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Day One: A light knock sounded at the door and John motioned to honey to answer it. The blonde girl rose from her kneeling position by her master's feet and crossed to the door. He watched her walk as she crossed the room. In truth, he enjoyed watching her walk. She was blonde, not too tall and slightly plump. Her ass was well rounded and her breasts were large enough to bounce slightly when she walked. Presently, however, she was clothed, wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt. Honey opened the door and invited the guest into the apartment. She took the woman's travel bag and set it off to the side in the entry hallway. She escorted the woman into the living room and presented the guest to her master. John asked the woman to sit down and indicated a chair across from where he was seated on the couch. The woman quickly sat and smoothed down the skirt she was wearing. In her right hand were several sheets of printed paper. Before conversation started, honey turned to the woman and asked politely, "Would you like anything? Perhaps I could get you something to drink?" "Oh. No, thank you." The woman replied. "I think I am fine for now." Honey turned to her master and asked, "Master? Is there anything I may get for you while I am up?" "No, thank you, sweet." He answered. "Unless you want something for yourself, please return to your position." "Thank you, Master." She said. "I am fine." With that, the blonde girl returned to her previous place, kneeling next to John's feet. She knelt casually, her knees together, hands palms down on her thighs. Her chin was raised and she regarded the woman seated in the chair across from her and her master with interest. "Did you have any trouble finding the place, Marie?" John asked, making obvious small talk before they got to business at hand. "Yes, Sir." Marie replied. She was an attractive looking woman. She had brunette hair, almost shoulder length, her eyes were pretty and blue, and she had a bright smile that seemed to show her eagerness. Marie was also a little chubby, but for good reason. John picked his girls to be a little overweight. He liked a well shaped ass and larger breasts with which to play. He found small breasts to be annoying, as he couldn't get a rope firmly around them. Marie continued. "Actually, Sir, I was standing out in the hallway for about twenty minutes trying to decide if I really wanted to knock or not." John looked at the clock on the wall above and behind where Marie was seated. It was ten minutes after eight in the evening. "I see." John said. "You have made yourself ten minutes late by doing so." The brunette's smile faltered a little. "I'm sorry, Sir." She said. "I have been a little nervous about meeting you. I didn't mean to be late." "Its fine, Marie." He replied. "It's nothing you should worry about. I prefer punctuality, though." "Yes, Sir." She said. "It will not happen again, Sir" "I know it won't, Marie. And if it does, there will be consequences." "Yes, Sir." She replied again, her eyes cast to the floor. "I see you brought the contract as I asked." John said. "Have you had the time to look it over fully? And do you have any questions?" "I have read it thoroughly, Sir. In fact, I read it more than once, actually. I wanted to be certain that the rules were completely clear before I came." The brunette replied. John retrieved his own copy of the contract from the table next to the couch. He began to peruse the first page, going over the items with Marie, making sure they understood each other very well. "You know you are to be here a period of one month and during that time you will learn to be submissive?" "Yes, Sir." She replied. "You understand that you will learn posture. You will learn to stand, sit and walk properly?" "Yes, Sir." "You understand that you will be stripped of all privileges and will learn to ask for things like bathroom breaks, clothing, permission to speak freely and other items like these?" "Yes, Sir." She replied again. "You understand that you will be used as a sex toy for both honey and I and that you will satisfy us anytime without complaint?" "Yes, Sir." She said again. "In fact, I am looking forward to that part, Sir." "Are you?" He asked. "We'll see about that." "Yes, Sir." "Finally, you understand that, aside from the limits you have listed on the second page of the contract, once you sign this document, you will be considered property. You will have nothing. You will own nothing for your time here. You will wear what I ask you to wear, if anything at all. And you will do whatever it takes to be pleasing to both of us." "Yes, Sir, I understand." Marie said. John laid his copy of the contract on the coffee table between them and took a pen off the table from which he had taken the contract moments before. Marie did likewise with her copy and took up a pen from the coffee table. She assumed the pen was there for her to use. "Then, if you are absolutely sure you want to do this, we will sign the contracts and you will begin your service." John said, looking at Marie carefully. "I am certain, Sir." She replied, although her mouth was a little dry and her palms were sweating. But she was determined to go through with this she knew she wanted it and it would do her good. "Alright, then, sign yours and pass it to me." John said signing his name to the line labelled 'master' on the contract. Marie signed her name on the line labelled 'submissive' on the contract, but there was a second line for her to sign. She knew perfectly well what was to go on