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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

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Lost Secrets By their pure representation, Tiahuanaco, the Pyramids of Egypt, Ba'albek and numerous sacred sites all over the world, project some light, reflecting bygone civilizations and their incredible enigmas. All of these edifices must have left printed or carved material for future generations and indeed they did. I have gathered some well-documented information pertaining to the many crimes committed against mankind, in a combination of greed, ignorance fueled by fear and a specific religious agenda. Julio Cesar carries with him the heavy responsibility of setting the first fire in the Alexandria Library, where erudite "Ptolemme Soter" assembled an incredible inventory of over 700,000 books representing much of the totality of the human knowledge, since the dawn of time. Four centuries later, another fire started by an ignorant bunch of vandals, completely destroying the remaining of this extraordinary knowledge. In the year 641, this spiritual site was finally removed from the face of the earth by yet, another fire, this time ordered by "Le calife Omar." The Muslim authority in command was approached by his responsible captains regarding the fate of some of those inestimable books. The Muslim Chief responded "If what ever those books mention anything involving the Qumran , we do not need them, you can burn them; and if this those teachings are not in our Holy book, then you must burn them like you would burn an infidel!" Those precious manuscr i pts took many months to burn and were used as fuel for the boilers of Alexandria establishments. Only a fragment of these priceless books were saved from the fire. Another crime against knowledge, took place in the year 240 BC by the order of Chinese Emperor, Tsin CheHoang. He commanded his troops to burn all books teaching history, astronomy, astrology and philosophy that existed in his empire. Again, knowledge is power and power means freedom, this long departed evil, greedy spirit was not at all concerned to educate his subjects, as to remain in his ultimate control. In the 3rd Century, another impasse against man's oldest collection of wisdom took place when in Roma, "Diocletien" ordered his fearful followers to bring to him all books, containing magical formula to make gold or further any form of spiritual consciousness. His excuse was that the old tradition could permit one to challenge his power or to make gold and buy his empire. More acts of vandalism, in the name of fear and ignorance, took place when the New Testament (apostles acts) reveal that Saint Paul, amassed in "Ephese" all magical books explaining "curious things" and ordered his priests to burn them publicly. Again, in Ireland, following a higher ecclesiastic order, ignorant priests burned 10,000 manuscr i pts carved on the bark of specifically treated birch trees. Incredibly, the priceless books contained all traditions and the development of the Celtic race. More, in the XVI century, Spanish religious fanatic authorities, fueled by their criminal ignorance, gave in to the fire of stupidity to the ever so important Mexican, Yucatan Manuscr i pts. During the same period, other Spanish bishops, upon the return of the "Conquistadors" from the South of America, burned away a tremendous amount of precious documentation's. Not to mention, the "invaders" committed terribly cruel acts against the peaceful, indigenous population they encountered. Some of their own (burned) documentation's revealed what method of persuasion was used, by the "Christian" soldiers, to gain from the locals. They simply cut the hands, arms and legs of the residents and took all their valuable possessions. To make the tribal Chief divulge where the gold was, the soldiers grouped all the females, kicked their children and cut their breasts. History mentions that the Indian Chiefs of those tribes, thought of the "invaders" as Gods. They offered them hospitality, food and presents. Sad enough for the Indians, their temples were loaded with gold and silver. Later on, upon their return, the greedy Spaniards wanted more and used force with powder guns, to steal all the priceless artifacts. In 1519, Hernando Cortez lead eleven ships and over 600 men along the Yucatan's gulf coast, looking for the Aztec Eldorado city of Gold. A gold disk representing the Sun (79 inches in diameter and ΒΌ inch thick) and a Silver disk representing the Moon were taken from the Temple of the Sun and the Temple of the Moon. Cortez brought all the confiscated treasures back to Spain, where the Emperor Charles V of the Holly Empire, did not hesitate to have it all melted down, to finance his own religious wars. Disrupting facts! Those marvelous temples were demolished and with them, the accumulated knowledge of many disappeared generations. Upon the solid foundations of those temples, churches were erected and the dogmatic Christian teachings were imposed upon the remaining defenseless locals. Thousands of years of unimaginable amount of knowledge was decimated, burned to the ground. Thus, only to be replaced by a much younger religion, where pure celestial knowledge and natural laws were purposely omitted, at the expense of the numerous, uninformed, pious and God fearing followers. This Era and horrible acts against other humans in the name of greed, fear and religious fanaticism, decimated many tribes. Around 1566, Francesco Toledo, the "Vice-Roi" of Peru, wrote in his memoirs about the beauty, quality and craftsmanship found in the Incas textile industry. He was also impressed by certain significant, tablet inscr i ptions depicting the Incas history, astronomy, signs, science, prophecies etc. In fear of his religious convictions, the ignorant soul ordered his soldiers to burn it all, in the name of God. The books of Garcilaso De La Vega and small remaining collections of the most precious knowledge, on the South of America Mythology and its habitants, were burnt in Spain in the XVI century. However, the Secret Vatican Library aristocracy, aware of the wealth and power they could gain, kept some of those incredible manuscr i pts for translation. They took the same attitude at home, in Europe, by confiscating the valuable work of many erudite men, and rewarded them by sending them to the stake. The destruction of our own very past, ordered by those in power over the centuries, can only reflect a strict religious agenda or simply, pure ignorance or both. Those deplorable acts are indeed the most