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Wolf's blog: "Rants"

created on 11/27/2006  |  http://fubar.com/rants/b28803


(Things that don't matter but are interesting) You see lots of movies and books about zombies. They have all sorts of scientific explanations in these movies and books about how the zombies came to be. What makes them animated, why they do what they do, how it spreads, etc. There's one thing they never explain, and I think it's because they can't. Why don't the zombies eat each other? In every movie, a living person can't blend in at all. I've even read a book where they tried to make themselves look dead and walk around slowly, and still got found. Zombies can spot the living from a distance, and walk as a hording team to go get them and consume their flesh/brains/whatever. They never attack each other. In fact, in most cases, they seem to utterly disregard each other, falling over other zombies as they claw their way towards the living. Let's look at the brain-eating side of it. Do they only want to eat functional brains? Zombies have functional brains. They can walk and maintain somewhat of a sense of balance. They don't crash into walls. They try for the doors and windows if you lock them out. They know to head towards the living. They have the mind to stand up when knocked down, or to crawl on their hands if their legs stop working. Sounds like some gears are turning, so why not eat THAT brain? Or just the flesh instance. Why not eat zombie flesh? It's the same stuff as the living, except mildly decayed and cold. Do the zombies prefer fresh meat? Have they developed a sophisticated taste for meat that's still within the expiration date and can detect it? If so, how can they detect it? Infrared? Does undead status provide you with heat sensors that can operate at a distance? What about pheromone detectors? It seems strange that a living person cannot determine such things. In fact, a living person may even have to check for a pulse to make sure someone is dead. The zombies, however, do not. They can spot a living person at a hundred yards or more, and discern them from an undead. HOW?? Another aspect is in movies like "28 Days Later". They are technically zombies, but overwhelmed by anger and instinct. Thus, they can run and and never stop trying to kill. Yet, the same thing happens. Maybe I don't remember the movie entirely, but if I recall, two raging zombies will fight side by side against a living person, tripping over eachother to do the most damage. Why do they not rage on each other? If I ever wrote a story about zombies, it'd be boring as hell, and less than one page. "There was a breakout of zombies in New York City. The National Guard closed all highways leading out and provided air and satellite surveillance for unguarded offbeat routes out of the city. The zombies eventually ate each other and we slowly reconstituted the city after shooting the remainders. The End" Just random stuff. LOL

Remember Me

Been awhile sine I posted a military blog, so here's another round: The military draws many different types. A. There are those who joined because they had no clue what to do with their life. B. There are those who answered a call. A. There are those who joined for the college money. B. There are those who use the education to be a better soldier. A. There are those who join and complain. B. There are those who who take every day in the service of their country as a blessing, regardless of conditions. A. There are those who would join to impress their loved ones. B. There are those who would join to lay their life to save their loved ones. A. There are those who join to look like a badass. B. There are those who join to be a hero. I am option B in every case. I do what I do for you. I answered the call of the people to stand up and be the man at the front of the line. I volunteer to be a man that would proudly die if it meant the end of suffering for millions of people I have never met because they are Americans. I am a man that would kill anyone that would bring harm to you as I would my brother. There are people out there that hate what I do. There are those confused as to why I do it. They say many things that downplay my efforts. I don't hate them. I recognize their right as one of the many rights that I fight for them to have. My oath is to the Constitution. I don't ask much from you. I don't receive much in the first place. I've been deployed to Iraq 4 times thus far, and trust me, that number is counting up. I'm due to head back in May of next year. Why? Because I volunteer. There's a chance I could die. There always is. It's not an uncommon event for something to land within 50 feet of me with a heck of a payload. They make many jokes of me being invincible. They say there are so many things that should have killed me by now, from swallowing too much Motrin (hey my tooth hurt pretty bad that day) to being shot at close range. They say that I can't be killed. They think I'm a genetic freak of some sort, some kind of undead robot (I still can't figure out the image of that). I know the true answer. It's a combination of karma and purpose. Do good, and be good, and no true ill will befall you. I'm not a religious man, even less of a spritual one, but the facts speak for themselves if you read some of my other blogs. Whatever it is out there, it has a purpose for me. I think that purpose is to defend you. I don't ask your permission, your gratitude, or your praise. I don't ask you to throw roses at my feet. I don't ask for money. I don't ask for your love. I just want you to remember. Every time you go to bed safely at night, remember those that step up every day ready for the ultimate sacrifice to make sure tomorrow is the same for you. I probably don't know you. I've probably never met you. We may have talked in passing. We may have shook hands. We may not have even exchanged names. However, I will die to defend you. Rest easy. Sleep well. We'll take it from here. Remember Me.