this line. It was her submissive name. It was the name by which John had been calling her for six months online and on the telephone. On the line labelled 'submissive name' she marked down 'wet cunt.' John and Marie each exchanged copies of the contract and signed the appropriate lines, so they both had a copy. John stood up and stretched a little. "Honey." He said. "Take the contracts and put them in the safe, please." "Yes, Master," the blonde replied, standing up and picking the papers up from the coffee table and disappearing down the hall with them. "Now," John said. "I have something for you." He opened a drawer in the small table next to the couch and took something out of it. Marie saw what it was and almost gasped. It was a black leather dog collar, the same kind you could buy at the discount stores for five dollars. Attached to the ring of the collar was a metal tag. John held the collar before Marie's face, the tag facing her. "Read it." He said. "It says 'wet cunt property of John Smith' Sir." He slid the collar around her throat and buckled it into place. Marie knew it would never come off unless he specifically told her to take it off. "That's right, cunt. You are now my property. Now, stand up, cunt." Honey came back into the room and Marie glanced at her. For the first time she noticed that honey had a collar similar to hers around her neck. It even had the same style of tag and everything. Honey stood in the entryway between the living room and dining room, waiting for her master's orders. "Yes, Sir." Wet cunt said and stood up. John slapped her and she staggered stunned, back into the chair. A red handprint was instantly becoming visible on her left cheek. "What did you say, cunt?" John asked her, looking down at her like a wounded animal. "Y-yes, Master." Wet cunt stammered. "Please forgive me, Master." "Now, stand up, cunt." John repeated. Wet cunt stood up again, her eyes downcast, fixed on John's shoes. Her cheek stung, not only from the slap, but also from embarrassment. She had messed up and she was humiliated. She hoped she didn't disappoint him any further. "Yes, Master." "Good, cunt. Now, strip." John said. He motioned to honey to come and stand next to him, so she could see the wet cunt strip. "Yes, Master." Wet cunt said and began removing her clothing. She began by taking off her shoes and socks, setting them to the side of the chair in which she had just been seated; Wet cunt then removed her blouse, exposing a nice but inexpensive white satin bra. She laid the blouse across the back of the chair. John looked at her chest and asked, "What size are your titties, cunt?" Wet cunt looked up at him and replied, "Thirty-eight d-cup, Master." "Nice. Continue." He said. She unbuttoned the skirt she was wearing and pushed it down off her hips. She was wearing basic white panties, nothing frilly at all. She laid the skirt across the back of the chair with the blouse. She reached behind her and unhooked the bra and slid it off her shoulders. Her large breasts with their slightly hardened nipples were now exposed for John and honey to see. They looked at them appreciatively, each wanting to taste the nipples and lick and suck the tender flesh. Wet cunt continued with her disrobing. She had set aside the bra while John and honey were admiring her breasts and now slid the panties from her waist to the floor and stepped out of them. She was about to lay them down when John stopped her. "No. Give them to me." He said, holding his hand out to her. Wet cunt placed the panties in her master's hand and he took them from her. He held onto them, not doing anything with them at the moment. "Inspection position, cunt. Now!" John snapped at her. Instantly, wet cunt clasped her hands behind her head and moved her feet about shoulder width apart. John had given her a list of positions to learn months ago. She had been practicing them and committing them to memory since the day she received them. The positions were now so second nature to her, she could do any of them in her sleep, it seemed. "Spread your legs a little further, cunt." John said as he began to walk slowly around her. She shifted her feet a little farther apart to accommodate his needs. He walked around her slowly, his hand caressing her ass or her breast as he did so. "Very nice, cunt. Very nice. You have a terrific ass and wonderful tits." "Thank you, Master." Wet cunt said, not moving from her position. John was secretly balling the panties into a small wad in his hand as he was inspecting his wet cunt. He moved behind her and brought the hand containing the panties up between her legs. Using his fingers and her natural lubrication, he stuffed the panties into her juicy pussy. He was actually a little shocked. He wasn't really expecting her to be quite so wet. Apparently, she was more turned on by her new experiences than he had thought she would be. Wet cunt gasped and moaned as he was slipping the panties into her cunt, but she did not break her position. "Good girl." He commended her. "You took that very well." Panting, wet cunt replied. "Yes, Master. Thank you, Master." "Honey." John said, looking to the blonde girl. "Go fetch my leash and crop. And strip out of those clothes while you're back there." "Yes, Master." Honey replied and hurried off down the hall. "Hands and knees, cunt." Wet cunt dropped to her hands and knees, her back straight, her ass high and her chin up. The ring of the collar well exposed. Honey came back into the living room a few moments later, completely naked and carrying a leash in her hand. Her largish breasts