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Forgetting Brittney

The last trace of the sun had left the sky an hour ago. The road ahead was straight, flat, and boring. Little towns with blinking traffic lights and dark store windows dotted their path about every 50 miles. Unable to afford the cost of another speeding ticket against her insurance, Madison set the cruise control four miles above the legal limit and paid attention when the speed limit changed as they approached another little town. Hyped up on energy drinks and nicotine, Madison and Erica talked at twice their speed of a mile a minute. The wedding had been beautiful, but their revue of every detail had ended twenty minutes earlier. “Think they’re doing the nasty yet?” Madison asked, filling a temporary pause in the conversation. “If they’re lucky, they’re on their third time,” Erica said with a giggle. “Wish I was on my third time.” She was too hyped up on energy drinks to feel tired, but boredom threatened to settle in. She thought about the cute guys she saw today, wishing again that they could have afforded to spend the night. Wedding sex was the best. And, without her boyfriend anywhere close, it would have been fun to play a bit. That thought prompted a question. “Okay, what’s the most times you’ve done it in the same 24 hours period.” Fighting off the same threat of boredom as Erica, Madison didn’t think twice about answering the question. “With the same guy?” “No. I don’t think that matters,” Erica said, still wishing they could have stayed. “But it does mean you were with someone.” “Are we counting the number of orgasms we had or just the number of times we’ve done it?” “If they were any good, every time should have had an orgasm,” Erica said, giggling. She liked Madison. In the past, Brittney, their now married friend, had always been there when the two of them were together. For whatever reason, the two of them had never just hung out together until now. During the drive to Brittney’s wedding they smoked and laughed away the hours. Still it felt funny to know each other so well and only now have time alone together. “Okay, now I have to think about this,” Madison said, searching her memory banks and counting. “Five.” “No way! That’s the same for me!” Giggling, Madison asked the most important follow-up question. And she knew when she asked it, Erica’s answer would change her answer. “How many guys in that 24 hour period?” “Just one guy. An old boyfriend,” she said. “We did it three times one night, again in the morning, and once more that afternoon before we got out of bed.” While the answer she gave was technically true, Erica knew she was holding back on her friend. Five was the most times she had had intercourse in a 24 hour period. As for the most number of guys she had done in a 24 hour period? That answer she was going to keep to herself for the moment, though she did find it interesting that Madison would suggest more than one guy. “What about you? Five times with five different guys?” Madison laughed. “Not hardly. Just two.” She told Erica about the time when she had two boyfriends, the guy back home and the guy at school. One weekend, the guy back home came to visit. The day before he left, they did it twice. The morning he left, they did it again. Later that day, back with her “at school” boyfriend, they did it twice. “Wow, you did two different guys on the same day?” Erica asked, feigning innocence about her own sexual history. If they started counting sex partners in a 24 hour period, she was sure she had Madison beat, especially if they didn’t all have to be guys. “Yeah, I did,” Madison said, shrugging it off. Admitting that it was two different guys was the secret she was going to keep to herself, but she had let it slip anyway. “Actually, it was pretty hot. I don’t know. Sometimes I think I’m more like a guy than a chick when it comes to sex. I want it like all the time, y’know?” Erica’s answer had to wait until she finished lighting two cigarettes at once. She passed the second one to Madison. Erica did know what she meant because most of the time, she felt the same way. Most of the time she felt like the horniest, most sex crazed girl she knew; she had always felt that way. Sex was something she loved doing, by herself or with a boy or two. There were a few times when she had messed around with another girl, too. Their now married friend, Brittney, was on that list, though she and Erica had sworn each other to secrecy about what exactly had happened. Most of the stuff she had done with another girl was pretty tame, kissing and a bit of petting. She did know what it was like to have another girl go down on her. That happened once during a threeway, though she never returned the favor. It was a missed opportunity she later regretted. While girls didn’t interest her as much as guys, she was still curious about