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Do Men Seem Afraid To Approach You? do you find that men just don't start conversations with you, even after you meet eyes and give them every possible hint? And are you finding that instead of it being easy to meet a great man, you don't even come across any interesting men you'd consider? Worst of all, you seem to find yourself attracting all the WRONG MEN. If you're waiting around for the right man to find you, and you're spending your precious time alone... then I want to show you exactly how to quickly find, identify and attract the RIGHT MAN. Stop spending your nights, weekends and trips without any one to share them with. To find a great single man, learn how to get the conversation started that will draw him in and capture his interest and attention... and to lay the foundation for a great relationship (if you decide you want one with him) from dates 1, 2 and 3 on... you need to check this out: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/MeetingTheOne/?cid=V7BZZZ&lid=1&ll=1 I want to show you a few useful tips to help you meet a great single man and set the foundation for a great relationship within the first date or two. If you're single and finding it harder than it should be to meet a nice, single, normal guy to spend time with and explore a relationship... you're not alone. One of the biggest struggles I hear women dealing with today, especially when they're single again a little later in life, is that there just aren't any good single men out there. I also hear all the time that men just don't approach women, and that it's kind of annoying. Interesting that both of these things could be going on at the same time. Which one is it for YOU? Are there no good men out there? Or are the good men just not APPROACHING YOU? Let's explore what to do about each situation. Here are a couple of emails I got recently from women that spell out these situations clearly. I'll answer them and show you what to do if you're in the same situation as a single woman... >>>>Email From A Reader Hi Christian, How does a woman become approachable? Men never or rarely approach me, and so I'm not even able to put the fantastic knowledge I've gained from your ebook and CD programs to good use. I'd just like a good start, where the guy approaches and asks me out! Thank you, -A.T. >>>>MY Response I'm glad you've taken the time to learn from my eBook and my programs. But you're right... knowing what to DO isn't worth much if you don't get to USE it. Here are some real-world tips to help you get that situation you want where a man approaches you- Tip #1: Understand What A Man Is Thinking Here's the short version of what a man is thinking when he sees a woman he's interested in, or meets eyes with her and shares an "enchanted" moment... Thought 1: Wow, she's hot Thought 2: How do I get her to notice me Thought 3: Hmmm... I wonder if she's with a guy or not Thought 4: (If he doesn't think you're with a guy) I'm going to look at her and see if she notices me and responds Thought 5) Yes! She noticed me... but nothing happened and I feel nervous. I'm probably going to have to go say something to her if I want to actually meet her Thought 6: Oh no. What do I say to her? Thought 7: I can't think of anything to say to her that doesn't seem stupid Thought 8: Damn. She's not looking at me anymore. Maybe I shouldn't go talk to her. It's probably dumb to talk to a woman here and she'll be annoyed This is the series of thoughts that goes through the mind of ALL MEN when they see a woman they want to talk to. Here's what you need to learn and remember from this... Most men DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING when it comes to meeting and approaching women. There's no "guide book" to starting conversations with women that most men have read... and that most women would agree with are good things to say to a man when you first meet her. And unfortunately, some of the men who are more "practiced" at meeting and approaching women aren't the kind of guys you'd really want to talk to and get to know. With all this, what's a girl to do? Tip #2: Make It Look Easy And "Inviting" For A Man To Approach You This might sound obvious, but it's tougher IN PRACTICE than it sounds for most women. In most cases it's because you don't want to "put yourself out there" much with a man you've never talked to before. Well... same goes for him. There's one thing I wish I could do for you as a single woman, wanting a man to simply come and talk to you. And that's to put you inside the body of a man at that very moment when he sees a woman who he's interested in and finds attractive. If you knew what this feeling felt like where a man suddenly has this nervous pit in his stomach, his mouth goes dry, and he can't think of a single thing to say that doesn't sound stupid inside his own head... you'd know what it was like. I can't give you that experience. But knowing this... what you can easily do is create an open invitation for a man to come and talk to you that makes him feel comfortable and inspired to take the chance of walking over to a strange woman he's never met and start a conversation. Here's how... There's a kind of universal "shorthand" that all men speak and respond to when they first see a woman and are trying to figure out if she's interested, if he should go talk to her, and what to say and do. Most of them have to do with the BODY LANGUAGE that a man sees and, without