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I am so out of here Current mood: angry I am getting out of this country... it has been decided... I can no longer watch the news and see only bad things... I can no longer take the constant worry over what will happen if I get sick... or need medical attention for one reason or another... I already have a 3 month trip to japan planned out for next year and its looking more and more like I will not come back after that... I am thinking of either france or the UK. but who knows where I will be.. hell with the way the rest of the world thinks of america I am not sure who I will be... because if it comes to it I am more than willing to change my name and assume a false Identity just to get out of this hell hole... so good bye Edward ands hello Rusty Shackleford lol... oh and on a side note... everyone make sure to check out the new micheal moore film sicko.... It will make you sad angry and sick all at the same time...and its a great flick.. I was only able to watch the first half or so before I became to angry and disgusted to continue but I hope to watch the second half tomorrow
A Call to Arms (of the non violent Variety) Category: Dreams and the Supernatural For all of those who actually know me you already know my religous persuasion.... and you may know some of my feelings concerning the subject in general... and for those who read these things I am going to warn you right now that this is not a rant per say.... No this is a call to arms... A call for unity among the members of all "pagan" or esoteric, or just plain out of the norm religions. This is a wake up call to us all... be it satanist... wiccans... druids, whether you call yourself a Psy Vampire, or a Sanguin Vampire... this is a call to us all... a plea if you will for unity among the clans,houses,covens, and groups. It is now time to come together for a common cause... a common good.. to join as one united body and be able to defend ourselves from all those who would do us harm., from all those who wish us ill.... I want each and everyone of you to look around you right now... not to the room or office you are sitting in at the moment... but at the world around you. I want you to take a good look at the people you contact in your daily lives... I want you to think about how they would react if you told them what you truly believe... if you told them what you practice when you kneel before you alter at night to pray to who you believe in... If you think you know how they will react... I want you to think back... not that long. to the mid 80's. When parents were loosing their children on a daily basis on unconfirmed reports of "satanism" I put that in quotes because when that happened not one of the people accused did ANYTHING wrong... none of them harmed any body. I want you to think back to all the people you have heard say to some one that they are going to hell for what they believe in. Now that you have that thought stuck in your mind. I want you to tell me how you think they will really react to what you believe in. I want you to think about what would happen if you told them you were anything but wiccan. I want you to think about how fast these people who seem to like you would shun you, because you do not follow their god. Now I know that not all people would react like that... there are some people out there that would actually sit down and listen to try to learn about what you believe in. would try to learn about your faith or beliefs. But my friends we all know they are not the majority.. Hell most of them will not sit down and learn to program their VCR. and if they will not do that what makes you think that they will try to learn anything about a differing faith. I have seen these problems building around me for some time now. Hence I want to announce that I am formally coming out of retirement. I am re-forming my house... and opening the rolls once more.. only this time I am doing it the way that it should of been done. The rolls are open to all. Thats right... be ye a psy or sanguin. be your magik black or white.. the doors are open to all who want to come and learn... and join together for the betterment of all... For those who are interested spread the word. let others know. bring your friends. For those of you play the whitewolf games and stumble across this... this is your chance to stop playing the game and enter the real thing... as I said we are open to all who want to learn. but above all spread the word far and wide that my doors are now open to all. if any one wants more info... leave a comment or send me a message and you will get a response within 24-48 hours.

