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Your lifesyle is abnormal, quit trying to make it seem like it's ok.... by Aug 25, 2006 So what people are saying is, anything that is abnormal is wrong? or not ok? It's saying your weird, so you are wrong. What kind of fucked up logic is that anyway? Well, My platoon sgt presented it to me like that one day. I was following the rules, we went over all of them right there. I was clearly within the regulations. But he asked me if I knew of anyone else who had hair like mine. That shouldn't have anything to do with it. Just because it's not normal, or not what everyone else is doing, doesn't mean it's wrong. What ever happened to all the anti peer pressure drug commercials? And the if everyone else was jumping off a cliff, would you do it too????? They use that thing sometimes, but then other times they do the oppossite. If you say, well all the other kids were doing it, then they say ask stupid cliff questions. But when it's something they support, they say well that's how everyone else does it, or that's how everyone else is, or whatever. They say hey, be yourself, you don't have to be like everyone else, or all your friends, unless they don't like yourself..... Then they say, hey, be like everyone else, or prepare to be criticized, not accepted, discriminated against, and all sorts of stuff. Seems like a mixed message to me. " We don't want OUR kids to grow up thinking that it's ok to have pink hair. " But people ought to have a right to believe what they want, and live their lives how they want. Other than YOUR kids I guess.... They don't get those rights that people have fought so long for. Your kids are stupid, mindless zombies, and you have to protect them from being themselves, and decieding what they believe, and being how they want to be. Your kids don't get that right of being able to think for themselves given the realities of life. Other people can have freedom of expression and such, but you don't want your kids to think that it's ok to have freedom of speach or anything else like that. How dare YOUR kids have a brain, and maybe see something that you don't like and think differently than you do about it. Cuz anything differently than you is wrong, cuz obviously you are the omnipotent person in the unuverse...... And/ or you get your " knowledge" from people who wrote really old books that shared your predjudices. Heaven forbid YOUR kids be tolerant, open minded individuals, or even worse, be different from the majority of society. To me, the majoraty of society is made up of idiots, and assholes. And a combination of both. Or atleast that's the impression that I get from the people I have dealt with in life. Maybe I am unlucklily jaded from my experience. However, just because I think that most people are idiots and assholes, doesn't much interfere with how I treat them. I am almost always nice, and fairly polite to the people I meet, encounter, and interact with. I'm not rude to them, even when I don't like them, I still help them out when I can ( if it's to some kind of good cause, meaning I won't help them hurt other people, or themselves most of the time ), I treat them fairly with the same common courtasy and respect as I would expect, or want to be treated with. And as much as I can't stand many many people, if I can do that, other people ought to be able to do it too. I'm not overly polite, I don't lie to make people feel better, I do what is nessecary to get things done, but I don't go around being mean to people simply because I don't like them. Have some fucking self controlll!!! is a basic message behind this. I uste to see people all the time that not only did I not like, but I really wanted to fuck them up. Kick them in the head, smash their heads into my knee, and splatter their brains into the sidewalk. But I was still civil to these people. Yes, it was wrong what they were doing, it seemed wrong that they existed at all, and it does seem like I would have been doing the world a favor if I had killed them. It really would be a better place. But who am I really to decied that anyway. They ain't directly physically hurting anyone. So hey, I can't really go around smashing heads in, and gettng brains all over the place. Let people be, stop them when they are hurting other people. Not just doing stuff you don't like. If some guy with pink hair starts smashing people heads, then, by all means, stop him. But that applys to anyone who is smashing peoples heads in, it has nothing to do with them having pink hair, as far as the reason you are stopping him. Chances are he's smashing people's heads in that have giving him shit for having pink hair though. And do those people really need to be saved? They got themselves in the situation when they started harrassing him, They began the malicious acts towards someone who wasn't really trying to do anything to bother them. Shit, that's an act of war....If they weren't assholes, they'd be just fine. And do we really want assholes in the world