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The Call

It was now late night and I laid down on the cot in the sleeping room. The day had been hectic and yet I knew that it was possible that the night would hold more work for all of us. I listened to the rain as it pounded down against the metal roof of our station. Some of the crew sat at the far end of the room playing cards, some sat reading and others jjust lounged about. Supper was over and all the dishes had been done and taken care of. I closed my eyes and recounted the events of the day, searching for any little thing that I could have changed to make the day a little easier. Downstairs under us was all the equipment that we needed to handle our jobs as the fire engines were parked and awaiting the next call. Our personal gear was all hanging and waiting for us along the sides of the bays. Our fire company was one that everyone supported everyone and were always there when others needed them. This made it easy for me to dress and make it to work each day, knowing that if I was not there then the others would have to take up my work. One of the new guys came over and sat on the cot next to mine and started to talk. I never stopped them from asking questions as it was the only way that they would learn. Who knows it may be the way that I might save their life one day, passing on my experience. I had grown close to this rookie firemen many years before and having watched him enter and complete schooling had me as proud as it did all the rest of us. There was something special about this one and I knew it deep in my heart. He asked me about the calls and was telling me how much the day had worn on his mind. I could see in his eyes the pain of having seen the bodies of a family brought out of a burned down building. Everyone always told me that it gets easier but having been on the job the time I had I did not see anything easy about it. I assured him that there was nothing that we could have done that would have saved any of them. I watched as a single tear rolled down his cheek as he sat there in the quietness. I reached across and gently wiped the tear away before it could fall to the floor. I wondered in my own mind if he was strong enough to handle this job. I did not question his physical capabilities but the mental toughness that it took. I knew one thing for certain and that was that only time would tell as he cut his own path through his chosen career. Our peaceful night was violently interrupted as the alarm blared, signaling another emergency. I stood and looked at him for a second before we both turned and headed to our equipment. We soon pulled out on the street and in the dead of the night we sped off to an unknowing emergency, praying that it was nothing major. My mind kept going back to that young fireman and I wondered how he was really doing. I only wished that the night had been uneventful and we had had more time to talk. I tried to reassure myself that he would be all right and would work past the troubling events. I felt the truck lean as we tirned a corner and up the street we could see flashing lights. The radio was overflowing with department chatter now as each truck was directed to a certain place. Our equipment was soon dispersed and my team moved up front to battle a mighty blaze that had engulfed a large structure. I held tightly onto the hose as it shot a stream of water upward and onto the building. Directing the hose I shot the water thru an opening where a window had once been. This would be a fight that would last for a lengthy time as we fought to control it. More vehicles arrived behind us, lending more fighters to the fire. I could hear parts of the large building as it gave in to a fiery death, crashing downward as walls caved in and parts of the roof collapsed. I had one ear glues to the radio, listening as our chief talked to each of our teams. Down the line he went asking each if they were all right or needing anything. I acknowledged his call and returned my attention to the battle we waged. Horror then struck me as again and again the radio blared with the Captain's voice, "Team four, team four respond." I listened and there was just the crackling of the radio. Something had happened to team four for sure as no one was responding. I had witnessed them headed around to the back side of the building as we arrived. What was really hurting was that the very young firefighter that had earlier sat next to me crying was a member of that team. I wondered what could have happened, as horrid thoughts started to fill my mind. I knew I would not feel right until I knew if the team was alright. I turned as the captain walked slowly towards me, seeing in his eyes the worry that also filled me. He asked if we had heard from the team and I shook my head. Nothing had been seen of them or heard from them since they had taken up their positions. Suddenly a crackle of the radio and I heard a panic filled voice. I listened intently as words that a fire fighter fear filled the night. I lifted my radio to my ear to block all the surrounding noise and I heard it again, "This is team four we are trapped." The captain asked their position and their situation and as we listened more and more horror flowed into us. Their lives were in immediate danger and they were now fighting just to stay alive. I looked at the captain and his thoughts were same as mine. I ran from team to team pulling firefighters from them to forma rescue team. Soon we were headed to here team four had been dispatched and as we rounded the building a large section came crashing down in front of us. Stopping dead in our tracks we looked at each other and then went on. The heat from the roaring fire was intense as it burned out of control. Around another corner we went and I stopped dead in my tracks as I looked at the massive pile of debris that burned there. This is where team four had been dispatched and from the looks of things many things had gone bad. We approached the site carefully now as I wondered what had trapped the team, making it impossible for them to get to safety. Hoses were now trained on the pile of burning debris, formed when the whole back of the house had collapsed. I switched my frequency in my radio to emergency channel and called, hoping that team four would respond but there was only silence. Again and again I tried to call, praying and hoping that I heard something. Suddenly in the night I heard a voice, a person was crying out for help. Immediately I ran towards the sound. Approaching the fire I could see him laying there, his legs trapped as the flames lapped at him. Quickly we went into action, dousing him in water while we worked to free him. I gave him my mask so that he could breath clean air, hopefully keeping him alive until he was freed. Finally we could see his trapped legs and right away I knew it as not good. I looked down at him and smiled as reassuringly as I could muster, letting him know he would be alright. Soon we were lifting him free from the pile of rubble and turning, we saw that already a medical team had arrived with stretchers. It was an unspoken bond that had been formed many years before as emergency medical and fire fighters became a family. My heart pained to see a young firefighter, just beginning their career in so much agony. I looked down at his legs as they laid him on the stretcher, preparing to move him. I could see his foot hung limp, not responding to the muscles in his upper leg. There was no doubt in my mind that it was broken and probably in more then one place. A tear ran down y cheeks as they lifted his stretcher and started towards the ambulance that had been brought to us. I looked at the chief as he stood there with a blank stare. I heard nothing around me now as silence filled my world. I pained as a mother would every time one of my coworkers would get hurt, wanting to protect them all. The chief looked into my eyes and with a nod he said, "Yes, go and be with him and comfort him as much as you can. I nodded and with my helmet tucked under my arm, face stained with the soot from the fire I turned and went to the ambulance. As I climbed into the back, sitting on the bench along side my fellow firefighter, I reached down and took his hand. I heard the doors close and locked in our own world now I listened to the sirens begin their warning as it pierced the night. I could feel the rocking of the ambulance as we made each turn taking us to the local trauma center, where doctors would work to save this brave young mans life and limbs. The siren died and the vehicle came to stop as I knew we had arrived. The back doors flew open as the medical staff had been called and waited there for us. Busily they pulled the stretcher from the ambulance and placed it on a gurney and raced off. I climbed down from the ambulance and walked into the hospital, following the group of doctors and nurses that were with the young hero. Anyone that stood and served the public was a hero in my mind and those that gave personal sacrifices I carried deep in my heart. I watched as the double doors opened and closed as the group went through them, knowing I would not be able to follow. I searched around quickly for a place to sit and wait for any news that they would bring to me about his condition. This young man, with so much life in front of him was now fighting for his own. I closed my eyes and prayed for him in silence. I walked up to the nurses station there in the trauma center to ensure that they knew I was there and waiting for the doctor to come out and give e the news. The nurse sitting behind the counter looked at me and smiled and said, "We know who you are, you are the mother hen to all these brave men in uniform, they think the world of you." I stood there motionless, letting the words she had just spoken seep into my mind. I turned and as I walked away I nodded and thought, Their mother hen, yes I guess that I am as I love each one of them dearly and would do anything for them. A warmth filled me then as I knew I had a respected purpose in life, one that I would always cherish. I sat down in the chair and closed my eyes, reliving the incident of the night, wondering if I could have done anything different to save that team from injury. A long time ago I remembered the talk with the chief after I was bashing myself unmercifully over a comrades death, knowing in my mind that I had caused it somehow. He had told me that it was the angels of the firemen that watched over them and if they were told it was their time then there was nothing anyone could do about it. I had felt that very angel a few times when I was in dangerous situations and they had always led me to safety. I watched the large clock on the wall as minutes fell slowly past followed by hours, sitting there waiting as I refused to leave until I at least saw my comrade was alright. I was just dosing off as I heard the double doors open and I turned with anticipation. I watched as a doctor and a nurse walked up to the nurses station and talked with the attendant that sat behind the desk. I watched as she lifted up and looked over in my direction and pointed to me. My heart raced as I knew I would now have news on what was going on and how bad the injuries were. The doctor reached out his hand as he approached and ushered me over to a chair in the corner where we could talk in semi private. I listened to everything he said, soaking it into my mind and making sure he answered any questions I had. The things he told me tore at my heart as I thought of that brave man beyond them doors with my only thought of being there with him and holding him in my arms. The doctor finished explaining and then he paused. I looked at him and wondered if there was something that he was not telling me. He looked in my eyes in silence and then said, "He is asking for you, has been since we brought him in." Those words warmed my heart as I knew that I was in his thoughts. The doctor rose and waited for me as he led me down the long polished hallway of rooms where patients were kept. With each step the anticipation grew until we stopped in front of his room. I could see nurses still working over him as the made him as comfortable as they could. I walked past the doctor and entered his room, his head turning as I entered. Our eyes met and I fought back the tears that were building, thanking God that he had survived this ordeal. The nurses finished one by one and left the room. As the last nurse, left horror filled me as standing there looking at this hero there was something wrong. I could not see anything under the blankets from his waist down. Immediately I turned as my heart wanted to scream. My eyes came face to face with the doctors and he silently asked me to be strong. I was furious that he had not told me before I came in here so I could be prepared. I knew that the time was now for me to be strong and reassuring. I knew there would be many rough roads lying ahead for him and yet there was no complaining as he turned and looked at me. I watched as he held out his hand and motioned for me to come to him. Slowly I moved closer as if a magnet was drawing me towards him. Suddenly I saw him smile and his hand held mine, squeezing it ever so gently. I leaned down and kissed his forehead as my hand ran down the side of his face. He caught my hand and held it against him. In a lot tone I heard him say, " It will be alright mom, I will be fine do not worry." I broke into tears as he tried to comfort me, letting me know that he was not going to back down from the challenges that laid ahead. My son was definitely strong willed and I knew in my heart that if anyone could overcome this obstacle it would be him. I stood there as we held hands and looked at each other, the unspoken love we had for each flowing freely between us. He took a deep breath and said, "Mom I knew that I would lose both of them when I laid there in that rubble, praying that I would be found and rescued. When I looked up and saw you there I knew I was going to be alright. I told the doctor not to tell you what had happened as I wanted to tell you myself." His words filtered into my mind and I could feel a small smile fighting to replace the stern look I knew covered my face. I assured him that I would be there for him every step of his recovery. I would not give up until I was sure that he could do or get done everything he would need in life. I looked down his body and I could see that his body stopped just below his hips, stubs for where once strong thighs had once been. My son the one that I had tried to persuade not to follow in my footsteps was laying there, physically only part of the man he used to be. He was a true hero in my book and I knew that he would fight as hard as he had fought any fire in his short time as a full time firemen. Our life would start another journey together on this very night, one that I would gladly take with my own personal hero, my son. © Tall Mountain Dreamer May 1, 2008

