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0602d02.gif0602d02.gif0602d02.gif0602d02.gif0602d02.gif Monday, June 02, 2008 0602p12.gif Hello again ... I'm really 'swinging' up and down here 0602p06.jpg So, this will be a rather short blog. 0602p04.gif Actually no beating around the bush Here's today's question: 0602d03.gif Are you moody 0602q1.gif Those who's been coming to my blogs awhile know I'm a un-medicated bipolar. 0602p08.gif So that answers my part - I 'deal' with it as best that I can. So, somewhat rhetorical but feel free to comment. 0602p03.gif 0602d01.gif0602d01.gif0602d01.gif0602d01.gif0602d01.gif 0602p07.gif0602p05.gif0602p07.gif Just todays comment a few times - happens it feel on the right day this time. 0602p02.jpg My video is Pink Floyd Sync to the wizard of oz ... I mentioned that awhile ago and bumped into it - so I used it. That's it for today, see you tomorrow I leave you with today's comment: 0602p11.gif0602p10.gif0602p11.gif

See, I TOLD you it was

Sun 06-01-08 (Late)


1a.gif s.gifunday, June 1, 2008 0601a.gif 0601m.gif a.gifnother late post ... Seems I'm running late on a lot of things here lately. I'm the type of guy who likes to be early for everything! So - these late postings here - drive me NUTS! It actually freaks me out when I'm running late ... (as in going to only be a few minute early) 57.gif o.gifn time - to me - IS LATE! Knowing that, I cant believe that people (friends of mine) used to WANT to come and work for me? (because I'm mean about those things) 90.gif y.gifeah, I'm a "punctual" person Cant figure out why either ... My folks never seemed to care what time things were done. But me ... I like to be early, even in school - I show up early ... (At that time) it was to sell joints but still early! (lol) Which leads into: 0601d.gif a.gifre you punctual a.gifre you a "on time" person? Runs a little late person? Or (tisk-tisk) probably going to be late for your own funeral type? 0601k.gifrobot1.gif0601k.gif d.gifo you TRY being on time or no? I often wondered why some people are the "running late" types on the schedule everyday and yet never adjust their time accordingly? 48.gif s.gifo maybe you might be a 'late' person and can fill me in? lol (not like I can hire you anymore - so fill me in?) 0601e.gif 0601c.gif t.gifoday's comment was run one other time - around the first of the year. I believe it was my first 'colored' background I used. robot3.gif t.gifoday I added an new quote and the "glow effect" for the font. Couple small changes - nothing drastic robot.gifrobot2.gifrobot.gif t.gifhe blog music and all the purple was not intended I change my mine about the subject several times and had all the purple graphic and with my late posting I just left the background & dividers. I also bumped into the video last minute ... so I just threw a couple robot images on and mixed them all together for this post (sorry) eh, here's todays greeting - enjoy your week! 0601f.gif

SunSeaguills.gif goodMorning114.gif 16D.gif16D.gif16D.gif
Just wanted to wish you a
Just a little though to think about:
The seat of: knowledge is in the head, of wisdom - in the heart.

Sat 05-31-08 (Caturday)