it. How would it feel? What would it really taste like? Every guy she had been with liked to do it, so maybe there was something to it, something she would really like. Not knowing bothered her. After taking a drag off of just her cigarette, she answered Madison’s comment with a bit more candor than usual for her. “Y’know how they joke about how much guys play with themselves?” Nodding her head, Madison giggled that she did. “I get like that, too. I swear if it wasn’t for my little vibrating buddy, I’d fuck every guy I ever met.” Madison laughed so hard that she choked on her cigarette and nearly missed a speed limit change from 55 to 45 as they approached a sleeping little town in the middle of no where.. The buildings were dark with the exception of the single all night convenience store. All three stoplights flashed yellow as they rolled beneath them. It wasn’t until they passed the last streetlamp and slid back into the quiet dark of the open road that their conversation started back up again. Some topics were just easier to discuss in the dark. If she didn’t like Erica, Madison wouldn’t have suggested they ride together to Brittney’s wedding. Seeing her best friend getting married was almost as hard as losing Brittney to Eddie in the first place. That’s way it had felt to Madison after Brittney and Eddie announced their engagement; it felt as if she had lost her running buddy. Brittney had brought out the crazy in Madison, encouraging her by example to take more risks in her life and live a little. She hoped Eddie appreciated the free spirit he had caught, because Madison already missed her. While that loss was frustrating, Madison could already feel the void starting to fill back in with Erica. “I’m just glad to hear another woman say she plays with herself,” she said as they drove back into the dark night. “Guys talk about it all the time, like it’s no big deal. But girls never admit it. Why is that?” “I don’t know,” Erica said, realizing it was a topic she never discussed with any of her other girlfriends, not ever. She had done it with a couple, but never talked about it. “But I think we all do it, don’t you?” “I don’t know. I do, you do, and that’s all the matters I guess.” “Fuck yeah!” Erica said, giggling again. “And if we keep talking about sex, I’m going to do it right here in your car.” “Did you bring your vibrator with you?” Erica laughed. As if, she thought. “No, I’m afraid that’s sitting at home in my underwear drawer.” “Oh, I keep mine in my nightstand. You just never know the mood might strike.” For the next 20 minutes they compared notes about how they did it when they were doing it to themselves. They talked about when they first figured out what they could do to themselves, their first self-induced orgasms, and how they got their first vibrator. (Erica bought her own from Spenser Gifts in the mall while Madison said hers was a joke gift from a friend. That was less than half a lie. Her first one actually came from Brittney and she only thought it was a joke gift until Brittney had told her otherwise.) Individually, during the conversation, both girls had already decided they would be using their toys as soon as they got home. It was Madison who dared to mention it. “You ever look forward to doing it?” “Playing with myself?” “Yeah. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me,” she said, hoping it wasn’t. “But sometimes, I get thinking about having that toy just sitting there at home waiting for me and I start getting excited about going home to it and doing myself. Is that like crazy sounding?” Laughing, Erica assured it didn’t sound crazy to her. “Don’t get me wrong, I love sex, I mean, like, a lot. But sometimes, I don’t want to be bothered with hooking up, I just want to have some fun with myself, y’know?” Madison nodded her head eagerly. “And sometimes, I don’t even wait until I get home.” “Oh really? Like where else have you done it?” She squirmed a bit in her seat, which made her giggle a bit self consciously. How stupid was it to get excited just talking about playing with yourself? Still, that’s just what was happening. She tried to tell herself it was because they were talking about sex in general. She tried to blame the night, the wedding, and the energy drinks. But she knew the truth. She was getting excited because she was thinking about masturbating, just like Madison had suggested a few moments ago. The thrill rising in her body made her bolder. “I don’t know, you mean like while driving?” Madison laughed. “You’re just saying that.” But after a moment of silence met her comment, she realized that maybe Erica wasn’t kidding. “You have, haven’t you?” Erica blushed, glad Madison couldn’t see it inside the dark car. “A couple of times. Once, during the daytime and I some trucker saw me doing it, because he was like chasing after me, trying to get up next to me