anyway? " The pen is mightier than the sword, but what about a bomb? " lol. Words piss people off, and make them feel differnt ways. I am so rambling right now. Just killin time, pissing my day way. Ya'll have a great weekend. It's my last one before going to school. Oh, I have 4 classes, into to criminal justice, intro to pollitical science, intro to psychology, and intermediate aljerbra. Before I said I had 3. I forgot about the poli sci one. It was that or american history, or some other history class. So that's the one I chose. school kids normal children discrimination brains pink hair abnormal jumping ... jumping off a cliff Your kids our kids between the lines being differerent head smashing peer presure Edit | PermaLink | 2 comments Bitching? or Analyzing? Ideas on how to change the world. by Aug 21, 2006 I often analyze things. And when I do, I point out the positives and negatives of the situation. Anytime anyone points out the negatives of a situation, it often sounds like they are bitching. ( yah, it sounds similar to " 60% of the time, it works all the time"- the one guy in anchorman ) So people say stuffing like quit bitching. I'm just going over all the pros and cons, of what's going on, or going to happen, and the various alternatives to the situation to make it better. That's analyzing. Only pointing out the negatives of a a situations that can't be changed is bitching. In the army, people will say " OK, we need 3 bad things, and 3 good things." ( They can't say negatives and positives, because that would be too many syllables and people would get confused. ) Then they still don't like it when people point out the bad things. The people who do so are labled the whiners, and trouble makers, people with bad attitudes, sometimes disrespectfull. Cuz how dare they say their leaders aren't perfect?? Pointing out the negatives shouldn't always be considered bitching, or complaining. Especially when someone asks you what you think about the situation. Vollunteering your unhappy feelings about the situation all the time without giving reasonable alternatives to make it better, is bitching. But if someone asks you how you feel about it, and you don't like it, and you let them know, It shouldn't be classified as bitching. They shouldn't have asked you how you felt if they didn't want to know. They should have said," Hey, can you kiss my ass and only tell me all the positive things about what's going on? " Because instead of fixing the bad things, or improving upon them, we are just going to turn our heads and ignore them like they don't exist. The monster can't kill me if I close my eyes. If I can't see it, then it can's see me? It's important to note, that the above isn't part of all the people in the military's philosiphy. There are some who want the negative feed back so they can improve stuff. But the corrupt people really don't like anything negative at all pointed out about them or the things they do. Becuase they know they are wrong, and don't plan on fixing it, cuz they like it the way it is. They don't need other people knowing just how fucked up they are. So they have a Don't question me, boy!! sort of attitude. I'm really quiet most of the time. But when people ask me what I think about stuff, I don't do the sugur coating thing. Tact is evil. I tell them in the simplest terms availabel to prevent missunderstanding. I also point out on my own when someone is obviously full of shit, or when someone is trying to back up someone elses lies. Or when something really wrong is going on. I don't really like talking that much. It would be nice if I could just keep to my self all the time and not bother with many other people. People talk about me like I'm some sort of a rebel or something. Well, if you see something wrong, it's your obligation to do something about it. I'm not one that rebels just for something to do. Or just in stupid ways, like lets smoke and die my hair pink, rebelling against the system. No, you have to go further than that. Write letters, talk to the people in charge, file complaints, start your own buisness, get your law degree, run for congress, let everyone know just how fucked up the world is, why it's that way, and outline ways to fix it. I didn't dye my hair pink to rebell against anything. I just like my hair this way. Just as those who keep their hair brown probably aren't keeping their hair brown to piss people off, or to rebel against something. Or those people who dye their hair stupid borring colors, ( I'm not sure what the fuck is wrong with them ) but most of the time they don't do it to rebell against anything. Execpt getting older or something because they don't want grey hair. Anyway, dyeing your hair and getting peircings doesn't seem like rebelling to me. Changing the way people feel about those people and treat them is though. So do stuff like dye your hair, and peirce your nose, and then vollunteer at the church, and homeless shelter, and stuff like that. You want to make a difference? Show that you are