S_02.gif Saturday, May 31, 2008 S_16.gif elcome my (hopefully) fellow cat lovers? I gotta say that not all enjoy the feline species ... My dog is the first that comes to mind So if your not a lover an owner perhaps a fan? (maybe)? 537.gif lol y now - You've figured that I'm an 'animal' lover. Not really a "Cat Person" per-say ... If I HAD a choice between any one pet to own - it be a dog over a cat. But I've still an affection for the felines ... Completely different from the dog in so many ways: Dogs are just so subservant, while the cats independent with self-reliance and a control freak to any affection shown. S_13.gif hich truthfully is more LIKE me - in personality. They remind me of myself in their ways: Like the cat - I'll purr and show warmth but it's under my terms, You cant just call me over (inter alia: dogs) to come with my tail wagging and ready to please. Nah ... me, I'm a CAT like affection giver? I'm unsure if that's good or bad - I guess it matters if your into how those darn cats love or not?? Which brings me to: S_01.gif hat animal tendency do you have re you "Cat-like" or feel some other "animal-spirit" inside you? Any "wild" side or repressed "animal" inside you - wanting out? S_11.gif ff topic a little, I have a cat 'snowball' who looks a lot like the white cat on each side of today's video. Well snowball doesn't like much of anything (including my dog) But all of a sudden - 'Ball' has decided it wanted a PET of it's own. Yes, my cat wants an adopt a stray for its own. The 'Tween' cat started following Ball around and it looks as if Ball is in control. Now, animals tend to 'pal' but I think this is more a master/pet relationship than of equal partners. The stray cat I branded "Bat" (Ball & Bat) does as Ball commands too. Funny thing, Ball is fixed - So it doesn't fight for the neighborhood 'heated' cats at all, but this little 'Pet' of his is also male and too young to start male dominance or chase females as of yet. So by the end of summer I wonder how this will end? -lol- It is cute to watch them (until Ball tries to bring 'Bat' in the house with him) And I feed ball in the house, so I'm not letting the Cat's 'PET' get used to any Hospitality (I did see Ball walk out with one of his kitty treats though) S_03.gif S_04.gif y comment is one of only two video comments I send ... I cant give you origins or details on the "Caturday" video - and I not even sure how many times I've sent it out. I think this is the fouth post, I've sent it as is the last couple times only added the flash in the background ... which is rare, me not changing a lot. 529.gif ideo is Detroit Cities own 'Motor City Madman' Ted Nugent Cat Scratch Fever/State Of Shock circa:1978 (seems the 70's has been my choice of music all week?) Ted is tied for second in bands I seen live 5 times - although I really liked his music, The concerts I seen him in where to see the other bands everytime. BTW - Ozzy Osbourn is the one I seen most 8 times for Ozzy, (Ozzfest for each) ZZ Top 5 times (was for other bands also) S_08.jpg hat's all for today - I hope this finds you well. Caturday or Saturday either one, I hope it's just full of fun. And I leave you with my Caturday comment: S_06.gif

c.gifa.gift.gifu.gifr.gifd.gifa.gify.gif sat2.jpg qu.gif

It's your day, do as you like ... 63.gif Cat nap 34.gif Dig in for some work cat1.jpg (Just dont get buried in it!) 405.gif Play or whatever - As long as the 440.gif Cat dont get your tongue! (otherwords come say "HI")

502.gif F_D3.gif F_D3.gif F_D3.gif 443.gif443.gif

Friday, May 30, 2008 F_01.gif F_08.gif t_clr.gifhe weekend has made it's way back and I'm not going to fight it's arrival It's always welcome around! As are YOU... Always welcome! Hello again Glad to see you've returned for another sometimes meaningless but ALWAYS colorful addition of my BLOG! 506.gif i_clr.gif apologize for my lateness of today's addition but at least my tardiness gave me something to write about: (Yes Meaningful for once!) I rarely devote a whole section of my writing to a friend from the site, although YOU and my readers ALL deserve promotion and praise for different things. I don't allow my time in life to be occupied unnecessarily by people who are nasty & hateful and mean spirited. Instead I keep life more positive by having folks like YOU share little pieces of my life & enrich it Just by WHO you are and how you act ... Not by what you can do for me -BUT- how you are with people. t_clr.gifoday I want to draw attention to someone you've seen here on my BLOG, Always with a nice story to share or a great comment/response to read: pirate queen

@ fubar w_clr.gifell my friend CHRISTINE is one of the rare gems that if you ever are lucky enough to run across someone who is genuine & sincere as her ... Then count your blessings! So, this sweet gal - going threw tough times, never withdrew but kept her chin up and wouldn't quit on anything. F_Pa.jpg a_clr.gifnd I'm proud to call her my friend and at this time offer you a chance to meet a special person ... you wont regret it! I never guarantee much But I'd bet the bank on her! Please go say HI and wish her well? F_D4.gif F_D2.gif F_02.gif a_clr.gifnyone you want to introduce F_03.gif p_clr.giflease feel free to post their link ... In case you didn't know - One of my "things" I love to do is have some great (like YOU) people met each other. 267.gif267.gif
F_Pa.jpg t_clr.gifhat's one of the reasons I post my blog daily ... So I can give you a little insight of WHO I am & what I'm about ... (hence my question of the day) The question gives me insight of who you are ... but also gives my all friends a chance to get to know each other as well! So, if you want to put a link here today or any other day of some person that you find remarkable and/or fun ... maybe it's their birthday or the need a little help leveling - feel free to do so! And by ALL MEANS the doors open for more readers here!!! (i.e.: please invited them) F_D4.gif F_D3.gif t_clr.gifoday comment is: 218.gif F_04.gif b_clr.gifr_clr.gifa_clr.gifn_clr.gifd_clr.gif s_clr.gifp_clr.gifa_clr.gifn_clr.gifk_clr.gif - n_clr.gif n_clr.gife_clr.gifw_clr.gif *laughs* I made it last night and added a little "slide effects" Although I didnt add much else ... I usually dont on a new graphic (my own drawing) Until the second post ... Keeps it fresh that way! F_Pc.jpg m_clr.gifusic videos for today? Well I wanted the 1977 "FRIDAY" song but ran into the animated video & thought it was cool too - With the disco song not having any video I thought I post both songs - gives your options for music to scroll to! So Enjoy your weekend, Be sure to say HI to Christine! See you next time! F_D4.gif F_D4.gif

