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Thought I'd post the new Energy Alert right away this time, lol. Much love, warm hugs, and blessings for all my friends/family/fans! Later! Muah! Greetings! The tide is out. The energies are still. There is nothing. Very little if any movement, stillness, emptiness, perhaps sadness, dead batteries, feeling drained, depleted, wanting to cry, perhaps hopelessness, and maybe wondering where in the world we are now. For those who are highly sensitive or tapped in more than most, the above scenario might be applicable. For others, you may notice that things seem to be drying up, bottoming out, ending, and with seemingly no future connection in sight. I ran out of hummingbird food the other day, and with the nearest store an hour away and nothing to make my own in my cupboards, I am wondering if they are feeling the same. Looking at the feeders hanging there quite empty, with no hummingbirds now around, seemed a similar situation to the energies of late. If you are one who is already out of the mainstream to a fair degree, you may be feeling these energies simply by walking and breathing throughout the day. If you are more in the mainstream, you may be experiencing a substantial drop in your business, you may be using your last dollar, or you may feel alone, disconnected, and almost invisible. The energies may seem dead, flat, and nearly non-existent. You may try to be your very up and happy self, but may end up falling flat as a pancake. Well, guess what? All, as always, is in divine and perfect order. Very commonly, we have this feeling and experience right before an energy surge. The longer the energies are out, the more powerful and substantial the energy surge will be that follows. We need to rest up and re-align before the next big whirlwind of energy arrives. And during this big lull, we are still being prepared. We are connecting now to more deep and powerful energies so that we will be ready and primed to serve the planet when the energies of rapid manifestation return. This preparation and new connection can vary with each and every individual. For me, I experienced a feeling like I had been knocked out of my groove, then acute nausea, then spinning, vertigo and more acute nausea (the spinning Merkabah connecting me to my light body or a higher dimension), and then needing to eat every hour with a ravenous appetite. When we are re-structuring within we need a lot of fuel! The entire time I had energy pouring through my crown chakra (I think I have a big bruise on the top of my head now!). This only lasted for a few days, thank goodness, as I was so very tired of eating! For others, connecting at a higher and deeper level can involve seeing lights, opening to a higher energy, seeing repeating numbers, feeling dizzy, woozy, and weak, or simply wanting to cry a river for no apparent reason. We may even think that we are depressed. If we try and jump back into our old grooves or into the swing of things again, our higher selves and bodies will say, “No. Not yet. You are not ready quite yet. Just wait a little longer.” So then, this time of quiet is a very good time to prepare. It is a good time to organize. It is a good time to get things in order…because when the energies return in October, you will not have time to do much of anything except to hold onto your hat! The fall equinox in September will jump start and bring in these new energies of October. So until then (and there is always a window of energy surrounding this date), we can feel assured by knowing that we are right where we need to be for now. We are always being lovingly and divinely watched over. We are always right on track even when we may believe we are not, or that something is amiss. During this bottoming out period, we may feel like we have lost who we are. We may feel like we have lost our power or may not know who we are now supposed to be. Whenever we are being re-aligned or re-connected in a higher way, we need all of our reserves to complete this process. This is why I got so hungry, and this is why we may feel drained and lifeless. When I crushed my leg many years ago, I lost all my psychic ability. I had been very tuned in to another dimension my entire life, and thus felt like someone had cut off my right arm. I suddenly felt one-dimensional. But I was undergoing an enormous process of re-structuring and my energy needed to be present for this alone. This is what is occurring now, so we know then, that it will pass. And when we are complete with it, we will be much more connected to our God selves, our true authentic selves, and certainly to Source. We will then embody much more of the energy of love, and we will be vibrating much higher indeed. When we are in this weakened state, we are now more vulnerable than ever before. In addition, the higher we vibrate as a planet, the less density there is, so boundaries naturally become much thinner. It is during these times that we seem to have boundary issues, or rather experience energies entering our spaces that we would rather not have around. But once we complete this process, we will be much stronger and be more adept at handling the on-going boundary situations that the ascension process creates. So while we are in this state of flux or of seeming weakness while we are re-aligning, we can easily be taken advantage of….but this is only temporary. The ascension process knows what it is doing. We were not meant to suffer needlessly or to become flattened in a permanent way. This time will pass, and when it does, we will feel incredibly awesome indeed….. www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl

Just A Head's Up........

We have the next Mercury Retrograde on the horizon.....it begins September 24th. Keep in mind, some of us feel the slow down/speed up a week before and after the official Retrograde. Time to prepare as best we can.....if there is such a thing as preparing for a Mercury Retro! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings! Later! Muahz!
