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The Promise of Love....

The Promise of Love.....

Image result for crying heart love


long ago, there was a young indian girl that lived in the village of her people. she had lived her life the best way she could by honouring the spirits, her ancestors and the elders of her tribe. and she had been blessed. long hair tied with ribbons, a beautiful smile graced her lips. the girl had everything she needed.... except one thing.... she never found a brave that was worthy of her love. oh but many have tried, but she saw through the words they spoke and peered into their soul to see what layeth there. tis the reason she remained alone in life. she was well liked by everyone who she had came in contact with. she never met a stranger she didnt like, at least most of the time. she was even gifted in the ways of talking to the anmals and they felt comfortable being around her.

she was walking with her basket of fresh picked flowers and berries when she noticed a new brave in the camp. she looked on briefly as she noted how strong he had looked, but with soft eyes. she continued with her work as he mingled amongst the others within the camp. seemed as if he had known them from another time because all had welcomed him with open arms. there was much talk that she could not hear from the elders concerning this man. she was too far from them to listen to the words the wise ones spoke of. besides, tis not her place to evesdrop on the elders and conversations.

one day, she ran into this brave while picking berries beside the great oak. he spoke softly greeting her without looking at who had walked up. calling her by name he spoke softly. they continued talking for a few moments until he turned and looked at her. she looked into his eyes for the first time and saw true love. one worthy of such a prized gift that she had to give to one. they spoke for some time and the day grew into night, they sat beneath the oak tree and watched the stars twinkling above them. as the moon slowly came into view from behind the clouds, she could almost see a face looking at her, but was unable to see clearly.

they spoke often after that first meeting. growing closer to one another as the day turned into night, and again into day. time passed quickly and fall of the year was quickly upon them. they had a prosperious summer and had plenty stored to see them through the winter that cometh with biting cold they knew that would surely come. they made their ways preparing everything for the winter ahead of them. the chief and the other elders of the tribe were happy with how hard everyone had done their part in preparing for the winter months ahead of them. they recall too many winters many moons ago when they were not prepared as they should have been and suffered through the winter. longing for spring each day.

the day had come when the young squaw realized the brave she spent her time with was the one she was meant to be with for life. the brave had captured her heart, as well as she captured his.

the young brave went to the elders of the camp and asked  to be united with this squaw for years to come. they all had agreed after talking for many hours. they would be joined in 1 week from this day.

the others began to prepare for the ceremony joining the 2 spirits into one. much was done for the ceremony as well as for the dinner that would follow later that eve.

as the ceremony took place, the young brave spoke of his love for the young squaw and how he would protect her, always be there for her when she had needs, always guide her as she lived out her long life, always by her side... for eternity. these words surprised some that attended the ceremony but the elders of the camp looked on knowingly.

as she turned to take his hand to be led away to their tent, to make it a home, she saw that look in his eyes, the look she saw on the first day they had talked. she knew it was the look of love in his eyes. they spent their afternoon together, the majic they created with one another was great and strong. afterwards, weak and tired, they made their way outside to take part in the celebration feast that had been so kindly prepared for them as well as others. they was many toasts, and great speeches that were made on the couples behalf. all spoke of praises of the couple. the eldest of the elders spoke of the promise the brave had swore to honour. spoke in great detail of an old story that had been past down for many generations. some do not belive in the old story, but were amused nonetheless and had caught everyones attention.

during the winter, a neighborhing tribe had been seen slipping into the camp and taking supplies they needed for survival as they had not provided enough for them to make it through the winter. one day, they had planned on taking over the camp as a great storm and came through and destroyed their camp. they wished to have the camp that stood like the mountains. strong and it had survived the storm. the elders of the neighboring tribe all agreed a battle to take control of the camp was needed if they were to survive the cold winter.

the plans for the battle was made, and planned out well. on the day of the battle that was to be started for control of the camp and its supplies, everyone dressed out in full war makeup, even the horses were covered with relgious markings to speed like the wind, and as steady as the eagles as they sore to great heights. the battle was to be commenced at sun fall. as the sun fell into the night, the members of the tribe prepared for sleep. some stayed up by the fire wrapped in buffalo skin blankets watching the stars speak to them. from out of no wheres came the war cries of the attacking tribe. arrows flying through the air, some hitting intended targets, as others fell harmlessly to the ground. the cries awoken the braves of the camp, and came out ready to defend their home to the death if need be.

