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This will be a very long story and I might write part at a time and save as I go.

A year and a half ago, I was talking with the Wounded Warrior Project people about things I could do with them. Since I wasn't working, I would have the time to be able to dedicate five days to be flown to whatever site to do a Soldier Ride. I signed up November 2015. January 2016, literally the same day I started that short lived job, I was contacted with 3 options, Charlotte NC, Jacksonville FL, Montgomery AL. Since I would be the new guy at work, I turned them all down, however since the job didn't last, I was then free to do one of them. I contacted them back, and the positions were all filled for the rest of the year, but I could apply again in the Fall. I did that and in late January this year, I was contacted to do this one in Washington DC. Note that I did not turn down a DC Ride because of who was the president at the time, nor did I accept this one because of who is president now.

We didn't have to pack anything much because every event we would go to would be informal, and for riding, they got us cool professional style tops and shorts. The weather was expected to be a great on the first two days, but not so good in the middle, so I packed warm stuff for that. The three hour drive to the hotel was so uneventful, got checked in, then out to the truck to be fitted with to a standard bike, While a recumbant might have been a good idea, I would have had a harder time getting seated and getting out. The only problems I would have would be needing a push when I start, and two people to grab me to not fall. I equated it to a Navy Aircraft Carrier, being launched, and "trapped". One of the people in charge was a Navy Aviator and he got a kick out of that analogy. Some were able to ride racing bkes, some had recumbants, and a few had hand-powered trikes. During our first meeting, there were several plackards that would be presented to the president and other dignitaries. We were asked to sign each one on the back. I didn't get to see what the front looked like and looking back, I wish I had peeked.

The first evening, we were bussed to a place to eat that's a golf driving range where you aim your ball at different targets. I used to play golf a lot but haven't in a very long time. I won't even let anyone invite me to do it now, because my walking stick would leave marks on the green and I would not be able to repair ball marks. I did swing a few and hit a few balls, down range, and I was grouped with people who never hit a golf ball before, so I connected by explaining that a golf club is NOT a baseball bat, how to grip the club handle, and how to just make good contact with the ball, and to let the club do all the work. During the bus ride, I heard one of the WWP people on the phone talking to their contact at Fox News, to make sure they had a camera team at the White House. He was talking in total schooze mode with all kinds of name dropping.

Day Two, April 5. We had breakfast at the hotel, then were bussed to Annapolis Maryland near the Naval Academy. It was started with a local ROTC group presenting the colors, the singing of the National Anthem, and a short speeches by the Mayor of Annapolis and the local Congressman and State Legislature. The bikes were arranged with the most disabled in the front, the trikes, then the racing bikes, then the standard bikes. The ride would have small hills but nothing too rough. I was put near the back, so the chase U-Haul van was not far behind me, and we had a few local riders join us, but they were kept at the very back. I found early on that my right foot would shake a lot and I would lose footing with the pedal, and as long as I could keep moving and pedaling, I was ok, and if we had to slow way down, I would stop pedaling and have to work hard to get that foot back on the pedal. Plans were made for the rest of the time, to fit my bike with a long pedal that would be like riding an eliptical machine, but not strap my foot in place, because then I would be very stuck. We did have to stop a couple times because some of the trikes had mechanical issues, and the had to be fixed in the middle of the road. The path was through an upscale neighborhood, mostly water front so there would be little vehicular traffic that had to be stopped for us. We had police at the front and the back too.

About a half mile from the only rest stop, there were deer in the woods, and everyone was pointing them out. I barely saw them because I was focusing on riding. After I passed them, I heard someone loudly shout something about them, then I was hit. It came from behind so I didn't react in advance and maybe that was a good thing. I was hit in the left shoulder and knocked to the ground. I laid on my back for a few seconds, then asked to be helped to sitting up, so I would be able to check my coherence. I still had full awareness of my surroundings so no head injury. They then got me to my feet, and I had blood dripping from my lower left leg. I think the pedal scraped me there. My left arn, just below the elbow was scraped bad, but not bleeding much. An EMT who had a good first aid kit strapped to her bike put field (or what I call battle) dressings on both spots. My shoulder was sore, so there was no way I could continue riding. They called for a vehicle to drive me back to the Fire Station, so I stayed with that EMT waiting for it, I wondered if the closest house has outdoor cameras that had recorded what happened. After a few minutes, my shoulder was feeling bad enough that I decided to go to the hospital. Normally, someone from the WWP would have not left my side, but since the original plan was to drive me only a couple miles to where they were headed, they all went along.

