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L: Demon Goddess

...:::I apologize for any errors you may find. I haven't even proof read it yet so its very Raw:::...


The mutated being charged Libertina, blades forming quickly out of its wrist. The sound of its eerie roar echoed beyond reaches vibrating the grounds of Northwood. Libertina smile in anticipation as she called towards her inner self. Her demon goddess. The wind grew thick and cried its way around her causing the mutated being to stop in his tracks smelling his pray was changing. It growled in frustration and shot its blade at Libertina. The trees around Libertina began to vibrate peeling its leaves. With 2 fingers Libertina pointed at her chest and  and let the darkness take her. The formation seem to become Libertina in every way giving a purplish aura as it began to shape Libertina into one. The speeding blade came as a thief in the night. With no remorse slicing through the winds. The blade seem to melt as it entered Libertina space, become more energy to her cause. The trees began to rip and tear as her transformation neared completion. The mutated being ran at full speed determined to stop its become. his hands began go glow as the concentrated energy threatened to rip through.  Libertina looked on as her eyes became purplish red and her body began a smokey glow. angelic wings shot out her back and was replaced black and blade like. the wings separated from her back and hovered just inches from its once restful place. Automatically her wings wrapped around her and pulled her into the darkness making her vanish. The mutated being screamed in frustration looking around. The sound of Libertina laughter echo'd off the trees. the being look but could not find. Libertina appeared directly in front of it and sliced it upwords with her wingblades. The being shot up into the air raining down its blood, As Libertina rose with him. the being fixed its self and shot its energy at her. Libertina dodged its on coming assault with ease vanish once more and appearing behind it. The being caught this and deliver an well place punch in the demon goddesses face sending her back forcefully through the screaming air. The night seemed to grow darker around them as the battle raged. Libertina caught her self on a tee and pushed off. the being began to fall, but amazingly righted itself hovering in the sky. *hmmm* the battle raged more intense as the being sliced with its blade barely missing the Demon Goddess. Her wings blocked the oncoming assault as she made contact with its jaw cracking its bone. He fell toward the darkness of the earths' surface. Libertina waiting watching its fall. and closed her eyes. she called to her powers and to the darkness around her. Without warning the dark skies seem to suck-itself into Libertina. she opened her eyes and shot its power at the being. The energy shot quickly through the inverted skies black as night with a purple tingle running through it. It raced on connecting with the being causing him to scream in agony as his vocal cords were melted into nothingness. Libertina landed pulling herself back into her self and smile.
Looking at the figure that appeared in the trees eyes red yet blue. staring at her in disgust as its' being was reduced to nothing.
" You work for the faith of the fallen now?" its unnatural voice echoed
" I work for no one." Libertina replied
"You are nothing." it began. "You were nothing without me."
"Well then. Let Nothing be the end of you." Libertina wingblade engulfed her and vanished into its space




