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  Like most households in regions of the States where Raccoons live, ours is a house in Western Pennsylvania, that Raccoons frequent. Other than foraging in Ours and the Neighbors' Garbage Cans-if they get the chance that is-we are a Boarding House of seven men, and one of us likes befriending the critters. 

  They live an Average Lifespan of two to three years in the wild. They are of The Family Procyonidae The Species is P. Lotor. The Average Mass of an Adult is around 7-20 pounds of The Order Carnivora. The Phylum is Chordata. A Family of Four of them hang out in one of the trees in our yard during the day, and at night, they come down out of it and they do their foraging thing. I personally don't like them near me, but one of our Housemates Vigorously Defends them. He and I have gone round and round over this, and he now knows where I stand regarding them. So he's given up on trying to 'Convert' me to becoming a lover of these animals.

  It's bad enough being associated with these animals by Idiot Racist Knuckleheads that give Us Black Folk, instant association with them...just because of their facial hair coloring layout. I have never seen the reasoning for it. They're also known as Bandits too. I guess it's because they forage in garbage and are known Scavengers.

  In any case, I'm NOT letting any of the Motherfuckers get to me.





Unexpected Blessings.

 	I'm a witness to the fact that; there is such a thing as, Unexpected Blessings. Let me explain.
I was facing a problem with being to pay Rent this month, and also having to handle another 
Financial Obligation next month. I collect Early Retirement Social Security Benefits, as I had to 
begin getting them because of problems when I was in Allegheny County. I won't go into what 
those problems were. Suffice it to say that, I had to begin collecting it to save my ass!
 	Sometimes things just creep up on you at the most critical of times. I found myself wondering 
just how I was going to go about solving this Dilemma I was in. Yes, I even prayed about it. 
	Mind you, I'm by NO means the kind of person you would think of as 'Christian'. I'll be the first 
to readilly admit that I don't act like it; talk like it, or walk like it all the time. Rather, the opposite is true. 
Hardly ANY of the time.
	It's The Truth:
 	Then, out of the blue, a guy I know whom I see periodically just showed up at the house tonight. 
I'd not seen him in quite awhile, and to be honest, I was mighty glad to see him. I told him what was 
going on with me. 
	Then, he asked me: 
"How much do you need?"
"A hundred dollars." I'd said in response. I then went on to say I'd repay it within the next two months. 
	But, he said:
"I don't want it back. Just Pay It Forward. Someone will come into your life that will have A Need; 
and you'll know then, what to do, because it will be made known to you at that moment, what to do 
to Pay It Forward!"
 	So I say all of that, to simply say this:
 	We tell each other on here all the time, to: 'Be Kind To One Another, because you never know 
what someone else is going through, AT ANY given time.' This, I am most convinced now more than ever, 
is assuredly true. So, if someone has A Need To Be Met, if you're able, help him or her or them, 
to have that 
Need Fulfilled. It doesn't always of necessity, have to be Monetary either. A Kind Word. An Ear to Listen. 
Being Present just to show Support and Solidarity. Help with a Project. The list goes on. 
	You see; if we're going to talk about 'Loving One Another', then the very act of Paying It Forward, 
in and of itself, will demonstrate that very concept more than most other actions or words ever will. 
Even the very act of simply Praying for the Blessing and Welfare of A Total Stranger In Need, is 
something that will ultimately end up doing something good for you at some point.
Many people call that 'Karma'. A Famous Man named Jesus said it best like this. Matthew's Gospel. 5: 42.
"Give to him who asks you, and to him who wants to borrow from you, do not turn away."
	I got Blessed today, and Friday I will receive that Blessing. So I will plan on doing likewise, 
for someone else...by Paying It Forward!


Come Out And Say It!

I might regret what I'm about to say, but I'm going to say it nonetheless. I'm not afraid:

Upon spending nearly two years on The Fu, I've come to realize that there are people who will not give any ground on their perceived notions of Self-Rightousness. Moreover; these self same people, operate in an openly Hypocritical Fashion. Pride Yourself on being a 'Freak'. Post some NSFW Photos backing up that claim. I have to be mindful of the fact that, I'll get Blocked and have My Friendship Revoked, if I bring any of MY OWN FREAKINESS into any conversation with these self same folks!

