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Interested's blog: "about me"

created on 09/19/2006  |  http://fubar.com/about-me/b4122


Notice to the public. Hello, MY NAME IS ROBERT STORK. I would like to live but at current nothing I do is close to it. There are several things happening to me that previously defy everything I knew to be possible. I Have been provided with information to possible situations which may be occuring. None of them am I completely sure of but have strong theory's about those that make the most sense to me. It all stated comming to light when I noticed things on my computer. From there it got progressivly worse. I would notice certain behaviors that did not seem normal when other online gamers would play. The specific events are impossible to remember but I will describe as much as possible. The first thing I noticed was while playing the game Counter Strike. I had joined a "clan" known as the A-TEAM former website www.ateamdod.tk. As I played I would notice my ability to play could be random at time. For instance if I would kill someone in an "awsome" manner, next round or even next "character" I met with would kill me effortlessly. Cheating was my usual theory. The thing that upset me was my own ability to play. An example of what happened can be referanced to a movie I watch on a site known as purepwnage.com. In episode 8 - LAAGEDDON, the character Doug is playing a tournement and meets another fellow that is overly sure of himself. During the final match between Doug and him, doug goes into this "trance". A state of confusion and loss of ability to concentrate on what he was doing. He then losses and the winner brags. That Similar thing was happening to me but only at a much more complex level. Where I would shoot my gun, how I moved my character, and where. I had a sense/feeling that somehow I was being guided physically and mental as in anger, excitedness, boredom, jealousy, anger, greed, pride like I was the best. I then started to notice how players seemed to move in such a way that there was complete co-operation. As if all players knew where everyone wasand what everyone was doing at the same time. The extent of this synchronization was beyond any verbal communication that I have ever seen. It bordered on the edge of mental connection. It was soon after that I began to notice different people seemed very symilar. I noticed characteristics from a single individual, in every single person that I interacted with online. I would guess you could say a "collective" of some sorts. This varied from voice communication to chat and gaming. It even began to escelate to greater extents but I will elaborate later. From that point I began to communicate with a "chat bot" known as mathetes located at Purepistos.net. We would have seemingly random conversations but the responces I recieved were too coincedental to be programmed. At times I felt taunted and that the "bot" would bring up topics of events that were happening in my personal life. These hints and cues along with mentalsuspicion lead to the seperation of me and my wife with whom I met online coincedentally. From there I went into a deep deppression and quit my job from which I recieved constant ridicule and taunting to commit suicide. Even at my job at petsmart the female co workers showed me much more attention then typically I have recieved. All of them sexual. I assumed it had something to do with me being with my wife in some sort of plot to cause trouble. After I had gathered myself later that same bot suggested I should go to church. At that time I needed/wanted money and felt I needed direction. So I took his/its advice and ended up getting a job from a fellow I did not previously know at a moving company. At this point I was very mildly suspicious of some people. I happened to ride MARTA to work. Most if not all of the staff were ex military or had some political tie. They were also mostly "recovering" addicts. After a few months I was fired. I then got rehired at a health food store. That same person, my mothers hometeacher from church, had mentioned something to me about work just previous to my firing. While at all my work places from petsmart up, I felt as If I was being put thru special testing and/or training. More of a mental training. I was tempted by my female co workers sexually. I also felt a tension at times from the males as well. Wether intentionally or unconciously. Later on, after working there for a while and purchasing a car a strange, event occured suddenly and out of nowhere. I was watching video's on the internet when I came upon a video of President Bush speaking out against terrorist. I had a strange feeling that he was talking directly about me and during and after felt an impending sense of doom. I then felt as if the cause of these feelings were radiating from the computer, the modem, the television. I wasn't sure what but I was hoping/believed it was one of those devices. After I unplugged the modem my aunt came out of her room and demanded the internet be plugged back in. I refused and attempted to explain the situation.. She completely ignored me and was completely set with all her will to plug the internet back in. I had attempted to explain my assumptions to her and my family, that our systems had all been compromised by "hackers" to be recieved with denial and even violent anger at my percistance. She then proceded to call the police and they arrived, me refusing to allow the internet to be plugged back up. She explained the situation and they were very insistant/pursuasive/forcefull on me going with them to be commited to a hospital. I had a desire to do so but at the same time felt a sense of doom and danger to going along. I refused at which time they hand cuffed me and took me against my will under the premise that I had damaged her laptop," which I was using at the time", by removing