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Ladies and gentleman, we live in a time of changes, changes to our way of life, and our way of thinking. With all the changes that are always going on around us, we have to stop and think that we should maybe learn better about things? My first gripe is about the National Anthem being done in spanish. Uh yeah no, okay look this is AMERICA the language here is ENGLISH, with Ebonics (Actually taught in some colleges in Cali.), Hickbonics (Very popluar with the backwoodz, and the hilljackz), you have slang that's used in place of actual words, and we don't limit you to having to know english. However, if you wish to succeed in MY country then you best better learn your ass some English. It's that fucking simple. I hate going to a place where there's English and Spanish both being used....Sorry if you're in MY country the language is ENGLISH, learn it, use it, and like it. If you have a problem with my language...pack your shit and LEAVE, I will be more then happy to help you with this should you need assistance, just let me know. But the answer is NO, we don't change the National Anthem to be in spanish...fuck you, and fuck that idea...we are AMERICANS, we are not demanding that everything be in English...however it's nicer that way. But ya know we can 'overcome' things. We're not going to go to Mexico and say listen up, you all have to learn ENGLISH to stay here in Mexico. So you have no fucking right to come over here and demand that OUR national anthem be changed to a 'spanish version' as well. NO, I don't care if this offends you and your whole famn damily I don't care, this is MY country and you will either learn to cope with the ENGLISH language, of you will pack your shit and LEAVE. It's that damn simple. Next is the fucking Illegal Immigrants. Okay it's nice that we are not throwing them all in jail...which I think we should round'em up, and send them to an island and leave them all there. That's just me, that's the price you pay for coming in illegally, this ain't no damn train, it's not a FREE RIDE. I don't think that because you can't speak ENGLISH that MY government that I elected should put you ahead of ANY American. I don't think that's fair, I think you should be charged with a crime, and your ass should be deported at once. And I think there should be HARSHER laws for people that keep doing it. Like DEATH, yeah I think that should be one, make an example of someone, and I bet that'll stop them, because who knows when the next one will be you? You come over here by jumping our border...you mooch off the Americans, you join gangs, and become criminals, and this is all okay??? WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA! this isn't okay, we are allowing this to happen without any penalties...this could be a very bad thing later on in life. I don't think that illegal immigrants sould be entitled to FREE HEALTHCARE either. It's pretty sad that the American family making no more then above min. wage can barely afford to pay for healthcare coverage. Let alone if something happened, and I hope nothing ever happens like this, this is for an example only. But what if your son had to have a major operation, and you did too? can you afford to pay for all of that, pay for your healthcare, your meds, your house payment, your food, your car, the insurance for that car, and gas? That's not including a lot of things I know, I left a lot out, I tried to hit on the ones that would more relate to my crowd. But could you afford all of that on a 6.50/hr salery? I know I couldn't, guys WAKE UP, we need to take serious stand and we need to figure out what in the fuck we're going to do here. You have the filthy rich, then the white collared, then the blue collared, then those that live in poverty. 99.9% of the blue collared workers fall into that catogory. It's sad, you have programs that can help you, but if you make anything over a certian amount you can't get assistance, yet someone that makes 90 bucks less can get all the assistance they need. Now you tell me how in the fuck that's fair? It's not, but it happens everyday! EVERYDAY, and we stand by and allow it to. Because we don't know what to do about. Well Ladies and Gentlemen, that's what this series is for, it's to better educate you on what to do, where to go, and the current event of things in life at this time. We need to stand up and band together, and tell them THIS IS WHAT WE WANT, we may be few on here, but you tell a friend that you need help, we're going to take on the big drug companies...or health carriers....they are going to laugh at you. But you get those that it mostly effects...then they will get those that they know, and it grows, and grows, and you know what....we've got 6 times what we needed, and still growing. You think about this, you think that 2.4 million votes won't hurt? that's damn near enough to decide the election or not. You think that it's not, it is. Election year is coming up...and we need to make it known what we WANT THEM to do for US. Remember we're hard working Americans, we PAY THEM and we trust them to listen to us, but you take just 300 people from a single disterict....you think about it...12 dist. that's what 3600 people, damn that's a hell of a lot of people not voting, ot going elsewhere to vote. Yeah, the numbers don't lie. You think it's not enough, but it is. Just like when you don't go vote, you are one person..."it won't make a difference" the hell it won't, there's probably a 1,000 more out there like you thinkin the same thing just within the same state. 