A Soul's Last Christmas

A gray overcast sky was the cover over the land. The smell of sulfur filled the air as he walked. All around him carnage laid, covering the ground in a tangled mass of bodies. Streams of blood from many bodies formed pools on the ground, slowly seeping deep into the earth. The cold harsh breeze of winter blew savagely across these silent heroes. Battle worn flags whipped in the breeze, their seams tattered and torn and the material riddled in holes. Friend of foe it mattered not any more as none of the soldiers would be able to return to their homeland. Tears flowed heavy from his eyes as he could not understand the needless killings that had happened here on this day. Sorrow filled his heart as he knew somewhere in the world there were loved ones filled with pain from the loss that they now suffered. His heart and thoughts went out to all those that would have to pay for each death here today. Not the killers or the killed but the ones that would carry a empty spot inside them. As he walked he saw the different expressions on each face that was grayed from the calling of death. Bodies riddled with holes, limbs ripped from bodies from massive explosions nearby, they showed their pain. He knew many had not died immediately but had laid on that soiled ground waiting for darkness of death to replace their sight. He could still hear the screams of anguish as bullets ripped through a lad so young still in life. He could see in his visions the gallantry that was displayed by these heroes one and all. They stood proud for what their country asked and did everything in their power to be the victors. Their country’s flag will drape many coffins of heroes as their cold lifeless bodies are returned to their homeland with honors. Many heroes carried to their final rest in somber silence broken only by the soft sound of weeping people that had come to pay their last respects. Still step by step he walked on over the land looking here and there knowing that he could not stop. He sees a picture, with a hole through it laying on the ground, half submerged in a pool of blood. Reaching down with trembling hands he lifts up the picture and wipes the blood from it. Looking at it he knew that the owner had carried it next to his heart when death’s bullet made its unsuspecting call. His eyes fell upon a beautiful lady and children, loved ones from some unknown land. One that waited for her husband and father to come back to her and her loving children. He could see them in his visions as they prayed each and every night for his safety until he was once again in their arms. He had watched them as they shed tears of pain and worry for this person that had answered their country, proudly serving when asked by their leaders. He would offer them all the strength that he possessed to get them through this time of pain even though he could not be there with them. Holding the picture in his hands he moved on as the day grew longer and he had much to do. His bare feet felt the dampness of the cold soil with each step that he took. Dampness caused by the soldier’s blood that had seeped into it throughout the battle that had taken place. His clothes that touched the ground turning crimson from the blood that they had soaked up. His feet now heavily stained red from dried blood. Not knowing where to start his work he bent down and picked up a soul in his arms and carried them to their resting spot and laid them down gently. One by one he carried them away from the desecrated ground from where they now laid. He knew that they would now be able to enjoy their journey in peace now as comfort had finally been given to them. His tears ran heavy as uncontrolled he wept wondering how the world he loved could be coming to this. All the work done by many great people had been destroyed here this day in one great battle, claiming hundreds on hundreds of lives. Still without one moment of hesitation he went onward with the task that laid ahead. Soul by soul he carried them away as the day went on. Listening he could hear the angels on high singing their song of acceptance. The heralded call they sent forward as they lined the path that he walked with each soldier. Returning once again he heard a loan moan from somewhere nearby. Looking around carefully he looked for any sign of movement of a body that still grasped to life. Nothing moved except that that could be moved by the wind. In complete stillness he stood there waiting to see if another sound would come to him, or had he imagined that one sound? He bent to receive another soul in his blood covered arms, lifting them with such gentleness as if their fragile souls would crumble. Suddenly to his ears, once again, there came they soft sound again. More distinct this time he made out the words, “Help me I am dying.” Standing he looked around quickly once again hoping that he would see movement so that to this body he could go. Could it be possible that in this carnage there laid one soul that still had a chance to be saved and able to go back to loved ones? Still nothing came to his eyes and deeper sadness filled him knowing that there was someone out there crying out for help and he could not, at that moment help them. As he worked along soul by soul was removed and laid to rest on soft hallowed beds for their endless sleep. One more time he heard the voice cry out for help, this time louder then the last. He gave a quick look and saw an angel as it hovered above the ground a short distance away. He knew that the angel was a sign to him that the one he searched for was there. Moving quickly over the bodies that cluttered the ground he was soon at the soldiers side. Looking down at the soldier where he lay, sadness filled him quickly. There at his feet laid the body of a young lad, barely old enough to be called a man, bleeding from wounds that he had received. In total silence he knelt down beside the soldier and in his soft, kind and gentle words he reassured him that he would be all right and would be saved. The soldier looked upward with a hollow and deep concerned look , the color from his face long since drained. Wiping the back of his hand across his lips dried with blood he asked for a drink of water to quench his thirst. Reaching out he took water that the angel offered and handed it to the young soldier. With trembling hands he took it and he watched as the soldier quickly drank the water, bringing moisture to his now parched throat. He listened as the soldier’s breathing was heavy and seemed painful to him as he heard him gasp for breath periodically. He did not want to leave this soldier this way but knew that he had to complete his task . There were thousands of less fortunate heroes laying everywhere he looked. He would surely be glad when an end was put to these needless killings and uncaring of human life. Why couldn’t people live like was planned for them thousands of years before, in total peace and harmony? He held out hope that one day this could come to pass for all that inhabited the earth. Souls were placed down for their final rest when he returned to that one brave soul that he had found among all the death that had surrounded him. Holding that soldier in his arms he comforted him, easing his pain. The soldier looked up into his eyes searching for a release that he so desperately wanted. In a soft and trembling voice the soldier asked the day that was now present. Looking down he told him that this day was the day the world celebrated the birth of Christ, the twenty-fifth day of December. Reaching into his pocket with his one good hand the soldier pulled out a small package, wrapped in a bright piece of paper. He asked him to make sure that the package was delivered to his lover that waited for him. It was a bond that would keep them together for ever and ever and he would not be able to get it to her, he knew this. Holding him with love and compassion, caring and understanding, he could see that life was slowly slipping from this brave lad. Pain was in his heart as the soldier told him that he could see a tunnel of darkness approaching him. His clothes were now stained and covered in the blood of many heroes all blended together into one. This made no difference to him as all were of one to him anyways as he could not and would not discriminate. In his strong arms that had held many he now held this soldier comforting him in his time of need. No suffering did he want for him anymore as he said, “You have lived your life well and now that your suffering is so great it is ok to let go, let your body and soul rest in peace.” The soldier looked up into his eyes and that is when he knew he had finally touched the soldiers heart as he saw a faint smile come to his lips. Snowflakes now were falling all around him now on this cold and empty winter day. A day that had seen many souls claimed in war on the same day that the world celebrated the birth of their savior. The wind blowing gently against their skin no cold did he feel as there he stayed in comfort in this soldier‘s time of need. He gave to the soldier all the warmth that he could want as his giving was never ending. The skies darkened with the coming of night and still he would not leave this heroes side. He gave his strength to the soldier so he could find the strength to breath and reason for his heart to continue to bring him life. Suddenly the soldier grasped hold of him and looking up into his eyes he said, “The end is now here and I know that soon I will rest in total comfort with my god.” Heavy tears now flowed as he knew in his heart that the soldier was right and there was nothing that he could any longer do to stop it. Looking down to the soldier in his arms he took his hand and said, “I will not abandon you in your time of need and suffering as I will always be here beside you alive or in your passing.” Slowly life was pulled from the soldier by the calling of death as deeper and deeper into it he fell. The soldiers last breath and beating of his heart came to him sometime in the darkness. In easement of the pain that was being endured and soon would be released, he closed his eyes in prayer. In his soft voice he recited a scripture from the bible that was meant to comfort souls: I am your shepherd, you shall not want. I maketh you to lie down in green pastures, I leadeth you beside the still waters I restoreth your soul, I leadeth you in the paths of rightousness for my names sake. Yeah though you walked through the valley of the shadow of death , you will fear no evil for I am with you: My rod and my staff will comfort thee. I prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies: Thou anointest your head with oil: your cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life: and you will dwell in my house, the house of the Lord forever. With the passing of this brave soldier from life into death God stood and with him in his arms he carried his soul to its final rest. Beside his other brave comrades, friends and enemy alike, another needless soul had been called to his home. Looking down from the heavens his tears ran strong and free. On that sacred ground, over the bodies of many brave soldiers, landed the drops of his pain as the rains fell from the heavens. He watched now as others came and picked up the bodies left there taking them from the field and laying the marker of their countries honor over them. Soon these brave heroes would return to their loved ones where their bodies too would be laid to their final rest. © Tall Mountain Dreamer December 12, 2002