Okay, I swore to myself I wouldn't add this rant. Every time I talk about a specific type of person on here... that type of person shows up and defends themselves like it'll change my mind, but tonight's scenario forced my hand, lol. The Cyber Prostitute A girl sends me a shout to tell me to come look at her profile. I'm not out to make enemies so I won't be specific on the name. When I say I can't access the pics, she says I have to buy her a blast... "Ok wait... so you want me to pay money to see you naked?" "Ya" "Isn't that prostitution?" "It's just a blast" "Oh... so you're cheap?" This sent her off into a tirade. I should have known LOL The worst part is... it appears through the context of her barrage of insults that she actually liked me and wanted to get to know me better. However, her approach was to immediately whore herself out? It was a bit odd. Besides, what if we had hit it off... or what if I hit it off with any of the others? I tend to talk at length to those who will make good friends, or maybe even a lover. Imagine either one of those things starting off with cyber-prostitution. LOL Here's a pop quiz: Which of the following options would be the best story for the grandkids when they ask how you met Grandma? A) She came to my page and charged me 20 dollars to see her boobs. B) I begged her to show me herself naked on webcam. C) I used to subscribe to her pay website. D) None of the above. If this offends you, we probably wouldn't get along anyway. Yes there's a lot of girls doing it, and a lot of guys paying for it. We have names for both of them. Showing off pics is adventurous. Charging people is a whole new ballgame. Frequent Discussions: "If people are willing to pay for it... then why not get paid?" Good point. I've heard it before, though. I literally heard it on the HBO Special "Hookers and Johns" "It's not a real cash transaction. It goes to the website." Doesn't exactly make it better, lol, kinda makes it worse. It means your pimp gets 100% of the cut. "You are just mad because someone wanted you to pay and you want to see them for free." Heh... no... I'll look if they're there for free, and thank you for that, lol, but... no... lol. I'm here for friends and I cannot imagine getting angry at someone I never met because I wasn't provided an open opportunity to see them in the nude. There's plenty of girls on here with no NSFW pics at all that I talk to every day, but people lose focus of that, and they are typically the ones that I refuse to pay. "People pay for porn websites all the time. It's the same thing." Yep. It is. Doesn't change my argument at all. I don't pay for those, and I'm not bringing the girls home on the pornsites, either. Final Thought: In the end... you've sold your body for virtual points on a website. I don't really care if you do, but don't try to justify yourself to me, or try to earn my respect. That's all. If you just want to chat... that we can do. LOL It's your life, and I'm not telling you how to live it at all. These are my beliefs, and mine alone. To not agree with me is to not agree with me. Nothing more, nothing less.


A man walks up to his dresser and puts his money in his pocket. He picks up his cigarettes, his lighter, and puts them in his pocket as well. Checking the mirror one last time, he steps out the door and starts his walk down the street. It's his day off, and he thought he might go down to the park and see if there isn't a pickup volleyball game or something. The weather is nice on this Wednesday afternoon. Less than 100 paces from his house, he is approached by another man, "Excuse me, could you tell about the keys in your pocket?" "What keys?" "It's Wednesday morning, so you must be off to work, and statistics show that everyone in this city owns a car, so you must be headed to work, therefore driving, and so you have keys in your pocket." "It's my day off today." "Nobody has a day off on a Wednesday." "I do. Also, no keys in my pocket, but yes I own a car." "Turn out your pockets then. Prove it." "I can't. They're sewn in." "You just don't want me to see the keys. Why?" "There are no keys." "Yes there are. Even the news shows that everyone has keys in their pocket." "What?" "Look, I know you have keys in your pocket. I don't know why you won't show me, but I'll tell everyone you are just hiding your keys." "Um... ok" With that, the two men walked on. One is presuming himself intelligent. The other is just going back about his day, wondering why people assume they know better than him what's in his own pockets. Sounds stupid? It's sounds just as silly when people walk up to a soldier and start telling him about the war.