This is the most recent Energy Alert from Karen Bishop.....enjoy! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings for all my friends/family/fans......muahzzz! Greetings! Get ready! October will bring in a full manifestation of our new roles, our new purposes, and a whole new set of “responsibilities” to our beautiful planet earth. Our “careers” will blast off, as we will then be poised and ready to offer the services of our heart’s desires to those in need of them. Not only will our new store-fronts or portals for receiving money be activated and greatly utilized, but many miracles, higher connections to others, new arrivals of hopes and dreams, and much of everything else will fall in our laps as well. There will be so much going on for us in October, that we will barely be able to keep up! During this lull of the past several weeks and even for awhile longer, we are undergoing a process of preparation for our new roles. We are opening more, and readying in many ways to be carrying new responsibilities. We will be holding much more light, and thus, carrying much more responsibility for the awakening and evolution of the planet. Our very new “assignments” are being placed within us most assuredly now. Within this lull or eye of the storm, it can seem very quiet. We may think that our jobs are drying up, that our source of income is waning and perhaps over forever, or even that we are sitting here twiddling our thumbs with nothing much occurring anywhere for us. We needed a rest and we needed to rejuvenate from the gut wrenching energies of July and the latter part of June. After this restful period and still within the lull, we then began the “re-wiring” or rather preparation period for our service to humanity…our service to those on differing rungs of the evolutionary ladder. And we will indeed be needed. The full solar eclipse of August 1st opened the door for these new arrivals. It was the start of a very new beginning….at last. Most recently, it was time to really let go of much. It was time to cleanse and clear out anything in our lives which no longer fit us, which dragged us down, and which placed us in a less desirable space that what we would have preferred. The interactions and manifestations of the past year and a half that were not as pleasant as we would have hoped, were now very over. The time for doing what we really did not want to do is now very over. Experiencing any unpleasantness is now very over. Any sacrifices on our parts are now very over. (Apologies here….I have been writing on my book so much of late that I’m having a hard time putting a sentence together!) We have literally left one world behind and are now fully enmeshed in another reality. This new reality is so very light, so very quick to manifest our every thought, so very loving, so very there, so very free, so very complete, and so very magical indeed. Currently, these energies are surrounding us but in a much more quiet and peaceful way. Come October, they will be much more forceful, moving, and will manifest so much for us that we may become overloaded with too much of a good thing. During this time of movement into the new, some of our animal companions who embody much of our old energy are chosing to leave. Although they will not be going with us in their current form, they have already made plans to come back into different situations and are so very excited about their return...whether returning again to us or to our loved ones. If you are currently not experiencing any of the peaceful stillness mentioned above, I would suggest to you that you have not yet let go entirely of the old world or the old reality. All you need do is to close the door. Close the door and open another one. Tap into something different from what is falling. Tap into something different from the old outside manifestations. Remove yourself from the old, literally or not. Take time for yourself. If you are still in a job, when you arrive home, turn off the phone, the internet, the television, and take a wonderful walk, read a pleasure book, bake or cook, do something creative, take a hot bath, and simply be in another space altogether. Remove yourself from the old. Refuse to be a part of it. Refuse to participate in the dramas of others. Look ahead. See a new horizon. Know that it is indeed there, just waiting for you. Decide what it is that you really want to do now. Know that there will be a place for it. Remember what it is that you wish to offer the world. And know that this gift of service has been within you always…you need not learn anything new. And know as well that a gift of service can be a work of art, a piece of music, or anything that serves to connect others to a higher light. In order that things become stabilized during this massive transition from the old world to the new reality, a few things have been set into place to hold the energies firm during the fall. Firstly, the new babies are arriving. These new little ones are coming in rapid numbers, in twos and threes, and arriving as quickly as they possibly can. Because there are so many of them, and because they carry such a high vibration, they are thus laying a very solid grid for the creation of the new. Another stabilizing force is Barack Obama. He will be poised and positioned perfectly to bring the entire planet together, there-by creating yet another grid of unity that will serve to stabilize things as much as possible during the fall. We will connect and support each other through his divine and highly evolved leadership. All, as always, is in divine and perfect order. Things are being put into place very perfectly indeed, including us! We will be an additional piece which will hold things together during the fall, as we assist those in transition. So now is the time to examine what it is that you really and truly want to offer to the world. I can assure you, when you connect to your soul’s plan, you will be miraculously poised to offer it to the world. You need not know how, you need not plan in great detail, you only need connect to your heart’s desire, begin it, and the rest will fall into place all on its own. Let go of the old. Leave your old responsibilities behind if you are comfortable doing that. Know that the struggle is over. Know that you need no longer hold anyone or anything up ever again. Know that unpleasant energies cannot be where you are…if they do show up, ignore them, as they only want your energy and your light…you have better things to do. Dis-connect from the old reality and trust that when you do, you will find yourself at the gates of Heaven. www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl
Had a reminder Shout today to post this, lol! So here it is.... Karen says we are "in a lull".....funny, I haven't noticed any lull, lmao! Ah, well...... Enjoy! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings for one and all! Muah! Greetings! We just completed a big purge, and thus, we are now in a lull. The lunar eclipse and full moon supported us in really seeing who we are, in allowing us to go into that scary and seemingly dark space, and now we are out and on the other side. If you are one who is unusually sensitive and connects easily, you may have experienced the lunar eclipse on August 16th with confusing feelings of low self worth, perhaps self-loathing, and even guilt for no apparent reason. You may have felt just plain icky and you did not know why. Suddenly feeling bad about ourselves for no apparent reason is simply a manifestation of the lunar eclipse supporting us in going deep within and seeing the denser aspects of who we are. After its passing, we were then given an opportunity to shed a lot around us. We may have suddenly felt as though it was time for a big housecleaning, and not just our physical homes! After all we had been through in the past few months and weeks, it was indeed time for a rest…time for us to find sacred spaces, shed and purge anything in our lives which had not felt good to us, and know that we could now live and be free and clear of any denser and unpleasant energies (within and without). We had actually and finally come home….it was indeed time for the “other side.” We could now be here and feel the peace, tranquility, ease, and comfort that had escaped us in recent times past. It was time to be back in our comfort zones once again…comfort zones we had not been in since March of 2007. We can now know that being in the muck and unpleasantness of another reality is now forever over (except for the times we must return, if ever so briefly J). We can now know that we are done, that we no longer have to be a part of any unpleasant and denser energies. We can now rest assured that the roles we had to play in previous times of interacting with these energies to bring them “up” are now over. We do not have to do this ever again. Seeming sacrifices made for the good of another or the good of the whole were suddenly released now…and many of us were ever ready for this change indeed (perhaps part of the reason for the “guilt” as well, as we said