some old reviews

The covenant Review **SPOILERS** Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities I want the last 2 hours of my life back. let me inform you of something there is one unspoken rule of movies that are so obviously marketed toward goth kids and that rule is this.... under no circumstances should you make the main charecters look like they belong in a boy band. So the questions on every body's mind: is this movie any good. let me make this perfectly clear right now. no this movie is not good. no matter how the previews look, it is not good. the writing is some of the worst I have ever seen, the acting is awful and well the entire premise, while possibly cool, plays like and after school special so lets say for a second that you have super powers... like being able to make a car reconstruct after getting smashed by a truck (like in the preview) you would think that your super powers are pretty much limitless. Well that was pretty much the only really big thing they did throughout the entire movie. it was almost like they blew there special effects load in the first 20 minutes of the movie. They never once explain what they can and cannot do. they just never seem to do anything really after that. And if for some reason you can make it to the end of this abortion and watch the final fight, not only will you be disappointed at how un-sinister the bad guy is, or how lackluster the fight is, but you will also be treated to one of the worst line in cinematic history. There is one line that should never ever ever ever be said in a movie and that line is "I am going to make you my WEE-OTCH". ok maybe in a comedy but never in a movie where they are obviously trying to take everything seriously. and if against my advice, and most likely your better judgement you actually want to see this thing, pay attention for the after school special anti drug scene. Although there are some amusing moments none of them are intentional in the slightest. It is just like a trian wreck. I cinematic train wreck. Imagine if you will the Craft. it was a good movie... now is that in your head.... good. Take that movie and take everything good out of it, the script the diolouge, the special effects, adn replace it with something you would see in a B film that goes straight to DVD, and you have this piece of trash. Take the final battle for instance. you would imagine that there would be some cool sort of special effects involved with alot of explosions and cool shit happening... well my friends you would be wrong, all they do is throw balls of shimmering air at each other while saying stupid lines. And I have one question, if this society this covenant is so secret why is there a book about it in the library?. I believe that about sums it up for this movie. it should never have been made. so until next time. The is the Chic Assasin saying good hunting all, and may you find better game than this movie 11:57 PM - 2 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove A few movie reviews Alright folks its time for my movie round up... which I am going to start trying to do at least once a week. First up this week I have the movie Beerfest from the guys who brought you super troopers and club dread. Now to be perfectly honest I was a bit scared when I went in to see this film. I loved super troopers. It is probably on my top 10 favorite films of all time. but I was not a fan of club dread so much. I thought it was a good movie but it lost the magic of Super Troopers. so it was with some trepidation in my heart as I went to see this movie. And let me just say it was all for nothing. This movie is easily on par with Super Troopers. It is a great beer soaked romp of comedy. I laughed so hard I hurt myself. The only thing that could have made this movie any better would have been if I had a case of beer in front of me and the ability to drink it all while watching this movie. I do not have words to describe how giddy happy this movie made me. its definitly not a smart movie. but After you see it you will want Das Boot. trust me. Go see this at all costs if you like comedy movies. next up this time around I have Accepted with Justin Long (from Dodgeball and Waiting). This is one of the rare movies that pays homage to a long ago 80s movie and does it well. It is also probably the first college comedy I have seen in a while that I thought was any good. it was like someone took Revenge of the Nerds and Animal House and mixed them together to get the gooey ball of goodness that this film is. It is spot on. very very well done, and Justin Long is just magic in this movie. There is something about his timing and his every dork persona that just works in this movie. as to what this movie is about. A guy cannot get accepted into any college so he forms his own. from there it follows the normal formulaic plot all the way to the ending where the good guys win the day over the assholes at the preppy college. well that about sums it up for now. these are the first reviews I have written in quite a while so bear with me as I am sure they will get better. I hope to back later today with a review of The Covenant. and possibly a few others in the next few days. so until next time. The is the Chic Assasin saying good hunting all 11:47 AM - 0 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Just another rant of sorts Current mood: blah Gather round boys and girls its time to sit back and enjoy another edition of what pisses me off. Ok so this needs a little back story. For those of you that know me you know that I have been unemployed for quite awhile after getting fired from the strip club I worked at for refusing to work double shifts 7 days a week. well in a moment of weakness stupidity and