bobbed as she hurriedly walked back into the room. Hers were not as large as wet cunt's but they were very nice. As she approached John, she dropped to her knees, offering the leash to him, her head downcast. "Thank you, slut." John said and took the leash from her. "You're welcome, Master." Honey replied. John took the clip of the leash and clipped it securely to wet cunt's collar ring. He tugged it to make sure the clip was well in place. He held the leash by the handle and ordered honey to stand and precede them to the bedroom. "Heel, cunt." He said and began to walk to the bedroom. At least that's where wet cunt assumed he was taking her. She would learn not to assume too much around this man that now owned her. Past the dining room and kitchen they went. Down the hallway leading to the bedroom and bathroom they went. But at the end of the hallway, instead of turning left into the bedroom, he pulled the leash to the right and led her into the bathroom instead. He walked her right over to the toilet and had her stop before it. "Lesson number one, cunt. This is now your water bowl. Anytime you are thirsty, this is where you will drink. It is your job to keep it clean and to make sure you don't forget what this receptacle is to you. To honey and I it is still just a toilet. But to you it is much more than that. Do you understand, cunt?" Wet cunt felt a wave of dread come over her as her master told her this. She knew she would be a humiliated slut, but she was unprepared for some of the debasing things she would have to do to please him and fulfill her role as his wet cunt. She could do this, she thought. She knew she could. It was just water, after all. So, she shrugged and resigned herself to drinking from the toilet like a dog for the next month. A quick, stinging slap to her ass broke her from her revelry. John had just slapped her sharply and she could feel the red handprint springing up already. "I asked you a question, fucking cunt. Answer me." "Yes, Master, I understand. I will drink from the toilet." "Good cunt. Lesson number two. When you refer to yourself to me, you will refer to yourself by your submissive name. You will not say Marie and you will not say I. Do you understand?" "Yes, Master, your wet cunt understands." "Very good, cunt. Now, come along. We have to break you in tonight." This time he led her to the bedroom. He bent down and released the leash from her collar. He told her to crawl into the corner and stay there, facing away from the room while he and honey prepared some items for her. Wet cunt did as instructed and crawled into the corner and waited patiently. She heard the two moving around behind her. Occasionally, something that sounded like a paper bag would crinkle, or Velcro would be undone. Wet cunt knew that honey was making the bed. She heard the rustling of the bed covers as honey moved them around. She also heard a match struck, and then the room got brighter once, then twice, then again a third time. Then the match was blown out. Wet cunt assumed it was John lighting candles. Something about that sound and that though made her shiver a little and made her pussy ache more than it already was. The panties inside her were almost driving her nuts. She knew they were just her old white panties, but given the circumstances, they felt almost as good as any dick. Wet cunt heard footsteps, heavy ones, coming toward her. She knew it was John by the sounds of the footsteps. She gasped and cringed as John dragged her to her feet by the hair of her head. He turned her around and showed her what they had been doing. The bed was neatly made. The comforter crisply pulled tight and tucked under the mattress. At each corner of the bed was a Velcro soft cuff. Each of these appeared to be attached by rope to the feet of the bed frame. At the foot of the bed was a wooden spreader bar, about three feet long with the same kinds of cuffs that were lying on the corners of the bed. Three large candles were lit and placed on the headboard. One was red, another deep blue, and the last one was emerald green. To the side of the bed was a small table, near which honey was kneeling. On the table were lengths of rope, many clothespins, a wooden paddle and a riding crop. Wet cunt shuddered looking at the assortment. John only smiled behind her. "You like what you see, cunt?" He asked, whispering the words in her ear. "Yes, Master. Your wet cunt likes what she sees very much." "Good, cunt. Now, crawl onto the bed and lie down on your belly." "Yes, Master." Wet cunt said and moved to the bed and climbed on. She slid down on her belly and spread her legs and arms toward the cuffs at the corners. "Honey." John said. Honey rose from where she was kneeling and moved to the side of the bed. She began at wet cunt's right wrist, securing the Velcro cuff to it first, moving to her right ankle, then across to her left ankle and ending at wet cunt's left wrist. When she was done, she opened a drawer in one of the nightstands and brought forth a blindfold and a red rubber ball gag. Both of these she affixed to wet cunt's head, making sure that neither of them were too tightly strapped. Finished with her tasks, honey moved away from the bed and let John step near it to check her handy work. He tested the tightness and fit of each cuff and the straps of the blindfold and the ball gag. They were all properly done and not too tight. "Very good, slut." John said, smiling at honey. "Thank you, Master. I try my best, you know?" Honey said, smiling. "I know you do. Now, if you will go to the kitchen and get the cloth and ice water, I