE 2 (repost of original by 'HerbalRemedy' on '2010-12-13 00:51:10')
Do You Hear What I Hear? Flash Phone From Webpages
TOUCHRING: style your social voice This is a Flash application made in South Korea and has many translations including English. You can download the desktop receiver to get your incoming calls on Adobe AIR for Windows. Versions available for Mac and mobile apps too. Redirect the phone calls to Google Voice, Skype number or mobile phone and pass on the download :p Widgets come in a variety of fashion including your 'virtual' skin, a multi-application framed button or a single "Call ME" bubble!
Incest Da Best, Put Yo' Sistah To Da Test...
From another site, from somebody on my friends' list.. I just wanted to share...     What it says...   Jack - What do you think of incest? Her - It's distgusting Jack - I see. Is there any other info you want to know of me? Her - Nope, not so much Jack - We still could've been friends. I just asked. I didn't mean you. I'm into it, but fine, too bad. Bye Her - That's gross, dude. Seriously, you fuck your sister, then? Fucking distgusting! No wonder people block you cuz you're fucked in the head.   Naturally, I cleaned up what it says with some proper spelling and punctuation.. but hell, I ain't perfect, either...   now..   WHO YO' BRUDDAH!!!!
Monday - December 13, 2010
I am auctioning off my points for Sunday the 13th of December.... This auction will close at 6PM CST on December 13th, 2010.... The points will be given from 6:30 PM til 6:30 AM.... This will allow for a reset which will generate more rates; thus more points.... Please leave only auction bids in the comments section below.... Thank you and have a wonderful day/night....   I will accept the following: - Fubux - Ability Blings (Boomerangs, MegaPolishers, Famps, Auto 11s, Cherry Bombs, God Mode) - Bling Packs - Happy Hours, Blasts, Pimp Outs, etc....   * Will also consider multiple day bids....   **Remember: You get what you bid for, someone else just does all the work for you....
I hate him..because he hurt me..that is just one of them that hurt me..if I think just a little more, I get reminded..of why I also hate him because he hurt me. Dont take advantage of someones feelings, cuz it is convienient for you at the Time..if you do this you are indeed a selfish dick..again..I hate him because he really hurt me..
The King Of Coffee Is Back!!!
The King of Coffee is Back!    December 12, 2010 Organo Gold is proud to announce an incredible holiday season GIFT for all authorized Organo Gold Distributors.  Organo Gold is proud  to mark the start of a new generation with the introduction of “The King of Coffee.” “The King of Coffee” is exclusively produced by Organo Gold. It is the only Healthier Coffee  product of its kind in the World. There is simply no competition. “The King of Coffee”  proudly features Premium 100% Certified Organic Coffee infused with 100% Certified  “Ganoderma Spore Powder Extract.” “The King of Coffee” is crafted with the exclusive  scientific breakthrough of “Advanced Micro-Particle Technology” that is applied to the  spore cell wall breaking operation providing an unprecedented 99.9-percent purity. No other company in the world can offer this product to you or your valued customers.   HOLIDAY SEASON -  Give the Gift of The King of
Sleep, You're A Cruel Bitch
You taunt me with a three hr nap...then run away giggling TEASE!!! JUST PUT OUT ALREADY YOU SLUT
Enthralling 2010 Tudor Check Out May Allure You
Michele has performed it ideal when is came to including their designer watches. They manufactured particular that the timepieces were all Swiss precision made and that each one the materials have been the highly finest. In situation you haven't realized this by now, Michele caters to women. Womens tudor hydro 1200 watches are their specialty, and I just enjoy them. The view faces and straps most often are interchangeable and offered separately. I presume this can be a groundbreaking transfer, and I applaud them for designing their watches by doing this. presenting the new tudor hydronaut watches based on an authentic model through the 1970s but that has a more contemporary design. The new watch features beveled and polished lug edges, slick shoulders to guard the crown including a higher distinction black, grey and orange interface. So exactly where can you get some of these amazing birds? Check the world wide web for reliable hatcheries. Ordinarily a hatchery will send d
gallivant\ GAL-uh-vant \verb; 1. To wander about, seeking pleasure or diversion; gad. 2. To go about with members of the opposite sex.
Good questions outrank easy answers.  -  Paul A. Samuelson
Rado Watches Would Be The Precise Unrestricted Feeling Identified On Earth
The bezel content is robust steel, also. The dial is good sized and spherical, entirely free of charge of any embellishments, except for an oversized rado original automatic watches dot in the 12 oclock mark. The bracelet is crafted from a white leather, completing the appear. That is a magnificent observe, one that can add curiosity for your summer wardrobe. I unearth that what tends to make them ideally suited for divers helps make them great watches for each day purposes at the same time.Need to determine way more about , then check out Matthew Weavers internet site on how you can go for the perfect Aquaracer Watch for ones needs.Correct Swiss superior check out makers are not a dime a dozen. The heritage that goes into making a high conclude Swiss designed timepiece is deep, and no one is aware this more beneficial than Raymond Weil. The RW Small business has been generating luxurious and very well created watches for in excess of 40 years. Their type is polished and r
My Number One Friend
He's a pretty awesome guy He comes across as a royal jackass, but if you have a thick skin and are persistant... He is genuinely a great person I'm proud to call him a friend, and I love him to death (h)
Lastest Novelty Ulysse Nardin El Toro Replica Watch
        Replica ulysse nardin featured the bewitching Maxi Marine series.. Now the latest novelties Ulysse Nardin El Toro series has come out. In accordance with its excellent history, ulysse nardin el toro replica has become the most durable and easy-operating wrist watch by its single crown and reversible perpetual calendar. There is no doubt that owning a watch like this will absolutely enhance your personal glamour during the social activities. Then the problem emerges. This is a limit edition stype. There is only 500 pieces of Ulysse Nardin El Toro watches. The quantity can’t meet the market. So ulysse nardin el toro replica comes into the world by this marketing requirement.  Virtually, replica ulysse nardin’ industry is a very complicated and delusive field. People are easy to find them and hard to tell the difference. Too many scams and too much poor quality covered up those who supply very high and good performance r eplica watches. may brin

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