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Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease mainly causes gradual loss of mental faculties to interfere with the ability to perform daily activities. The most common of all dementias and one of the most social costs generated by medical and emotional .. In many countries like the United States is the leading cause of death.


Currently, such therapeutic treatments or prevention for use in Alzheimer's disease is limited and only the best slow the progression of the disease for about 40 weeks.


Recent research has discovered evidence of inflammation in the brains of Alzheimer patients and unless the inflammation is present there is little evidence of neurodegeneration, even in patients with extensive deposition of amyloid B-peptide and neurofibrillary tangles.


The data collected on men and women suggest that the use of nonsteroidal anti nosteroidal is associated with reduced Alzheimer's disease which increases the importance of the ancient reports where Ganoderma was praised for its effect of increasing memory and preventing lack of it in old age, reported in Shen Nong Cao Jing Bel vol. 1 from 456-536 A.D. in tests on mice using orally administered Ganoderma or topic and provides evidence that Ganoderma lucidum has anti-inflammatory activity.


This pharmacological activity may provide the basis for its activity in the memory but there is no certainty yet that Ganoderma lucidum can enter the brain and exert anti-inflammatory activity. In cardiovascular research has shown that aspirin intake may reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease. The possibility that this is an anti-inflammatory activity of aspirin can produce a benefit in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease is suggested by the finding that higher levels of C-reactive protein in plasma that is a phasemarker Acute systemic inflammation is a predictor of increased risk of cardiovascular disease. These studies provide important evidence on inflammation and requires further study of Ganoderma lucidum and its possible role in mitigating these two devastating diseases.


In summary, of great interest have been recent reports of the United States that indicate a possible role for inflammation in the development of various diseases such as Alzheimer's and cardiovascular disease. This research has the potential to link some of the historical uses of Ganoderma in promoting longevity with contemporary Western scientific theory. The links found are as follows:


(1) Ganoderma is used to prevent memory loss in old age


(2) Ganoderma is anti-inflammatory,


(3) inflammation is involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease


(4) Alzheimer's disease appears to be enhanced by the use of anti-inflammatory as our ganoderma lucidum.



http://www.letsconnect.com.au/alzheimer&39; s-disease-and-reishi-mushroom-ganoderma-r118.htm



General Information About Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the prostate.


The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system. The prostate is just below the bladder (the organ that collects and empties urine) and in front of the rectum (the lower part of the intestine). It is about the size of a walnut and surrounds part of the urethra (the tube that empties urine from the bladder). The prostate gland produces fluid that makes up part of the semen.


Anatomy of the male reproductive and urinary systems, showing the prostate, testicles, bladder, and other organs.



As men age, the prostate may get bigger. A bigger prostate may block the flow of urine from the bladder and cause problems with sexual function. This condition is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is not cancer, but surgery may be needed to correct it. The symptoms of BPH or of other problems in the prostate may be like symptoms of prostate cancer.


Normal prostate and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). A normal prostate does not block the flow of urine from the bladder. An enlarged prostate presses on the bladder and urethra and blocks the flow of urine.



Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men in the United States.


Prostate cancer is most common in older men. In the U.S., about one out of five men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Most men diagnosed with prostate cancer do not die of it.


Avoiding risk factors and increasing protective factors may help prevent cancer.


Avoiding cancer risk factors such as smoking, being overweight, and lack of exercise may help prevent certain cancers. Increasing protective factors such as quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and exercising may also help prevent some cancers. Talk to your doctor or other health care professional about how you might lower your risk of cancer.


The following risk factors may increase the risk of prostate cancer: 


Prostate cancer is rare in men younger than 50 years of age. The chance of developing prostate cancer increases as men get older. 

Family history of prostate cancer 

A man whose father, brother, or son has had prostate cancer has a higher-than-average risk of prostate cancer. 


African-American men are more likely than white men to develop prostate cancer and die from it.


The prostate needs male hormones to work the way it should. The main male sex hormone is testosterone. Testosterone helps the body develop and maintain male sex characteristics. 

Testosterone is changed into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme in the body. DHT is important for normal prostate growth but can also cause the prostate to get bigger and may play a part in the development of prostate cancer. 

Folic acid 

A 10-year study showed that the risk of prostate cancer was increased in men who took supplements of folic acid (a nutrient in the vitamin B complex). 

Dairy and calcium 

A diet high in dairy foods and calcium may cause a small increase in the risk of prostate cancer.


The following protective factors may decrease the risk of prostate cancer: 


A 10-year study showed that prostate cancer risk was lowered in men who had enough folate in their diets.


The Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) studied whether the drugfinasteride can prevent prostate cancer in healthy men 55 years of age and older. Finasteride is a drug that blocks the enzyme that changes testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT may play a part in the development of prostate cancer. 

The prevention study showed there were fewer prostate cancers in the group of men who took finasteride compared to the group that did not take it. However, the men in the finasteride group who did have prostate cancer had more aggressivetumors. The number of deaths from prostate cancer was the same in both groups. 