An full size fire truck then an ambulance showed up. I was put in there, but not even the EMT stayed with me. I was now with two paramedics I had just met. The chase van had my personal belongings, including my wallet, ID cards and money I had. If you ever heard George Carlin's A Place for my Stuff, I was far beyond that. At the hospital, I had in my posession my shoes, socks, shorts, top and watch. Nothing else. I was in a city I had never been to before. I had no phone numbers to call to get in touch with the WWP. I am extremely thankful for the Hospital Auxiliary. One of them used their phone to research the WWP home page for a phone number and that led to being put in contact, eventually I had someone with me. I had my field dressings replaced with a much more thorough job, and did x-rays of my shoulder to determine that I had no broken bones. I was told to take only ibuprofen for pain and to take it easy with my left arm.

The drive to the next event was dinner more than 90 minutes away, and since the rest of the group had a little down time to shower and rest, we arrived right behind them. They were all inside when the door opened and I entered, I was greeted by a huge cheer. The staff and other customers didn't know what had happened, AND even though there were news people at the start of the ride, they didn't ride along, so my event with the deer did not make any news story at all. Fine with me. We finished dinner and went back to the hotel. People wanted to hear my story, but we had to be up very early. The hotel was going to move me to another room that had a bathtub so I could be safe getting clean, but I declined because I didn't want to have to pack again and unpack again. I just asked for a shower stool and that was how I was able to handle that. Getting socks and shoes on and off was a little difficult, but I was able to handle it. I almost walked into the lobby carrying my socks and shoes and would ask someone to put them on me. 

Day Three, April 6. White House. The first Soldier Ride that took place at the White House was in 2008 with a short outside ceremony on the south lawn. Everyone would ride up on their bikes one at a time for a hand shake and photo. The president would speak and it would go on from there to tours of Washington sites such as Arlington Cemetary. This was the first time the weather wouldn't cooperate, so we were just told it would be brought inside. My whole thought was in a small room at the ground floor, there would be one video and one still camera, the president and a few staff. There would only be time for a short speech, the president would walk from one end to the other shaking hands, then posing for one group photo, then we would be on our way. What happened was way better. I had been to the White House in 1979 and Jimmy Carter was president. I kinda met presidents Bush 41 and Clinton (shook his hand) through my active duty career. I tried to imitate Forrest Gump and said, "and so I went to the White House again......and I met the president again...." and that got a few laughs.

Our buses arrived, and for sake of time and safety, I was in a wheelchair and would be pushed by one of my fellow Warriors. I learned later that he too was a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Luis, who had traveled from San Diego to be at this event. We had to go through metal detectors but since we had been pre-screened, they got us through fast. There were a lot of White House Staff that were active duty Naval Officers, and I got to talk to one supply officer and two JAG officers, and they were all great with us. We then were led upstairs, and the few of us who needed the elevator, there are designated people who must ride the elevator any time it's used so we had to go one at a time, but it was still good and fast. We had full access to the central room on the 2nd floor. We had passed paintings and exhibits of presidents and first ladies. I remember asking someone where Dolly Madison was, and knowing that in 1812, she personally saved the painting of George Washington from the fire, I mentioned that, and before I could ask, I was pointed to THAT painting. Those two NEVER get moved, because of their significance, they may be in adjacent rooms, their paintings face each other. I pointed out to others to note the shape of the room we were in. It is immediately below the oval office.

In the room to the west, there were various dignitaries who came to meet us, including the Army Chief of Staff who took the time to greet me and listen to my story. He gave me one of his Challenge Coins. Eventually I will have photos available on here, but as of this time, I can't add photos. The people in charge put us in order and handed us cards with our names and a number for the order to be placed on the stage. It was at that moment that I realized just how big this was. I thought still that only photo would have been a group shot, but no. We were to enter the room to the east of the center to meet and get a photo not just with the president, but also the First Lady, Vice President, and his wife sometimes referred to as the Second Lady. When it was my turn, I got out of my chair and walked with my stick to shake hands with all four of them, then be center of the photo, flanked by the president and vice president, and their wives. I then got back in the wheelchair and was taken to the far east room, where the main event would take place. Each one of us was announced once at a time. The video that first appeared on Whitehouse.gov was already started, and about the time the 5th person was being announced, my photo was being taken. I was wheeled to the far left front row and got myself into a regular chair. The room isn't very large, so only really big dignitaries could attend, and I'm sure there were people who wanted to but could not be there. I'll let the video speak for itself, and so far I really appreciate the reactions keeping politics out of the comments, only one small political comment was made during the whole video. It was only watching the video that I learned what branch everyone served, and what ranks we all were. Nobody at all the whole time, played their rank in any way of superiority. It was one awesome group of people to be hanging out with.

Watch that video HERE.