desperation to find a job I took a job at the local burger king. I am still not really sure why, but I needed a job so I had a place to live.. so anyways I now work at Burger King. I hate it more than I hate anything in this world at the moment. Well its not the actual job I hate, the job itself is easy. Aaaah but the customers... oh the customers... HOW THE FUCK HARD IS IT TO ORDER FOOD OFF OF A MENU THAT HAS NOT DRASTICALLY CHANGED IN 20 YEARS. I mean come on now people the goddamn menu is the same as it was last week. its not a puzzle its not written in some mysterious language, its not that hard to read. If you do not know what you want then do not go through the drive thru. walk your fat lazy ass inside and look at the menu there out of everyones way. and how come when I tell some one that they are going to have to pull around to the front doors and wait for their food they look at me like I am fucking speaking klingon. There is only one front fucking door, this is not a discussion topic. You do not need to ask what doors I mean. there is no option there is only one set of fucking doors you fucking moron. I should not need to draw you a map to make it there. And for the love of god if you are waiting for 5 minutes to get to the window at least have your money out. make things easier for all of us. do not make me put my penis on your burger... I do not want to be forced to do that, it takes forever to get all the grease off. but hell I suppose its the society we live in that we cannot do these simple tasks right. but then again my fellow employees are not the most intelligent people in the world either. although how you can be to dumb to hold this job is beyond me some manage to do it. that seems to be enough of a bad rant. for some reason my mind is not working as it used to and my writing is suffering for it. on a few side notes. Cleveland sucks ass. I moved here almost 2 years ago now and I still cannot find anything to do. so if any one lives in the cleveland area get ahold of me... I need to get out more. I am pretty sure that is all I wanted to get off my chest. oh and I am probably going to post a few movie reviews here today also. so if you are interested feel free to check them out

Friday, April 22, 2005

the begining" In the begining well.... I do not remeber that far back at the moment. What I do know is that I sell cars, and for those of you who have never done that let me tell you it is a trip. I work at a place called JD byrider (any one who has heard of it probably is plotting my death about now hehe ) And I have to talk to some of the most fucked up people during my day. Now for those of you who live in cleveland or the area around there you have probably seen the commercials where we say that for 200 down we can get you in a car. well let me clarify that a bit. If you do not have a job do not bother. I hate it when I have to waste my time with some stupid ghetto ass "Mutha Fucka" (their words not mine) who comes in and says that they want a car. and when I ask how much they have for a down payment the say stupid thing ..1 "well the commercial say 200 down" ok fine lets move on. Then comes stupid question ..2. Do you have any mustangs (or other high end car, and yes I know mustangs are cheap but I think you get the picture.) and I have to sit there and explain to this little moron that if I had a mustang you sure as hell are not getting it for 200 down. in fact for that question alone I should throw you through the fucking window, but I don't instead I move one. And then we get to the funniest part of all. I ask them where they work.... and can you guess the answer I get.... well I will tell you. "I don't work right now but my moms gives me money". yes that is exactly what they say. now I know that most people out there realize that without a job no one is going to sell you shit. and thank you friends at least your IQ is above room temperature (and while I am sure I spelled that wrong I never claimed to be able to spell) So at that point I have to walk into the back and scream or something so that my teeth do not turn around and start eating my brain. And if that is not the worst part of it (and it just well may be) let me backtrack to the commercial again. Now I am sure all of you who are reading this know that SUVs are not the cheapest things in the world. neither to maintain or buy. Now that you have that thought in your head I can continue. I had an argument one day with a woman about an SUV. she came in with 200 dollars and credit that appeared as though she tried to fuck it up. I am not just talking about your normal oops I fucked up bad, I am talking "hey not paying for shit is fun, we should do it more often" bad. And this whore decided that she wanted an SUV and not only should sell her one but be happy that she is allowing me the pleasure of being in her oh so glorious presence. I think the next mistake was mine as I said "Listen Bitch, you have 200 dollars, you need at least a grand to look at the damn SUV, in fact for 200 I may let you look at the fucking tires and if you are nice I will roll down the window and let you have a smell of the interior. (well I did not say that but I was thinking it, which counts) well we did need the thousand down. Now most people would get the point, but oh no not super bitch. She cornered another salesman and lied to him to get the key, then took herself and her ghetto ass 10 kids out to the SUV and sat in the god damned thing and demanded that I take her for a test drive. Well I gave up at that point and said fine lets take a fucking test drive. Now at this point I will pause from the story to explain something. At a used car lot the down payment is not based on the price of a car, it is based off of how