bye-bye). So then, many are being guided to sacred spaces of their own, as sudden openings and manifestations are occurring when they would not before. In this new land of simplicity, peace, and tranquility, tasks are being accomplished slowly, with ease, and in an effortless way. There is no density here…only a lightness and ease with a simple and sweet flow. The purging and detoxing that is just finishing now and has been for the past few weeks, is simply a releasing of all of the old denser energies that we had around us. The purging is not necessarily a purging of our denser selves, but a purging of the energies of our surroundings that we were so engulfed in during recent weeks. We were trapped in denser energies for awhile and can now let them go. This purging can manifest as intestinal distress and pressure, bladder pain, muscle pain, and exhaustion. It can even feel as though there are toxins within our bodies that just plain hurt. It can be difficult to eat much of anything during these times, and difficult to eat at all as our bodies are going through so much. Eating light and drinking lots of pure water are always good remedies. When new light arrives, we can feel intense sinus pain and pressure. This is very common. It can also feel as though we are having some challenges with allergies as well (but sometimes we are just having allergy symptoms). The sinus pain is the expansion we feel when we are opening to more light…so is the upper back and neck pain. The allergy symptoms can occur when we are resisting our old environment as it no longer vibrates where we do. So then, although we have arrived in a new and better feeling spaces, we can still be detoxing from the old and adjusting to the new! September will bring in more of the new….more of the beauty, simplicity, and light we have been longing for. And October will usher in more rapid and solid manifestations of our new spaces, including the supports we will need in times to come. October will be much more fast moving and intense and we will barely be able to catch our breaths with all the new manifestations occurring for us. And November will very possibly bring in a rocky, tumultuous, and gutting surprise for much of the old world. So even though it may seem very quiet of late, it can simply be nice to have a much needed rest, enjoy the lull, and catch our breaths before things rev up once again. www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl
I have not done a good job of reposting these this Summer, lol. This is the most recent posting! Please remember to take anything you read with a grain of salt.....run it through your personal radar system, lol - does it feel like truth to you! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings for one and all! Greetings! There is wonderful news to report regarding the total solar eclipse and new moon. I believe that it will have a positive and important impact on many of us on the planet who are here to serve, assist in the spiritual evolution of the planet, and thus result in a great support for continuing on with all of our special contributions, gifts, and talents. And on August 16th (or 17th) a partial lunar eclipse and full moon will occur. I will be writing more about the lunar significance when it draws nearer. A full solar eclipse (and new moon) will occur on August 1, 2008, and although it will not be visible to experience in every geographical area, it will affect us all none-the-less. The solar eclipse occurring at this juncture in our spiritual evolutionary path will highlight and support a new beginning with the end of a certain amount of resistance from opposing forces. Meaning what exactly? If you have been trying to move forward with your purpose, project, or much of anything else for that matter, the advent of the total solar eclipse will assist you in paving a much more clear and uncluttered path. The sun will be blocked for a short while. As strange as this may sound, energetically it means that this will stop the flow of energy to those facets that have been allowed to run rampant of late, creating unpleasant feelings and experiences for many of us while we try to make progress, or create our dreams, desires, projects, and next phases near and dear to us. It will mark the end of “the old.” The solar eclipse and new moon will mark an important turning point. The energies which have been in the fore-front of late, or the lower vibrating and denser energies, will now have a “cease” to their power or in other words to their ability to be able to run loose with attempts at bringing down the light through their old ways, at best. With the new moon and the sun now starting anew after this blockage, it will mean a new beginning for most of us. And this new beginning will be fresh and clear, just like a new start without all the resistance energy of late. Before new and supporting energies arrive, we usually feel a “pull out” of supports or of light. When this phase occurs, the darker or denser energies really run rampant. It is as if the teacher has left the classroom and the class is really taking advantage. Well, the “teacher” has now returned and things will now begin to change. The higher ways and the light will now be able to take charge and make their presence known and respected. As always, we needed to give enough time for things to adjust, come into place, and into alignment. These waiting or aligning periods can be challenging at times. If you are one who has felt that you were being ignored, disrespected, taken advantage of, road-blocked, boxed in with seemingly nowhere to go, having things taken over by a lower vibrating element that seemed to know far less than you, then get ready for a change. The advent of the new moon and solar eclipse will change all of this. For those especially tapped in or highly sensitive, physical manifestations could be felt of late as a build-up of pressure, abdominal bloating and a feeling of expansion, short fuses and an inability to tolerate lower vibrating energies which seemed to be so ever present everywhere, intestinal pressure and cramping with a need to relieve one-self often, restless sleeping, and even feelings of futility. You may have felt as though there was nowhere remotely comfortable left to connect to, that everything around you was from a very old reality and making no sense to you now (or ever!), that what was in charge or at the fore-front did not know what in the world it was doing, that things had gone as far as they could go and then some, or perhaps even as though you could not take part in any way with much of anything. Totally stuck. And perhaps even repulsed by those lower vibrating energies surrounding you, as this is what the ascension process continues to create...higher vibrating energies with an inability to tolerate lower vibrating ones. There needed to be enough time for things to find their new and better aligned energetic homes. And when we experience suffering, we really become clear about what it is that is the most important to us. The solstice of June knocked much out of its groove, much then needed to find a new energetic home, and even much within us which vibrated lower was released to some other home, far, far away from where we are now vibrating. And in this way, we might have wondered who we were and what we were now supposed to be doing. Rock bottoms needed to be reached in order for many to finally be willing to make a change. And for many of those bearing much light, it could be challenging to be prohibited from helping. We had to be blocked from saving others and holding up the light as much needed to fall…..to fall into its new and rightful place. And even if you were one who was not personally affected by the bulldozing energies of the summer solstice, their effects could still be felt as so many of our loved ones were indeed affected. Just standing out in a vast expanse of nature could result in feeling these intense and unnerving energies! In this way, lightbearers were almost stripped of their power and along with this, much of who they thought they were. But we decided on this course of action, as it would create the most change, and great change was now needed as things were finally right for moving forward….and we wanted to take as many with us as possible! New connections needed to be made before we could progress further. And when we realize what is dear to us and means the most, we are then able to connect to the purer and simpler things which will always remain. The door has now opened to more new beginnings. Many of the steps have been fulfilled, although creating great challenges for many. But in the end, we will find ourselves ever so much closer to our Heaven on Earth. With the advent of the solar eclipse and new moon, a new chapter will be opened and much of the old will cease to hold any of its old power. We will again feel support, we will have more to connect to and hold onto, and the road before us will be much clearer. www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl

Energy Alert - June 11....

