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Home at last!!!

I sure have a LOT to get caught up on here! 

I'm totally fine, I hope nobody was worried.  I've been out at my friend's farm taking care of things for her because she was hospitalized again.  We went to pick up our girls from their grandparents after March Break and on our way home my one daughter called to let me know my friend was throwing up.  (We'd been taking shifts staying with her but my daughter was coming home that night and nobody was going out to replace her because it'd been about a month and she was okay to take care of herself again.)  I told my daughter I couldn't do anything at least til we got home from Toronto, but I guess things settled down that night for my friend.  The next day she called though and she was back in the hospital again.  I tried to go back and forth to the farm for the first few days but it was just too much so I went out to stay on the Thursday and I've been there since.  I came home twice just for the night once she was home again, she got home a week ago.  They took out her gall bladder this time, the one doctor told her he was sure it was directly related to the septic shock she'd been in the month before.  I tried a light-hearted approach and asked her if she had anything else planned and she laughed and said she didn't have anything scheduled but mentioned she still has her tonsils and appendix!  She did say she's feeling a lot better now than she has in a long time though, so that's good. 

I got home to stay last night but was too wiped out to hop on Fubar.  I sure have missed my Fu friends!!   I hope you're all doing well!

Another ER visit

Last night Chelsea, my now 11 year old (same one who had the kidney stone) pitched herself a royal hissy fit when hubby said she couldn't go to the gym with him (she'd been obnoxious all day and is also too young) so she stomped into her room and slammed the door. Clara, our 2 1/2 year old went to her room, probably to see what was up, opened the door and Chelsea hollered 'GET OUT' and slammed the door, right on Clara's baby finger on her left hand. Caitlin (14-year-old) had been in the hallway at the time and ran and got Clara's finger out of the door, and brought her to me, blood everywhere, the end of her finger just kind of hanging there, the nail was also just hanging, I'd never seen anything like that before. I covered it and tried to get it to stop bleeding, hubby called 911 and all the girls were around just screaming, Clara was screaming and crying and it was so noisy the 911 operator couldn't even hear what hubby was saying. I went with her by ambulance down to the hospital. It happened about 7:30 last night. They came in and looked at her right away and said that although it was bad, they'd seen lots worse than that heal up just fine. I was glad to hear that, I'd been concerned that it was so bad she'd lose the end of her finger. Katie said that it had been caught on the side of the door where the hinges are. It just looked so awful! Frown.gif They gave her some chocolate tasting drink that was supposed to make her drowsy, froze the back of her little hand so they could put an IV in, then gave her something else to really konk her out they said. We told them how we have a shirt for her that says, "SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK", which suits her perfectly. They gave her the first dose and started to work on her hand, she pulled it away from them. They gave her another half dose, she still didn't go out, but she was sedated enough they were able to get the 4 stitches in. The doctor said part of her cuticle is missing and that her nail may never grow properly again but he thinks the finger will heal up okay. We got home around midnight and Clara fell asleep and slept about 4 hours comfortably but then woke up screaming in pain. We gave her something for the pain and she settled back down and went to sleep. She's slept a lot today, and seems to be doing a lot better today than she did last night. Chelsea of course feels terrible, I told her I hope she learns a lesson from this and never does that kind of thing again. Clara yelled at Chelsea when we got home last night, it was so cute, she had her good hand in the air shaking her fist and slamming an imaginary door all the while jabbering on at Chelsea in her baby talk. I am so grateful for the people at the hospital, but I sure hope I don't have to see them again any time soon!!

Home for the Night

Ohh it feels good to be home again, even if just for the night! Chelsea came home from the hospital Saturday and I went right out to my friend's to help out there. Chelsea is doing great, she had some discomfort just from them taking the stone out but is doing great. They were done in only about half an hour and said it was easy, they got the stone out in one piece, no trouble at all. I was so glad. She still has to go see the doctor again and they want to figure out why she made one in the first place, he warned that even 2 days of her not drinking enough water could start the process of creating a new stone, so she knows to drink her 2 liters of water a day from now on Smile2.gif My friend just came home from the hospital today, she is doing SO much better!! She said her family doctor came to see her and said she was hours away from death when we got her to the hospital. I had no idea she was that bad off when I got to her, I just knew she was really really sick. They don't know what caused her to get so sick though, which sucks I think because if she doesn't know what caused it, how can she make sure it doesn't happen again? Hubby thought of having her water tested, but other than that, who knows what it might have been. I'm just glad she's home. My daughter's with her tonight and I'll be going out again tomorrow to help her out until she's able to manage on her own again. Chelsea turned 11 today so hubby and I took her to dinner tonight to celebrate. She's turning into quite the young lady, it's so bittersweet, saying goodbye the little girl she once was and watching her blossom into a young lady. That's it from my corner of the world.. I hope everyone's doing well! I got on tonight for the first in days and see I have a ton of messages, I won't likely have a chance to go through all of those until I'm home for good though, I'm zonked tonight and am heading right back to the farm tomorrow. Have a great night everybody, hopefully it won't be long and I'll be back home again Smile2.gif *group hug*