the battle was great, many fell, some ran from the violence that came. the camp was prepared for such a battle to come in time as they had seen the other tribe sneaking into camp and stealing supplies. they were ready for the day to come when they couldnt take anymore and decided to attack the peaceful camp. the battle was great... all fought bravely to defend their homes, women and children. for the attacking tribe cared not of the people, but only supplies. when the attacking tribe realized that the attack was not going to be sucsseful, they retreated quickly into the night.

as the women searched for their husbands and cared for the wounded, all had found their mates, family members except for one. she still searched for her new husband that she only took a short time ago. she searched and searched until at least she walked upon him lying in the snow. a piercing scream that could be heard for miles around came from that young girl. she had walked upon and found her mate, lying their in the red snow.

she grieved for him all through winter and when spring came, still she couldnt not forget him and how her heart ached. she went about her chores quietly, hardly ever smiling. one day she was by the old oak tree, picking berries and flowers as she had done many times before. she heard a rustling noise from behind her. she turned and saw no one. she continued picking berries and as she started to weep for her lost love, she caught a glimpse of something walking up to her left. she turned and saw a white wolf, walking slowly towards her. the wolf's head down low, walking every so carefully. as the girl turned to retrieve a knife she had hidden within her deer skin dress, she noticed something. the wolf stoped dead in its tracks and just looked at her. the wolf dropped its head, and almost smiled at her. he started to walk slowly towards the great oak tree and the girl looked closely at the wolf for she had never saw one behave quiet this way. when the wolf came even closer to her she noticed something very different with this wolf, yet so familiar.

she saw the wolf's eyes.... there beneath those eyes she saw the same look of love she had seen in her brave she took as her mate for eternity. the wolf stopped, wimpered softly as the girl looked on and saw a tear fall from the wolf's eyes. the girl opens her arms to the wolf, wrapping her arms around the wolf she cried joyfully. the look in the wolf's eyes told all.

she remembered the story the eldest of the elders spoke of at the wedding feast. because of the love that burned so deep within the brave and the young squaw, and his promise to always be there with her, the Great Spirit took note of this and granited the brave his promise... they were reunited once again, to be with one another for eternity as the brave had asked for and the Great Spirit saw the truth in ones soul, granted him that wish of love for eternity.....

The Cry...

The Cry....

as i wandered the path i choose, i heard a cry from afar. i searched as i walked for the creature this cry came from. the cry was low, and very sad. i searched onward as my feet carried me forward. never knowing from where the cry was coming from.

i continued my path and one day i realized the cry was forever with me. and this cry of dispair was getting closer as each day i traveled. past the hills, the valleys, through many villiages of people laughing and going about their routine as if they never heard this depressing cry. i stopped an old woman once, as i asked her if she did not hear the cry and why no one was searching for the source of such misery. she ignored me as if i was not there. 

 i stopped and looked at the village people continueing on with their busy lives, the cry was getting louder. no one seemed to care that somewheres out there was a creature mourning for some reason. no one dared to search for it, but all was too busy within themselves.

i continued my search walking for days through the cold stinging rain, through fog so thick i could not see where i was walking. i only had the cry to guide me. as i continued on blinded by the elements, i searched low and i searched high... never getting any closer to that desperate cry i heard for so long.

 i continue walking, searching, sometimes i felt as if the source of the cry was just over the next hill, just past the next village.... but alas, no such creature was found to be mourning as i have heard for so long. how long has it been since i first heard the cry? had it been only a day, was it several days? a week, a month.. had it been a year since i first heard that sorrowful sound piercing my ears. how can one cry with such sorrow for so long? how far have i traveled in search of this creature that cries night and day? what could have brought such misery to one? these questions which were plentiful, i had but one answer..... i had to find it. help this poor defenseless creature that cries with such pain.