would like to start." "Yes, Master." Honey replied to him and walked off to the kitchen. Turning his attention back to his bound and helpless cunt, John picked up the paddle from the small table near the bed. He moved to the side of the bed and stroked her ass softly. She whimpered just a little against the gag. "Now, wet cunt." John began. "I am going to spank you. It's going to be a very long and very painful spanking. I am only spanking your ass right now. I won't go to your legs or back tonight. This might be the very worst spanking you have here with me, but I use it to break in the new girls. Let them know how bad it can be if there are ever too many mistakes. Do you understand?" Wet cunt nodded, but groaned inwardly. She knew from their online relationship that John was very good at spankings. She knew that if he said this was going to be very painful, it was going to be. She steeled her will to prepare herself for what was coming. She began to take several deep, heavy breaths, trying to relax herself for what was to come. She heard honey come back in and set something on the nightstand near her head. Wet cunt assumed it was a bowl full of ice water and a cloth as John had instructed her earlier to bring. Without any warning and not a single word, the paddle connected against wet cunt's ass. The wood landed right above her thighs, on the curve of the cheeks. She gasped hard against the gag and cried out, not that much sound came from her mouth of course. Another blow fell, harder than the last one. This one hit solidly on her right cheek, causing her to cry out into the gag again. Then another blow fell on her helpless, exposed ass. This was followed by another, then another, then another. Each blow was harder than the last and they were all striking quicker than the previous one. Wet cunt was sobbing. Tears were streaming from underneath the corners of the blindfold and soaking into the pillow. But still the paddle slapped against her ass, not letting up for a moment. It was almost too much for wet cunt to bear. Her breath was ragged against the gag. She was surely drooling all over the pillowcase now, too. And John showed no signs of letting up anytime soon. More blows fell all over her naked and helpless ass, each in a different spot than the one before, but all equally hard. John must have been giving her all he had and putting his full weight behind every stroke. She couldn't imagine being hit harder than this. She knew her ass had to be beet red by now, or worse bruised purple. Soon, time came to wet cunt in the loud smack against her ass and the pain immediately following it. She cried and cried, but John showed no interest in stopping. Or if he did, he wasn't letting her know it. He continued pummelling her poor ass and she laid there and took it, because she had no other choice. She was his and she was bound helpless to the bed frame. After what seemed an eternity, John stopped the assault on her ass. She could barely hear his husky breathing through her sobbing. He must have exerted himself a lot to be breathing that hard. Wet cunt listened to what was happening around her, but it was no use. The pain in her ass and her own sobbing blocked out all other sound and sensation. Something heavy was suddenly on the bed between wet cunt's legs. She heard John tell honey that he wouldn't need the spreader bar. She heard honey tell him that she would put it away if it wasn't to be used. Honey also asked about the candles, to which John replied and told her to just blow them out and that they wouldn't be needed tonight either. Honey asked if he thought he had gone a little overboard on the spanking. He told her he probably had, but he was enjoying the sounds the wet cunt was making so much he didn't want to stop. John figured the candles could be used on a later evening. Wet cunt felt John's hands on her ass, caressing it and kneading it a little. She moaned into the gag, but not so much in pain now. Then she felt something against the entrance of her ass. Something that was warm and hard. Oh my god, she thought, he's going to fuck me anally. After all that, he's going to take me in the ass. She groaned again, this time in dread of what was to come. John hadn't bothered to even use any lubricant. He wanted her to feel this and he wanted it to make a lasting impression on the wet cunt. He knew she knew that this could be very pleasant, but he also wanted her to know that it could be very painful. Very, very painful indeed. John started pushing the head of his cock against wet cunt's tight, dry asshole. She was already squirming, the little tramp. He pushed harder against the orifice and the head popped in. He heard her scream against the ball gag in her mouth. He almost wished he could take it out and let her scream her head off for him. But this was an apartment and they did have neighbours that might call the police. John pushed again at her asshole, sliding more of his erection into her. He watched as wet cunt's head shook from side to side and her frantic grunts and moans against the gag became even more violent and fervent. He saw the tears running at her cheeks and they only served to arouse him even more. John figured he would have to find an excuse to do this to her at least once more before the cunt left his care. He pushed again and saw his cock slide farther into her ass. She shrieked again against the gag. John actually smiled at all this. This had to be one of the best new girls he had had in a long time. She was going to be a lot of fun for sure. Seeing his cock was about halfway into her