Hospital update

Chelsea had her surgery tonight, and is doing just great. She had to wait all day long without eating anything because she wasn't an emergency case and they finally took her in after 7. It wasn't long and she was done, the surgeon said it went perfectly. He said the stone was never going to move on its own so it was a good thing they did surgery. He said they were able to go in and grab it without any trouble at all, they got it whole and didn't have to do anything else. They'll analyze the stone but he said it's likely just from her not drinking enough water, which is what we'd figured. So all's good with her, she'll be home tomorrow. They took my friend off the oxygen today because she didn't need it anymore, but she's still in the enhanced care unit. She may be in the hospital for a couple more weeks even, but at least she's healing and getting stronger. She was a bit feistier today so I think she's starting to feel better. Once we get Chelsea home tomorrow I'm heading out to the farm and I'll be staying out there to take care of things until my friend's released from the hospital. My 16-year-old daughter has been out there taking care of things for the past couple of days while we've been occupied with Chelsea. I won't have Internet out there, so please don't anybody be alarmed if I don't respond for a few days or even a couple weeks. I'll probably come home here and there, but I'm not sure if I'll have time to hop online if I do. Thanks for all the TLC and concern! That's all from my little corner of the world for now! Grin.gif

Chelsea & my friend

For those who don't know what's been going on with us of late.. here it is.. Friday February 6th my daughter Chelsea (10 years old) was up at 3 am practically screaming in pain, we took her to the children's outpatient clinic at the one hospital in town, they thought it might be her appendix and sent her for an ultrasound and instead of that, they found a kidney stone. The first person said it was 4 mm but later we were told 5 mm. They said they expected her to pass it over that weekend, and sent us home with a prescription for codeine if she had another bout of pain, and that was that. That Saturday night she was in some terrible pain, the codeine didn't help but it did eventually settle for her. She was a bit crampy that Sunday but was otherwise fine the rest of the week. We figured she must have passed the stone Saturday night and just missed catching it in the sieve they'd given her. She was fine at school and all seemed well. Saturday February 14th she was in excruciating pain again so we took her to the other hospital's ER since the kids outpatient was closed. They took her in immediately and got her on an IV and gave her morphine and gravol because she'd been throwing up too. They waited until the morphine wore off, the pain had subsided by that time, so they sent us home again. She was okay Sunday, but Monday the 16th it started up all over again. Still the only thing we had to give her was the codeiene but it didn't do anything for her at all. We took her back to the ER again which they'd said to do if the pain flared up again, and again they took her in right away and got her on an IV and gave her morphine. The ER doctor said that an adult can pass an 8mm stone, but can a 10 year old child pass a 5mm stone? He said he didn't even believe it was a kidney stone until he saw her ultrasound. The ER doctor from the previous visit told Chelsea that she was the youngest he'd ever seen with a kidney stone, and then added, "but there's no prize for that!" So after seeing oodles more people (both hospitals are teaching hospitals so we always end up seeing tons of extra people), they told us to go to the child's outpatient clinic in the morning to get a requisition for an ultrasound to see if her kidney was still okay, and to see if the stone had moved or even if there were more stones. Sounded simple enough... but of course... wasn't. Chelsea and I got there the next morning, the receptionist wouldn't let us in even though we had the note from the doctor detailing what was going on and what was needed.. she made us go through triage all over again.. and the waiting room was packed with sick kids. We finally got through triage and then sat and waited in the waiting room... then finally got called in and sat a bunch more. The doctor of the day came in finally and was just odd with Chelsea, asking the same questions over and over then said he wanted her to have both an x-ray and an ultrasound. I have no idea why.. but they couldn't coordinate to have both done so they told us to come back the next morning for the appointments. Next morning, parking lot was full again (it was the previous morning too so that was another wait) plus the elevator was out in the parking garage.. we got down to Imaging for her tests and sat and waited a bunch more to be called in. Finally they came and got her and took her for her ultrasound. The first scan was on the 6th, this was now the 18th, so 12 days had passed and the stone hadn't budged at all, her kidney was larger than normal because of the build-up of urine and the tubes are all inflamed. To top it off, they got the results from her urine test the day before and she now has bacteria in her urine so she's got an infection somewhere too. The ultrasound tech said she didn't see a need for an x-ray when she could see the stone clearly on the ultrasound, so she consulted with the radiologist and he said the same thing so then she sent us back up to the children's outpatient clinic. Joy. Soooo we got back up there, and for a change they didn't make us go through triage, we had a bit of a wait and then the pediatric resident we'd already seen at the ER both times came in to talk to us. They gave us a prescription for an antibiotic for the infection and sent us home with an "it'll pass eventually" kind of comment. He said we'd also get to see a urologist in about 4 weeks. I asked if this was a pediatric urologist, he said no, but that they cover everybody. During this ordeal Chelsea mentioned that my friend had called