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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

created on 10/28/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dr-turi-s-blog/b18948  |  1 followers
11/11/2006 Dear readers: My last newsletter titled "The Real Secret is In The Universal Mind" stirred some hot blooded responses and I decided to clarify my position and my findings once more mostly because one of my best friend's response. I received a tremendous amount of responses supporting or raising objections and I decided to elaborate a little more on the ONLY two negative emails I received so my message after elucidations will be fully understood by the two of them. First realize that if you carefully read my last newsletter http://www.drturi.com/news/1163118520.html that I FULLY endorse and SUPPORT all the great Minds, their dedicated mission and the financial endeavor behind any and all production would they be artistic or spiritual. The fact of the matter is that NO ONE works for free and financial gain will always be a part of any and all human endeavor. This is also why I inserted a letter from a Christian Minister and the obvious financial reward behind any and all religions to teach "The Good Words Of The Lord!" and the gospel. But as you know 99% of the population is gullible and easily deceived and a prime target for abusive corporations. (Especially in the US which is a capitalist nation where those who are smart and use the system legally will get rich and famous taping on people's fears, depressions and hopes for a better life). First one must use logic before making any judgment about my expertise on the essence of the subject, this mean the represented subject deals with the subconscious and its interaction with the Superconscious in time and space. DO I have the right education or wisdom pertaining to the creative forces of the subconscious? I think YES, I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist and worked in lengths on mastering the subject. My life and the numerous dramatic experiences I went through (as discussed on my two previous radio programs reinforce this fact). But if you did not listen you simply missed the boat! It is also obvious that both my friend and this other person did not listen to my last two shows (one in Australia, the other on Coast To Coast) where the topic was about "The Creative Forces Of The Subconscious". Had they listen to the show, like the majority of you did, then they would have had a better understanding of my work and me. If you missed the show broadcasted from Australia, I am giving you the link http://www.davidoates.com/archives.html once more so that you can get an idea of what I promote, support and firmly believe to be true. You can also get the show from Coast To Coast and get another idea of what the subconscious forces can do for you or against you in the name of ignorance. Remember knowledge is power and I will state it again "realize that people can only relate to me because of their education, intelligence and UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) and 99% of souls walking this earth DO NOT possess cosmic consciousness. Again unless you spend a week learning the dynamics of the Universe interacting with your subconscious' creative forces I will be speaking Chinese to the majority of my readers. And this is why I created (and anticipated) some bad reactions. But there are NO accident, if my friend did not email me venting his frustration, (read his feedback later) I would not be here EXPLAINING more about the subject, so because of them, you may in the process learn a bit more on the subconscious. So now let's read it and check on my rebuttals. Note that I love my friend dearly and I must keep his identity private but we know each others well and NO damage can ever been done between us. ----- Original Message ----- From: a very good friend of mine Subject: The Real Secret is In The Universal Mind I don't think you watched that movie Louie and I strongly disagree with what the hell you just wrote here about that movie and its intentions.... The movie is about the law of attraction period. A law that is the universe no matter who or what you are or believe.......Just like the law of gravity...everybody is living the law of attraction whether they know it or not........... DT Rebuttal: I watched this movie 3 times, its important to NEVER assume anything with anyone. I can see that the Full waning (negative) Moon (emotions) got to you my friend and with the Supernova in action or Mercury (writing) retrograde (miscommunication) I have some explaining to do. Note that my friend was born with a very EMOTIONAL moon in Cancer and because the moon regulates One's emotional response to life or situation this position predispose for this type of reaction. His natal Moon in Cancer (food/family) makes him a fantastic dad and an appreciation of food. Damn I had good time