asshole, John reached down and spread her cheeks apart, offering himself a clear view of the tight, dry hole wrapped around his hard, and throbbing cock. He held her ass as far open as he could and thrust the rest of his cock into her. He wasn't terribly big or anything, but by her reaction, one would have thought she had been impaled on a spear. Wet cunt blubbered against her gag and sobbed as he penetrated her right to the base of his cock. He could feel his balls resting against the little bit of cotton he had left hanging out of her juicy cunt when he had shoved her panties up there before. John began to work his cock back and forth in her asshole. Wet cunt whimpered and cried and moaned, but he was relentless. He continued fucking her tight hole until he had enough and came in her tight ass. His breath was ragged and his muscles were stiff as he unloaded into her. God, she felt fucking good. Her ass was so tight. He could tell she hadn't been fucked there much. He pulled his cock out of her ass, but he had one more thing in store for her before he was done. He unfastened the strap holding the ball gag from her head and slid the gag off of her. She was still sobbing from the spanking and the brutal fucking. He grabbed her hair and pushed his cock into her mouth and made her clean the cum and shit from him. She cried more while she did this, but a thought occurred to her that she was actually enjoying serving him like this. Obeying him without question and without hesitation was starting to turn her on. Her cunt was getting wet again, thinking about pleasing him. He hoped she had done well for him tonight and that she passed the breaking in phase without making any mistakes. Suddenly, a cold cloth was pressed against her abused asshole. Wet cunt gasped at the sensation, but knew it was just honey cleaning her and soothing her aches. Wet cunt had heard John go to the bathroom, presumably to clean up and piss. Honey was rubbing the ice cold cloth over her buttocks and anus, taking time to refresh the water every moment or so. "You did very well." Honey said. "I wanted you to know that he looked like he really enjoyed himself. I know he loved the spanking he gave to you. Usually, it never ever lasts ten minutes. Most only go for about three to five before he quits." Wet cunt smiled. "Wet cunt is happy that she could please Master." "Oh you did, sweetie. You did. You'll be able to see for yourself when we get the pictures on the computer." "Pictures?" Wet cunt asked, confused. "Yes. I took pictures of the whole thing. We always do. He likes to look at them while I suck him off some nights." "Oh. Wet cunt didn't know she was being photographed." "No. It's a quiet camera. It's a digital. No film and all that. Here, let me get that blindfold off you." Honey pulled the blindfold off wet cunt's eyes. Wet cunt blinked a few times, and then thanked her. John came back from the bathroom and asked honey, "So, how is she?" "She's just fine, Master." Honey said. "She's not bleeding and you didn't bruise her ass to much. She should be fine in a couple of days." "Good. How do you feel, wet cunt?" "Your wet cunt feels incredible, Master." She answered honestly. "Your wet cunt was in a lot of pain, but she is happy to know that she has pleased her Master this evening. She hopes she continues to be pleasing for him." "I hope you continue to please me as well, cunt. You did very well tonight. You should be proud." John said, eliciting a smile from his wet cunt. "Now, let's get you out of these cuffs." John began releasing the cuffs from wet cunt's wrists and ankles while honey continued to rub her abused ass with the cold cloth. Soon, wet cunt's ass was no longer stinging and she felt brave enough to sit up. She rolled over and sat up on the bed between honey and John. "Master?" Wet cunt asked. "Yes, cunt?" John answered back. "May your wet cunt get a drink of water, Master?" "Yes she may." "Thank you, Master." Wet cunt said and stood to go to the bathroom for her refreshment. A hand in her hair stopped her immediately. She was pulled to her knees roughly by her master. "Lesson number three, cunt. You are not allowed to walk upright until I allow you that privilege. You will crawl everywhere you want to go in this house." "Yes Master." Wet cunt said and began crawling her way to the bathroom. Honey and John both heard her lapping at the water in the toilet and smiled to themselves. Yes, the little cunt was going to do very well here with them. They felt she would be an excellent submissive by the time her training was finished. Wet cunt came crawling back into the room soon after and knelt at the feet of her master, looking up at him for instruction. "Well, cunt, it's been a long day and we should get some sleep. Lie back for a moment." John said, ruffling her hair. Wet cunt lay down on her back before her master, her legs slightly parted. He reached between her legs and pulled the panties from her very wet pussy. He looked at them approvingly and told her to open her mouth. When she complied, he stuffed the cotton panties in her mouth and told her to leave them there until he said she could take them out or he took them out for her. John had wet cunt crawl to the foot of the bed where he tied her hand and foot for the night. She was not allowed to sleep in the bed, nor was she allowed a pillow or blanket yet. She would have to work to earn these things. John and honey crawled into bed and each of them bade the wet cunt good night before they all drifted off to sleep. End of Day One
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