much money was put into the car to get it working right. pretty simple right? Well to those of us who can dress themselves in the morning on the first try it is. But not to super bitch. Oh god no. I took over 30 minutes trying to explain this to her. and to put my mood in some sort of context it was about 10 at night and we closed at 9. So fine we get out of there and get back inside. and my boss tells me that we need her current pay stubs (which is a requirement so that we know you are not lying your ass of about how much you make, which at this point I am sure makes sense to all of you) well the ones she gave us where about 6 months old. ok no problem it gives me a reason to get her the hell out of our store. fast foward to the next day. She calls (after swearing never to do business with us) and says she will be in at 7 with all her stuff to get a mini van that she can afford. ok no problem (I know my revenge will be gotten when she sees what she is paying) well I swear she said 7, and I know I am not crazy because other people heard that too. well apparently in super bitch land 7 is really about 8:55 normal time, because that is when she walked her stupid ass into the store (and keep in mind we close at 9) Well this not only pissed me off, it also pissed my boss off, and one firm rule is never piss of the guy who is going to make the decision on whether or not you get a car. So I got to go out and say the words that made me the happiest man on the planet that night. I got to say. listen here maam (read bitch) The only way you are now getting a car from us is if you pay the full price of the car up front, plus and extra grand for making us deal with you. Well she may have cussed me out, but I got the last laugh because if we will not sell you a car, you are pretty low on the fucking food chain. well for those of you that made it this far thank you. and the stories will keep coming although I doubt all of them will be this long lol. or hell if you have a funny story lord know I would love to hear it after a long day of dealing with the world's super bitches

Saturday, April 23, 2005

another fucking saturday in used car land Now I have some shit to get off of my chest tonight, so pull up a chair and settle in. First of all, if you set an appointment with anyone at all, and they tell you it is important that you call them if you cannot make it. You should fucking call them, so that they can get around to the other work they have to do. I can assure you that My day was not based around your stupid appointment, in fact, and I know this will be hard to believe, but I have other shit going on in my day and when you do not give me the common courtesy of a phone call saying that you cannot make it in to meet the apointment it means I have to spend god knows how long getting ahold of your sorry ass while I could be doing something important, like eating my lunch. With that being said let me move on. If you walk into a used car lot that deals with people who have no money and no credit, do not try to act like you are a lawyer. Trust me when you walk through those doors I know you aren't. Now why do I feel the need to point that out. well let me tell you why. Because today I had to deal with a guy who thought he passed the fucking bar exam. and why do I say this you might ask? well after I took his info and handed him the forms to sign that say nothing more than that we can verify all the crap he just told me, he decides that he does not like the way it is worded, And then proceeds to argue with me for at least 15 minutes about what the word investigates means. Now I know to every one that is able to read this you already know what it means. and that it does not take 15 minutes to explain. Well after I get the guy to sign the form he leaves to go get his paystubs, and comes back oh I don't know..... 5 hours later (after telling me he lives down the street and will be back in a few minutes) and upon showing these to me proceeds to prove why he argued so much about the stupid little form. He claimed to make three grand a month. well he made about half of that. During a good week. And on top of that he was high, and how do I know this you may ask? Because he decided to tell me that about 15 times over the course of this fiasco. well now that is off of my chest. And I feel much better. As I doubt anyone will actually read this I do not feel bad about it not being entertaining. If someone does read it I apologize and promise it will be better tomorrow, Maybe
Unemployment sucks ass (or why reality shows suck) Current mood: angry OK so I am not selling cars anymore, and that in and of itself is a very good thing. I hate selling cars, with the passion that most people reserve for child molesters or rapist and the like. So needless to say not selling cars anymore is a weight lifted off of my shoulders. The only downside is I am now unemployed. And as the title of this entry states :that sucks ass. its not the lack of money that gets me down so much. its just the lack of having anything to do all day. I mean don't get me wrong its fun for the first few days. But I can only sit on my but for so long watching Ernest Goes to Camp for so long. (and kudos if any one catches the weird Al refernce there. 