walking the beach with his two beautiful girls am eating by the sea.Memories, well Mercury retrograde wants you to deal with your past and the people of your past. It also mess up transportation and any and all moving parts. My boat engine blew up, thus I have another boat (from San Diego) on the way because I LOVE the lake and fishing. Realize that I am not off topic, just "elaborating" so you can understand my friend and the stars (or the other part he doesn't know and that is his connection with the Universal Mind and its DIRECT interaction with the Superconscious in time and space!). Continued - Whatever you believe you receive.....and all great teachers have taught this....even Jesus said when you ask believe you already have it and you shall have it.... THE LAW OF ATTRACTION........ DT Rebuttal: Yes and I also mentioned "Einstein, Nostradamus and all erudite men of the past who made history including Hitler, J.P. Morgan, many US President ands so many others used and knew the relationship with the Divine Universal Mind. So we seem to agree here but the law of attraction also involves GRAVITY. So when the moon is FULL the gravitational forces of our closest satellite creates the tides moving billions tons of water (NASA students learn this too) affecting the faults, putting pressure and BINGO, you get an earthquake or a tsunami. I UNARGUABLY predicted the Asia Tsunami and guess what IT WAS DURING A FULL MOON! So as we are made of 75% of water, chances are you will blow up a bit and find hard to put on or remove a ring? This mean that you may also become LUNATIC (moon/Lune/Luna) or crabby (Cancer ruled by the moon?) and why during a full moon (when my newsletter came out) people born with a strong Cancer, tend to over react! Continued - the movie just brings that out in a great way with great production.....Its not a get rich quick scheme....you have to get your shit together mentally and emotionally to get what you want in this world....that's what there saying......you could down load the movie for 5 bucks....that's not asking a lot to watch a 2 hour major production with a great message there not just putting that movie out just to make money.....Jerry Hicks one of the main money guys behind this movie was already rich before he started teaching on the law of attraction....SOME PEOPLE DO THINGS LOUIE BECAUSE THEY WANT TO SPREAD LOVE AND GOOD VIBES BECAUSE THAT BRINGS THEM JOY....I don't think you should be spreading negative vibes about this movie your only hurting yourself.....anybody that has a spiritual clue will know what is right or not..... DT Rebuttal: Yes watched the movie 3 times and came to my own conclusion for good reasons.this does not take away the values of the message, because I support it too! I can only appreciate so many people working hard to pass on their part of the secret as they conceive it but I doubt very much they did it for free. I did this type of production many times and even if I don't get pay, the law of attraction brought me more business because of the international exposure and with it more money. I personally know some of the people there and you can trust me some of them will NOT work for free, there is ALWAYS monetary gain in any and all spiritual New Age or religious endeavors. Continued - Every time I get in a stressful relationship my vibration drops and my career and world stops.... whenever I focus on my career and raise my vibration in joy about what i am doing my career and world rise up to another level......THATS THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.... and that's what there talking about.....I have been making a living on my original music for almost 9 years now....i bought a house in North Hollywood and have been doing good...I did this all by believing in my music and myself.....THE LAW OF ATTRACTION..... Now I have management but before I never looked for work it always comes to me even here in LA....because I just put it out in the universe ..... so I have been living what the movie says just not at the level I want because of my own mental restrictions....but now because of that movie and because of the great book...."Ask and it is Given" by Jerry and Ester Hicks...who had a lot to do with that movie....because of them I am getting my shit together and getting my music to the world......because they just simply give you tools on how to think and feel to get what you want.....it has already taught me so much about getting out of feeling sorry for myself and my depression I have been in for 9 years....when I feel like shit I watch the movie or read that book and I'm back on track.....I've been involved in Jesus freak churches and with the most controlling religion.....These people are nothing like that at all.............. DT Rebuttal: Now I will help my friend to auto analyze himself and understand his emotional response to my newsletter. First I know him for years and he is also very deep and