knowing it, can just tell you are single and a good woman for him to approach and talk to. Here's a list of specific things you can do that will subtly tell a man that you are single and available and potentially interested: Quick Tip: Don't spend too much time talking to other men who you aren't interested in. You can talk to men, and it's a good idea to talk to as many fun and interesting men as possible so you're engaged and having fun. (this helps attract fun and engaged men) But if you're with a guyfriend and standing with him and talking to him all night, then the odds of another good guy talking to you are much much lower. A good guy doesn't want to "hit on" a woman who has a boyfriend. So make sure a man can't confuse you as a woman who's "taken" Quick Tip: Use the universal signal that let's a man know you are "open for conversation" - SMILE I can't say too much about how important it is that you have a fun, engaging smile on your face is you want a man to approach you. Notice next time you're out somewhere how it's only the single women who openly smile at single men. (and perhaps for good reason) Women who are in relationships do NOT do this. If you're smiling a lot, either directly at a man, or indirectly to the people you are talking to, you are 3 to 4 times more likely to have a man think you're single and "available" and approach you. Quick Tip: Hold eye contact until he turns away Ok, this one is the most subtle, but says the most to a man when you do it. This is the way to invite a man to talk to you without having to talk to him. When you meet eyes with an attractive man who you'd like to get to know... don't do what most women do and quickly pull your eyes away. You have the power to invite him to come and talk to you without having to say a single word. And you can let him know you are interested enough to want to talk to him and would like him to approach you if you do this one thing... Simply HOLD EYE CONTACT for as long as it takes for him to look away. Do not look away first. This sends a very strong signal to a man of your interest, and makes him quickly feel like you "approve" of him and that you're inviting him into your space. He'll feel confident and comfortable in coming over to talk to you then... especially if you SMILE while you're looking directly at him. If you really want to dial the ATTRACTION up in a fun and playful way... then when he comes over to talk to you, say something like, "Wow, I saw you staring at me over there and I was wondering if you were some kind of creepy stalker or something." And do this with a little wry smile on your face to let him know you're joking around with him. Men LOVE this kind of playful teasing and humor... and it makes it very easy to get into that fun and flirtatious conversation that makes a man FEEL more than he ever would for a woman who simple asked him what he did for a living. So don't wait. Go out and try this. And if you're looking for an in-depth guide to show you exactly how to set up your first date with a man, how to handle phone calls and texts and emails so his interest for you keeps building... and how to make sure you have a great 2nd, 3rd, and 4th date... then you need to check out this amazing resource HERE: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/MeetingTheOne/?cid=V7BZZZ&lid=2&ll=1 Here's another similar email, with an interesting twist- >>>>Email From A Reader Why the hell is it always the burden for the woman to know what to say and do? Why can't the guys do a little of work and actually take the time to learn about a woman or learn to see what is good in her. Why does the woman have to do all the "marketing" to get a man's attention? I am beautiful, successful and one of the nicest persons a man would ever want. If he doesn't want to take the time to see me for who I am, so be it. He is not good enough for me. >>>>My Response I personally wish that more men would get personally interested in learning about and studying the area of "relationship dynamics." I agree that the world would be a better place (for men and women) if this was the case. And knowing this, I would STRONGLY RECOMMEND you look for a man who ALREADY has his own personal interest in these things. Yes, these kind of men are out there. There are lots of them, whether you know them or not right now. And I'd recommend getting out to places where you are likely to come across men like this. Places where you know people are interested in LEARNING, GROWTH, and developing as people. A few of these off the top of my head include: -Personal Growth Seminars & Events -Museums & Art Events -"Spiritual Practices" & Classes - yoga, pilates, martial arts, etc. -Business Seminars Get out there and use some of the tips I shared above. You won't have to do all the advertising. Just have fun. Stop seeing how the world isn't what you want it to be... and start seeking what you want. Here's something I want you to think about... You are more than welcome to wait around for a man to do the work for you. I'm simply here to help and empower women who have decided that they'd like to take matters into their own hands, learn things to improve their own lives... and stop waiting around for men to make things happen for them. Here's the truth of the matter... It's no one's "burden" to make the first move. It's an OPPORTUNITY for both men and women to learn about each other... and to have fun learning and growing and COMMUNICATING in ways that the other RESPONDS TO. And