written by: X'es Evol'i

Mad C's Part 2

Tino, ready for action suited up, pulling on his sleek jet pack. Its been awhile since he had used it. It still had some dried up blood from last encounters. He shook his head, not wanting to be reminded of the killer beef patties. He tucked his blade in its sheath, and check and re checked it making sure, that if he needed it he would be ready this time. With a flick of his wrist he shot up in the sky, pushing himself forward towards, his love Terina. The wind blew viciously around him as he cut through its' currents. Flying  faster and faster over waters. The sun glistened over its wetness giving the ocean the feel of a moving mirror that shined its reflections. He looked onwards concentrating. on his destination. Flying fish jumped up catching its meal as he flew by, confirming  that the ocean was indeed, full of life. He shot into hyper drive as the sun shifted in the sky, leaving a massive warp cloud behind him. He was finally nearing his love, Terina. He had dreamt about this day since he had the chance of meeting someone like her. His heart began to do its dance, letting him know that he was absolutely smitten about this particular woman. Everything was going to be alright, He thought to himself. Life was giving him roses, finally. Just then something shot up from the waters stopping tino in his tracks.  He reversed thrusters, pulling himself into hover-mode. The figure rose and fell slowly as if struggling with the weight of whatever was in front of him. The beams of sun rays shot without remorse at the form of mass blocking his path. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, dripping wet. The bandana! the utters! It was The Leader of the Mad cows. The last of the clan. He was off color. Black fur with white spots,  and a patch in one eye from his previous encounter with Tino. He looked poised, and he was ready.
"Let me pass Cow. I have no business with you. " Tino said sweeping his arm in a cross position. "I have an appointment to keep."
The Mad Cow master only laughed his Mooo's. He reached behind and pulled out two blades. Blade Tino remembered well. They were from the Teddy. The savage bear!  What kind of monster would pull them out of a carcass. Only a Mad Cow would, that’s what.
"Oh you have business with me, Cow Slayer." The Mad Cow master began. "You will die tonight." Before Tino had a chance to react. The Mad Cow shot forward. Slicing Tino's arm, cutting down to its meet. Tino screamed in agony. The blood fell like hail in a windstorm.Wounded but not beaten, he thought to himself. And pulled out his sword!
"I was hoping I wouldn't have to use this." Tino said to the Mad Cow Master. "But if you insist-" he bagan and clashed with the Cow. the sound of their swords rang loudly causing the ocean to vibrate with its sounds. creating waves and terror. They continued to meet steel with steel each one meeting the others attacks with real precision, echoing in the air. The battle raged onwards, Tino missing a fatal blow and receiving a nick in his chest. Things weren't going well,  and man was he hungry. The Cow rushed forward headbutting Tino. White flashes shot through his mind and out through his sites, He was in pain from the slice that  was quickly draining him, and the Mad Cow head butt knocked him out of proportions. Tino fell from the skies crashing into the oceans icey waters,  the salt eating at his cuts from the battle. He continued to descend its icy depths as the Mad cow hovered up above. Tino forced himself to move, and began to, pull himself out of the stun that was threatening to take his life like raging death with his scythe. Underwater he could barely see what was what. But knew he had to go up. He shot up, moving as quick as his jet park would allow, ready to break the threshold that separates wet from dry. The only problem he faced now was the impact he felt go through his body, as he was pushed to the side and pulled down, descending yet again. He looked around and saw a hammer head with a Cow tatt on his belly coming at him. Figures, Tino thought, and  moved just in time from the creatures sharp teeth. The shark attacked again. barely missing him. Tino was tired. So tired.  The shark came again. Tino didn't have the strength to move. He was losing air fast and becoming dizzy. The shark bit down. But not on him. but on nothing, for a Giant killer whale had the Shark by its tail,  pulled it back and cut him to pieces. With what? He didn't know. Tino couldn’t help but look on and smile. Ha shark didn't get me, he thought. The whale came back and without warning swallowed Tino and swam to the top. Breaking the line of water and air. The Whale shot up into the sky and took a breath releasing the water from his blow hole. Tino Shot out in disbelief that he was really flying in the air and righted himself. He looked forward and found the Mad Cow Master shooting forward. He didn't know what to do, but bring the sword up to meet his. But wasn't quick enough. Yet the Mad Cow master stopped in front of him, face full of disbelief, agony and pain. He looked down and Tino followed his eyes. Tinos sword was nicely etched straight through The Mad Cow Master.
" Guess you were right Cow. Somebody was going to die today." Tino said, and used his all is strength in his arm to yank the sword upward cutting the Mad Cow Master in half. He held his blade panting, from the battle, in pain and exhausted. His are ragged from the first strike but workable, thanks to the salt water in the ocean. He took a deep breath, relieved. It was over. He had won. He looked down at the waters, and watched the killer whale  and its children eating the remainders of the late Mad Cow Master.
"Terina is never gonna believe this." He said shaking his head and wrapping his wound. He sighed and Shot forward with alls the power he had in his jetpack, screaming through the midday sky.
"i'm coming home baby." Was all you could hear before he passed over the horizon.

The screen in the darkened room flickered as Tino flew out of view before catching up with the speed of his jetpack.
“Gather the remainder of the Mad Cow Master Koala. and kill the whale and its children. a dark feminine voice said. “It seems he too has failed to stop the one that is named Tino.”
“As you wish, Pandora,” Koala bowed his little head, hugged himself, and vanished on spot, leaving mildly charged specks of energized air.
Pandora turned away from the screen unable to look at the images of Tino anymore. She was disgusted that this being had gotten through her grips, yet again. She, instead looked on through a window that revealed an operating table with a Furry Brown bear strapped to it. she smiled, exposing gleaming sharp razor teeth. She watched as the head was re attached and mechanical parts were added throughout his body. She frowned sensing a change in the air. Within seconds there was a ripple in the air beside her and without warning Koala appeared hovering the remainder of The Mad Cow Master, as well as parts of the Whale.
“Take them to the operating room. and get to work.” Pandora Said with malis. Koala bowed and vanished once again, leaving her alone. Pandora couldn’t help but laugh at what she had in store for Tino.