50,000 people that's a lot of people, and a lot of votes that aren't going anywhere.....and you tell me that doesn't matter? Think again. My importance on this subject is to stress to you that they are changing the immerigration policy...they will allow 200,000 in a year...that's 1/4 of that 50,000 I talked about earlier...okay, still not seeig it??? Okay, for every 50,000 of you that didn't vote (we'll say that because it's easier to work with.) there's going to be 50,000 illegal immerigrents coming to take your spot....in two years people, TWO YEARS that 50,000 will grow to 100,000, the next year 150,000, 200,000 illegals here to work in 4 years. Okay that's just for those 50,000 that didn't vote, whoa wait a min, we still got a whole nother set of numbers people. Check this out. OKay the rest of us that leaves us with 150,000 to work with (Again using numbers that are easy to follow, and easy for me to play with in my mind.) OKay we're at 150,000 in ONE year remember I said 200,000 a year, BUT we used the 50,000 of you that didn't vote, and REPLACED you with 50,000 more that WILL. The rest of us that VOTED got stuck with 150,000 illegals that we didn't want. that's where we're at. that 150,000 will grow to 300,000 in 2 years, 450,000 in 3 years, and 500,000 in just 4 years! In 8 years, that's a whole nother MILLION people....that's what I'm talking about people...we have to stand up and make changes NOW! We need to take action on this issue. I will be happy to help you write a letter to your congressman or woman, help you in finding names, addresses, and things of that nature. I have no problem in doing that, but it's time we WAKE THE FUCK UP and do something. If not, we're all going to be out of a job , with no way to pay bills, for healthcare, or anything else. The only thing that we'll be able to get is the min. wage jobs, that will be few and far inbetween. Unless we are educated in a trade, and then it's a lot less likely that we'll lose our job, but you still count too. Remember that, you all count, each one of us, every single person reading this over the age of 18 YOU COUNT, you have a voice USE IT! I am empowering you to do so, I want everyone to vote for whoever, don't sit back and allow these people that you didn't elect make choices for you! You have to stand up and say OH HELL NO! NOT ON MY WATCH! Good maybe that got some of your attention? Okay I will touch on a few more, so you keep those numbers handy okay? My next thing is Healthcare (Prices of Meds will be discussed after this one). Healthcare people, I am in healthcare by trade...and I can tell you that when it's 1,000 buck to have yo ass scanned to take a picture of your insides...I think that's too much. However I'll break this down into two parts....those who have a deductible...and those that don't. We'll cover those that do first. First thing is first..okay you got your Health insurance...YAY good for you. Now you know that 50-100 dollar pre. you pay every paycheck? Yeah the one they take out of your pay check, okay that's just keep you on the policy. Okay...here's where I start to lose people...OKay you have a deductible it can range anywhere between 250 - 3000 dollars a year. OKay let's say you've got a 1,500 dollar deductible....okay you had that cat scan...yay you blew a 1,000 bucks, yeah that's YOURS to PAY. no insurance...yeah that sucks eh? okay ya got 500 to use...let's say that the cat scan showed nothing, and you had no other health problems, until the end of the year....okay You've got that fucking 1,000 bucks paid off, (Hey overtime works well eh?) now you go into the hospital....You've got a major problem, and you have to a major surgery with all the works. Okay, youv'e got 500 gone, now your insurance kicks in at 80/20 They pay 80, and you pay 20. No not dollars...percent. Okay say the operations was 20,000 the Doctors and the Insurance has a certian amount that they 'write off' which you aren't billed for. Let's say that write off amount was 200 dollars. okay that's 19,800 you are faced with just for the surgery...okay problem your insurance kicks in and pays 15,340....that leaves you 4,460 okay...we're not done yet. Your Room costs...okay let's say worst case you had to go to ICU x3 days...at 33,000 a night that's 99,000. Okay again your Insurance kicks in and pays your 80% which is 79,200. Cool, you owe 19,800 plus what you owed before. Okay let's continue on. You get out of the ICU by the Grace of the higher being you pray to, you go to a reg. room at 10,000 a night x3 days. Okay 30,000 at 80% is 26,400, your part is 3600. OKay we're still not done yet...Let's say you racked up like 6000 in med costs, (I know of very few bills that will actually come out this low, and med charges differ, but in all my years, I have not seen any go under 6,000 for a surgery with 3 nights in ICU.) Again your insurance kicks in and pays 80% 4,800, you pay 1,200. Okay you remember that code you had, and we almost lost you when you came out of surgery that resulted in you being admitted to ICU to begin with? Yeah we're going to charge you 800 bucks for the crash cart...and then another 200 for the meds we used on you. that's a 1,000 okay again 80% they pay 800 and you pay 200. Okay and for just Misc charges they are going to bill you for 5,000. Okay 80% of that is 4,000 and you owe 1,000. OKay grand total that you owe for your hospital trip gone wrong is 29,760. How will you pay for that, credit, check, or cash? Remember you have 15 days to make that payment. You don't make it, they will hound your ass until the day you die. However, if you were an illegal here and you got hurt the same way you did, and everything was the way it was....you'd pay ZERO. Tell me how in the fuck is that fair? KNow how I know this? My mother works for a doctor, and it happens ALL THE TIME. Yeah, this illegal got all of it paid for, now this is without insurance 160,800 in FREE MEDICAL CARE, because they don't have insurance, or anything else, where they are living I don't know, but have everything they have...And you look at this, and tell me it's fair. With Universal Healthcare there isn't a need for any of that shit, the government pays for it, Canada does this, and it seems to be working out GREAT! Maybe it's time for a change. You look at those numbers and YOU tell me. You tell me that it's fair that we bust our asses EVERYDAY at a 9-5 and barely make it, yet we end up paying close to 30,000 and someone IN THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY pays ZERO. Uh something isn't right there.....yes people it happens DAILY, and