for a second look.” “Man, that’s hot.” “The first time, though, it was during a drive like this. I was by myself; sleepy and bored. To keep myself awake, I just started thinking about what I would like to do to this cute guy I saw when I stopped for gas. Next thing I knew, I was rubbing myself through my jeans.” “Did you get off?” “Not when I was just rubbing myself through my jeans. It felt good and all, but it just wasn’t enough. I was teasing the hell out of myself. I had to undo my pants and reach inside. But that felt dangerous, so I took my pants off.” “While you were driving?” Erica nodded. “It’s really not that hard to do if you just take your time and do it in steps. And that way, I could reach my… um, things better and still grab the wheel with both hands if I needed to.” “I blew a boyfriend once while he was driving. The fucker nearly drove us off the road when he came.” “Oh, I didn’t have that problem. I set the cruise control and just sort of, y’know, strummed on my, um, joy spot? I came like a bunch of times, but they were all those little orgasms that just flutter by, you know what I mean?” Madison nodded that she did. “Mostly, I just stayed really wet and really horny all the way home, and when I got home, I finished myself off in a big way.” Madison tried imaging how Erica must have looked that night, surely driving on a road much like this one, bottomless. She tried to imagine how the stiff fabric of the car seat would feel against her ass or the slight breeze that would be moving between her legs. Back and forth her mind went, imagining how it would feel to do it and how it would look to see Erica doing it. She imagined being a ghost, sitting next to Erica while she was doing it, just watching her. In her mind, she saw Erica’s long, tan legs stretched out beneath the steering wheel, her thighs wide apart, and one finger clutching her pussy; one finger slowly moving up and down. She could see Erica biting her bottom lip as another tiny orgasm clutched at her, her hand pausing just a second until the moment passed before she started working that tiny love button again. “Hey, here’s a crazy question for you. Up and down, side to side, or little circles?” Erica laughed because she knew exactly what Madison was asking. “A bit of all three. Up and down to get started, usually. Then side to side for a while. Circles if I’m trying to tease myself for a while. But when it comes right down to it, I press hard and go side to side really fast.” “And when you’re using your toy? Inside or outside?” “Ooo, that really depends. Sometimes both. Sometimes I don’t even turn it on. I just, y’know, fuck myself with it and use my finger on the good spot. Sometimes, I just turn it on full blast and press it against that good spot.” Madison thought it was cute how Erica would pull back and use a euphemism for the big deal words like “pussy” or “clit.” “Are you getting as excited as am I?” “Yeah, and it’s funny, because we’re just talking about doing it to ourselves, y’know?” “So, you want to drive for a bit?” Madison asked, shooting her friend a sly smile. “What? Are you getting tired?” Erica asked before she realized what Madison meant. She laughed hard. “No, I’m good.” “Mm, too bad. I like it better when it’s a little all just a little bad.” Was Madison flirting with her? That’s how it felt. Erica thought about it for a second and realized she hoped that’s what was happening, too. She liked Madison, now more than ever. And she always thought Madison was cute, but she never thought about doing anything sexual with Madison. She didn’t know why. It really didn’t make any sense. Madison was hot looking, with shoulder length dark hair, cute dimples when she smiled, and a smoking hot body. Glancing at her and seeing her profile silhouetted against the stark dark outside the window, Erica saw the unmistakable bump of a hard nipple straining against Madison’s tank top. The faint buzz of arousal she had been feeling notched itself up about three levels. With a sly smile on her face, Erica asked, “So just how bad do you like it?” “Like I said before, I’m like a dude. I always want it,” she said, laughing a bit as she said it. “And when it’s wrong, it’s always better.” “Really?” Erica asked, reaching across the void of the console and putting her left hand on Madison’s shoulder. Madison made a soft humming sound and nuzzled against it. Erica grinned as she questioned what she was doing. Was she just playing or was she really going to take this somewhere? She didn’t know. She knew what she wanted to do, but wasn’t sure if she should. Before she could let herself think twice about it, she reached over with her right hand, too. With a finger and thumb, she tweaked the stiff point of Madison’s nipple, poking out so obviously. “And would this be wrong enough for you?” Thank God for cruise control, Madison thought as soon