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Siska's blog: "Contract"

created on 09/25/2006  |  http://fubar.com/contract/b6649

Chapter one

CONTRACT Chapter 1 It was 3pm on a Thursday afternoon. Christina sat at her computer desk listening to some of Gorillaz music and thinking of how her and her husband had met. She thought about it as she wrote things down in her laptop computer. Was it really only three years ago when she first saw him? Christina remembered the clearing where she first saw him. Both had noticed each other at the same time but only she ran from him. "Why did I fall in love with him?" She sighed as she put the head phones on and turned up the music so everything else was drowned out. 3 years ago Another bead of sweat dropped as Chris dropped the final bundle of twigs into the shed at the side of her home. Winter was coming soon and she was going to need a lot more to keep her settled up for the coming season. Time like these really made her miss her father, it was usually him who did all the backbreaking chores while she did all the simple chores of cooking and cleaning while he was around. Now that he was gone, she was forced to do both sides of the work from now one, making her body more physically active than before. It had been atleast 4 years, and despite her now leaner, active body her back still ached the same. "I miss you Dad..." she murmered.... and bent backwards creating a low cracking sound. "Ugh..." As she was preparing to go in the house, she turned to see her dog sitting still at the edge of the fence just looking off into the distance. When Chris called her, Brownie didn't come. "What is it girl? What do you see out there?" She walked over to where her dog sat and looked out into the trees. "There is nothing out there. Just a bunch of trees. Come on it's getting cold out here." Chris bent down to pick up the meduim sized dog and scratched the back of the dogs head. Chris looked up at the sky as she reached the edge of her house. "Bad weather is coming." she whispered to no one in particular. The clouds ranged in shades from the evening sun saying it's farewell's for the day and also ranged in the shades of gray to dark blue. Christina sighed as she walked up the creaking steps to the porch. She took one final look out onto her land before opening and closing the door behind her with her dog snuggled in her arms. Some distance away... A young man wearing slightly torn, dark clothing was trudging through the uneven ground and high-roots of the forest, carrying a large brown sack over his right shoulder. He then slightly hopped onto a small summit of roots and took a moment to survey his surroundings. "Okay Van..." he whispered to himself. "Which way now...?" Before Van could make that decision however, a small black cat suddenly leaped onto his left shouler and looked him square in the face. "What?" he asked. The cat answered a blunt, "Meow." Van immediantly frowned. "I'm not lost Kuro..." "Meow." "No I'm not." "Meow." "No I'm not." "Meow." "NO I'M NOT! Now get the hell off me!!" He then jerked his shoulder, causing Kuro to tumble off rather violently with a loud, "WAWR~!" Van rubbed his shoulder where he was on. "Your nails dig into my skin..." He murmered. As Van rubbed he noticed the area suddenly got darker. He looked up into the cracks of sky concealed by the tall, wide trees and saw that the sun appeared to have been covered by dark, blue clouds. Hmm, seems it's gonna rain heavy today. Better make camp for now... Back at the house.. Christina set down the dog while walking through the hallway. Lights began to flicker on as she passed each one. "This is why we live alone my friend. If anyone knew of my abilites, I would surly be captured and you would be out of a home." The dog followed her into the bathroom and then sat in the door frame while watching her master strip from the soiled clothes she had on. Brownie watched as the water was turned on to feel the tube. Finally she laid down as to guard her master from anyone beyond the bathroom door. Chris stepped into the tube and sat down, inching herself into the warm/hot tube. "This feels good on my sore body. Sure you don't want to join me my pet?" She looked at her dog in amuzement as the dog turned its back on her. "Awwww...are you still mad at me for throwing you into the pond?" She laughed as the dog growled her disapporval on the matter. "But where would I be if you were not around Brownie? Probably lost in despair and boredom? You make my life more enjoyable." The dog only grunted as it laid its head down on it's paws. Christina laid her head back on the rim of her tub, hair starting to plaster to the rim of the tub and her face giving, everyone who could see, a visual of her ears and who she was. Being any part of an