far nicer than the idiots that are judging you because of how you look. Actions, in this case should speak louder than words and stereotypes. Get involved with your community, interact with the people who have never really talked to people who are different than them. Let them see that you are just another person who happens to like a different look than they do. Then they are forced with that paradox. These people are supposed to be bad people, but somehow they seem to be good? It will totally baffle some people. Especially in utah. It fucks the view of the world up completely. Then they start saying stuff like, oh, he'd be a good guy except he's not mormon. lol. Life is how you treat other people, and how they treat you. If you are going to judge people, judge them on that. Don't do it by their appearance, or their interests. The real question is, How do they treat the world around them? Do they help people? Do they hurt people? Do they have respect for all the things around them, living and non living? NOt, what kind of music do they listin to? what color are their clothes, how big are the holes in their ears, or nipples? what kind of makeup do they wear? What kind of clubs do the hangout in? Where do they live? These things may be important when choosing a compatable mate, but not judging people in general. How about you treat everyone about the same way, and not be mean and rude to anyone. NOt just the people you like. Everyone is nice to the people they like. What seperates the good from the bad, is when you are kind and fair to even those you don't like. It even says something like that in one of those really old books. Some people justify being mean to something or someone simply because they don't like it. That's kinda fucked up. I guesse they haven't ever had someone walk by them and kick them in the head, simply because that person didn't like them. Would it help? no, probably not, but it would be fun though.lol. hair society community discrimination kindness churches fairness peircings he ... helping people interaction pink hair even the taxcolle... rebelling Epiphinies of the day!!!! by Jun 11, 2006 Ok, So I have gotten a couple bright ideas today. The first one has come up before while i spontaniously went on a rant, but got better today. Instead of having shcool uniforms, why not have shcool costumes instead? Everyone could be required to wear their whole costume when they came to school, and that way everyone would look exactly the same. And no one would get picked on, or be distracted by those who looked different. No more not being able to concentrate in class cuz some fat girl is there so it's distracting, or someone with a pretty face is there, or all the annoying people with different hair colors as you are around, so you just can't foucus on what the teacher is saying, or concentrate on reading your book and answereing you questions. There will no more be a need to teahc kids discapline, and the ability to concentrate. It's over rated anyway, that's why we went to uniforms and dress codes to begin with. As well as not haveing respect for everyone's beliefs and cultures, and values. But why have shit like respect for other people being taught in our schools anyway. It only leads to moral decay. So we need to have whole costumes for people to wear. They could be like the same as the school mastcott or something. and they could make everyone look exactly the same. they would be big enough that you wouldn't be able to tell who the fat kids were, and the short kids could just get platforms or something in their shoes. They would all wear masks and wigs too. That way everyone would look exactly alike, makeing everything more efficient. And no one would make fun of anyone else. Well except they might have to have voice emitters, cuz people still talk differently. And we wouldn't want kids learning to respect the way different people talk either. But it would all be for the good of the learning envirenment.......... Next thing, is I'm going to start playing the echo game with my neiblor. Everytime I hear her yell, or scream something, I am just going to scream it too. Maybe she will get the message. And if not, it sure will be fun anyway. funny people kids discrimination diversity respect dresscodes predjucice prof ... professionalism shcool This ain't a common thing for me to do, so be sure to read the other religion section too. Bet you didn't see that one coming....lol by Jun 05, 2006 I saw a sign today, saying spreading the gospel from nation to nation. I thought it said spamming when I first read it. I thought it was funny until I looked closer. But ohwell. That means I can make my own sign like that without it being the same as someone else's. However people want to do it I guess. I think that is about the only part of the bible worth listining to anyway, wether religious or not. It goes back to that age old question- What would Jesus do? I seems like the world would be a more pleasant place if people lived by that sort of philosiphy. It