10 points if you can name the song also.) but so far my days all consist of sitting in this chair here, eating a few hot dogs (which I fucking hate, but it is all I can afford) Then I watch TV, something I have not done in years, But the watching only last until I realize that sometime during my absence from tvland sitcoms died and was replaced by something refered to as reality. Now I do not know if this is reality to you, but I know for damn sure that if I was ever stuck on an island with those retards most of them would not be making it off alive. And I have never had 12 women vie for my hand in marriage for a show. And if I did I would pick the one that was best in bed, because I already know if they had anything else to offer they would not need to be on a goddamn TV show to find a man. And the pathetic loser they get for that show also bugs me. I know already that if you need to go on TV to get married you are a loser or failing that to retarded to pick up a woman anyplace else. I do have an idea for a good reality show though, one that I would like to see. I want to take all those assholes that killed the sitcoms I loved and helped the genre of television survive for 50 odd years. I want to round up every last one of those soulless heartless sons of bitches and take them out behind the studios they work for and film a reality show I like to call how much can they take before they break. In this show we will chop them up into little pieces, the one who lasts the longest gets shot right there, the losers get shot also. (I am a very fair person). or if you are not a fan of torture we can just call the show Real Texas Justice and string them all from the nearest tree. All I got to say for that Idea is that I have plenty of rope here with me, and all I need is a tree and a camera. Well that is enough for now I suppose. I will continue about why not having a job sucks at some other point

Monday, August 15, 2005

I hate illinois nazis Current mood: blues brothers rock well it is not illinois nazi's that I hate (well I do, but that is not what this is going to be about) no, this is going to be about the 2 groups of people thatI am a little bit fed up with. And those two groups are the Fashion nazis and the music nazis. I think I will start with the music nazi's first. Now for those of you that know me I am currently back in the booth and spinning tunes at a club in cleveland. Now for the most part I have a very wide taste in music, alot of which, by popular definition, is crap. Now I believe that everyone is entitled to there opinion, and if you do not like something that is fine. But what I hate is those people who go out of there way to tell me that all music that is not what they like sucks. it does not matter to these people what the merits of said music are of course. No these people are completely blind. for those of you that read this and think that I am talking about you, realize that I am not. as I said every one is entitled to their own opinoin. I am refering to those people who do not realize that musical taste is all opinion, oh no. I am talking about people who think that musical taste is a fact that only they and the select few people they know realize it. (ok the grammer in that sentance probably sucks and I am sorry for that, I am a bit tired). Now I would like to throw a few facts to these people real fast. To the ones that think that no one likes country music. well there is a little system in place to figure out what the ratings are for various types of music they are called the arbitron ratings. (like the neilson ratings for TV) now when these ratings come back it is interesting to see that the most wide spread and listened to music in the country is in fact country, followed by rock and then R&B. (this info is a few months old so rock may no longer be second) now the funny thing is that it is not even a close contest as to who is in the number one slot. now that we have that out of the way. I hate when I talk to some one, and we start talking about music. And as we speak for a while I will probably say I like something that they do not like. ok, no problem, I understand. and at that point I am willing to let it go. But then these nazis start to run on about how "so and so band" has sold out. and this is where the fan becomes the nazi. I will always ask what makes them think that said band has sold out and the most common answer I get is "well they are mainstream now." WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT. So you are saying that since people like their music they have now magicaly sold out. Then they will tell me that said band has toned down a bit since they were unsinged. well let me tell you something you god damned fool. Once you do something every night it gets old. if you are doing shock rock, you are going to get sick of one upping your self every night. If you are playing any type of music and have a brain it may come around that you want to change it up a bit to make it interesting. (unless you are ACDC of course as they have been making the same song for the past 30 years or so). Now I will admit that some bands have changed a bit after they get signed. but I look at it like this. I am broke and trying to scrape by playing music. A man walks up to me and says I will get a six figure check and royalties if I just tone it down a bit. now what would any rational person say to this. I rest my case. I do realize that I probably have not made a strong point in that rambling little narritive, and I know I could go back and rewrite it. but I am tired as I said above, so it will proably just be worse if I do that. And anyways I have one more topic to cover before I go befriend sweet slumber and all those women that reside in my dreams. (get those sick thoughts out of your head I am not that popular there either) that other topic is of course fashion nazis. These are the people that think no matter what you wear it is wrong and uncool unless it matches what you wear. and this pisses me off for the simple reason of : Who in the fuck are you to tell me what I should wear. Clothing is about how you wear it, not so much what you wear. Now if I am going out to have a good time I am probably going to dress comfortably. Now