as Erica touched her nipple. Her entire body went tense as a jolt of raw energy surged through her putting all of her most erogenous zones on full alert for more. Unlike Erica, Madison wasn’t about to second guess the thrill of the play. That was a lesson Brittney had taught her. Always say ‘yes’ to more sex. The two of them had had some crazy times together before she got serious with Eddie. Could Erica step up to fill that void Madison had felt? Maybe. They were off to a good start. Madison pulled Erica’s hand across her chest from one breast to the other. “Don’t forget her, too,” she said, as she arched her back, welcoming the caress of another person. As she leaned over the center console to reach Madison’s opposite breast, Madison was able to reach up and touch Erica’s tits, too. Erica was smaller breasted than Madison. Her breasts were perky b-cups that would look good with or without a bra and they felt good inside her hand. Better because Erica wasn’t wearing a bra. Risking a quick look-away from the road, Madison turned her head and planted a very quick, very small kiss right on Erica’s lips. “You don’t have to stop,” she told her groping friend. Tweaking her friend’s nipple, she asked, “Did it feel as if I was planning on stopping?” The feel of Madison’s fuller breasts beneath her hand intoxicated Erica. Madison’s breasts were bigger than her own, softer, but her nipple was just as hard. The contrast between the feel of her own familiar breasts versus Madison’s thrilled her just as it had the other times she had felt up a girlfriend. If she felt Madison’s bare breasts and clutched at her pussy through her shorts, Erica would have gone as far with Madison as she ever had with another woman. The difference was feeling as if this was just a warm-up. While she never expected to find it in someone she already knew, Erica had apparently found a woman she could explore without later regrets for what she didn’t do. If she had anything to say about it, she wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity again. Madison tugged at Erica’s tank top. “Take this off,” she suggested. “Really?” “Yeah. Get naked. I mean all the way naked.” Erica reached for the bottom hem of her tank top, hesitating for just a second before pulling it over her head. Why not? She thought. It was dark. They were driving through the middle of no where. Who would see? With as dark as it was even Madison wouldn’t be able to see her. She shimmied out of her shorts. Madison snapped the waistband of her panties. “Those, too,” she said. Erica did as she was told. Sitting naked next to her friend, Erica went back to doing what she had started minutes ago, except this time, she reached inside the curve of Madison’s tank top, touching bare breast. “I am so wet,” she murmured in her friend’s ear. “I want to feel,” Madison said, reaching her hand between Erica’s legs. She didn’t hesitate to reach for the good spots. She didn’t stroke her thigh first or rub the outside of her pussy. Instead, Madison pushed a finger between Erica’s pussy lips, her finger easily sliding inside her dampness. “Mm, you really are!” “You thought I was lying?” “Nah, but it’s more fun to be sure, isn’t it?” “Much,” Erica purred, squirming against the finger inside of her. Up ahead grew the streetlights of another small town. Madison braked and reset her cruise control a mile or two below the legal speed limit. Now would not be the time to get pulled over by a local Smokey with nothing better to do than harass someone with an out of town license plate. Like the last town, street lights still illuminated the empty streets, but all else was dark and empty except for the single glare from an all night gas station and convenience mart. While there was no one to see, to Erica, the light of the streetlamps felt like warm heat on her naked body. It wasn’t that no one was around to see, it was that anyone could see. With Madison’s finger still inside her pussy, Erica felt the first flutter of a tiny orgasm surge through her. “Did you just come?” Madison asked. “Yeah, a small one.” “Cool! And what if I do this?” Madison moved her finger from Erica’s pussy to her clitoris, rubbing it lightly up and down. Another little orgasm fluttered through her. “Oh damn, you’re easy. I like that.” “Well, it’s not as if we’ve been talking about sex for the last hour or two, y’know?” “Yeah,” Madison said, alternating between rubbing Erica’s swollen clit and fingering her pussy. Before Brittney, Madison had never known the touch of another woman. It was a drunken night in her dorm room when Brittney had thrown herself on Madison. Too excited and drunk to care, Madison just went with it, letting Brittney kiss and touch her every way she wanted to. Brittney had never asked for anything in return that night. But the next night, straight and sober, Brittney made it clear that Madison “owed” her. Nervous, excited, and a bit scared that she would do something wrong, Madison had made love to Brittney. After that, Madison felt as addicted to girl-girl sex as she was to doing it with a guy. She couldn’t imagine ever living without dick in her life, but there was no denying her fascination with pussy, either. Doing it with a girl was fun because it felt just a little wrong, as if it was something she wasn’t supposed to be doing. But if she wasn’t supposed to do it, why did it feel so good? She stopped worrying about it. As Brittney had taught her, sex is good and more sex is even better. “So I guess this means you’re into girls, too?” Erica asked, feeling a little stupid for asking a question with such an obvious answer. Madison, however, accepted the question gracefully. “Yeah. I wasn’t always, but things change after I got to college. Don’t get me wrong, I love dick, but I like pussy, too. What about you? What’s the most you’ve ever done with another girl?” “This,” Erica admitted. “Oh shit,” Madison said, pulling her hand away. “I gotta be freaking you out or something.” “No. Please, don’t stop,” Erica said, pulling Madison’s hand back between her legs. To make sure Madison knew it was okay, she nuzzled up against her dark haired friend’s neck and kissed it while groping her tit. “I didn’t say I’ve never been with another chick. I just meant, I haven’t done more than this. But I like this.” She was worried that she was moving too fast, but curious, too. Maybe she wasn’t moving too fast. Maybe Erica wanted all this and more. “If we could do more, would you want to?” “Yeah,” Erica signed, still leaning over with her head on Madison’s shoulder. Sliding her hand over Madison’s flat stomach, she started working the snap and zipper on the front of Madison’s shorts. “I think you should be naked, too.” Smiling, Madison raised her butt from her car seat so Erica could slide off her shorts and panties. “Hold the wheel a sec,” she said, taking a moment to pull of her own tank top. Erica worked her bra and now she was just as naked as her passenger. “Wow, this really does feel good,” she said, opening her window to feel the rush of the air breezing over her bare body. “Will you finger me?” “You’re not going to crash us if you come, are you?” “I don’t plan on it,” Madison assured her, knowing that if Erica didn’t finger her pussy soon, she’d do it herself. “As soon as I put a finger inside of you, I will have done more with you than I have with any other woman,” Erica said. Her hand was already moving up Madison’s bare thigh. “Finger me,” Madison told her. “Be my toy.” Smiling to herself, feeling more alive than she could remember, Erica cupped Madison’s pussy. She bent two fingers, her middle and her ring finger, and pressed the tips of them between Madison’s moist slit. Both fingers slid easily inside her friend. Madison let out a huge moan. “Yeah, do it,” she told Erica. “Finger me.” Caught up in the thrill of the moment, Erica didn’t bother to take her time. She shoved her two fingers deep inside the warm wetness of Madison’s pussy as far as they would go. After rotating her wrist for a slightly better angle, she started finger fucking her first pussy (after her own). It took her a moment to remember to pay attention to exactly what she was doing in case it never happened again. Fingering Madison didn’t feel much different than fingering herself, except the angles were all different and that she couldn’t actually feel the sensation on her own body. It felt as if she was touching herself, once removed, and that was the thought that screamed inside her head, ‘you’re doing it!’ She felt Madison’s pussy clutching rhythmically at her fingers and she instantly knew what was happening, even if Madison hadn’t given any other signs. As it was, though, Madison was very vocal about it, moaning passionately as her orgasm worked through her body. “Wow, that’s hot,” Erica said, again kissing Madison’s neck. She wanted to do so much more than just finger Madison. She wanted to kiss her breasts, to feel her hard nipple inside her mouth. She wanted to go down on her, to press her tongue against the swollen nub of her clitoris and taste pussy for the first time. As it was, she had to be contented with just groping Madison, touching all the places she so desperately wished she could lick and taste. “I want you to come for me,” Madison said to her. “Um, I already did, twice. And if you touch me down there again, I’ll do it a third time.” “No, I mean, I want you to really come for me. I want you to play with yourself for real, to really get yourself off, okay? Put your feet up on the dashboard and really go for it, okay?” “You mean like this?” Erica asked, sliding into position. She didn’t quite put both feet on top of the dashboard. Instead, she braced one foot on the dip of the center console and had her other foot against