bothers me when I hear about all these people claiming to do stuff because they are "christian" and being judgmental about other people and their beliefs and ways. Because atleast from the many times I have read that part of the bible, ( I might have forgotten or missed the part ) it seems like he was not a judmental person. He didn't bother the people who were working on sunday, and he sat at the table with the sinners. He seemed all about being part of their lives, and influinceing people by his good example. Not threats of violence, violence, incarceration, or stuff like that. Seems like the basic message was love thy neihbor as you would yourself. Like the whole golden rule thing. Why can't we just respect other people, thier lifestyles, beliefs, etc. and do our best to improve ourselves so we stand out as shining examples that motivate people to follow us? The plank and the sawdust thing. But hey, people like to pick out the things that justify the thoughts and ways they allready live by, Instead of following the basic common sense, part of it. As I guesse I have just done in the preceding. So I guess I'm just as much of a hypocrite as anyone else...... funny, religion, gospel, discrimination, christians, hypocrites, philosiphy ... Edit | PermaLink | 2 comments oh? by Jun 03, 2006 I had this thought the other night, I thought I should write it down right then so I didn't forget about it. It was around 3am. It had to do with drugs somehow I think. I don't remember what it was now. A new one came to my mind later on though. It seems kinda mean, although it's not meant to be. So I'm not sure if it's best to share it. But ohwell. Most of the people who read this stuff know that I'm really not trying to be rude. My friend makes fun of me for hanging out with fat people. He's kindof a superficial bastard sometimes. So the thoght, is that less social acceptable than other things? I think I get more condescending looks when I'm hanging out with a fat, ( I'me not even talking hugely obsese, just bigger than most people like or whatever ) girl than I do when I have my hair blue, or purple or sparkly. I guess that's just the very least "cool" thing to do? Are there other things less socially acceptable? Not that I do it just because I get wierd looks from people, or because it's not socially acceptable. It's one of those things I never realized would happen until it did. It takes some getting uste to. It's not really that big of a deal anymore, it's just something that's always in the back of my mind. My friends give me shit because the only reason most of them say they would hang out with a girl is because they want to have sex with them. So then they give me shit about stuff like that too. Why would I just hangout them if I wasn't going to have sex with them? Well, my anwere is similar to I hangout with you, and I don't want to have sex with you. Sometimes, it's just nice to hangout with different people. It doesn't really matter too much what they looklike. It's nice when they are attractive and make for nice scenery, but it's not a bigdeal if they aren't. It's only one more thing that makes me weird. If I was only a bigger asshole like most people, I might not be so much of an outcast...... I saw xmen3 today. It was good. I didn't like how most of the "bad" mutants were dressed in black mostly, like punks and goths and shit. It makes sense that those people would have the most angst against others becuase not only do people make them feel alienated because they are mutants, but becuase they look the way they do. So they must get shit on all over the place. And you can't say they dress that way because they are mutants with pople picking on the because they are mutants, because the "good" ones weren't dressed like that for he most part. It almost seemed like the battle of the fucking "preppy" people against the "gothic" "punk" people. So I really didn't like the way it porttrayed the people who dress like I do, and have purple hair and stuff. It's a show about mutants, and how it's not fair to treat people bad and think there is something wrong with them because they are different. And at the sametime, it strengthens stereotypes of people who wear black, and dye their hair purple, and have peircings and stuff like that. I guesse there were some dark sort of xmen too. But all of the bad ones seemed thatway, or atleast the majoraty of them. There didn't seem to be any "preppy" bad mutants. And even the dark sort of xmen, weren't very extreme or anything. Maybey the school had some kind of fucking dresscode or somthing. Wich makes it not much better than the people who were against them. Yeah, it's just a movie. But when people see people who look like me in movies being stupid and causing destruction, and stuff like that, and that's about the only time they ever see that look, I can understand how it gets asociated with bad things,. Especially since people are stupid, or it's just in their nature to not think about stuff most of the time and just accept