to me this means a loose pair of pants (to allow my anatomy to swing freely) and a loose t-shirt that I can move in. If I am going to a club I will probably dress for where ever I am going. but the last thing I want to hear when I walk into the chamber (its a goth club in cleveland. at least it is as far as I can tell) and some one tells me that since i am not wearing black finger nail polish, I am not goth, there for I am in the wrong place. (not that any one in that particular club has said that to me. in fact they all seem like very nice people. but it happened in chicago, and I just wanted to use an example a little closer to where I am now). Or if I am not dressed exactly right I get called a poser. which I am not. I am just fricking comfortable. is it that hard to contemplate people. hell I may be weird but I like being able to move without crushing my balls with every step (guys out there may or may not know how that feels). and let me finish this little bit with this. women I have been made to wear your clothes for reasons that I do not want to get into, but I have no idea how you can do it, and have infinite respect for you. especially when you wear a corset, god bless you (whatever god you follow that is). I just have one more thing to say before I sign off and hope to sleep. Now if you do not smoke that is a personal choice, awsome good for you , have a cookie. But if you think it is a good idea to cough or something like that when I decide to light up. then I got news for you. it is much safer to smoke than bitch at me about me smoking. trust me you have a much higher chance of getting you fucking head slammed into the nearest hard object when you cough at me or make a rude comment. mainly because I find it rude and very annoying. I will make it a point to blow my smoke in your face just to let you know what an ass you are. and I realize smoking is not healthy for me. but if you tan all I can say is that I at least do not shoot radiation into my body to look darker. And when you tell me that smoking is not healthy do you think I am going to throw my smoke down and thank you for saving my life you fucking pleasure nazi. Well that is all I have to get off of my chest tonight, I know that my prose suck and probably rambles way to much to be of any help in trying to figure out what is going on in my head right now lol. but I am off right now. and if anyone is looking for a good place to party come down to Club Bacchus (620 frankfort right off of west 6th, big blue awning, you cannot miss it) in cleveland and say hi and enjoy the 80s I spin on thursday or the top 40s I spin on saturday. Well this is now my bedtime. so I think I am going to smoke, drink and pass out or sleep. If you make it this far leave me a comment so I know who you are *hugs and kisses all who want them* This is Death signing out
what pisses me off this week Current mood: annoyed Category: MySpace I have decided that from now on I am going to be posting something up here every week. and since I have noticed that at least a few people actually look at this I am going to stick to that and probably add a few things this weekend. but now on to the rant. now I usually enjoy all the weird and somewhat useless posts that pop up on here. I find them generally entertaining and amusing. to be honest if I was better at responding to anything I would probably let people know that they make me laugh. which is something rare enough in this world. but yesterday when I log on I see something that ends up pissing me off. I had at least 3 posts on my list and this post was titled myspace murder. now the first thing I thought was hmm interesting. then I read it, well I read all 3 of them to make sure that they were not all the same. they were. now on the surface I saw nothing wrong with this. I figured everyone has a right to honor the dead in there own way. cool I can let that stand. good for you. the I read the other 2 posts. they were the same god damn thing. still not that big a deal. but I happened to read all of the posts. it starts of by saying "I hate when people post worhless shit." ok first I think it is kind of presumptious (pardon the spelling) to assume that people think this is anymore important than whatever it is they post up there. now a persons death is serious business there is no doubt about that. but people die every day. and given the amount of people on myspace to begin with, people on here or anywhere else meet there death pretty often. but ok I was able to over look that until I look farther. now after that it goes on to call a certain person a murderer, and I thought to myself "self" I said "that is a pretty harsh thing to call someone unless its absolutly true." so being that I have way way to much free time on my hands I went and checked the story out. (yes I am that lame. and I really had nothing better to do at the time) first things first. the title myspace murder is misleading. yes the girl who was killed had a profile on myspace. (although I am not going to name it here.) although that is the extent myspace had to play in anything. the man who supposedly killed her did not (as far as I could) have a profile on this site, nor did they ever talk on here. (if I am wrong send me the link) now this did not piss me off yet. but then I read the meat of the story. they guy who being labeled a killer has not been arrested for the crime nor is he the only viable suspect. reading the article one can find (especially if they know how cops release info in a homocide investigation) that although they claim he is a person of interest they also have their eyes on other people. now what pissed me off about the whole situation is that I always thought that in this county people were innocent until