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59 Year Old · Female · From Topeka, KS · Invited by: Bixi · Joined on January 21, 2007 · Born on April 8th · 1 referrals joined!
59 Year Old · Female · From Topeka, KS · Invited by: Bixi · Joined on January 21, 2007 · Born on April 8th · 1 referrals joined!

~A Few Years ago~ why i am the way i am... 9/6/04
We were almost Killed when our house filled with Carbon Monoxide from the Gas powered Genarator OUTSIDE a Window that got knocked out when a tree fell on our house durring the Hurricane (we did not know this till it was too late)if not for the dogs they were trying with everything they had to wake me up we would be dead... Well by the time we all got out i made sure the family first then i went back in and got the pets ...my Youngest Daughter got outside she was so bad it was real hard to get a pulse on her...
By the time the EMT's got to us they had to wait since the winds were too high(anything over 70 mph winds the EMTs will not respond) for them to come out to us i had her semi-laying on the driveway in my lap getting 80+ MPH fresh air blowing over her and was trying to keep the rain off her while the Pets (2 greyhounds 1 chihuahua 1 cat and my sugar gliders in a small cage) all were in the van that was blocked in the driveway by another tree that had fallen with the A/c running trying to keep them calm and get them fresh air as well about that time i heard the EMT's trying to get down our road that was a real a trick with all the fallen trees and Elec Wires but they made it and got us to the hosp... where they told us 10-20 mins more in the house we would not be here... they kept us in the Hosp for 72 hrs on Forced O2...
ANYONE WHO HAS A GENERATER SHOULD HAVE A CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR Since Carbon Monoxide can not be smelled or seen it can kill you in Your sleep.. it almost did us ...

My Prayer for you
May the angels keep you till morning,
May they guide you through the night,
May they comfort all your sorrows,
May they help you win the fight.
May they keep watch on your soul,
May they show you better ways,
May they guard you while you're sleeping,
May they see you through your days.
May they show you new hopes,
May they still your every doubt,
May they calm your every fear,
May they hear you when you shout.
May the angels keep you till morning,
More than this, I cannot pray,
And if the angels ever fail you,
Then may God be there that day.
MY ABC's "Dirty ABC Song Lyrics"
Y and Z
Oh how happy you will be once I teach you my ABC
A is for asphyxiation you won't catch your breath
B is for the blindfold that keeps you dark as death
C is for your cockroach that I squash beneath my shoe,
while I watch you wiggle and laugh at you (ha ha)
D is for my dildo that you will learn to blow
E is for your enema, I control the flow
F is for my flogger, I whip you so violent
G is for the gag in place to keep your screaming silent
H is for humiliation that you must bear
I will imobilize you in my sexual lair
J is for your jizzy, jerking tendency
K for kisses
L for love, and licks you offer me
M is for the manacles imprisoned in your feet
N is for your nelly little nimby so sweet
O is for the O-rings holding you in place
P is for the persperation dripping down your face
Q is for the quirk I use to whip your eager azz
R is for restraints to make the magic last
S is for sweet suffering that only you will know
T is for the torment that keeps you on the go as I claim for my own your body, mind and soul
U is for unbridaled lust that only I control,
V is for the vicious urge to struggle in vain,
while I tease and tantalize you and eroticise your pain
W is where the wily woman walks
X is for excruciating X rated talk
Y is your the yo yo I yank upon your string,
Z is for the zestfulness with which you will submit,
watch you yell and holler with all the pleasure that it brings

Now I've taught you every letter so remember all of it!
Once I've warmed it you will cry, and I'll wipe your teary eye

Twinkle twinkle little S!ut, now I spank your naughty butt
Don't forget the lessons learned or your rumpsticks will be burned.

K-I-N-K spells S-E-X
A-B-C you and me
F-U-N spells K-I-N-K
ABC's of S-E-X

Ba ba black sheep in my school,
after graduation things will never be the same.
you'll be shorn of all your wool,a lesson in submission another in pain,

You'll become my grumbling fool,
A-B-C You and me
drowning in a puddle of your own drool.