The Demon Truck

The wind blew harshly on a dark and cloudy fall night. Trees were savagely wrenched back and forth by nature’s wrath as through their naked branches it tore. Eerie shadows were cast on the ground as if demons were reaching up trying to pull me into them. Would this be the night that my life was wrenched from me or would I make it clear of this hell and once again stand in serene peacefulness? The day was long as I had toiled in the woods making sure I had enough wood for the coming of the brutal and cold weather that was swiftly approaching. The fresh cuttings would replace the ones used to warm my body and soul on nights such as this. I had been on my way back home, my truck loaded down with wood when a loud bang pierced my ears. The sound seemed like that of a gun going off right by my ears and frightened me. My trucks engine died at that exact instance as if some evil magician had snapped their fingers and it was made to disappear. I pulled my truck to the side of the road and tried to restart the engine but all that fell on my ears was a barely audible click when I turned the ignition. Nothing! Not even a wanting laboring turning over would I hear on this dreary night. I exited my truck and went to the front of it and searched for the latch that would release the hood. The cold and bone chilling wind savagely ripping at my skin as if to peel it from my body. No light did I have with me so into the darkness under the hood I slid my hand, hoping I was in the exact spot to grasp the latch. Then I felt it, searing pain shot up my arm and flooded my body as I could not move. The pulse of my heart was felt as the pain pulsed freely, my head starting to spin and I was feeling like I was going to pass out. I tried to pull my hand from under the hood to see what had caused me so much pain but pull as I might my hand would not come free. I tugged harder, harder, harder and I felt this ripping feeling at the end of my arm and horror quickly filled me. Intense, almost unbearable pain, was now flooding through me and I leaned against the truck to steady myself. Finally my arm pulled free of the vehicle and I stood there looking in total horror as now only a bloody stub was where my hand once used to be. How could this have been possible as I had looked under the hood before and never, yes never had I been cut, say nothing of my hand being totally severed from my body. I went to the cab of the truck and grabbed a towel that was on the front seat and quickly wrapped my hand to protect the raw and open end of it as much as I could. My heart was racing and I knew I needed to find help fast or I could possibly bleed to death right there on that winding mountain road. I thought for a minute trying to decide which would be the best direction to walk and hope that a motorist would come along, stop and give me assistance. The longer I stood there the darker the night seemed to become as if it was devouring my very soul. A strong and to the bone shiver flew through my body and for this time I felt totally alone and scared. Would I die right here on this roadway or would, by the miracles of God be saved to see another day. I started walking down hill as I knew it would allow my heart to beat slower and would not pump any more of my vital fluid then it needed to. The longer I could control the bleeding, if you wanted to call it controlled, the better chance I had of making it to safety. The road was overhung with low hanging branches savagely tearing at the night air as they were beaten unmercifully by the harsh wind. As I walked along the road branches tore at my clothing that I wore as if they were the hands of demons and wanted me stripped of all my protection from them. I heard it right then, the ripping sound of my jacket as a long jagged tear was made into the soft plush leather, thinking to myself better the jacket then my skin. I walked a little faster as I knew not how long the weather would stay this way as I was sure rain would start pelting me at any time. I looked back over my shoulder, shock, horror and wonderment filled me all at once. I could not believe what my eyes were seeing and my heart raced as I knew that something was wrong. Was it the lack of blood making me hallucinate or were my eyes really seeing this unexplainable sight? This could not possible be as I had been walking for a few minutes and even had gone around some bends in the roadway. There it was, seemingly following me, my truck, yet I heard no engine running so I knew that it still had no power. What was happening to me? I walked faster and faster and then looked back one more time and there it was still the same distance behind me. Horror was quickly consuming me and I knew that some demon was messing with my mind and was going to bring harm to me in some way. No matter how fast I walked the truck still did not get any farther away. I would stop walking and turn around and the truck, turning and continuing to walk the truck would again follow me. I started running hoping that it would pull me away from the demon possessed truck that now had me in its clutches. This was to no avail as there it was still the same distance as before. I stopped , turned to face the truck and screamed at the top of my lungs, “Leave me alone!” The truck engine came to life in the sound of laughter as if it was amused at the fright I was feeling. The headlights came on blinding me so I could not see as my eyes had become accustomed to the darkness. I watched in horror as it seemed the drivers side headlight was flickering as if it was winking at me like this was some kind of sick joke. The engine raced a couple times as if someone had tromped down on the gas pedal feeding it its vital fluid needed to sustain its life. I heard the faint sound of music being played and my ears strained to listen to see if it was indeed coming from my truck. The tune was unfamiliar at first but soon I found myself uncontrollably humming it as if it was being forced from me. I tried to stop the humming but the harder I tried the louder it became until I started singing the song. The more words I sang pictures started to filter through my mind. I could see piles of dead bodies, people savagely ripping their skin from them and devouring it raw. Drinking glass after glass of human blood as if they were vampires having a yearly feast. I closed my eyes and shook my head trying to clear the visions from my mind but it did not work. I stood there as if I was watching one of the most grotesque horror shows I could ever think of. People devouring other people that had been weaker and lost the right to live. Legs, arms, torsos and even brains ripped from the skulls was eaten raw and savagely. I watched as eyeballs were stabbed by sharp skewers and the children were given them to enjoy as if they were tootsie roll pops. Without hesitation the children sucked and licked on them, smiling and laughing in total enjoyment. I could not believe the carnage filled sight that was fueling my mind at this time. I knew I detested horror stories and had never watched any. I could not understand what was possessing me to envision this at this time and place. I watched in horror in my vision as people came to me and started pulling at me trying to knock me off my feet. My clothes were savagely ripped from my body by strong hands as soon I stood there naked shivering from the cold. Would I be the next meal of these demons or would I escape from them and find safe haven in my home. My mind was suddenly awakened again as I now knew the name of that song that I was singing so loudly, Savage Beast Take My Body and it was by the Demons From Hell. Horror filled me even faster as I could not understand how I would know all the words to a song I was sure that I had never heard before, me being a strictly country and western fan and all. Trembling now, not sure if it was from the wind or the horror that was consuming me, I could feel the beads of perspiration as they started to form on my wind beaten brow. I knew one thing for sure I needed help for my hand as I was feeling fainter and fainter as time slipped so slowly past. If I could not get help soon this would be the place that I was destined to take my final breath all alone, my world empty of family and friends that had meant so much to me. I started walking back towards the truck since the engine was running to leave this mountain road for the comforts of my house and its surroundings. Every step I took was for not as the truck never came any closer either, how silly of me to think that saving my life would be this easy. I darted towards the truck thinking I would catch it by surprise but to my amazement tires squealed, dirt flew and the truck moved back away. It was really strange as it seemed the faster I ran at it the faster the truck, yes my truck, would pull away from me. This was all to horrifying so I decided arm injury or not I was going to get away from there as fast as I could. The faster I ran the faster came the truck as if it did not want to lose sight of me. Down the roadway I ran, my heart racing at a speed that made it feel like it would explode. Pain filled my chest as I was asking my lungs to work overtime, forcing air in and out faster then I ever had. Branches were ripping at my skin as the wind threw them around in the night air sporadically. The whipping stinging sensation I felt as the landed on my skin reminded me that I was still alive. I could feel the thin branches opening cuts in my skin as if they were small razors with a keen edge. I could feel more of my warm blood as it trickled down over my cheek. How much more blood could I afford to lose before I went into shock and passed out? I looked down the road and horror hit me instantly. How could it be happening, where did it go, what would I do, as the road disappeared and there was nothing but trees. I was going to stop then I realized if I kept running I would enter the woods and the truck would not be able to follow and then maybe I could find my way away from the demon. I ran even faster knowing I would soon be able to escape this hell that I had somehow entered. I had just about reached the wood line when I heard the truck engine race, wheels scream and it race towards me as if it was trying to get me before I got to safety. Looking back over my shoulder I saw how fast the truck was coming and I knew that if it hit me I surely would be dead. Suddenly my toe caught a rock and crashing to the ground I went sliding along the rough and brutal ground. I could feel the harsh jagged gravel as it dug and cut into my skin, feeding my body more pain, as if it needed it. My body ached from the slamming down onto the ground but I knew now that I could not waste one second. I was kicking, clawing the dirt and scrambling trying to get to my feet and get into the woods. The harder I tried the worse traction I got until Finally I caught a foot hold and with my arms pushing me half erect I lurched forward. Two quick steps and I dove for the protection of the trees around me knowing that they were close enough to preclude the truck from getting me. I laid there for a minute, my eyes closed, my breathing labored, my heart pounding and filled to the brim with fear. Then I heard the one thing that I did not want to hear as the loud crash of heavy metal ramming the trees filled my ears. I could not believe this was actually happening to me, my truck was possessed and was trying to kill me, Stephen King story this I was sure of. I listened as the truck kept backing up and ramming into the trees as if to destroy them one after another to get to me. I knew I had to hide and in a hurry before it succeeded in getting to me. I forced myself to my feet and though I was filled with pain I moved still deeper into the woods. I found a windfall and slipped in behind the ripped up roots as it provided me with a safe haven from the harsh wind. I knew it blocked the line of sight between me and the truck but as deep as I was in the woods I knew the truck could not get to me. I rested my back against the roots and dirt and removed the towel from the end of my arm. As I unwrapped the bloody stump I felt that something was different in me as if a change was taking place. I got to the last wrap of the towel and when it fell away I could not believe my eyes as there hanging from the end of what was once a bloody stump was my hand. I tried to move the fingers and they worked perfectly, pinching it I could even feel pain shoot up my arm. I picked up the towel, lifted it and looked at it to see if I had imagined all this or if it was full of blood as it should have been. I could see the outline of darker material against the towel and the heft of it told me that it was more then filled with fluid which I took as my blood since it was so dark I couldn’t really see for sure. My hand that I had so violently had torn from my body was now reattached and running my fingers around my wrist I could not even feel a tear in my skin. Had this all been a bad nightmare or was there something really bizarre going on here? I was willing to take a chance and figured if the hand had grown back maybe I had imagined it all and my truck was not chasing me. I slowly stood up to look over the top of the roots and horror filled me once again. There I was, standing there frozen, eyeball to headlight with the meanest looking truck I had ever encountered. It has somehow located me and was getting ready to destroy the one protection I had found. I looked in horror as it rammed back to get a running start to over run me, crushing me under all that dirt, roots, vehicle and weight. I had to do something quick as it was very evident to me that the truck was out to destroy me. As the truck lurched ahead I darted to my left and ran through the bushes. Low hanging branches were once again lashing at me, stinging my skin with every whip and scratch. I heard the truck hit the mound of roots and dirt from the windfall and I could tell it was now hung up. This would afford me a while to get away and luckily there in front of me was a cliff with boulders that I could hide behind or climb around them making my way upward. I thought for a quick second and decided that I would head for higher ground. I looked back at the truck as tires were spinning and dirt was sent flying by tires that worked so hard trying to pull the truck off the stump it had become hung up on. I decided that that would be the last time that I looked back so I turned and started my climb up the side of the cliff carefully working my way around the boulders. Huffing and puffing, my lungs starving for air, my chest ached as upward I went. Soon I was almost half way up the hill side and figured I could stop and rest for a few minutes. I looked back to where the truck had been hung up and in amazement I saw that there was nothing there. I knew the truck had not quit and figured it would be only time before the demon was after me once again. Then I heard the loud crash ands I felt the ground shake and stood up to see what was going on. There about two hundred feet below me was the truck smashing itself into large boulders as it tried to move them. Would this crazy attack from this truck ever be over with and would I even be able to survive it? Harder and harder the truck worked making its way up to me. Seemingly nothing would stop this truck until it had destroyed me. I screamed at the truck to leave me alone and go away but that only seemed to make the truck that much more determined. I started climbing once again as I wanted to get to the top of the hill and possibly to safety on the other side. Turning I grabbed for a small tree and pulled my elf upward. Grabbing anything in front of me I made my way along slowly. All the time I could hear the racing of the trucks engine as it filled my ears. I could not believe this was happening to me. Finally I made it to the top of the hill and without noticing it before I heard nothing. The sound of the truck’s racing engine was now gone and for the first time I breathed a sigh of relief. I wondered to myself where the truck had gone and had it actually given up the fight trying to get to me? I brushed off the dirt and debris that I collected from slipping and sliding while climbing the hill. I now stood in a clearing lit by the light of a full moon as it shown down from its bed high in the sky. I looked around for some place I could call a shelter and maybe get some sleep. I wanted something so that if the truck came back it would not be able to get to me. Finding nothing I started walking across the open area to see what laid along the other side. My eyes locked onto a group of huge rocks that would certainly provide me protection as I knew the truck would destroy it self if it tried to get to me. Closer and closer I came to the rocks and I found them in a circular shape with a small opening in the middle where I could sleep for a bit. I looked around to see if there was any sign of the truck as all I heard now was the harsh howling of the wind that had suddenly picked up. All was dark around me and I could not make out any shape that looked anything like that of the truck. I knew then I was safe as it had disappeared almost as quickly it had appeared before. In the dark I tripped over a rut in the dirt as I had not expected any tire marks to be in my way. Looking and feeling the rut I could tell it had been made by a heavy lugged tire. I wished that the vehicle that had been here was only here now as I would be able to get completely away and to safety. I tried to tell which way the truck had been traveling so that I could figure the best way out of the woods I found myself in. Picking myself up off the ground I wiped the dirt from my clothes and started, once again, off towards the rocks. I had taken a couple of steps when I heard the roaring sound of the engine and suddenly I was engulfed by the bright headlight beams of light. I was horrified as I knew that the demonic truck had been lying there in the dark, all this time watching me. It had intentionally lured me into a false sense of hope as it let me think I would be able to make the safety of the rocks without no problem at all. Now doubt filled my mind but I knew I would have to try. I took off running for the rocks and heard the truck as it growled its anger. The revving of the engine told me that the battle we were having was not yet over. Faster and faster I ran towards the rocks until I finally dove in between them. I was not sure if the truck was going to attack but I wanted to make sure that I had made the rocks. Turning around I laid flat on the ground and peered around a rock to see what if anything was happening. I saw the truck sitting there, engine revving and its headlights were like eyes just glaring at me. My heart was beating faster and faster as I knew not what I was going to be able to do to free myself of this nemesis I wondered why it didn‘t attack me as it had done before as it chased me through the woods. Was it now satisfied that there was no way to get to me or was it waiting to see if I would leave the confines of the rock and then corner me? I guess only time would tell and that was something that I now appeared to have plenty of. Sometime in the dark of the night I had succumbed to the total exhaustion of my body and has closed my eyes to sleep. I had been awoken by the sun beating down on me from above and the hot temperature of the day. I wiped the sleep from my eyes as I was sure that this day would bring to the end my dilemma one way or the other. I listened to see if I could hear the truck and there was nothing. I looked up over the rock and there it sat. Its big yellow frame, black grille painted as if it was a mouth, and huge tires with massive lugs to give it its traction. Its headlights looked as if they were the eyes of the devil as they could pierce through anything burning all the way to ones soul. What a truly demonic truck this was and what made it even worse was the idea that this truck was out to kill me. I watched the truck sitting there as if it was sleeping. The lights had been turned off and the engine now sat idle as no sound came from it. Could the driver of this truck actually be sleeping or was it another game of opossum? I decided to play a waiting game with it and see if it would give in. The day grew hotter and longer and there I was with no water and or food. The sweat had beaded heavy on my brow now and my shirt was already sweat soaked from the heat. My stomach rumbled continuously now as if it was asking my politely for food. Still there the truck sat as quiet as could be and not making a move of any fashion. I knew that I was not going to be able to sit here for days and wait for the truck to decide what it was going to do. I finally decided I would have to leave this place and get back to my home which I had left a couple days before. Once there I would be safe back inside its confines as I knew the truck could not get to me. I decided I would have a better chance finding my way during the daylight so before I lost too much more sun I decided to head for home. I stood and looked at the truck and watching it carefully I stepped from between the rocks that had been my security. I was half way between the rocks and the tree line when the truck roared to life. I heard the powerful engine as the sound filled the air. I then heard it shift into gear and the tires spin as it fought for traction. Looking over my shoulder all I could see was dust that surrounded the truck and rocks and dirt being thrown by the tires. The tires were savagely digging deep into the earth looking for their first feeling of traction. I took off running for the trees as I knew it was my one chance at safety. The squeal of the tires as they finally caught traction pierced me as the loud noise made me shudder. I knew it was now bearing down on me as I could hear the noise getting closer and closer. Faster and faster I ran as it gained on me. Just then my foot stubbed a rock that was sticking up out of the ground and I lost my balance. Stumbling I tried to regain my balance but downward I fell, skidding across the loose gravel. Jagged and pointed rocks dug and scratched at me as I slid violently across them. The truck was now upon me as one of its tires had my foot pinned. Tugging and tugging I knew now that I was not going to be able to get away. Farther and farther up my leg I felt the truck roll as its pressure against my skin became greater and greater. I laid there screaming for it to release me and not crush me to death. I knew my chances of it letting me go were slim but it was now the only hope that I had. The purrrrr of the engine almost sounded like one of joy as it revved louder and louder. Could this be the end I was destined to face when God made his calling, being killed by a demonic truck? More and more pressure built on my leg as the tire rolled up onto my thigh. I closed my eyes as I knew the end would be soon. Soon I would be buried under the heavy weight of that massive tire and the truck would crush the last breath from me. Higher and higher it rolled as I felt the pressure build on my chest, the end was here. I started praying to God placing my life in his hands and suddenly I heard a heavy laughter. I opened my eyes for what might be the last time and the sight before me was totally horrifying. There was my little brother running his brand new toy truck up over my body yelling, "Get up sleepy head and play with me before I crush you with my truck." I looked at him and smiled and grabbed the truck. A huge sigh of relief came over me and then I started laughing out loud. He looked at me like I had lost my mind and maybe I had. I was remembering back to the time my mom had told me that since I abused my trucks when I was small that one day a truck would attack me while I was sleeping. She surely was not kidding either. © Tall Mountain Dreamer December 7, 2002