Good evening, one and all! I am posting the new Energy Alert....haven't read it yet myself! Enjoy! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings! Greetings! The re-connection is finally coming! What a wild and seemingly unpredictable ride we have been on, but if we can understand what is indeed occurring, it can all make sense. Things are proceeding right on track as we continued making our way up the spiritual evolutionary ladder. As more and more of the masses become involved in the process, the stages still repeat themselves over and over, but with much more of an impact now as so much more has been embraced and engulfed within higher vibrating energies. And in addition, the higher we vibrate, the more intense and magnified every movement and shift becomes. When this process really began in earnest around 2000, there were but a few in the forefront having the many experiences that the ascension process creates. With each succeeding phase, more and more souls get on board and thus, we become closer and closer to creating heaven on Earth and a planet which becomes closer and closer to the visions most of us embody as the beautiful new Earth we knew it would eventually become. So where are we now and what is on the very near horizon? The solstice of June 21st will pack a very powerful punch, but why will this be, what will it create, and how did we get here in the first place? From January to Now After we arrived fully at the next level or dimension (the end of March), we then began to experience manifestations of residing in a higher vibration. The loss of our normal boundaries was the most pronounced. This created in many, experiences of having our boundaries disrespected, of feeling a sense of danger or perhaps a feeling of not being safe, and of feeling bare, naked, and vulnerable. The higher we vibrate, the less density surrounds us within and without, and a loss of boundaries is very common. Another common manifestation for many was re-connecting or coming into contact with individuals we had not seen for awhile, of family re-unions and old connections re-surfacing. This was because when we reach the “other side,” we connect with the best parts of our loved ones, brothers and sisters, and those with whom we shared past connections. If not occurring in a physical manifestation, some had this experience in their dream state. Feeling cold with an inability to get warm is another manifestation of transitioning from one dimension or vibration into another…or in other words, going through a shift. Weeping for the loss of the old, or the energies of what can no longer exist in a higher vibration, occurred as well, even if many did not consciously know why they were feeling so emotional. Feeling as if one was having a meltdown is also a frequent occurrence of the ascension process, as so much of us begins to open, leave, and come apart during these times. We also began to vibrate higher and thus to come to the higher vibrating awareness that we cannot save another or even save the planet. When we attempt to go where others are, or to a lower vibrating space, we have to drop down ourselves, and this we can only do for certain amounts of time. We need not “drop down” anymore, as it is now time for many to “come up.” And this brings us to where we are now. We need to pull out and allow for the energies which need to experience an awakening and a change to have the opportunity to get to this place on their own. If we continue to go where they are, attempting to hold them up and support them, we will only be robbing them of their opportunity to hit rock bottom, to then ask for change, to try something different, to come to a new awareness on their own, to ask for assistance, and most importantly to be willing to listen and embrace a very new way. Over and over through the years of writing these energy alerts I have received criticism, anger, resistance, and “correction” from some who are not yet ready or who have not yet had an experience of residing in a higher dimension. They are simply viewing things from a filter of an old 3D reality. Holding on to these old filters can greatly slow us up now. And this will become very evident for the many masses which will arrive on our heels. As I have said so many, many times….residing in a higher dimension is not what we thought it would be. It is quite different than our old 3D minds could wrap themselves around. Over and over I am invited to connect with those practicing old 3D perceptions of spirituality and New Age thought and I am unable to participate. There is much un-doing which needs to occur and as we vibrate higher and higher, we will need to be ready to show others who are now willing to let go, a new and higher vibrating way of being and perceiving. The discomfort that the ascension process creates is designed to allow souls to be willing to open up to something new. To realize that what they thought was real, simply was not. To be willing to let go of the reigns and to allow for help. advice, and perhaps a trust in someone or something that has been to new and higher vibrating places. This is what the ascension process creates….a breaking down and releasing of much. And through this breaking down, we then connect more fully to the higher ways of a higher vibrating reality. If we rush in and attempt to save everything before it has a chance to arrive at its own point of giving up and opening to something new, we will only impede the process of the fall. And the fall is a vitally important step on the ascension journey. Thus enters the summer solstice of 2008. Our boundaries have lessened, the veil has become thinner, and within this process many have been taken advantage of for their kindness, consideration, love and supporting ways which exist in a higher reality. These ways are inherent in most lightbearers, and it can thus be difficult not to utilize them in a lower vibrating reality. In a higher vibrating reality, these traits are embodied by all, and there is then in existence a wonderful balance of give and take, with each soul contributing in equal amounts to create a whole in total and beautiful balance. But we are not quite there yet. The solstice will accomplish much and change this to a degree. And it will accomplish much by the shear fact of its existence. Whatever is currently occurring on the planet will be affected in whatever way it is vibrating. (More on this further along in this energy alert.) We went through a period of “waiting” for as many souls as possible to get on board beginning in January of 2008. Many we very ready to move forward, but we wanted to ensure that as many as possible had an opportunity to make their decisions as to where they chose to be in regard to moving into the higher realms or not. The waiting period was frustrating at times, but necessary. Now, there has been enough time. So then, those who have not yet awakened or made their choices to get out of the greed mentality, are not yet willing to embrace unity and the whole, are not yet aware of others around them, and not quite ready to love and respect their brothers and sisters, will get one big whollop and wake-up call with the advent of the summer solstice. For those who have been more than ready, perhaps feeling frustrated and extremely disappointed in how things have been unfolding…perhaps wanting to leave this earth and go home, and perhaps wondering if the darkness will ever leave, they will receive their just rewards of miracles and beauty beyond imagination. I suppose this sounds oddly Biblical or wrathful, but this is not the case at all. This is not about judgment or punishment, it is not a biblical-type prophesy, but simply about energy and how it operates. There is no right or wrong, good or bad, but only the relationship of energies to energies. The big event of the solstice of June 21 will involve the arrival of a much higher vibrating energy, and what it creates will simply signify what is in alignment with it and what is not. The Summer Solstice of June 21 The energy of June 21 will arrive from within the earth herself. And even before the 21st, we will experience a window of energy beginning around mid-June which will continue until a day or two after the solstice itself. Deep down at the core of the earth resides an energy which has not been utilized or released for eons of time. It has resided there undisturbed until the right time. The right time is now, as the frequency is at a point which is signaling that it is now safe and now time for this higher vibrating force to arrive fully on the planet Earth. The solstice will serve to activate it. The higher vibrating energies are arriving now much more from within than from without. They are coming from within each and every one of us and from within the earth herself. And this is why we are now approaching the time for unity and community. We are sustaining ourselves much more than ever before as we are embodying much more higher vibrating energy within. The high gas prices here in the US are greatly encouraging this