Ok. I get it:

Perhaps; it would be much better if you come right out and say what you'll accept and what you will not, if you ever talk to me. That of course, depends on IF you talk to me in the first place. I tell you openly what I'm about, in the 'About Me' segment of My Profile Page. What I've said, I cannot make any more plain than what is already there. If you expect any more elaboration or explanation, then you are surely going to be disappointed, because there won't be anything else! You might ask; "What's this bit about being 'Hypocritical', and how dare you relate that to ME?"

Well, it's simple:

You want to be seen-or at least perceived-as someone who embraces an openly Sexual Lifestyle related only to what YOU...are into. Yet, you'll vehemently reject any type of Sexual Lifestyle or Practice that you are not into. I can see you having preferences. Everyone has them and that's fine. So instead of raging against what you're not into, just come out and say you're not interested in such practices and leave it at that. I'm a Foot Fetish Guy. I'm into Sexing Women's Soft, Sexy Soles and Toes. Not Transgendered, Cross Dressers, AND ETC! I like getting Footjobs-There, I said it-and I don't hide that fact either, in telling that I Have A Foot Fetish! To be sure; there's MANY a Man on this Site that also loves getting Footjobs, but you won't get the same expression of The Truth from hardly any of them, because they want to keep such knowledge to themselves and You. Well, I just told you mine. That's also why I'm 'Unwanted' as well...at least that's how I see it.


You can believe whatever you will. Like Me or Not, I'm still going to be ME, as I cannot be anyone or anything else. Oh sure, I can make some changes here and there within the framework of My Personality. Yet; The Core Essence of what IS Me, will ALWAYS be the same within. I'm a Foot-Freak Dude. Yes I can get into other kinds of Sex as well, and never said or indicated I could not with regard to other practices. By the way; please recall that if you're a Human Being, YOU ARE ALSO A SEXUAL BEING AS WELL; so quit Perpetrating The Outright Fraud that you are somehow 'Beyond That', when You Know deep down in your Inner Being that you're just like the rest of the Human Race. Sure, there are those that never practice a 'Freak Lifestyle', but that doesn't exclude them from exhibiting or having 'The Potential' to be that. You don't want to 'Foot Fetish Chat' with me? Come Out And Say It. You won't hurt my feelings!



Now I'm the kind of guy who don't believe that Chivalry is dead.

'Cause I believe a Woman should be treated with The Utmost Respect.

Don't be afraid, don't turn and walk away. I want to get to know you.

Don't be ashamed, don't say that Love's to Blame. Just come and look me over.

You'll find a Heart, that you've always been looking for. 

How could any Lady ask for much more?

Now I like opening doors, picking your Hanky off The Floor.

Treat You Like A Lady.

Light Your Bowl, Blunt, or Smoke, even help you with Your Coat.

Trerat You Like A Lady.

In this world of Liberation;

it's so easy to forget,

that it's nice to have a Man around to lend a helping hand

you can bet.

When I was young. My Mama used to say:

"Boy, a Woman's like a flower.

With Love on Her, You Shower."

Ever since that day,

her words never went away.

I always will remember,

to Treat My Lady Tender.

Here; you'll find The Heart,

that you've always been looking for.

Need you ask for much more?



Relocations Plans.

   Sometime this year; more than likely in September or October, I'll be relocating out West.