i continued on walking, running at times but only grew tired and never getting any closer. where could the cry be coming from? i have heard it for a great distance in my traveles. i began to wonder if i was going mad and the sound of tears falling to mother earth was all in my mind. i walked on, consuming what i found along side the dusty road, or through the woods on a small rocky path. i hungered more and more each day. not for food, but for the desperation in finding this poor sad creature that mourns day and night. i began thinking of what could cause such a sound, was it human? maybe an animal? surely neither but either one could be the source. the cry became raspy as the crying continued.

 i walked on. day and night i walked, thinking nothing but the cry piercing my ears, piercing my soul like thousands of tiny daggers ripping at my soul, bleeding it for all its goodness. as i was about to give up my search, i heard the crying louder, as i walked it became even louder with each step. i saw a small hill in the short distance. i strained my weary eyes searching for some sign of life. as i saw a shadow in the far away distance, i began to run. running for all i was worth. have i found this poor creature that has been crying for so long? i began to run faster, my ears trained on the cry. all of a sudden.... the crying stopped. i slowed my pace to a slow walk. how can i loose this sound that has haunted me for so long? i kept walking towards the hill, the shadow swaying softly in the night, only the moon had provided me with enough light to find my way. i continued to walk towards the hill. slowly the shadow became more visable. i thought it to be a wolf  or some wild animal hunched down on all fours.

i cautiously walked on, training my ears and eyes for any sound or sight of danger. as i came closer, i found it to be a young woman kneeling by the tree. i approached her cautiously as i spoke softly to her. she had turned and smiled. the first person that has seen me in so long. i asked her if she had also heard the crying that pierces the night, howling above the noise of the busy towns, people bustling to and fro. i saw the look in her eyes as she softly spoke. she told me of her story. a story of love, and hurt. i learned that she had cried for days after the loss of the one she was with. but the tears stopped flowing.

as she sat here in the darkness, i heard the cry of great dispair once again. she dropped her head and spoke in a whisper... tis my heart crying that you heard. you have came to me when no other would.......

A drunk man in an Oldsmobile They said had run the light That caused the six-car pileup On 109 that night. When broken bodies lay about And blood was everywhere, The sirens screamed out eulogies, For death was in the air. A mother, trapped inside her car, Was heard above the noise; Her plaintive plea near split the air: Oh, God, please spare my boys! She fought to loose her pinned hands; She struggled to get free, But mangled metal held her fast In grim captivity. Her frightened eyes then focused On where the back seat once had been,But all she saw was broken glass and Two children's seats crushed in. Her twins were nowhere to be seen; She did not hear them cry, And then she prayed they'd been thrown free, Oh, God, don't let them die! Then firemen came and cut her loose, But when they searched the back, They found therein no little boys, But the seat belts were intact. They thought the woman had gone mad And was traveling alone, But when they turned to question her, They discovered she was gone. Policemen saw her running wild And screaming above the noise In beseeching supplication, Please help me find my boys! They're four years old and wear blue shirts; Their jeans are blue to match. One cop spoke up, They're in my car, And they don't have a scratch. They said their daddy put them there And gave them each a cone, Then told them both to wait for Mom To come and take them home. I've searched the area high and low, But I can't find their dad. He must have fled the scene, I guess, and that is very bad. The mother hugged the twins and said, While wiping at a tear, He could not flee the scene, you see, For he's been dead a year. The cop just looked confused and asked, Now, how can that be true? The boys said, Mommy, Daddy came And left a kiss for you. He told us not to worry And that you would be all right, And then he put us in this car with The pretty, flashing light. We wanted him to stay with us, Because we miss him so, But Mommy, he just hugged us tight And said he had to go. He said someday we'd understand And told us not to fuss, And he said to tell you, Mommy, He's watching over us. The mother knew without a doubt That what they spoke was true, For she recalled their dad's last words, I will watch over you. The firemen's notes could not explain The twisted, mangled car, And how the three of them escaped Without a single scar. But on the cop's report was scribed, In print so very fine, An angel walked the beat tonight on Highway 109. He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare. This morning when the Lord opened a window to Heaven, He saw me, and he asked: 'My child, what is your greatest wish for today?' I responded: 'Lord please, take care of the person who is reading this message, their family and their special friends. They deserve it and I love them very much. ' ANGELS EXIST but some times, since they don't all have wings, we call them FRIENDS.
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