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TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's current account surplus unexpectedly fell from a year earlier in April in a sign that a slowdown in China is weighing on demand for the nation's exports and casting doubt on the strength of its economic recovery.  Cheap michael kors watches online 

First quarter economic growth was revised up to 1.2 percent from initially reported 1.0 percent, reflecting upward revisions in capital spending and private consumption, separate data also showed on Thursday.

However, Japan's current account surplus fell 21.2 percent compared with the median estimate for a 2.8 percent annual increase and followed an 8.6 percent decline in the year to March.

That suggested the world's third-largest economy was struggling to maintain traction gained in the first three months of the year when it expanded at an annualized pace of 4.7 percent according to the revised data, faster than any other Group of Seven economy.

The current account, a broad measure of trade and other investment flows, is likely to remain in surplus due to earnings on Japan's extensive holdings of overseas assets, helping the country finance its large public debt burden.

The surplus could shrink as China's slower pace of growth and Europe's sovereign debt crisis threaten to harm the global economy and crimp demand for Japanese goods. Discount Michael Kors jet set bag ,

Yoshimasa Maruyama, chief economist at Itochu Economic Research Institute, said, however, a recent retreat in oil prices could help.

"Although energy imports remain high in terms of volume, I don't see current account surplus dwindling in the near term thanks to falling oil prices," he said.

"Headline figures came a little weaker than expected. But Japan's exports seem to have bottomed out, and will likely pick up in the latter half of the fiscal year (to March 2013) along with recovery in the global economy."

The current account surplus stood at 333.8 billion yen ($4.20 billion), below a median forecast for a 450.3 billion yen surplus in a Reuters poll, Ministry of Finance data showed on Friday.. Cheap Michael Kors satchels outlet

Economists polled by Reuters had expected Japan's gross domestic product growth to be revised up to 1.1 percent.

The current account balance deteriorated sharply last year as exports slumped and fuel import costs surged after the devastating March 2011 earthquake, which led to closure of all of Japan's nuclear power plants.

The government is having difficulty convincing the public that it is safe to restart some of the reactors, so the country must rely on more-expensive thermal power that requires fuel imports and puts pressure on the trade balance.

A smaller-than-expected increase in exports in April, according to customs-cleared trade data released last month, has raised concern that overseas demand is waning, which could slow Japan's export-dependent economy. ($1 = 79.5700 Japanese yen) Discount Michael Kors shoes outlet
















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Are you worried about the end of life as we know it? Then don't just look to the sky for that catastrophic asteroid that could be heading our way. The end may come from right beneath your feet. Oakley flak jacket sunglasses reviews

Super-volcanoes have probably caused more extinctions than asteroids. But until now it has been thought that these giant volcanoes took thousands of years to form -- and would remain trapped beneath the earth's crust for thousands more years -- before having much effect on the planet.

But new research indicates these catastrophic eruptions, possibly thousands of times more powerful than the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, may happen only a few hundred years after the volcanoes form. In other words, they may have a very "short fuse," according to researchers at Vanderbilt University.

Such an event could make thermonuclear war or global warming seem trivial, spewing untold tons of ash into the atmosphere to block sunlight. The result would be many years of frigid temperatures, wiping out millions of species. A super-volcano that erupted 250 million years ago is now believed to have created the greatest mass extinction the world has ever seen, wiping out up to 95 percent of all plant and animal species. Some renegade scientists believe it was a volcano, not an asteroid, that killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Discount Oakley Sunglasses outlet,

But is global suicide lurking right below our feet? Is a super-volcano about to blow its top? Not as far as scientists can tell. Such a volcano results from the accumulation of a giant pool of lava just a few miles below the ground, and there is no known formation anywhere on the planet that is expected to erupt in the immediate future.

Scientists, who could be wrong about that, have thought for decades that once that pool forms, it stays there for thousands of years before erupting. But the new study by geophysicists from Vanderbilt, along with colleagues at the University of Chicago and elsewhere, documents several lines of research showing that the trigger could be pulled quickly, possibly within a few hundred years.

"Our study suggests that when these exceptionally large magma pools form they are ephemeral and cannot exist very long without erupting," Vanderbilt's Guilherme Gualda said in releasing the study, published in the journal Public Library of Science ONE. Cheap Oakley Active Sunglasses onsale    

That research, as well as earlier research that led to a very different conclusion, was based on the formation of crystals in the molten magma that decay at known rates and thus provide a geological clock, dating various events in the history of the volcano.