elf was dangerous....even if she was only a half-breed. She knew the dangers of it and especially snice she could weild magic. That is why her father kept her hidden away from the rest of the human world even though she could pass as a human with her reddish-brown hair and her eyes which were different colors. One eye was blue while the other was a sea green. From a distance, the same but close up, the difference could be told. She sighed as she remembered why she remained in solitude. Christina had gone to grab the soap until it slipped out of her hands and onto the floor. When she opened her eyes and bent over the tub to grab the soap, she noticed Brownie was no longer in the door way. "Guess she had to go outside." She shrugged and went back to cleaning her dirty body. Some distance away... "So..." Van asked, bringing out his arms out to what seemed to be a ill-attempt of a simple tent. "What you think?" Kuro just sat upright, staring blankly at the small, collapsed shelter. ...What the hell is this crap? Then he heard a strange sound and twisted his head behind him, staring out into deep forest. Van immediatly noticed his change of attention. "Hmm? What's up?" Without a even a meow, Kuro dashed away toward the area he was looking at leaving Van stunned. "HEY! Where you going!?" He ran to follow him. Then, as if forgetting something, he ran back to small tent, getting out a long slender object wrapped in white cloth and belt and continued after him. "Damned Cat..." Back at the house.... Chris set up in the tub as she heard her dog barking at something. She grabbed a towel off the chair beside the tub and wrapped herself in it as she stood up. "Brownie?" She called as she started to walk out of the bathroom and down the hall. Halfway down the hall, she opened the closet door and pulled out two ancient looking blades that had dragons wrapped around the handle with a single jewel as the eye for both. The blade itself had runes on it. After grabbing the blades, she walked to the front to see the dog barking at the door or what was beyond it "Hold on, let me get my robe and then we will go out." But too late. The dog rushed out the dog door before she could grab anything to cover herself and the towel she was in. "Dammit dog." After she robed herself, she rushed out the door too see what her dog was so anxious about. Standing on her porch, she saw six people stand beyond her fence. "What do you want?!" All six of them turned their heads towards her and held up weapons as they came closer to the house. Chris raised her blades in front of her. "Stay back!" She ordered. They didn' t listen."I said stay back!" Her blades began to glow red and blue. "Or I'll~!" "Seal her." One of them said. Two more people suddenly emerged from the side of her home aiming grenade launchers. They fired simutanously. Chris immediatly crossed the blades in front of her, preparing a proctective spell. However, the grenades didn't explode on impact, instead they stuck into the ground a few feet from her. Before Chris could begin to wonder what happened, small antenna-like devices emerged from the top of the grenades and a pillar of white light roared between them, right where Chris stood. An immeasurable amount of pain suddenly flooded her body, causing her to scream uncontrolably. Every muscle in her body tightened, she felt she would shatter her own spine. As the current continued to circulate through her, the blades in her hands slipped from her hands, dropping to the ground. The red and blue glow faded. When the pillar of the light finally ended, Chris dropped to her knees, gasping for breath. But before she could either do that, the two armed men used two long poles, each holding half of a collar, and clamped it around her neck. Then, like shoving a restaint dog, they threw her back, hitting and stunning her head against her own house door. "Get the blades." The man ordered. "NO!" Chris tried to resist, but as she did, she felt a surge of electricity flow through her every time she did. It wasn't as intense as before, but it was enough to keep her weakened and dazed. "Shut up," the man said uncaring. "Or do you want the Bitch to die first?" He held up a small battered dog by its collar and let it fall to the ground. "Brownie!" "I said shut up." He turned to his men. "Hurry and pick them up and place them in the cases." Chris hurt all over but she couldn't allow them to take her or her dog to wherever they planned to take her. "You will not take us anywhere!" She shouted as the clouds became even darker then before. Loud clasps of thunder began to sound as lightening began to dance arcoss the clouds. The men started walking towards Chris when a bolt of lightening hit both of them. "What the hell is going on?! Hurry up and grab her you idoits!!" The