early that morning before either my husband or I were awake asking if she could borrow some money. I thought that was a really strange request from her. She has a farm with mainly horses and sheep and it's on her farm where we keep our horse. My kiddos all LOVE being at her farm and typically at least one of them goes over every weekend to just hang out and help out wherever they can. When I got home I asked hubby if he'd talked to her at all and he said no.. so I told him what Chelsea had said and he called over to see what was up. It wasn't money she was looking for, she wanted to borrow "somebody".. because she was really sick and couldn't keep up with the farm work so she wanted one of the older girls to go help out. They pretty much know the drill out there and would be able to do things for her so she could rest. She sounded like crap on the phone though, I could barely understand her. I said I'd take the older 2 girls over to help out and I got on my way. When I got there, she had a nasty rattle when she was exhaling, I told her immediately that she needed to get to the doctor. She's a very independent woman, and doesn't like hospitals and of course she argued. I convinced her though and she let me take her to the hospital. On the way there she told me not to let them keep her at the hospital. I told her she might need to stay! Meanwhile while I was doing that, hubby had unhappy with how they'd been with Chelsea and the basic runaround we've been getting and so he was making calls trying to see what could be done. He spoke to the doctor we saw Tuesday, the one who had actually ordered the ultrasound and x-ray and he looked at her two ultrasounds, saw she had an infection now and said that the stone needs to be removed before the infection gets worse and causes kidney problems etc. so he told Edward to bring Chelsea to the hospital admitting and that they'd do surgery first thing today. So hubby told me that before I left with my friend for the hospital. I got my friend to the hospital, they took her in immediately because her heart was racing and her blood pressure was really low, they got her in a room and then I ran home to pick up Edward so we could turn around and go right back to the hospital to admit Chelsea. We got to admitting, the lady called someone and then sent us to the Pediatric unit. Pediatrics told us they weren't expecting us and couldn't take her anyway because they didn't have a bed or the staff. They sent us to the ER and we had to go through triage again. We have seen so many people between yesterday and today it's ridiculous. Nobody seemed to have a clue what was going on, if this doctor wanted her to have surgery he certainly didn't prepare it because she wasn't on the OR lists for today and the urologist hadn't even seen her yet. Chelsea spent the night in the ER, they wouldn't let her eat or drink anything "just in case" she was having surgery today, which she didn't. After we got Chelsea settled in her room in the ER, we went around to see my friend in her room in the ER. They had moved her to what the nurse called 'their most intensive room in the ER'. She was hooked up to so many wires and had an IV running and an oxygen mask on... the doctor said she was in 'sepsis'.. the wiki says in layman terms it's 'blood poisoning'. All I know it's that it's not good!! She thanked me for taking her and said that they'd told her if she hadn't come in she may have died. They've now got her admitted into the hospital in an 'enhanced' care unit, she can barely speak, has the oxygen mask on constantly, they've done x-rays, blood work, all kinds of tests but don't know yet what happened to her, other than to tell us she's a very sick lady. I'm so glad I got her to go.. I talked to her mom tonight and she had tried to get her to go to a doctor on Tuesday but she refused and my dad had also been there yesterday and tried to get her to go to see a doctor and she told him the same thing. I'm just glad she's in good hands now. I know she hates the hospital and probably hates feeling so helpless too, but she needs the care in order to get better. The one nurse we saw in the ER said that she may need help breathing even after this is all over with. I sure hope not. So Chelsea and my friend both spent last night in the ER and are both admitted now. Chelsea did get to see the urologist today, 4 of them to be exact. They said she's on the "C" list, meaning she's not an emergency so she comes after their "B" list and they'll only take her in for surgery if they have time after taking care of the other patients. She hasn't had a bout of pain since Monday, thankfully, it's so hard to see her in so much pain and not be able to take it away from her. The one doctor explained the surgery to Chelsea and said they'll go in with a little camera with a little laser on it and zap the stone to smitherenes and keep a bit of it to see what it's made of too. They said she could pass it herself still, and that's obviously the best thing because it doesn't involve any danger associated with knocking her out for the surgery, or the surgery itself. We've been given so many different opinions by different doctors, but the head of the urology department, the "boss" as they called him said he recommended doing the surgery for her because he thinks she's too small to pass the stone on her own and he's concerned about her kidney. My friend was told last night she'd be there at least 3 days, but I think it may be even longer, she looked and sounded worse today than she did last night. Chelsea may be sent home after her surgery, or they may keep her one night because she's a child. Adults though they said they typically send home the same day. All of this comes on the heels of us all being sick with strep throat and colds and such, we are just plum wore out really so I haven't been online a whole lot, I'm too tired for it by the time I get home. I thought this might be a quicker way to update everyone at once instead of trying to respond individually. G'night.. I'm off to la la land.
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