The Movie Critic Syndrome

Have you ever noticed that the only movies worth a crap to major critics are deeply emotional, and usually depressing? If everyone made movies just to win major awards, we'd have no movies for 9 months of the year, and then the 3 months before selection came, you'd have a barrage of remakes of The Crying Game.

Thankfully, most movies are money-motivated, and thus appeal to the general mass. The critics always hate these movies. You'd never see "Die Hard" win an award. Why? Because it's an action movie, and no one's going to give it an award because it doesn't make you cry at any given moment. IF there is so much as a single automatic weapon in your movie, or usually also an explosion, you can kiss the "Best Actor" award goodbye.

Why is this? Is it not just as challenging to convince an audience that you're a stone-cold killer than it is to convince them that you are truly in remorse of the death of Old Yeller?

It comes down to the Movie Critic Syndrome. These people hate movies. You just can't enjoy them, or get into them, when you are forced to watch them for years and years. Therefore, this is my theory: They like the ones that make you cry, because critics are depressed and cynical about movies, and when a movie is depressing, it's the only one that touches their heart. They can get into the movie, fall right into the story, when it triggers the emotions they feel every day. Every day, they feel like attempting suicide, going fucking crazy, and therefore, "Mona Lisa Smile" is a winner.

The other option is to give them something they have never seen anyone dare to do before. Hence, "Brokeback Mountain". If you take one of those two dudes, and make it a girl, the movie would have been a flaming bag of shit. Everyone would have been angry with it. It would have been a movie about dirty and evil adultery, but no, it's about GAY adultery, and therefore, a complete masterpiece. I watched it. LOL I wasn't afraid to. I watched it and it was total and absolute crap. The actors sucked, the storyline sucked, the ending sucked, in fact it was all like watching a fatal car crash. I only got to the end because, despite the horror and ugliness of it, you had to see what would happen next. However, the critics loved it. Why? Because it involved discreet and unacceptable gay love. Uncharted territory. End of list.

I have a lot of joy in my life. Despite the horror I have witnessed, experienced, and been subject to, I wake up every morning and smile. To this end, I find almost all movies entertaining. I fall into every storyline. I put myself there, and I struggle along with our main characters. I enjoy movies, because for just 2 hours, I am somewhere else, experiencing something reality will never bring me (for the most part). I smile and clap and cheer, and many members of CT will say I'm a real trip to go to the movies with, LOL.

I am happy with my life, and I love almost all movies. Critics hate almost all movies. Can the reverse of me be so untrue?

Military Posers

These types can come in many formats. Today we will discuss the main ones that drive me nuts. The Active Poser: Claims he is in the military but can't back it up at all. Does it to bag chicks usually. Doesn't know anything about the military. He couldn't tell you the difference between a recruiter and a liaison. Typically also claims he is a sniper. The Passive Poser: Gets by on the fact that he thinks you won't question him if he is no longer "in the military." Also typically a sniper proclamation. Couldn't tell you a single town in Vietnam or Iraq, but he's got his facts straight as long as you don't ask him about actual events. The Gung-Ho: This differs from an ACtive Poser in the sense that he actually IS in the military. Only problem is, he's never seen any action. These people are usually a sniper as well. They will often go forth with tales of how they work alone and have killed many important men. Easy hints include: If he is pointing his rifle at the camera, he has never pointed it at an enemy. If he has all pictures of him in green, he has never been to the desert. To name a few. The Victim: The people who play on the sympathies of people to try and pull their heart strings. These are civilians and/or military that claim they have a fallen buddy from the current conflict. There's roughly 2,000 americans dead. There's over 300,000,000 people. They must have been a popular group if everybody knew one of them. The Widow: Same as the victim, but doesnt want to admit that she doesn't know who the father of her baby is. I'm not saying that people can come close to these descriptions while telling the truth. Just know the difference. It's easy to discern n actual member of the military and a veteran of combat. I whole-heartedly welcome any quiz questiond towards myself. Plus, if you ever think you might have one of the above on your hands, come see me and ask. Wolf Here all night