Y and Z

Oh how happy I will be, once I teach you the kinky ABC
A-B-C you and me
A-B-C you and me
Never say your happy when your sad… never say your fine when your not ok… never say you feel good when you feel bad… and never say your alone while I'm still alive.
I'm Aries the Ram maybe that is why I'm hardheaded and I live In topeka Kansas But we just moved from Central Florida well the East Coast of Florida USA ... but was Born in Kansas City Missouri...
Sometime When You Miss Someone So Bad That You Just Want To Pick Them Up From Your Dream And Hug Them For Real.
Because Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around so remember You are never far away if you are in someone’s thoughts....
*hugs* to any and all who want or need them...
I'm a Mother of 3 Daughters 30 29 19 and a "other Mother to 2 Kids and a Grandma to 5 I'm a Lover a Friend to any who need or want one and a wife i'm what i need to be at the time.. I guess you can say I have won the Jack Pot of life!
Remember Live Much Laugh Lots and Love Enough =^;^=
I'm always on Yahoo or MSN just ask for the Screen name if ya want =^;^= *
We have a 2 male Cats one who is who is 9 yrs old and one who is almost a year old and 6 Ferrets and a 9 year old female chihuahua and a 4 month old rat terrier so I have a small zoo i care for lol
we just lost our Sugar gliders so RIP my sweetbabies to know more about Sugar Gliders see link below ~they make the Sweetest babies~
Ok things are back to rotten here Lets Hope they start getting better...I have been under a great deal more Stress (If you know me you know what all is going on) all i can say is If you pray to anyone please pray for me and my family... WE need all the good thoughts we can get.. I am so greatful to all my friends here who got me thru the hardest time i have even known thanks more than you know I love ya all!!!*hugs* =^;^= updated 11/-/07

P.S. Sometimes it is hard not to hurt the ones we care about but hope time heals the wounds enough to be able to be friends in time ...

We may not be able to share a kiss tonight,
But we can share the stars.
So pick out the brightest one you can find tonight and know that I've claimed it for you,
And wished upon it with all my heart...
Let it Quiet Sparkle be my kiss,
And a Simple reminder of how much you are Loved and missed!!!! XOXOXO
enough with all that now the songs...
~A Good song~
opening song to the "L word"
Girls in tight dresses, who drag with mustaches
Chicks driving fast on bikes with long lashes
Women who long love lost, women who give
This is the way, it's the way that we live
Talking, Laughing,Loving,Breathing, Fighting,Fu*king,Crying, Drinking,Writing,Winning, Losing,Cheating,Kissing, Thinking,
This is the way, it's the way that we live.
It's the way that we live....And Love...! .

~I Knew I Loved You
Savage Garden~

from "Affirmation"
Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes
I see my future in an instant
And there it goes
I think I've found my best friend
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

There's just no rhyme or reason
Only this sense of completion
And in your eyes
I see the missing pieces
I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

A thousand angels dance around you
I am complete now that I've found you

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
~The Dildo Song~
What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs. It makes a buzzity sound. Its long a shlong a marvelous dong.
Everyone knows it's Dildo! What fits in a sock feels better than c0ck and unlike a man it is slow. It vibrates a bit feels great on your clit. Everyone knows it's Dildo!
It's Dildo! It's Dildo! It's big, it's fleshy, it's ribbed! It's Dildo! It's Dildo! Yes thats right its ribbed!
What fits in your crack? Some even have sacs.The penis you dont have to blow! Their not just for gays they use double A's! Everyone knows it's Dildo!
A Dildo-Dog, A Dildo-Plane. Many more vibrating toys. You turn the knob, they buzz and throb. Feels great in girls and boys
*Spokesman says*
Yes thats right folks Dildo brand dildos arn't just for women anymore. We also make a long line of Buttplugs!...
What makes you cum? And fits in your bum. Some of them even can glow.A Dink! A Dink, in marvelous pink! Everyone knows it's Dildo! Along fleshy tube use oil-based lube. Not just for the neighborhood hoes. For a girl on the go, no time for a beau.It makes the perfect fellow! They're Dildos! They're Dildos! The sex toy everyone likes.
They're Dildos! They're Dildos! For Gay men and even for dykes!


The paradox of our time in history is that we have~~
taller buildings but shorter tempers,
wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints...
We spend more but have less,
We buy more but enjoy less...
We have bigger houses and smaller families,
more conveniences but less time...
We have more degrees but less sense,
more knowledge but less judgment,
more experts yet more problems,
more medicine but less wellness...
We drink too much, smoke too much,
spend too recklessly, laugh too little,
drive too fast, get too angry,
stay up too late, get up too tired,
read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom...
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values...
We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often... We've learned how to make a living, but not a life...
We've added years to life, not life to years...
We've been all the way to the moon and back,
but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor...
We conquered outer space but not inner space...
We've done larger things, but not better things...
We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul...
We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice...
We write more, but learn less...
We plan more, but accomplish less...
We've learned to rush, but not to wait...
We build more computers to hold more information,
to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less...
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion,
big men and small character,
steep profits and shallow relationships...
These are the days of two incomes but more divorce,
fancier houses, but broken homes...
These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers,
throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies,
and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill...
It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.
Remember, spend some time with your loved ones,
because they are not going to be around forever...
Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side... Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent... Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it... A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you... Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday
that person will not be there again... Give time to love, give time to speak, and give time
to share the precious thoughts in your mind...