A Night Of Horror

My day had started many hours before from a little motel where I had holed up the night before. I was so happy that I would be returning to the comforts of my own home and especially those of my large waterbed. My days on the road were few but they did offer me some inconveniences in my life’s travels. The day was beautiful as the bright sun was still in th eeastern sky so the temperature had not yet soared upward. People were bustling and hustling up and down the streets as I watched cars go quickly past me. People that I did not even know were pleasant as they greeted me warmly with the day’s greeting. Before leaving town I stopped by the local restaurant for a good breakfast meal. Entering the old diner shaped restaurant the fragrance of fresh baked goods filled my head. I also caught the smell of cooking eggs, bacon and many other breakfast foods. I made my way along the counter until I found an empty stool and sat down. A woman, young in age, came along with a cup filled with fresh brewed coffee and placed it in front of me. I looked up at her and smiled a smile of thanks and I saw a radiant smile, deep dark eyes, flowing hair and pure smooth skin. She placed a napkin and silverware in front of me with a well worn menu with which I could make my selections. I watched as she then returned to taking care of all the others seated along the counter. I looked at the menu and after I decided what I would have, I motioned for her to return and placed my order. Waiting for my food to be prepared and served I listened to some of the local gossip which was being passed around. Finally I saw the waitress coming towards me carrying a full plate of food that was piping hot. She made her way along the counter until she was again standing in front of me. Placing the plate on the counter in front of me she reached for the coffee pot and refilled my cup, smiled and said, “Please enjoy your meal and if you need anything else let me know.” Slowly I ate my breakfast as I wanted to savor every bite of the perfectly prepared food. The coffee was brewed just right and the smell was enjoyable to me. I watched as people around me got up and left and others quickly took their place. The bustle of this place told me that I had chosen the perfect place to partake of my breakfast. After finishing all that was on my plate I insured that it was totally cleaned before I placed the silverware across it and puches the dish slightly to the inside of the counter so the waitress could see that I was finished. She came to me and after removing the dish asked me if I wanted more coffee. I told her I had enough and that I was ready to leave if she would give the check. She brought my check and I took my last drink of coffee, emptying my cup, placed the money for my meal on the bar with a tip included for the waitress and turned and left the diner. With a full stomach I was now ready to ger along on my trip home. I sat down in my car, placing my key into the ignition I brought it to life. The blue paint that once sparkled when my car was new showed the strain of the years and miles that had been put on it. I was proud of it still has it had always taken care of me and kept me out of harms way. I backed out of my parking spot, into the roadway and headed out of town. Looking at the dash I noticed I was low on fuel and stopped by the gas station to top off the tank. Soon I was totally underway and looked up to see the last remnants of the town disappear in my rear view mirror. The sun was steadily lifting up as it made its familiar travel across the field of blue. The temperature had started to climb as the day passed me by. Down the bumpy two-laned road I traveled listening to the humm of the tires rolling over the sun baked asphalt. I had tuned the car’s radio to an oldies station and was singing along with the music. I knew within the next eight hours I would be in the comfort of my own home. As I moved along this road that I had mapped out as a short cut to save time the road became rougher and rougher. I had a choice now as I could dodge the large potholes and hit the small ones or just go straight and get eaten up by one of the big ones. Then suddenly I heard the one sound that I heard a few times before. The thump thump thimp and rubbing sound of a flat tire. I could not believe my luck on this day as I pulled my car to the side of the slowly so as not to lose control. Bringing the car to a stop I put the shifting lever into park, turned off the ignition and exited the vehicle. Kicking the ground in total disgust and frustration I started walking around the car looking for the culprit. The sun beat down hard on me as the heat was getting unbelievable with the passing of the day. As I turned the final corner of the car, there it was the tire that was causing me all this anguish. In total disgust I kicked at the tire and in total release I let some profanities fly and then turned to get the items needed to fix the flat. I opened the trunk and removed the jack and then reached for the spare tire. Horror filled me! My hand fell on emptiness as there was no spare tire to be found. I then thought and remembered I had used it many months ago and the flat was sitting in my garage waiting to be taken to be repaired. With horror and anger fueling my thoughts I contemplated what I should do. Knowing that I had driven for hours from town and had seen nothing along the way I knew that there was no help for me back that way. I then took out my map and after looking at it I deemed that there was a better chance for help if I would just walk further in the direction I was traveling. I closed my car all up, took the keys and put them in my pocket, grabbed my light weight jacket, locked and closed the door. Under the heat of the sun I then took off walking for what I was hoping would be a short walk for help. Moving along on the shoulder of the road, saving my feet from the scorching asphalt, step by step I made my way. I noticed that overhead more and more clouds were starting to fill the sky and the wind, having changed direction was picking up in force. I pleaded in silence to the lord to not let me get caught in a storm in my time of dispair. Faster I walked as I was thinking if it was going to storm I wanted to be as close to help as I could possibly be. The sky darkened with the passing of each moment as now heavy, moisture laiden gray clouds covered the sky. The wind was blowing strongly against me as I bent into it and steadily pushed onward. Worried now that I was going to soon be caught, without protection, in the midst of a bad summer storm. Darker and darker the sky became and the harder the wind blew. Long blades of green grass were being savagely whipped back and forth by the winds fury. It pulled harshly at my skin and chilled me as it blew against the once sweat laiden shirt I had on. The chill it sent clear to my bones was almost numbing as I shivered from it. Suddenly there it was! The one thing I feared the most. Yes that first drop of rain hit my face. The speed of each step I took increased as I knew I had to find a safe haven from the impending weather. Worried now that I had made a bad choice as I had traveled what seemed like miles and still not even a house had come into view. I listened to the far away clap of thunder as it rolled through the sky off in the distance. I knew in my mind that this was going to be a fierce storm I just had no idea how long it would last. What had started out as a perfect day was really taking a turn for the worse since the flat tire. I crested a small hill in the roadway and there it was, my safe haven or so I hoped. Lightning was flashing in the distance as I saw it brighten the darkened sky. My heart racing and knowing I was racing the coming of a bad storm, I started running for the safety of the house. The faster I ran the harder the rain fell and I was soon drenched from a terrentual downpour. Finally gasping for breath I had reached the point where the winding drieway and the road met. Turning onto the driveway I started to run faster as I buried the burning pain that was filling my chest as my lungs starved for air. As I ran along the winding driveway , that seemed no more then a grown in trail now, I was slipping and sliding in the mud from the dirt surface laiden with water. Numerous times I slipped, losing my balance and fell into the mud and grass. Still I knew I must reach the safe haven of this house that I had found as if an answering from God. I would hurriedly climb back to my feet and continue on towards the house. Finally I reached the steps leading up onto the porch and taking them two at a time I lunged for the safety of the porch flooring. Looking at myself I was the victim of minor cuts and bruises, lightly flowing blood and a lot of muddied clothes. What a sight I thought to myself. I laid there for a while as I gasped for all the oxygen my lungs would hold. I had not run that fast for that great a distance since I was a young lad and was chased by the old man down the street with his pitch fork. Slowly my body calmed and I sat up and watched the storm that was quickly approaching. Loud banging rolls of thunder rolled across the skies as the storm encircled me seemingly closing off every avenue I could use to escape. At times the thunder was so strong that I could actually feel the wood, I was sitting on shake. Suddenly! Right in front of the porch a lightning bolt, thrust from the heavens struck the ground with a ear exploding bang and was then gone. My hair stood on end and I jumped what seemed like feet into the air in startlement, my heart was racing. Finally I composed myself and got to my feet. Walking along the porch which went three sides of the dark, weather worn house I looked for signs of who lived there. As I turned the last corner there it was in front of me, signs of life as I saw a chicken coop, pig sty, and what looked like a bird holding area. I then turned and went back to the front door, after looking for a door bell and seeing none, I reached out my hand and gently tapped against the weather beaten wood. The glass in the door seemed covered in a dull grey like dust. I was thinking to myself, please be at home and have some means I can get help and move along my way. No answer!!! I waited a moment and then knocked louder, still no answer. One more time I waited and rapping as loud as I could I waited and still no answer. Thinking to myself I wondered what else could possibly go wrong on this day. Well without an answer at the door I reached for the doorknob and it turned freely in my hand. I opened the door a gap and called for anyone inside to respond to me. Waiting for what seemed eternity, but in reality was only a few fleeting seconds I pushed the door open slowly. Once the door was wide open I stepped up into the doorway and again spoke, in a little louder then normal voice, to sdee if someone was inside and hadn’t heard my first inquiries. Still no answer did I hear but I decided to enter and see if I could locate someone. In my mind I also needed to be somewhere near some heat so I could dry the rain soaked clothes I wore. As I entered I looked around noticing that the place seemed in some what of disarray, almost as if no one lived there at all or for a long time as far as that was concerened. The dust hung heavy on all the wooden articles that were around the massive living room. Huge cobwebs hung freely from the chandelier that dangled from the high ceiling. Walking around the living room I noticed that there was dust and cobwebs clining to everything that had been placed there. My mind was full of thoughts now as I wondered if someone really did live here or were those animals in a holding place for soemone from another house? I could not make up my mind as part of me said that the house was empty but something inside me kept sayin, “There are people here and you need to meet them.”I could feel my palms as getting clammy as my body started to sweat with the fright that was starting to flow in me. I knew that I could not leave right now as the vicious storm outside was far worse then anything I coud face in here. I was about to complete my walk around the living room I noticed a door that seemed to lead to an adjoining room. I walked up to the door and placing my hand on it I found that it was a free swinging door as it gave ground freely. I debated for a second whether I should go on but for some reason I had been caught up in the excitement of the unknown in front of me, something inside me would not let me turn back. I pushed harder on the door and and with a loud creaking sound it gave way to me. What was that!!! My heart raced and I could barely breathe as I heard the sound of rushing footsteps as someone or something was fleeing from the room. I stopped ddead in my tracks as I waited and watched for the sound to return. Nothing but eerie silence broken only by the fierce wind and smatter of the rain would fall upon my ears. My heart racing, I called out over trambling lips for soemone to answer me. Waiting I heard nothing but a sudden and sharp slamming of something wooden. What could it be that had just run away at the sound of the opening door was a thought that was consuming my mind. Still I stepped and entered the room that was dark and dreary with no light as the heavy curtains that were open in the living room were pulled tightly closed in this room. A funny smell filled the room and I knew I had smelled it before somewhere but could not remember. I moved into the room and as I released the door it swung closed once again shrouding me in total darkness. My heart was pounding as if it would jump out of my chest, my breathing was heavy and my palms were covered in sweat. My eyes were wide open as I was trying to absorb everything that was around me. Suddenly and in total silence something hard brushed against my leg. My heart skipped a few beats, I went light in the knees and my breathing suddenly stopped as I inhaled catching my breath in my now bone dry throat. What could that have been that had touched me with such silence? The hair on the back of my neck and along my arms was stiff and standing straight on end. Turn back or go on? This was the one question I must answer with a mind that was filled with horror for my safety and well being, excitement for the unknown, and concern for my immdiate comfort from the storm. Well against my inner souls better judgement I decided that I should move farther along in my searching for someone in the house. As I moved I could feel the shaking unsteadiness of my legs as fright was building in my body. Bam!!! Down I fell. Face first onto the hard wood floor. What could I have so clumsily tripped over that would cause me to fall that quick? I moved my feet around and could feel nothing that had been in my path. As I lifted myself from the floor and stood once again upright I felt the flowing of warmth down along my chin. Reaching my hand up to feel what it was, pain went through me as my whole lower jaw ached from my gentle touch. Feeling along it I knew that I had done damage to my lower jaw and teeth blood was free flowingfrom a gash along my gum line. I put my fingers there to feel how bad the cut was and in horror three of my teeth came out, falling into my hand. I reached in my pockets to find my handkerchief to stem the flow of blood but I must of lost it with all the falling I did to arrive at the house. I then removed my shirt and making a wad out of some of the material I pressed it against the cut to stop the bleeding. A cold draft then blew across my damp skin causing me to shiver. Was it the cold or was it the thought that I had made a mistake entering this house. Something told me that before I left I would surely have the answer to that question and many more. I moved on but with way more caution and alertness then I had used to get to this point. I moved in the darkness bumping into a high back chair that was placed in the middle of the floor for some reason unknown to me. As I finally neared a wall across the room from where I had entered my eyes caught a seam in the wall with a bright light shining through it. What could possibly be on the other side I asked myself? A house filled with complete and almost eerie darkness and on the other side of that wall was total light as if the sun was shining. I put my hand up to the wall and touched the slit and was greeted by not only light but heat which was seeping from the slit. My pulse was running as if it was a world class marathoner nearing the finish line, being chased by the rest of the competition. I could feel my heart pounding as it beat heavy in my chest. My ears were filled with only the sounds of my labored breathing. Perspiration had replaced the wetness that had covered me from the rain that I had raced through. I then slid my hand along the wall and suddenly there it was. I grasped it, my latch that would let me escape this horror and allow me to once again see what surrounded me. The doorknob turned in my hand and I pushed the door open and light entered into the room in which I stood. I turned to survey the room behind me and horror swept through me. Lining the walls were shelves with large jars with metal lids intact. Inside the jars seemed to be remnants of animals in all different stages of being. I saw this head of a pig that had the crown totally removed and the brain was missing, one eye had been gouged from its skull and the tongue had been cut off at its lips. Another jar contained a chicken with its chest cavity ripped apart and its insides just floating in some liquid. Completely filled with horror I stepped into the lit room and slammed the door behind me closing that goulish site from my view. As I turned to see where I was I found that I had unknowingly made my way to the kitchen. On the counter was a perfectly polished silver serving platter with a matching domed cover on it. After thinking about what I just saw my mind was spinning with horror filled thoughts of what could be under that dome. Turning I noticed three huge kettles sitting on top of the stove with flames under each one, listening carefully I could make out the sound of something in them boiling. Walking over to them the smell of cooking meat flooded into my nostrils comsuming my sense of smell. I knew one thing for sure, from the odor, that it was not any ordinary food cooking in these pots. Curiosity was building inside me but the horror that was fighting it told me not to look inside. Which would win? Only time could tell for sure and it was answered in the next couple of seconds. My trembling hand reached for the lid on the pot nearest me and with reservations flowing I lifted it slowly. Steam escaped that had been trapped under the lid and obscured my view of what was inside. There staring up at me was the huge head of a pig with brains exposed and eyes popped out of their