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Sapphire's blog: "The Affair"

created on 02/24/2008  |  http://fubar.com/the-affair/b191893

Chapter 25

The Phone was ringing Jesse was real nervous she Knew that eventually he would call and she would have to face him- running away , definitely was not the best way to handle anything. "hello" answered the voice, on the other end." Jesse all of a sudden was all choked up and had to force herself to speak. "Bob, this is Jesse, I told you I would call" she finally mustered up. "Is everything ok Jesse, I haven't heard from you in about 3 weeks I was just wondering. " Everything is fine, I ...I was just busy." Jesse, stammered. Hearing the nervousness in her voice, Bob asked the unimaginable. Did I do something wrong Jesse? You seem so distant. " She knew she had to tell him the truth, but a phone call on her lunch hour was not the time or the place. " No, Bob, You have did nothing wrong, could we meet later, I'll explain everything, I promise." "Sure, I miss you, what time do you get off?" In about 2 hrs, but I want to check on the kids so I will be free around 6 p.m. is that ok with you. She asked? Great see ya then, He hung up, he was fearing the worst, and he was dispirited, and heartbroken. She cannot leave him now, he needed her, the last 3 weeks had been unbearable for him, he would have to think of a way to keep her from walking out of her life. Tonight, he was going to romance her, their relationship had been built purely on sex before, tonight was the night to give her a taste of his story. This should keep her hanging on for just a little bit longer. He jumped in the shower, and got ready, tonight she will see some of his vulnerable side, not too much, just enough to keep her interested.

Chapter 24

I am fine ,I just have a lot going on right now. " She heard in the background that her other tables orders' were up, so she tried to rush the conversation. "Bob, we are extremely busy right now, but I promise I will call you as soon as we slow down a little bit and I take a lunch." Promise, he asked Promised she returned with that she hung up , and went back to work. Bob, sat at his desk, and wondered, he could not believe he made the poor girl promise to return his call, he has never cared whether women returned his calls or not, yet he was still under her spell, he needed her, he couldn't put his finger on it yet, but this one was different. He was supposed to pick up his pool schedule for the month, but now he wanted to sit and wait for her to call. He sat there waiting, thinking, obsessing, , she was under her skin, and he would do whatever it took to have his cake and eat it to as they say. He would sit there and figure a way to keep her holding on, without giving himself up. He loved her, and loved her more than any other woman he has ever known, but he couldn't give into his feelings, there has to be another way. Jesse was nervous, she thought by running away, she wouldn't have to feel. Hearing his voice, confirmed her greatest fear, she was totally into him, now what was she supposed to do. She had an agenda, and he was not part of it, but she could no longer deny the feelings that were right in front of her face. She did deserve to have him in her life, she just had to take what she could get from it, half was better than none right. She hoped one day, if she just kept holding on, that maybe he would return her feelings, and they would live happily ever after. He had already rescued her once right? She went back to work and kept busy , until it was lunch time and she was able to take a break. She decided to use her friend Larry's Cell phone to call Bob privately, she walked to her car lit a cigarette, and thought, here goes nothing as she dialed his number

Chapter 23

Jesse, visited Cody and Sarah, as much as time allowed. If she was scheduled later in the day, she would go over and help ready them for school. They couldn't tell that she was working hard to make sure they came home. She hoped that Frank and her mother was watching what they said in front of them. They didn't understand that hanging out all night was the way she coped, and she never stopped working home to bring her kids home, nor will she ever. They looked at it like she was using them as a free babysitter so she could party. She was tired, and didn't' have any more energy to waste, so instead of arguing, she let them think what they wanted, they will soon find out, their assumptions were incorrect, but right now, she couldn't win, she had to save all the energy she had to focusing on bringing Cody and Sarah home. She hadn't called Bob in three weeks, and as much as she missed him, she had to keep her focus on the most important goal of her family's life. Bob, couldn't understand why his precious Jesse stopped calling, he knew she had a lot of things going on in her life, but to completely stop calling, made him scared, he missed her, their time together was wonderful, he didn't want to admit it, but, from the moment she slipped out those 3 little words, I love you, it played over in his mind like, a soothing lullaby. He did fanaticize what it would be like to be around her, for her to have his children, she was everything any man could ever hope to find, damn he wished he wasn't so old, she wasn't so damned young, in a perfect world, they could have met while they were both in their twenties and he would have married her in a heartbeat. Things are not that perfect, he's a middle aged man who has never been around kids, he really didn't care for them, especially not now not someone else's kids.If only he wasn't so damned selfish, he's watching the love of his life come and will soon disappear out of his life, but he still wont budge.

