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48 Year Old · Male · Joined on August 6, 2006 · Born on January 2nd · 14 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!
48 Year Old · Male · Joined on August 6, 2006 · Born on January 2nd · 14 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!



Well...I'm six foot...about two forty...long brown hair...basic stuff. I like to sweat alot and I am an Electrician by trade. Mainly commercial right now, but, I would rather be doing Industrial. For any more info..just ask.

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What's Your "REDNECK" Sign?


Some of us (especially REDNECKS) are pretty skeptical of horoscopes, and it has become obvious that what we need are our own "REDNECK" symbols:

OKRA (Dec 22 - Jan 20) - Although you appear crude, you are actually very slick on the inside. Okras have tremendous influence. An older Okra can look back over his life and see the seeds of his influence everywhere. Stay away from Moon Pies.

CHITLIN (Jan 21 - Feb 19) - Chitlins come from humble backgrounds. A chitlin, however, can make something of himself if he's motivated and has lots of seasoning. In dealing with Chitlins, be careful. They can erupt like Vesuvius. Chitlins are best with Catfish and Okra.

BOLL WEEVIL (Feb 20 - Mar 20) - You have an overwhelming curiosity. You're unsatisfied with the surface of things, and you feel the need to bore deep into the interior of everything. Needless to say, you are very intense and driven as if you had some inner hunger. Nobody in their right mind is going to marry you, so don't worry about it.

MOON PIE (Mar 21 - Apr 20) - You're the type that spends a lot of time on the front porch. It's a cinch to recognize the physical appearance of Moon Pies. Big and round are the key words here. You should marry anybody who you can get remotely interested in the idea. It's not going to be easy. This might be the year to think about aerobics. Or - maybe not.

POSSUM (Apr 21 - May 21) - When confronted with life's difficulties, possums have a marked tendency to withdraw and develop a don't-bother-me-about-it attitude. Sometimes you become so withdrawn, people actually think you're dead. This strategy is probably not psychologically healthy, but seems to work for you. One day, however, it won't work and you may find your problems actually running you over.

CRAWFISH (May 22 - June 21) - Crawfish is a water sign. If you work in an office, you're always hanging around the water cooler. Crawfish prefer the beach to the mountains, the pool to the golf course, the bathtub to the living room. You tend to be not particularly attractive physically, but you have very, very good heads.

COLLARDS (June 22 - July 23) - Collards have a genius for communication. They love to get in the "melting pot" of life and share their essence with the essence of those round them.. Collards make good social workers, psychologists, and baseball managers. As far as your personal life goes, if you are Collards, stay away from Moon Pies. It just won't work. Save yourself a lot of heartache.

CATFISH (July 24 - Aug 23) - Catfish are traditionalists in matters of the heart, although one's whiskers may cause problems for loved ones. You catfish are never easy people to understand. You prefer the muddy bottoms to the clear surface of life. Above all else, Catfish should stay away from Moon Pies.

GRITS (Aug 24 - Sept 23) - Your highest aim is to be with others like yourself. You like to huddle together with a big crowd of other Grits. You love to travel though, so maybe you should think about joining a club. Where do you like to go? Anywhere they have cheese or gravy or bacon or butter or eggs. If you can go somewhere where they have all these things, that serves you well.

BOILED PEANUTS (Sept 24 - Oct 23) - You have a passionate desire to help your fellow man. Unfortunately, those who know you best - your friends and loved ones - may find that your personality is much too salty, and their criticism will probably affect you deeply because you are really much softer than you appear. You should go right ahead and marry anybody you want to because in a certain way, yours is a charmed life. On the road of life, you can be sure that people will always pull over and stop for you.

BUTTER BEAN (Oct 24 - Nov 22) - Always invite a Butter Bean because Butter Beans get along well with everybody. You, as a Butter Bean, should be proud. You've grown on the vine of life and you feel at home no matter what the setting. You can sit next to anybody. However, you, too, shouldn't have anything to do with Moon Pies.

