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Planet Chrisley is now on ZooBubble.com (think Facebook pages, clean Craigslist ads, and Linkedin in 1) and drops complete history of the world's 1st Music Social Network that was shut down in 2009, its return as a newsroom, and the plans for the new Asian-themed online trance music social network called SUTRASIA.......

Also....remember TAO MUSIC LOUNGE and Wikid Sindicate? Those elements will be reintroduced in Sutrasia's launch once the new network completes.



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The U.S. “war on terror” has increased terrorism.
Here are the number of terror attacks in Iraq between 1979 and 2011 courtesy of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism Global Terrorism Database (part of a joint government-university program on terrorism, is hosted at the University of Maryland):
Al Qaeda wasn’t even in Iraq until the U.S. invaded that country. And U.S. policy in Libya is partly responsible for sending an influx of Al Qaeda terrorists – and heavy weapons – into Iraq.
And now things are getting a whole lot worse …
Al Qaeda-linked extremists in Iraq have captured Iraq’s second-biggest city, the major oil center of Mosul.
(The jihadis call themselves “The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”.   The fact that the U.S. is backing Al Qaeda in Syria is probably a continuing factor).
To make matters worse, the army fled, so the militants seized huge caches of U.S. supplied weapons, including humvees:
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McClatchy notes the extremists captured:
A civilian airport, a military airport, a military division headquarters, a border crossing with Syria, a weapons depot, government offices, banks and television stations.
Conflict Reporter tweets:
#UNBELIEVABLE FOOTAGE … #ISIS conquers the Iraqi army headquarters in#Mosul, takes/destroys all #US #MRAP|s
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They also captured one or more black hawk helicopters. As Conflict Reporter tweets:
#Mosul airport is normally crowded with #Blackhawk and #Kiowa helis. Let’s see how many ended up in #ISIS hands…
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One person tweets:
Black Hawk, one of ghaneemas taken by #ISIS. #Mosul #Iraq
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Moreover, there were:
Surreal scenes in #Mosul, #Iraq as US trained troops leave behind their uniforms and flee from #ISIS to #Kurdistan. pic.twitter.com/eUyL65lnWa
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And mass chaos as civillians tried to flee.  As the BBC reports:
About 150,000 people thought to have fled Iraq city of #Mosul after militants take control http://bbc.in/SurMVl pic.twitter.com/6MzMlp59me
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And you may not have heard, but Al Qaeda allies also took over the Iraqi city of Fallujah 6 months ago.
Mission accomplished?
Ad ID: 3020558921

ZooBubble Featured Store | Belwood Bakery, Studio City 

Posted Jun 11, 2014 11:28 am
Time left: 29d 23h (Jul 11, 2014 11:32 AM)

Welcome to Belwood Bakery I Studio City across the road from Jerry's Deli. Come on in and enjoy our warm atmosphere, hospitality, and quality baked goods, fresh-baked pastries, delicious breakfast menu, tasty drinks, and hot gourmet coffee. 
Hours of operation
7am to 3pm
  • Location: 12364 Ventura Boulevard, Studio City, CA 91604, USA
Ad ID: 3020558810


Posted Jun 11, 2014 11:17 am
Time left: 29d 23h (Jul 11, 2014 11:18 AM)

