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Aback. Shocked or surprised. Ablutions. Washes. Washing the body and hands. Add insult to injury. Make an already bad situation even worse. Added their weight. Put their support to and agreed with the view or argument. Administered. The past tense of administer which means to put on. Ado. A fuss Affluent. Wealthy. Affronted. Offended or hurt. Afloat. From the expression ‘Keeping Afloat’ or, Keeping Your Head Above Water. This means to survive when things are bad because if not then you drown. Afoot. What is/was in the process of happening. Afraid to say. Unfortunately, I do not want to say this but it has happened. Agitation Great worry or distress. Ahead of the field. In front. On top of any problem that may happen. Ailing. Ill, Sick. Aired. Spoken in public. Aired his views means to say what he thinks. Airy Clean and fresh, filled with clean air. Al Beano Albino or white or colourless. Alacrity. With great speed, eagerness and enthusiasm. Albeit. Even though. All and sundry Everyone, without exception. All over the place. Everywhere. All that was needed (to see what was wrong). This expression means The only thing that was required to see what was wrong All was not lost though means that not everything was wasted even though one thing was ruined.. This just means that even though the petals had been ruined something else happened that took place of the lost item. So, not everything was wasted. Alleged. Something that is said but has not been proved. Alternative methods. Different ways to the normal way of doing things. Amber Yellow. Amber-Embers. Yellow glowing ashes. Ambled. Walked slowly without much purpose or reason to it. Apparently. It seems like. Clearly. Appeased. Soothed, made him accept what had happened. Made him feel better. Appendage. An attachment. In this sense, the dogs are attached to the humans by leads or leashes. Apprehensive. Worried. Approach. A way of doing something. Different approach means another way of doing something. Around the corner. In the future. An event that has not happened is around the corner. As is the way. This is what happens as a normal course of events. As stiff as a board. Very stiff. Astute. Attain Reach, get. Auditory aids. Hearing aids. Back of his teeth. When you have something in your mouth, you keep your teeth together when you speak, if you have to. When you tell a lie, it is said that you speak through the back of his teeth. It is just an English expression. In other words, you are making sounds and words but you are not really meaning what you say. In this instance then Granddad B was speaking with a mouthful and telling a fib. Bade. Past tense of bid. In this case it means To say something, "Good bye." Also wish someone something. Bid has many different meaning depending on how it used but it means 'wished' in this instance. Badgering. A form of nagging of telling off. Badger-non-Grata. A play on the expression persona non grata. Someone who is not welcome anymore. Bagged. Obtained, Claimed. Barked up the wrong tree. This means they got the wrong end of the stick. Alternatively, they did not understand the situation and misjudged it. An English expression, which sees a dog chasing something and then catching it but because it is the wrong thing, it ends up barking up the wrong tree. Therefore, what he has chased was not what he thought and he was WRONG. Barley beards. As straw is left from the harvesting of grain crops so is the husk or empty seed heads. Barley is a type of grain, which has tufts growing with the grain on the seed head. These tufts are called beards. Basking in her glory. Showing off to the best advantage. Basking. Sitting or lying in a lazy manner usually under some form of light. Bats Inc. Bats can fly in the dark because they have highly sensitive hearing. Inc., is short for Incorporated, which is a form of Company or Business or Group. Battered. Bashed, bruised. Bay watch. Looking to see what was happening around the pond area. Beak brushing. Part of a courtship ritual, similar to kissing. Bear it in mind. Think about it for the future. Bear. In this case, it means Carry. If you cannot bear babies then you are unable to have children. In pregnancy, if you are pregnant then you bear a child or carry a child. Beat (of the day.) The area that is being patrolled. Te final beat of the day is the last time around the area checking it over. Beautifully kept. Well maintained, well looked after. Bedfellow. Partner. Someone who shares a bed with another. Bedraggled. Wet, dirty and untidy. Being put on the spot Being put in an awkward or difficult situation Being put on the spot Being put in an awkward or difficult situation. Bellowed. Called out loudly. Beloved. Loved one. Benevolent. Kind, caring