ARMADILLO (Nov 23 - Dec 21) - You have a tendency to develop a tough exterior, but you are actually quite gentle. A good evening for you? Old friends, a fire, some roots, fruit, worms and insects. You are a throwback. You're not concerned with today's fashions and trends. You're not concerned with anything about today. You're really almost prehistoric in your interests and behavior patterns. You probably want to marry another Armadillo, but Possum is another somewhat kinky, mating possibility.

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Feet cold and wet.
Glass being held at incorrect angle.
Rotate glass so that open end points toward ceiling.

Feet warm and wet.
Improper bladder control.
Stand next to nearest dog, complain about house training.

Beer unusually pale and tasteless.
Glass empty.
Get someone to buy you another beer.

Opposite wall covered with fluorescent lights.
You have fallen over backward.
Have yourself leashed to bar.

Mouth contains cigarette butts.
You have fallen forward.
See above.

Beer tasteless, front of your shirt is wet.
Mouth not open, or glass applied to wrong part of face.
Retire to restroom, practice in mirror.

Floor blurred.
You are looking through bottom of empty glass.
Get someone to buy you another beer.

Floor moving.
You are being carried out.
Find out if you are being taken to another bar.

Room seems unusually dark.
Bar has closed.
Confirm home address with bartender.

Taxi suddenly takes on colorful aspect and textures.
Beer consumption has exceeded personal limitations.
Cover mouth.

Everyone looks up to you and smiles.
You are dancing on the table.
Fall on somebody cushy-looking.

Beer is crystal-clear.
It's water. Somebody is trying to sober you up.
Punch him.

Hands hurt, nose hurts, mind unusually clear.
You have been in a fight.
Apologize to everyone you see, just in case it was them.

Don't recognize anyone, don't recognize the room you're in.
You've wandered into the wrong party.
See if they have free beer.

Your singing sounds distorted.
The beer is too weak.
Have more beer until your voice improves.

Don't remember the words to the song. Beer is just right.
Play air guitar.

Follow these 10 simple rules, and we might not call you an asshole.

1. Keg-owners: Keep the keg on ice. Nobody wants warm beer. Beer-drinkers: If you aren’t paying for the beer, don’t bitch about it being warm.

2. Don't forget cups. A keg without cups is like a party with no girls. Which brings me to the next rule…

3. Don’t forget to invite the girls. A keg party with no girls is like a keg with no cups (see rule 2).

4. If this is your first time approaching a keg, don't try to act like you know what you're doing. You'll just end up looking like an ass.

5. After the approach, shut the hell up and pour. This isn’t the damn water cooler at your work. Conversation while pouring is NOT encouraged, focus and concentration is. Everyone hates the drunk asshole who holds up the line.

6. DO NOT OVER PUMP THE KEG. Too many people over pump, and the keg ends up giving more head than your sister.

7. If you feel the need to peer pressure a friend by yelling “KEG STAND!” and pointing to him, be prepared to do one also.

8. Be careful when performing multiple pours. It is a nice gesture, but it may not be awkward if the next person in line is not your friend.

9. However guys… ALWAYS, ALWAYS pour for ladies. Admit it guys, the ladies are the only reason you came to the party. Admit it ladies, free beer that is poured for you is the only reason you came to the party.

10. Girls, if you are trying to impress a guy, you can’t go wrong with doing a keg stand… or taking your shirt off.

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"White and Nerdy"



48 Year Old · Male · Joined on August 6, 2006 · Born on January 2nd · 14 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!
Well, I'm very Interested in the SCA (Society of Creative Anachronism). We do medieval re-enactments and try to relive the middle ages as close to being authentic as we can. Hell, I just like putting armor on and fighting..LOL! Our fighting is full contact with Rattan Swords. A THICK piece of Bamboo wrapped in Duct tape for some safety against splinters. I also like to do Heraldry...as in name and device research. I used to be big in to Semi-Pro wrestling. Thinking about getting back into it. Maybe soon. I love watching MMA tourney's. If ya want to know more...just ask.



My music that I like varies with my mood. Ranging from country to rock to hip hop. Mostly rock.

AC DC Thunderstruck







Mainly medieval based movies....King Auther, Gladiator, Knights Tale, Excalibur, Conan (all of 'em), Red Sonya, Ladyhawke, Dragonslayer, DragonKnight, Troy, Alexander, Thirtenth Warrior, Braveheart...ones like that...