T_D1.gif T_08.gifT_08.gif

T_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gif Thursday, May, 29, 2008 t_1.gif Welcome back my blog readers & friends well, if your reading the blog - hopefully you're already a FRIEND ... or maybe reading it sways your choice to become one (a friend) *shakes head* (God I gotta start coming up with better greetings!) t_01.jpg I have tried to and sometimes succeed picking up on peoples vibes, I'm pretty good at it - Actually that ability made me a pretty good living, No I wasn't a 'vibe-reader' at the local carnival *ha* (at least NOT YET) I guess I should say it helped a great deal. T_02.gif Picking up on a lot of down friends ... Oh, most have convey what's bugging them and I truly understand why YOU may be a down! I'm the king of the moods myself - full blown bipolar So I'm not going to try to push my will of moods on anyone ... I know it takes your own doing to come out of your funk. Now, I will pass this little something on (of help) along with T_D1.gif T_D3.gif Tell me about your favorite vacation t_q.gif Childhood or even more recent spot that you enjoy/enjoyed visiting for a sabbatical. Include how it came about or circumstances leading to it. This is a therapeutic as it gets, to think back of the pleasant times and family gatherings. Even remembering the bad experiences can help distract or relieve your funky moods. t_06.jpg My fondest memory of vacationing in my youth? Back when my parents were still together and all my sibling but my eldest sister still lived at home (circa 1970's) My dad was as hippish/hillbillish as they got. He truly could live off the land if necessary. A true out-doors-men as long as there wasn't a bar around to lure him into as they are known to do t_13.jpg Well each summer we'd pack up the station wagon and just "Go as the crow flies" and camp wherever the car would take us. And stay until we ran out of food & money. Hardly ever do I remember a "TENT" in the conventional sense. We usually used some canvases that when wasn't a makeshift tent for the vacation, It would doubled as his tarps to protect his carpentry equipment from the weather. Yeah, we were po' as they be But, "IF" we even stayed at those 'fancy' campsites (lol) We usually just found a clearing in the woods and park it. I cant recall any of the girls complaining - We just though that's how everyone camped. I remember gasping at the big fancy tents and would truly be in awe of the campers. (RV's were even rare to see, at least at the places we stayed) t_05.jpg Awww memories ... I can still remember picking berries for the pancakes cooked in a skillet over an open flame. Black bears & raccoons incidents of stealing our food. Being discussed by the roadside parks with those smelly "straight johns" Yeah "The Blue Ridge Parkway" before the highways & commercial sites Were the sacred grounds of my childhood vacations ... And just as happy as can be & unaware of our poverty too. Which is another way to get from the funk, "counting your blessings" My mama always said: "If you think you have it bad, you don't have to look far to find someone who is a lot worst off than you. And during our travels in that beat up wagon & canvas tents we'd always travel threw mountain towns that people LIVED under tents - who didn't have a car, beat up -or- otherwise? All of a sudden as we'd pass those poor souls, mama & dad would offer them food - which often meant we'd have to cut our vacation short. I cant ever remember anyone complaining about that either. When we arrived home, the little house that looked a little less 'nicer' always looked like a million dollars to me. The grass would be in bad need of mowing. But as we all grabbed things to bring back and reflect on the time away ... At least our family had a -home- and it made it nicer to come back to. T_11.gifAny vaction stories that just make your heart smile? Please share! T_D1.gif T_D3.gif t_07.jpg Today's comment is a once run from about a year ago? I think I threw it together when running late, using a couple items that I'd used on other comments (ie: Fridays) T_09.gif I thought I'd add some feel good music to help sooth your soul ... And the late great Bob Marley is just the guy to 'uplift' moods. So I hope your visit to my blog was a little 'vacation' from whatever ales you today - Come back anytime! T_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gifT_10.gif