It is my intention, to relocate out to New Mexico. As for the reasons? The main one being,
that I've spent more than enough time here in Pennsylvania-18 Years-and it's time for me
to go to the place I intend to spend the remainder of My Life...and Ultimately Die there!
   As I'm originally from Iowa; I do not intend to go back there...alive. I do however, intend
to have My Ashes sent back there, to be buried in The Family Plot in the town of Burlington,
Iowa in the Cemetary Our Family Plot is in...and yes, I said 'Ashes'! Cremations aren't as 
expensive as Burials. My Daughter and other Family Members-or The Spouse I hope to have
long before then-do not need the added expense!
   I anticipate that life for me will be better out there in Albuquerque; or Santa Fe, or Roswell,
or wherever I end up. To be honest; I'd like to end up in Roswell, because it's The UFO City
where Tourism is a pretty big thing. I mean all things considered, I'd like to know for myself
once and for all, if Extraterrestrials indeed have visited Our Planet or if in fact, one or more
   With everything that's happened over the last few weeks; it would be absolutely no surprise 
to me at all, if any ET's took a special interest in the latest events in Our Nation...never mind 
the rest of The Planet. Maybe I'll find out for myself, and maybe I won't. We'll see.
   The overall Climate out there will be good for me and my Muscles, Bones and Joints to be sure.
It's safe for me to say, I'm spending my final Winter in a Cold Weather State. You might ask; 
'Well why not go down to Florida?' Here's The Answer: It's Donald Trump Country now, there's
Big-Ass Escaped Exotic Snakes, Gators, High Humidity, and Hurricanes can hit down there along
with the rest of the Gulf Coast States. Not to mention that the Racism Factor is much greater in
Florida, than New Mexico I believe. Now you might say something along the lines of: 'Well, you've
got to deal with dangerous Animals in NM too. You've got Scorpions, Snakes, Pumas, and Bigger-
Assed Spiders like Tarantulas and Wolf Spiders and Coyotes and you're that much closer to the 
Border to Mexico!
   So what?
   New Mexico is called 'The Land of Enchantment'. I intend to see firsthand, just how Enchanting
it can be. When Congress gets back to work after their Break-whenever that is-I'm hoping one of
the things they do first or second, is get another Stimulus going. I'm earnestly Praying for them 
to send out $2,000.00 Checks, because quite frankly, the $600.00 one-while welcome mind you-
simply was not enough!
   I don't want to hear it. Please keep your Negative 'You don't need nothing', statements to Your-
selves. You don't know me, nor do I know you. Let's just leave it at that shall we?
   So with that said; my final reason for wanting to go out there, I pray will finally result in my
meeting and Marrying The Last Love Of My Life...Lord Willing that is!
   Thus, I wish you all well. Prayers Continue for Our Nation and Planet. 'Nuff Said. Peace.


The Process of Grieving.

   Charlie Brown expresses this statement when something goes wrong.  "Good Grief." To be sure, there's absolutely NOTHING good about it, in and of itself. Yet; it is a process we all endure, when something not just goes wrong...but terribly wrong.

   Consider for example, the loss of a Loved One.

   A Friend of mine here on The Site, has just endured the loss of a most Beloved Significant Other. I will not disclose her Identity out of Respect during her time of Grieving and Loss. Instead, I will only write about how Grief, impacts us all. You see; we Human Beings seem to share a need to communicate about, events that happen in our lives whether good or bad. We don't always do so for every single event yet, more often than not, we do. It's like how the GEICO Commercial Narrator Guy might say: "When you're Grieving, you feel great sadness...it's what you do."

   He would be surely correct as well. Grieving is I believe, a natural progression of Emotional Stages we must experience, upon learning of something that we see as life-shattering, or even tragic. It is defined as: 'Deep Sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death.' It can, and many times does, lead to Depression and even varying stages of the same. We've all either had such instances long ago or not-too-long ago. One constant always remains: Even when such loss was as far back as 15-30 years, the memory, is still just as unpleasant than at the first.

   Still; to actually Grieve, is something we as Humans MUST do. It is a way of slowly reacting to the loss of a Loved Family Member-Friend, Favorite Pet, even a Prized Possession or two-and is seen from a Psychological Standpoint as being a natural and healthy reaction.

   Furthermore, I agree with The Shrinks. I have had Firsthand Reasons to do so myself. I have lost several Beloved Elder Aunts, Uncles, My Parents, and most recently, my Second Spouse just over 14 years ago. That last, was and still is at times, painful for me to recall. She underwent a Medical Procedure that went horribly wrong the following day, and as a result, she died...practically in my arms!