the dashboard. Her knees were wide apart and she could feel the rush of air from Madison’s open window swirling and dancing around her bare legs. “Yeah, like that,” Madison said, reaching up for her rearview mirror. Pressing a button on the bottom of it, she turned on a map reading light that was aimed for the convenience of the passenger. That beam of light fell directly on Erica’s pussy. “Oh that looks good enough to eat,” she said, glancing away from the road long enough to enjoy the view. Erica’s pussy was well trimmed and mostly bare. Madison could see how swollen and puffy her pussy was. As she watched, Erica wiggled a finger between her puffy lips. “I’m so hot,” she said. “I want to hear you,” Madison told you. “Get yourself off, I mean, really off. I want to hear what you sound like when you really orgasm.” Settling back against the seat, Erica started first by just strumming her swollen clit. She rubbed it lightly, back and forth, just teasing herself and feeling her excitement rising. If she wanted to, she could have pressed hard against it and rubbed herself right to an orgasm in seconds flat, but she saw no reason to rush. If Madison wanted a show, she would give her one, working herself into a dander and a froth before she allowed herself to burst. “I’m going to get your seat wet,” she cautioned. “I don’t care,” Madison reassured her. “I like the smell of pussy.” Erica had never lived the life of a saint, in spite of how she looked. At 13, she started smoking. By 14, she knew the taste of both beer and wine. At 15, she had already experienced the joy of puking up too many straight shots of flavored vodka. Sexually, she had been just as adventurous. Though she had kept her virginity until she 18 (losing it on her prom night, just six weeks before graduation), the years prior to that had been filled with everything but fucking. She had played with the boys to their satisfaction and often to her own, too (if they knew how to finger her or were willing to go down on her; that ALWAYS did it for her). She had even kissed a couple girls and felt a few boobs by then, liking the feel of another woman pressed against her and liking even more the reaction she got from the boys if they saw her kissing a girl. Through it all, she had maintained near perfect grades in school, worked an after school job during the school year and two jobs in the summer. The adults in her teenage years had seen her as the good girl who never swore and was always dependable. She dressed conservatively, all the while frigging her pussy nearly every night, whether she had already sex with a boy or not. Still, in spite of all she had done so far in her life, she had never felt quite as free, open, and wanton as she did at this moment; riding naked in a car, wind rushing over her naked body, her legs spread open for all the world to see, and purposely fingering herself to hold back on her orgasm, purposely working herself over to create the biggest orgasm she could. Her body felt so needy for an orgasm that she had to be careful. Reach deeper between her legs, she finger fucked herself, just to take a little of the thrill away from her clit and make herself that much more needy. She clutched at her breasts as fingered herself, twisting, tugging, and pulling at her nipples until they were swollen and deep red from the mixture of pain and pleasure. When she couldn’t take it any more, she kept two fingers inside her pussy and rubbed at her rock hard clitoris with her other hand. She finger fucked herself nearly as quickly as she frigged her clit, the smacking sounds of her fingers moving like pistons in and out of her snatch clearly heard over the rush of the wind from the open window. She gasped and moaned before her entire body went tense. As the first contraction of her orgasm squeezed through her, she let out a long, loud moan, as if her orgasm was contracting her lungs just as much as it was contracting the nerves and muscles of her pussy and stomach. “OOHHH!” she cried out, grabbing at pussy as she came. “OOOHHHH!” she cried louder as her orgasm first grew, then faded, then stabbed at her again with a second round of big contractions. “Fuuuccckkk yeah!” she screamed as her body quivered and shook, shuddering her as if she had felt a deep and unexpected chill. And when it was over, it still wasn’t over for her body. Pulling her fingers out of her pussy created a tiny aftershock of a quiver. Running her wet fingers over her bare pussy lips generated another. Rubbing at her aching, sore nipple that she had twisted and pulled just a little too hard created another jolt of post orgasmic/still orgasmic pleasure. “Oh fuck, that’s hot,” Madison said, glancing back and froth from the road and Erica so fast it looked as if she was watching a tennis match between Venus and Serena Williams. She only had one hand on the wheel. Her other