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TrilliumSiredByJaidBlackmoon.jpg((Yupe loosely based Vtm freestyle RP again only one side just to give Idea, It's all just pretending *feels like a kid again MAW AH haha)) . The chamber is cold the utter darkness surrounds her like oblivion a welcoming feeling since she never sleeps, she never falls into the comatose state most Cainites are blessed with, no her fate is to roam the earth for all eternity during the light and the night, she is dressed in tattered burnt up remains of her once spotless tunic and riding breeches which are scorched brown and black where once the fabrics where a snow white her muscled flesh of blank white parchment blemished along spots exposed down the front of her thighs her forearms across her chest some of her throat and half of her face specially her lips which are crimson along their petals so healthy looking but for her chin and the sides of it. Long mantel of Hematite hair flows about the floor at her feet a coiled rope for a prince dipped in a batter of darkness (lmao thanks nem for that one) needle like nails cleaned already of Empyreal’s hot blood their battle bringing her predatory self back from the place it was sent when the Baali had attacked them making her feel like the prey. She arches her neck and growls deeply as she reopens the portal to the other kingdom her key hidden within her flesh somewhere heating with the power being channelled by the item. A swirling pool upon its side before her she splays her hands shaking her self up limbering her dead muscles which are hard as marble and ripple under the damaged skin her expression has no emotion or humanity upon it beastly and with out a hint to a thought within the darkness of that skull she steps through the darkness and into the road where the portal opens up just outside the courtyard. A quick glance about her uncaring almost hoping to catch something by the element of surprise to gnaw on and feast away, tattered torn abused and amazingly composed the creature of eerie stature inhales the air about her in a most feral behaviour her demeanour wicked looking with the gestures her hands make splaying as if already visualizing intestines with the fingertips measuring out the lengths of the victims contents to judge their bloody worth. She rolls her eyes up into the back of her skull silence her guide and company taking her first steps towards the courtyard as the portal disappeared eyes lacking all color falling back into place her strides take her with the grounds past the gate the shadows licking along her to hide her entrance she becomes a wraith like being slinking predatorily into the low hanging canopy of the trees which surround the lawns offering privacy from the others. With a quiet eye and still mind she examines those gathered looking for the weak, meek or singled out. Trillium crouches in the darkness the shadows licking up her burnt form long rope of hematite hair curling out behind her a black serpent in the blades of frosted grass. Not a sound not a bit of movement not an ounce of life about her, no glowing eyes, no scent, she is nothing it enters her being as she stares taking in the figures within the yard, listening to them speaking watching them moving, needle like nails slightly move in her mind measuring intestines out across the outstretched lawns, blood within her veins empowering the mind giving her more power more life more enjoyment. Nothing, empty vessel a shell waiting to strike wanting to devour anyone who comes within striking range, the lioness in wait of the herd to spread out she waits in ambush nothing expressed upon her burnt features Within her own created shadows which are not apart of the sceneries own she waits in ambush for the weak her eyes hue less and openings of clearness to the back of her mind her skulls personal darkness she watches the one Morpheus he is weakened she can see her crouch lowers in the spot she has taken up her burnt form hidden from all eyes. No smell, no visual, nothing is she at this moment as if she never was and never will be. Examining the scene as the odd Cainite walks up and taps on him she almost issues a growl, her prey, HERS, she allows only silence to be her company though. Watching, waiting, willing to do what it takes to feed, god better help any mortal who should cross her vison. Full with fresh blood coursing through her veins invigorated and bored she lays under a bench chewing on a piece of flesh from her last victim, being a Mulo she not only drinks from her prey but devours the flesh sometimes as well her canines ripping flesh from a finger bone as she stares about the courtyard with empty hue less eyes, her foot trailing along in the frosty grass, long hematite hair an ebony length of rope slithering in the blades a rope as if for a prince dipped in a batter of darkness. SHADOW KILLS AT NIGHT RETURNS With a silent expression upon her pale white face she watches from under the stone bench Shadow enter, a dark brow slips high upon her forehead merely keeping an eye on him curious. As always she is dressed plainly in white simple riding breeches a tunic that is burnt and frayed the fabric showing evidence of a struggle with hell fire however there is no other evidence of a fight on her. Studying the figure she notes there are no visible weapons upon them this is of no concern to her though since she only wears a small dagger given to her by Hunter. She tosses the finger bone away from her it lands with a slight clink in the fountain about ten feet from where she lays under