   Talk about Traumatic! There was a period of time, that in order to deal with it, I had to go to Counseling Therapy, just to effectively deal with the Grief I'd been experiencing over the loss of Her. She was only 45 at the time. I was 48 then. Even to this day, there are still periods, when I feel extreme sadness over the very manner in how she died...which was so unnecessary! I took The Doctors to Court, as I'd believed that they caused her death based on the procedure itself. Yet, a Jury found in favor of them and against me...and I lost the Litigation Suit!

   There are still times, that I want to strike out in anger against the very Judge, Jury, and Attorney for the Doctors as well as they themselves. However, doing so would cause me more trouble than it is actually worth. In addition, doing so will never return My Late Spouse to me anyway!

   Drinking it away does no good. Using other kinds of Mind-Altering Drugs also does no good either. Oh for awhile, they make us seemingly forget the pain or lessens it...so we want to believe. Still, when the substances are out of our system, the pain still is not. Nor is the memory of hearing that not-too-welcomed phrase beginning with the words: "I'm sorry..."

   You know the rest I'm sure.

   So in the end, Grief is something we all must endure whenever we must. It will never ever be comforting to do so, but to NOT do so, is much more harmful to our Emotional Recovery. I know personally of four people I've known in life, that did not Grieve when they lost a Loved One. One committed Suicide after a year of heavy drinking. Two more went completely Insane and ended up being Committed to a Psychological Ward. To my knowledge, they are still in that particular Institution. The last, just seemed to vanish from the face of The Planet five months after discovering he'd lost his Loved One.

   We are Mortal Beings. Death does come to Us All, at some point in life and affects Us All as well. If you've not yet experienced the loss of a Loved One...you will. It is inevitable. So, expect to endure the process of Grief, however great the level of it becomes for, and to you.

   For those of you that recently lost someone. My Condolences, and I'll certainly Pray for You!




So It Happened.

  Well, it had to happen sooner or later. I was just told by Fubar my entry 'Raging Bitterness' was NSFW, and I felt I had to remove it. So I deleted it altogether. Of course, Anyone else-Guess Who-can say what they want, however they want, using any kind of Language they want, AND STILL, not have thiers marked the same.

  Oh well, one thing the can't erase is The Truth!




   We are going to die.

   The Grand Jury Decision in Louisville, KY has left me with facing no other reality. I have never

ever, in life thought that mine would come to this kind of existence and termination. Even more so, I am afraid for my Daughter and Grandchildren. Being Targeted and killed by Police, for just BEING BLACK,-let alone any other reason-is the reality of seeing a crushed Civil Rights Mission by the Wealthy Powerful Hatemongers a truly frightening existence.

   The Evil of Hate, has become an accepted 'Normal'. It is embraced by Politicians; Attorneys, Celebrities, Media Moguls, Judges, Senators, Congressional Representatives, Governors, County Executives, Mayors, and EVERY LEVEL of Law Enforcement...from The So-Called 'Department Of Injustice', down to the Prison Correctional Officers that ALWAYS have a Hate Agenda, because of a Self-Righteous Entitlement a Uniform, and Badge Brings!

   We all know how it got to be this way too. Yet, many people embrace and LOVE IT!

   All because THEY, ARE NOT, BLACK...

   ..like Me!



Cowardly Legislators!

Sooner or later, we're all going to have to face it.

We no longer lead The World in any damn thing but Legislated Hate Violence against People of Color. Now to be sure, there's going to be some of you who will automatically call me all kinds of names, just because I'm telling the Damn Truth. It's expected that you will, because NONE OF YOU are in what I'm certain Corrupt Police and other Law-Enforcement Personel and Agencies designate as 'The Target Group'! Add to that also; the fact that this current Dude in The Oval Office,  who might as well be Adolf Hitler II, in the hopes that all this Violence against Black People help get him Re-Elected, and there it is. Then, a Senate that also supports the Mass Killing of Us Black People-Oh Come On Now You KNOW It's True Anyway-as well as a Supreme Ku Klux Klan Court, along with a Nazi Department of Injustice gets added into the Mix. What can you help but get?