The following have been proven not to affect the risk of prostate cancer, or their effects on prostate cancer risk are not known:

 Selenium and vitamin E

 The Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) studied whether taking vitamin E and selenium (a mineral) will prevent prostate cancer. The selenium and vitamin E were taken separately or together by healthy men 55 years of age and older (50 years of age and older for African-American men). The study showed that selenium and vitamin E did not decrease the risk of prostate cancer. 


 It is not known if decreasing fat or increasing fruits and vegetables in the diet helps decrease the risk of prostate cancer or death from prostate cancer.


Regular use of multivitamins has not been proven to increase the risk of early or localized prostate cancer.


 Some studies have shown that a diet high in lycopene may be linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer, but other studies have not. It has not been proven that taking lycopene supplements decreases the risk of prostate cancer. 

Cancer prevention clinical trials are used to study ways to prevent cancer. 

Cancer prevention clinical trials are used to study ways to lower the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Some cancer prevention trials are conducted with healthy people who have not had cancer but who have an increased risk for cancer. Other prevention trials are conducted with people who have had cancer and are trying to prevent another cancer of the same type or to lower their chance of developing a new type of cancer. Other trials are done with healthy volunteers who are not known to have any risk factors for cancer. 

The purpose of some cancer prevention clinical trials is to find out whether actions people take can prevent cancer. These may include eating fruits and vegetables, exercising, quitting smoking, or taking certain medicines, vitamins, minerals, or food supplements. 

New ways to prevent prostate cancer are being studied in clinical trials.

 For years the concern for finding a solution to cancer is showing that very little is done in relation to conventional medicine, has increased spending on cancer research in developed countries. However, very little is done to use natural medicine, one that is started is that for centuries.


For centuries, Japanese and Chinese literature have highlighted to Ganoderma lucidum for its invigorating effects of health, especially with regard to increasing longevity, cancer treatment, resistance and recovery from illness. Himalayan Guides have used to combat disease caused by high altitudes. Mayan Indians traditionally used to combat a variety of communicable enfermedadades. Reishi, Ganoderma lucidum as it is called, has become especially popular in recent years among high risk groups, those infected with HIV (Stamets, 1993). However, there are studies and research on some fruits, herbs that are achieving notoriety and a lot of hope among scientists in the fight against this disease that affects a large percentage of the population.

Ganoderma have isolated a complex group of polysaccharides that are reported as stimulating the immune system, increasing the production of monocytes, macrophages and cytokines. One theory is that these polysaccharides stimulate the production of cells, "T" helper, which attack infected cells (Stamets, 1993).

Addiction to narcotic depresses the immune system functions. It has been shown that the polysaccharide-peptide from Ganoderma lucidum can reset the immune system depressed by morphine use and can be potentially beneficial in the treatment of cancer. Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides are chemopreventive, inhibit the formation of 8-hidroxideoxiguanosina representing oxidative DNA damage. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and repetitive use of morphine for pain remedy, although indispensable in the treatment of cancer can suppress the immune system functions. Stress and aging can also cause deterioration of this function (Liu, 1999 a).

A previous injection of an antioxidant Ganoderma, restored nearly 100% all biochemical parameters disturbed by the use of chemotherapy with adriamycin or cisplatin nephrotoxicity by inducing oxidative stress. Induced cardiotoxicity in rats has been reversed with Ganoderma extract at doses of 125, 250 and 500 mg / kg / day for 2 weeks. It has also demonstrated the reversal of immune function by Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides, when this was worse with mitomycin, 5-FU, cytarabine, stress and aging (Liu, 1999 a).

Ganoderma lucidum can cure cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, liver degeneration, blood disorders (Stamets, 1993). Alcoholic extracts of Ganoderma lucidum induces the rest of cell growth and apoptosis selectively on tumor cells, demonstrated in cases of human breast cancer. It has also been reported that may inhibit cell growth by preventing the transition from G1 to S phase in HeLa cells. Alcoholic extracts of Ganoderma lucidum can induce apoptosis directly in cells of human breast cancer not via the immune system.

The polysaccharides of Ganoderma lucidum aqueous extract have anti-tumor activity mediated by cytokines released from macrophages and activated T cells, especially tumor necrosis factor a (TNF a) and interferon g (IFN g) (Hongbo et al., 2002). The high molecular weight polysaccharides increased levels of IL 1b, IL-2, IL 6, preventive antiviral activity, and hypoglycemic.


There are many types of arthritis (disease of the joints). This topic is about rheumatoid arthritis.

What is rheumatoid arthritis?


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes tissues lining the joints to become swollen, stiff, and painful (inflamed).


Over time, this inflammation may destroy the joint tissues. This can limit your daily activities and make it hard for you to walk and use your hands.


Rheumatoid arthritis is 2 to 3 times more common in women than in men. It often begins between the ages of 40 and 60.


What causes rheumatoid arthritis?

The exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not known. But rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. This means that the body's natural defense system attacks the joints. The disease also runs in some families.


What are the symptoms?

The main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints of the hands, wrists, elbows, feet, ankles, knees, or neck. The disease usually affects both sides of the body at the same time. In rare but severe cases, it may affect the eyes, lungs, heart, nerves, or blood vessels.