also affectionate in this sense. Bill. See >Portland Bill Bimolar Depression. A form of depression that is like a pain in the Third Eye Tooth. A play on the word Bipolar Depression. (A made up word.) Bitten his tongue. A tongue is required in order to be able to speak. If you bite your tongue off you cannot speak. So Pip wished that he had bitten his tongue and then he would not have said what he just said. (My interpretation.) Blankly. With no expression on the face because what has been said has not been understood. Blasé. Not careful of what they are doing, giving no thought to anything that may happen due to their actions of not worrying. Blatant. In a Blatant manner. To do something intentional, in an open way so it is in full view. Blended. Interbred. Blind eye. Took no notice of what was being done, usually something that was wrong or something that should not be happening. Blow the diet. Never mind the diet, ignore the diet. 'Blue Grain' treats. Corn or grain, which has been treated with poison for killing rodents. It is coloured blue so that the birds do not eat it because in nature birds do not eat anything blue. Bluebell Hilltop. This is the top of a hill covered in the flower called bluebells. They are a Spring Flower usually underneath trees so it is a hilltop with trees and bluebells. Blurred. Indistinct, unclear, not properly visible, hazy. Blushed. A colouring that appears on the face when someone is embarrassed of feels uncomfortable with a situation. Bob along. Get by, live from day to day, and exist in a very basic manner. Surviving. Bobbed. The hopping movement of an animal jumping along. Body and soul. The mind and the body. Bogs. Irish marsh areas Bonded. Mated. Became partners. Bondings. Joining. Becoming a couple. Marriages, unions. Boomed. Shouted out in a very loud voice. Borrowed board and lodgings. A place to live in a temporary way that will be given back to the owner when another home is found. Bounded. Hopped, moved off in a bouncing manner. Bramble lodge A lodge is a home for certain animals, usually built with wood but in this sense it is just a home. Bramble is a name given to the Blackberry. It grows in thickets or thick patches and these patches are called Brambles. Therefore, it is a home built in or underneath the brambles. Branch of the family. Line of the family. Bread and milk banquet It is known that hedgehogs were given saucers of bread and milk to eat as a special treat or feast.. Breakout. In this sense, it means something that has emerged in small areas or amounts and is unwanted. This is what happens when there is an Outbreak. Breather. Rest. Bright and false sun. Bright light Brockden. A den is a home. Brock is the name given to a Badger. Therefore, it is the home of the badgers. Broke out of his shell. Hatched out of his egg Brunt. The main force or effect of something. Brushed it all aside. Tried to make it seem less than it was. Make it seem unimportant. Bull at a gate. Rushing in at things without thinking. Bulrush. A long stemmed plant which grown around the edges of ponds. Burnt her bridges. She cannot go back now or return to her old ways because she has burnt the bridges that were crossed to get her to her present situation or place. Burrower. Anything that digs a hole or tunnel. Bustled. Hurried, busy. Bustling. Move in a quick or hurried manner, usually noisily too. By the way. Incidentally. By your leave. With your permission, can I go? Cache. Store, something that has been saved and put away for use later on. Cake and eat it. To have cake and eat it means you are able to keep something even after you have used it up. So you have the cake, it is there in front of you but you are able to eat it and after you eat it, it is still there for you to see and hold on to. Came to pass. Occurred, Happened with the passing of time. Cannard. A French word meaning Duck. Captured. Trapped. Caring. Someone who is thoughtful or worries about others safety or wellbeing is caring. Carrot tops. Ginger topped, headed or haired. Carry out’s. Food that is taken or transported somewhere else. Cast away. Thrown away. Castaway. Here it means Thrown away. Although it also means lost somewhere. Catastrophe. Disaster, a big accident. Catching her breath. Stopping to rest. Centre of attention. The sole subject of attention or the only thing being noticed by everyone. Chagrin. Annoyance and disappointment about something that has happened. Chain of events. Events that happen one after the other. Happenings. Chamomile compress. A compress is a dampened piece of cloth. Chamomile is a flower. A chamomile compress is a dampened cloth that has been soaked in chamomile water. Changes of heart. Changed their view on something so they change their mind and decision. Changing climate. Change in the