the stone bench, almost unseen since few would even think to look there. The bone dances in the fountain upon the frozen surface of collected water till it spins to silence. Trillium rolls over from her stomach to her side glancing to the bar where Shadow tosses his feet up upon the table, not remembering who he is she inhales deeply breathing in his scent there is something familiar about this stranger something about him…what is it though…why does he stickle a memory in her head, she is unable to pull it up though it lingers on the edge of a deep chasm of pushed aside memories which she felt was better to leave behind in her past. Long needle like nails grip onto a blade of frozen grass between thumb and index she slips the fingers up the blade the ice coming up and off to coat her fingers, she raises it to her mouth and washes her lips off with it. Eyes continuing to watch him her scent kept close not drifting to the nostrils this eve. The blank expression upon the face changes when he speaks to her, the head snapping back upon a long swan like neck as if shocked to be addressed. Spinning under the bench she crawls out from beneath it’s shadows and comes to stand up tall and with a certain pride long hands don’t bother to dust off the frost which clings to the burnt garments which barely do any good of hiding those stone like muscles from view as she saunters over cautiously the flesh rippling along her length eyes hard glaring at him as she tries to figure out why he is familiar. She moves to the table beside him pulling out a chair and spinning it about to plop down in it her hands tracing its back till they rest atop hue less eyes wandering over him trying to find a clue to where she knows him from she can smell the drink coming from him glancing at the bottle as she speaks How do you know Empyreal’s sister stranger, and weren’t you there when the Baali Mychal attacked us? Yes this is where he is from why she knows he smells familiar, not placing him from even further in her past at this time. Her voice devoid of any traces of humanity now, her age showing it is surprising she has lived this long with all the troubles she had as a fledgling, yet she has proved a survivor. I keep a lot of Angelica (Used to protect oneself from the effects of evil) =Spikenard (Increases mental clarity) about for such cases and We have been able to avoid most of the curse, when we find the creature I am sure we can find away to end it. Since he wants me I am the worm on the hook, as normal. She rolls her eyes into the back of her skull allowing them a moment in darkness silence dripping over them before she spins them back into her face to glance at him again watching him drinking. That grin washes over his face and she narrows her eyes its as if he knows something she does not and it bothers her. Her nail follows the grain in the wood of the chair without looking down at it, a foot kicking the long mantel of hematite locks about the chair to flow in a dark river of shadow behind her marking the path she walked to be within his company. At his word Lover her brow lowers over her narrowed eyes at first forgetting the sister was not like the brother, similar but opposites too. This tidbit of information given allows her to reach into her mind to open closets looking for a spoken name for him, till she falls upon Shadows of her past….and there it is SHADOW, shadows kill, Shadows kill at night. Her lips press together, she says nothing for a long time, almost it seems as long as the time passed since her first nights of being so called immortal. She does not bring up the past though. Nor tries to comment on it so long ago it was, there is a glimmer in her though which speaks enough on its own, it says I remember. Hue less eyes watch him wave down another bottle, she stretches her back out and flexes her calves with her leather boots that reach up to grasp about her knees. Listening to his words she nods at first, merely thinking on what he says taking all in stride before commenting on it. Yes, yes I see. Well I enjoy the idea of being able to kill another and I am always the worm on the hook it seems to be I am a favourite toy among the older vampires. Does she suffer nightmares too, if so I suggest taking her some Angelica , and Spikenard it seems to help Empyreal but he seems effected by little. When she talks about the brother it is without emotion after all should anyone ask her she would call him comrade not lover, does she even know love, no, she has only a desire for blood, blood is the only lust she knows of, born into immortality a virgin she has not experience with the emotion so it has no baring on her now no heightened want for it, no desire to breed or be paired off like all other immortals do. Watching him examining his posture and his reactions to booze, herself and his surroundings she moves a needle like nail to her lips and using it like a tooth pick removes bits of flesh from her teeth. Those eyes move over her and she makes not a breathe after all there is no need for it, she is after all not alive, her eyes were doing the same sweeps over his own shell marking it to memory following the map workings of his veins across his flesh a moment of hunger stirs the beast twitching her shells depths. Ah yes, she thinks silently nothing coming to be expressed upon her features to show the thoughts to his comment about the twins link. Yes, it was a weakness and a strength though it made them different than others, Trillium had a high respect for it but deep within questioned what would happen if they