leader shouted as he looked at the two men that were cooked to a crisp. Chris focused on her dog and muttered something under her breath. Bringing the dog to her by a spell,she cuddled the dog close to her as she watched the lightening dance with each man. Chris could no longer take the pressure on her body or the pain that coursed through her body. Her vision began to become hazy and her mind foggy as the power she was using slipped from her. The two men who were left standing watched her as she collasped to the porch beside her dog. They began to inch their way toward her as the lightening backed off. Seeing that she still had the collars around her neck, they hurried up and grabbed the poles and pulled her off the porch. One of the man walked up to her body and examined her from head to toe. "Too bad we can't have any fun with her first. She looks like she would be a great lay. I wonder if she is a virgin." He bent down and ran a hand from her neck to her chest opening her robe slightly enough to show the top of her breast's. "Dude, are you nut's? She's dangerous. Let's get her in the van before she can do anything else to us." "Just one sec." The guy over Chris smirked like the devil. "This is no time to be Fucking around." The leader said. "The orders were to take her to HQ unharmed." "The hell i care what the top brass--" "It wasn't just from the top-brass, you dumb-ass," the leader added. "It came from the head honcho himself." The man suddenly went dead silent. "But Hell. Go ahead, have your fun, see if I care if it'll be the last thing you be 'ABLE' to do if he ever found out she was ripped." Immedietly the man began to drag Chris' unconcious to the van, while uttering shallow, "Shit..." As he did, the leader removed a red grenade from his belt, flicked off the pin, and threw it into the house. As the man picked up the blades with each hand walked toward the van, a roaring red flame engulfed the inside of the home, emmitting a fiery orange glow protruding from every window of the old home. Van had been chasing Kuro for atleast a half-hour till he finally caught site of him siting in the middle of a small trail. He dropped to his knees right in exhaustion while Kuro just sat upright, looking at him. He didn't look tired one bit. "Where.. The.. Hell you going?" Van panted. Kuro took a secound to look around... Then he looked at Van again and made a short purr and meow. Van immediatly went wide-eyed. "WHAT YOU MEAN 'NEVERMIND'!?!" He purred again. "I don't care what you thought you heard! " He meowed. "Oh, ho ho ho... Damn right you gonna be sorry ..." With that, he quickly grabbed his tail and held him up. As Kuro hung like possum he made meows very similiar to crying... "I save your life and this is the thanks I get!?" "Meeeoooooowwww...." ToT "Just for this, I'm gonna carry your black-ass like this all the way back to-- OH SHIT!!" Van quickly jumped to the side as a van suddenly appeared before them. As he did, the truck immediatly steered into the other direction off road and slamming into a large tree. Van laid on his stomach, the item wrapped in cloth suprisingly still in this right hand and Kuro... Hey, where was Kuro? "Kuro... Where are you?" Van squinted, trying to recover. A shallow meow replied and Van looked under himself, finding Kuro flatted like a road-killed cat under him. "Oh, sorry about that." "Meow...." "Hey, look at the bright side. Atleast you didn't get crushed by the van." Kuro squinted. Speak for yourself.... As Van slowly got up, two angry men from within the van emerged from the crushed vehicle. Van smiled meekly and was about to ask if they were alright before one of them said, "What fuck you doing on the road you dumb-ass mother-fucker?!" Van was immediately stunned with his mouth wide open. Usually Van wouldn't bother making senseless fights and he tried to avoid them when all possible. But what was this bullshit about? Pedestrians had right-of-way and he would've gotten more injured than they would. Son of a... No way he was taking this bullshit! "What the hell you call me you damn monkey-fucker!?" "What!?" Kuro meowed loadly at Van. "Quiet Kuro, let me handle this." "Oh so this bum talks to cats too eh? Hey CAT!" Kuro looked at him. "Why don't you and your gay lover go and get your asses out of here? Go fuck off in the woods." Kuro pranced up, his hairs standing out straight as he hissed at him. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY TO ME?!? "OH yeah?" Van countered. "Well what the hell was up with that driving? You suckin on his knob?" The argument was just to its critical point when suddenly the back door of the van broke open. Silence broke between two sides as a hand of a lifeless body seemed to fall out and fall to the dirt road. Both sides just stared silently at the hand.... then they looked at each other. After what seemed like a 20 seconds of silence, one of the men said to the other, "Kill him." As one of the men pointed a gun at him. "This is all your fault Kuro..." "Meow?" Chris moaned as her hand hit the dirt. She heard noises close by. A fight? In her mind she saw three men battleing each other. As she rolled over to her side, she tried to sit up but found she couldn't. She moved her other hand to her side to feel for her dog. "Brownie?" she whispered as she brought the dog to her. Somehow, she manged to pick up the dog and crawl out of the truck while all three men were occupied. She slowley got to her feet with the dog in her arms and walked off into the patches of trees that would hide her from the men who had taken her. "Hey c'mon guys." Van smiled. "You don't wanna do that." "Yes we do." The man with the gun answered. "No you don't." "Yes we do." "No you don't." "Yes we do." "No you don't." "Yes we do." As the two bickered on, the other man stared peculiarly at the kid. There something familiar about his clothes. Though they were worn and torn to an extent, he knew he'd seen something like them before. And what was it that that cloth covered thing he was holding in his hand...? Better not take any chances. "Will you shut the hell up and shoot him already?" And with that the man fired his gun. Kuro, as in some insane action, suddenly jumped in front of Van, the bullet penetrating his midtorso. He fell dead to the ground. "KURO!" The man with the gun grinned. However, to his surprise, the kids face suddenly turned to annoyance. "Dammit, that couldve hit me! You couldnt have jumped any earlier?" At first they thought that the kid was insane. However, it wasn't until they saw the cat suddenly got right back up to its feet and shake its head from all the dirt he fell in. Despite the large bloody hole in its torso, it acted as if he just got out of a bath. Kuro gave Van an annoyed meow. "No, you shut up," Van answered. "C'mon, you take the left one, I got the right one." The gun shook in the right man's hand. "I-I shot him!" "Yup. And now you've pissed him off.... Sickim Kuro." Immediatly, Kuro's body tensed and the hairs of his body pointed outward. His snarling meow slowly began to get louder and lower. His body suddenly muscled and his claws and teeth began to grow. In loud, crackling bursts, Kuro body began to get larger in size and suddenly, in less than a few seconds he was about the equal size and shape as a black couger. As the bullet wound in his torso healed with a fiery flame, is eyes glowed red and his horns, claws, and teeth shined bright white as he laid eyes on his target (or prey as it would). "What the HELL is that!?" The man shrieked. "Something thats gonna kick you ass right about Now." In blurring speed, the changed Kuro dashed forward and pranced onto the armed man. The man next to him immediately went for his gun. "No you dont." Van smiled as he dashed toward him. "Its ME you gotta worry about." The belt of the cloth in Vans hand had unbuckled and the white cloth flew off, revealing a shining, silver, engraved sword. The man recognized it immediately. A Paladin!? Off in the woods, clashing of swords and guns fireing could be heard through the trees that bothered the ears of a certain dog and a bruised up woman. The dog stirred while her master still laid on the ground. Brownie stood up and looked over at her master, walked over to her and nudged her face a little. Chris only moaned signalling to the dog that she would be alright. After staying with her a few moments ,while the ground covered her in leaves and vines, she ran off towards the noise that was emitting through the trees. The wind ran past the dog while a few branches tried to reach out and grab her but she was too fast for anything to stop her. Light began to penatrate through the opening of the woods. Once Brownie came upon the exit of the woods, she lept onto the truck to sniff around for the swords that were left behind. "Stupid humans." she thought as she jumped off the top of the truck and went to look in the back of it. "Found yall." Brownie turned towards the men and barked. "Hey isn't that the girl's mutt?" "What the hell, that thing was half dead with her. What is it with these animals? " One of the men said while he laid underneath the large cat. The other man ran off after the dog. " Sorry Mike, but the girl is important." The man called Mike looked at his friend with wide eyes. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" he shouted but was shut up by the huge cat. The dog jumped into the truck as the man came closer. As he peered in the back of the truck, he saw nothing. Not even the blades that laid back there. The dog suddenly appeared ontop of the truck and growled at the man below her with her masters blades in her mouth. Brownie turned her head to Van and Kuro and just stared at them. "Come here you stupid mutt!!!" He shouted as he jumped for the top of the truck forgetting all about Van and Kuro. The runes on the blade started to glow. Brownie growled at him. The blades made it too heavy for her to run so she would have to-- "HEY!" Van yelled as he suddenly dashed up and grabbed the guy by the back of his shirt. "Dont you Fuckin ignore me asshole!" He brought the guy to the ground and started wailing on his face. "This! Is What! You get! For trying! To fuck! With me!!" As both animals watched, they couldnt help but flinch as the Van continued to pound the poor guy with hilt of the sword. "Get up here!!" he brought the guys bloodied head up and POW! Head butted him into submission. Brownie and Kuro turned their heads. "Rest in peace monkey-fucker" Van got up and took a look at the dog. It just stared at him, the blades still glowing in its mouth. "Uh Yo." Van answered. The dog then growled and barked at him. Dropping one of the swords to the ground. Wide-eyed, Brownie looked at the dropped sword beneath her. "BROWNIE, YOU IDIOT!" "Hmm? Whats this?" Van bent over and picked up the glowing blade. "OH CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!" In a panic, Brownie jumped off the truck and ran into the forest with the remaining blade in her mouth." "HEY WHERE YOU GOING!?" he ran after her. "Cmon Kuro, help me out!" In a red flash, Kuro reverted back to his smaller self, and followed after van Then he went back over back to his unconscious prey, made long and quick scratches on his face, and went back on his way. He giggled evilly, "Kukukukukukuku~!" >3 The blade still in her mouth, Brownie ran as fast as she could making zig and zags to lose the human and cat behind her. She needed to return the blade to her master and go after the other one. If the blade remained in the humans hand, it would lead him straight to her masters spot and the dog couldn't have that. Finally reaching the resting spot of her master, she laid the sword down beside her and bounded off again to get the other blade back. Sniffing the air twice she had caught the scent of them and they were close. Running back into the direction she came from she saw them standing still and looking around, the cat sniffing the air. Brownie growled and ran right for them knocking Van down in surprise. "Hey dog, what was that for!!?" Van yelled as the dog came back for him but aimed for his arm and the hand that held the sword. Brownie knocked the sword out of his grip on her second run as Van watched her. "Oh, I get it. Something special about that thing huh?" Van stood up and waited till Brownie was close enough to grab her but when the dog got close to his hands, she disappeared and reappeared with the sword in her mouth. Kuro started laughing as Van gave the cat a nasty look. "Stay away human or I'll kill you!" The dog got into a fighting stance and kept growling and barking at the two while she backed off into the shadows of the trees. Van scratched his head in wonder as the dog disappeared. Ah What the hell.. He thought. Why the heck was he following the dog anyway? This had nothing to do with him. Screw it, the mutt can go ahead and have the blade for all he cared. "Lets go Kuro." He began to walk away and Kuro followed. "Meow?" "Im not giving up." Van answered. "I just dont see the point of all this crap anymore. And besides, I got my own blade." He held it up in front of him. "I dont anoth--" He stopped short. He squinted at the sword he held. ".Oh hell no." Brownie dashed a few more feet till she was right back at her masters side. She dropped the blade next to her. Immediately, Chris held her up and rubbed her head. "Good Girl! I can always count on you!" Brownie barked. Chris then picked up the blade and looked at it with a smile. Which immediately turned into a frown. "Umm Brownie What is this?" Brownie looked at the blade. The blade was glowing Glowing a bright white color. And the blade looked a little more broader The hilt a little longer Brownie went wide-eyed. Youve gotta be kidding me! "Nyahhhh~!" Van barked at him. "Shut up! Quit makin fun of me! "Meow, meow~!" "I said shut up! Cmon we gotta find that mutt. That thing could be burying it in the ground for all we know." Chris looked at the blade closely taking in the design and the make of it. Her eyes widen as she figures it out. "This is a paladin's sword. They hardly come out here." Chris set Brownie down on the ground and used both swords to help her off the ground. "I'm still weak even after this tree gave me it's strength. I can't fight a Palladian right now." The dog barked while Chris sighed. "No, he might kill you Brownie and I can't have