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Success Spells

SUCCESS SPELL You will need: A green candle A purple candle A talisman with your religious symbol (pentacle, cross, star of David, etc) Place a green candle on one side of a room. Place a purple candle on the other side. Now, light the purple candle. With your religious talisman hanging from a chain or string (to be worn as a necklace) dangling from your right hand, pick up the purple (lit) candle with your right hand. Now walk in a straight line across the room directly to the green candle. Using the purple one, light the green candle. Set down the candle so they sit next to each other. Chant, "I walk forth without doubt and fear, And success draws me near." Lay the necklace in front of it and meditate for awhile on the success you need. Let the candles burn themselves down, and wear the necklace whenever you wish success you follow you. When you walk through a door to job interviews, auditions, or anywhere you need success, imagine how you walked in a straight line in your ritual, and consciously make an effort to do the same when passing through the door. SUCCESS SACHET Charge the following herbs with your intentions, and place them in a yellow spell bag. Eyebright clears the mind, aids memory Rosemary helps you find answers to questions Rue improves mental processes Cinnamon for success Tonka Bean for good luck! Mark the outside of the yellow spell bag with the rune Algiz (for enlightenment), and carry the bag with you. SPELL TO BRING ABOUT A NEED You need a candle to represent the need, a card to represent yourself, 4 cards to represent your need. Light the candle. Lay the card that represent you on the altar and say: "May this card represent thee" Pick up the rest of the cards and say: "As I place these cards at the quarters shall my need be seen" Lay the cards at the quarters as you go say the card's name and the need. Then say: Fulfill my need as quick as can be by the power of three bring the (need) to me, so mote it be" THE 7 DAY LUCK SPELL Items you'll need: Black 7 day candle, Water, saucer, paper. Fill your saucer slightly with some water. On a piece of paper write the things you most desire, (like love, money, a job) Fold that up and put it on the saucer (yes, in the water) Now put your 7 day candle on top of the paper and light it. Each night before you go to sleep visualize your desires being obtained. On the seventh day, snuff out the candle and dispose of it by getting it away from your property. This spell can be customized by using different colored candles, pink or red for love, purple for spirituality, and so on. The black candle is used for "breaking through" those obstacles that are preventing you from your desires. STONE OF LUCK You can use the Stone of Luck spell for anything, love, money, health, wealth, spirit awareness, etc. The key to this empowerment is concentration and belief. When you have completed this spell, carry the stone around with you. Eventually you will start to get what you want. What you need: 1 Small stone of your choice (any kind) 1 candle (correct color for what you want) Appropriate herbs Appropriate incense Salt Water A cloth Oil (either olive, jasmine, or mint) Some bowls (glass or crystal) First you need to meditate on what you want, be it money, love, better health....whatever you want. After you feel you have meditated long enough, you may start the spell. Light the candle and incense. (Be sure you have all of the things you need with you.) Hold the rock in your power hand. Concentrate on what you want. Run the rock through the flame 3 times. Then put it into the water. Cup your hands over the bowl. Then take the rock out of the water and sprinkle the herbs on it. After you have done that, put the rock into a dry bowl. Visualize yourself getting what you want. Then anoint the rock with the oil and put the rock back into the dry bowl. Sprinkle some salt onto the rock. Concentrate more. Then wrap the rock in the cloth and leave it for at least 24 hours. Let the candle and incense burn all the way out. Dispose of the water. So mote it be! CAIRN MAGICK This is something that can be done, alone, on a walk in the countryside, with no extra magical 'tools' or paraphernalia. It is simple magic and down to earth paganism. It can be applied for any need, but is particularly suitable for 'earthy' needs, such as money, housing, jobs, healing. Take one stone, and speak (or 'think') into it your need. Place the stone firmly on the ground. Take another and repeat, until you have a fair sized mound, or Cairn. As each stone is placed, imagine that the magic is building and that your need is getting nearer to being met. If you have no stones, you can still do this with imaginary stones, or pebbles, or whatever else seems right at the particular moment. SPELL TO GET WHAT YOU WANT All you need are the three basic magic necessities, need, emotion, and knowledge. Concentrate on only what you need. Say the following; I give, because I'm generous. I take because I ask. What I well deserve is what I will get. I deserve (whatever you need) I need (whatever you need) I will get (whatever you need) so be it, and so it is. SPELL TO GET WHAT YOU WANT Take a horse shoe and put it around a red candle. Put the candle in a darkened room in the middle of a table. Write what it is you want on a piece of paper with a quill pen dipped in black ink. Chant the following as you write. What I want I write here Please take my dream