weather. Changing the subject. Moving the conversation onto something other than what was being discussed. Usually it is done on purpose to take the focus off a subject or topic of conversation. Chaos, Confusion, trouble. Character. Qualities of a person, animal or thing. Charades. A game where an action is given as the clue to a word or phrase. Charcoal, Burned wood used to fuel a barbeque. Chastise. Scold. Tell off. Chic. Smart, fashionable. Chortled. Laughed. Clatter. Clap. Clatter is a noise. Clap means to hit. The bell clappers hit the inside of the bell as they moved back and forth. Clean as a whistle. Very clean. Close quarters Near or close up. Not yet seen them a short distance away, only seen them from a distance or long way off. Clover. A plant. Clumsy. Careless. (In this case clumsy or careless actions. It can also mean careless with words which means saying something in a clumsy way that will hurt or offend the person being spoken to.) In a way that can cause hurt, damage to either, property, the body or someone else's feelings. Coax. Get some one to do something they do not want to do. This is done in a gentle way without it being too obvious that they are being told to do something that the other person does not wish to do. Coconut Cups. These are empty coconut shells broken in half and then filled with food. Coincidence. Something that happens by chance in a remarkable and unplanned manner. Comfort eater. Someone who eats to make themselves happy and contented. Common knowledge. Information that is known by everyone. Community The mice(or any group of animals, people etc.) who live in that area make up a community. Complementary. Something that is done in a way that helps the other treatment being given. Complimented. Praised, was shown respect. Compos mentis. Conscious or aware. This is a Latin expression. Compos meaning control. Mentis meaning mind. So, in control or aware. Donas was rarely Compos mentis so he was rarely in control of his mind and actions. The actual Latin expression for this is non compos mentis (No control Of Mind.) Comprehension. Understanding. Condensation. Moisture. Water droplets that form on the inside of windows and internal walls due to the warn damp air inside and the cold air outside. Indoor Dew. Confer. Discuss something at a meeting. Confided. Talked about whatever was in her mind Considered. Thought of. Consolation. Comfort to someone who is sad or disappointed. Conspiracy. A plot. Consternation, worry or concern. Constitutional. A walk, usually a short walk done on a regular basis for health reasons. It also means to do with somebody’s general make-up or build. Constructive manner. Helpful way. Also because it is describing building the nest which is a construction. So it is to do with building therefore it is a constructive way. Contented. Pleased, happy with life. Contradicting. Not agreeing with what has been said by arguing against what was said. Saying something completely different about that which has. Diction is speech. Contra means against. You are against what has been said and say this. Egg. The Grass is green. “No it is not green, it is blue.” This is a contradiction Cornered. Caught. Counsel. Give someone advice. Count my blessings. Counting the good things in your life and then not worrying about the bad ones that may exist. Courier. Tour guide. Leader. Court of Apple (Great). The great court of appeal. The High court. Court of Apple. A play on the words Court of Appeal. This is where people go to put their view across in respect of an argument in the hope that, this time, a judgement will be made in their favour. Courteous. Polite. Credentials. The proof that showed he was qualified or experienced in his work. Creeping upon her. Happening because she is getting old. It is something that happens without being noticed Crisis is a problem or disaster. If you are having an identity crisis, you are having problems with whom you are or what you are. Critters. Animals. A critter is usually refers to a small animal. Crossed. This is when anyone gets annoyed by someone else. Crow Carriers Inc. The delivery and despatch Company run by the crows Cub. A baby, a young animal of certain types. Culprits. The guilty person who is the cause of the trouble. Cum. Together with. Along with. Dandelion Clock. The Dandelion is a plant with a yellow flower head. The head goes to seed when it had finished flowering and turns into a huge white head of tiny seeds that blow away in the wind and then form the next dandelion plants when they fall to the ground. In England a seed head like this was blown to tell what the time was, not accurately though! The seeds are soft and fluffy. When a Dandelion stem is broken it has a white substance inside which is sticky and looks just like milk. The