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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

created on 10/28/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dr-turi-s-blog/b18948  |  1 followers


SIGN UP FOR THE DRAGON NEWSLETTER FROM WWW.DRTURI.COM CANCER AND LIBRA This pair carry on conversation on entirely separate levels: Cancer is private and nit picking, Libra is direct and seeks perfect intellectual communion. Libra has no empathy for Cancer's various moods, and Cancer is apprehensive by Libra's aloofness and shallow emotions. Watery Cancer is much too moody and overprotective for airy intellectual Libra. In the bedroom Cancer is unusual while Libra is steady and strong. They have a hard time determining real sexual affinity, and that annoy Cancer’s emotional disposition. They both love a fine-looking residence, but Libra also needs social gathering and outside of the home pleasures. Cancer critical attitude target Libra's extravagance, Libra starts looking for more wealth and fun. CANCER AND SCORPIO Cancer's sexuality burst into flames by Scorpio's dynamic passions and strong magnetism. Cancer is devoted thus Scorpio's jealousy isn't provoked. In fact Cancer's possessiveness will make Scorpio feel much more self-assured. Water signs attract each other’s but this duo has great chances of success. Cancer has a high regard for Scorpio's strength while Scorpio finds strength in Cancer's emotional faithfulness. Both are exceedingly insightful and easily sense what will give pleasure to the other. Together they can create a blissful home where they feel safe and treasured. This relationship has great closeness, intensity, and deepness. Scorpio stinger is under control with Cancer ultimate devotion. CANCER AND SAGITTARIUS Water and fires don’t really match but outgoing Sagittarius understands emotional and critical Cancer. Regrettably Sagittarius can’t offer Cancer the self-assurance and constant attention it always needs. Cancer's suspicion is provoked by Sagittarius's changeable, fickle ways; Sagittarius is uninterested by Cancer's dependence and need of commitment. Sagittarius enjoy to roaming around the globe, while Cancer is a stay-at-home sign. Cancer's loyalty and need to total togetherness only makes Sagittarius reckless. Sagittarius's brusqueness frequently mutilates sensitive Cancer feelings. They can only be compatible in the bedroom for short period of time and should remain friends only. CANCER AND CAPRICORN Polar opposition makes it for a strong sexual attraction. Cancer is critical and Capricorn is a builder thus if they can rise above their differences in temperament, they can enjoy success and long lasting love. Capricorn is career-oriented and will always find time to give Cancer some attention it needs. Cancer is introverted, hypersensitive, and needs care, while Capricorn is more concerned in building a solid base of operation for Cancer. Emotional Cancer takes calculated Capricorn's detachment as a rejection and becomes grumpy and derogatory. In the bedroom much of the differences will dissipate as the exploring Cancer meet a demonstrative Capricorn. Long-term happiness is possible in both business and love. CANCER AND AQUARIUS Cancer's affectionate, responsive personality is refrigerated by Aquarius aloofness. Cancer's clinging attitude makes Aquarius feel jailed. Aquarius is mentally assertive and direct while cancer is shy and critical to a fault. Cancer is easily wounded by Aquarius razor sharp intellectual humor. Cancer doesn't comprehend Aquarius's indispensable objectivity and wont feel close and secure; Aquarius tends to be all in the mind while Cancer all in the heart. Sex can be interesting and supported by Aquarius originality but the need for changes may prove unbearable for a security oriented Cancer. Water and air don’t mingle too well and independent Aquarius won’t tolerate Cancer emotional clashes for long. CANCER AND PISCES Cancer is very affectionate and Pisces very sensitive. This couple will bolster each other's ego and creativity. Pisces may be a dreamer but artistically and financially oriented. Cancer is both rational and critical and together they can make their dreams a reality. Pisces provides true romance in Cancer's life, and Cancer is the all-protective lover Pisces wishes for. This duo is expressive, deeply devoted and responsive to each other's moods. The original sexual drive of Cancer will match the emotionally committed requirement Pisces need to flourish. Pisces will take the lead but Cancer is a very prepared, erotic disciple. Knowing about their respective moon locations would add more solidity in the relationship. LEO AND ARIES These two is the fire of the zodiac by excellence. These well-matched souls get along spectacularly well in business and in the bedroom. They're a matchless mixture for develop sheer delight and excitement from their association. Fire attracts fire and also share the same likes and dislikes in many areas of life. The problem will be Mr. Ego and Mrs. pride as both are born leader and trouble is to be expected there. But with true love the impatient, competitive Aries and egocentric Leo can work out their difference of character. Their