IS onecomingsoon.gif 270.gif


Happy.gif w.gife.gifd.gifn.gife.gifs.gifd.gifa.gify.gif 11I.giftornado_3.gif11I.gif 11Z.gift_5.gif Wednesday, May 28, 2008 th_rollercoaster.gif
I hope 'IF' this day finds you definitely twisted That your bends and turns at lease had a few Good stomach laughs & spins from within. What I used to call "losing my stomach" 11R.gif The twist & turns of life time ... Those of even a single day can be diverse. Even how people decipher the word:twist Twist, Twister, twisted All the images displayed here although very diverse in perception - all derived from the same search or keyword:TWIST 11Q.jpg Sorry I got a little off subject ... Which YOU probably wondered by now where this was leading and how I was going to turn my dibble into a decent subject for discussion ... Which by now - YOU should know DOESN'T always happen! But my mind is a little twisted and threw some 'spins & turns' I might be able to turn my twisted thoughts into something to talk about. Maybe ... 11c.gif Actually I just wanted to play with the word for a bit - and see how I could twist things around. Which I dont mind when I get things twisted: 'PURPOSELY' But I really hate when something I said gets all twisted around from it's meaning! Or misconstrued as some entirely different ... Or as public figures like to say: "It was taken out of content" Which I now twisted to this: t.gifh.gife.gifsp.gifq.gifu.gife.gifs.gift.gifi.gifo.gifn.gif 11X.gif Have you been a victim of twist 13.gifqu.gif13.gif I'm sure there's been some sort of mishap that what you've said somehow got all twisted into the wrong thing? I know I've have way too many times myself. An innocent conversation that somehow turn south. Honest moment that was twisted into something devious. 11P.gif Example of mine that I CAN share ... I Dont want to open any wounds here This happen several years ago and I've filed it under "Live & Learn" And I assure you no malice was ever intended, In fact -all- parties involved were people who I genuinely enjoyed their company & USED to look forward to seeing at one of my favorite bars. 11N.jpg One afternoon while sittng at said bar ... Just doing what I always did - smiling, drinking, and talking to anyone who wanted to converse about whatever th_cattails.gif (ut oh - "long twisted tail" oops 'Tale' warning) An attractive lady comes in and sits in the empty stool beside me. I knew who she was but really never had any kind of conversation with her before that day she sat down beside me. 11K.jpg Turns out she was a sister of someone who I'd just visited his home and did some partying with just the weekend before ... So after we established a conection of sorts - Her brother- I kept things light and casual, informing her of last weekend events (not going into details - you never know about family) So mentioning that I'd seen her brother which I said I also knew here brothers girlfriend 'Suzy', heck I just seen her HERE yesterday along with so-and-so and a bunch of other people who were sitting at the bar - all watching something on TV ... (etc ... etc ...) 11M.gif Pleasant conversation ... Not a detail mention (that I knew of) Actually found I like the gal, she was a "HOT" young teacher when I was in school and also a sister of a new friend of mine. So, reading that ... Where did I go wrong? Can you pick the spot that it turned south?? Heck, I didn't see anything wrong - well ... the next day I found that 10 minutes effected 7 people and made many people HATE me ... And honestly got things twisted around! When I mention that:"I knew here brothers girlfriend 'Suzy', heck I just seen her HERE yesterday along with so-and-so . . ." THAT's where I messed up unbeknownst to me My friend 'Suzy and 'so & so' had a history, I found (after the fact) that they were having an affair. Back when I seen them together years ago ... I honestly thought they were boss & employee (friends) who hung out? Never picking up on the 'fling' So, here I got things twisted by accident. Hurting both Suzy & Will (which they broke up) The sister and Suzy hated each other now then so & so's WIFE was harrassing all the parties ... And end result - all but the brother was HATING me ... Talk about twisted Yikes! So any thing twisted you want to share? I learn that day that innocent conversation defiantly can get twisted t.gifh.gife.gifsp.gifg.gifr.gife.gife.gift.gifi.gifn.gifg.gif 11W.gif11W.gif11W.gif Today comment has been used 3 other times It has a couple of my own photo manipulations - I removed others. I've changed a couple things each time, trying to keep it fresh? 11S.jpg One of the photo's that I always have to replace - because photobucket deletes. It's the Titty twister one ... Seems it's a little TOO naughty for them??? Funny, Drugs or HATE items are never flagged? Something's I wont pretend to understand! 11J.jpg My music selection "Twisted Sister" classic "I wanna Rock" Mostly chosen for the bands name (keeping it as 'themed' as possible) I also never could chose which of the "Headers" (Headline) styles to use ... So I just left them both? eh, just me being twisted 11V.gif Well my twisted friend I hope you are well. And this blog & my greeting was not too twisted I'll leave you now with said twisted blog greeting: 11U.gif

11e.gif 125.gif

Just wishing you a middle of the week greeting ... with a Twist_.gif twist1.gif 11f.gif tornado_3.gif28_2_2.gif t_6.gif 11d.gif twist.gif t7kd6.gif tw.jpg 436.gif Whatever twist you have in mind ...