written by: X'es Evol'i

Mad C's

"Omg I was being chased by a cow who was working for a bear that killed my friend, the dragon!!!!!" Tino said to the lords of past.  I was mindin my own business, flying with my jet pack on lookin hella good and shit *teeth sparkles** When Wham!!!! BOOOM!!!! there's this cow skiing, on the water shooting his milk at me!!!!! I so got milked! I mean I didn't even know cows knew how to ski!!! So I turned my thrusters on and was like WOOOOOOM!!! and was gone to the nearest piece of land I could find. I thought I  was safe. That was, until I climbed the hill of destiny. Right on the other side was an army of Mad Cows with black bandannas Led by the Infamous Teddy Bear Senior!
He leaped at me with awesome strength! His band of Mad Cows quickly following his lead. I couldn't help myself and smirk as I saw it. The Cow jumped over the moon!! At Least It looked like they did.  Teddy Landed harsh in front of me, kicking up piles of dirt and unleashing a storm of dust in the air. His Mad Cows falling in behind him, like silent fairies, undetected. I pulled out my Long stick that transformed into a long butchers Knife. Well I guess it would be a sword now, and not a knife. Anyways. Teddy only smiled. He slowly raised his arms as if he were going to flick me off and with a SHING! Two even longer blades shot out of the top part of his paws!!
I studied the blades. Wolverine With only one long fucking claw, I thought to myself. Thats when he rushed me. I barely had time to bring my blade up as he sliced through the sky towards me. The loud sound of blades clashing echoed throughout the Night bringing with it the eerie chill of pending death. Someone was gonna die tonight. And I hoped it was the Cows, because I was starving.
Teddy Bear Senior put up an amazingly good fight Nicking me in the arm. Draining alot of the energy out of me. He came at me with vicious strikes, with evil intent and death on his mind. His black beady eyes glistened in the moonlight as he came down for a finishing blow. I rolled out the way just in time. And came at him with a forward trust. He caught it at the last moment but not before I cut his side. The cottonness blood began to flow out of the sporadic wound. I saw him weakening, and smelled victory.
Then everything went dark. I rolled away, in pain and agony at the sharp pressure on my head and back. Vertigo was coming and I fought it with everything I had. I rose slowing, but returning to the scene I had almost left. It was the Mad cows that stood in front of Teddy Bear Senior. I had been hit by them.
I let my rage take me. To fill me up! whipping the blood from the back of my head. I could feel the tingling sensation in the arm that held the butcher sword. The sword called Cow Slaughter. They came at me like the devil in the night. I could barely see their moments in this light. I caught one that appeared behind in the gut, pulling the blade up, untill the cow was two. Another came, but I easily parried the attack and quickly disposed of him. The horde began rushing me in every direction, but they were no match for the deadly precision of my Cow Slaughter Blade! More came, and met its tip. I was lost in the dance of destruction, as cow heads rolled on the ground, and potential pork chops and beef lay Slaughtered by my blade ready to be cooked. God I was hungry. I turned to meet the last Cow when a sharp Pain entered my entire system. I felt weak. I could feel life draining from me. What was happening this time. I figured it had to be my hunger that was gnawing at my very senses. Then, I looked down and saw the tip of a blade protruding out of my stomach, as quickly as I saw it, it was gone, yanked from the home of my belly. I fell to my knees. So weak. quickly fading... Teddy Bear Senior stood over me with a smirk on his face.  He was finally the sole survivor. He had won where I had lost. I looked up at him, as he sharpened his blades on each other. Rubbing off the blood that fell from its tip. The blood that came from my body. It was over. I had lost.. Teddy raised his blade to end it when I raised my own in unison, and struck it right home in his through his cotton and into his program box. We both lay there dying and I smiled. Best story ever... MoOOOOooO! What, it can't be.....
I looked deep down within myself and gathered more strength.  My necklace!! I forced myself to focus. I had to get to it. My necklace contained a special liquid call tizzinite.  Healing from the goddess Tey. With extreme difficulty I grabbed it, blood dripping slowly down my arm, out my chest. I bit down as I felt the mysterious power envelope me. It was working! I felt my strength returning, my wounds knitting itself back together. I jumped up to meet the remained cow! Man I was hungry, and I wanted bacon! The cow startled tried to run. But I was on him like a bee in a hornets nest. He was no match for me. I took one to the face leaving a hoof mark before I struck home to his chest. He mooed in agony, as I ripped it away and he fell to the ground. I stood the huffing and puffing. Beaten up badly but no longer fallen. I was told the journey to the mighty Tey would be a hard one...... And hell I loved it all the more!! Tino lifted into the skies with the moon to his back and shoot forward with tremendous speed leaving a jet stream and pork chops in its' wake.


Written by: X'es Evol'i

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