powerful fiery energy will find relief in the art or making money with many successful ventures. Once they learn to compromise and share the center stage all becomes just fine. LEO AND TAURUS Leo's fire gets stability in the solid Taurus earth. However Taurus's determination to have its own way could become problematic in the long run. Both are fixed signs and wont draw back. Leo doesn’t understand why obstinate Taurus won’t take chance or refuses to go out in the world. Cautious Taurus is also horrified at Leo's egocentric nature and careless spending lifestyle. Taurus is all for home and security careful and planned while Leo is extroverted and overgenerous. Taurus common sense obstinately rejects Leo need for approval and eccentric nature in public. Leo is much too egotistical to give Taurus the dedication it needs. These fights will affect their sex life and a break up is always eminent. LEO AND GEMINI Leo loves a glamorous social life and Gemini is the soul of the party. Funny Gemini brings out Leo's fire and happiness. Fire and air stimulate each other’s. Leo stimulates Gemini’s emotional life but Leo needs love from everyone. This may affects Gemini's need to build trust and love to satisfy his inner sexual urge. Leo is much more emotional in bed than slow aroused Gemini. Business life together will be stimulating if directed towards the art but exasperating on a personal level. Gemini will also try to lead all conversations and direct Leo’s actions. Leo will adapt to these demands only for a short time and will find an easier, less argumentative subject to serve and love him. LEO AND CANCER Leo loves children and animals Cancer love food and family. Both are quite romantics but Cancer is very possessive: Leo looks for a relationship to be magnificent with an exciting public oriented partner. Cancer wants to be with an important person usually older and well established but private hates the public. Fire and water do not match too well. Leo is light and not as emotional as Cancer, who get hurts most of the time. Cancer is a home type that strives for security, tranquility and his home. Leo is animated and need to show his partner to the world. Sexually explorative Cancer will meet a shy and very emotional Leo. Only money, fame and power can keep them together for the sake of the children. LEO AND LEO Fire and fire produce more fire and big sparks. Both need each other’s light and will appear as perfect lovers in public. But the ugly fight for power and control will take place in the privacy of their big huge mansion. This couple needs to shine and enjoy many royal mating conducted on a grand scale. Both are over romantic, vibrant, exuberant about children and life, and really meet humbly in bed. The problem is with ego in all aspects of their relationship. There is no much room left for another ego as large as its own and emotional outburst will rip this duo apart in no time. They are too much alike to stand each other’s for long and can do well only on big social occasions to please their oversized ego. LEO AND VIRGO Leo is drawn to Virgo's sharp mind but Virgo can also be very sarcastic and doesn't understand Leo's theatrical nature. In sex matters contrary to what is believed Leo is very shy and reserved while Virgo is aggressive and lead in the bedroom. In life Virgo is practical and cautious; Leo is excessive and a spendthrift and this could steer Virgo insecurity. Leo wants to play Virgo needs to work. Leo wants to lead a big life but Virgo is more conservative, thrifty and a nitpicker. Virgo’s mind is deadly and will expose Leo’s ego roughly while Leo is much more diplomatic verbally. Leo needs lots of sweet talk and approval but Virgo's love to puncture inflated egos. Fire and heart don’t match. LEO AND LIBRA Leo will find Libra to be open and rude when confronted. Libra's penchant for diplomacy can also vacillate towards war if pushed too far. Leo is born a boss but Libra needs fairness in all dealings. Libra is also indecisive and Leo will naturally take charge if love and respect is present. Libra recognizes the financial values of Leo and will soon control the checkbook. In bed and money matters Leo is reserved and unrealistic while Libra stand strong an in control of Leo. Both can be extravagant and love a beautiful setting in which to shine. These two can also behave eccentrically in public and attract bad publicity. The battle of manipulation for controlling the other’s resources is the main motivation for staying together. LEO AND SCORPIO This two attracts each other’s and there is immediate sexual fascination. But Leo finds it hard to cope with Scorpio's sharp tongue, jealousy and possessiveness. Scorpio and Leo do very well in business only. Scorpio is very private indeed and do not match at all the total openness of Leo. Leo finds Scorpio problematical and explosive; Scorpio regards Leo as ostentatious and a show-off. In the bedroom Scorpio is experimental and talkative while Leo is under the magic spell and totally hypnotized by Scorpio desires. Scorpio doesn't comprehend Leo's ego and call for an admiring audience. Scorpio is very possessive and that doesn't suit Leo's independent kingly state. Love and hate is