I HOPE your 11a.gif

Is not TOO:


or has all the twist you're looking for!


11.gif 11a.gif - - 11b.gif

06.jpg 13.gif tHi.gif Tuesday, May 27. 2008
Computers ... computer problems ... That's the only thing I can think about - W1.gif Seems fitting that it's my Topic for Discussion ... I've been experiencing computer issues for months and each time I fix something -or- think I fixed something It's either not what was wrong or something else GOES wrong! My RL is in shambles - but, thats not my issue -lol - It's because its so screwed up and outta control - That my salvation is by taking a break from said RL things, Is to relax in the cyber world -here- at the fu Fubar! 19.gif So with my escape from reality becoming a bigger pain than my real life ... What IS a man to do? 11c.gif TQ2.gif What would you be doing -If- you didnt have a computer Qu.gif I ask myself that - because all those years that I spent in a bar 'during down time' (lol) My barstool was replaced by this chair I'm on now. I fight with myself every time I look down and see a 'keg' that's replaced my 6 pack -lol- And as I have that internal dialog - I sit down and turn on the computer to 'research' why ... 17.gif I'm starting to worry that I might very well have to find a new hobbie - anyway Not that I'd want to - but being unemployed for much longer it's not the cable (Internet) bill But the ELECTRIC bill I'll have to worry about! lol 20.gif So giving it thought on WHAT I'd do without my computer ... I think I'd do more ART or maybe writing or a combination of both Writing a drawing book? I was thinking about that a lot before. Then I heard that there really isn't much of a market for them And finding a publisher for one is damn near impossible ... another dream crushed by the harshness of reality! So what do you think YOU would be doing with the time that you spend on your computer now? Would you start a NEW hobbie? Rekindle and OLD hobbie or passion? Just give TV another chance maybe? 10.gif in.gif 05-2.gif CR.gif Today's comment was made last night. I was looking threw my older Tuesday comments to see if I could find one to re-make and send/post to YOU. When I realized that 98% of my Tuesday Comments are TUESDAY TRAIN related. Which are NOW going to be monthly. So I thought I'd make something new. But my computers not cooperating, so I ran across the computer graphics & just whipped something together rather quickly. catch.gif When I finished the formatting of it (adding the background) I thought I'd personalize each post - and wanted to make YOU a personal graphic (that you could save) Once again my computer wasnt going to have it! When I found the site that allowed me to make some neat 3-d stuff complete with special effect and animation. and I didnt have to upload a bunch - I was ecstatic !!! Until I made a couple of MINE for practice ... Noticed that the 'watermarks'* dont disappear, Kinda threw that plan out the window too! *(see examples here) Believe me, if I had the 50.00 bucks to BUY that program I would - but then again ... I'd NEVER get any sleep! So here's my "gift-less" but still thought of you comment: 21.gif 12.gif
WhatsUp01.gif q17.gif 01-1.jpg fy49.gif fy58.gif fy60.gif fy56.gif
07-1.jpg07a-2.jpg07b-1.jpg07c.jpg-lol-~THIS IS WHERE 'YOUR' PERSONAL GRAPHIC WOULD OF BEEN~*wink*

Mon 05-26-08 (Grillin')