were separated she assumes Empyreal would become very much a demon with out his sister and his sister, well she is not as familiar with her as Shadow be. Ever watching those actions, devouring his movements with those hue less eyes, her scent seeping from her pores that flower she is named for washing over the courtyard, it has a power to it, a power which Empyreal seems to enjoy or likes, always smelling her like he is a beast as she be. Trillium feels like a monster, could be due to her seclusion from others when the War broke out between Drag nor and Savannah. Might be merely because of her Mulo traits which had her confused with a fledgling who was merely messy when feeding, if they had only understood she was not like other vampires from the start, but maybe this is why she became a toy. His last statements has a brow slither up, her hue less eyes turning to stare at him an emotion crosses into her face confusion and then a faint amount of mirth. I had no such thoughts towards you Shadow kills at night, you are confusing with me with my Sire Jaid, You brought me back from Dragnors lair, as to trouble I don’t recall there being any but between you and my Sire, were you not an old lover of hers, anyways it was none of my concern, it is in the past. And you are correct time has changed me it has made me, hmm I guess less interesting or interested. She looks to his hands to the bottle then back over his face wondering how old he is looking for signs of age to his features. Drinking in his scars he has a look of one who is young but it does not fool her, no she is aware he is older after all does he not have a past with her own Sire, not to mention his gestures and mannerisms speak of a few mortal life spans passing at least, the movements to perfect to well practiced. Hearing him use her Sires name she cants her head to the side her lips twisting into a cruel look as her tongue licks across her lower teeth making them glisten as if with a deadly promise, though it is merely a motion to clear blood from them the coppery taste distracting her a moment. His words being given thought as she adjusts herself within the chair shoulders straightening as her expression becomes empty again. I do not know, the last I was aware they were purging the Roses of all Vampires, needless to say I was not a part of it, If you remember I turned down the power she offered, and so never joined the clan which she was the Goddess of. You would have to ask my niece Lavendula about that, I no longer feel the connection with Jaid, have not seen her since she mated with Blackmoon one of Savannah’s sons. Watching him stand she eyes him coldly, a predator in a womanly form the appearance of a young lady in white from fairytales long hair trailing upon the ground like she should be kept in a tower a living ladder. The bottle flies into the fire breaking and she smirks, however when he asks about Empyreal she drops the twisted smile to scan his face almost as if a silent question to herself as to why he wishes to know, after all would not his sister tell him all he could wish to know since they are lovers. Licking her lips she those eyes darken narrowing again as they scan over him a level of caution coming to her posturing. We are comrades, and sometimes fight with each other, there is not much to know about him, he is not a talker, has a sense of pride, protects that which he wishes to, he is simply an enigma and I prefer it that way. Why do you wish to know anyways, can you not ask his sister about him, or merely speak with him yourself, since after all you are with his sister, I should assume he would respect you for her feelings towards you be strong and might effect him to liking you as well, or am I wrong there Shadow? She arches a brow curious, wondering He takes the bottle upon the table up and greedily downs it too, she has a thought wondering what it would taste like that poison in his veins, if only she was a Vida lush then she might try it, but watching him all thoughts of that cease, eyeing him as he acts tipsy however the stunt with the chair seems a warning all on its own, a low growl rumbles within her. Eyes rolling up into her skull darkness a gift before dropping them back to listen to his words and body language. Ah yes, Information is power, it is a good weapon and when one has all sides covered it is a useful tool as well. I am aware how it works, I am after all here before you now. I honestly can not tell you much about Empyreal other then he comes to me when he wishes, I would not say there is anything special to it, he simply decided to investigate remembering me from the kingdom when he first arrived back from the Umbra. She seems not willing to say anything, She takes a moment to herself before saying anything about her Sire. Yes, well I can say Jaid was much consumed with pairing off like the others be for what ever reasons, silly thing, breeding is for the species with a heart beat and a need to procreate for the future of their lineage. I am aware of your strife with her, I warn you not to bring your problems with her to me, as it is a past issue and I am sure she has her own problems now if she lives without any help from you. She lowers her eyes to her hands finger nails splayed examining them making sure no gore remains. She huffs out her cheeks to his antics, amused Air currents, the sound waves disturbed echoing differently something moves Clink movement heard she turns looking towards the sound expertly picking it up her senses keen and heightened by her state of death. At first she would of