process. Families are wanting to be closer together. We will be wanting to support one another more than ever before. This is simply the process of returning to a reality of unity, community, love and support, and leaving one of materialism, greed, separation and self-absorption. So then, for some, this new energy will catapult them into higher vibrating ways and manifestations. It will serve to re-connect those with what they need to now connect to according to how they are vibrating. It will be all about alignments in accordance with each individual and where they are. In this way, many will now begin connecting to their dreams and dream partners, or perhaps bringing their current relationships up to a higher vibrating existence. It will be all about new connections in much more loving and respectful ways, and all about very new connections to very new manifestations as well. We will be activated now in regard to a new and higher frequency. We will now connect as individuals and for the earth as well, to a very new anchor. What is not in alignment with this new connection will now receive another big shake-up so that an opportunity will arise for a different choice. As most of us know, we get clobbered oh so gently at first, and if we are not yet willing to let go and make a change, we then get clobbered a bit harder, and so on, until we finally get it usually through great suffering. And after enough of the masses are then willing to ask for help, guidance, support and much else, those bearing the most light will then be welcomed with respect and appreciation as way-showers. And this when our store-fronts will serve to support us with an enormous amount of abundance. Will the summer solstice create heaven on Earth forever more? No. But it will be an event which will provide a very new anchor for us to hold onto until the next phase of the ascension process arrives. If you are one who has found yourself dropping things, noticing things falling through your fingers, and experiencing a strange inability to hold onto much of anything (whether literally in the physical sense or otherwise), it is simply because we are now finally poised to have something very new to hold onto once again. Yes, a new anchor is finally arriving. Are you ready? www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl
Good evening, everyone! This Alert has a fair chunk of personal update about Karen's daughter and the birth of the daughter's twins. Then Karen gets into the energy, lol! Hope you are all surviving the Mercury Retrograde - personally, it's kicking my ass, lol. It's about to get rougher, but so be it! Much love and blessings......... Greetings! At the time I wrote the last energy alert, my daughter Ari was in the hospital with complications involving her pregnancy with twins. Not due until the end of August, there was a strong possibility that they would need to arrive right then, and they were very small indeed. Solomon, or “Baby B” had an overabundance of amniotic fluid, and Arion, or “Baby A” was severely lacking in amniotic fluid. Called Twin to Twin Transference Syndrome, the placenta feeds one baby and not the other. Solomon was working so hard to keep them both alive that his heart became over-stressed, placing them both in danger. This situation created a sudden difference in their growth, as Solomon was rapidly growing and Arion was rapidly lagging behind. At the same time, my mother experienced complications with her heart, as it began exhibiting symptoms of failure (she has a heart condition.) Ari began daily sessions of amniotic fluid drainage, and eventually things just sorted themselves out after 6 days in the hospital. My mother experienced a new balancing of medications, and now feels better than she has in a long time. Her heart was not failing at all…she was just reacting to a medication which needed adjusting. And this is what is occurring now with the energies, although this phase is nearly complete. We are balancing our energies and things are now fairly sorted out. Just like the twins, energies within and without which are extreme, exhibiting an overabundance or an “under” abundance, are meeting in a very healthy middle. This is vitally necessary for the next phase of evolution which we are soon to enter into. For instance, if you are one who is more aggressive, fast forward, exhibiting reaching, “make things happen,” and the energy of “responsibility,” you have most likely been feeling that you can no longer do it all by yourself. It is time to sit back and allow others to take up the slack. And if you sit back and pull in a bit, you will find yourself in the middle with a good balance. If you are one who usually sits back and waits, allowing others to take over, you would be needing to step up to the plate and jump in, meeting in the middle with a good balance. There are many other scenarios within and without requiring a new balance, and the energies of the past few weeks required that a healthy balance be present, as this is all that can exist in a higher vibrating reality. Adjustments were needed in order for us to be in alignment with the energies we were now residing in. Pushing, chaos, and much movement was created by this new arrival into the higher realms. And in addition, as we move into unity consciousness, we are readying to experience what true unity is all about. If we do not yet know the meaning of healthy boundaries, we soon will. If you are one who is very open, you would need to pull in a bit and put up more of a barrier. If you are one who has a strong wall around you, you will need to open up more. In addition, we are learning a strange paradox of opening more and coming together while having a good boundary as well. As of June 2 or so (there are always windows around energy shifts) many suddenly decided to simply pull out of much. To step back, put much on hold, simplify, let go of what we thought we might have wanted, and give ourselves a break. The latest energies were almost too much, and pulling out and stopping was a needed requirement. A time to exhale and rest. There were other reasons for pulling back, as I will address further on in this energy alert. With all this balancing occurring within and without (the without involved the severe weather conditions, etc.), we have now reached a pivotal point where we are poised at a brief standstill until the next phase is due to arrive. In addition, as we are rapidly expanding, which is creating a melting down or releasing of the old. Manifestations include crying jags (not for the loss of much this time, but because we are releasing and opening), and even experiences of looking in the mirror and wondering who in the world we are looking at. As we balance out, we greatly change. We let go of our old defenses and of the old patterns within ourselves which were too exaggerated. And in this way, we are then much more poised to re-unite once again with our brothers and sisters. After much comes apart, it is then ready to come together once again for a divine reunion of energies which are now vibrating much higher indeed. Yes, we are now experiencing a brief period of peace, perhaps manifesting as exhaustion in some, fatigue, feeling drained or even spacey and lost, wanting rest and sleep for awhile, but all in readiness for the summer solstice. And what a solstice it will be! This will be one of the most dramatic and intense solstices I have ever experienced. The earth will crack open energetically, releasing intense and highly vibrating energies which have been hidden for eons of time, and much will be revealed as we are catapulted into a very new energetic space as a planet where we have not been for a very long time. The lightbearers needed to pull out in order to allow for more of the fall. We needed to be in a different space than what will be falling with even more intensity than what we have currently experienced up until now. We are not supposed to be holding anything up….much must go. The unity consciousness is not taking hold as easily as it could. Many on the planet are not letting go as they could. In this regard, a more shaking up will be needed, and this will arrive with the summer solstice. We are being held back in order to be safe and secure. And after even more shaking up and digging deep, more individuals will hopefully be ready for the help and guidance the lightbearers can provide. They must be left alone with complete non-interference from us in order for them to find their own way, to be willing to allow for something new, to examine themselves and what is no longer working, to finally realize what is truly important to them, and to then be ready for a very new connection. We will be rocked to the core during this time of the solstice. So enjoy this time of rest, re-evaluation and putting much on hold, as in a few weeks we will experience yet another wild ride. I will be reporting more on this as the time grows nearer, as this will be a monumental event indeed. www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl

Energy Alert - May 30 !