See a picture of the most commonly affected joints .



Sometimes rheumatoid arthritis can cause bumps called nodules to form over the elbows, knuckles, spine, and lower leg bones.

How is rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed?

There is no single test for rheumatoid arthritis. Your doctor will look at your joints for signs of swelling or tenderness. He or she will also ask about your symptoms and past health.


You may have blood tests, X-rays, and other tests to find out if another problem is causing your joint pain.


How is it treated?

There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, but treatment may help relieve symptoms and control the disease. Treatment continues throughout your life.


Treatment includes medicine, exercise, and lifestyle changes.


Experts recommend early treatment with medicines that may control rheumatoid arthritis or keep it from getting worse. Early treatment also may lower the chances that inflammation will destroy your joints and limit your daily activities.


Many of the medicines used to treat rheumatoid arthritis have side effects. So it is important to have regular checkups and talk with your doctor about any problems. This will help your doctor find a treatment that works for you.


At home, you can relieve your symptoms and help control your disease if you:


Rest when you are tired.

Protect your joints from injury by using special kitchen tools or doorknobs.

Use splints, canes, or walkers to ease pain and take stress off your joints, if your symptoms are severe.

Eat a balanced diet.

Exercise regularly.

Stay at a healthy weight.

If medicine, exercise, and lifestyle changes do not help enough, surgery may be an option. Total joint replacement can be done for many joints in the body.


It can be hard to live with a long-term illness that can limit your ability to do things. It is common for people with rheumatoid arthritis to have some depression. Be sure to seek the help and support you need from friends and family members. Professional counseling also can help you cope with long-term pain and depression.







Reishi has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat arthritis and other forms of inflammation for over 2,000 years.


Also known by its Latin name as "Ganoderma" or Chinese "Ling Zhi", Reishi medicinal mushroom is the most searched on the Internet with over 200,000 searches per month. And while not yet been shown to "cure all", the fact that modern research confirms as a modulator of inflammation may help explain why it has long been advertised as such in the East.



In fact, Chinese doctors have been prescribing Reishi extract the ages in cases of arthritis, bronchitis and other conditions involving any type of inflammation. Modern research in Asia, America and Europe confirm the validity of these uses. Of the 19 files used for this article, 17 reported positive results in the use or Reishi extract for arthritis. Only two studies were not conclusive, which were made by the same research team.


As for the anti-inflammatory properties in general, a study from India (2003) demonstrated that Reishi reduces inflammation in cases of acute or chronic edema by 56% and 60% respectively.


A previous study of America (1993) had shown that withdrawing water from G. pentaphyllum and Ganoderma lucidum has been found to possess significant anti-inflammatory activity.


The references are seven additional documents that contained all that the conclusion of the Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) has potent anti-inflammatory qualities. Other research has been conducted in Reishi extract that specifically relate to arthritis.


In 2006, Kenneth Blum published his results on the efficacy and safety of using the extract of Reishi for "joint health," providing "clinical data" to support his theory. That same year, a Chinese Bao Xi study concluded that most other Reishi herbal remedy commonly used in China seemed to have a "beneficial effect immunomodulators" in arthritis.


Do the benefits achieved influential on arthritis Reishi may have taken a big leap in 2007 when they discovered that GL-PP [Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides peptide] helped to significantly reduce one of the causative agents of rheumatoid arthritis known as RASF, short of "rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts." Several additional papers have been published summarizing the positive results in the use of Reishi against arthritis. Moreover, one study found that supplementation with Reishi helped balance the side effects of prednisolone that were experienced by some patients, including protein in the urine and cellular toxicity.


In conclusion, most research seems to support the use of Reishi extract in cases of arthritis and favorable for the excellent results obtained with patients suffering from this evil.

Recent studies report that many diseases that human beings experience come together than we carry in their mouths every day. Our diet ultimately is responsible for any evil displayed. The diet, lifestyle and extrinsic factors make us sick. When the balance is broken somatic / mental illness are our being.


However, there are people who are more likely to get a special kind of evil by heredity or environment. We said that our diet plays an important role in our health. Eating the proper and timely manner will lead to a state of full health.


The question is do we feed? The answer in many cases can be daunting. Moreover, sometimes we abuse a special type of foods that are not all food. our digestive system is a complex machine processing of nutrients and many of us know how it works.


This article will not delve into how the process of digestion, but to orient the reader about its maintenance and avoid the excesses that we all crave.


Much was said in the past about the use of purgatives and laxatives. Until now produced in the laboratory, the vast majority are just "inflamed colon" getting the evacuation of its contents so irritating, violent, unnatural. The bowel movements are accompanied almost always cause spasms and pain. Laxatives and purgatives and laxatives cathartic (purgative) can act in several ways, one is to enrich the content of the feces or by volume, more volume to feel the large intestine is stimulated to get a better motility and peristaltic movements move the contents towards the exit, in the case of the insoluble fibers.