thought it to be Empyreal the feeling in the air so close, yet with no reward of a cigar. As if being summoned by the mere conversation of her brother alone comes Ethereal her movements graceful and spirited elated it seems to be wondering about. A contrast to her Twins mannerisms, he shows little to the unknowing eye of strangers to his behaviour. Her nails pull close together upon the hand she had been examining hand falling to her thigh where they rest without further moment as she watches the approach of the Twin curious to see how she interacts with her lover Shadow, almost interested to discover the difference. Shadow moves, he closes the distance and goes to wrap his arms about Ethereal in an action Trillium is sure Empyreal would find disgusting, hell Trillium tried not to even hug her friends unless a reason for it, never know when a blade will slip into your spine. Listening she picks up the greeting Shadow gives the Twin, she saw the look which moments before was on his face, But remains silent viewing the scene before her as if it is discovery channel. Her head falls to the left side hearing Shadow talk about their conversation as pleasant, her brow arches in thought confused, was there a happy tone to it, a feeling of emotion in her words to dragging up the past like a corpse all blue and rotten with a stench of something which has been moulding and gathering no new form but losing substance in the present. His words of everyone being tangled in a web is true, many fates are stuck to another’s the fates cruelly devouring a few or wrapping others within their threads for future plot lines to consume. Her head snaps up and eyes of no color because they are clear, clear as crystal look to the Demon, another shadow, another piece from the past she lived, the one who murdered in the gardens, her Latin clown back then, the insane yet intelligent creature who no one else bothered to get to know. There he is in red armour within this place, he stands tall for a moment she wonders if he will remember the fledgling who had spoken to him ages ago, however how could he know it is her, hmm, she chews on her lip curious about all the beings returning from then into the now, nails dragging into her ripped and burnt garments. Remaining seated the sound waves crash into her skull again they have changed, another enters Alaria the other Lady of the courtyard comes to view looking tangled in a state which might have been Wassail like though Trillium believes her too old to be losing her Humanity only now. The crazy look is disturbing none the less giving her a touch of that look upon her features, her garment seems properly put on however though the posturing is off she is obviously not feeling the same as normal, Trillium always the observer noticing it placing it along side memories of the woman from past studies. Her shell feels the eyes of Ethereal upon her almost giving her a feeling that Empyreal is there. The comment from Shadow about the weather is one to throw off any thoughts she might have been having her eyes sweeping over to look at him, she sits silently though at the table face not showing her thoughts as the lantern light flows over her black and white form. She remains seated silent, her hue less eyes roaming over the backs of Shadow and the other guy, before turning to Ethereal no expression upon her face as she studies the Twin, those eyes are like her Twin, opposites yet with similar traits in reverse of one another, it is an interesting thing to see, she dips her chin to her but does not say anything having nothing worth speaking about Ivy entered with all her sparkling purple ness, Trillium remembers how crazy she had looked before, and still has that rose hidden within the belt with her dagger Hunter had gifted her. Nothing is missed with Ethereal’s behaviour towards the outfit, how she looks over the other with a curious fashion Trillium noting how she puffs up with pride for her own attire. A finger touches the burnt white fabrics upon her own husk, the burns upon her flesh gone which Empyreal had given her, but the tunic and riding breeches all but doing no good at hiding her own muscles which slither under her opal flesh. Needle like nail picks at the flesh again between her fangs which slid up out of sight, her hue less eyes had not missed that look, she wonders if Ethereal sometimes acts like a familiar to her brother and vice a versa, hmm , an interesting thought she muses as she kicks at her long hair moving it. Trillium caught the look from Ivy, senses keen the sound waves crushing into her skull alerting her to action, first Shadows return to Ethereal then the flicking of the wrist and the tossing rose of the odd hue, with a waste of effort only using what is needed she takes it right out of the air and places it upon the table eyeing it, a strange expression upon her face for a moment, one hard to read by others. Her need like nail poking into the flesh of the rose before glancing back at Ivy. Then to Shadow and Empyreal’s twin, bored perhaps, or merely passing time. She turns hearing the snapping sound, crystal eyes clear of all color being hue less not white, turn to the new comer, watching as he approaches Ivy, her finger tip poking the rose again, almost wondering what it would taste like, hmmm, she then listens as he speaks with the venom in his tones. She arches her throat and eyes the pair Shadow and Ethereal noting her protective nature so like Empyreal a smirk paints across her pale face before she quickly takes it away from the sight of others. The other