everything else is just WASTED ENERGY spent worrying about what's NOT WORKING. You can spend your time focusing on WHY THINGS AREN'T WORKING the way you want them to... and try and change the world and everyone in it - including MEN. Or you can make what I think could be the most important shift you could ever make in the way you approach your life (and love) and start to spend your time, attention, and energy on thinking about and discovering WHAT WORKS with passion and curiosity. The choice is yours to make. In the meantime, here's one simple piece of advice... Stop worrying about what's "fair", and start creating the life you want. I've got a message for you from the universe. It's telling me to tell you that the world is NOT FAIR. In fact, it's completely 100% UNFAIR. And that's a GREAT THING... because it means you can have much much more of the love and beauty in your life than you ever thought you deserved. But only if you open up to the way it wants to come into your life. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that there's some FRUSTRATION going on for you. And my intuition, just from reading your email is that the worst of all possible things is happening for you because of the frustration you're feeling and carrying with you. It's that when a man comes close to you, meets you, or makes eye contact with you... he quickly sees and senses in you something about this frustration you're holding on to... and he quickly feels like something is "off". Translation - men are quickly deciding that, even though they saw you and were instantly attracted to you on a physical level, that the signals you are sending off with your body language are good indications that you would not be a good potential partner. In other words, if something is "off" from the beginning, it's only a matter of time before whatever the negative thing that's going on inside you turns to challenge and trouble him. If you don't believe me that we as humans make these kind of instant judgments about the people we see and meet... just remember the last time you got a "creepy" vibe from some guy who was looking at you. When a woman feels tension, anxiety, and frustration about men in general... whether or not she means to, a man will sense this in her and see it as the female equivalent of "creepy". Don't let your intense desire to find a great guy push the ones who you come across away before you even get to know them. I've put together 2 of what I believe are perhaps the worlds best programs anywhere on how a woman can quickly connect with a great guy, and how to create that INTENSE level of ATTRACTION inside a man that will drive your relationship forward. By the way... I'm talking about more than just the plain old everyday Physical Attraction a man can feel for any "pretty woman." The first program is for a single woman who wants to learn what it is exactly that a great single guy will respond to in the first meeting, and on the first several dates as things get started. If you're tired of having those short-lived connections where you meet a guy who SEEMS great, and you go out and hit it off (and maybe even get physical)... but then he doesn't call back and ask you out again, then it's time to get to the source of what isn't working, and start doing what will. In my "Meeting The One" program, I'll show you how to identify the right man for you, quickly get this mans attention and interest, and create amazing dates that will carry you both into the kind of relationship that will keep you both excited to simply be in each others presence. In this amazing program, I also show you the exact moment most women go wrong when they meet a man they really like and start to connect with them. (It has to do with the way a man starts to feel and want a "real relationship" with you... and what most women will never understand about this) I've written an in-depth letter explaining exactly what this relationship-ending moment is when, and how to avoid a man misunderstanding you in this way. Go here now to learn this, along with some free tips and video clips from my Meeting The One program: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/MeetingTheOne/?cid=V7BZZZ&lid=3&ll=1 And if it's time that you finally learned once and for all exactly how to magnetically ATTRACT a man to you on a DEEP EMOTIONAL LEVEL, so that he might even be the one trying to convince you to want more with him, then I've got good news here too. And as luck would have it, I've put together an entire CD/DVD program to help you do exactly that - create an intense level of ATTRACTION that will draw a man in and emotionally "connect" him to you in a way that will carry your relationship forward. When a man FEELS an intense level of ATTRACTION for you that goes way deeper than the common Physical Attraction he can feel for other women... he'll see you as VERY SPECIAL and want to stay with you. Go here now to see some video samples from my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" CD/DVD program and be on your way to experiencing a level of attraction with a man you never knew possible. And enjoy the lasting relationship and the deep emotional connection that comes with a man feeling this way about you. It's all here: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/NALA/?cid=V7BZZZ&lid=4&ll=1 I'll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in life and love. Your Friend, Christian Carter
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