An Outright Government-Backed Plan of Black Ethnicide!

That's right. I said it and I'll say it again: GOVERNMENT BACKED BLACK ETHNICIDE DAMN IT!!

The overwhelming Evidence speaks Volumes for itself: Kenosha, Wisconsin is the latest city to throw their Corrupted Police Department into the mix. Might as well add The County Sheriff Department, and the State Department of So-Called Public Safety. Why don't they all just come on out and say it plainly: The rest of the nation knows it. Just declare it. What do they have to lose? They've got Corrupted State Legislators on their side, so that ensures they aren't going to be held accountable. Corrupted Judges ensure that NO Sentences are handed out, and even if they were to try and make a show of it, it would be a Farce at best: 'Probation, Probation, Probation'! 

You and I know good and well, that Truly Evil Hate-Driven Agendas are rising to the fore, and this Country-which never ever had a Social Justice Conscience anyway-is going the way of Old WWII Nazi Germany. Yeah I can hear you Bigoted Knuckleheads now: 'If you don't like it, Leave!' No, I don't think so. I've got a better idea instead: MAKE ME LEAVE!! Now naturally, the only way you'll do it is to shoot and kill me in cold blood. I'll be Unarmed anyway and can't defend myself. You won't be Arrested, put in Jail, and go to Court to be Sentenced to Life for Murder...BECAUSE IT'S ALREADY SANCTIONED BY THE FREAKIN' GOVERNMENT!!

Let's recall some History okay? THE GOVERNMENT, took away This Native Land from The Rightful Native Peoples way back in the way back. Now the remaining Survivors of all those Slaughtered Peoples are on 'Reservations'. You say: 'Well, They're Happy.' Uhh NO THE HELL THEY AREN'T!

This upcoming Presidential Election, is going to do one of two things. It will either: 1. Take this Country to Outright Prime Position for a Second Civil War OR 2. Begin the More-Than-One-Term-New President, to begin the Healing and Efforts for Change WE ALL DEPERATELY NEED TO SURVIVE!! As for the Agenda of So-Called 'Criminal Justice Reform'? Well, First, how about we start by having GOVERNMENT REFORM AND QUIT ELECTING HATE-DRIVEN OFFICIALS FROM EVER HOLDING OFFICE IN ANY CAPACITY??

Then...AND ONLY THEN, can we finally get back to being a United States of America...Again!



Point Taken.

   In Life, there are many things, that are simply 'Given'! I'm currently encountering one of those right now.
As to what it is exactly, I'm not going to go into detail. What I will say however, is this: You can make all 
the plans you want. Yet, there are times when those plans just don't fall together for you as you want them
to. In Short, Shit Happens!
  Despite My Best Efforts, my latest attempt to get with Someone from The Fu, failed yet again. Now, on the
One Hand, I am indeed Disappointed. On The Other Hand however, I anticipated the very likelihood of the 
potential of failure. I can speculate as to why, yet again, even that is a moot point. So instead of trying to
analyze the entire scenario, I'm just going to Move Onward. I Must, if I'm to not only Survive, but continue
my efforts, to Thrive and 'Pull Myself Up by My Own Bootstraps' as it were.
  Man, those got to be some Long Ass Bootstraps...lol.
  Things in Today's World, have gone from The 'Norm', to 'The New Ab-Norm'. I never thought in My Lifetime,
that I would personally witness the onset of a new Global Pandemic that is literally Frazzing Up the entire
Planet and Planetary Economic System as a whole. As a result of just that alone, the term 'Business As 
Usual', is no more. We have now entered Unofficially, The Fullness of The Digitized Age! We cannot see
each other Person-To-Person anymore in places of Public Business...at least many of them for now. I can
only further Speculate, that if things don't change with this Next Presidential Election, Our Species will
become increasingly marginalized until we are literally thrown back into The 1800's!!
  Remember, I said 'Speculate', so I don't really know what The Future Holds for Us All.
  I do know however; what it must, hold for Me.

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