vampire moves away and she studies him he kind of reminds her of Vito from long ago, the vampire who had talked with her often within the kingdom where Empyreal and his sister now rule, hmm so many closets opening tonight, she will need better keys and locks made. The dip of the chin from the big Vampire who grabs one of those vile bottles gets a mere nod in greeting back as she looks with a plain disgust to the bottle in his hands. Her glaze leaves to check out what Ivy is doing seeing her conversing with the mortal, roaming with her focus and attention she catches the Pair Shadow and Ethereal leaving. Shoulders proudly displayed in an emotionless why she glances to the lantern on the table that bathes her in its light she is a vision of white and black. Trillium watched him drink that vile stuff and laughed, it was not out of mirth but making fun of him taking pleasure in his stupidity as if such a thing could taste anything like the real thing. Her nail tracing along the table as she turns away to watch the new comer enter, curious if nothing else. That glaring look towards her would not shift her own expressionless face for a moment, those crystal eyes which hold the depths of her shadowed skulls innards behind their stare met his own eyes her demeanour proud, still and without emotion a predator who cares not for his personal option of her. His face speaks dare it and she has no fear not to speak the truth. Stupid, that is what I think, if taking blood from the throat is filled with toxins what made you think it would not be such from a cold glass bottle creature, She taps her nail on the table the deadly point sticking into it with a dull Thunk If anything is to be said about Trillium it is she has no fear of situations as this, her brave manner is full of truth. His look does not go missed by her keen sight, those eyes of hers having not wavered noticed his emotional distress at being called out like that by another. Her needle like nail pulls itself free from the table top and touches upon the soft flesh of the rose gifted to her from Ivy. With a toss of her head she sends waves down the length of her coiling hair a snake slithering the length of her body so long it seems she is the woman in the tower, with hair like a rope for a lover with charms a prince dipped in a batter of darkness. Another cruel smile to his words are given hearing his comment, the gesture she allows the look to enter her eyes setting them to glow slightly with a light of soft white. Her tunic and riding breeches of white burnt to the point that they barely cover her muscles from view, the soft looking opal flesh all but exposed in an almost indecent manner. Foolish, if one only used common sense one would not fall into folly so easily which would save on from unpleasant tastes lingering in the mouth Was she speaking now of the bloodwyne of this experience he is having with her because of the folly, he would have to be left guessing unless he makes an issue of knowing. She turns noticing the other enter this person the male who has no real beauty, however the attention is taken away when that large male who had drank from the bottle speaks, She snorts with mirth at what it said, picking up the rose to hide her expression behind it. Hue less eyes rolling up into the back of her skull to give herself a moment of pure and utter darkness, silence drips from her still form as her nostrils inhale the flower, deadly nails wrapped about it as if about to crush the rest of the smell from the fragile petals, eyes roll back into place and she says nothing to the vampire, however her face clearly says he has only caused another folly upon himself, her posture indicating he ended up insulting himself in her eyes. For his sage like words are those he should of used upon his judgement of the bottles contents, for the creature who he tried to insult seemed to have known already what the bottle contained for being able to read the label. Obviously knowing blood wyne was not what would quench the thirst of the beast within the belly, there fore having understood her gift all too well. She peers over the petals of the rose which Ivy had given her, the scent something she is bothering herself over merely because there is not much else to do. Did that Male vampire just brush her off, ah probably realized how it came off with some reflection. She smirks most cruelly glancing at him as he Yawns, he yawned, her brows arch up kind of amazed at that action, must be a pretend thing, because did not mortals do that when trying to bring in more oxygen to their tired muscles. hmm maybe he has not drank enough blood, maybe his senses are dull, a tricky light in her eyes, dim witted from lack of blood perhaps causing him to drink from that vile bottle, causing him to act the way he had. She removes her eyes from him, though he reminds her of Vito, He would not of done that. The entrance of others had almost slipped her mind, the presence of Tystan upon the roof top is noted though she can not spot him from where she sits, the lantern plays along her flesh as she turns to view others entering a crimson and black clad male, something bespeaking of the times are his attire, she watches bemused with how the place is suddenly getting filled up. Eyes wandering over to Ivy again the rose within her hand still as she watches the drama of the Ancient wanting her attention and then the Fae coming out of no where, oh a fae, like her Sire, who was a Vampire; fae, what an amusing scene, the fae must be a necrophiliac why else would he be touching the deads flesh