sockets. Bang!!!!! Back down went the hood with a forceful slam as I felt my stomach start to churn from the smell and scene mixed together. I decided then that I would not look inside the other two pots cause I knew in my mind I did not want to know what was being cooked inside. I started walking away, suddenly I was frozen in place. I turned and I could feel something as it drew me back to the stove as if it would make me remove the lids of the other pots. I stood there mulling over in my mind what could possibly be under the two remaining lids and what kind of demented persons residence had I stumbled upon. Suddenly a if being forced my arms raised and reached for both lids simultaneously. The heat burned as it rose and landed against my damp cool skin. Slowly my now trembling fingers curled around the wooden knobs centered on both lids. Slowly and beyond my control I raised the lids from the pots and my heart was savagely pounding in my chest, my breath was held, as I waited for the escape of the once confined steam. I then stepped up cautiously to look into the pots, my eyes wide open in horror, I reluctantly looked inside. Oh my God!! Could it possibly be? Plain water was boiling in both off them. I let out a light chuckle and thought to myself, “And they say that men ar brave?” I replaced the lids and thought to myself I was certainly over exagerating all that happened to this point. Well I then knew that someone, somewhere had been around here not too long before my arrival. I imagined now that the scurrying I had heard was someone that had not wanted to be seen and went quickly into hiding. Would I ever know the truth or would it forever escape me. I turned and seeing another door leading off into a different direction from which I had come I went towards it. I stopped just as I approached the door as I faintly heard the sound of voices. I listened carefully as I could not make out the conversation but often I would catch the sound of an eerie laugh. What could possibly be that was so amusing to the ones that I had not yet seen? I pushed open the door and said hello as I stepped into the next room. There before me were two chairs in the middle of the room with a small table between them. As I walked over to the chairs I caught the scent of perfume that hung heavy in the air. Two half empty glasses of wine sat neatly on coasters on the well polished table. Picking up one of the glasses I inspected it and found a smear of red lipstick along one side of the lip. Where could the two be that had moments before been sitting here drinking? Where did the voices and laughter I had heard come from? Why was I still shaking and sweating from the fright that was inside of me? Questions without answers were now starting to flow freely into my mind. Would I ever know the true answers to any of them or would they all remain a mystery as this place was. I sat down in one of the chairs to try and think through some of these questions and make some sense of this whole day. Time had flown by as I looked at my watch and saw that it was well after seven in the evening. My body was totally drained of energy from all that I had asked it to today and I knew that soon sleep would overtake my will to keep my eyes open. Slowly I felt my eye lids becoming heavier and blinking I tried to fight off their closing completely. Second by second I was surely lsoing the battle to sleep. Finally, unknowing of what time, my eyes finally closed and I drifted off into a deep sleep. I knew that if sleep overcame me that I would have no control over what happened to me this night. Suddenly my head is filled again with the smell of that same perfume my nose had detected when I entered this room. The strength of it told me that it had been freshly applied and that person or persons were in the room with me. I tried to quickly remove the sleep that consumed me and open my eyes to see who was there. Suddenly fear consumed me again as for some reason my eyelids would not move and I was locked in the world of darkness. All of a sudden my arms were held in place by the powerful grip of some unknown person or persons. I tried to stand from the chair where I sat but I was firmly held in place. I then felt the smooth coolness, of what I imagined to be leather, being slid quickly around my wrist and fastened to the chair. Next my legs were jerked savagely apart and my ankles were quickly and securely bound in the same manner. I was now a total captive to whoever it was that was now in the room with me. Fear was all that filled my mind and the thought that I may soon draw my last breath was causing panic to chill me to the bone. I then hear the laughter that I had heard standing on the other side of the door, before I entered. Feeling human warmth against both of my naked arms told me that I was in the company of two or more people and the perfume told me that they were female. Suddenly I feel the belt securing my trousers being unfastened and drawn through the loops that held it. The waitband of my trousers was undone and the short zipper was slid down as I felt the cool air land on my exposed waist. Horror had replaced fear as I could only think horrid thoughts of what was about to happen to me. Suddenly I feel the chill of cold steel as it pressed against my naked upper thighs. Slowly my ears were filled with the sound of a knife as it ripped through material and I felt the legs of both trousers loosen around me. Finally the material having being cut free was ripped from my body. There I sat totally exposed to my captors and unable to defend my body. I feel the hardness of long finally filed nails as they rake against my chest sending the feeling of pain through me. Fingers sliding up and down raking my bronzed flesh. I feel pain as small rivelts of running liguid follow behind the scraping. In my mind I knew I had then suffered deep scratches and my blood was seeping from my body. I knew I had to break free of my bindings if I was to open my eyes to another day. Wait what was that I just felt!!! Was it truly the warmth of human breath falling against my skin? Yes it was! As I then felt two tongues press against my skin on my neck and drag slowly down my chest. In unison I felt the soft sensuous lips close around each nipple that now stood erect at the tip of my pecs. My body was filling with arousal which was short lived as then savagely together they bit the nipples harshly with teeth that I thought would cut them off. As they gripped the nipples they pulled back from my body stretching them and pain ran through me. My mind was flooded with thoughts of what would follow. Finally my aching nipples were released as their lips returned to travel over my skin, stopping to lick up the blood that had seeped from the deep scratches. Downward I felt them moving along my skin, stopping to harshly take bites of it, leaving telling marks I was sure of. The pain it caused was almost unbearable as I caught myself just before I screamed out in pain. I wanted so much for this torture to be over and be on my way back to the safety of my own home. Would I make it there was the daunting question that I was facing. Suddenly I felt the sliding of cold steel across the skin on my legs and my body tensed with fear. Visions of sadistic torture were now flowing rapidly through my mind. I was learning quickly that it was impossible to achieve rational thinking while comsumed in fear. I had visions of my body being savagely cut into pieces and then the pieces taken to those boiling pots in the other room and dropped in. Would I be the next meal that these two ladies would be partaking in. I could feel the sharp tip of a knife as it was pulled across the skin of my legs sending shivers through me. My heart was racing and the pressure building inside me made it feel that I was about to explode. My God what a day of luck I was having!! I heard a loud slaming sound, the breaking of glass and suddenly a harsh cold breeze was slamming against my naked body. My ears were overwhelmed with the loud harsh sound of the storms fury blowing through the trees. The eerie sound of branches scratching the side of the house mixed with the sound as trees were savagely wrenched back and forth. I could just imagine what it would have been like to be caught out there in nature’s unleashed fury. Suddenly the window was closed as the wind, hitting my skin was drastically reduced. Could it be that my unknown captors had left me and were tending to the house? If so this would be my chance to break my bindings and flee for my life. It had turned eerie quiet again around me. Was I now alone in this room or were they standing back and watching me? I had no idea as I could not see but I decided to sieze the moment. I pulled savagely against the leather binds that were holding me in this chair. After a few minutes of pulling and tugging with all my given strength I felt an arm of the chair come loose and knew if I pulled hard I could break it free and possibly free myself. I wrenched the arm again and suddenly my arm was free. I quickly reached up and pulled the blindfold from my eyes. The instant penetration of of light into my pupils made me squint as the tried to quickly adjust. Would there be time? I fought against panic as I looked around and noticed that I was indeed in the room by myself and I knew not how much time I had before my captors returned. I was racing against an unknown time to save my life. Quickly I undid my bindings and stood up from the chair. Looking around I found the nearest door and went for it hoping it would be the one opening up to my freedom. I reached the door quickly, turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Oh my God!!!! I had opened the wrong door as hanging from hooks and chains from the celing were skeletons of many different animals and humans. I stopped dead in my tracks as panic consumed me and felt myself feeling faint as I started to black out. I stepped back and slammed the door shit and looked around. Two doors remained and I could not tell which one I had entered th eroom through. Would I pick a door to freedom or would I again be sucked deepeer into this house of horror. I thought quickly and headed for one of the doors, grabbed the handle and giving it a quick turn I thrust it open. As I pushed through the door cold wind whipped against my skin.I looked up and I was once again standing on the porch of the house, freedom was with me at last. Dressed in just my boxers and my shoes I jumped the railing, falling into the rain soaked grass. The pouring rain was hammering against my skin but I did not feel as I was just happy to be free of the hell I had been in for the last few hours. I hurriedly got to my feet and took off running as fast as I could back down the driveway to the roadway. Finally making it I turned and started running down the middle of the road until that house was no longer in my view when I looked back. I then slowed to a brisk walk as I was hoping that somehow and someway I would find help. I heard a car coming from behind and not taking any chances I dove into the grass pressing my body down into it so as not to be seen. Closer the car came and suddenly my eyes saw it as I peeked through the grass. My body trembling so harshly as I wondered if it was captors and they were looking for me. A black hearse went by and as it did I noticed that there were two women in it and they seemed to be laughing. Could this possibly be the same two that had held me captive and caused pain to my body? What would I do, what could I do, almost naked and shivering from fright, exposure and horror I knew I had to press on. I summoned all the courage I could musted and once again standing I started down the road making sure I kept an alert eyes for any oncoming vehicles. I walked for a length of time and finally the rain had stopped and the sky was cleared once again. The chill of the night had taken over my body where fear had once flowed. What was that? Were my eyes now playing games on me from deep desire I had in me? No it was a set of headlights coming towards me. I stepped to the side of the road and knelt in the deep grass knowing in my mind it was that hearse with the two women returning. As the car approached I saw it was not the same shape so I quickly stood up and waved my arms frantically. As the vehicle came to me I noticed the emergency lights overhead and knew that it was a police cruiser and I was finally safe or so I thought. The vehicle came to a stop and the drivers door opened quickly, my mind was racing at full speed praying that this person would be my salvation. In a split second out stepped this huge form. I thought to myself, could this possibly be? I heard this deep voice beckon me to come toards him. Panic filled me as I slowly took steps closing the distance. Closer and closer the distance became as my heart was pounding savagely as I could feel the beats in my temples. Finally I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw the badge on his chest and the pistol hanging loosely from his hip. Saved at last! Was all that went through my mind, saved at last. The officer took one look at me and asked me where I came from and what had happened for me to lose the majority of my clothes. I related the story to him starting with the flat tire and he looked at me with a strange and bewildered look on his face. I looked at him and knew from the strange look that this officer was not buying any part of the story I was telling him. I knew not what to do until he spoke to me after I completed my horror packed story. He turned to me and looking at me with a eerie, blank, death filled stare he said, “ That is totally impossible as there is not a house on this road all the way back to the other town you said you left this morning.” I thought to myself that this could not be as I had lived through that hellish nightmare and I knew it was real. I offered to show him the scratches and bites that my body had suffered and he agreed as he turned on the dome light of his vehicle. Looking down at my chest horror filled me once again. There where I had felt the pain of every inch of the digging nails there was not a scratch on my skin. Where I had felt savage bite marks was only smooth unblemmished skin and I frantically serched for some sign of what I had been through. Total horror was about to consume me until my brain kicked in adn I told him if he took me back wwe could find my car, still with a flat tire, beside the road. He offered me his raincoat and back towards my car we went. As we traveled I thought to myself what if my car was no longer there, this officer would surely take me to his office thinking I was derranged. Traveling along the now dried pavement I watched for anything that I might remember so I knew that I was closing in on where all the events had taken place. Off to the left side of the roadway I kept glancing in hopes of catching a glimpse of the house which had become my mansion of horror. Nothing came into sight and suddenly as we crested a rise in the road I saw a vehicle pulled off onto the shoulder and I knew it was my car. I pointed to it and finally we pulled up along side of it. I had no keys or anything since my trousers were gone, but I got out of the cruiser and went to my vehicle. As we both walked around the vehicle and came to the drivers side, there hanging in the door lock was my complete set of car keys. Shocked, I then took him around to the flat tire and to my amazement there was none. He looked at me strangely and told me that if my vehicle would start that I was free to go and he would forget this had ever happened. I then went back to the drivers side and opening the door I started to slide in and was stopped by something soft in my seat. Borrowing his flashlight I looked and there, neatly folded on the seat was a pair of pants and shirt matching exactly what I had worn that day, color, material and all. I pickjed them up in trembling hands and turned to him with total bewilderment in my eyes. He looked at me and smiled and said, “Looks like someone really needs to trhink about getting dressed.” I quickly put on the clothes and slid into my car behind the steering wheel. Placing my keys in the ignition I gave it a turn and my engine roared to life. I looked at the officer and with what seemed to me to be a devlish grin he said, “You better be on your way.” I nodded and closed my door and pulled out onto the roadway. I reached over and turned on the radio and searched through it for a relaxation station to accompany me on my trip. Then I heard it. The voice of two women came across the radio and in total surprise said, “I hope you enjoyed your stay!” I slammed on the brakes and brought my vehicle to a skidding stop. After I regained my composure I put the car in gear, floored the gas and sped like a man possessed from that area. Finally lights of a town came into view and I was never so happy to see civilization. I pulled into the garage on the beginning edge of town to get gas and asked the attendant to fill it up. He nodded that he understood and went about his business. He checked my oil and washed the windshield and rear window for me. After he completed his task he came to me and told me what it cost me. Then it hit me, how would I pay for it? Good grief my wallet was probably back there in the clutches of whoever or whatever had held me captive. I reached back against my back pocket where I always kept it and guess what? There it was still in that very spot. I took it out with trembling hands and after opening it up I pulled the money out and handed it to him, shaking uncontrollably. He looked at me and in the kindest words he could muster he said, “Man you look like hell, like you had just been through the worst day of you life.” I chuckled as I thought to myself, “If you only knew, yes if you only knew.” As I started to get in my vehicle in beside me pulls the same black hearse that I had seen drive past me. After it stopped I watched in shock as two of the most beautiful women got out of it and one walked up to the service station operator and said, “Here it is dad all cleaned and returned like you asked.” I was in total shock, could this possibly be? I just stood there as if in a suspended state of animation. As the girl walked past me she winked and whispered in a soft sensual tone, “Nice seeing you again and please stop by again next time you come through.” I had had enough and knew it was time for me to get as far away from this area as I could. I bid the ladies good day and thanked the attendant. Into my vehicle I quickly slid, started the engine, put it in gear and departed as quickly as possible. As I was driving down the road I thought about all the events leading up to the day I had or had not experienced and decided on one thing for sure. No more ice cream before I went to bed. (C) Tall Mountain Dreamer October 31, 2002