To Women

Getting home tonight, for the first time since Friday, I felt a significant comfort. It's always good to make your way home eventually, despite how much fun you had for the past few days. I kicked off my shoes, and noticed them like gaping maws begging for my feet to be put back in. I ignored their cries and went to the bathroom. This is where I first made this thought. As I finished, I leaned forward and put the toilet seat down before I flushed. Why did I do this? I was raised by women. I was taught the utmost respect for females and I cater to their every whim whenever possible. I have always done the best I can, and usually I understand why certain needs have to be met. However, I do not understand why I have to put the toilet seat down. We, as men, have no problem lifting it up. Even if we get up in the middle of the night, we lift the toilet seat up. It's reflex to us. So why is it that even if you get up in the middle of the night, you fall in the toilet if we don't put the seat down for you? It's like protecting a retard from himself. Depending on his level of degradation, we grant them special equipment for safety. We childproof our cabinet doors so they don't get in there and drink poisons, and we do this to protect them from themselves. A mature, female, adult, should not need to be protected from such things. You never hear about men asking women to leave the seat UP in case they wake up in the middle of the night and piss all over it. No, we lift the seat, and it takes the same amount of energy to lift or lower it. So tell me, why do we have to protect you from falling in the toilet? What is it about your heads that you cannot check the toilet, or reach to lower it by instinct, that is so difficult? Why have we, as men, been tasked to save you from falling into a toilet bowl?

Shortest Blog Ever

I'm really tired of girls trying to hit on me using fake pics. Look, damnit, I'm an empath, ok? Read my main page. I can smell a lie like a fart in a car. I don't know what it is you get from trying to get men to be attracted to something you're not. It completely baffles me. How do you achieve satisfaction by building a paper ego around the fact that people think you look completely different than how you are? It doesn't make sense! Please, PLEASE, just read my page before you try a move. I can sense you, I can feel you, and I want to do good by you, but you make that impossible when I value honesty, and the first thing I have to do in our introduction is call you out on being deceitful. That's it from me. Shortest blog I ever wrote, lol.

American Idol

"American Idol is the one chance some of these people have to get a singing career--" Blah Blah Blah... shut up LOL Reality TV is what it always has been. It's a twisted hoax that would be lucky to brush reality. My thoughts on this show have never changed, and they are well known by most of you. The show sucks. My contempt began with the very first season. That would be the one season where they actually played a legitimate card, and even then, they blew it. First season: Judges actually interviewed everyone trying out because there weren't as many as any other season. The process took forever but they did it. The winner was promised a record deal. By the time they got down to 6 people, they all already had record deals, so they changed the grand prize to star in a movie, but when it came down to 2 and they picked a winner, they both ended up in the movie anyway. Every season since then: There is over a week of trials singing for producers and executives before you even go near the big three, and even then there's a 50/50 chance that you got in front of them because you really can sing... or you REALLY CAN NOT. If you're anywhere in the middle, you get drowned. Here's a few questions for you: How does every audition episode have a montage of people that all sang the same song, even though you saw some of them sing a different one for Simon? With thousands of people applying, how does someone like Sanjaya make the final cut for the performance portion, before the home voting? If Sanjaya deserved to be there, and just two dozen or so people picked to be on the show in the first place, and thousands of auditions... how does one make it that Simon would threaten to quit if the guy wins? http://www.votefortheworst.com Sorry, no link skills. Copy and paste once you're done reading this. Occam's Razor. These auditions are fixed like every other part of the show. They put a couple of crappy, yet entertaining people on the final cut, and they expect them to be drowned out in the first couple of rounds. However, with only so many to make the show, this means that a handful of true talent had to be sacrificed. If you actually check out the site, http://www.votefortheworst.com, and you actually read some of the truth behind the show, which has backable credibility, you'd see what's really going on. It's all just another hollywood scam, and it's designed, like any other show, to keep your butt on the couch and watch, NOT to expose new and potentially star-spangled singers. Why does this bother me? One) I recently had an argument about it with an avid American Idol fan, and Two) That argument reminded me that I had a relationship END because of my discontent for this show. Although I guess I should thank the show for that, because she started sleeping with a gas station employee just three days before the custom-made engagement ring had been completed. God knows if the relationship was that fragile, the marriage would have been forged in hell. Small miracles in strange places. Regardless, I actually applaud the efforts of VFTW. The show rapes you, and this site rapes them back. I bear no sorrow if Simon were to leave the show, because he's a large part of the system that has pulled the wool over the eyes of so many viewers. It's really funny to see him squirm with his own "prank" backfiring in front of his eyes. He's basically saying, "We put Sanjaya on there expecting him to be funny for awhile and then get voted off. You are keeping him on the show, and I don't like that. If he wins, I quit." Sorry, Simon, you put him there, and we're keeping him there. If you didn't like him, you shouldn't have invited him to the final cut.