Chapter 22

Jesse, for the next three weeks analyzed, the night in Bob's pool, this is crazy, if she, falls in love now, and he rejects her, she could crash and burn, as much as she felt she needed Bob in her life, she needed her kids more so she went up to a friend , she used to date, they had been hanging around together a little in the afternoons she was off, knew he wasn't happy with the living arrangements he was in so Jesse, advised a plan to accommodate both of them. She needed him to help her get an apartment , and pretend to be her new love interest, in return she would be his trophy wife, and together they were to raise her kids as a family, being friends, instead of lover's, it was a good plan, now all she had to do was convince Ron that, she figured, it wouldn't be to hard, he already mentioned he never has gotten over her, she knew she was using him, but she didn't care, all that mattered to her, was presenting a strong family front, the government was a sucker for couples, especially when the men were hard workers and could pass their stupid investigations. This would also work as a decoy for, becoming further involved with Bob. She was sure that this idea was bullet proof. It wasn't hard to convince Ron to go along with the plan, he always wanted a family, and he knew Jesse, was a good girl, he believed that this crazy scheme of hers would work, in some wild way, he was envious of her intelligence, , he loved her kids and he knew this would give him brownie points with their mother. He wanted them to be more than friends, and, by living with her as a couple he could convince her they belonged together. So that following weekend, they moved in together in a one bedroom apartment. He went with her to meet the case worker the following Monday, exclaiming that she was her first love and that as soon as he heard she was in trouble he came running to her rescue. It worked, the caseworkers admired him for stepping up to the plate, and was impressed that they already had an apartment. The first loophole was conquered, Jesse, smiled quite pleased with herself

chapter 21

One night in the pool,Bob was saying something cute,to cheer Jesse up, and then it happened. They had been seeing each other every night , except Friday, (the only night he set aside for his other lady friend),for a total of 3 months. " I love you" Jesse murmured naturally, diving in the water, praying he didn't hear it, she couldn't believe she said it.This love shit was not part of the bargain, she didn't have the time , or energy for a relationship, and she wasn't quite sure he even wanted her. Bob wasn't sure if he heard the girl right. Did she just tell him that she loved him? as soon as she said it, she dove underwater and didn't give him any time to respond, maybe he mis- heard it, he was getting senile he thought. He was developing feelings for her, but is this what he wanted? She was so damned sexy, and he admired her strength. The harder she fought for those damn kids, the more he desired her. She was a fighter , that's for sure, sure 20 years ago, if they had met, but now, What, was he thinking 20 yrs ago she would only be 10 Years old for god sake. He would roll that one sentence over and over in his head, trying to find out different sceneries to make it work, but he never found one. That night in the pool was the first time he realized the feelings developing in him . He must never let her know, he knew in his heart it could never work, and he could never break her heart. He loved her too much to much to lead her on. Their relationship would have to stay the same, he couldn't be what she needed so he would have to give her the only thing he could. He showed her he loved her, by their lovemaking, he gave into her desires, her lusts and the paradise that they shared would continue, but on his terms.It had to be that way. He at that moment, never shared with her, that he had heard it, although he was secretly glad to hear it, because secretly, he felt the same way, and that's the way he like it.

Chapter 20

Bob brought out the best in Jesse, his involvement in her life gave her confidence and the motivation to the through the worst ordeal of her life more easily. She decided to move out of her apartment, and in with her best friend Carol, and family. She wanted to save her money , to get a better apartment for when the children came home. Carol, offered her, the time that she needed to get on her feet. She also relied on Carol's moral support, Carol knew she was fragile and she wanted to make sure Jesse could never be alone. She also got transferred to a town 20 miles away. She thought with a fresh start in working there would be easier, nobody knew what was going on, so there was never any hard stares, or quirky questions. The only people who knew were the managers, but she knew they would never treat her any different than they had before. With all the steps taken to assure her, Jesse was still weak, living by the bottle more and more. Jesse , hated dependents on anything, and was always the first to rebel against addicts of any kind, but the pain of her depression deepened, and Jesse, started doing the one thing she despised, she became co-dependent to alcoholism, the only time she didn't drink was her times in court, with her children and with the coalition, God she hated those damn people and she wanted to tell them where to stick their fucking case plan . She did enjoy going to the parent classes, since she had been through it all before, she , knew a lot and helped the counselor with the assignments. She enjoyed sharing with other parents her ides and what works ,what doesn't. " Parenting is a day to day learning experience, and some of the things you will encounter, hasn't been written yet" she would explain to the group. Anger management was tougher, it was ironic, but the anger management instructor, had an anger issue herself, hell who knows, maybe that was the point, Jesse, thought. She didn't like the instructor, and she didn't care for the girl's in the group, to Jesse, they all thought they were better than she. Jesse, kept cool and didn't loose her temper, she would do nothing to sabotage her family