what they see. Most of the time I don't think they make the connection while they watch it. Things just get set in their minds, and it comes out later like instinct. Or that's my theory anyway. I always wondered how people form opinions about other people who they have never met before, how they can say stuff about whole groups of people at once, and feel so confident and justified. I make my guesses about people, based on how they look sometimes. It's part of our nature for the most part. It's something very hard to stop. But I don't assume to know stuff about people I have never met, and I don't TREAT People differently based on how they look. Or atleast most of the time, and I am certainly not mean to people because of how they look. It's not the judging people in your mind, and maybe having emotions becuase of it that I have such a problem with. It's extremly hard if not impossible to control your thoughts, and how you actually feel. But we all should be able to controll our reactions to our emotions and thoughts. That what makes people civlized. People get jelous, and angry, and sad, but not everyone starts throwing things, or hitting people, or yelling and screaming, when they are angry, they don't go beat up other guys or girls when they are jelous, and they don't all kill themselves when they are totally depressed. It's about discapline, and being able to controll yourself even though you may have the thoughts or emotions that cause you to feel like doing something to your fellow inhabitant of the world. After they found a "cure" that was available to everyone, was it ok to discriminate against those who didn't take it? because hey, all they had to do was take it and they could "be just like everyone else". At that point they chose not to. Just like some people chose not to cut their hair, choose not to take thier piercings out, or wear the "right" shoes, or stupidass clothes. clothes movies girls people thoughts drugs predjudice Emotions outcast fat gi ... fat girls stereotypes peircings Xmen3 purple hair Edit | PermaLink | 2 comments Well,, I give up. by Jun 01, 2006 There really are only seconds at time, maybe minutes at the most when I have any faith in humanity. I had an interview today, but I won't support anyone who gives a shit about what shoes I wear. Unless it's for saftey concerns. So it seems as though no matter what I do, I will only ever have a deadend job. Even if I go to school. People tell me to grow up, Yah, I'm the childish one, shoes are important in the world.... Especially when the job is talking on the phone. I'm the idiot here. I guesse I'm just as closed minded as anyone else. I refuse to compramise my morralls to get a job, even if that means being starving and on the street. Oneday you might see me on a corner somewhere with a will work for food sign, a veteran of two foriegn wars standing on the corner that people are scared to aproach. People might think I'm crazy. They might think the war, or the army did that to me somehow. But no, I'm not. I am who I am, and am not much different now than ten years ago. And still won't be much different 10 years from now. I'll just have that much more rage against the world who cares about people's shoes, or haircut, or stuff like that so much. I bring it on myself they say, but if I do something to them, they won't see they brought it on themselves. But no, I'm fucked. Cuz I don't believe in their thought system of well you brought it on yourself. I don't controll your actions towards me, good or bad, you do. I must be crazy for believing people actually have controll of themselves though. What the fuck am I thinking. Half the time I write here, I don't even have shoes on, so I guess all my writing sux, cuz I don't have the right shoes? The way I see it, everyone else needs to grow up, and use some common sense. I'm not crazy, the people who care so much about the shoes I wear are crazy. My new plan is to go to the VA, trpy to get dissability for the things that the army actually caused, most of the people that know me say they will give me dissability for my mental condition no matter how much I argue that I'm not crazy or anything. They will just look at me and think I've been in combat, seen awefull stuff, and tell me it's ok. Whatever works I guess. Then, all the people who don't want me working for them cuz of my shoes, or hair, or fingernails, or whatever, will just have to pay me with their tax dollars anyway. So it seems like it would have been more benificial to get something out of me, since they're paying me anyway. Yah, so then I will go to shcool, and use the shcool money and disability to get by while going through school. I will organize my writing, and artwork, and put it into a book format, and get it published, and hopefully make money off of that. And I will have to start my own busness too. I can sell wierd shit like spencers, and hottopic. And just have a variety of different services. I WiLL make my own dress, and grooming standards policy preventing females