According to Gualda, previous researchers looked at the decay of zircons, which are common in volcanic rocks, and concluded that the giant magma pools could exist for 100,000 years. But his team looked at the crystallization of quartz, the most abundant mineral in volcanic deposits, and concluded that such a pool would have to erupt in one-tenth of that time, and possibly in only about 500 years. Discount Oakley Fuel Cell Sunglasses













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A new poll shows the vast majority of Facebook users say ads on the social network have never led them to make a purchase.  cheap michael kors watches online 

Four out of five Facebook users said neither advertisements nor comments on the social network have ever led them to buy a product or service, according to the poll by Reuters/Ipsos.

The poll comes at a terrible time for Facebook as the company, which just went public last month, struggles with concerns that it hasn't figured out how to monetize its more than 900-million users effectively. Michael kors outlet bags on sale

Before its IPO, the company announced that it has yet to figure out effective ways to generate revenue from users accessing the social network from their mobile devices. That disclosure, which was revealed in documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, set off some red flags for would-be investors.

And even more people became concerned about the general effectiveness of Facebook's advertising, and not just on mobile, when General Motors announced it was cutting off all its Facebook advertising just prior to the Menlo Park, Calif., company's IPO.

The latest poll adds fuel to that fire, and unfortunately for Facebook, that wasn't the only bad news revealed by the poll. Discount Michael Kors jet set bag ,

More than one-third of Facebook users also said they are now spending less time on the social network than they were six months ago, attributing the decrease in use to Facebook becoming "boring," "not relevant" or "not useful." However, 20% of those polled said they are spending more time on the social network.

When it comes to daily usage, 40% of Facebook members said they log on every day, but that number is higher in the 18-to-34 age group, where 60% say they use the site daily.

As far as their view of the company, 44% said Facebook's IPO has made them feel less favorable toward the social network. Wall Street got some flak for the IPO too, however, as 46% said they now saw the stock market less favorably as well.

Most of these numbers are bad news for Facebook, which has now seen its share price fall 30% since launching last month. Discount Michael Kors shoes outlet

Accused Killer Porn Star Captured in Berlin Internet Cafe

Canadian Luka Rocco Magnotta, who allegedly videotaped the murder of his lover and mailed his body parts, has been captured in a Berlin Internet cafe, according to the Berlin Police Department.  cheap michael kors watches online 

Magnotta, 29, is wanted by Canadian authorities for first-degree murder and other charges.

He has been the focus of an international manhunt for the murder of his Chinese boyfriend who he allegedly killed on videotape before posting the video online and mailing parts of Lin's body to Canadian government offices.

Kadir Anlyisli, a Turkish employee at Helin Internet Caffe in Berlin, told ABC News that a foreign looking man came into the cafe at around 12:30 p.m. Anlyisli gave the man, now identified as Magnotta, a username and password for a computer, but watched him carefully. Michael kors outlet bags on sale

Anlyisli, 42, thought the man resembled the fugitive Magnotta, so as Magnotta perused YouTube, Anlyisli flipped through a newspaper to find a story and photo about the manhunt for Magnotta in order to confirm his suspicions.

When Anlyisli saw a police car passing by, he rushed to stop them and said, "I think there is a guy you are looking for inside the cafe."

Police entered and asked the man for his passport.

"At first, he tried to tell several different names, but at last he said, 'Okay, you got me,'" Berlin Police spokesman Thomas Neuendors told ABCNews.com.

Anlyisli recalled Magnotta saying, "I am the one" when he finally conceded his identity.

Authorities had an arrest warrant for Magnotta and he was taken to prison at around 2 p.m. He is expected to make his first court appearance Tuesday, Neuendors said. Cheap Michael Kors satchels outlet  

The Montreal Police Department said in a statement that they received confirmation via Interpol of Magnotta's arrest this afternoon.

Magnotta was the subject of an Interpol "red notice" and on Sunday Interpol posted three photos of a man passing through security at an unidentified airport. In the photos, a man who appeared to be Magnotta was circled in red. The photos were removed from the website later in the day without explanation.

Discount Michael Kors jet set bag  The victim was Chinese student Jun Lin, 33, who has been studying in Montreal since last July. He was last seen on May 24 and was reported missing to the Chinese consulate on May 29, according to the Montreal Police Department


Hosni Mubarak trial: Egypt judge to deliver verdict

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is due to learn if he has been found guilty of conspiracy in the killing of protesters during last year's uprising. oakley flak jacket sunglasses reviewsC

A court in Cairo will decide whether Mr Mubarak, as well as his former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly and four aides, ordered police to shoot demonstrators.

All six deny the charges. They could face the death penalty if convicted.

Mr Mubarak also faces separate charges of abusing his powers to amass wealth, with his sons Alaa and Gamal.

An associate, the tycoon Hussein Salem, is being tried in absentia.

Two other senior interior ministry security officials are accused of failing to anticipate protests and protect public and private property. Discount Oakley Sunglasses outlet,

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Hosni Mubarak is the first former leader to be tried in person since the start of the Arab Spring uprisings last year.

Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia was found guilty in absentia of drugs and gun charges in July, while Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh received immunity from prosecution after handing over power in November. Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was killed by rebels in October.

Last May, Egypt's prosecutor general declared that Mr Mubarak would stand trial for conspiracy in the killing of about 850 unarmed protesters during the 18-day uprising that forced him to step down in February. He was also charged with using his position to enrich himself.

In August, Mr Mubarak was wheeled into a courtroom on a stretcher, because he had reportedly been suffering heart problems. Discount Oakley Fuel Cell Sunglasses

The prosecution experienced difficulties from the start, with none of its witnesses providing damning statements. The first five recanted their initial statements that police commanders had been ordered to use live ammunition.

Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, the head of Egypt's ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (Scaf) and former defence minister, reportedly testified in secret that the army had never been instructed to shoot demonstrators.

The trial was suspended from September to December because of a complaint - later dismissed - that the judge was biased.

In the final stage of the trial in early January, the chief prosecutor argued that it was impossible that Mr Mubarak had not ordered police to use deadly force.

The defence argued that the military had been in charge of security when the protesters were killed because the former president had imposed a curfew and transferred responsibility to the chief-of-staff. Police, therefore, could not have received orders from the defendants, their lawyers said. Discount Oakley Asian Fit sunglass

The prosecutor called for the 84-year-old to be hanged.




In its decision striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act on Thursday, the US appeals court in Boston acknowledged that the underlying legal precedents supporting its opinion are far from clear. oakley flak jacket sunglasses reviewsC

The appeals court nonetheless went ahead and did something no other federal appellate court has done. It ruled that same-sex married couples have a constitutional right to receive federal benefits on an equal basis to benefits received by opposite-sex spouses.

The decision represents another landmark in the struggle for gay rights in the US. But it is not clear – even to the deciding judges in Boston – how the US Supreme Court will ultimately view the case.

“Supreme Court precedent offers some help to each side, but the rationale in several cases is open to interpretation,” Judge Michael Boudin wrote in the 28-page decision.

“We have done our best to discern the direction of these precedents, but only the Supreme Court can finally decide this unique case,” he said. CDiscount Oakley Sunglasses outlet,

Thursday’s decision by a unanimous three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit came in three consolidated cases challenging the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act.

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Gay rights advocates praised the decision, while those supporting the traditional definition of marriage denounced it. Discount Oakley Fuel Cell Sunglasses

“Society should protect and strengthen marriage, not undermine it,” said Dale Schowengerdt, a lawyer with the Alliance Defense Fund.

“In allowing one state to hold the federal government and potentially other states hostage to redefine marriage, the First Circuit attempts a bridge too far,” he said.

Evan Wolfson, founder and president of Freedom to Marry, called the decision “a powerful affirmation that the so-called Defense of Marriage Act is an unconstitutional and unjust law whose days are numbered.”

Mr. Wolfson added: “This ruling will return the federal government to its historic role of respecting marriages performed in the states, without carving out a ‘gay exception’ that denies thousands of protections.” Cheap Oakley Active Sunglasses



Jury ends eighth day of talks in Edwards campaign finance trial

(Reuters) - The alternate jurors in former U.S. Senator John Edwards' federal trial learned on Wednesday they could to return to their normal lives as deliberations dragged on about whether the ex-White House hopeful broke the law trying to hide an affair.  cheap michael kors watches online 

U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles did not officially dismiss the alternates from duty but said they no longer had to report to the courthouse in Greensboro, North Carolina, each day.

There was no indication that the judge's move meant the main jury panel was any closer to reaching a decision as deliberations headed for a ninth day on Thursday. Cheap Michael Kors satchels

The 12-member jury must reach a unanimous verdict to convict Edwards, 58, of conspiring to use more than $900,000 from two supporters to cover up his affair with Rielle Hunter as he sought the Democratic presidential nomination four years ago.

Prosecutors say the one-term senator from North Carolina pursued the money to keep his image intact with voters. Michael kors outlet bags on sale

But the defense says the payments were intended as personal gifts, not political contributions, to shield Edwards' wife from learning of Hunter's pregnancy with his child. Elizabeth Edwards, who was battling cancer at the time, died in 2010.

In recent days, jurors have raised scheduling concerns with the judge but have not asked any public questions about the campaign finance case.

Eagles held several private meetings with attorneys from both sides on Wednesday to discuss a note from one of the jurors participating in deliberations. She did not reveal the contents of the note in open court.

After sending the 12 jurors home at the end of the day, Eagles called in the alternate jurors to tell them their tedious wait at the courthouse was over.