and bring it near. What I want Is What I should get Let all my dreams Now be met Now take the paper and fold it in a square of four creases. Hold it over the candle with a pair of tweezers and let it burn. Picture yourself with your wish fulfilled as you burn the paper. Send waves of love at the image you conjure of your self. SPELL TO BOOST PRODUCTIVITY To improve your own work productivity, during the waxing Moon place one hematite in a small basket or tray and enchant it by saying: "Ground and heal, magnetic one; bring me clarity on this day." Add a quartz crystal to the contained and say: "Bring boundless energy to me; may it last through this day." Add a calcite and say: "Stone of joy and yellow light, help me sort through my work today." Place the container of stones on your desk and say: "Help me work through this day; bring me inspiration. And when the day is done, may the labor be finished." SUCCESS Time: 8pm to 9pm waxing moon Waxing -growing larger - is a time to bring things TO you Waning -growing smaller -is a time to send things away) Incense: sandalwood anoint candles in clove oil green candle and a yellow candle, green cloth piece of paper pen Incantation: This spell is for people who already have a plan of action just no opened doors to make things happen. This spell will give you a short lived window of opportunity how you use it - is up to you. Lay out a green cloth and when your incense is smoldering and the candles lit - close your eyes and envision yourself attaining your goal - take the pen and hold it in your hand - over the piece of paper - and keep your eyes closed. You may feel warmness and tingling in your arm - do not be alarmed. Now, one of two things will occur - keep your eyes closed and concentrate - your arm may begin to wander and move making writings on the paper - or you will be given a very clear plan of action to write down. Either through automatic writing or through direct contact - you will be shown the way to success. This spell will not work if you are not serious about it. (example - "how can I win the lottery" is not a plan of action) Close circle and give thanks. TO GET A BREAK IN SHOW BUSINESS Find an old piece of amber with a fly in it (you can find such things at antique shops) and wear it to auditions. Chant over the amber first: "Fame come to me, change my luck for me." Imagine yourself on a stage or in a movie or doing whatever it is that will make you famous and put powerful emotion behind it. A break should come along within a short period if you've done the spell correctly. LOVE AND ADMIRATION OIL To make an oil that will help attract the attention of others, mix together twenty drops of synthetic musk, two drops of jasmine, and one drop of ylang ylang in a small bottle and leave where the full moonlight can strike it for three nights. Be sure to bring it inside before the Sun can find it. Meanwhile, leave a rose petal, a small piece of crystal quartz, and 1/8teaspoon of powdered cinnamon in a place where the Sun can see them, making sure to move them before moonlight can strike them. On the forth day, mix together the two sets of ingredients and leave in a dark place. Wear when you wish to draw love and admiration to yourself. It will also enable your employers to see what they love about your work for them. POSITIVE ACTION SPELL Take a white candle and some anointing oil. Depending on the desired result, you should have chosen an oil which corresponds to this end. At the time of the full moon, cast a circle or just shut yourself away from all distractions and with the moon shining on your working area (If possible. If this is not possible, just visualize the moon.) Place the white candle (preferably a taper) on the altar with the oil. Cast the circle if you wish. Call the Goddess if it feels right. Anoint the candle. Should you wish, you can use an Athame to engrave the candle with the spell itself. While you anoint the candle with the oil, speak these words out loud or silently: Tonight the moon, Tomorrow the sun. Let this power build till my will be done. Candle burn down to send my will. This spell be cast, for good, not ill Once you have anointed the candle, place it in a safe place so it can burn down completely, preferably in sight of the moon. HAIR MAGICK TO MAKE YOURSELF ATTRACTIVE Need: a mixture of lemon juice and lavender Wash your hair in this mixture and let it air dry before an important meet! AN EASTERN EUROPEAN SPELL TO FOIL A JEALOUS WORK COLLEAGUE A Piece of paper and pen a drawing pin or tack Spring water in a sealable container waning moon Write persons name on the paper and take ingredients to work with you. Place the paper name side down on a table, and get the person to cast a shadow over the paper (strike up a conversation maybe.) "Pin" the shadow to the paper. Place the paper and pin into the container of spring water and seal it. Place the container against your forehead. Pass your right hand over the top of it three times, mentally expelling all bad feelings. Take it home and put it in your freezer where it will not be disturbed. INSPIRATION JAR Purpose: To bring on inspiration. For creativity. Ingredients: Mason jar Small crystal Dried orange peels (two-thirds) Dried mint (one-third) 2 drops orange essential oil 1 drop mint essential oil Square piece of black cotton fabric Rubber band Orange fabric paint or orange acrylic Orange ribbon Note: The color orange is the color of creative energies. The shading (how dark or light