seeds also look like tiny wings. Dandilock. A sticky substance made from a mixture of the milk of the Dandelion stem and the fairy wings from the seed head. Dapper. Neat and elegant, usually in dress and manner. Dappling. Making spotted marks on something in different colours but in this case with light and shaded spots. Daunting. Difficult, hard to do. Dead legs. Numb legs through lack of blood circulation. Deaf ear (turned a deaf ear). Took no notice of what was said. Decaying. Rotting. Decrepit. Old and worn out Deeper into a hole. Getting more in to debt Delight. Joy. Delights and delicacies Enjoyable treats and exotic food. Departed. Something that has left or gone. Descended. Came down upon. It also means to go down or climb down. Deserting party. The person or people who have gone away. Determine. Find out. Dew is moisture from the damp air, which forms when the atmosphere is damp and cold. It settles on the ground usually late in the evening. Dew is there also in the early morning and evaporates as the sun gets on it during the day. 'dew-dropped' The petals were now covered in drops of dew. De-webbing and dusting the many chambers of the Lodge. De-webbing, is to get rid of the Cobwebs. Cobwebs are the homes made by spiders, using thread. Digits. Hands or fingers. In this case paws. Digweeds This is just a name for the people who owned the garden. Dimmed. Turned the light down or off Diner. A place to eat. Disbelief. In a fashion that showed that he could not believe it. Discarded slipper. A slipper that has been thrown away because it is old, or tatty and worn out, or too small. Disgruntled. Annoyed, put out. Disgruntlement. Annoyance. To make someone feel irritated or annoyed Disgust. Annoyance. Irritation. Disharmony. Trouble Disintegrated. Rotted, broke down in to tiny pieces, falls apart. Something that is biodegradable will disintegrate into tiny pieces and then completely break down. Dislodged. Got rid of something that was fixed onto a surface or in a fixed position. Dismay. Horrified sadness. Disparagingly. Looking in a disapproving way to show what you are feeling or thinking about something or someone, usually in a bad way. Display. Show Dissuade. Stop someone from doing something. The opposite of Persuade which means to get someone or make someone do something. Distraught. Upset or distressed. Dizzy-O-Therapist. A person who is trained to stop anyone going around in circles and walk in a straight line again. Dogged. Chased, hounded. Donas. The German way of spelling Donald. Done and dusted. Completed. Doom and gloom. (Not all doom and gloom.) This means that it is not all bad. Downfall. The thing that causes someone to fail at doing something or to ruin them Dozing. Sleeping lightly. Drained away. Soaked away and dried up. When a plug is pulled out of a full basin the water drains away Drakes and Ducks. Male ducks are Drakes. Female ducks are called Ducks. Therefore Male and Female Ducks. Dray. The name of the nest that squirrels build to live in. They are up in trees and look like a large, untidy mass of twigs and small tree branches, usually in the shape of a saucer. Dressing down. A good telling off. Drool. Dribble, usually when something is tasty looking it makes you wish to eat it and your mouth fills with saliva so you drool. Also, to look in a manner of wanting very much the thing you are looking at. Duck side of the pond. Similar to Dark side of life. It is a seedy place where undesirable people go. Duck‘n’Dive. This means to avoid things that are thrown at you in life. (In a word, Survive. (My interpretation of what I think it means).)+++++++ Duck-down life. A life filled with feathers that had no substance or meaning. It lacked body so was not a fulfilling life. Duckling. A Baby duck. Durable. Lasting a long time. Dust bath. The way birds clean themselves by covering themselves with dust. Dwelled. Lived. Dwelling. A home, a place to live in. A house is a dwelling. East Meets West. When two opposites get together and agree to become one and everyone is better for it. Eating his catch. Catch in this sense is what he has just caught. Usually it refers to something that a hunter might get. Like a fisherman comes home with his Catch. The catch would be the fish he has caught. Rollie thought he was chasing a worm, caught his tail and bit it. Therefore, his catch was his tail! Egg on the face. Be left in an embarrassing, awkward or humiliating situation due to making a mistake. (I am not sure where this comes from but maybe if you are too rough with an egg the insides burst out in your face.) Elders. A group of older people who are in charge of people due to their age as well as their knowledge and experience. Element. A habitat or area specially suited for someone or something. An area suitable