In other cases, what is achieved is an osmotic diarrhea by ingesting a substance that is usually a salt such as sodium phosphate, this makes the water had been absorbed in the intestine back to the light of it, fluidized feces. However, in many cases is achieved obstructs the intestinal walls to absorb liquid is not making the stools very soft and liquid to be ejected without abosrber thereof or other components in the case of very large molecules such as polyethylene glycol (nulytelly) .


There are other irritating the nerve endings in the bowel such as glycerin suppositories, phenolphthalein, anthraquinone, bisacolidilo, etc. Emollients such as docusate sodium, sodium citrate, etc. They also help soften the stool to evacuate. They are also lubricants such as mineral oils, olive, etc..


And finally the type of physical stimulation as the suppository and castor oil (ambiguous) and sugars such as lactulose. When used consistently used to the gut to work less and do not let them naturally. When we resort to treatments such as these, all I get is to have a "lazy bowel".


Our high-fiber diet and plenty of water should do their work naturally. We also know that with natural products that stimulate the effective functioning of the colon and promote proper digestion can prevent many diseases to our body, as is the case of indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, megacolon, constipation, colitis, toxic colon, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, depressed colon, polyps and cancer.

Among the functions performed by our digestive system is processing the food we eat and transform them into nutrients for life. The gastrointestinal tract is a "machine" that requires our care. When not working properly, the colon traps debris of digestion which are sometimes difficult to navigate due to indigestion, altered peristalsis, flatulence, intestinal obstruction, constipation, etc.. the long run will produce greater evils.


The colon is the pathway where feces make their way outward. They are the end result of digestion and are waste materials. When they are evacuated in the frequency, consistency and regular features, then the human body experiences chronic poisoning.


When we are constipated and do not perform as it should be the evacuations, the body stores toxins in inadequate amounts creating a state of toxicity. For the act of defecation is done properly it is necessary to produce a series of processes.


First, the stool conveniently reach the rectum, this requires the colon to move properly and is able to propel the stool toward the rectum.


Second, the sensitivity of the rectum should be normal that when they stool the person perceives it and causing the urge to defecate.


Thirdly, it is necessary that, during defecation, is exercised proper abdominal contraction (which is transmitted to the rectum) in order to facilitate the expulsion of feces. Finally, for the deposition is expelled from a naturally requires that the anus (anal sphincter) relaxes during defecation.


If you alter any of these factors result in constipation. A person should go to the bathroom to relieve himself on the best after every meal. Most times this does not happen and the longer stool remains poisoning the body. He sometimes goes so far that voiding frequency is once or twice a week, risking our bodies. For this to happen we must not eat much fiber fruits and vegetables, and water. Older people, those who call for the elderly, have little habit of drinking water and given the reasons for locomotion, can not do exercise frequently, which makes colon problems become more evident than in a young person .


We are consuming our healthy coffee not only to prevent these diseases and possible complications, but take our body of important nutrients for life. Ganoderma lucidum as we know, brings more than 200 nutraceuticals elements that humans need to live well. Take one to two cups a day will provide excellent health and a colon grateful.

Let me share you what happened the first time my wife took this coffee with ganoderma organogold, she took in the morning and during the day was to evacuate 4 times twice in the morning and two during the day, it really is good, I highly recommend.

If you want to make some extra money for recommending, welcome to the family organogold.




Death begins in the colon

Recent studies report that many diseases that human beings experience come together than we carry in their mouths every day. Our diet ultimately is responsible for any evil displayed. The diet, lifestyle and extrinsic factors make us sick. When the balance is broken somatic / mental illness are our being.


However, there are people who are more likely to get a special kind of evil by heredity or environment. We said that our diet plays an important role in our health. Eating the proper and timely manner will lead to a state of full health.


The question is do we feed? The answer in many cases can be daunting. Moreover, sometimes we abuse a special type of foods that are not all food. our digestive system is a complex machine processing of nutrients and many of us know how it works.


This article will not delve into how the process of digestion, but to orient the reader about its maintenance and avoid the excesses that we all crave.


Much was said in the past about the use of purgatives and laxatives. Until now produced in the laboratory, the vast majority are just "inflamed colon" getting the evacuation of its contents so irritating, violent, unnatural. The bowel movements are accompanied almost always cause spasms and pain. Laxatives and purgatives and laxatives cathartic (purgative) can act in several ways, one is to enrich the content of the feces or by volume, more volume to feel the large intestine is stimulated to get a better motility and peristaltic movements move the contents towards the exit, in the case of the insoluble fibers.


In other cases, what is achieved is an osmotic diarrhea by ingesting a substance that is usually a salt such as sodium phosphate, this makes the water had been absorbed in the intestine back to the light of it, fluidized feces. However, in many cases is achieved obstructs the intestinal walls to absorb liquid is not making the stools very soft and liquid to be ejected without abosrber thereof or other components in the case of very large molecules such as polyethylene glycol (nulytelly) .


There are other irritating the nerve endings in the bowel such as glycerin suppositories, phenolphthalein, anthraquinone, bisacolidilo, etc. Emollients such as docusate sodium, sodium citrate, etc. They also help soften the stool to evacuate. They are also lubricants such as mineral oils, olive, etc..