They Came Home

It was windy and cool day as the sun was well hidden behind a gray sky. Rain lightly fell as we stood there waiting patiently, watching the airplane as it taxied along the tarmac. Slowly it turned towards us and stopped along side the long line of deep black cars that had earlier been driven up and parked. We were all dressed in our formal dress uniforms. Each proudly representing our seperate branches of service. We were there to make sure that those inside were afforded the highest respect and thanks from our great nation for the job they had done and the sacrifices they had made. The cool breeze tugged at us gently and yet we stood there unwavering in the face of what lay ahead. The side door opened and we watched as soldier after soldier walked down the tall flight of stairs and onto a bus. Not a word was spoken by anyone as this day would be etched in our minds forever. Finally the tail of the airplane was opening and the cargo inside would be soon unloaded. In a sharp sound as one we turned and marched around and faced the taill of the aircraft. I watched as the ramp moved silently lower and lower, seemingly not wanting to disturb those inside. It was then that I got my first glimpse of the cargo that we had come to honor. There in the airplane was row after row of flag draped coffins. Flags laying over heroes who had paid the greatest sacrifice for their country. I suddenly felt a lump form in my throat as I could feel the loved ones pain for these soldiers. Finally the ramp was down and it was time for us to remove these coffins one by one. Forward we marched as the first one was slid to the edge so we could lift it and carry it to the first vehicle in line. In silence each member of the honor guard slid their hands around the cold steel railing oalong the side of coffin and we lifted, turned and began our march. Silence was all around us, the only sound heard was that of our feet as they met the ground beneath us. An eerie silence had settled over the area as if nothing wanted to disturb those we were honoring. The corner of the flag was caught by a sudden breeze and I reached quickly to secure it, not wanting the flag to be lifted from where it lay. I thought back in my mind to the many times I had been called upon to do this very detail and the pride I felt paying respect to fallen heroes. It mattered not to me of their race, religion or branch of service, all that mattered to me was that they had died protecting what too many take for granted. One by one the coffins were loaded into the waiting vehicles and finally it was time to leave. Not a word was spoken by any of my fellow honor guard members as we were each dealing with the accomplished task in our own ways. We all knew that no words could ever express what we had just done. We now knew that a greater task was ahead as soon we would walk thru the gates of one of the biggest cemeteries in our country. A place of vast green grass, rowed by white stones marking where each fallen hero of our country had been finally laid to rest. The day of honoring these heroes soon came, quicker then any of us wanted, knowing it would be long and draining on all of us. It was early morning but preparations were already underway for the days events. Each of us had made sure our uniforms were perfect and we sat quietly waiting, each reflecting in our own way. My mind wandered back to the day when we had received these heroes that we would be laying to rest today. Many of the coffins had been received by family and loved ones and taken back to their homes for their own funeral. I knew that they too would be honored by soldiers like myself as they too paid their last respects. Many of us knew that numerous flag draped coffins, carrying heroes to their rest, would be carried by others like us in the days, weeks and months ahead. It was time as I stood and checked my uniform, in front of the full length mirror, one last time. I walked in silence with the others along the hallway, the only sound was the click of our shoes as they touched the highly polished tiles on the floor. Soon we stood there in the order assigned and began marching to the gate where we would wait for the arrival of the procession that would bring another fallen heroe to us. The weather had blessed us as the sun was peeking from behind the clouds off and on and the temperature was almost perfect. In the distance we could hear the vehicles as they made their final turn into the entrance way. A lump was filling my throat again as I foght to fight back tears. I had been assigned this task for a time now but with each and every honor guard there was the urge to cry. Composing myself I watched the first car roll past us along with each car until the black ominus vehicle carrying the flag draped coffin stopped in its spot as it had done so many times before. On command we turned and marched to the rear of the vehicle and waited for the coffin to be readied for its removal. Finally it was time. One by one we bent and slid our hands along the railing and together we removed the coffin from the vehicle and slowly lifted it. The long walk would now begin. We turned and with each step we took we moved closer to the bed that had been prepared in this hallowed ground for this fallen heroe of our nation. There he would rest, surrounded by the many others that had given their lives so others could remain free. We were at the grave site and as we lowered the coffin onto its stand I looked down into the grave, thinking how cold and deep it was. Cold to me yes but comforting to the soldier that would call it home from then on, knowing that his country praised him for his sacrifice. The gathering was seated and we stood in silence as a preist stepped up and said a solemn prayer over the soldier that laid before us. The air was then filled with the sound of a lone bugler, standing on a distant knoll of green, the sound of Taps rang out loud and clear, telling those around that another hero had fallen and was being remembered. I listened as the discharge of weapons was done with precision and honor, paying their respects. Suddenly the sun came out and shown bright, cascading down upon all of us as if God was reaching out to accept this soul and welcoming it into the heavens where he would rest forever. The final note was heard and we lifted the flag from the coffin an in silence slowly folding it. Soon in my hands was a three cornered flag that had itself honored a fallen comrade, soldier, hero and loved one. I turned and walked a lonely path to the family area, stopping in front of a woman dressed in black. I looked down at her and saw the path that many tears, she had tried to control, had left down her cheeks. Reaching out I met her awaiting trembling hands and placed the flag silently in hers. I could feel the trembling of her arms as our hands momentarily touched. I stepped back and saluted as I watched her clutch the flag to her chest and bow her head, uncontrollably crying tears that fell onto the red, white and blue cloth. I turned and walked silently away, knowing nothing I could say could give her comfort on this day. Our mission was complete and as one we turned and marched silently off into the distance and waited until the ceremony was complete before we disassembled. Another hero had been laid to rest by us that watched over these hallowed grounds each day. It was our mission, our way of paying tribute and giving thanks to heroes that came to us from all walks of life. I looked over my shoulder one last time as we left the rolling green blanket with its numerous white stones. I now sit in front of my locker once again and there I place my head in my hands and tears fill my palms. Was I crying because I was weak? No! I cried because with each hero I honored a part of me rested with them and will forever. I wore the uniform of my country but they gave their life for the uniform they wore and for their country, something I respected and cherished deeply. Finally composing myself I stood and closed my locker, turned to the others that still lingered there and said, "They came home to us, not as we wanted or would have liked but they are home now." With that we all nodded and I walked out of the room, ending a day crammed full of feelings. (C) Tall Mountain Dreamer April 1, 2007

The Climb

My muscles strained against my bronzed skin as I pressed my fingers deep in the crack of rock that would provide me security to move ahead. The roughness of the rock pulled hard at my skin. I applied finger pressure, pulling hard towards my weight from the rock. I took my first foothold and I was now climbing. Carefully I searched the rock above me for even the most miniscule indent where I could place my fingers. A rope dangled downward from my waist, controlled by my best friend as he watched every move I made. The ledge I was climbing had been climbed many times before by me and others. I reached up and slid my fingertips into a small pocket on the rock and pulled myself upright. Another step to the top of this massive ledge was taken. I reached behind me and dipped my hand deep into the pouch of powder all climbers carried to keep the moisture from theiur fingers. They relied on dryness for a firm and secure grip as they climbed. I could feel the sweat rapidly building as I exerted every muscle in my body. My shirt was soaking up the moisture as fast as it could. Beads formed on my brow, ready to make little rivelts down over my skin. Grabbing a foothold I wiped the sweat away from my eyes and forehead. I was ready to move on. I pulled my leg up and pressed the very tip of my toes and climbing shoes into a indentation in the ledge. I looked above me for my next finger hold praying to find a pocket, no matter how miniscule. I applied all my strength and lifted myself on my legs as my hand reached upward and fell perfectly into the spot I chose. I had started a long adventurous journey which was to culminated by me standing high atop the ledge above. Having climbed for a few years I respected the big horn sheep and other cliff and ledge walkers, having seen first hand what one false step could do. The sun moved higher in the sky and with the increasing heat I wondered if we should not have waited for a cooler day. There was no turning back now, having started down a one way road I pressed on. It would not be much farther before I would sink my first anchor into the rock. I had chosen the spot as I climbed and knew it had to be able to catch and maintain my body weight incase I lost control and fell off the ledge. Many times I had dropped from losing my footing and or grip, falling down a ledge until my body was yanked to a stop by the safety anchor. I prayed every time that I set foot on a mountain or ledge that I would not experience it ever again. I knew however it was one of the many perils of climbing. One more pull and I was there. Reaching behind me I undid one of the wedge shaped pitons I had bundled. I plced it into a tight fitting crack and with my climbing hammer I started tapping. I was making sure that I did not loosen the rock around it as I watched it steadily go deeper and deeper into the crack until it was seated to my satisfaction. I clipped a snap link onto the piton and slid my rope through it. There I was tied to nature, secure in her hands. I released my legs and hands, held there by my friend below me and nature's hand. I could feel the blood flowing back into my muscles as they slowly relaxed before I continued my climb. Looking around I could see the valley that spread out below me. Off in the distance was the deep mountain lake where my family had alays fished for trophy trout. I could see the mighty river as it wound its way along the valley floor, disappearing here and there from my view. I felt the peacefulness of being alone on the ledge, with only nature as my company. The sun blazed down upon me, sending the temperature rising higher. I looked skyward and saw no relief in sight as no clouds appeared against the field of blue. I readied to continue my climb, looking for my nex finger hold. Reaching my arm outstretched I placed my fingers in a very small pocket, readied my feet up under me and lifted my body. I brought my feet up under me again, supporting myself as I searched for another finger hold. I slid my fingers along the rock as my muscles tired from holding my body weight. Suddenly my fingers felt a small crack. Sliding along it even farther the crack opened wider and provided a perfect place to pull my self up from. Just as I slid my fingers into the crack, my feet gave way underneath of me. My heart pounded and a lump formed in my throat. Fear rapidly filled me as my feet frantically searched for a foot hold to catch myself before I fell. My fingers were rapidly tiring and my arm muscles ached under the strain of supporting all my body weight. My right foot finally found a small indentation and I pressed my toes hard against it. I moved my left foot up and down the ledge, finally finding a small place to apply pressure and hold myself. Quickly I took one hand at a time, dipping them into the chalk bag and prssing them back into the crack. I was unknowing how long my feet were going to hold and I was taking no chances. I Stood there for a couple minutes catching my breath before I searched for the route that would lead me higher. I brought my feet up under me and used them to support my body as I reached and searched for the next spot for my fingers. Up and up I went, slowly, stopping to drive in my second piton, securing my safety rope to it. Looking down I could see I had climbed a substantial ways up the side of the cliff but I also knew the hardest part was directly above me. This would be the part that would test my ability, strength and stamina, over every inch. I prepared myself mentally as I hung there, suspended from the side of this sheer ledge, held securely by a rope that trailed behlow me. The thrill of moments like these was what drew me to this sport and to the mountains I called home. It was time to move on as I knew the rest of the climbers had started their climb behind me and they were stopped by my rest. Pitons would be driven into the rock closer together now as I was about to enter extreme peril. My first hold was a crack that ran horizontal along the ledge as I slid my fingers into it. I pulled my feet under me, holding myself with one hand and my feet I reached out for another finger hold. I found another crack and secured my grip into it. Chalking my other hand I quickly slid it into the crack as well. I had now started out over what we climber's termed the belly of the cliff. There would be times that I woul dbe hanging from my feet and fingers, like a treed monkey, navigating out and up over the bulge. I paused for a deep breath before I reached around the rock for my first finger grip. I quickly found it, shifting my weight slightly. My second hand immediately fell into an indent in the rock. I tested it for a second to make sure I would be able to hold on knowing that all my weight would be trying to pull me off that cliff. I pressed with my legs, standing with my body suspended a couple hundred feet above the ground below. I looked like a spide perilously making my way across a net, trying not to fall off. I pulled my feet up, taking some of the pressure off of my arms. I reached once again and easily found spots for both hands, snaking my way along the smooth underside of the belly. I had managed to come to the curve and aperfect place for a survival piton to be driven. Carefully I placed it, hammering it in slowly and quickly snapping my rope into it. I tested my weight on the rope then released my hands and feet as I sat there in my harness, sitting like a child on a swing in a school playground. What an exilherating feeling to be this high up and know that only a length of rope and a piece of metal seperated me from a possible deadly plunge. I had a yell from below to urge me on as the rest were waiting to follow my trail. I wiped the sweat from my forehead, arms and hands and reached back for a thick coating of chalk. The white of the chalk was a deep contrast to deep brown tan of my skin. I moved along up over the underside of the belly until I was once again leaning tight against the smooth rock face of the front. Slowly I moved upward, cautiously making sure that every grip I took with both feet and hands would support my weight. A couple more and I knew I would be on the relaxing part of the climb, having made it up onto the top of the bulge, where I could stand and usher up the climbers. Reaching for my finger grip I found a small compact indentation for my left hand and pressed my fingers hard against the rock. Reaching with my other hand horror suddenly filled me. I was experiencing a climbers worst nightmare, my left forearm was cramping and I could feel my fingers slipping. The edge of the grip was all that held me from falling now. I knew I had a decision to make. I could fight to keep my balancewith my other hand and feet. This would make my falling even worse as I might slam against the cliff. My other choice was to accept that I Was going to fall and control it as much as I could. I quickly opted for a control fall and let my fingers slip from their grip. I felt the pressure undeneath me release as I used my arms and feet to push against the cliff, stopping me from hammering into and being knocked unconcious. My only thought now was if the safety piton I had put in would hold all the pressure of my weight yanking on it. It seemed like minutes as I fell downward, yelling to let the group below know that they needed to hang on in casemy rope yanked on them. Any little sudden change in tension could mean them being plucked from the side of the cliff themselves. A violent yank stopped my body from its frightening free fall. I opened my eyes and looking up I could see the piton had stayed and I was now dangling approcimately ten feet below it on the end of a rope. I laid therefeeling little shooting pains running up and down my back. I moved my fingers and toes to see if I had done any serious damage to my back. I had feeling in all extremeties and knew I had been really lucky. Shouts came from below asking if I was all right, which I quickly returned to ease their worries. My one major dillema I faced now as that I was ten feet from any surface at the end of a rope, tied to a harness that stopped me from dropping another three hundred or more feet. Only way out of this was to get my arms up to the rope and using the rope ascenders that I had carried, to pull myself back up to the ledge.Locking onto the rope and pulling with all my strength I made my way back up the rope. It was a slow muscle draining process and with each pull of my arms I knew I was using much needed muscle strength. Soon I was at the ledge and relaxing my arms. I wondered how I would manage to make it the rest of the way. My body was soaked in sweat, most of my chalk had spilled from its pouch and my whole body ached. Suddenly from somewhere above me I heard someone shout out asking if I was all right. I replied quickly as my heart raced. Had I been so fortunate that climbers were working their way down the cliff and could help me? Had a group gone out before us and had better luck taking a different path over the belly? Only concern I had now was any loose and falling debree from them above me coming down and hitting me. A rope dangled by my head now as I reached and pulled it to me. I listened as they gave me instructions to tie into it and release the other rope to my group. I was quickly secured to the rope that would guide me to safety, or so I was hoping. I notified the unknown people above me that I was secured to them and they instructed me on how they were going to pull me up over the belly to them. I felt the rope jerk upward, pulling me slowly up the rock as I used my feet to keep my body off the stone ledge. Making my way up over the belly a hand reached out to take mine. Looking up I saw a large smile that I was quite accustomed to. I was looking eye to eye with my boss, the captain of our search. rescue, and recovery office. He laughed as he pulled me up and we stood there as I unfastened the rope from my harness. I thanked him and the men with him for the help they had given me. They all smiled as my captain slid his arm around my shoulder and we walked back to a couple of rocks to sit a spell. I looked at him waiting for the lecture that I knew was going to come spewing from him. He always made a point of letting any of his men know when they did something, testing the calling of death. After a few minutes he looked me in the eye as I braced myself for his wrath. His smile grew as he said, "I am always having to save you from yourself, ya know that?" I looked at him as he stood, waiting for the rest of his normal lecture. He picked up his climbing rope and aftersecuring it to the ledge he tossed it over the side, letting it uncoil as it fell. He motioned me over to the edge of the ledge we all stood on and with a coy smile said, "You can be our tester, hook up and slide on down to your group. I hooked onto the repel rope and soon was sliding don over the ledge. In seconds I was standing with all the others on flat level ground. We packed up our gear and started our trek out of the woods. We laughed about the days events, releasing the tension knowing no one had been hurt. I thought back to my boss and his group up there on the mountain still, wondering if they were climbing down or up. I grinned as I thought to myself, "Had to be coming down as he always took the easy way out. With that in my mind we got in our vehicle and headed back home. Tomorrow was a new day and back to work, knowing there ould be pranks and jokes gaolore to listen to until the next recue specialist had to be rescued. (C) Tall Mountain Dreamer June 1, 2007