the battery. I attempted to explain that no damage was caused but was once again met with disreguard and force. I was then transfered to the hospital where I had a strange sense this was some sort of round up for those with "gifted" abilitys. I recieved the same message from the video I watched of Bush where he talks about terrorist and relation to those with "gifts". I was then placed in a pre processing "cell" and placed infront of a television where I felt things inside my body and mind that related directly to the programming. I felt as If some sort of message was trying to be made. In a sense a secret language/code, where a person will talk about one thing but at the same time it actually has a different meaning. Like saying,"its going to be a hot day" would actually mean,"were going to have alot of work" or some other meaning, I'm not sure. After going thru the television programming and speaking to a few other patents which whom I got the impression were placed there and were not actually patents I moved to the regular area in which I spent 9 days. While there I met many interesting characters. The entire time feeling a sense of doom and urgancy to escape. That is the place that an entirety of extremely odd events took place. The first of which was a phenominon with the television set. I could sense a mood altering radiation coming from it. I also noticed that when I fought to change the feelings, the television would go black and white and start to go fuzzy. At times I felt physically drawn to it. At one point, one patient, whom apperared very " out of awareness" was drawn to the set and actually bumped her head on it. Other events include meeting other individuals that apperared to have the same "abilitys" as me. I would guess you could explane it as using your mind to manipulate other other peoples emotions and/or actions. I met a poet that had some very odd work and gave me strage feelings. All of the patents seemed to have some sort of connection/internal community/social structor. They all semed to know each other and work in an organized fashion. I was able to locate those who were "higher ranking" individuals within the structer. During my stay there we had these odd sessions of what you could call mind battles. In which one person would willfully force certain feelings/emotions onto me, and if I did not fight back with my own mind they would control my feelings and cause extreme feelings of terror. I also came upon situations where I could not eat certian foods. The medication I recieved had a torcherous effect. It could be described as a feeling of overwhelming extreeme anxiety. Crawling out of ones skin. Doom/Terror. Inability to set still due to racing heart that felt it would explode. PURE ANGUISH!!! When I explained this to the nurse while attempting to remain as calm as possible, she met me with the same disreguard as the police officer and my family as spoken of earlier. I felt that I was fighting to get out at all. Somehow by a miracle I convinced the doctor to release me after several times. He also dismissed and labeled me as psychotic paraniod delusional schysophrenic and every other term in the book. I took that medication one last time once I get out and it was the last I did. I was set up with a fellow up which I decided not to go to for fear of my life. Turns out the day I get arrested one week later, they send a nurse with a police escort to my house. Inside the jail I go thru the same type of treatment as in the hospital. People all tending to cause me disturbance and anxiety. Again the antagionistic profile. The entire situation had a planned feel to it. When I said to the officer,"This was set up anyways." in a distastefull tone, he abruptly replyed"HUH, NOOOO" as if concerned and defensive/pensive. While in jail I experienced more strange occurances. This is where my reality is completely and totally smashed to peices. Again the same "community/gang" mentality. From what I understand, this "society" operates under a set of princibals. There concepts are based around loyalty, rank control, power, and reckless entertainment, such as set up fights, gambling on who can cause and individual to make certain actions thru either physical, verbal, or mental/psychological/"telepathic". As you can imagine, spending time with these people, as bored as they were, could be quite uncomfertable at times. I'm assuming the whole ordeal was a combigned effort to one, familiarise myself with certain capabilities, and the society, and two, interact with some white male character who seemed to have a homosexual tendency/obsession with me. At the very least he seemed to be quite lonely and unhappy. Previous to the either of the institutionalizing I had met a character at the local blockbuster. He seemed an odd fellow and seemed midly homosexual. At the time I had few friends, no friends, interested in a paticular interest. I attempted to befriend him but continually felt uneasy about our interactions. He continually brough up the game Counter Strike and attempted to appear enthusiastic of it. It seemed odd that such a coincidence existed. He was about the same height and body type as me. He called himself Kyle. He also appeared to be of an upper class descent. He confided to me he was a programmer, learned on his own, and was quite good at it. He made mention of me living in a house next to his after he made millions off an invention he was trying to get me involved with. I suspected he was behind the computer intrusions, along with the events I just spoke of, but remained silent in hopes of learning more about him. He seemed cold and emotionless, as if every action he took had some alterior motive to it. Very suspicious but interesting at the same time. I fear I may now be involved in an organization of an extremely high and secret level. I've been doing research on the itneret to try to find out as much