Chapter 18

Time had passed,and it seemed the more to completion her case plan got, the more her caseworker added to it, she would no sooner finish one task,then another was added. Jesse didn't know if they were trying to piss her off and see how much they bended before she broke, yet, the more obstacles and challenges they gave her, the more she wanted to prove the dumb asses wrong. She was sent to a physiatrist, they wanted her to hold a job, for at least 6 months, they told her she had to start from day one of the new place,it didn't count that it was a transfer, this inferriorated, Jesse, But she just grinned and bared it , deciding that was up to the judge, when her court date came, they wanted her to be established within her own residence for at least 6 months with 3 bedrooms, were these people crazy, do they know how much 3 bedrooms cost.They also wanted her to pay child support for the kids while they were not in her care. It was like they were trying to force her to give up, but they would soon find out that they didn't know Jesse very well, because the love she had for her babies, Jesse would conquer all the obstacles, they threw her way. She came up with a plan of child support- she and her mother agreed that the money she received, she would set aside to save to help Jesse, and the kids. Jesse, knew she wasn't capable of fooling the government on her own so she brought in her friends to find the loopholes in their outrages demands. She knew this was a power struggle she would have to win, so she had to use her brain cells and delegate her own destiny. At night she was free, to stop worrying, even if it was just temporally, she needed Bob, to be hers and hers alone, she didn't want to share him , or their romance with anybody, he was her only escape from reality. The more time she spent with him,.the more feelings she unknowingly started to have for him. She didn't count on falling in love with him, and she was unaware that she even had, she didn't stop to think about it. Her mind worked 100 miles an hour the only time it had a chance to slow down was when she was with him

Chapter 17

She kissed him, slowly, enticing him as she worked her way down, she knew her slow movements were teasing him because she seen his cock twitch with anticipation, she slowly, with her tongue, traced the outline of his erect he let out a little groan, as she moved her tongue slowly ever so slightly to his belly button. " Are you enjoying this? She asked in her best Mistress Sapphire voice. no response, so she grabbed his thigh and squeezed."what, I didn't hear that, she demanded. He was tuned on with her edgy control, " Yes, he begged, don't stop. Jesse, knew how to please a man, of the many talents she had. She lifted his semi-hardened rod, and licked off the pre cum, that oozed out of the top, tantalizing him as she consumed him deep in her hot mouth, dancing her tongue around his shaft as she sucked in and out moving up and down, he thought to himself, she gives the best damned head I had ever had and there was something unique about it, he was pleased with her orally fucking him.she felt him throb inside her mouth and she felt the cum building up, she readied herself for his semen. Feeling it about ready to explode, she tightened her mouth around his cock moving faster and faster until he lost control , sending gobs of cum in her mouth, so much that some dribbled down her chin as she swallowed the thickened juice. He loved watching her on his cock, he loved seeing his cum dribble off her chin, he knew then, that this woman would definitely take him where no woman has before, but was he prepared.

Chapter 16

They went for a few drinks at the bar next door, she found an instant friend in the bartender, as they sat and chit-chatted while he played pool with the guys.She felt good and the empty spot was buried deep into her heart. She was free from worry, and she felt alive. She took a dollar to the jukebox and played some of her wild crazy music everybody but her hated, she didn't care it made her feel good, between the new man in her life and the alcohol, Jesse was developing ,or awaken another personality. The sexy party girl by night, by break of dawn , the ugly depressed out of control looser who lost her kids.She felt she needed this personality to balance out, to stay strong. As dumb as it might sound, her reasoning was, if she would party and to have fun to kill the pain, she would balance out the fear and low self esteem she had during the day, so while she went through this long process of courts, case plans, caseworkers, and not having her kids by her side all the time, she would be too busy to think about it and at night she wouldn't have to think about it at all, this should keep her strength up long enough to make it happen. But even she didn't count on this blowing up to a huge thing that would effect both of them for the rest of their lifes.She never assumed that she would start to get wrapped up in the world he lived in.They started make the nightly moonlight swim a routine thing, she enjoyed the water cascading through every ripple of he naked body, it felt soothing, and Bob, his touch and kisses excited her. He knew the right places to kiss her to send her to the moon and back.She let out her frustrations and anger out in their lovemaking. The eruption of her sweet lava, was relief to her, and he enjoyed drinking up every dribble, that came from her wet pussy. She decided tonight to return the favor so she kissed his mouth tasting herself on him acted like an aphrodisiac

Chapter 15

" Good Eveing." Jesse greeted him as he was walking up the sidewalk. "well hello there. " he said in a sexy voice. Jesse,thought he was the most intelligent man she has ever known, she wasn't use the classy treatment, the men she had dated or married before were like her, and had no mannerisms, or knew how to treat a lady, this man was a true gentleman , and for once, she was going to enjoy being treated like a queen. "Do you have any preference? " He asked as he unlocked her door. 11 I am game for anything." " Do you like pizza?" " I love pizza!!!" She exclaimed. "Then I know , just the place" Jesse, fidgeted with the knobs on his car stereo, and she found an upbeat Madonna song. He looked at her with such admiration, how could this vibrant young lady be interested in me? he thought to himself, and more so why was he taken by her. It's like she possessed him and if he wasn't careful, she could become his obsession., that is one think that he will have to avoid, women are trouble, no matter how perfect they seem to be. He loved her bubbly personality, he loved her radiant smile, and he loved how she aroused him, every time he was in her presence. With her he had a permanent erection and sex was all that mattered right? he thought trying to convince himself ,trying to avoid the fact that he could start to have feelings for her, than what. But he would be damned if that happen. He drove her to Yuffie's the pizza bar down by his house there he ordered them a Yuffie special, and she ordered a Margarita, he a draft, and he listened as she told him more about her life, and her husband, and their split-up, he listened , wanting to know everything about her , enjoying hearing her tell her story, wanting to hold her, but too scared of getting too close.
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