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judy's Status
good evening, I am so overwhelmed with your prayers and gifts and your drinks. I want to thank each and everyone of you. an update on my son he has to have surgery on Monday they're going to take a third of his stomach out. he had severe bleeding ulcers. so he's in the hospital and it's the hospital where I work 3 days a week and I know he'll get good care. but I had to come on here and I seen all of these messages and drinks and gifts that I want to tell you all thank you from the bottom of my heart and I love each and everyone of you! 😘😘😘
May 11, 2024comment
good morning, I would like to thank all my friends and family on here. I was in the hospital and they had to put stents in because of the blood clot. also I am dealing with my other son who they just found an aneurysm around his heart. so all of you please be patient with me and remember me in your prayers. I can't lose another son. I am going to have to relieve some of this stress so I decided that I'm going to start coming on here every evening at 8:00. so I hope to hear from all of you. right now it is 11:00 in the morning. so I will be talking hopefully to some of you tonight at 8:00. once again thank you for everything love always Judy
May 8, 2024comment
hello my friend and family, sorry I have not been on here. this last year has really been hell for me. I've had three deaths in my family. plus I was in the hospital with bronchitis and pneumonia at the same time. but I'm home from the hospital. while I was in the hospital they found a blood clot in the lower part of my leg. so I'm taking blood thinners. I have good days and I have bad days. but I want to thank you all for the love you show for me even though I'm not on here. hope I get back to some kind of normalcy in my life. kisses and hugs to all! 😘
Mar 18, 2024comment
hello to my friends and family and fans, I bought a tablet so now I can be on this site. for some reason it is not downloading on my phone. thank you all for the love the kindness the gives you all have given me. I will be on here later tonight! I have had a lot of things going on in my life and they haven't been very pretty. I don't know if I told you guys or not but my son has brain and lung cancer stage 4. and he actually coded and they brought him back which I wish they wouldn't have and that's terrible to say. so just look on here tonight about 9:00 and it's 3:45 here now. sending kisses and a big hug to all of you love Judy
Oct 25, 2022comment
hello everyone just wanted to let you know I am trying to download this app on my cell phone so just hang on there and I will be back on here I sent them a message today because I needed to put in a new password and it's still not letting me in so I will find out something tomorrow thank you all for the gifts the love the drinks that you have shown me I hope you all have a fabulous day love you all
Sep 18, 2022comment
Hello to my family and friends. I hope everyone is doing great. I am feeling much better. I want to thank you for your drinks and gifts!!
Mar 29, 2022comment
good evening all my friends and family oh, just wanted to let you know I have not been on here for quite a while. Reason being I've had three deaths in my family! And as you all know I have one son who is slowly dying. I have completely retired. because it's been a lot on me trying to work take care of my son and my home. I want to tell everybody thank you and God bless you for the love and the drinks that you have shown me. you will probably see me on here late in the evening is when I'm normally going to be on. Hugs and kisses to all your friend and family Judy
Aug 7, 2021comment
hello to all my family and friends, well now I think I have everything under control. I have a nurse that is staying with my son. and he is doing a lot better and by the grace of God they got all of the cancer. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers your drinks your gifts and most of all your love as I am going through this. I couldn't ask for better friends or family then I have here. so I will try to be on here more often earlier than this though and I hope to talk to everybody that I can! hugs and kisses to all love Judy
Jul 13, 2021comment
hello all my family and friends, I hope everyone is doing good and staying safe. I just want to say Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there both married and single. I hope you have a fabulous day. And thank you all for the drinks and the gifts. Hugs and kisses Judy
Jun 20, 2021comment
hello to all my friends and family, just wanted to give you an update of what's been going on. My son had cancer and they think they have got it all. But what I didn't tell you he is raising three children all boys by his self the mother abandon him a year ago with the kids. Their ages are 1613 4 and the 13 year old has autism and add. My son works every night second shift. And so I've been keeping an eye on the boys going over there checking on them. Plus I am working a part-time job 2 days a week taking care of an elderly couple and the woman has Alzheimer's. So the only time I can get on here is on my day off which is today and Thursday and Friday Saturday Sunday. And it will be in the evening. I would like to thank for all the drinks the gifts and The Bling and kisses and hugs to all! 😘❤
Jun 14, 2021comment
good morning to all my friends and family, I want to thank you all for the drinks and for getting me drunk and for the gift. I haven't been on here because my son did finally have another surgery and they have all the cancer out they think. and I have officially completely retired. my son is home from the hospital and there's the nurse that is taking care of him but he has three sons and he's a single father and I've been taking care of them. But I'm going to start being on here at 8 every evening just to let you guys know. I hope you have a great Memorial Day. sending hugs and kisses to all
May 30, 2021comment
can anyone tell me if they are receiving any drinks or anything from me on this site.? I have been sending drinks but my points aren't going down. so please let me know thank you and have a good day tomorrow hugs and kisses
Apr 26, 2021comment
Hello to all my friends and family. I hope everyone is staying safe. I have missed you all. My son had surgery and they hope they got all of the cancer. So thank you for your prayers. Have a great day!!❤
Apr 20, 2021comment
hello my family and friends, Happy Easter to each and all of you. a little update on my son's condition he went through surgery and is now home recuperating hopefully they got all the cancer. I am doing well just trying to take care of him and work to. but I wanted to take this time to thank all of you for the love that you have shown for me and to wish you all a Happy Easter and please stay safe love Judy
Apr 4, 2021comment
hello to all my friends and family. I just want to let you all know like thank you for all the love the drinks that you have shown me. I want to explain why I have not been on here. I just found out Thursday that my 40 year old son has cancer! and I would appreciate it if you all will keep him in your prayers. I will try to keep you all updated as time goes on. He has to have surgery Thursday. so please keep me close to your heart! hugs and kisses to all! and thank you
Mar 9, 2021comment
hello to my friends and family, here in Indiana we have got a snow storm going to have 14 in Plus. I want to thank everybody for the drinks and the love you've shown for me. now that I got my health issues taken care of I will be back on here more than I was. and I apologize to all of you for not being on here. oh and by the way I have been sending drinks but I would like to know if somebody can tell me is anybody getting drinks from me? Hugs and kisses always
Feb 15, 2021comment
hello to all my friends and family out there, I hope everyone is staying safe. well hearing good-o Indiana we got 10 in of snow. and now we've got the bitter cold with more snow on the way. I hate it because it knocked out my internet and cable! I have missed everybody. I want to thank you all for the love and the drinks that you have shown me. since I updated this to my new phone I hope you guys are getting drinks that I send you back. If one of you could let me know I would really appreciate it. 😘😘
Feb 6, 2021comment
Hello to my family and friends, I hope everyone is doing okay and staying safe from this virus. I have missed each and every one of you and I want to take time to thank you for the comments the drinks and I love you have shown for me on here! And my New Year's resolution is to make myself be happy! Yes I'm still single I'm still not dating anyone. But that has to change somehow LOL I don't know what I'm doing wrong that I can't even find a damn date! So you all have a fabulous evening hugs and kisses Judy
Jan 7, 2021comment
hello to my family and friends I hope everyone had a great New Years. In they're home and safe! hugs and kisses
Jan 1, 2021comment
Hello to all my family and friends, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! I'm sitting here tonight at home going to watch Ryan Seacrest Rockin Eve having me a couple rum and cokes! I hope everyone if you're drinking and driving please stay safe! And have someone drive for you. I want to see you all here in 2021! Hugs and kisses to all
Dec 31, 2020comment
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