for someone to thrive in because it is just right for them. Embellishment. This is like Embroidery. Adding bits on that were not there in the original version to make it sound or look more interesting. Ember-Glows (from glowing embers) This is the charcoal left over from a barbeque. Embers Remains from a fire, hot ashes. Embroiled. To get involved in trouble or a disagreement. Emerged. Came out, came through, come into site from being out of site. Emitted. Given off. A flower emits perfume so it gives off perfume. Enchanting moments. This is a play on words or another way to say – Chanting moments. This means to chant something at a time. Ensuing Offspring. The babies that were the result of the interbreeding. Ensuing. That which happens because of what has just been done. The outcome of an action is the ensuing action or following action. An event that occurs following an action. Ensuing. Time Passing. Time that has gone by. Enthralled. Amazed, enthralled, engrossed, captivated. Err. Here it means Make a mistake or error – the act of making a mistake or error. Espied. Seen, spotted. Eternal Flux, Eternal is Never ending. Flux is change or a flow or movement. It means that everything changes all the time so is always moving or flowing or changing in eternal flux Etiquette and good manners. The correct and proper way to behave. Evaded. Something that is hard to get or find Exalting. Raised, heightened, Intensified. Exasperated. Made angry usually caused by something annoying that has been repeated over again. Exceptions. This is something that is not normal or usual. Exhausted. Very tired through too much work or exercise. Exodus. A departure or movement away from somewhere, usually of a great number of people or things. Extinct. No longer exists or no longer lives anymore. Dinosaurs are extinct Extra sensory Aids. Same as main senses but it is a slight play on words too because it includes thinking as well. Extremely costly. Very expensive Eye for detail. Good at seeing small things at their best and in detail. Eye Q. The state or condition of the eye. Eyed up. Looked up and down whatever is being looked at or viewed. Eyes of the Law. Legally. All right because it is legal and accepted in Law. Eyes open and her paws on the pulse. Look, to make sure all is well and check physically that everything is all right too making sure everything is running smoothly and in working order. Face value. The actual value or meaning of something judged by what it looks or seems like. Faddy food. Fussy and fashionable food. Fair share. The share that is yours to have because it is owed to you. Fairy wings. Very fine seeds from the dandelion seed head. False and real feelers. Replacement and original whiskers. Family Fall Out. The loss of friendship between the two families. A Fall out is a disagreement or argument. Family's door. Put the blame on them.A281 Fan the flames. Do something that will increase the problem and make it worse. If you fan a fire it makes the flames bigger. Fanciful. Think of things that are not really happening and making more out of what is happening. Far and wide. Spread over a wide area or a large area. Far cry. Long way away from something. Far from Convinced. Not at all certain or sure Faraway Forest. A large wooded area that is a long way away. It is a name for this forest. Fare. Food. Fared. Got on, managed. Farther removed. Farther away from the original or first version, the news has become changed every time it was passed on to someone else. Fat ball A ball shaped lump of fat and seeds for feeding birds. It hangs in a green netting bag and is placed in a tree of bush for the birds to peck at. Fateful. Something that has important or bad consequences for the future. Feast Treat, good feeding Feelers (Full). Whiskers that are in full working order. Also, it is from the word Fulfil, which means to be accomplished or complete. Feelers. Whiskers (animal). Fend (for themselves). Feed themselves, look after themselves Feud. Disagreement, dispute, fight. Fib. A Fib is a very small fabrication of the truth or a little lie that is harmless. Finally dawned. Finally realised what it was. It finally dawned on him. He finally realised what it was. Fine and dandy. Well and good. All very good. Finer things in life. The better things in life. Something better than the normal thing. First aid apron. A piece of material tied around the front of the body that can carry small items, in this case First Aid products. Aprons have pockets for this purpose. Fluttering. Blowing gently in the wind or breeze. Fobbed off. Not be put off by any thing that was told to her. Focussed. Looking at something clearly and having a clear mind to concentrate on something. Foil. In this instance it means a good Contrast. Foolhardy. Stupid. Forage. To