from having long hair, and males from having short hair. Yah, my bus, my ruels, bitch...Untill I get sued. Then I'll see what happens from there. So basicly, I hate life, the world, and everything. But hey, it might get better if I get really lucky. shoes books writing hair army money life crazy people discrimination depresse ... depressed rules grow up maturaty dissability my rules What if you were the weirdo? by May 26, 2006 It's part of basic human nature to not like things that are different from you. And it's another common practice to either harm, or not care about those things, or people you don't like. How many times have you heard someone say " I hate spiders!" , and then kill one? And they somehow use that to justify killing the spider, even if the spider wasn't threatening them, and wasn't likely to do anything to them. It's even done to other bugs that aren't threatening at all. And all the people that donn't like spiders, are either happy, or indifferent that the spider, or other bug is dead. But what if that spider and the few other people who liked the spider had a problem with it? I guesse they don't matter becuase there's not very many of them, in a vote wether to kill the spider or not, they still would have lost. These people who care about the spider, as well as the spider are the most affected by it too. The people who don't care about the spider just go on about their day, cuz it's not big deal to them, it's just a spider. Somethings can't be decieded fairly on majority voting. Like human rights. Becasuse people commonly don't care about the rights of other people they don't like, just like spiders, or bugs. If 3% of people were like you, and other people wern't like you, would it be fair for those 97% to decided your fate in anything? They could do what they wanted, cuz they had that power of the majoraty votes. They all hate you, or just don't like you or the way you think, or act or, whatever. Even though you don't go around hurting anyone or anything like that. They just don't happen to like your beliefs or lifestyle, because it's different than theirs, and people don't like things that are different. Go find a room full of people that don't like you. 97 who aren't like you at all, and 2 other ones that are similar to you. Then let that room decied your fate in something that greatly affects your life. Maybe have them vote to see if you can stay married to the person you love. discrimination votes spiders bugs explanations majority What if you were the ... What if you were ... Edit | PermaLink | 0 comments Part of the theme of the week. by May 25, 2006 In reference to people talking about seperating discriminating against race and discriminating against sexuall orientation. Uhh, behavior and appearance. People try to call it a behavior thing due to mosty an appearance. It's really a case of gender-discrimination. They are saying I can't marry a guy, due to the fact that I am a guy. But it's ok for a girl to marry a guy. And same the other way around. It's not fair because their isn't much People can do about the fact that they are whatever gender they are. So It is still ALL about apearances in the end. Religion is about behaviors too. I dare someone to make a law against non-christians makeing money on christmas. Or even non-christians not being able to get married. Because in some religions say it's wrong not to be christian, or to not accept christ as your savior. " God " says it's wrong. Maybe other people's " GOD " says it's right. It's really about haveing respect for other people's beliefs, and not trying to rule over other people making your beliefs law of the land. It goes back to seperation between church and state. If you want to live in a place run by religion, go to IRAN!!! Or someplace like that. People came to america to get away from religious suppression, a place where they could believe what they wanted and not be condemmned, or be discriminated against by the government. religion discrimination gender respect race behavior seperation from church a ... seperation from c... Edit | PermaLink | 1 comment Topic of today, and probably other days too. by May 24, 2006 So, first it's all nice and interesting all the responses I got from yesterday. I really didn't expect what happened. But thanks to all of you who replied. My house stinks right now. Cuz I'm lazy. And a few days ago my roomate made sausage and rice in the crockpot. And I didn't clean it out for a couple of days. So it got maggots in it. I cleaned it out today. So now everything stinks. I'm sure ya'll wanted to know about that. So I put it at the top. ;-) Oh, now what I was going to talk about. What does June 5 2006 mean to you? For most of you nothing probably. Which is exactly my point. It will barely, or not effect most of you at all. So you shouldn't have any say in the matter. And niether should the people voting on it that day. It's like me voting against you having pork for dinner tonight. I won't be at your house, I won't be eating your food, I