hand was well between her legs, pleasuring herself as she watched and listened to Erica’s orgasm. “I’m going to have two stained seats,” she said with a giggle. Erica collapsed against her seat, stunned and surprised at the ferocity of her own orgasm. “I don’t think I ever came that hard before,” she said between great gasps of air. She felt it in every part of her body, as if she had just completed her first marathon race, and it felt good. As Madison reached up to turn off the map light shining on her pussy, Erica glanced around outside the car and was surprised to see they weren’t on a deserted country highway anymore. At some point, and she didn’t know when, they had driving back into Springfield. At this late hour, traffic was light, most of the buildings were dark, but this wasn’t the same as driving through a completely sleeping little town. Madison drew to a stop at a red light. Turning to Erica, she pulled her into her arms and kissed her deeply on the lips. With open eyes, looking over her shoulder, Erica watched as the 50 something year old man in the car next to them turned his head and stared. She winked at him, tapping Madison on the shoulder to break it up when she saw the faint glow of green from the signal light changing colors. “If you don’t promise me, right now, to come home with me and let me eat that pussy of yours, I’m going to drive us straight into a telephone pole,” Madison said, her eyes wild with lust and desire. “Only if you don’t crash us first,” Erica said, with a small giggle. “And you have to let me do you, too, okay? I’ve never done that before, and if I don’t get to do it with you, I’ll die.” “Deal,” Madison said, turning on her blinker before turning down her street. She lived in on a residential street in an older two story duplex that had been converted into four apartments. Parking on the street in front of her house, she turned off her car. “Let’s go,” she said, opening her car door and running naked towards her house. Laughing and giggling, Erica ran after her, feeling goofy, stupid, and alive. She chased Madison’s bare butt up the stairs and waited nervously as Madison fumbled with the key in the door. It wasn’t Erica’s first visit to Madison’s apartment. As soon as Madison threw open the door, Erica stepped inside. Madison swung the door shut and cupped both sides of Erica’s face in her hands. Pulling the slightly smaller woman towards her, they kissed deeply, their bare bodies pressing against each other so tight, it was as if they were trying to become one. Hand in hand, Madison led the way to her bedroom. Filled with the joy of the moment, she pushed Erica backwards on the bed and followed her down. “Me first,” she said, hovering on all fours over the woman. Kissing each of Erica’s tits once, she grabbed her legs under each knee and bent Erica’s legs up towards her chest, pushing them part as she did it. Erica’s swollen wet pussy opened before Madison’s mouth and tongue. Keeping the girl pinned to the bed, Madison first shoved her tongue deep inside her pussy for a quick taste of pussy and then zeroed in on her clitoris. She sucked the tiny nub inside her mouth, flicking her tongue over it and felt Erica shudder. Letting go of the suction, she began battling it back and forth, pressing hard. She let go of one leg so she could have a hand free. With two fingers on her free hand, she finger fucked Erica, listening to the sweet music of her moans as she felt the contractions of every orgasm she was having. Before long, Erica’s moans had fallen away into quick gasping gulps of air as wave after wave of orgasm surged through her. Madison’s own pussy was on fire. She wanted to rub it, but didn’t, instead, she put all her sexual energy into pleasing this new lover. She didn’t stop until Erica made her stop, twisting and turning away from her. “Enough,” Erica panted, her body still quivering with an orgasm that never wanted to end. “I want you. Right here. Right now.” Smiling, Madison leaned back on her elbows and spread her legs to either side of Erica’s body. She moved slowly, watching the blonde hair girl in front of her as she moved, watching Erica’s eyes beginning the job her mouth would finish. As soon as Madison was in position, Erica moved, too. She didn’t start with a kiss on Madison’s lips or suck on her nipples. No, Erica’s mouth fell right to the business of eating pussy. Years later, Erica would still be hard pressed to pick which part of that night was hottest. Masturbating in the car was tied with remembering the fiery heat she felt wanting so badly to taste Madison’s pussy. Never doing it before was part of it. Wishing so long for it to happen was another part of it. Seeing Madison leaning back, legs splayed, waiting for her to begin was the rest of it. Erica never hesitated or thought twice about what she was doing. She wasn’t sure if she cared beyond