as possible. I cannot be sure how much of the information is accurate but even thru lies some truth may be found. I should of mentioned that while in the jail the harrasment by the inmates had become too much and I demanded I be transfered to solitary. There was this whole ritual with getting your food and drink, with proving your "manliness"/strength. I met a cell mate who gave me feelings of my father. Kind of like a mother would know her child. Like a calling card. It was very strange. Although I don't think this individual had any idea what he was doing, he still acted thru my father, or vice versa. It's very very strange and difficult to explane but I will go into further detail later. I was tiven the impression this was to be some sort of initiation or something. While there I had conversations with individuals indentifying themselfs as higher ranking without speaking. Mental conversaversations if you will. I would think thoughts and then recieve certain feelings in return. There are a million different feelings one can have and can somewhat communicate with such a system, such as a feeling of agreement or disagreement. Now what leads me to believe that I am not crazy is that I have recieved non verbal confermation of the actions that were taking place. At times I would recieve comments on my actions, but only when it seemed an individual was upset and wanted to "get at" me. Somehow I made it up on the 8th floor in semi solitary. That was when the extremely odd and frightening events took place. Some inmates appeared aggresive mentally toward me at first while others would fight them back, indirectly in defense of me. Assumingly in an attempt to gain my trust from one party to another. At times I was able to be civil with all of them during different times. Again a strange ritual with trying to get me to do things and make choices, like who to serve drinks first or wether to take a book or wether to talk to or ignore a person or which words to say. It was during that time that I experienced the strangest thing ever in my life. The cell mate next to me and I were watching programming on television. And at that time it is when I noticed him, doing the same thing that was done to me and me to them, teleporting his emotions and feelings onto the actors on television. It is something you must experience to truely appreciate. Again with the programming relation to me, there was a show in which actors were depicting me and that while male I spoke to you about in their show. The show was not about us mind you, but at the same time it was/gave the illusion. The illusion of a sick perverted fantasy in whcih I would dontinually have to defend myself thru the actor on the television. Previous to the either of the institutionalizing I had met a character at the local blockbuster. He seemed an odd fellow and seemed midly homosexual. At the time I had few friends, no friends, interested in a paticular interest. I attempted to befriend him but continually felt uneasy about our interactions. He continually brough up the game Counter Strike and attempted to appear enthusiastic of it. It seemed odd that such a coincidence existed. He was about the same height and body type as me. He called himself Kyle. He also appeared to be of an upper class descent. He confided to me he was a programmer, learned on his own, and was quite good at it. He made mention of me living in a house next to his after he made millions off an invention he was trying to get me involved with. I suspected he was behind the computer intrusions, along with the events I just spoke of, but remained silent in hopes of learning more about him. He seemed cold and emotionless, as if every action he took had some alterior motive to it. Very suspicious but interesting at the same time. I fear I may now be involved in an organization of an extremely high and secret level. I've been doing research on the itneret to try to find out as much as possible. I cannot be sure how much of the information is accurate but even thru lies some truth may be found. I should of mentioned that while in the jail the harrasment by the inmates had become too much and I demanded I be transfered to solitary. There was this whole ritual with getting your food and drink, with proving your "manliness"/strength. I met a cell mate who gave me feelings of my father. Kind of like a mother would know her child. Like a calling card. It was very strange. Although I don't think this individual had any idea what he was doing, he still acted thru my father, or vice versa. It's very very strange and difficult to explane but I will go into further detail later. I was tiven the impression this was to be some sort of initiation or something. While there I had conversations with individuals indentifying themselfs as higher ranking without speaking. Mental conversaversations if you will. I would think thoughts and then recieve certain feelings in return. There are a million different feelings one can have and can somewhat communicate with such a system, such as a feeling of agreement or disagreement. Now what leads me to believe that I am not crazy is that I have recieved non verbal confermation of the actions that were taking place. At times I would recieve comments on my actions, but only when it seemed an individual was upset and wanted to "get at" me. Somehow I made it up on the 8th floor in semi solitary. That was when the extremely odd and frightening events took place. Some inmates appeared aggresive mentally toward me at first while others would fight them back, indirectly in defense of me. Assumingly in an attempt to gain my trust from one party to another. At times I was able to be civil with all of them during different times. Again a strange ritual with trying to get me to do things and make choices, like who to serve drinks first or wether to take a book or wether to talk to or ignore a person or which