again what do we do NOTHING, so we bitch about it, insted of bitching about it, let's do something about it! Again see the answer above. Now those of you with no deductible...yours will be about 500 bucks cheaper...because I added the 500 bucks from the deductible in with that final number, so it'd be about 29,200 something like that. But yeah you see what I'm getting at. Go figure. We the American people are getting SCREWED in our OWN COUNTRY and we sit back and allow it to happen. I'm sick of this shit....I'm sick of it. OKay Medicine....We all are sick at one point and time. Here's a really good one for ya...You have a cough you go and see your doctor...again we'll do this with insurance and without. The office Visit is 80.00 even (Have you met all of your deductible?) if you haven't this will be applied to it. So whatever your deductible is subtract 80.00 from it. Okay 80.00 due at the time of service. Not too bad, You see the doctor...and you have some kinda URI (Upper Resp. Infection) He gives you a script for something like an antibiotic, something to help with your cough (phenergen, yes it helps with coughing for those that don't know.) and something called TUSSIONX Yeah that's all find and good, you've got an excuse from work for 3 days, enjoy it. Okay little do you know that just that one bottle alone will be 80 bucks and it's not even a 1/2 cup full of the shit. So that's 80, you pay 20, your anti is I dunno 10, and the phenergen is 10. That's 80+20+10+10 what's that give you? 120.00 okay, without insurance that's about 190.00. That's if you're not paying for the full price of those meds. I"M letting you get off cheap. But you see where I'm heading with this right? Remember you're on that 6.50 an hour...that's a tight squeeze. But you are seeing this right?? Well the universal healthcare will cover the cost of the meds...so you pay NOTHING for meds, to see the doctor, or for your healthcare. No pre. to pay, no deductibles, nothing, the government fits the bill for it......oops did I mention that our Taxes will go up? Oh yeah they will! But hey, I can afford that extra 40 bucks coming out every paycheck because I don't have to worry about paying for the Insurance, or the meds, or co-pays, or any of that shit. So hell yeah, I'd take that....if they took 100 extra out, I could care less, because if you add it up, you're still getting off cheaper then you would've with the insurance. that's only for three meds, what if you have a few more that you 'need'? Again they've taken out the 100, and we see the doctor, get our meds, and get our other meds for nothing else. Okay so we've gotten like 250 dollars woth of care for only 100. DAMNIT I'd take that! Think about it, never having to scratch to come up with the money to get your meds...never having to come up with money to make sure you can pay your pre. never having to worry about pre-existing conditions, never worrying about paying for a threapist should you need one, hell the 30,000 hospital trip is FREE! You can't lose, WE can't lose, this is next to the greatest thing I've ever hread of! Yet still if they take out 200 bucks extra a month, I currently take one med...that is 189.00 A MONTH without insurance...I have that, so it's only 20...but still. think about it...I mean if you're not sick and stuff then yeah it might be a bitch for you...but this includes your family....Little jr gets sick in the middle of the night...that's a trip to the ER without insurance just to get seen is well over 500, with insurance 150-300, not including the meds, and xrays and shit, yet with Universal Healthcare, it's ZERO! Little jr gets seen, and you go get his meds, and it's ZERO! No you don't have to take out a cash fund for that...it's ZERO! So yes this is something we want....you have to think about it as the WHOLE scope...You're paying what you're paying now, plus copays, and shit like that, think about it one set amount per paycheck...200 bucks a month (used as an example) 2,400 a year, I'm sure that you will spend WELL over that in one year. So it's all how you look at it. I have given you examples, things that I know to look at when money is tight...so there it is ladies and gentleman, that's the bottom line. I suggest you think about it, and think about writing your congress people to get off their ass and start promoting this. Start talkin to them about it...have your friends to do the same. Show them this, have them READ this, it all makes sense. Everything makes sense. As long as you think about it. I want you to think about your family....and think about what would happen if you lost your job right now....would the meds be paid for? Could you afford them? Could you afford if something tragic happened to you? It's something to think about, these things that you don't think about....but being a paramedic, I've seen them, I know how they impact a family...been there done that.....it's fucking hard as hell to get by. think about it, that's all I want you to do...is to think about it....then let me know. Call your buddy to come over here and read this blog. I don't care, I'm trying to make the world a better place, and if I just reach ONE person with this series...then that's ONE person that I reached that understands, and is willing to help. ONE person CAN make a difference. Look at the numbers above...one person can make a difference. Think about it. If there's any questions, you can e-mail me here if you have questions EMAIL ME HERE, I will be able to respond to you quicker. If I don't know the answer I WILL FIND IT, I won't make something up. I will find out if I can. But please tell everyone to come and read this series of blogs, it's only to help everyone, not because I'm bored, I could be sleeping, but I'd rather help others out that might be in a bad place at this time, and can't do for themselves. So please send everyone to read this! Thanks....I will post another one tomorrow, discussing certain topics that need to be covered. SO take it, and use it to YOUR advantage. Have a great one. ~~~MATT~~~
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