11E.gif Monday, May 26, 2008 11Ch.gif Memorial Day ... Knowing that I have readers That are not American & surely don't understand our holidays - I apologies for all my patriotic flare. I assure you that my Blog wont be "all American" theme But as you see - It does have a look of one! Believe me, there's plenty of our countrymen who only observe the day as an extended weekend day - most excellent way of kicking off the summer season with a good ole "Cook Out" 135.gif135.gif Wanting to cover all my bases (entertainment wise) I'm trying to keep my theme that of "Family Time" as the Mary J song at top alludes towards And since everyone is not a R&B fan - I also included a real "classic" to jar some childhood thoughts of picnic's! I dont want to try to "hypnotize" you to either thing ... The American thing -nor- the music ... You are getting sleeppp-peeeee *snickers* 11f.gif I's really about that timeless tradition: The Cookout, Or a "Bar-Bee-Que (bbq) for those who don't do the phonics ... lol Firing up the grill to do some Grillin' A good old fashion cookout dates back to when it wasn't done as an accessory but necessity. Either way you look at it or whatever you call it ... It's a GREAT way to either prepare or even burn some food with hopefully, those you enjoy spending time with 203.gif418.gif93.gif Cooking out doors seems to enhance the flavor of the food or perhaps its just the ambiance or the surroundings? I believe it's the experience as a whole including the company. Some folks make grilling a cultural affair when selecting what to grill, be it the American Hamburgers & hot dogs or a big juicy steak - authentic items as links or various chicken Which brings me to my: 11i.gif11D.gif11i.gif What's you favorite 'grill' item I would love to hear some "different" things I want to try some new things to grill this summer ... So if you have an original or untradisional item that you like to slap on the hot coals, let me know! Oh - and I like CHARCOAL - not a fan of gas grills Gas is very convenient, but takes away from the favor and experience in my educated opinion. 419.gif Ribs are a grilling item that everyone seems to have different idea's on HOW they should be made. I seen people take great lengths in there BBQ ribs Oh & their BEANS to serve with said BBQ ribs I enjoy grilling my corn on the cob (in their silks) which some people find strange, but until you try em' 424.gif423.gif422.gif So my grillmasters ... tell me your secrets! Enlighten me with you grilling ways ... and help make one of my next meals be all tasty & relish with you in thought! If you have a certain item, what's the "Must Have" side dish? I await your culinary knowledge! 11h.gif I've remade today's comment a couple different ways - each time it's the same results - just things CAN & DO go from bad to worst and for some reason MONDAYS Is when it usually happens to some! 11b.gif11C.gif11a.gif From the Alarm not going off To the "Coffee Incident" a bit later to that little 'fender bender' that makes you even later than you already were . . . (or that @#%^*! ticket you got for speeding) 11g.gif I believe this is about the 3rd time I've posted this on your profile - It has a lot of my own drawings & penmanship on it. I always enjoy the MONDAY gone bad theme but as you may already know. I actually like Monday's. So I hope this MONDAY finds you without any of the aforementioned stubbed toe or peskiness But one of delightful events & if included in the extended holiday weekend - that the extra day was spent doing what pleases you. 11Ka.gif11Ka.gif11Ka.gif11Ka.gif11Ka.gif
Alarm_rings.gif car.gif 11R.gif
After All That? I got to the place and found a sign: Sorry were 'CLOSED' for the Holiday! {So I hope YOUR day was better}

Sat 05-24-08 (pets)


1bheart.gif Saturday, May 24, 2004 Greetz.gifhi.gifGreetz.gif P9.gifaturday is progressing well on my end of the screen, I hope this finds everything the same on your side as well. Turning out to be nice weather Here in my home state (Ohio) And even calls for temperatures warm enough to go swimming Although I don't think the waters had a chance to warm up enough sexy.gif Lexy and I took my dog for a long walk this morning Funny - my dog is like a rock star ... Little kids see those little legs and long body and just want to pet her ... and even though she's getting older, She'll let "CHILDREN" pet her - Adults she's not too crazy for. P6.gif What about YOU ... Do you like adults? (teasing) Nah, I've mentioned my pets before and I've talked to some folks here that have pets ... Rabbits & even Lizards ... 1bheart.gif P9.gifo, What's your pet? If you don't own one now ... What kind would you like to have? Names ... Age ... Interesting tail O0ps TALE to tell? P3.gif Like I've mentioned before: I've got my wiener dog Sassy she's my 3rd wiener I've had 10 years old and very human like. I also have a cat snowball 8 years old Pure white with long hair and I swear ... Her whiskers are as wide as she is long. No fish, and recently a mouse that wasn't invited! (disappeared - but the cats not talkin') P7.jpg How about you? Got a fat cat or an old dog Anda has a bunny I know, How about a favorite childhood pet? 1bheart.gif P9.gifaturdays Greeting was a remake that I posted once, but used parts of on many other comments before. Wasn't much done to it from last time but added the hearts from "Rock You" I took a couple of graphics and made them smaller and add background & borders. P1.jpg My song choice was a classic "Saturday Night Special" by the Southern Rock legions "Lynyrd Skynyrd" So, I'll leave you now ... I hope my computer allows me to send this and "IT" finds you - P5.gif Hoping you enjoy "IT" As well as this: njoyWE.gif

02-1.gif 04s-1.gif03-1.gif04s-1.gif 00a.gif hearts.gifluv.gifhearts.gif
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