that's why he is such a great artist. But he saw my words as DEFIANCE or NONSENSE to his wishes because like the majority of the people who watched this video, the REGENERATION principle-taking place is phenomenal because it brings HOPES and revitalize FAITH in your entire endeavors. My friend saw me as an enemy of his dreams while I am trying to help him not to deceive himself with only HALF of the story. This is why ministers are successful with a gullible ignorant mass and proclaims the return of Jesus and with it a quick fix of this messed up world. It is so very hard to battle for your security but remember I was in that position, even worse. Try to go to France with $50 in your pocket and do what I did! May be you will understand that I HAVE BEEN THERE and now I have IT ALL! It may be a good idea to listen to me, cast aside your fears and insecurities and learn from my wisdom because NO ONE TOLD ME about the SECRET, I had to learn it all THE WAY and MY OWN WAY, so I have MUCH MORE hands on experience than any of the spiritual people you have seen on the production of this movie. Continued - The title The Secret is just a cool way to bring the message across......its not some hidden secret....its just a great way to get people to watch a great production about how things work in the universe. DT Rebuttal: HOOPPPSSS!!! Not so fast my friend because this is where the REAL problem is now! The Universe is MY turf, and as much as I would love to play your magic guitar or write INCREDIBLE songs, I will NEVER EVER be able to do so, unless I spent the 30 years or so you invested in YOUR TURF! So my friend now if I was to take the time to seat with you and learn from your gifts I may be able to hear the delightful music of the Angels you so easily transcribe for all of us. I may even be able to play a bit like you. And IF YOU take the time to build up cosmic consciousness with me; may be you too will be able to speak the language of the Gods, see and translate the hieroglyphs of the Divine like I do.and that is where we have a problem because we are the only one to see and hear our true. Unless one raises his vibrations through education NO SECRETS will ever be expanded as ignorance and fears are evil. I spent 35 years of my very traumatic life and all is to help and guide others to reach their wishes, as much as you bring love, passion and joy to all the people that enjoy your musical gifts. It's a different life, a different road but the pain and suffering are real and the goals are the same and that is building emotional, financial and spiritual stability. I reached my goals just because I know, understand and use the forces of the Divine subconsciously and I know to handle and MOST of all RESPECT the Universal laws found in the Universal Mind. Continued - Anyway my friend Louis I had to just had to write you this cause I think your way off with sending out this email.........focus on positive things .....Because whatever you focus on you bring to yourself.... why would you have the need to put down something that is doing so many people so much good. HOW CAN A LAW THAT IS IN THE UNIVERSE THAT NONE OF US CAN CHANGE LIKE THE LAW OF GRAVITY, BE A HALF TRUTH.... EVERYTHING THAT COMES FROM THE UNIVERSE IS PERFECT AND COMPLETE....THEY ARE JUST MAKING PEOPLE AWARE OF THIS LAW....PERIOD.. DT Rebuttal: Being positive is a MUST, I teach it, breathe it, I live it and my friends who know me well ALWAYS see a huge smile on my face. I had my times though when the Dragon's Tail was in my subconscious and I became a victim of my ignorance trying to apply my will to face the depression and despair I was going through. It is because of my ups and down and the understandings of the Dragon Head and Tail affecting my subconscious that I now know the REST of the story and why I own the other key of the secret. But how many of you read my 525-page book called "The Power of the Dragon" or even know how the Universal Mind affects their subconscious or life in general? Having faith alone will indeed work its miracles but true Universal wisdom will speed up the process and that I know! Continued - I have been aware of it for a while now but keep regressing in my depression and my stupid pity party's about my past...but i am done now and ready to take this music to the world and will do it with THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. All I need is the universe and I will get my hearts desire. Don't take this wrong Louis....I love ya M DT Rebuttal: Yes my dear friend I understand and recognize the power you and so many people desperately need to regenerate and I teach it too. But what you REALLY need as you said is the Universe .and what you actually subconsciously mean is MASTERING the universal laws that works in conjunction with your subconscious and the Superconscious in time and space and its entirely up to you to "Ask so you can receive" and use the rest of the Secret I