This is the newest installment.....enjoy! Greetings! Is anyone minding the store? Are things completely out of control? Why are some of us feeling vulnerable, fearful, lost without a rudder, with chaos abounding and perhaps wondering what in the world is going on? Has it become near impossible to put even a toe out there without having a strange and uncomfortable experience? Do we need to keep completely to ourselves behind a closed door with no interation with much of anything? Are we being taken advantage of and used for our love and kindness? Is there a sense of danger at every turn? Are things actually being monitored for our best outcomes and are we indeed being protected at all? And at the same time, are bits and pieces arriving for us if oh so slowly, for our new residency to become intact in the higher realms? After we finally reached this next plateau, weren’t we supposed to arrive in heaven on Earth? If we are indeed here in a higher vibration now, why is it so uncomfortable and unpredictable? Well…….we actually have arrived in a higher vibrating reality and here are some of the current manifestations, but as always, we are in a stage which will indeed be completed eventually, as it will most certainly not last forever. But I have to say that this is one of the strangest stages of ascension that I have seen yet, and it is mostly here now because of our freedom of choice and our own personal vibrations. Currently, we are transitioning (when are we not transitioning?) from a reality of dependency on a controlling facet of energy to one of complete independence. We are at the helm now and it is vitally important that we make decisions on our own, without being swayed by outside infulences of a lower vibrating nature... or even outside influences from others who view things from a completely different filter or stance than we do. It is important now that we step back if needed and remember who we are and what we indeed came to contribute...that we remind ourselves what we are here to do, and not what others may want. And in this way, stay very vigilant in what we know to be the best for ourselves and for the planet. When we first arrive here in this new and higher vibrating reality of late, we may feel very naked. This is because there is so much less density in higher vibrating realities that we can feel nothing much between ourselves and most of everything else. In this regard, then, we can feel extremely vulnerable with no protection. Perhaps even raw and helpless, but this is the way it is when we can see so much more of what is there, without having to look through walls of density or forests of lower vibrating energies. And what we can now see can feel scary, dark, perhaps uncomfortable, and may even leave us feeling spooked. Much is open now. The walls and density have very much dissipated. And add to this the fact that we have dropped much of any lower vibrating and dense energies within ourselves as well.....hence, our old defenses are no longer available. We are vulnerable and raw indeed. So then, what are some of the manifestations of this current situation we may be finding ourselves in? In the health arena, many are having different experiences to medication. We may not respond to certain medications now like we did before. Or, a combination of medications may not interact in the same way. This is because of the openings to a higher vibration we are now having, and it creates new alignments and changes within our systems. Blood pressures are becoming eratic as well. Too high for awhile, and then strangley and suddenly low. (Please seek medical attention when needed...not everything is an ascension experience.) Weight loss if finally here! Wheeee! I have lost 15 pounds since the end of March. We need not hold that density of protection and of the light for others any longer within ourselves. After seeming chaos and stressful scenarios, solutions are now manifesting and many are finding themselves in better than ever states of health and wellness. Learning about appropriate boundaries is more prevalent now than ever before. The process of ascension always brings regular phases relating to less boundaries because of less density, and we are now in yet another one indeed. The boundaries become thinner and thinner and we need to be ever more mindful to practice setting stronger boundaries...especially now when there is not much left of the old world and old vibrations to hold onto for many, and they will naturally, then, strive to grasp onto something else... which many times is those who vibrate higher. This also relates to darkness trying to hold on as well. Thus, extremely tight boundaries are more important than ever now. So then, if you are one who is here to serve others needing assistance, it is time now more than ever before to be vigilant about appropriate boundaries between yourself and others, and to be ever mindful of taking on the energies of others....a very natural things for a lightworker because of how we are wired. Over-helping, too much compassion, and putting others needs before ours can create this situation as well. And if you are one who is usually very open, trusting, sharing, and very considerate in healthy and appropriate ways, you may very well get clobbered now and in times to come. And the reason for this brings us to another current situation which is creating yet another experience as well. Along with the situation of clinging and grasping energies mentioned above, much of the old reality is falling away now and this is creating unusual and fearful behaviors in many...among those a natural human inclination for some to look out for oneself, to protect oneself, to grasp onto something to save oneself, and thus, to completely forget about the whole in these times of stress, fear, and uneasiness. Here in the US we are feeling the pressures of skyrocketing gas prices and food prices, to name a few. This can create a continual feeling of uneasiness and fear, of uncertainty and insecurity for many. For those who are sensitive, it can be quite a daunting challenge not to pick up these energies. But this is part of the fall. This is part of the passing of the old. We are being turned inside out in order to start anew. This falling away is a planetary occurence as well, as there is not much of the old density left for much to hold onto. Tendrils of this process which is now occurring quite intensely now in the US will branch out and eventually affect the whole in a more substantial way. And in addition, there is also much occurring in regard to re-setting or re-aligning all over the planet, manifesting as earth changes and much else. What a transitional time we are in indeed! A natural human tendency can be one of survival. So then, we can also find ourselves experiencing many who are greatly looking out for themselves, and thus, making