Have you heard the one about the “economic recovery” in the United States?  It’s quite funny, but it is not actually true.  Every day, the establishment media points to the fact that global stock markets have soared to unprecedented heights as evidence that the economy is improving.  But just because a bunch of wealthy people have gotten temporarily even richer on paper does not mean that the real economy is in good shape.  In fact, as you will see below, things just continue to get even tougher for the poor and the middle class.  Retail stores are closing at the fastest pace since the fall of Lehman Brothers, the rate of homeownership in this country is the lowest that it has been in 19 years, one out of every five families do not have a single member that is employed, and one out of every five children is living in poverty.  We are working harder, earning less and going into more debt.  With each passing day, the middle class gets a little bit smaller and the ranks of the poor get a little bit larger.  But at least the stock market is doing great, eh?
If the U.S. economy really was doing well, government dependence would not be at epidemic levels.
If the U.S. economy really was doing well, we wouldn’t have more than a million public school children that are homeless.
If the U.S. economy really was doing well, the percentage of Americans that have a job would not be lower than it was when the last recession supposedly “ended”.
Nobody that takes an honest look at the numbers can honestly say that the U.S. economy has recovered.  The following are 19 reasons why you can laugh when anyone tells you that the economy is in good shape…
#1 RadioShack just announced that it is going to close an additional 200 stores on top of what it was already planning to close.
#2 During the first quarter of this year, reported earnings by major U.S. retailers missed estimates by the largest margin in 13 years.
#3 One out of every three grocery store workers in the state of California is on some form of public assistance.
#4 The percentage of Americans that believe that it is a “good time to buy a home” is the lowest that it has been in four years.
#5 According to one recent survey, 52 percent of Americans cannot even afford the house that they are living in right now.
#6 Sadly, only 36 percent of American adults under the age of 35 currently own a home.  That is the lowest level that has ever been recorded.
#7 According to one new study, half of all college graduates are still relying on their parents financially when they are two years out of school.
#8 The number of planned job cuts by U.S. employers is on the rise again…
Job cuts climbed to the highest level in more than a year, as U.S.-based employers announced plans to reduce payrolls by 52,961 in May, according to a report from Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
#9 Right now, one out of every six men in their prime working years (25 to 54) do not have a job.
#10 The percentage of Americans not in the labor force is still at a 36 year high.
#11 53 percent of wage earners in the United States make less than $30,000 a year.
#12 The average age of vehicles on America’s roads has hit an all-time high of 11.4 years.  Are we making them better or is it just that people simply cannot afford to buy new vehicles anymore?
#13 According to Pulitzer prize-winning reporter David Cay Johnston, the economic recovery following the depths of the Great Depression was far superior to what we are experiencing today…
The most eye-opening measure of how poorly the vast majority are faring these days comes from comparing the periods after the Great Recession and the Great Depression.
The 90 percent, the vast majority, saw their income decline in 2012 compared with 2009, the year the Great Recession officially ended. Average annual income was down $556, or almost 2 percent, adjusted for inflation, to $30,997.
But in 1936, three years after the Great Depression ended, the vast majority enjoyed 31 percent more income than in 1933. The average increase, in today’s dollars, was $2,146 per household.
#14 The U.S. economy did not experience any economic growth during the first quarter of 2014.  In fact, it actually contracted.
#15 The growth of furniture spending has just gone negative for the first time in about two years.
#16 More than 20 percent of all children in the U.S. are living in poverty, and 49 million Americans are dealing with food insecurity.
#17 As I have written about previously, approximately 20 percent of all American families do not have a single member that is employed at this point.
#18 According to a recent Gallup survey, “Unemployment/Jobs” represents the number one concern for U.S. voters.
#19 After adjusting for inflation, median household income in the U.S. is now about 7 percent lower than it was in the year 2000.
Ad ID: 3020558699


Posted Jun 11, 2014 11:03 am
Time left: 29d 23h (Jul 11, 2014 11:03 AM)