serious crimes ever made, directly against mankind. Imagine for a second, if the golden keys of what it means to be human and our purpose on earth was available at your local library, this might very well change our attitude towards each other and our common fate in the realization of true love, perfection and pure wisdom. ******* Astropsychology, Hypnotherapy, Cabalistic Healing, Motivational Speaker, Author, Marriage Counselor. Order And Services http://www.drturi.com/readings.php Free Newsletter http://www.drturi.com/news/ " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." - Dr.Turi Posted: 2/12/2008 at 01:01 Read 2 times | 0 comments | Leave Comment Rejection And How To Deal With It! Free Newsletter http://www.drturi.com/news/ Rejection and How To Deal with It With the statistics pointing out to more than 75% of relationships ending up with failure we will all have to experience refutation a few times during the course of our life and one of the most difficult experiences to deal with is indeed "rejection". Rejection may come from many sources and some of those causes can be somehow ridiculous for some but extremely serious for others. Incidentally the most common reason for rejection is a feeling of inadequacy and a fear of failure from your partner. Regardless of the reason your significant other is dropping you is still devastating to the ego. The list is endless but let me mention a few reasons why you could be dropped. A lack of communication A lack of chemistry A lack of mental support A lack of sexual activity A lack of understanding A lack of good health A lack of spirituality One must remember that you can only perceive someone's view through your own senses, your own stars (UCI or Unique Celestial Identity) and most of all your education and experiences. Often friends and family members may not agree with your love choice. Here are more reasons for them to do so. Ethnicity Age Status Education Wealth Past Note that your loved ones or close friends really believe what they preach and what they perceive as being good or bad for you. Most of the time they are only seeing their own world and subconsciously regurgitating their own inner fears on you. This is especially the case if the people are older and thinks they know better than you do. Often a hidden jealousy feeling can also support the fear of never finding love and if "I can't or may not find love then why should you before me?" In some case fear and insecurity steers the behavior of a sibling for not supporting your relationship and risk a form of humiliation. For instance I am older than you are thus I should marry before you. Or insecurity such as; I can't let you spend too much time with your lover he can't have you that much. The phobic reason for motivating someone to go a specific way is usually well hidden in his or her own subconscious. Your "benefactor" is totally unaware of the behind the scene stimulus but will be legitimacy concerned for your welfare. In most of the cases under the constant pressure and the need to please others, the new "Psyche" predominate and lead to the decision-making. But be sure because you have been dropped doesn't mean your partner is having a good time doing so. The question is that he/she now has to deal with GUILT.Especially if you did not do anything wrong to them and behaved intelligently and lovingly all along the duration of your relationship. Often one of the partner will chose to lie to avoid hurting the person's feelings directly. A forced separation or meeting/dealing with a nice new person brings a myriad of new feelings and put the weak relationship in jeopardy. I know for sure any woman is set naturally to love and respect her lover almost immediately and only under specific circumstances would a woman decide to break up her relationships. Be sure that many questions arise to the mind of your lover before making the decision to let you go. Very often sleepless night, confusion tears and a good dose of guilt is present. It feels like being caught in a sandwich wondering who has to be hurt. What's your priority you may ask yourself? Well shall I make all those people that care so much for me happy? If I do so they wont harass me no more as I have to live with them. And what about my lover now? How do I tell him/her that it's over? He/she never done anything wrong but logically speaking I must do the right thing. It's simply a nightmare for both party and regardless of the reasons it's going to hurt both of you severely. In my crazy life I have been on both side of the scale and each time the profound wounds took months to heal. Because humans are machine of habits, t he longer you stay in a relationship the harder the break. I firmly believe women should be treated with love and respect no matter what and I absolutely disprove of any form of chauvinistic brutal attitude regardless of the motivation. I know from experience that there is only a fine red line with any women and once a man crosses this line there is absolutely NO return for the abuser. In the name of love or security a woman can take a tremendous amount of abuse and stay in a harmful relationships for a very long period of time. Only when she has exhausted all her options will she finally free herself from the damaging relationship. This is a valuable argument and "dropping" her partner is a must. However the situation changes if you are the good guy and feel victimized or thinks of it as a deplorable injustice done to you. Well once you collect yourself from the shock a myriad of emotions and thoughts will have to be dealt with. If you are a bad person simply "cry about it" and learn your lesson to treat your lover properly, and you simply deserve what happened to you. Grow up, behave decently, stop drinking or doing drugs, realize your mistakes, be responsible, work harder and understand that women are not toys but living feeling respectable souls. Some bullies wont take NO for an answer and will make some unlucky women's lives miserable with threats or long messages begging for forgiveness. In some extreme case the police will be the only option to stop the nightmare. If you think you are a "victim" then lets start the healing process. You will be in denial for a while and refuse the all the facts. You will wonder why you have been dropped and your ego will be badly smashed. You will have many mixed emotions and in some case become very resentful. You will "review" the movie many times wondering what went wrong. You will hate all the people you may think are responsible for the break up. You will probably cry heavily