undoubtedly possess and that is me to know and you to find out. When the student is ready the teacher will appear! I love ya too Bro Louis =============== lol I have decided not to address both an insecurity and inferiority complex. --- Original Message ----- From: Susan Subject: Re: The Real Secret is In The Universal Mind MY GOD!!! You acuse these people of "get rich quick" scheme and you are the one pulling off the SCAM!!! Get a reading from me, THE ALMIGHTY DR. TURI, for a couple of hundred bucks! and I'll tell you the rest of the secret????!!!! What the fuck kind of scam are you running??? You are unbelievable, your ignorant erogant vainness is going to be your downfall Mr. Turi. You will crash and burn with the religions and governments you hatefully degrade. Good luck Dude!! =============== ----- Original Message ----- From: N///@juno.com Subject: Re: The Real Secret is In The Universal Mind Dr Turi, just watch this movie this morning at 4 am and it is great to see many more people are becoming aware of their own individual power to help build their lives. I do agree, the Universal Mind portion is absent which is the vital part of thought action formation. =============== ----- Original Message ----- From: B///cast.net> Subject: Re: The Real Secret is In The Universal Mind Thank for this email about the secret. I watched with friends and found it to be somewhat lacking. You are so right. They missed the divine power from where it comes. I decided not to buy it. Seems like new age people trying to make a buck. B/// =============== ---- Original Message ----- From: C///aol.com Subject: Re: The Real Secret is In The Universal Mind I Have the secret.....DVD........I don't know why they call it the secret, because I have heard about this my entire life....Science of mind teaches the same thing........but I do enjoy the DVD......I think it is true......Agree with you that there is another part to the story......I would like to come to your Los Angeles meeting... your newsletters are so informative.....I enjoy them very much...... C/// =============== ----- Original Message ----- From: Joi.com Subject: Re: The Real Secret is In The Universal Mind Your time is coming. I see you selling out huge venues getting the truth out to the world. Keep spreading light. Joi~ =============== Hi, Pls help my Friend Nan Sea Love. Pls read the below message or go to: http://www.nansealove.com/bereavement.html Warm Rgds, Shahid, India. ============================= EVENT THE BIG EVENT IN LOS ANGELES Truthseekers Present: www.truthseekers.com Dr. Turi M.D.U.S. at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Los Angeles November 25th and 26th 2006. Four Points Sheraton 9750 Airport Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90045 Reservations: 888-625-5144 Hotel website http://www.fourpointslax.com/ Lecture: Saturday November 25th - Opening To The Divine Gate Workshop: Sunday November 26th - Nostradamus Cabalistic Healing If you need more information you may email Promotional Director Monike at events@truthseekers.com Tel: 310-496-2652 this line is solely dedicated to this event. My Special guests are my famous actor friend Gary Busey http://www.myspace.com/therealbusey Gary will sing a song and talk about his philosophy of life and death experience. Don't miss it what Gary has to say because contrary to what people said about him; he is indeed a highly spiritual man. My other good friend Jordan Maxell http://www.jordanmaxwell.com/ will also be there and this phenomenal researcher will blow your mind out with far-fetched information on symbolisms. Let's hope Tom (CTC Producer and George Noory) will be able to make it too. Hopefully my two other great friend Bryant http://www.myspace.com/bryantmcgill and Jim Carol http://www.myspace.com/jimkarol The Four Horseman Of The Cosmos) Will also be there. If you want to see lots of AMAZING pictures about Dr. Turi, the people he knows, his family, pretty girls nature, sun set etc. just go to http://cherrytap.com/drturi ( pictures) but realize that this site (like http:www.myspace.com/drturi ) are used for business purpose only. Note also that people from all walks of life needs direction regardless of what you may perceive as wrong doing, lust, drive, desire, strengths, weaknesses all because of their natal UCI. Hoping to see many of you in Los Angeles for my presentation and for many of you to tune in on CTC next Friday. Check all DT's picks on http://cherrytap.com/drturi and have fun with http://www.globalenquirer.com/ Thank you to all DTTeam WORLD WIDE http://www.globalenquirer.com/ Order And Services drturi.com/readings.php Free Newsletter drturi.com/news/ Astropsychology, Hypnotherapy, Cabalistic Healing, Motivational Speaker, Author, Marriage Counselor. Telephone: 602-265-7667 - Fax: 602-265-8668 - " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." Blessings To All - Dr. Turi
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