the result. LEO AND SAGITTARIUS Fire and fire attracts optimisms and joy. Extroverted and fun-loving Sagittarius is enthralled with Leo's magnetism and sunny dispositions. They are both freedom oriented and needs adventure, and meeting new people is their favorite thing to do. In bed they do well because both are passionate and emotional sexual types, and this fact can keep all fire sign faithful to each other’s. Leo's natural mental fairness and leadership brings out originality and loyalty to Sagittarius. Leo is very swollen with pride and unrestrained Sagittarius is perfectly able to adapt to Leo egocentric nature. Sagittarius sees the true mental and financial potential of Leo and with respect they can be real good business partners. LEO AND CAPRICORN Leo’s idealistic extroverted nature is cramped by a guarded and practical Capricorn. Fire and heart are very different element. Jovial Leo likes center stage but Capricorn censures such foolishness and too much self-indulgence. In the bedroom Capricorn has full control of emotional Leo and both are highly sexed. Leo needs emotion and sensitivity in lovemaking and cold Capricorn can’t supply the passion needed. Reserved Capricorn is slow to arouse but this undemonstrative nature is only a safeguard. Capricorn will give Leo the admiration it only deserves and with it love and sex can improve. This pair is really good if involved in business or the art only. LEO AND AQUARIUS There is tremendous physical attraction between these two, and Aquarius competitive mind will stimulate Leo's creativity. Leo is demonstrative with love and Aquarius is curious and intellectually inclined. Aquarius critical and experimental sexual approach may prove challenging to very sensitive Leo. Both like socializing and meeting new people and both shine in public. Both need to perform on center stage and are naturally good at it. Aquarius is independent but Leo's devoted love and creativity can take over the distant heart of Aquarius. They can accomplish miracles in business, marriage and public life once the stage is shared fairly and the ego kept in control. LEO AND PISCES In public Leo is original, eccentric, flamboyant even domineering; Pisces is critical, shy and mystical. They attract each other because Pisces need for protection and Leo needs to protect and lead others. But fire and water don't mesh well. Leo's active extrovert nature doesn't harmonize with Pisces's dreamy introspection. In bed Pisces can only feel anything only if emotional commitment is present while Leo is very sensitive to Pisces sensitivity. But Leo needs public applauses, while Pisces prefers the secluded life. Both are givers but more inclined to receive what the other cant offer. Leo wants the light, Pisces the darkness. Leo can't tolerate Pisces's ultra-sensitivity for long and will roam again soon. VIRGO AND ARIES Virgo criticism and sharp tongue will meet Aries' mental agility but practical Virgo will soon clash with Aries's lively individuality. They won’t comprise easily since Virgo wants to act and Aries wants to talk. Their point of views will be sharp and cutting challenging each other’s mind. In the bedroom Virgo is very competitive while Aries much deeper and more passionate. Aries will think Virgo is too self-conscious in public; Virgo will consider Aries irresponsible and impatient. Aries likes a flashy social life. Introverted Virgo needs quiet, intellectual friends. Aries constant teasing will bring out Virgo's worst habits of nit picking. They can agree on health matter but earth and fire don’t match. VIRGO AND TAURUS Virgo is attracted to the stability of Taurus. Virgo is critical while Taurus needs perfection. Taurus passionate nature will inspire Virgo sensuality. This due will make a lovely love. Realistic, down-to-earth, satisfied with a normal steady life these two earth sign have much in common and both are dedicated to build for a secure future. Hard working Virgo and Taurus's determination are also a good moneymaking combination. In public Virgo is shy and sensitive while suspicious Taurus is constantly watching around. In bed Virgo fire and aggressive nature will match Taurus expansive nature. Traveling in luxury will stimulate lovemaking and the senses of these two. This is a good combination. VIRGO AND GEMINI Both are very intellectual and are attracted to each other because of a mental challenge and intellectual ideas. Both have sharp minds but reliable Virgo won’t tolerate Gemini excuses for being late and the rapport ends there. Gemini's romantic nature is balancing and unstable to suit Virgo down to earth needs. Gemini needs to control mentally brings out Virgo’ sarcasm to the defense. Virgo regard Gemini as immature and scattered. Gemini needs independence to pursue its varied interests and this attitude will bring Virgo insecurity. Gemini will soon stray to other lovers. In the bedroom Virgo is aggressive and exploring while Gemini is more cautious to give deep sensual feelings away. VIRGO AND CANCER Earth and water can be muddy. Both are extremely critical but they stimulate each other's beneath the surface only. In public Cancer needs notoriety and tact, which suits Virgo retiring and shy personality. All