The Russians are actually making a move against the petrodollar.  It appears that they are quite serious about their de-dollarization strategy.  The largest natural gas producer on the planet, Gazprom, has signed agreements with some of their biggest customers to switch payments for natural gas from U.S. dollars to euros.  And Gazprom would have never done this without the full approval of the Russian government, because the Russian government holds a majority stake in Gazprom.  There hasn’t been a word about this from the big mainstream news networks in the United States, but this ishuge.  When you are talking about Gazprom, you are talking about a company that is absolutely massive.  It is one of the largest companies in the entire world and it makes up 8 percent of Russian GDP all by itself.  It holds 18 percent of the natural gas reserves of the entire planet, and it is also a very large oil producer.  So for Gazprom to make a move like this is extremely significant.
When Barack Obama decided to slap some meaningless economic sanctions on Russia a while back, he probably figured that the world would forget about them after a few news cycles.
But the Russians do not forget, and they certainly do not forgive.
At this point the Russians are turning their back on the United States, and that includes the U.S. dollar.
What you are about to read is absolutely stunning, and yet you have not heard about it from any major U.S. news source.  But what Gazprom is now doing has the potential to really shake up the global financial landscape.  The following is an excerpt from a news report by the ITAR-TASS news agency…
Gazprom Neft had signed additional agreements with consumers on a possible switch from dollars to euros for payments under contracts, the oil company’s head Alexander Dyukov told a press conference.
“Additional agreements of Gazprom Neft on the possibility to switch contracts from dollars to euros are signed. With Belarus, payments in roubles are agreed on,” he said.
Dyukov said nine of ten consumers had agreed to switch to euros.
And Gazprom is not the only big company in Russia that is moving away from the U.S. dollar.
According to RT, other large Russian corporations are moving to other currencies as well…
Russia will start settling more contracts in Asian currencies, especially the yuan, in order to lessen its dependence on the dollar market, and because of Western-led sanctions that could freeze funds at any moment.
“Over the last few weeks there has been a significant interest in the market from large Russian corporations to start using various products in renminbi and other Asian currencies, and to set up accounts in Asian locations,” Pavel Teplukhin, head of Deutsche Bank in Russia, told the Financial Times, which was published in an article on Sunday.
Diversifying trade accounts from dollars to the Chinese yuan and other Asian currencies such as the Hong Kong dollar and Singapore dollar has been a part of Russia’s pivot towards Asian as tension with Europe and the US remain strained over Russia’s action in Ukraine.
And according to Zero Hedge, “expanding the use of non-dollar currencies” is one of the main things that major Russian banks are working on right now…
Andrei Kostin, chief executive of state bank VTB, said that expanding the use of non-dollar currencies was one of the bank’s “main tasks”. “Given the extent of our bilateral trade with China, developing the use of settlements in roubles and yuan [renminbi] is a priority on the agenda, and so we are working on it now,” he told Russia’s President Vladimir Putin during a briefing. “Since May, we have been carrying out this work.”
“There is nothing wrong with Russia trying to reduce its dependency on the dollar, actually it is an entirely reasonable thing to do,” said the Russia head of another large European bank. He added that Russia’s large exposure to the dollar subjects it to more market volatility in times of crisis. “There is no reason why you have to settle trade you do with Japan in dollars,” he said.
The entire country is undergoing a major financial conversion.
This is just staggering.
Meanwhile, Russians have been pulling money out of U.S. banks at an unprecedented pace…
So in March, without waiting for the sanction spiral to kick in, Russians yanked their moolah out of US banks. Deposits by Russians in US banks suddenly plunged from $21.6 billion to $8.4 billion. They yanked out 61% of their deposits in just one month! They’d learned their lesson in Cyprus the hard way: get your money out while you still can before it gets confiscated.
For those that don’t think that all of this could hurt the U.S. economy or the U.S. financial system, you really need to go back and read my previous article entitled “De-Dollarization: Russia Is On The Verge Of Dealing A Massive Blow To The Petrodollar“.  The truth is that the U.S. economic system is extremely dependent on the financial behavior of the rest of the globe.
Because nearly everyone else around the rest of the planet uses our currency to trade with one another, that keeps the value of the U.S. dollar artificially high and it keeps our borrowing costs artificially low.
As Russia abandons the U.S. dollar that will hurt, but if other nations start following suit that could eventually cause a financial avalanche.
What we are witnessing right now is just a turning point.
The effects won’t be felt right away.  So don’t expect this to cause financial disaster next week or next month.
But this is definitely another element in the “perfect storm” that is starting to brew for the U.S. economy.
Yes, we have been living in a temporary bubble of false stability for a few years.  However, the long-term outlook has not gotten any better.  In fact, the long-term trends that are destroying our economic and financial foundations just continue to get even worse.
So enjoy the “good times” while you still can.
They certainly will not last too much longer.
Ad ID: 3020558588

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Posted Jun 11, 2014 10:51 am
Time left: 29d 23h (Jul 11, 2014 10:51 AM)

Illegal immigrants are reportedly signaling federal officials to detain them once they are near the U.S.-Mexico border, as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have declared they may not pursue all illegal immigrants who do not show up for hearings after they enter the country. 
According to the Los Angeles Times, Yoselin Ramos, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala who was with "20 other families with children," actually "had looked forward to being caught," telling the outlet that "at one point even waving down federal helicopters — because of the welcoming treatment they had assumed they would receive."
In their home countries south of the border, reports have been circulating that illegal immigrants, especially those with children, will be allowed to stay in the United States "indefinitely." Ramos said she decided to make the trek to the United States after hearing reports "that parents will not be detained in the U.S. if they arrive with a child."
The federal government has been sending illegal immigrants to states like Arizona and Oklahoma, and local officials do not even know where some of them are headed. And though illegal immigrants are required to show up to meet with local Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials within 15 days, ICE officials told the Times that "they couldn't guarantee that they would pursue all cases in which immigrants do not show up for follow-up appointments, but would examine each case to determine priorities."
In fact, "ICE officials say that the immigrants are released as long as they can provide an address for their destination — with family or friends, no matter their legal status."
Ramos was sent to stay with her family in Iowa. And the Houston Chronicle reported that another illegal immigrant said he considered the papers ICE gave him to be a "permit" to remain in the United States. That illegal immigrant was sent to stay with family in North Carolina. 
Though these illegal immigrants said they intended to show up to their hearings, there is no guarantee ICE is willing or even has the resources to track them down if they do not show up.
Ad ID: 3020558477

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ZooBubble Featured Store | Soto Boutique, Sherman Oaks 

Posted Jun 11, 2014 10:44 am
Time left: 29d 23h (Jul 11, 2014 10:44 AM)


In 2006, best friends Jodi Perlman and Pamela Sutton Frank opened a small boutique on Topanga Canyon Boulevard in the San Fernando Valley. They called it Soto, standing for “South On Topanga.”

Almost from its first day, Soto established itself as an innovative and exciting boutique for women’s and teens’ clothes in the Valley. The constantly changing inventory, the great prices, and the friendly, helpful atmosphere made Soto a vital shopping destination.