hunt for food Forage. To search or hunt, usually for food. Foresight. Looking into the future to see what would occur. Fork on the road. Another pathway leading off the main route. The road in front divides and becomes two roads. This is called a fork because it goes off in a different direction. Forlornly. Sadly Fortuitous. Fortunate. Found him out. Discovered that he was not good and what he was really like Found slacking. Discovered to not be doing what was meant to be done because it was their duty to do the job. Founded. Something that has been stated and discovered to be true. Four-legged appendages. This means dogs. Foxy. Craft, clever, cunning, deceitful. Frantic. Wild, irritated, worried. Fraught. Full of tension and anxiety. Worried. Frequenting. Go to a place very often. Fresher fields. Like pastures new but here, it means cleaner or untouched or unspoilt fields. Freshly risen and ripe The moon is Full - it has only just risen. from a distance long way off Frost is a frozen dew. Frozen to the spot. Unable to move. Fruit-a-tarian. A creature that only eats fruit and nuts. Fruitless. Producing nothing. Pointless, empty. Frustration. A feeling of exasperation or disappointment because of not being able to do something. Full swing. Back to normal action again Full well. Completely, very well, exactly, precisely. Fumigation advice. Advise on cleaning – the air, to get rid of an infestation or a bad smell etc. Fur 'n' Hair Courses. These are lessons in how to look after the fur or hair in a natural way rather than using chemicals. Further ado. More fuss. furtive Secret Fuzzy. Hazy. Not clear. Gander. A male goose. A goose is a large type of bird. Gary. A male name. Gasped. Breathed in quickly because of the big surprise. Usually this is loud to show the surprise or shock. Gingerly. Slowly and carefully. With caution. Glazer. Someone who cuts and handles with glass. Glee. Much happiness Glowing confirmation. Good or excellent confirmation. Also, because it was the embers that glowed, he was confirming that they were glowing in the dark. Goes to show. Proves. Good authority. From a reliable and trusted source. They had it on Good authority means they had been told by a reliable person or creature. Gossamer. Very light, flimsy and delicate material, in this case paper. Graciously. In a pleasant and polite way. Flustered. Grass eater A grass cutter or lawn mower, which is a machine used to keep grass short and neat. Grudging. To do something that you do not really wish or want to. Grudgingly. Done in a way that shows the person does not really wish to do it. Grumble. Complain. Guinea pig Test subjects Animals or People. Hackles. Spikes, spines. When an animal is angry its hair, fur or spikes (in Penny's case) go up to show their anger. Had it in him. Had the courage to do it or the ability to do it. Halted in her tracks. Stopped suddenly. Hands dirty. They did not like doing hard work or dirty work so they did not like to use their hands for work. Harbouring. Keeping. Hard for them to even hear themselves squeak. Hard to hear themselves speak because of the increase in noise. Hare today, gone tomorrow. Not one to stay in one place for long. Always changing Harmonious. Trouble free. In harmony, peaceful. Harsh. Hard. Haste. Hurry. Hatch. The young that had hatched out from the eggs. Young family of the ducks. Hay fever. An irritation caused by pollen which causes coughing and sneezing. Heading out. Going. Heartily. Very much so. Heavily with babies. Very pregnant and towards the end of pregnancy. Hedgehog. A small member of the rodent family. They live under hedges and in the undergrowth. They are covered in spiky spines, like a porcupine but much smaller. They sleep over winter and this sleep is called Hibernation. The hedgehog curls up into a ball shape and in this position, it is fully protected by the spikes. The under part of their bodies is soft and slightly furry and their faces are furry too, which is why they curl up to protect these soft parts. They have very long snouts for finding and gathering insects from the ground. Hedgerow. Here it means ground at the bottom of a hedge, underneath a hedge. It actually means a long row of bushes or small trees that form the hedge These usually grow at the side of the roads or paths to make a barrier. Heed the advice. Take notice of the advice (instructions or helpful information given by another person.) Henry Hunnybun. The name of the Baker. He is a rabbit. Heralded. Sounded, announced. Hessian bags. Hessian is the name of the cloth/material the bags are made of. It is a strong material so can hold heavy items like rice, wheat and potatoes. It is not used much now for making bags. HiberNation. The name of the place where creatures go when they are in