And please keep our deployed brothers, sisters, and their families in our thoughts and prayers ~~~~

This was done for the Troops by my youngest daughter when she was 14
April 3, 2003
Tie A Yellow Ribbons
Cars are going by, Shops are opening for Business and yet at that exact moment people are killing and being killed In order to protect our rights.
Should we go on like nothings happening? Not acknowledging the fighting as if it’s not really going on?
Should we ignore the woman who’s life and love just died protecting us? Should we turn our backs on the baby who will never know her momma?
Should we just forget the men and woman who are risking their own lives for our Country… NO I don't believe so. I tie a Yellow ribbon on the bush in front, giving the Families
Who are missing their loved ones Support.
I tie a Yellow Ribbon for the Students Who are missing their Teacher.
I tie a Yellow Ribbon for the people who are fighting and dying To make sure we aren’t enslaved by a cruel rule. And for the men and woman who make up this Country And those protecting our rights, our Beliefs and our Lives.
I tie a Yellow Ribbon for as long as I have those
Yellow Ribbons I will not lose a spark of hope
That the men and woman are protecting.
Now cars are going by and shops are closing for the day And that is what is able to happen because Of the Men and Woman of this Beautiful Country.
~May God Bless and Keep them all in His Care~

59 Year Old · Female · From Topeka, KS · Invited by: Bixi · Joined on January 21, 2007 · Born on April 8th · 1 referrals joined!

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  • thedukePsycokitty
    Hello and welcome. Hope you have fun

    8 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Psycokitty
    And a pleasure to meet you my dear - 666's are almost as good as 77 ;-)~

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Psycokitty
    Thanks for the comment on my pic! No, not taken at the"trap" - haven't been there in a couple of years (assuming you mean the old Booby Trap) - it was taken over at the Laundrabar by campus (in my 'hood as it were) Take care beautuiful!

    16 years ago · Reply
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  • dogmoozPsycokitty
    Leaving a 10 for you, have a good one and stop by my page sometime. Feel free to add me.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Leyhela MAMA Ho...Psycokitty
    Hey sweetie yeah ive been doing good and enjoying being a mom... How r u ???

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  • scottPsycokitty
    feel free to add me as a freind

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  • Someone ⇒ Psycokitty
    thanks for droppin by

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  • Someone ⇒ Psycokitty

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  • Someone ⇒ Psycokitty

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  • Someone ⇒ Psycokitty
    Thanx for coming by,Leaving you a 10 for your bitchin profile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Graphic by Silverywitch Creations

    17 years ago · Reply
  • AndrePsycokitty
    You are so special!Today is".. Buddy Day".Send this to your ..friends - even me, if I'm one of them - and see how many youget today! ~xoxo!!___________________________#__#_________________________#__##__#________________#########_#____#_#________########____________##_#_#_____##__##____________________#_#____##_#___#_____________________#____#_#___#_________________##___#____#_#__##___________#######_____#____#__#_#_________###________##__#_____##_______###_#_____##_____#________#######_______###_______#_____###______##____##__###__#_________#______#________#___#__#____##_##___##_#_________#______#_______#####___#___##_##____#__#__________#_____##____##_______#____#__#_____#__#___________##____##__________#######___#___##__#_____________##____##_____###_____#_____###____#__________#############_####______#_________#_______##_______#______#____#_____#___________#_____##_________#______#____#_____##_________#___##___________#_______#___###__###________#__#____________###_______###___##___#______#_##__________##___#____##____________#___##_#__________#______####______________#_####_________#_______ HI MY_____##__________#____ ___FRIEND__________#_#_________#____HAVE A NICE DAY_____#_##________#_____________________###___##____##_____HUGGGZZZZ__##_____#########_____^_^________####___#___##_________###________#####_________#__#_____#________##_#####__________#########_#___###__##_______#_____________##__________##_#__#_______##______#__________##______________##_#__#_________##____#___##____#_____########__##__#_#___________#____#_#_#___##___##________##___#__##_#__________#___###___####___#____________#_#___##__#________#___#________#__#_____________###____##__##____##__#___________#__##_________##______##__####__##______________#__##_____##________########________

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  • Someone ⇒ Psycokitty

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