The Campfire

The day had ended and it was time to relax. I grabbed some kindling and placed it in the fire pit. I then reached for three pieces of wood, that would be the main fire and stood them on end. I made sure they stood over the kindling as I prepared to light the night's campfire. The day had been warm and humid, each of us sweating by just walking. We had spent most of the time in the near by river, keeping our bodies cool from the sweltering heat. I pulled out a match and struck it, watching as it sparked to life. The small blaze engulfing the end of it, I watched as I carefully lowered it to the kindling.. I slid the match into the kindling, watching as the smaller pieces started to catch fire. Larger and larger the fire became as a small breeze fanned it gently. I soon heard the crackling of the wood I had placed over the kindling as it was slowly catching on fire. I watched as little sparks bounced up from the fire and disappeared, like the lights of a lightning bug on a warm mountain night. I could hear an owl in the distance, his sound penetrating the darkness that was quickly falling. The fire blazed now, the heat filling the air around us as we sat there. Some of us thought of the day that had passed. I took a long stick and poked at the larger pieces, watching them fall down into the campfire that was deffinitely not going to go out on us. The scent of burning wood filled the air around us and I leaned back and inhaled. I loved the smell of a campfire along with the scrackling of the wood. I reached down and placed the wired grille, that we had brought, over the fire. This would be the bed for our food that we would cook this night. All of us had eaten lightly during the day, knowing there would be a feast prepared for the night meal. I turned as I heard a noise behind me and I felt my lover as she slid her hands down over my shoulders. She bent down, placing her chin on my shoulder as she kissed my cheek. Reaching up over her I ran my hand over her head, turned slightly and kissed her lips. I could see from the smile on her face that she was as content as I was. We both loved being out in the woods with the dogs, relaxing and listening to nature and doing whatever we felt like. She asked if the fire was ready for the food and I nodded. A quick kiss and she was gone to get it out of the cooler and bringing it to me. There would be no pots and pans to wash just silverware as we would cook right on top of the grille. Soon I had the grille loaded with big, thick, mouth watering steaks and we listened to the hot metal searing in the juices. The aroma of the cooking meet filled the air, mingling the scent of the smoke from the wood. My mouth was watering just thinking about sinking my teeth into that meat. Occupants from the adjacent campsite had come over and with them they brought their guitar. Slowly he strummed on the strings playing folks songs which we all sang to. This was the only way to enjoy the summer, camping and being surrounded by friends. I reached out and checked the steaks, making sure they were cooking just right. I leaned back in my chair just in time to catch my lover as she sat down across my lap. There I sat with her in my arms, her head resting lazily against my shoulder as she watched the flames of the fire dance. Shadows played lazily on the trees around us as we filled the air around us with music and song. We were sure to keep any wild animals away with the tunes we were carrying. I knew the actual singers of these songs would be pulling their hair out if they heard us. I was so comfortable right then and there that nothing could have disturbed me unless it was an emergency. My lover slid her arm around my kneck, bent over and gave me a kiss, telling me that her mind was wandering and I would like where it was going. I looked up at her and smiled as her hand brushed away her hair hanging in her face. The soft glow of the fire outlined her beauty and I wrapped my arms a little tighter around her as we listened to the music. The smell of the meat told me that I needed to turn it over to cook the other side. I leaned forward and with a long fork I flipped each piece over, again hearing the sharp sizzle of raw meat as it seared itself closed. It would not be long now before we were all enjoying a meal fit for a king. The women went and readied the picnic table with all the side dishes of salad, fruits, beans and other tasty delights. I waited for about another half hour and pulled the grilled food onto a platter and moved to the table. Placing the dish down in the center of the table I sat down beside my lover as we started filling our plates. Soon the supper meal was gone and we all returned to the campfire, letting the food settle. More music was played as other campers walked by our site, stopping for a few minutes to listen. We invited in as many as would accept, figuring the more the merrier. The large logs we had placed became welcomed sets for those that came as we all joined singing folk songs. I looked around to all the joy each person was having and deep inside I was smiling. This was the true camping experience, I thought to myself. Just then a bag of marshmallows dropped into my lap and I looked up and saw my lover standing there smiling. She knew that to top off a campfire dinner there had to be marshmallows roasted. I got up and walked over to our supples and pulled out a handful of sticks that I always brought along each time we came camping. I walked around the fire handing out sticks to everyone that wanted one. Bags of marshmallows had already made their ay around to people. Soon the smell of browning marshmallow filled the air around us. I watched as one got a little too close and burst into flames, the woman pulling it back and anxiously blowing on it. One the end of her stick now sat a charcoal coated delightful treat and I watched as she pulled the sticky sweetness from the stick. She slid out her tongue and placed the tasty treat on it and slowly drew it into her eagerly waiting mouth, savoring every bit of it. More and more marshmallows were consumed until all the bags were emptied. As the night moved along more and more people made thier way back to their own camps and turned in for the night. With the last group gone the fire was enjoyed by just me and my lover. We laid there on the chair cuddled in each others arms, kissing deeply and passionately. I felt her hand slide down my back as her fingers moved back and forth, gently rubbing my back. I asked her to give me a minute as I sat up and stirred the few remaining coals and poured water on them to make sure they were totally out. I turned to her sitting there on the chair watching me and swooped her up in my arms and carried her toward the tent. This had been a great night and we both knew that before we went to sleep we would top the day off in our own special way. We knew camping trips were made to be enjoyed in more ways then one. (C) Tall Mountain Dreamer May 31, 2007

No One Cared

He walked quietly down the street, bent over from operations he had suffered through trying to fix damage done to him in combat, as he honorably served his country. A growl came from his empty stomach, having not had anything to eat for over a day. People passing him by stared at him as if he was an alien, someone that did not belong amongst them. The damage to his left leg made it painful for him to walk just one step but he kept on. He refused to give in to his pain and discomfort, hoping that one day something would happen. He clutched to his hope of good fortune, like a scavenger guarding his last morsel, with each breath he took. His caloused hands with wrangeld fingers were covered by a glove with no fingers. The palms of the gloves had been worn out when he had found them rummaging through a garbage dumpster. He had a path that he followed every day, looking for scraps of food, clothing, or anything he could use for comfort. His jacket was the tattered and faded remnants of a once green jacket that he had worn with pride, serving his country in combat. The pants he wore were tattered and torn, pieced together with string that he scrounged from garbage. Once in a while on his walks he would find clothing that had been thrown out by others way more fortunate then he was. Even if he could not use the items he would take them and pass it around to his friends who were also in need. He made one point and that was to never leave a mess where he had been. When looking through others trash he would hear a vehicle approaching and jump into the shadows, praying it was the not the police. The warmer months were a lot easier for him then the bone chilling winters that came to the area. Many times he would curl up shivering, waiting for sleep to come, wondering if he would make it through the night. During the winter he would always search for warm places to lay down. He would even pull boxes or rags over him to preserve the heat his body afforded him. He watched with tears flowing as many of his friends succumbed to the brutal winter weather, too frail to take care of themselves. When he would lay there at night, with pains of hunger so violent he thought his stomach was tearing apart, he would close his eyes and think of the past. The past when he would hold his children, loving them with all his heart. He could see them in the backyard playing as the sun beat down on them, watching them from the large sliding glass doors of his house. He could see his beautiful wife as she stood there before him. Her hair would shimmer in the light and her eyes sparkled like that of the stars. He would feel her touch, the warming tenderness that he remembered, brought some comfort to him. He remembered that day he walked out the door in his uniform unknowing if he would ever return. He raised his trembling hand and touched his lips, the same lips his wife had kissed that very day. War had changed him so much and when he came back home everything there had changed for him. His home, his loving wife and children, people in town and even those where he had worked could not recognize the soul that had come back. Drugs had become a way of life for him. In them he hid from the pain of war and the physical pain all his injuries had caused. He watched his life slip away from him as he could no longer be relied upon to hold a job. His wife would work long and hard trying to provide for the family and at night there would only be arguements, filling the void where love and passion once lived. His children feared him when he would move towards them. Fear filled them from the harsh words he spoke and the sometimes brutal punishment he used to discipline them. A loving father and husband, caring person and loved soul had turned into a vile, vindictive and horrible man. He even had a hard time excepting himself for what he had become. Many times he had thought of committing suicide but was to afraid, stopping him from following through with any of the plans. Down a darkened alley he now walked, behind restaurants and bars lining both sides. I moved along behind him wondering where his journey was taking him. I quickly dipped into a doorway's shadow when he looked back, praying he did not see me. He stopped by each pile of garbage and searched, listening carefully for anyone coming. Many times he had been stabbed by others for things that he had found while scavenging. Up and down the alleys he walked, finding nothing on this night. Slowly he made his way down the last alley to his home that he had built. Another night he would go to sleep with no food in his stomach, praying that tomorrow would be a better day. He saw his home come into sight as the stars in the sky told him it was late. He walked up to the large box and sat down beside it. The hard ground softened by the pile of old newspapers he had there. He sat there thinking of all the good memories he had, as he did every night before laying fown to sleep. A smile slowly grew on his lips, camouflaged by the shaggy beard and mustache that had grown. The hair that was matted from the days sweat he pulled back and tied with a piece of shoelace he had found, on one of his journeys. Into his box he crawled, lowering the flap he had made behind him. There in the darkness he laid, listening to the sound of the city all around him. He closed his eyes, his head laying on a pillow of old rags. He reached down and pulled an oily old tarp up over his shoulders and waited for sleep to come. Somewhere in the night sleep came to him, the last sleep that he would ever know. A permanent sleep now filled this once brave man who had served his country with pride. He had taken his last breath on God's earth as he laid there. No one even knew he had died or was dead as no one cared. This had been the end of a life of a husband, father, soldier and giver to those in need. Days would pass before his body would be found and removed from his cardboard home, partially eaten by rats that had found him. His funeral was that like many other of the homeless and unwanted. A simple grave with no marker and only the homeless friends he had made there to say farewell. In the group one simple voice could be heard as his funeral ended, "If only someone had cared, if only they had cared." (C) Tall Mountain Dreamer June 3, 2007