and feel very sad and at time totally empty. In some case you will need spiritual help as to regenerate your wounded spirit but in no case addict yourself to antidepressants. (Read "SOS to the world" and realize the power of Neptune from my home page). What to do and NOT to do: Realize that your future is the reincarnation of your thoughts, thus the faster you changes your thought process the easier for the healing process to take place. Like a bad cigarette smoking habit that kills you, remove the mental poison from your body, mind and spirit as soon as possible. If he or she makes a request for you NOT to call simply DO NOT. Respect their demand and be a better, stronger person. He or she will soon realize your emotional depth and how much you mean business in all you do including your love. Keep in mind that it is easier to win the lottery than to find genuine love. In the constant search for love the people that have hurt you will ALWAYS remember they were once truly loved and this will be in itself a for ever reminder of the good thing they had and thrown away. Avoid places where you went, as your subconscious will trig you into painful memory by association. Let me explain, if the person drives a specific car you will immediately associate the car with the person and your heartbreaking experience and feel real bad. So don't put yourself in a situation where you could do damage to your psyche. Avoid listening to sad soft music. Change rhythm he or she asked you to move on, do so. Like you they are also having a bad time; don't think you are the only one with feelings. Avoid drinking at all cost and avoid complaining to others. However find a way to "relieve" yourself and regenerate. Get busy, go out, meet new friends they will bring about your wishes be sure of that. You are dying and rebirthing into a new person thus REMOVE ALL that could remind you of that person. He/she MUST become a stranger to your life again; Undo the damage inflicted upon your body, mind and spirit, no one will help you really but you. You are in charge and demand the Universe to bring you someone who will appreciate your priceless love and your gifts. I know it's hard to do at the early stages of a break but your happiness depend on your thoughts and actions. Put all the pictures, presents, letters etc. in a box and then trash or put them away. NEVER ever ask for the presents you gave him/her and DO NOT TAKE anything away. Doing so gives away your inner fears of being manipulated or insecurity. Trust me in time this person will become the individual she/he was the night before you guys met. Now if any of the person keeps it all there are still some deep feelings that must be dealt with and time is the essence. Do not nurture feelings of insecurity; resentments and revenge instead, rebuild your self-esteem. Exercise harder, become more magnetic, educate yourself more, be more competitive, take a chance, go out more, travel and do all it takes to upgrade to a new, a better you. Any break up has always stimulated me to become much more and much better than I already am. This is why I always found better because I know who I am and what I have to offer and that is the BEST to that lucky girl. Like me, YOU are priceless and a beautiful human being and this person came into your life for a specific purpose. If you have to recall anything simply be thankful for all the great time you had. This individual made you feel alive, wanted and so special in so many ways and guess what? You are. How can you attract a new lover if you hate yourself? How can you ask for happiness if you are not happy, secure and safe within? A magnet will not attract a piece of wood, you MUST upgrade your vibrations, love yourself more and bring your vitality and magnetism to a much higher level. The right person for you is around the corner. Well remember that life is a process of changes and what happened is nothing else than a wish in disguise. He or she could NOT bring you what you really needed and truly wanted so the Universal order made that decision for you, so take it, deal with it and be strong. You may want someone more attractive, more spiritual, older, younger, smarted, wealthier or simply dedicated to you but most of all someone that can recognize and appreciate the real you and your true love. This person did not see that in you or could not appreciate it so why wasting it? This world is loaded with great people make yourself available to them NOW. What you have to offer is priceless and that is YOU, a beautiful, invaluable, unique human being destined to do miracles, enjoy true love and respects all other human beings. You would never hurt anyone and you MUST only and truly offer YOU, your body, mind and spirit for that special person only. Guess what you may also be looking for your true soul mate and for sure she/he was not the one. But be happy because now you are free and can aim for that special person and reward him/her with the deepest, strongest and purest form of love a human being is able to offer another. Be at peace with yourself, be happy with yourself and trust your future mostly because the universe knows better than you do and will always take care of you. Lastly believe like I do and don't doubt that you can only find much better and in my case, it has proven to be right each time. Regardless of the reason involving a break up in the majority of cases both partners somehow do suffer both emotionally and financially. If you are in a situation that could produce such an end a comparison chart will shed light on the strengths and weaknesses involving any and all relationships. If you are a victim then order a 90 MN Soul Cleansing tape (I will also give you a free 90 MN hypnotherapy tape) and let me recharge your batteries. If you are looking for true love, here is a poem I wrote for you. Memorize it and let the magical wonder of the Universe bless you with your wish. It's called "I will love you for eternity" In the ocean of existence my wounded heart is reaching for your magic. A tear of shade blinds my aspiration but just for the blink of an eye. I know soon your loving heart and wise soul to be before me. There is only but you, one bright star in the vastness of the universe. http://www.myspace.com/drturi Astropsychology, Hypnotherapy, Cabalistic Healing, Motivational Speaker, Author, Marriage Counselor. Order And Services http://www.drturi.com/readings.php Free Newsletter http://www.drturi.com/news/ " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." Blessings to all Dr. Turi
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