And finally the type of physical stimulation as the suppository and castor oil (ambiguous) and sugars such as lactulose. When used consistently used to the gut to work less and do not let them naturally. When we resort to treatments such as these, all I get is to have a "lazy bowel".


Our high-fiber diet and plenty of water should do their work naturally. We also know that with natural products that stimulate the effective functioning of the colon and promote proper digestion can prevent many diseases to our body, as is the case of indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, megacolon, constipation, colitis, toxic colon, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, depressed colon, polyps and cancer.

Among the functions performed by our digestive system is processing the food we eat and transform them into nutrients for life. The gastrointestinal tract is a "machine" that requires our care. When not working properly, the colon traps debris of digestion which are sometimes difficult to navigate due to indigestion, altered peristalsis, flatulence, intestinal obstruction, constipation, etc.. the long run will produce greater evils.


The colon is the pathway where feces make their way outward. They are the end result of digestion and are waste materials. When they are evacuated in the frequency, consistency and regular features, then the human body experiences chronic poisoning.


When we are constipated and do not perform as it should be the evacuations, the body stores toxins in inadequate amounts creating a state of toxicity. For the act of defecation is done properly it is necessary to produce a series of processes.



First, the stool conveniently reach the rectum, this requires the colon to move properly and is able to propel the stool toward the rectum.


Second, the sensitivity of the rectum should be normal that when they stool the person perceives it and causing the urge to defecate.


Thirdly, it is necessary that, during defecation, is exercised proper abdominal contraction (which is transmitted to the rectum) in order to facilitate the expulsion of feces. Finally, for the deposition is expelled from a naturally requires that the anus (anal sphincter) relaxes during defecation.


If you alter any of these factors result in constipation. A person should go to the bathroom to relieve himself on the best after every meal. Most times this does not happen and the longer stool remains poisoning the body. He sometimes goes so far that voiding frequency is once or twice a week, risking our bodies. For this to happen we must not eat much fiber fruits and vegetables, and water. Older people, those who call for the elderly, have little habit of drinking water and given the reasons for locomotion, can not do exercise frequently, which makes colon problems become more evident than in a young person .


We are consuming our healthy coffee not only to prevent these diseases and possible complications, but take our body of important nutrients for life. Ganoderma lucidum as we know, brings more than 200 nutraceuticals elements that humans need to live well. Take one to two cups a day will provide excellent health and a colon grateful.

Let me share you what happened the first time my wife took this coffee withganoderma organogold, she took in the morning and during the day was to evacuate 4 times twice in the morning and two during the day, it really is good, I highly recommend.
Antonio Ang



Discover the best kept secret for nearly 4000 years of the ancient chinese herbalist, the Kings use to take this marvelous plant as a  sexual performance enhancer, avoid failure at the time intimate, have your girlfriend happy, also will enjoy the following benefits to your health :


  • Cancer

  • Diabetes

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  • Digestive problems

  • Fibroids

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    Strengthens the inmune system,respiratory,nervous,digestive of the human body.



Do you know someone who drinks coffee? Of course you do.


Coffee is the second most consumed beverage on the planet after water. It’s the second most traded commodity after oil. People drink coffee all day, every day in almost every country around the world.

But here’s a really powerful question. When was the last time you were paid every time someone enjoyed a cup of coffee?

Welcome to Organo Gold. And welcome to a global groundbreaking movement that starts with Organo Gold coffee. From the ground to the cup. We’re a company that is working to improve people’s health, wealth and bring more balance into their lives thanks to the overwhelming power of Ganoderma – an ancient Chinese herb that has been used for more than 4,000 years to enhance wellness.

By infusing gourmet coffee and an ever expanding product line with the power of the Ganoderma Lucidum herb, Organo Gold has scientifically developed a healthy alternative to regular coffee that not only tastes great, but makes people feel great. And that’s where you fit in.

Organo Gold is on a mission, spreading the knowledge of Ganoderma to the four corners of the world and partnering with thousands and thousands of people along the way. Using the cost effective network distribution system to deliver these Ganoderma products, more of every dollar is shared with our growing Organo Gold family world-wide.

Think about your future. Where will you and your family be in 5 years from right now? You may know where you want to be, but do you know how you are going to get there? Do you have a plan? Now more than ever it’s up to you to define your future. That’s where Organo Gold comes into the picture.

Organo Gold is a global family that is growing and thriving every day. A family that is caring and compassionate and believes that the knowledge of Ganoderma should be in the hands of people world-wide. It’s a family that cares about you.

Where Ancient China meets modern Science

Ganoderma truly is the mystery of the east revealed. In China it’s considered a national natural treasure. The Organo Gold China plantation is home to the 100 Percent Certified Organic Ganoderma.

What is Ganoderma?                                            

In Cantonese, “Lingzhi or Reishi”, is the name for one form of the mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum. It enjoys an honourable place in Asia, where it has been used as a medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 4,000 years. In China it’s known as the “Miraculous King of Herbs”.  The scientific name "Ganoderma" is derived from the Ancient Greek   "bright shiny skin".  The word “Lingzhi”, in Chinese, means "herb of spiritual potency" and has also been described as "mushroom of immortality".