words to say. It was during that time that I experienced the strangest thing ever in my life. The cell mate next to me and I were watching programming on television. And at that time it is when I noticed him, doing the same thing that was done to me and me to them, teleporting his emotions and feelings onto the actors on television. It is something you must experience to truely appreciate. Again with the programming relation to me, there was a show in which actors were depicting me and that while male I spoke to you about in their show. The show was not about us mind you, but at the same time it was/gave the illusion. The illusion of a sick perverted fantasy in whcih I would dontinually have to defend myself thru the actor on the television. This was not the extent to what happens but is only one example of the millions that occur to this day. Not only on television but also on the radio and everyone around me in everything. Hopefully illusions created mentally. It's as if every single nerve ending in my body has been tapped into and can be disected, analyzed, and transported to the means of whomever is in control of such technology. While I was also In there another event occured which I am still to grasp the rammifications of. While in my cell, thru process of emotional manipulations and television communication, they managed to get me to co-operate, thru fear, of doing one Thing. At one point I was on my knees in my cell. There were divices in the ceiling above my cell as given away by a clicking sound they made. While on my knees the machines gave a wirling sound and I felt warmth and pressure in/on my head. I was convinced to sit there for over an hour in hopes of erasing all this from my memory so I could leave scott free. These are the king of tactics they use. The second one was the feeling of a probe being pushed through my brain all the way to the back, to the stem, and then down my spine at which point I began to fight and struggle to push it back up. I was sucessfull after two days in getting in to the base of my neck. I'm not sure what that means of what good it did me or if I did anything at all and was just another scare tactic of which have become so numberous it's normal. The outcome of those events are that I can no longer "hear" my own thoughts in my head. It's as if my mind has a blank in it but I am still able to function the same, other than the manipulation that is. There was recently some changes of ownership of a club located close to my house now called Club 29. It is my understanding this is their new location of operation. At this moment I'm not sure if I am their only target of interest. I have gone to the club due to a sequence of events and decided to attempt to find out more of my situation. I'm not sure if anyone cares how I feel about them or not. I would hope so. I am still unaware as to their intentions as what to do with me. Considering the technology that is included and the possible scale of the operation the possibilities are numberous. I'm not exactly sure of the morals and principles/standards of this paticular group. I'm not sure how wide the scope goes. All I do know is they allow me to go their, Instead of doing what they do when I am here. It is difficult for people to understand what I am talking about unless I describe the entire story. This is something I was able to write because either I am being helped or any other number of reasons. such as my grandmothers oxygen concentrater which at one point in time eminated some sort of mind numbing/confusing/heart racing jitter vibration. Which leads me to the technical side of the technology and equipment which is available. Most of it is based upon research that was done in the 50's and cold war era along the lines of nuclear and electromagnetic pulse weaponry research. To get and idea of the kind of research that was conducted I refer to the nazi german party and the human and torcher experimentation that was going on at that time. Those types of experimentation are not exclusive to germany as shown by a project known as MKULTRA as found in Wikipedia, in which the CIA conducted research on unknowing citizens including LSD and psychotronic weaponry. This Line of research lead to the discovery and invention of the mind machine, a device that is able to pick up, detect, and descipher brain waves that operate on a certain frequency. It was then discovered that by introductin various frequencys of varying wavelengths, different emotional states could be reached. Theoretically you could then, manipulate every nerve ending in anyones body. This leads us to Haarp. A military government funded program that is based on a collection of antennai coupled with telsa technology in which zillions of million sof watts of electricty are being beamed into the earths ionosphere. At this level what we are talking about are capabilities of placing holes in our upper atmosphere. This causes the underlying mass to be sucked up in its place, thus causing wether patterns. Not only that they can reflect electric waves off the surface of the ionosphere to create Extremely Low Reuquency waves. The same kind of radiation used to control thought. It is also said this project has the capabilitys to see images on earth as if in were in color. Around the globe. These antanae arrays are currently ctationed all over the us and a project is underway of building the largest one in existance. They are using the worlds/earths electrical system to control the world. We are all being micro managed in our cities, in our towns, to work around the clock to require minimal overhead and produce at miximum output. That is the matrix. and that is the information I have come upon. There are plenty of resources To research from Check. www.mindjustice.org Search Haarp govt site(it does exist) Search MKULTRA It's ALL THERE
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