things difficult for others. This is part of the process. For those who are supporting the whole and who see unity as a natural by-product of the fall, these times we are currently experiencing can prove to be dissapointing, exhausting, deeply saddening, and most certainly unpleasant as well. What we are experiencing now is the transition of leaving the old world behind and beginning the transition into unity. This is creating chaos, distress, sadness and grief, but at the same time, there are the beginnings of this new unity manifesting as well. As in any transition, it can be difficult in the beginning, and then it eventually snowballs and a higher vibrating reailty then becomes the current and new reality. So then, we will break apart and then come back together again. We will re-unite after some of us have had meltdowns, great feelings of loss of control, perhaps panic attacks, and intense disappointments and sadness regarding this current status we are now experiencing. But know that this is simply a part of a great and massive transition. This is the beginning, and these experiences will eventually result in a very new unity. The energies are dissipating now. The density is leaving. This creates a breaking up or breaking apart of old patterns, old behaviors, and one can at times feel as though they are hanging on by a thread and having one big meltdown. Who is minding the store? Where are the controls? Can anything and everything happen now with no apparent rules or guidelines? This seemingly out of control energy is a manifestations of a higher vibration. It is a manifestation of a new opening and of more expansiveness. The new guidelines and new ways of being are up to us to set into place. Perhaps we are not used to this new freedom...this new absence of controlling or dense energies or in other words having a lid on things. Sudden and complete freedom can cause chaos for sure. Things are wide open now, a new level of expansiveness has been reached, and within this new openness are still existing lower vibrating energies. They are panicking, not sure where to go, and are either holding onto higher vibrating energies (which are many of us, thus, the need for tighter boundaries), or going into self protection mode and forgetting about the whole. And once again, for those of us who are vibrating highly in unity, being around this panicking and self-serving energy can feel downright awful indeed. And remember as well that these panicking energies will abuse and take for granted energies of a considerate, caring, and thoughtful nature. They are very afraid and are forgetting their connection to Source. It is all of this that can make some of us feel like staying home in our personal sanctuaries and never wanting to venture out again! But as always, there is good news as well. Other manifestations? As we begin a new residency in a higher realms reality, any energies which are out of balance or in other words extreme in one direction or another, will naturally attempt to balance themselves. In order to exist here, this will indeed need to occur. So then, we will find ourselves getting clobbered and having very unpleasant experiences in regard to any out of balance energies within ourselves. Behaviors we may have possessed in which we thought were right and good, may not be serving us well now. We are the way we are because we thought that this was the highest and best way to be. We are being shown higher vibrating ways now, and they may not be what we had ever imagined them to be. Learning the right use of caring and helping is one. In times past in a lower vibrating reality, we may have believed that some forms of helping were needed and a higher way of being, but we are now finding that this is simply not the case. Learning the right use of caring and helping is one, but there are many, many more. The energies we are residing in are vibrating much higher now. This is creating much movement within and without, and much chaos. Basically, much is re -aligning and re-adjusting. Many of the experiences we are having are manifestations in the physical world of how we are currently vibrating within ourselves. So whatever strange occurrences we are now having, know that they are only a reflection of what is inside of us, and as we are vibrating so much higher now, these manifestations are arriving very quickly. But these uncomfortable manifestations can also serve as a wonderful tool for adjusting our own vibrations to much healthier and balanced states. One good remedy or saving grace is to simply stay centered and still with no intentional behaviors and no reaching, making things happen, movement, or pushing. We can allow these meltdowns or breaking apart of the old energies to simply occur. This will get much of our old selves out of the way and allow for help to arrive. Yes, help and support. Thus, we can remain still and step back while the fall is occurring. Knowing who we are by connecting to our highest selves, and connecting more strongly to Source are always things to hold onto and this will never change. We need not abandon our ways of loving generously, giving, guiding, and being considerate and respectful. We need only know that much of the whole has not yet caught up with where we are, but when they do, we can then let down and breathe, trust more, lessen our boundaries, and relax. And help, support, unity, and love are right on the horizon. I can tell you this because I am having this experience right now myself, and if you are one who has not experienced this quite yet, you will very soon I am certain. Some of you may have had this experience for awhile now. We are all at different levels and on different timelines, so all is always in divine and perfect order. After the breaking apart begins to lessen, then the new unity and new connections begin to arrive. And it is then that we feel oh so glorious again. There is so much love present here, I cannot begin to tell you. It can make one want to cry a river of joy and gratitude for these new and higher vibrating connections. And there is so much love here! So much love and unity! Having a meltdown, giving up, getting out of the way, and allowing oneself to break apart also allows for help, love, and unity to arrive as well. We are completing a transitional process. The breaking up or dissipating stage is always difficult. But the re-uniting stage is truly awesome indeed. Oh, it is truly awesome indeed! And June will bring in much more of the re-uniting. So for now, we can step back if need be and watch the outside reality fall, stay in our personal sanctuaries with our loved ones, keep up some very tight boundaries, and be ready for creating more of the new when things settle down and re-align a bit more in times to come. www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl

Energy Alert - May 21 !