Thanks to modern science and cutting edge technology, Organo Gold and our strategic partners have created 100 Percent Certified Organic Ganoderma Lucidum Capsules, Ganoderma Spore Powder, Ganoderma Mycellium Healthy Beverages, Nutrecuticals and Skin Care. And there is even more to come. Organo Gold is dedicated to maximizing the potential of Ganoderma with research, development and an ever expanding line of scientifically developed Ganoderma based products.

The processing plant for our Ganoderma based products is manufactured with GMP standards which are the highest in the world. The exclusive breakthrough is the “Advanced Micro-Particle Technology” that is applied to the spore cell wall-breaking scientific process. This is the foundation that guarantees Organo Gold to be the world leader in 100 Per Cent Certified Ganoderma Lucidum.

The home of Ganoderma may be China, but thanks to Organo Gold and our growing team of worldwide distributors its story is now spreading to the rest of the world.

Why Organo Gold? Why now?


Market Trends

Organo Gold blends the unequalled power of Ganoderma with an unparalleled business opportunity that will allow you to capitalize in the ever expanding health and wellness industry. By positioning your Organo Gold business in front of worldwide aging trends it can be as big and successful as you want it to be. Whether it’s improved health, more time, freedom or better wealth, Organo Gold can help you achieve your goals. As an independent Organo Gold entrepreneur we put you first.


Imagine living a life of health, abundance and freedom. Just imagine having access to products with the power of Ganoderma. Imagine how huge the world-wide market for these products can be. And now just think of how that can affect you. The Organo Gold exclusive sales compensation plan, our world-wide distribution system combined with the power of Ganoderma all add up to perfect timing.


A commitment to innovation has guided Organo Gold in the development of cutting edge Ganoderma products. Organo Gold was founded with an exclusive strategic alliance agreement with one of the largest certified Organic Ganoderma producers in the world. We are dedicated to maximizing the potential of Ganoderma with research, development and an ever expanding line of scientifically developed Ganoderma based products.


Organo Gold is truly a global brand and we’re rapidly expanding to other markets around the world. From your first day you’ll discover an industry leading sales and marketing staff and a customer support team dedicated to your success. Organo Gold is committed to bettering the lives of people around the world with Ganoderma. It is our mission to bring the treasures of the earth to the people of the planet. From the ground to the cup. One person at a time.


Organo Gold is about the empowerment of individuals through the strength of team work. Organo Gold’s industry leading compensation plan makes everything possible. It’s an innovative and generous plan that will reward you for leadership and commitment. The power of Organo Gold has already created incomes that have been life changing. It can change your life too.

Compensation Plan




The Organo Gold Compensation Plan is the most generous and fair plan in the Direct Sales industry. The power of the Certified 100 Percent Organic Ganoderma in each Organo Gold product is the foundation of all commissions paid to Organo Gold Representatives. The philosophy behind Organo Gold’s Compensation Plan is simple, yet powerful. Encourage and promote the sale of Organo Gold products on a reoccurring basis. Each segment of the compensation plan encourages and enhances activities that affect another segment of the compensation plan. In other words, there should be a domino effect that benefits you, your growing team and the company. There are 7 ways to earn money with exciting elements within each step of your growth and leadership.

1. Retail: 

The foundation of the Organo Gold opportunity is Retail Sales. Face to Face retail sales allows you to earn income by purchasing Organo Gold products at the wholesale price and then selling them at a retail price of no less than 50% mark-up on Organo Gold beverages. Earn from 50% - 500% by retailing Organo Gold products. Products ordered from the website will be marked up 50%. When retailing Organo Gold products to your customers, you can mark-up whatever percentage you choose as long as it exceeds 50%. All other products can be marked up at the distributor’s choice.

2. Fast Start Bonus: 

Each time someone you have personally enrolled purchases an Organo Gold promotional Builder Pack, you receive a Fast Start Bonus. The following are examples of commissions that can be earned on the sale of Organo Gold Promotional Product Packs:

1. Bronze Pack $199 Fast Start $20 (150 CV)
2. Silver Pack $499 Fast Start $80 (400 CV)
4. Gold Pack $1295 Fast Start $150 (875 CV)

3. Dual Team Commissions: 

Team Commissions are another cornerstone of the Organo Gold Compensation Plan. As a new distributor, your focus will be on developing a base of retail and preferred customers. You will also focus on helping your downline generate volume through sales.

The Team Bonus aspect of the plan is calculated through your placement tree, which has two teams, a right and a left. You will be compensated based on successfully building sales volume within your placement tree. Your sponsor (or anyone else in your placement tree) may place new reps in your placement tree. As your group begins to grow, you can earn Dual Team Commissions based on the Total Sales Volume generated in your lesser volume team. Only Promotional Builder Packs and First Orders are calculated for Dual Team Commissions.

Organo Gold will pay up to 10% matching volume on both right and left teams. This equivalent to 20% of the Lesser Team’s total CV or Commissionable Volume is based on the lesser team CV for Qualified Representatives.