hyperspace. Hiberspace. The place animals go when they go into hibernation or into the long winter sleep. High-jinx Playful behaviour or playful games, Hilarity. Amusement. From the word hilarious. Hippocrates Hoot. The name of the Doctor running the National Hoot Service. Hither and thither. Here and there. All over the place in a random way. Holey. Filled with holes. Home and dry. Back home safely Hop Pole. Another play on words. This is from the expression Deed poll. This is a way of changing your name legally so a Hop Pole is a legal way of changing your name if you are an animal. Hoptician. Optician. Horse's Mouth. An English expression. This means it is the original version directly from the source of the story or the genuine source, although I do not exactly know where the expression came from or why it actually means the very first version of the story. I have been told that it is an expression from Horse Racing and the Horse says, "I am going to win!" Hot fog Smoke Hot under the collar. Uncomfortable. Hotch Potch, Mixture, usually not very organized mixture Hotly. Strongly House calls. Visits made by someone to a house usually for business or professional reasons. Humbly. Showing respect. Humdrum. Boring, tedious. Ice was broken. The ice was broken and starting to thaw or melt to make way for the warmth. The coldness (hostility) had gone and the warmth (of friendship) was returning. Icing on top of the cake. This is even better than having cake and eating it because there is something better on top of what you already have been given which you can eat and still keep. Ideals. Standards. Identity crisis. Giving something a name saves mistaking someone for someone else, i.e. mistaken identity. Ill-gotten gains. Items that are gained unfairly or illegally Ills & problems. Bad health and problems. Immune become resistant to something and able to survive the effects that something has upon them. Impart. Give. Impartiality. Not taking anyone's side in an argument. Neutral. Impending. Forthcoming marriage or marriage that is soon to happen. impression of recognition and respect - a sign that the person is well thought of and known to the other creature/person In as much as because. In Hoot means indoors but anaesthetic is required a room but nothing large or deep. In one piece. Safe and sound. Safely In one piece. Safe and sound. Safely. Incident. Happening, event. Inconsiderate. If someone is inconsiderate they are thoughtless and do not think about anyone being affected in a bad way by their actions. A person who plays loud music at 4am when the baby next door is sleeping is called inconsiderate or thoughtless because he wakes the baby who can then not sleep due to the noise. Increasing the boundaries making an area bigger all the way around in every direction. Incurred. To get or receive something. Indignity. A situation whereby the person experiencing this emotion has been shamed or humiliated. Infestation. A large amount of things usually insects or bugs in or on something where they are not supposed to be. If hair is full of lice is said to be, 'infested with lice' or covered with lice. Infonet. Internet. Initial consultation. First examination where the problem was discussed and discovered so that it could be treated. In a consultation, details are taken about the problem and then treatment is given when the problem has been discovered. Innocent. Something that is done by mistake and not done on purpose. Innovation. New idea. Inspired. Made some one think of something. intact Not touched, new, whole or complete Interior decorating. Decorating the inside of a building. Intervened. Stepped in. Stepped in between two parties. Intrigued. Awed. Jaded. Here it means Bored. It can also mean tired, exhausted or worn out with life. Jangle and clap. Bells have what is called clappers inside which make the ringing sound when the bells are rung. They Clap (hit) the insides of the bell When bells move rapidly it is called jangling. The bells moved (jangle) and made a noise (clap). These are bells hanging over a door in order to let anyone know the door has been opened or closed. Jumped for joy. Jumped up and down to show their pleasure. Karma. Fate, destiny, Kismet. What you have given out is what you receive back. It is your destiny to get this back because you deserve it. Kassandra. A female name Kicked himself. Punished himself. Knot of apprehension. A feeling of great fear deep in the pit of the stomach. Lame duck. An English expression meaning someone who cannot do anything so they are useless. A lost cause. Languidity (made up word). This word exists in the form of Languid. Without energy or movement. Staleness, still, motionless due to lack of energy. Languidity is the state of being languid. Lapped. Took it in with much