in such a manner. How strange, how very odd, she is thankful not to be over there though she feels a sense of pity for Ivy, who not long ago had gone into a wassail like state. Hmm something is not right, for as she looks about she gets the strange feeling of being watched, crystal eyes hue less to the point of being clear orbs within her fleshed out skull turn, they look over all those who can be seen, who all at this point seem to be watching the drama between the necrophiliacs. Annoyed and disturbed by the sensation of being borrowed through by unseen eyes she focuses and follows the direction the feeling is most strongest, the head of the noble Serbian gifted with the dark trick and a mantel of long hair which flows in long coiling waves about itself over and again at her feet as if rope ripples from the motion. Those eyes following the power till it finds the rooftop where it had grazed a look over before. Something is there and it is intent on making her aware it noticed her casual awareness which had sensed it, Only thing having given him away is the sound waves which crash into her skull being disturbed, an echoing sense which few use in favour of sight and other abilities instead the wind having had to push itself about his body howled a warning to her, the voices of the others did not continue heading over the roof but had bounced off his form. She stares , her garments which once where a pure white plain as day and night tunic and riding breeches burn, brown, frayed and tattered from a fight it looks like with hell fire. She debates with herself on calling out the stranger who glares so strongly in her direction. ((0-0 oh WOW Trystan that really was an Uber smurf blowing blue post LMAO after waiting for you to check those stats for the magic Snorts….and laughs)) Trillium in her burnt rags which once had been white jumps, the rose in her hand tossing into the air having not expected that, her hue less eyes spin to meet those of the creature who addresses her knowing it to be the same presence as before, she hisses as her other hand goes to catch the Rose. Having heard what he said she curls a lip a moment still easing back into her chair, the exposed opal muscles flexing under the flesh in ripples of motion. Help me, Im not aware I needed aide, though I might of asked if you needed help coming up with a reason to not perch any longer like a non existing raven upon that roof. Crystal clear orbs allowing for the depths of that husk to be seen stare up at him as she shifts in the chair a foot rising to come up to the seat black boot clutching about the knee. She listens to the creature as he speaks, his name sounds familiar from somewhere but she can not recall if it was someone talking about him or gossip heard, such things elude her at the moment and never one for gossip she mostly forgets it anyways. Her hue less eyes travel the scene that had played out where only Ivy and the strange fae are standing now, the scorned lover having taken his leave, and just in time too since she could smell the weakened state. Oh yes, the necrophiliacs I see, well such scenes are common it appears, maybe I am just cursed with not having the mortal background to understand the needing of coupling or breeding to see the worth in such behaviour unless it serves the lust of the blood for feeding, but then that merely makes the the involved a cup, which then would be merely easier to make a chylde, no worry of being enthralled by the other with that. She laughs, but it is a cold thing, watching him as he stands there she pretends to show manners which are suiting not because she feels a need to be polite or friendly but to show interest perhaps. Care to sit, though I know muscles tire not as quickly as others would believe, Trystan, I am Trillium She nods with a knowing look, and gets up bored and the need to kill something dragging itself up into her thoughts she dips her chin to him and leaves the courtyard her shadowy hair trailing out behind her a snake in the grass, another time she might find out more but for now she is wanting something more, all the action tonight was different so many closets of the past flung open, what with seeing Shadow, and Empyreals twin, as well as all the other things…..She is wondering why the sister had winked at her…in such a knowing fashion Along the way she had felt the passing of another, it brushed along her awareness reaching out with tendrils she finds the presence heading to where she just left, her brow arching knowing it had become empty, do she dare go to see who has decided to wonder that way, she pivots on the spot with a shrugging of shoulders deciding hell why not long night and day ahead of her being a lucky or unlucky creature who is doomed to wander both the daylight and nightly hours, making the most of the immortal years, never experiencing the comatose sleep of oblivion most vampires are blessed with during the onset of the sun, no instead she merely changes shape like a were creature only it is the glowing golden orb which forces her change instead. With some time still to go before such time she had no fear of wandering about, her thoughts wandering over the scenes which had played out during the course of her visit, the victim of the night, who she had hunted and Shadow had glimpsed a finger joint of, the conversation with Shadow as he got wasted poisoning his system while asking questions about Empyreal as if she knew answers he would not. Just what had he hoped to find out anyways she wonders, her hands coming up to pull at a lose thread from her