Accumulating Volume:

To accumulate CV, each Organo Gold Representative must personally enroll a Representative on the left sales team and the right sales team who each have a minimum 50PQV. Once you reach 300 CV on your lesser team, Dual Team Commissions are paid on that team as well as greater volume on your greater team. To continue accumulating volume the following months, each Organo Gold Representative must maintain a personally enrolled active Representative on their left and right teams. Each Representative will have the remainder of the current month and the next  full month in order to reach Qualified Status. The qualification time starts from the date of enrollment.

Should a Representative not maintain a qualified status the accumulated volume will reset to zero the following month.

Calculating Dual Team Bonuses:

Organo Gold Representatives must be a qualified Marketing Associate to earn Dual Team Commissions. See Rank Qualifications for Marketing Associate.

Qualified Marketing Associates and Supervisors can earn up to 10% of the lesser volume sales team. 50 PQV per month minimum.

Qualified Consultants can earn up to 15% of the lesser sales team CV. 100 PQV per month minimum.

Qualified Gold Pack Representatives, Sapphires and above can earn up to 20% of the lesser sales team CV. 100 PQV per month minimum.

Dual Team Earning Potential

Marketing Associate $500 wk

Supervisor $1,000 wk

Consultant $1,500 wk

Sapphire $5,000 wk

Ruby $10,000 wk

Emerald $15,000 wk

Diamond $20,000 wk

Blue Diamond $30,000 wk

Black Diamond $40,000 wk

Crown Diamond $50,000 wk

Crown Ambassador $75,000 wk


4. Unilevel Commissions:

As you build a solid distributor and customer base you can enjoy the benefits of reoccurring commissions from all reorders that occur in your organization.

Any Representative who has accumulated 200 PQV and maintains at least 50PQV monthly qualifies for 3 levels of Unilevel Commissions. Any Rep who fails to maintain at least 50 PQV will not be eligible for Unilevel Commissions and their organization will compress up to the next qualified upline for that effective month. This "compression" allows for maximum benefit of Unilevel Commission.

Sapphire: 4 levels of commissions

Ruby: 5 levels of commissions

Emerald: 6 Levels of commissions

Diamond: 7 levels of commissions

Blue Diamond: 8 levels of commissions

Black Diamond and above: 9 levels of commissions

5. Matching Bonus:

Organo Gold will pay qualified representatives a bonus up to 20% of the monthly Unilevel earnings of Personally enrolled Organo Gold Representatives. The Matching Bonus encourages Representatives to mentor and help develop representatives deep in their organization, regardless if the representative is on the strong or weak side of their Dual Team. Qualified Representatives at Sapphire and above can qualify for a Matching Bonus on all Unilevel Earnings of all Representatives with the 1st four levels in their Personal Enrollment Tree.

Consultant 10%

Sapphire 20%

Ruby 20% 1st level, 10% 2nd level

Emerald 20% 1st level, 10% 2nd level, 10% 3rd level

Diamond and above 20% 1st level, 10% 2nd level, 10% 3rd level, 10% 4th level

6. Generational Bonus:

Organo Gold rewards the development of leaders in depth. A Generation begins when a Qualified Sapphire or higher is found in any leg of your Personal Enrollment Tree. This bonus consists of Representatives in your Personal Enrollment Tree, down unlimited depths. Organo Gold will pay as many as four generations of Sapphires or above in a leg based on your rank. As your rank increases (Sapphire to Diamond), so does the number of generations on which you can be paid a Generational Bonus.

The Illustration below is designed to help you better understand the Generational Bonus. In this example you are a Qualified Emerald, which allows you to earn Generational Bonuses through three generations of Sapphires or higher in anyone of your Personal Enrollment Tree legs.

7. Global Bonus Pool:

Leadership and Service have its Ultimate Reward. This bonus is allocated in direct proportion to one’s contribution to the total Unilevel CV. This encourages low volume participants to work with their sponsors and build their Organo Gold business thanks to the rewarding Global Bonus Pool payouts. This rewards High Volume Leaders to reach beyond their dreams and continue to building the company and their future.


Bronze $500 wk

Silver $1500 wk

Gold Pack $2,500 wk



 •            Purchased an Organo Gold marketing kitMarketing Associate

•             Has a Dual and has 50PV for the qualifying month Supervisor

•             Marketing Associate who has at least 500 PV or has sponsored 3 Promotional Product Packs


•             Qualified associate who has sponsored any of 5 Promotional Product Packs or accumulates 1000 PV.

•             Must maintain 100PV for the qualifying month.


•             $5000 week Dual Team earning potential

•             14,000 PGV in Qualifying Month and 100PV

•             Must have 2 personally enrolled Qualified Consultants on both left and right team.

•             Qualifying volume subject to the 40% rule.


•             $10,000 week Dual Team earning potential

•             40,000 PGV in Qualifying month and 200PV

•             Must have at least 3 personally enrolled Qualified Consultants on both left and right team.

•             Qualifying volume subject to 40% rule.


•             $15,000 week Dual Team earning potential

•             80,000 PGV in Qualifying Month and 200PV

•             Must have 4 personally enrolled Qualified Consultants on both left and right team.