pleasure. Also means a way of drinking liquid. Larder. Store cupboard, usually for food. Last straw. The final thing that caused everything to snap or collapse. In this case it made Donas angry. Lawn. A stretch of grass that is kept cut and well maintained rather than just being a strip of untidy grass, which is usually called scrubland or the roughs. Leaf-Litter time. Autumn. Leapt into the air. Jumped Leapt out of his skin. Jumped up sharply or quickly with great force in fright Learned is found out or discovered Leisurely. An action that is done in a slow and lazy manner. Unhurried. Leisurely. Relaxed and lazy time. Lighten his load. Ease his burden Lit up. Filled with pleasure at a nice surprise. Lizzie La Conic. A name for a very rude Lizard. As mentioned earlier La Conic is misinterpreted by me to mean laid back and lazy. Lodge A lodge is a home for certain animals usually built with wood but in this sense it is just a home Long-standing. Something that has gone on for a long time. Loosen the legs. Ease the aches in the leg muscles and make them more flexible for better movement. Lopez Loppy-Ear. Lopez is a hare. He has very large and floppy ears. Lore of the Land. Another play on words. It means the Law of the Land or something that is accepted because it is normal or usual and legal in that place. Lore is also a story or happening. So a happening in the land or country that is accepted. Loss for words. Speechless. Unable to say anything in reply to what they have just been told. Lost its appeal. Became boring. Because of this it no longer interested her. Lotions and potions. Fluid substances for putting on the body, some are just liquids and others, potions, contain healing substances. Lull. A short time when no conversation has happened. A time when no talking has happened. Maddening. Annoying, infuriating Made in Heaven. A wonderful thing. Made their bed. Where they now lived and slept. Mafia. An Italian secret crime Organisation. Main Sense. Sight, hearing, taste, smell are Main senses. Main stream. The normal flow or way of life. Maintained. In this instance it mean kept, looked after. The garden was well looked after so it was neat and tidy. Make do and mend. Put up with something that you have, use it then when it breaks, mend it rather than getting a new one. Using what you have to make what you need. Making Ends Meet. Just surviving on the money that is coming in, just about living and paying the bills but there is nothing left to spend on anything else. Masons. In England, we have an Organisation called the Masons and they are skilled people like carpenters, builders, etc. plasterers and trades' people. They belong to an Organization called the Masons. It is a secret organization just as the Mafia is a secret crime organisation. Material Nest. Because the nest was made of cloth, it was material. Also, material means physical or solid. Matriarchs. Mothers, usually the head of the household. Mediator. A person who sees both sides of an argument and helps to decide which is right or wrong. Also someone who brings peace due to his action of mediating between two groups who disagree with each other. Medicinal patchworks. The petals are used for healing purposes, so they are used in medicine. Medicinal means it is good for healing purposes or is Therapeutic. In this instance the rose petals are used on the skin so are called patches. Many patches are called patchwork. A patchwork quilt is made many squares of material sewn together to make up the whole piece of material which is then made into the cover for the quilt. Mediterranean hug. A greeting of open friendship between two people or, in this case, animals. Mentally, physically and asset wise too. Mind body and money. Everything is kept in good working order for him. Mentioned in passing. Something that was said by someone as they went by or in conversation with another person when they met and passed by each other. Migratory. Moving from one area to another. In this case from Germany. Miles away. (This is called A metaphor in English.) In this respect, it means far away in a daydream. Not fully conscious of what is happening. Mimicry. To copy someone else’s actions or words. Minding their own flock. Minding their own business. Minute. This means tiny or very small. It is also 1/60th of an hour. The two meanings have a different pronunciation of the word minute.. Misconstrued. Misinterpreted. Misdemeanour. Minor misdeed. Mishaps Accidents. Misinformed. Ignorant. Not well taught. Mite. A tiny bug that causes skin irritations. Mixture. A blend. Offending Mixture is a blend that was somewhere where it was not wanted or should not have been. Moons ago. Months ago. Mused. Thought about something in a dreamy way.
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