proabably won't know the pigs you are eating, I probably won't even feel grief about their death. The day will just go on like any other for me. But you will be happy about eating your porkchops, or sausage, or bacon, or whatever it is your eating. Because you like it, it tastes good to you. It might make eating pork slightly more acceptable, even though they do kill the pigs by boiling them in water, ( I think, that's what I heard anyway ) why should they suffer like that just so you can enjoy your dinner? And it says in many religious books that eating pork is wrong. There's all sorts of eating guidlines in the bible alone. Some of wich I think include pork. And I think that affects far more living things on the planet than other things that people worry so much about. But for somereason that's never been pushed to be part of the constitution to make eating pork illeagle. How about we just let the people things actually affect vote on them? Doesn't that make sense? But I guess that's exactly why it doesn't happen. It's like asshole sgtmajors making rules about the barracks. They have no rights to make stupidass rules, cuz they don't live there. They aren't the one's who have to deal with the rules. Who are they to decied I can't have a futon, or bizzarr things, or whatever ? They don't fucking live there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I'm not talking about weopons, unsanitary conditions, maybe illeagle drugs, stuff like that . I'm talking decorations and roomarrangements, colors, stuff like that. ) And don't give me the good order and discapline shit. People aren't regulated like that in their houses. politics food life sex god today discrimination churches the bible pigs conse ... conservatives Jun 5 2006 senate animal cruelty Edit | PermaLink | 1 comment Thing for the day. by May 19, 2006 comments concerning this artical Just something interesting I came across. Sometimes people wonder why I care so much about stuff like this. Beyond careing about the basic principal of human rights and all that, people bother me just cuz I'm different. And a lot of people think I am gay for somereason. So this stuff affects me too. I have even had people think I was hyspanic. So I still sometimes get similar sort of treatment as if I were. So I can understand how upsetting and frustrating to the people who really are gay, and the one's who aren't white. discrimination, human rights, equality, gay rights ... Edit | PermaLink | 0 comments Thoughts of the day .. by May 16, 2006 Well, new plan is to go to school for criminal justice, and do other stuff from there. Tomarrow I am going to go to waco and ry to get a temorary part time security guard job. I shouldn't have a problem getting it. I think I am plenty over qualified. It's only for about 8 weeks, but it's something. And it will give me an income and time to do and find other things. So atleast I have a plan for now. My mind always changes, wich really kinda sux. But I think that's what I am going with for now. I really want to do everything. And it pains me to think about how it's not really possible, i hate having to pick one thing over another. I am really indecisive. Wich is the same reason I don't have a car yet. After or during I'm doing the criminal justice thing, I want to take the sociollgy couse, and social worker courses and cosmatology, and probobly other things I can't recall right now. After that, I want to take the other law courses, and advanced social classes, and teaching classes. And maybe somewhere in there, writing, communication, broadcasting, and stuff like that. So I really only have time for a part time job with all the other stuff I want to do anyway. Other things. Just hitting on the common theme of my page again. If you have " conservative traditional family values" ok. That's fine. But don't try to force other people to live by your beliiefs. Making it illeagle to violate your arbritrary sense of morrality is wrong, and completly dissrespectfull of the people around you. Other people have their traditions too. Other people have their own families, with their own values. Your family and their values isn't any better than my family and my values. How would you like it if someone made things like going to church illeagle? Or maybe heterosexual marriage? How about we make a law forcing people to get their eyebrow pierced, or maybe force people to get their genitals pierced? Would you really like that? Yes, all rhetorical questions. How about going by the simple rule of treating other's how you would like to be treated. Doesn't that sound nice? When was the last time " One of those radical groups " tried to take away your rights? How many places do you see dress codes forcing people to have skirts no lower than 4 inches above the knees? Or requireing you to show your shoulders to come in? Have I beat the dead horse enough? discrimination rights family values conservatives dress codes respect for pe ... respect for people
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