the orange is) that you use will denote the level of creative energies you wish to channel. A dark orange will take you deep into the creative energies while a light orange is less intense. Moon cycle: No moon cycle is selected for this spell because all phases of the moon hold different levels of creative energies, including the dark moon. If you follow moon phases, choose the cycle that fits your purpose best. Gather ingredients. With a clean and dry jar before you, place the mint first and then the orange peels inside, filling it up about two-thirds of the way. Add two drops of orange essential oil and one drop mint essential oil. More if you are using a large mason jar. Stir ingredients together. Take the small crystal in your hand and say something such as: "Creativity come to me In whispers and dreams And visions that gleam." Place the crystal inside the jar with the potpourri. For the lid, cover the opening of the jar with black fabric so that the side of the fabric hangs down over the edges about 2 inches. With a pencil, mark the center top of the fabric. Take the fabric off the jar, lie it flat on a hard surface. Using orange paint, acrylic or fabric paint, paint on a spiral. While the paint is drying, cover the jar temporarily with a lid so that it doesn't get spilled. Spiral: The spiral is a symbol of the dance of life. It shows the continuous cycle of ourselves going inward (within ourselves/our psyche) and then going outward (expressing ourselves). Black: The black fabric in this spell is used as an absorption color. Black absorbs all colors, all energies. By placing the orange spiral on this we are signifying just what those energies are that the black is absorbing, all creative energies. Once the paint is dry, place the fabric on the jar once again. The spiral should now be on the centered top of the jar's mouth. Holding the fabric in place, wrap the rubber band around the sides to hold it in place. Next, tie the orange ribbon overtop of the rubber band. Keep this inspiration jar in your work area, where you do your writing, painting, drawing, or keep it by your bed to bring on inspiring dreams. REACHING YOUR GOALS SPELL This is a form of magic which can be used for just about anything- thus making it a more advanced type of magic which should only be used by those who are comfortable with the ethics and are prepared to deal with the consequences in they misuse this technique. Sit in a comfortable position with your legs crossed and your arms extended outward. Your receptive hand (whichever hand you do not write with, usually the left) should be wide open, palm facing upward. Your projective hand (the hand you do write with, usually the right) should be in a fist. Close your eyes and imagine your goal. Now visualize a bright red fire surrounding your receptive (open) hand, feel the "warmth" of the energy. Imagine it flows up your arm and through your body into your projective hand (the closed hand). Continue letting energy flow from the red energy "flame". Once the impulse hits you, and you feel the time is right, thrust both arms to the right (or left if you are left handed) opening up your projective hand as you do so. This motion should be similar to "throwing" the energy towards your goal. As you do this, say in a commanding voice what will happen as a result of the energy release. (For example, if you used it to get a raise in payment at work, you could say "I will get a raise!") Results, if successfully performed, will be almost immediate. With practice, this can work very well. ARTIST'S INSPIRATION SPELL Prepare: Pen, pencil, or paintbrush depending on the art form. Elmer's glue Silver glitter Almond, sage, or vanilla essential oil A white candle This is a simple spell to bring you divine inspiration to write and create visual art. Anoint the candle with the essential oil you have chosen and using an athame or a small, sharp tool, inscribe the name "Brighid" (goddess of poetic inspiration), or if you prefer not to invoke a deity, simply inscribe your art form which you need inspired in. Light your candle and begin. Squeeze some glue onto a piece of scrap paper and dip the end (not the useable part) of your craft tool (pencil, paintbrush, or whatever) into it, covering about an inch's worth. Then roll the end in the glitter so that it is completely covered. As you do, focus on the inspiration you seek. Say your own blessing over the tool, then situate it so that it can dry without the glittered end getting smashed. The next day, make a few attempts at your art with your newly enchanted tool in hand. Let the inspiration come to you and flow from your mind to your material! A MAGICKAL POWDER TO CREATE HARMONY IN THE WORKPLACE Is your office or building stressful? Try this to make your workplace a place of harmony and peace sprinkle this magical powder around when no one is looking. Create this powder on a Thursday Evening for the strongest possible mixture! 3 drops of rose oil, 5 drops of sandalwood oil, 7 drops of lavender oil, a handful of talcum powder a teaspoon dried powdered chamomile flowers (if available) Mix everything but the talc together in a ceramic bowl with a fork until well blended. Add the talcum powder and mix well. Visualize a warm blue light building and radiating from the powder as you mix. Do this until you are satisfied and gently pour the powder into a little paper envelope or sachet. Take it work the next morning.
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