Building on their success, a couple of years later Jodi and Pamela opened their second store in Westlake Village, and the new store quickly matched the first in popularity, following was Sherman Oaks. As of October, Soto has arrived on the Westside in Brentwood. We are so excited to spread the love!

Most recently, they opened a pair of accessory stores to complement the clothing stores. These three Soto Lifestyle stores are next door to the Soto stores in Woodland Hills and Westlake Village.Then they opened their third store on Ventura Boulevard in the heart of Studio City. Now Pamela and Jodi are putting the Soto experience online. We hope you enjoy the website!

(818) 817-9775
13814 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423, USA
  • Location: 13814 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423, USA
Ad ID: 3020558366

White House: Obama Prepared To Act ‘Unilaterally’ Again Using ‘Executive Authority’ On Guns
June 10, 2014 by Sam Rolley  
 439 109  17 1380
President Barack Obama is looking for new ways to act “administratively, unilaterally using his executive authority” to enact new gun control legislation, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said during a press conference Tuesday.
The official was responding to a journalist’s questions about the President’s reaction to news of a shooting that occurred at an Oregon high school. Two people were killed, including the shooter.
While the President is looking for ways to implement his gun control agenda unilaterally, Earnest stressed that the Administration would also like to see legislative action to increase gun control.
“The President’s goal is to look for opportunities to act administratively, unilaterally using his executive authority to try to make our communities safer,” Earnest said. “We’re always looking for those opportunities. But none of those opportunities when they present themselves is going to be an acceptable substitute for robust legislative action.”
Following the 2012 school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Obama implemented 23 new executive actions designed to strengthen gun control laws.
“There’s no doubt there has been an alarming frequency of tragic incidents of gun violence that are concerning to Democrats and Republicans in Washington but more importantly to people all across the country,” Earnest said. “The question is what can we do to make certain something like this never ever happens again? There are going to be other tragedies. The question, I think, really facing lawmakers right now is what common sense steps can Democrats and Republicans take to reduce the likelihood of gun violence.”
During an Internet question-and-answer appearance on the social networking site Tumbler Tuesday, President Obama told participants that he felt his biggest frustration as President was his inability to convince Congress to pass stricter gun control legislation.
“People ask me what I’m proudest of and what are my biggest frustrations as president,” Obama said. “My biggest frustration is that this society hasn’t been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do damage. We’re the only developed country where this happens. And it happens weekly. Our levels of gun violence are off the charts.
“If public opinion does not demand change in Congress, it will not change,” he said.
Ad ID: 3020558255


Posted Jun 11, 2014 10:34 am
Time left: 29d 23h (Jul 11, 2014 10:34 AM)

The state cannot protect individuals from al-Qaeda or any other violent threat
Nuri al-Maliki, the Bush neocon choice to run post-invasion Iraq, is offering citizens weapons to fight al-Qaeda affiliate the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS).
The terrorist group has taken control of Mosul and is moving on other areas of the northern Iraq province of Nineveh, including Hawijah, Zab, Riyadh, Abbasi, Rashad and Yankaja.
Army officers told Reuters their troops are demoralized and no match for ISIS jihadists.
Appearing on national television, al-Malaki said the government has “created a special crisis cell to follow up on the process of volunteering and equipping and arming.”
The Prime Minister’s cabinet “praises the willingness of the citizens and the sons of the tribes to volunteer and carry weapons… to defend the homeland and defeat terrorism,” he said.
Malaki’s address reveals how the modern state operates when faced with a serious challenge. Under normal conditions a government will strive to make certain individuals are disarmed and unable to defend themselves.
Armed citizens, particularly in a political and social hellhole like Iraq (courtesy of the United States), are considered a threat to the state, especially if they are politically organized. The state will do whatever it can by any means necessary to ensure its monopoly of violence.
But if the state faces the prospect of losing its power and monopoly of violence, as the government in Baghdad now does, it will allow citizens-subjects to take up arms temporarily. It will also directly appeal to their sense of nationalism or, in the case of the average Iraqi, his tribalism. It will then demand sacrifice for the preservation of the state.
The question is, if the citizens of northern Iraq successfully drive out al-Qaeda will they be told to turn over their weapons to the state and, if demanded to do so, will they comply?
The average Iraqi may rightfully conclude if he had firearms in the first place, it would have been far more difficult, even impossible, for al-Qaeda to have taken over Mosul and other cities.
There is a lesson for liberals in the West. It is really quite simple: The state cannot and will not protect you. The police have admitted as much. Be it threats posed by al-Qaeda or a predatory criminal element, individuals are responsible for their own defense. The state will only protect its own interests.
Ad ID: 3020558144

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