Racist on CT


@ CherryTAP ALL THINGS SAID ARE SWORN TRUE AND THE CONVERSATIONS ARE ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY RECOLLECTION. HotCollegeChick, AKA Diane Morningstar, as she claims is her name. (She claims its a Native American last name, but I found her to be lying, she doesnt know shit about Native American culture) She sent me a private message. Claiming that she only gets on once a week, she left me a phone number. Well, I don't do so well with long distance since my cell craps out in my apartment, and the house line doesn't do outgoing long distance, so I left her my number back. A few days later, she calls me. The following conversation is not a lie at all. Most sayings are approximate, however accurate, due to the fact that I was so mad by the end, I could barely see: HCC: So, you're in the military? Wolf: Yes I am. HCC: Do you like it? Wolf: Yeah most days. HCC: (this is literally the third question out of her mouth) How many girlfriends have you had? Wolf: *pause* Oh I don't know, maybe 30? HCC: Are you fucking serious? Wolf: Well I haven't had the best of luck. HCC: (this statement is utterly word for word, I'll never forget it) And let me guess, they weren't all white. Wolf: Umm, no, but I don't see how that-- HCC: I can't believe you'd say that Wolf: What? HCC: You're a fucking loser Wolf: Okay I don't understand why you're so upset about-- HCC: Fucking loser Wolf: Why are you-- HCC: You just date anything, huh? Wolf: No... but -- HCC: I can't believe you'd betray your **click** (every time you see this, it means I hung up on her, but she keeps calling right back) Wolf: You called back, so I guess that means you want to speak like an adult now? HCC: Are you going to keep it in your pants? **click** Wolf: NOW are you ready to talk? HCC: Why would any white girl want to -- **click** Wolf: Why do you keep calling me back? HCC: Because you're a fucking loser and you need to learn that you can't-- **click** On this last call back, I can't possibly be accurate about what I said. I completely lost it and went into a 3 minute tirade about how was she was a useless racist bitch and that I didn't need her trying to spread the poison her parents fed her out into the world. It ended with me threatening her with charges of harassment, and listing the penalties of it. She kept trying to interrupt or out-volume me, which made it clear she barely heard me, but she did hear one thing, and that's if she called me back, she'd go to jail, because when I hung up, she didn't call back... the fifth time anyways. People like this make me utterly sick. I'm sure there's more of them on this site, but this one made herself obvious. You all know me at least to some degree, and you know I'd never deliberately attack someone that didn't deserve it. Hell, I'll often leave people alone that DO deserve it, lol. However, in this case, she got personal on me just for being non-discriminate when it comes to race. Whatever she's affiliated with (Nazi, KKK, whatever) I don't care. Maybe she's just bred into a bigot family. Who knows. All I know is, she's trash, and I rarely say that. There's your information. You can block her, hate her, raid her page, repost this bulletin, decide I'm full of shit, or do absolutely nothing at all. I'm just the guy that gave you the info, and you can do whatever you want with it. HotCollegeChick

@ CherryTAP
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