just pressing her tongue between the lips of Madison’s pussy. Once she did, any concern for what to do or how to do it never had a chance to develop. This was what she wanted to do, without a single doubt in her mind, and just as she would never forget the first time a hard prick had pushed its way inside her pussy, she would never forget the overwhelming thrill of pressing her tongue against a pussy for the very first time. With a natural instinct for it, Erica’s tongue moved right to the union of lips just above Madison’s pussy, where she knew that bundled knot of nerves that twisted into a clitoris was. That’s where she started, licking and lapping, using her tongue as a pointy tip to roll and caress that tiny bud. She licked hard and fast, a flutter of pent-up desire. With one hand, she clutched at Madison’s tits. That hand was on autopilot, caressing those soft mounds with their own stiffness in the middle with ease. With her other hand, she rubbed at Madison’s pussy, feeling and exploring it while her tongue danced around. She groped at Madison’s pussy lips, feeling how smooth and slippery they were. She fingered her with one finger, then two, marveling at how warm and wet she felt. She grabbed at the bit of asscheeks that she could grab and even ran her fingers across Madison’s puckered asshole. The moan she heard told her that Madison might like more of that and Erica promised herself to give it to her. But first, she wanted to pay back Madison for the gift of her orgasms and the gift of her pussy. She wasn’t going to stop until she had drank her fill of pussy, and she was very, very thirsty. Madison’s first orgasm at the tip of Erica’s tongue was instantaneous. As soon as Erica’s tongue brushed her clit, it started. As Erica settled into what she was doing, the orgasm tapered off a bit, but never fully stopped. It would peak, clutching her body in orgasmic thrill and then subside to a flurry of pleasant shudders until it built again to a fervent explosion. A memory of that first night with Brittney flashed through her mind and then fell away, replaced forever with a new memory, a better one: Erica eating her pussy for the very first time. Just as she thought she couldn’t take anymore, Erica surprised Madison. She pulled away, looking up at Madison over the mound of her pubic region. “Roll over,” she said. “Excuse me?” “You heard me,” Erica said, a sly grin at the corners of her mouth. “Roll over, on all fours. I know what you really want.” Madison moved as she was told, surprised and curious about what this rank beginner had to offer. She felt Erica’s hands on her asscheeks, pulling them apart, and then she felt Erica’s tongue against her asshole. “This is what you really want, isn’t it, bitch?” Erica asked, her voice raw and in her throat. “This, right here, right?” Erica shoved her tongue inside of Madison’s butt, tongue fucking her ass in the same fashion as she had her pussy. Pressing her hand up and against Madison’s pussy, she rubbed as she did it, and Madison came harder and more completely than she ever had in her life. She fell to the bed face first, unable to support her body and met the physical demands of her orgasm. Madison gasped in pleasure and passed out. She had no idea how long she had been gone. Long enough for Erica to climb off the bed and move to its foot. She heard words, Erica’s words, “Sweetheart? Are you there? Are you okay?” Forcing her eyes to flutter open, she saw a very concerned looking Erica kneeling in front of her; worried hands running along the sides of her face. “Are you okay?” Madison tried to move and realized her body didn’t want to. Every muscle in her body had let go. She felt in her body and as if she floating at the same time. “I, I think I passed out,” she said slowly and softly, as if she didn’t trust her mouth’s ability to make the words. “I think I came first, though.” Erica smiled. “You screamed like I had murdered you,” she said. “Then you just went limp.” “Fuck girl, you just ate me into a coma.” “You really okay?” “Yeah,” she said, moving slowly as if she needed to test each part of her body for its ability to move. “I’m great. Maybe better than great. But I think I’m done now for the night, too. Is that okay?” “Yeah, that’s fine,” Erica said, the worry look on her face fading but not completely. “You sure you’re okay?” “Yeah, just say you’ll sleep with me, okay?” “I sort of have to. All my clothes are locked up in your car.” “Score one for the horny chick,” Madison said with a giggle. With shaky arms and legs, she swung around on her bed, pulling down bed sheets as she moved, and waiting until Erica was next to her. They kissed once more, just a nice little good-night kiss. And holding each other like lovers, Madison closed her eyes and the two of them drifted off to sleep changed women.
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