that." The dog barked again. "Fine, but you will meet me in the clearing understand? You don't get close to him or his pet for any reason....you just try and lead him as far away from me as possible. DO NOT TRY AND GET MY SWORD BACK!! Not now anyway. Go and be careful. The dog ran off towards the human male and his cat while Chris watched in concern. After a few minutes, she turned around and headed in the opposite of her dog, making her way to the destination as fast as she could. She coughed and went down on one knee. "Father...." she whispered. "I need help." Standing up again, she used both swords as walking staves to keep her steady and kept walking. Brownie bound her way to the human. They were too close to her master for comfort. Thinking of a way to distract them, she came upon them barking and growling and ran past them in hopes they would follow. She would take them back to the van and then leave them there while she returned to her master. That was her plan anyway. "What the fuck dog? What the hell did we do to you?" Brownie kept barking and would walk backwards a little just to show she wanted them to follow her. "What you think Kuro?" he asked when he noticed the dog didn't have his sword. "Hey, the mutt doesn't have my sword. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WITH MY BLADE MUTT?" the dog ran off. Van went steaming red. "THAT LITTLE~!" He began to run after him when Kuro suddenly meowed loudly at him. "What is it?" Kuro turned his body the other direction, pointing the other way. "You sure?" Van asked. Kuro meowed. "Hmmm. Well I dont know. The mutt went this way, so--HUH?" He stopped. He looked at the blade in his hand, it began to glow a brighter blue than before. Experimenting, he pointed the sword in both directions. It glowed brighter in the direction Kuro was facing. Within the darkness of some bushes, Brownie stared at what the human was doing. Damn, hes figured it out! Van scratched his head. If the two blades that dog was carrying were connected somehow, perhaps where it hid the other one, his own was nearby "Well, by this thing I guess our best bet would be that way, huh? Alright then, lead on." Kuro lead on and Van followed. Brownie was not pleased. Crap crap crap crap!! Gotta stop that cat! In desperation she flashed out of the bushes, ran up, and CHOMP! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! Van ran around frantically. The small mutt clamped on rear tail like an anchor. Kuro couldnt do anything but watch. .And laugh. Van was practically in tears. "WWAAAHHHHHHH! LET ME GOOOO~!!" After a few desperate shakes of his hips, the mutt managed to lose its grip and tear a piece of clothing off, releasing Van from its torture. Van immediately did a small dance, to shake away the pain. "Ooooo ya ya ya ya ya!! Oooooh my butt!" With the small piece of black cloth in its mouth, Brownie repeated her stance and growled at him. Surprisingly however, as soon as the Van was done "recuperating," he suddenly gave her a death glare stronger than her own. "YOU DAMN MUTT! Thats it!! Your ass is MINE! KURO!!!" Without her notice, the cat, now transformed in its larger form, was suddenly behind Brownie with its teeth glaring at her. It gave it mountain-lion-like roar at her. There wouldnt be any time for her to run. Crap! Kuro leaped forward. Chris remained waiting at the clearing, sitting among the tall grass. She continued to wait patiently for Brownie but to no avail. She felt a little better however, the pain nearly subsided and she walked more easily, but she wasnt at all battle ready if that Paladin ever did get to her. Sitting on the ground, she tightened her grip on the swords as she was the sun beginning to set. Then runes on her arms began to glow Chris immediately got up, still a rather weak she looked around. Her sword was nearing. Could the Paladin have reached her? She feared the worse for her dear dog. Still she didnt see anything tall and human amongst the tall grass. She took a chance and called out. "Brownie??" Almost immediately she saw a small ruffle in the tall-grass nearby. The ruffling then began to move toward her, as if a small animal was running to her. In relief, Chris smiled and knelt down to great the dog in open arms However her smile was replaced with frown as the dog was replaced with a black cat instead. "Meow?" Chris heart skipped a beat when she assumed what would happened next. "HEY, slow down!" The Paladin yelled as he entered her area from within the wall of tall grass, carrying a stick over his shoulder and a annoyed look on his face. "I cant see you with all this--!" He went silent. As he noticed her on the ground, and him abover her, they both went silent. Both not knowing what would happen next.
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