She said they remained on standby and would get at least a half-day's notice if needed to take a regular juror's place. Discount Michael Kors jet set bag ,

The alternates - one man and three women - drew attention in recent days for wearing color-coordinated shirts. They all wore shades of purple on Wednesday and previously sported matching yellow and red.



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Joy Ellinger's pleas to get people to the polls paid off. The incumbent candidate to lead the Taylor County Republican Party has been encouraging area residents to vote for months, and she won as chairwoman again Tuesday night with 67 percent of the vote. oakley flak jacket sunglasses reviews

"I'm honored that I have been elected to serve another term as Taylor County Republican Party Chairman," she said Tuesday evening, "especially in this critical election year when we need to get Obama out of office."

The GOP chairman or woman is responsible for overseeing the county's Republican campaign and activities and for coordinating volunteers and precinct chairmen and women.

Although excited about the win, Ellinger expressed concern about the low voter turnout, calling it "shameful" that people do not exercise their right to vote. Of about 72,000 registered voters in Taylor County, about 12 percent of them voted, she said. Discount Oakley Sunglasses outlet,

Maximizing Taylor County voting is the first thing on her agenda as party leader, she said, and she hopes to do that by increasing Hispanic participation in the Republican party and involving Abilene college students as well.

She celebrated election night with about 100 friends and acquaintances at Lytle Land & Cattle Co. while one of the two losers in the race, Frank Beckendorf, watched the results pour in from the comfort of his home. He said that while he has seen a lot of support since deciding early this year to run, he's also seen a battle between friendship and issues in the race for the position. Cheap Oakley Active Sunglasses

"What it all boils down to is we have friendship versus issues," he said. "So far, with the returns on television, I see that the friendships are taking over the issues."

He said he knows some area Republicans are unhappy with the way the party has been led since Ellinger took over in November 2009, but guessed it was not enough to put himself or third candidate and friend Pat Hippely over the edge. Hippely did not return calls from the Reporter-News for this story. Discount Oakley Asian Fit sunglass


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Former British prime minister Tony Blair’s testimony at the Leveson Inquiry into media ethics was interrupted on Monday by a heckler Michael kors outlet bags.

At the time Blair was being questioned over his government’s relationship with Britain’s powerful newspapers in particular those owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch.  cheap michael kors watches online 

Blair had already admitted he had avoided challenging the influential press because it would have drawn him into a potentially damaging fight, when a man burst in accusing Blair of corruption and calling him a war criminal.

Blair who remains deeply unpopular among some for his decision to take Britain into the Iraq war, quickly denied the heckler’s allegations.

But Iraq and Blair’s subsequent accruing of a substantial fortune since leaving office continue to divide the British public Discount Michael Kors jet set bag ,.


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Nepal braces for instability ahead of new election

KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Nepal braced Monday for months of political instability and street protests after a midnight deadline passed without agreement on a new constitution, triggering fresh elections.

Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai said the country's political leaders had failed to achieve their goal since their election four years ago and he said a new vote would be held in November. oakley flak jacket sunglasses reviewsC

"We have no other option but to go back to the people and elect a new assembly to write the constitution," Bhattarai said in his announcement broadcast live over television.

The government put security forces on high alert and riot police were patrolling the streets of the capital, Katmandu, though there were no reports of violence Monday, police spokesman Binod Singh said.

Police clashed with protesters Sunday outside the Constituent Assembly, where political leaders from the country's four main parties had been meeting in a last-minute attempt to agree on a new constitution before the deadline. The key sticking point was whether the states to be created by the constitution should be determined on the basis of ethnicity.

Thousands of protesters opposed to the idea tried to push through a riot police line on the northern side of the assembly hall Sunday. Police pushed them back and a scuffle ensued, with the protesters throwing stones and police responding with tear gas and batons. Three policemen and several protesters were injured.  buy oakley sunglasses online

On the other side of the assembly hall, thousands of people demonstrated in support of states based on ethnicity. A thick police line kept the opposing groups apart.

The Constituent Assembly was elected to a two-year term in 2008 to draft a new constitution but has been unable to finish the task. Its tenure has been extended four times, but the Supreme Court rejected any further extensions.

The assembly's formation came two years after pro-democracy protests forced Nepal's king to give up his authoritarian rule and restore democracy in the country. One of the assembly's first decisions was to abolish the centuries-old monarchy and convert Nepal into a republic. Discount Oakley Sunglasses outlet,

The political parties have been able to resolve some other thorny differences in the past, including the future of thousands of Maoist rebel fighters who were confined to camps after giving up their armed revolt in 2006. However, they have not been able to agree on the ethnic issue.

The prime minister said he would be leading a caretaker government until the Nov. 22 elections.

At least two of the country's main political parties — Nepali Congress and Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist Leninist) — have vowed to take to the streets in protestDiscount Oakley Fuel Cell Sunglasses


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