•             Qualifying Volume subject to the 40% rule.


•             $20,000 week Dual Team earning potential

•             200,000 PGV in Qualifying month and 200PV

•             Must have 5 personally enrolled Qualified Consultants on both left and right team.

•             Qualifying volume subject to the 40% rule.

Blue Diamond

•             $30,000 per week Dual Team earning potential

•             Qualified Diamond with 500,000 PGV

•             No less than 100,000 PGV on either dual team side.

•             Qualifying volume subject to the 40% rule.

Black Diamond

•             $40,000 per wk Dual Team earning potential

•             Qualified Diamond with 1,000,000 PGV

•             No less than 200,000 PGV on either dual team side. Qualifying volume subject to the 30% rule.

Crown Diamond

•             $50,000 per week Dual Team earning potential

•             Qualified Diamond with 2,000,000 PGV

•             No less than 400,000 PGV on either dual team side. Qualifying volume Subject to the 30% rule.

Crown Ambassador

•             $75,000 per week Dual Team earning potential

•             Qualified Diamond with 5,000,000 PGV

•             No less than 1,000,000 PGV on either dual team side. Qualifying volume subject to the 30% rule.

*30% rule implies that no more than 30% of the Required Qualification Volume can come from one Personal Enrollment Tree leg.

**40% rule implies that no more than 40% of the Required Qualification Volume can come from one Personal Enrollment Tree leg.


“As an entrepreneur most of my life I have been involved in several different types of businesses, including several network marketing businesses. Since my past experiences were never positive (or I should say never beneficial) I was pretty set against joining another MLM. Organo Gold has changed my whole perception and for many different reasons. The benefits that it offers people is amazing. I see it as a win-win situation for myself and for all the people that I have the potential to reach. I am very excited to be a part of this company.” – Jose L.


“I never liked green tea before no matter what brand I tried, but I love Organo Gold Green Tea.  I used to buy mochas from Starbucks and other coffee shops, but Organo Gold Mocha is every bit as delicious as Starbucks.” – Holly H., Victoria, BC, Canada


“I was introduced to Organo Gold from my sponsor, Theresa H, and was very skeptical.  I am someone that would of never tried this product on my own.  I decided to try it and drank it every day for a week.  I seemed to have more energy every day and definitely would say that something was happening to my body. Just an over all feeling of "well being." I am sold, and now I am on a mission to tell anyone that will listen what a difference it could make in their lives. I have a Latte in the morning and drink the Green Tea throughout the day.  Thank you OG, Feeling Good! Looking Good!” – Nancy R., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


“I am Organo Gold’s number one fan! I love Ganoderma and since I’ve started taking it I’ve been unstoppable. I’ve never had so much energy and may hair and nails have never looked better. People think I’m in my 20’s and not 40’s. I want everyone to feel this good everyday!” – Anne B., Nanaimo, BC, Canada


“The OG products we’ve taken have helped improve our concentration at work. We feel better overall and more alert. It has also reduced our migraines and blood pressure.” – Shane and Jessica V., Pueblo, Colorado


“Since I have been drinking Organo Gold coffee I’ve experienced less stress and better general health. I have been on the product for over six weeks and feel great. I’ve even lost eight pounds and am looking great.” – Bob P., Magnolia, Texas


“We love the taste on OG coffee! We have more energy, we sleep better than ever before and wake up refreshed. Our family loves this business and we ALL can do things that generate coffee income! The timing couldn’t be more perfect for Organo Gold.” – Miles & Jackie A. Family, Magnolia, Texas


“I have started to take the capsules once a day and can't believe the energy I have! I work in the front lines of an acute care hospital and I truly believe that the immune boosting benefits will help me stay healthy and able to combat whatever Mother Nature throws my way! I haven't been sick since I started Organo Gold and I'm looking forward to keeping it that way!” – Nadeane Nelson, Regina, SK, Canada


“I’ve been drinking the OG black coffee since February 2009 and love it! If you are looking for a true black coffee experience, this drink is for you. It is a must try for any coffee fan.” – Pat Wagman, Regina, SK, Canada


“I couldn’t imagine drinking “instant” coffee after drinking brewed coffee for years, but OG coffee is great. After a couple of cups I was completely hooked! Organo Gold coffee is the only coffee that I will now drink. I take some everywhere I go. I hope everyone tries these products.” – Heather K., Calgary, AB, Canada


“I am so grateful for Organo Gourmet Coffee and the New Hybrid Compensation Plan that rewards everyone. Drinking Ganoderma Coffee will improve my life in many ways. I am committed to sharing this message of wellness.  Organo Gold has truly brought everyone a gift of nature, and a business opportunity with excellent compensation.” – P.L. Washington State


“Organo Gold is first class. I would be proud to take this to the White House, the Vatican, the best five-stat restaurant, or even other coffee shops. The product is a true treasure. I realize I have the responsibility to help change lives and I can do that with Organo Gold. This is not a hope so, it’s a know so!” – A.B.


“The Organo Gold business plan is the best. And so are the people. Thank you OG!” – Pam T.









hope to see you in the team soon


Antonio Ang







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