Here is the newest posting to Karen's Energy Alert. Much love, warm hugs, and blessings for one and all! Greetings! The planet is continuing its process of turning inside out as it strives to align with a higher vibration or with new ways of living and being within a very new reality. Much which existed in realities of the past, or within a lower vibrating dimension are becoming merely an illusion now as there is very little left to hold onto. In years past we may have imagined a higher vibrating world or reality for ourselves, and hence, this was the seeming illusion at that time. Now, the illusion is what is left of the old world, or the old ways of living and being, the old structures, and the old systems of survival. There is nothing left for them to adhere to and thus, they only really exist within our imaginations. Yes, as we progress further and further into the higher realms, we have less and less of the old to hold onto. This can create a feeling of falling down a deep hole with nothing to grasp onto, or no apparent anchor. We may feel as though there is not much surrounding us now which feels remotely right or good, or even perhaps that we are existing in a vacuum all by ourselves…some kind of vortex of emptiness and detachment with no apparent connections to much of anything else. I can assure you, all is right on track with our spiritual evolutionary process. All is right where in needs to be for this phase of the amazing ascension process we have chosen to undertake. And this current situation is only present because we have made so much progress thus far. In the old 3D reality, dying involves letting go of much, a great and intense release, and then whoooosh!...we are in the higher realms. After we arrive, many times we immediately connect with our loved ones or those who give us comfort as we attempt to re-connect to a new reality in a very new place. At first we may not know where we are and may feel confused. But then a loved one or manifestation which brings us comfort arrives and we feel oh so much better. And after awhile, we regain our bearings and are then able to progress in a very new way with much more ease. And this is what is occurring now. As the ascension process involves dying while we are alive, only in smaller stages which are palpable, we are now fully residing in a higher dimension as we have completed our journey through the tunnel and onto the other side of this current phase. So then, many are finding themselves re-connecting with friends and loved ones and re-establishing connections that make one feel oh so much better, or at least able to find some kind of shore or anchor to hold onto while we seemingly exist in the emptiness. This is an important part of the process. If you have not yet had this experience in the physical, you may be having it during your dreamtime. Re-connecting with the old, or with energies which make us feel good again, involves the first stage of the re-connection process for our new existence in the higher realms. With much else having fallen away or no longer working for us, connecting to others involving the energy of love always works. And this brings us to our next evolutionary stage as well. Here in the US we are experiencing a recession. Food and gas prices are becoming unmanageable and are beginning to affect many. This is part of the plan. Nothing is wrong here. The US has always been the forerunner and the superpower, and now it is re-defining and re-setting itself as it begins its alignment more fully with the higher realms. We are thus entering the stage where we will be connecting much more fully with our brothers and sisters, our neighbors, and our loved ones. These seemingly unmanageable conditions are creating the need for unity. There has been a severe lack of unity on this planet for a very long time, and it is about to begin the process of change. Going it alone, taking care of oneself only, and having to do it all are ways which do not exist in the higher realms. And because of this, it can be easy to see who will be our next President here in the US. This is where the planet is vibrating and he will be a match. All in divine and perfect order. Because of this new unity that currently exists with the new energies, it can feel downright unbearable when it does not manifest in form. Many are vibrating there within right now, and when the outside manifestations do not match the inside vibrations, we can literally feel sick inside as we are not a match for our environment. This has always been one of the challenges of the ascension process….not matching our outside reality as it has not yet caught up. And depression is many times the outcome, but only for temporary and brief periods (if you are one who has experienced depression for long periods of time, I would encourage you to seek help, as it is readily available and may not always be attributed to the ascension process). These current economic conditions we may be finding ourselves in are only serving to encourage us to speak to our neighbors face to face…to be there for each other….to help and support each other…and to connect more fully to our area of immediate location….our community. This does not mean that we need never tend to the planet as a whole. Quite the contrary as unity has many boundaries and many levels. As we have succeeded in emptying out so much, we are now poised to re-connect once again. And what we re-connect to will be very different than what we have connected to before. This is because we are vibrating higher now and will attract much more pleasant and incredible experiences for ourselves. Now, in addition, we are being greatly encouraged to connect with each other. As the Hopi quite eloquently have said, “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” These current planetary conditions may feel downright awful, but they are here for a reason and very much a part of the process. June As June arrives, so will more of our new connections. With things finally calming down a bit for many, as we have aligned more readily now with the new, it can be a good time in latter May and into June to begin the process of tying up loose ends and readying for our new endeavors and new connections. We may now have the time to get the things done which we could not before, as too much had landed upon us during the overload of energy phase we most recently experienced in April and the first half of May. And with the advent of Mercury turning retrograde from May 26 to June 19 or 20, we will be assisted in this process. Much more will come for us in June. Things will be lining up. We will connect with new people and new things. Our new beginnings will finally begin beginning! We will come together much more as a whole. We will unite with those who match us in better ways. With the current emptiness we may find ourselves in, it may seem that much is in dire straits, but what we are seeing is simply the emptiness. There is nothing really there yet to see or to connect to. We are neither here nor there. Our new connections have yet to be established, and the theme of this new, again, is a connection to each other. 2012 There has been much energy and focus floating around about the year 2012. Many might say it marks the end of the world. And many are focusing on this event instead of focusing on where they are now. 2012 will simply mark the end of an era or reality. The planets will be positioned in such a way that a signal or benchmark will have been reached. For many of us who are sensitive, we may feel this event very intensely within ourselves. It will mean that a completion has occurred, and we are right on track with this benchmark. So then, from now until 2012, we will be experiencing a step-by-step process of releasing the old and arriving in the new. When 2012 arrives, there will be no catastrophes, dire events, or great suffering. We will already be where we need to be, and this event will simply validate the fact that we have done what we needed to do as a planet and thus arrived here at this time. And it will be then that the beginning of the new, or the rebuilding of the planet will be put into play in full force. And by then, each and every one of us will know exactly what we are doing and what is indeed occurring. Until then, we will be moving ahead in steps, being right where each of us needs to be, introducing the new, and staying safe and secure while the planet continues with its fall. The re-building of the planet will really begin in earnest after December of 2012. So then, we are not quite there yet. But by the time 2012 arrives, we will have become much more connected to our souls or higher selves and will then really and truly know what it is that we came to create and who we are in regard to our own special contribution. There are many different stages that each of us can find ourselves in. Some are ready now, and others are climbing up the rungs of the ladder to heaven. All rightly so. If things had shifted over in one big whoooosh!, we would be much too traumatized and would certainly not be able to handle something like this. And in addition, we are the ultimate creators and we get to choose what we want things to look like! So for now, know that our new connections are about to begin, change is about to occur on an intense level, we are about to become very involved in ushering in the new and taking a stand, and many of us will begin the life of our dreams. www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time, Karen Evolution glyph swirl

Here We Go Again!

For those who are interested, we are counting down to the next Mercury Retrograde - how time flies when you're having fun! The slowdown to when Mercury becomes stationary began yesterday. That is what was causing a whole lot of disconnection yesterday - I felt it, and so did many others. Mercury turns Retrograde on May 26 and will go direct on June 19. Time to strap on the seat belts.....many will find this a bumpy ride indeed! I've blogged many times on the things to watch out for during retros. If you Google "mercury retrograde" you will get a list of lovely websites that explain the ins and outs of Mercury retrogrades. Much love and warm hugs, one and all. Blessings, lots of blessings, to all my friends/family/fans, all over the world. Later! Muah!
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