proven otherwise (not that I am naive enough to believe that but still.) The only thing the guy has against him is that he is older and he was friends with her. that is about it. He WAS NOT the last to see here alive. and a search of her car led not to him but to someone else. (at least as far as has been released at the time of the article I read) so what I saw was a crucifiction of a man who while I admit makes a likely suspect, has not even been arrested for the crime in question. and appearently this guy is being accused of it on many blogs in many places. Do I think the guy murdered her. most likely. but I also know that until all the cards have been dealt there is no reason to accuse someone. because there are still things that are unknown. but to get to the point of what pisses me off. I do not want to have to look at 3 + (there were more today) of some stupid post that does not even have all the facts straight (plus it has all the guys personal blog sites listed in it) I mean come on now one post is enough. poeple die every fucking day. I could see if the post mentioned that it was a family member, or a childhood friend or something deeply deeply personal (although I do not see why you would post something like that.) but to put up a post about some one who is going to end up as a statistic to the majority of the people who read it, and written by someone who seems to be crusading (I am sure most of you know what I mean.) Now for the person who posted this. if it was a dear freind or a family member I am sorry for your loss. I have been there and I know how it feels. but if it wasn't then let the poor girl rest in peace and if he is found innocent I hope you find a way to sleep with yourself at night knowing that you had a hand in crucifying him. (although if you are like me you probably just did it for fun and if so Kudos to you.) well I am sure this would not piss off most of those who read it, and in fact I probably look like the bad guy, but oh well fuck it. thats how I feel. I am a cold calluss bastard who would rather be amused than read about how some one got murdered. and that is what pisses me off this week :) And now for the man prayer "I'm a man, and I can change, I if I have to, I guess"

Thursday, August 03, 2006

welcome all* to another edition on whats going on in this fucked up head of mine. (all meaning the few people who actually read these things.) I have found that the song banana phone, once listened to, will replay through your head about 10 million times when you get bored. and trust me that is way to fucking much for me. so at about this point i am a little out of it. but enough with the intro, time to let the rambling begin. so I am starting in on two new projects after a while off. the first is a sitcom about a strip club (which strangly has no nudity or sex in it) I do not know what is going to be done with it when it gets done but it should be fun, the other is a movie mixing vampire and magic lore with martial arts (due to lack of money for guns and hi tech fxs lol) if anyone is interested in helping out in any way let me know cause I am really really short handed. so I need people. male female does not matter. acting ability does not matter cause I cannot act that well either. but yeah I am doing this for the sheer fun of it. I hope that some one will want to help out cause at the moment I am kinda stagnant. moving on.... so I had something else to say about how I am a whore but could not figure out how to type it out. (due mainly to bananphone again). but on the upside I am sure it was kinda pointless and would not make any sense to anyone but me anyways. there were a couple of long winded analogies that probably made no sense and probably some stupid metaphors that would make even less sense. I think the point of it was that I miss sex. although come to think of it the word whore is not appropriate. I think a man of loose morals would fit better. anywho. it would have just been me bitching about how i learned anatomy and where the G-spot is and shit like that yet never get to use what I learned due to the fact that 1) obviously if I decided to sit down and learn all that I am a dork, and 2)well I do not get out that much anymore and suck at talking to women. yes I have lost what little game I once had. so sad. but yeah that would have been the gist of it although it would have went on alot longer and about half way through it you would be saying to yourself "this guy is one sick twisted little perverted man, and what the hell does that burger king metaphor mean." so yeah I am skipping it. So there has been something I have been watching everynight for a while beacause I never change the channel. And that something is Geraldo At Large. Now I am led to understand that this man at some point in history was a legitimate media voice. now he is just a lame joke. I mean watch the show to see what kind of sensationalist crap he has on there. although I will say it is a bit refreshing to see Suburban Housewife Pornstars be talked about like it was legitamite news. Its kinda like what would happen if all of a sudden The Springer show was considered legitimate. bah it hurts my brain. but it is kinda funny. and that about sums up everything I have in my mind at the moment that I can possibly put up here. I am off to try to find something funny on the net to occupy my mind. one last thing. I used to teach meditation and metaphysics so anyone who is interested in learning let me know cause I have alot of free time now and I enjoy passing on knowledge and wisdom. maybe if I get rid of enough of it I will be less of a dork lol :P goodnight and god/godess/the little man in your pc bless all
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