Two things I will explain about me in the video, it may look like I am leaning about to fall, but it was just easier to lean on my stick on my right side, and I was getting used to having to depend on my right hand more for the next week or so. 

Either the president was not told about my injury, or if he was, he didn't make a spectacle out of it. Had the weather been good and we were outside, I would have been the only one NOT riding a bicycle, and that would have had to be explained and it might have become a new story.

The rest of the day we drove through Arlington Cemetary but didn't go to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier because of the weather, but rather, we visited the stables for the horses that are used for the caisons used for full honors burials. We met the staff, some of the horses, and were able to relax. Dinner that evening was at the hotel.

Day four, April 7. Even though the rain had stopped, the cold and wind didn't, so it was decided that we would not ride the third riding day. They brought in a yoga instructor and I did do my best to participate in a chair. I never did it before, I always associated yoga with stretching and posing and that's something I always couldn't do so well, so while being injured I decided to not lay on the floor. We then were bussed to the Smithsonian Air and Space museum and were guided by a great tour guide who was as good at telling stories as I was, and I would ask questions about odd pieces of trivia that I knew, and he would spin them into stories. That is one awesome museum if you are into learning about the history of flight and space travel. Many real original planes are there, plus one of the space shuttles. Dinner this time was at a country club and this time was the only group photo that was taken. I'll eventually have that availble. When we got to to the hotel, the good bye's started, because some people had travel arrangements made or lived close enough to drive home. My roommate for instance, lived only 3 miles from the hotel. I did my best to approach people I hadn't talked to yet just to connect a little, find common things, share stories.

Day five, April 8. It was a small group for breakfast, because people were having to leave extra early, some were gone before I got downstairs. I had made friends with some of the hotel staff, because I always need help at a buffet, and I have a quirk about coffee. If you ever read my blog about my life motto about a cup of coffee, when I prepare a cup, I always add sugar and cream first, then pouring the coffee does the mixing, so I call it James Bond style, Shaken, not Stirred. They were nice and let me leave my bags at the door, drive my car up to the door, then load to be on my way. My drive back, I encountered on I-95, a lot of drivers who were totak jerks. Traffic was slow but not stopped, and nobody wanted to let people merge in. Eventually, I saw that was going on, there was a U-Haul truck towing a trailer with a car on it, and small SUV behind them with their hazard lights flashing. There were two semi trucks that had the same problem getting around them, nobody letting them in. I changed that and when I got in the center lane, I let them in, and didn't care what others felt. I have listened to truckers on the CB radio get upset at four-wheelers, and knowing that it takes a long timt to build momentum to make a pass in slow traffic, they needed the assistance. Glad to provide it. When I passed one of them, I got a "salute" horn blast. I wonder if he saw my WWP logo on the back of my car, and did he know his assistant had been to the white house a few days ago.

I stopped in WalMart, where I worked five years ago, to get groceries and bandages for my wounds. A few of my former coworkers were there. One is a Facebook friend but didn't see my posting of the video, so I told him to check it out when he got home. The other one, I told a short version of the whole story. I also ran into another friend who fell for my April Fools joke about the leg amputation, and he had to stare at my legs because he couldn't believe I was able to walk, so I had to tell him the whole story. Another friend who knew me from another job also talked with me for a few minutes.

I got home with both of my cats sunning themselves in my sun room, they had access to it while I was gone so they wren't locked up inside, and were well fed. Last night, I changed my dressings. Tomorrow I won't need one on my leg, but will keep redressing the one on my arm. Good thing they weren't directly on my knee or elbow, but it's hard to wrap bandages around one arm with only one hand. My shoulder is still sore, and I will try to taper off the ibuprofen.

I start my new job tomorrow. I told them that this event was once in a lifetime and I had to do it, and could start the following Monday, and they are ok with it. I will be able to participate in more ways again on here, but won't be able to do things during the work day, and will only be able to help others in the early evenings and weekends. It will be ok.

I was reminded after writing this, how this was such a wonderful experience. If you haven't seen my blog about my life Mottoes, one of those mottoes has to do with life's experiences, and I wrote a little about that here, with a link to a movie scene that shows that well. See that blog HERE.

I appreciate anyone who reads part or all of this. It was quite an adventure, much different than my typical road trips. I still have yet to do an event feeback to the WWP about how this was, and any suggestions. I want to make a suggestion that we take a group photo dressed out for riding, as soon as possible, to print a handful of copies poster size, and have everybody sign them on the back. They then can be presented to people who were a part of our event but not part of our group.

- The hotel where we stayed
- The bus drivers
- Other places we toured or visited, such as the Fire Station on the first ride.

My profile photo is from that day. The note above about starting a new job has since fizzled out, and I don't know if I will start looking for another one now.

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