tunic the brown scorch marks coming apart the thread being pulled seemed to of held that section in place falls away to blow off behind him in the wind, leaving a bared spot along her ribs. So many things to digest good thing she had all the time in the world to wander and think, think, and oh yes think some more. Who had been that stranger Shadow had been speaking to when Ethereal had been planted in the chair in all her armoured splendour looking more like royalty then the gaudy dressed Ivy who was not without her own charms and enchantments. Seemed Shadow and the fellow had almost been discussing The sister of Empyreal she had caught pieces of the conversation though not meaning to pry, it was interesting to say the least, hmm, she shrugs as she closes the distance, the eyes crystal clear allowing the shadows of her skull to peer forth revealing their depth glance over the gate, washing over the form of a woman there, hmm, she has not seen her before. Slipping to the tree line she walks closer as if pretending to not of seen her till right beside the other, her long hair flowing in back leaving a trail as if she was running from a minotaur. Well hello there? She says a thick Serbian accent coming from her lips, her nostrils flare a moment as trees bend, hmm, she ponders, though does not look up focusing on the woman, wondering how she might taste, why , why is that always her first thought when meeting new vampires. Oh course the other would not know it, her mind closed off and sealed in a silent vault. The exotic smell of jasmine and peppermint fills Trilliums nostrils she wrinkles them not used to the mint smell, her own exactly as she is named after, the northern flower of three petals which grows in the depths of the forests. She had caught the after taste to the scent of herbs those used in the homes of city people, odd thinks Trillium wondering where this other comes from as she looks over the form of the woman. The chocolate waves she looks over with her stares, then glances to the hue of pink in the others cheeks perhaps she has feed she thinks within her own husk. Watching and studying the others posture and gestures, mildly interested with a bored expression as if having seen so many undead to think it crowded, her own form tall lean and young in appearance taken right at the cusp of 20 the virtues all intact to make a creature who can not love for the lack of ever experiencing the mortal emotion. The posturing of the one before her states she is cautious, and she should be for the way the Trillium is states I am predator blood is blood no matter what it comes from, her own dress states she is not one to pretend to be human infact there is no sign of humanity left upon her, she is almost beastly in her unnatural beauty black on white no other color but for stains on her clothes from a fire. She listens to the sounds of the others accent placing it instantly a slow curving smile follows. Watching the other play with her lace fittings, curious to the fashion only because it no longer seems to make sense to her now, the mind of this one makes no attempt to read her mind in fact it seems not interested. Come here often, I suppose not since I am here enough to know She says coldly her long strides taking her about the other, she moves as if circling the other looking over her clothes, in truth she is sizing her up, the eyes hungry as they drink in the form of the other, long hair flowing along behind her, a fairy tale beast. She smells Empyreal in the air but has not looked for him, perhaps thinking it is his Twin like before when she had almost confused them, maybe figuring he is still within his kingdom bored upon the throne, or training to keep fit and ready. She speaks in order to weave a web about the other Are you lost then, or looking for something or one, this is the Courtyard of Elizabeth and Alaria, are you maybe a friend of them? Asking the right questions to know if she is free game or not, coming off as curious and trying to help though. Hmm, Trillium thinks watching, learning and perhaps playing, as she circles completely about the other till she is facing Empyreals perch the woman between them, has he ever seen her like this on the hunt, no so yes he would assume she is being friendly maybe just chit chatting, for never has he wasted words to find out the reasons for her coming her so often. her own mouth shows no mortal whims at the moment, the Mulo vampire belonging to no society not even vampires, though should she of been put into a clan one could assume safely she might be placed among Gangrels with a problem. Her eyes roam and wonder at hearing the words fall from the artist, once the name is mentioned it’s like a human has decided it is titled so has life now. She appears to lose interest quickly, one can only assume it is because she has heard of them, though it is her fact she spotted the gargoyle in the tree the peeping tom. Her posture changes for only a second in between her feet firmly planted as her hips sway on thighs adjusting her balance, the muscles rippling where they are exposed through the burnt garments. Before long he would vanish and she would understand where too, the kingdom calling, maybe he had been curious or wanted to see for himself the fact she was back to normal after his scorching of her flesh. I see, well I can not help you then AND YEAH Nothing more DANG Can’t believe you actually read all that one sided stuff sucker ah hahaha sorry bout the typos will take better care next time ~ -_- ~

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