I have a few....





Video Games
Let's see...video games....not really into playing a lot of video games..to much live action stuff going on around me to keep me busy. But, when I do...it's mainly sports games and action games.



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  • The WolfPackBrad Ventura
    Merry Christmas

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  • QueenbitchBrad Ventura
    Hey Stranger!!! How you doing?? Hope all is well! *HUGZ*

    14 years ago · Reply
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  • QueenbitchBrad Ventura
    YOU'VE BEEN HIT U ARE CONSIDERED ONE OF THE SEXIEST PEOPLE ON FUBAR....WHEN YOU'VE BEEN HIT U GOTTA SEND THIS PLAYBOY BUNNY TO ALL THE SEXY PEOPLE U KNOW INCLUDING THE PERSON THAT SENT IT TO U...___$$$$$$$___________$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$_______$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$____$$$$$$$_________$$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$____________$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______________$$$$$$$$$__________$$$$$$$$$$$$$________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______$$$___$$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$___________$$$$$$$$$$$$$__________$$$$$$$$$$$$$1-3-U UGLY4-6-U FINE6-8-U SEXXY 1 hr ago

    15 years ago · Reply
  • QueenbitchBrad Ventura
    FRIENDS ARE LIKE BALLOONS ONCE U LET THEM GO U CANT GET THEM BACK SO I'M GOING TO TIE U TO MY HEART SO I NEVER LOSE U.SEND THIS TO ALL UR FRIENDS INCLUDING ME! SEE HOW MANY U GET BACK___888888888888888___________________888888822222228888_________________888888222I2222288888_______________888888222222222228888822228888______888882222222222222288222222222888___88888222222222LUV22222222222222288___8888822222222222222222222222222_88___88888222222222222222U22222222__888___888822222222222222222222222___888____8888222222222222222222222____888_____8888222222222222222222_____888_______8882222222222222222_____8888_________888822222222222______888888__________8888882222______88888888_____________888888_____888888888_________________88888888888888_______________________888888888____________________________888888_______________________________8888_________________________________88__________________________________8___________________________________1____________________________________1____________________________________1____________________________________1____________________________________1___________________________________1__________________________________1__________________________________1__________________________________1__________________________________1___________________________________1____________________________________1____________________________________1____________________________________1____________________________________1____________________________________1___________________________________________________1 person - You are lonely2 people - you have a couple friends, but not many3 people - you have a few friends...4 people - you have some friends...5 people - you have several friends!6 people - you have many friends!7 people - you are SOOOO loved!8 people - everyone loves u"""""

    15 years ago · Reply
  • QueenbitchBrad Ventura
    //SQUEEZE! You've just got a VALENTINE HUG! If u get back 3, ur CUTE! 6 ur LOVED! 9 ur HOT! 0 ur a JERK! I WANT 1 BACK! xxx..

    15 years ago · Reply
  • QueenbitchBrad Ventura
    aww how sweet of you! *hugz* sweety! hope all is well with u!!

    15 years ago · Reply
  • ledfoot6483Brad Ventura
    What's up bro? Haven't chatted in a while. Hope everything is going good this New Year.

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Trixy Gypsy SSSBrad Ventura
    I am doing just splendidly sugar, how are you doing?

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Trixy Gypsy SSSBrad Ventura
    Good morning to you as well honey! Hope you are having a good one!

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Trixy Gypsy SSSBrad Ventura
    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082622/ BAH there is the link, the photo link hates me today

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Trixy Gypsy SSSBrad Ventura
    Knightriders Pictures, Images and Photos check that site out it describes the movie, its absolutely fabulous! Just click the image :) It should work

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Trixy Gypsy SSSBrad Ventura
    So I am going through your list of movies and I noticed Knight Riders wasnt on there o.O

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Trixy Gypsy SSSBrad Ventura
    One of them things you just get used to when you have the party encampment, or better known.... Pirate Encampment... though our commodore got his letter of marque and now we have to pay him 10%

    15 years ago · Reply
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