the little attentions won't be neglected which suits both of them even better. Cancer is warm and sentimental while Virgo is cold and calculated. This duo will work hard to make money and concentrate on domestic comfort. Cancer's dependency will stimulate Virgo to do better in business. In lovemaking Cancer is very exploring and Virgo very competitive and serving. This duo would do great in business as long as they don’t spend too much time together due to their high criticism. VIRGO AND LEO The sharp mind and criticism will be too much for proud Leo. Leo needs for fame will find Virgo ingenuity and dedication a blessings to reach his own goals. Virgo passive attitude in public frustrates eccentric Leo. Virgo isn't interested to socialize and shine or hand out praise to Leo. Leo is a compulsive shopper Virgo is shrewd with everything. Leo is very independent while Virgo is more dependable and very private. Virgo will reject any form of subordination unless it’s at work. In bed this duo could expect serious difference. Virgo is aggressive and experimental while the king is more emotional and vulnerable. Virgo will recognize this weakness and enjoy the private leadership it provides. VIRGO AND VIRGO Earth and earth can solidify as concrete and last a long time. Both are very conscious of the other’s high criticism. All is smooth sailing as long as these perfectionists curb their instincts for sarcasm and finding fault. They are very intellectual trustworthy, receptive, clever, and take love seriously. They also share passions of the mind and will critiques others and the world at large instead of each other’s. Both are into health and mental gymnastics and think that there are more' life than sex. There will probably be a continual contest over who is leader in bed trying to out wit the other with new techniques. In public they are both conscious and cautious and fit each other’s well. VIRGO AND LIBRA Libra’s direct mind challenges Virgo's education and taste. In public Libra is direct and can be obnoxious while Virgo is much more reserved. Libra enjoys spending other people money going to parties, and being the center of attention. Virgo criticizes at any given chance and makes Libra feel despised. In the bedroom Libra is slow and sensual and may find Virgo's hidden aggressive sensuality a discomfort. Virgo insists on a good job done while Libra may not be all there. At work Libra is serving and submissive while Virgo is inventive and productive and could do very well in business under a solid supervision. Libra needs for approval and fun will soon drift away in search of more fun-loving companions. VIRGO AND SCORPIO Scorpio entice Virgo into passionate sexual adventures. Virgo is well aware of Scorpio aims and both admire each other's minds. Virgo is suspicious, investigative and sarcastic. Scorpio is rational, realistic, planned and perceptive. Each sometimes has trouble expressing deep emotional feelings: Scorpio is very possessive and demand total commitment from a lover. Virgo can offer a secretive both commitment and a highly sexual affair to Scorpio. Virgo is reserved and Scorpio very private and this secret relationship usually start at work and last for a long time. There may be some disagreement about who runs things, but Virgo's willingness to submit keeps Scorpio well mannered. VIRGO AND SAGITTARIUS Earth and fire doesn’t do too well together. Sagittarius needs freedom and conflict with hardworking Virgo. Sagittarius want to travel while Virgo can’t live work carefully building for future security. Both are intellectual signs but Sagittarius aims for big endeavors and clashes with rational Virgo. Sagittarius is extroverted and extravagant, while Virgo desire a simple, structured, and modest life. At work Sagittarius will perceive Virgo's genius with hi tech and communication and use it to his advantage. In bed Sagittarius is emotional and compassionate while Virgo is aggressive and competitive. Their sexual differences makes Sagittarius wonder about Virgo inner power and how to bring it out. VIRGO AND CAPRICORN This pair can do well and do attract each other’s. Capricorn's ambition and drive for success fit together well with Virgo's exactness and ability. Capricorn is intuitive and imaginative; Virgo is perceptive and direct with words. Both are conscientious, regimented, and have a strong sense of achievements. In public Capricorn needs respect and a reserved well-mannered partner. Virgo is shy and critical and fit Capricorn needs perfectly. They have a high regard for one another and take great pride in gratifying each other. In bed Virgo need to lead and stimulate meet with Capricorn need to shine and love. Money making scheme and sexual compatibility becomes a mutual achievement in time. Note this file is generated for the mass ONLY and do not reflect Dr. Turi’s much more complex 90 MN Taped Full Life Reading. This is GENERIC and do not approach the very important information of your natal Dragon’s Head and Tail or any VERY important planets affecting your UCI (Unique Celestial Identity). Only a Full Life Reading will guide and educate you accordingly. www.drturi.com
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