My Last Walk

It was a sun filled day, accompanied by a soft summer breeze that blew through the mountain valley. I had awakened early that morning for some reason. I looked at the clock on the stand by my bed and the time was just after six. The sun was already sucking the early morning dew from nature's bed. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and gazed at the reflection that came back to me. The weary wrinkles that covered my face told of the years that my body had outlasted. The silver gray beard was a sign of my aging that I had long ago accepted. Life had been hard on me and yet I had no complaints at all. I never thought of the past as what could have been nor did I look into the future and hope for what would be. I had retired years ago but had not slowed down any at all. Sitting idle was not something that I could handle as I kept myself busy around the house. I had prided myself in that house that had been passed to me through the family. I pondered for a minute wondering what would happen to it when I was gone. I was sure that my will had it covered but could not rightfully remember exactly. I made my way into the kitchen where I turned on the water and filled the tea kettle to heat some water. Soon the kitchen was full of the aroma of a small diner. The scent of frying bacon and eggs, hot coffee brewing and toast filled the air. I always made sure to eat a hardy breakfast, not wanting to spend the day listening to the grwoling of hunger pains as they roamed through my stomach. As I sat there eating, I decided it was way too nice of a day to spend doing chores so I decided I would go for a hike. I jotted a quick note to leave on the table in case something happened and the family needed to find me. I knew just the place to go too. I finished cleaning up from breakfast and soon was in my truck headed off to my favorite trail. I parked my car so that the afternoon shade would keep it as cool as possible from the bright summer sun's rays. I turned and grabbed my pack from the back and slung it over my shoulder. Inside were all the necessities of survival if the need should ever arise. I slung the pack onto my shoulders and locked up the vehicle. I stopped long enough to gaze upward at the sun in the sky before starting my way into the woods along the trail. The trail started gradual, sliding over exposed roots and rocks. I carefully made my way along the trai, sidestepping the places that water had pooled and turned it into mud. I had always enjoyed hiking in the mountains around where I lived as they always held a surprise for me. I was feeling really tired that day for some reason as I hiked slower then usual. It was not long before the trail steepened and the going got harder. I was now pulling on trees along the path to help me work my way along. Sweat covered my brow and soaked into the thin cotton shirt I had worn. My breathing was becoming heavier as I moved, blaming some of it on the lessening of oxygen as I went higher up the mountain side. I stopped and opened my canteen and took a deep swig of water before continuing along my way. I was now walking along a bubbling brook, watching it cascading down over the rocks that it had itself smoothed over time. My heart was rapidly beating now and a pain developed in my side. I looked for a place to rest, finding one under a large blue spruce that had grown by the trail. I removed my pack and slouched down against the tree and leaned my head back, closing my eyes. I listened to the animals making their sounds as they frolicked and ran through the woods around me. Listening to these noises always relaxed me. I pullled my legs up towards me and wrapped my knees in my arms. I could hear the lonely sound of the woodpecker as he searched for his next morsel of food. Two squirrels seemingly played a quick game of tag, running through the leaves, darting up and don the trees as they went. All was peaceful as usual and yet something felt very different to me today. I concentrated on it for a minute trying to figure it out before giving it up as a lost cause. I stood and started on my hike upward again, watching the trail as it twists and turns around even larger rocks now. The trees around me were smaller now as the higher altitude did not allow them to grow in diameter, as fast as those deep in the valley floor. I wiped the sweat from my brow as the sun beat down on me. My breathing was getting shallower as I stopped for my mid day meal of a sandwich, piece of fruit and a cool drink of mountain water from the nearby brook. I lowered my pack to the ground under a small maple that would make a perfect resting pole for my back. I walked over to the river's edge and looked into the sparkling clean water, seeing my reflection as it bounced back to me. The wrinkles on my skin looked deeper and my eyes seemed to have sunk back into their hollows. I heard the lonely scream of the red tailed hawk as it circled somewhere overhead. I reached down for a cup of water, feeling the coolness of nature's nectar as it flowed past. My hand trembled slightly as I pulled the cup to my lips and took a small sip. I waited for a few minutes and then took another before refilling my cup and returning to my resting spot. I opened my pack and took out my sandwich and fruit, devouring it without any problem. The cup of water was also soon gone and I leaned my head back against the tree and closed my eyes.I heard the rustle of the leavces as squirrels played, imagining all the animals coming by to spend some time with me. I could see the mighty stag standing nearby, silhouetted by the bright sun behind him. A doe and her yearling quietly walkingdown the trail, stopping to look at me before they moved on. I imagined a large grey squirrel coming up to me and taking food from my hand, sitting there eating with me. All these wwere memories I had of previous walks I had undertaken in my life. Suddenly my vision turned gray and I could see the silhouette of my father and grandfather there before me. They stood there smiling at me in a way I had never seen. My father reached his arm outward towards me and motioned for me to come to him. I was unaware of what all this was meaning until I felt a drawing feeling from inside my body. Slowly and quietly I could feel my soul as it was being pulled from me. My breathing became heavier now and my heart was pounding. I knew then what that feeling had been earlier. This was to be my last walk into the woods. I would take my last breath in a place where I had always cherrished, out amongst nature's beauty. My body went limp and no more breaths did I take from that moment on as I watched my soul pass into the heaven's to be welcomed and comforted by the ones I had loved. (C) Tall Mountain Dreamer September 21, 2007

In The Night

I heard the startling crashing sound as it shattered the silence of the night. The heavy mangling of metal as two objects collided in the dark. I wondered what had happened as I lifted my tired body from my chair and walked across the floor. Opening the curtains I peered out into the night, looking as far as my eyes could see. I could only imagine as the sound came to an abrupt stop just as fast as it had broken the silence. I was just about ready for bed but something, deep inside of me, a pure gut feeling, told me that I should wait. Seeing nothing outside I turned and walked back to my chair and flipped through the channels on the television. I was not watching anything in particular as now I was wondering what it was that had startled me. Seconds later the scanner on the near by coffee table sprang to life. I listened as the night dispatcher alerted the fire department and emergency medical crew to respond. I was fully alert now, sitting on the edge of my chair, listening intently to see if they were sent to the sound I had heard. I waited as the address for them to respond was given. I played it over and over again in my mind as I had heard that before. Suddenly it dawned on me that it was at Dead Man’s Corner where the accident had happened, two vehicles were involved. My heart raced wishing that my children were home this night, not having gone out to a local charity fund raiser. I looked quickly at my watch and took a deep breath as they should not be coming home for a couple more hours. My pager erupted into sound as I was now being paged. I wondered if it was bad enough to need extra help. The fire department and emergency medical team had already signed on and were in route to the scene. I had done this job many years and yet each time a tone was heard my heart would race. I knew it would be minutes before the emergency crews arrived on scene as they had to navigate the treacherous winding mountain road. The voice of the dispatcher brought my attention completely back to her as she told me that I too was to respond. My heart raced even faster now as I reached for my uniform top and grabbed my keys from beside the door. I did not even touch the steps as I leaped from my porch and to my vehicle. The engine quickly roared to life as I reached down and flipped the switch to activate my overhead emergency lights. This was the life of Emergency Medical Responders who served up here in the mountainous regions. I blocked scenes from coming into my mind, wanting a clear head when I arrived. I did not want to anticipate anything at all. My tires grabbed at the gravel driveway as my foot stomped onto the gas. Bits or rock and dirt flew from my tires as I sped down my drive and turned onto the road. I knew the treachery this road held and it scared me to death, knowing all the people that I myself had watched get killed driving it. Giving my vehicle as much gas as I dared I traveled toward the accident scene. I had just seen the lights of vehicles up ahead when I heard the fire department and emergency medical team call out at the scene. Seconds later I too called dispatch to let them know I had arrived. Quickly my eyes traversed the scene and I could see that it was not good. It appeared two vehicles had collided and both had been pushed off the road and down into the ravine. Knowing how jagged the rocks were and the rapid fall off of the walls I knew there would more then likely be major injuries and possibly deaths. I grabbed my equipment that I always carried with me and ran over to the group of responders that stood at the edge of the road looking down into the ravine. I looked at them as I approached and from the faces I could tell that there was not a very reassuring picture to be seen when I looked into that ravine. I took a breath and looked down into the darkness. I could see that one car had burst into flames and the other car was upside down and all mangled. Ropes were soon over the side and firemen were making their way down the lines with hoses to put out the fire. Other lines were readied and the medical responders were hooked up to them so they could descend and check on the occupants of the vehicles. I watched as they disappeared into the darkness , waiting to be of any assistance that I could. Seconds seemed to turn into hours as we all stood and waited for news from deep in the ravine. I heard the fire radio crackle and one of the firemen on the scene requested the chief to go to another channel. I knew all these responders well as I had worked with all of them for many years and they were my heroes. They always gave everything they had to save a life, even if it could mean their own. I watched the chief as he stepped back from the ravine’s edge and listened to the radio intently. In seconds his face turned pale and a blank look of disbelief came over his face, visible there in the night. I wondered what news had been given him that would make him turn so pale. He quickly acknowledged the message as my ears trained on his words trying to piece together what he was being told. He walked over to the edge of the ravine and said something to the responders that were there. He turned and looking at me he nodded and turned back to his work. After his conversation with the responders had ended he turned and walked slowly over to me. I stood there watching him walk. I could tell he was hesitant and yet he knew that he had to take each and every step. My heart was pounding now as he stepped up in front of me and looked straight into my eyes. I could see the hollow emptiness of his eyes as he started to speak. His words cut into the night’s darkness and as deeply into my heart as I listened. His voice trembled as he said, “There is something you need to know. One of the vehicles down in the ravine is registered to you. There are two occupants inside and the medical people and fire fighters are trying to get to them now.” I could not believe what I Was hearing, there had to be some mistake. My two loving children were not due home for a couple more hours. I started for the edge of the ravine, wanting to go to them. The chief caught me in his arms and I looked up into his eyes, begging him to tell me that this was a dream. There was no stopping the pain inside me now as I knew it was all too real. I closed my eyes in anger at letting them drive along that road in the dark. All I cared about now though was that my kids were all right. Together we walked to the edge of the road and stood there waiting and hoping for good news. The reports started slowly coming up to us as the radio came to life, “One driver deceased, one passenger with severe injuries, both pinned inside the wreckage. Now it would be a race against time to free the injured passenger and get them medical treatment. I felt my heart sink into my stomach as I thought of my two children, all that was of value in my life, down in that ravine and unable to help them. I just stared down into the darkened abyss that had swallowed my children. All I could think was why, why was this happening to me. I had just buried my husband four months ago, having lost him while he defended his country. I looked at the chief and immediately, knowing what I was about to ask, he shook his head refusing to let me continue. He knew that I wanted to go down into the ravine and yet knowing how much it meant for me to be with them, he could not let me down there. I peered back down over the ledge and waited, seconds seemingly become eternity as I waited for more word. I assisted where I could, readying equipment to be lowered down to the workers below. The radio broke silence again and my heart leaped into my throat. I heard the words distinctly as the chief acknowledged them, “To ready to transport, take it really slow.” This was the words I was waiting for as I watched the firemen along the roadside man the ropes that would raise the injured from the ravine, bringing my kids up to me where I could see them. I had prepared my mind for the worst, based on the information that had been sent up to us. The firemen pulled on the ropes, hand over hand, as they slowly raised the metal baskets carrying the first injured. Finally I saw the basket as it came up over a large rock, accompanied by emergency medical responders on each side. Was this my son or my daughter? Which one was hurt the worst? Was there anything I could do to help them? All these questions and more filled my head. The closest firemen reached down and grabbed the basket and pulled it up to others that were hurriedly pulling it away from the ravine’s edge. I walked over to the basket and took a deep breath. Looking down at the person laying there, completely strapped inside, I waited to see their face. The medics uncovered them and I saw immediately that it as neither of my children. It was a stranger that laid there being treated. Had the ones being transported up to us come from the second car? Hat was happening with my children? Had both of them perished in the crash? I fell to my knees and began to weep. I felt arms slide around my shoulders as they aided me back to my feet. I looked into the chiefs eyes and I could see the tears that were running down his cheeks. He could feel the pain I was feeling and living right here and now. He wrapped his arms and comforted me assuring me that all was going to be all right. I wondered how he could say that when my children were hurt and laying down in that abyss. Another metal basket was pulled from the ravine and I did not even want to look inside it. I knew that it would not be one of my children. In all the voices I suddenly heard a voice I had heard many times before, or was it wishful thinking. I listened carefully and I heard it again. It was calling out to me as I stood there frozen in place, not believing my ears. My daughter was calling to me, or was I just wishing it was her. I ran over to where the second basket had been set and looking down I looked into the eyes of a scared young girl. It was my daughter, she was alive and talking. I broke into tears of joy as emotions overwhelmed me. I spoke to her and saw her look up at me and smiled. In her soft voice she said, “I knew you would be here mom, I knew you would come for us. I will be fine I promise.” With that I smiled at her, a forced smile that reassured her that I understood. I watched as the medical attendants lifted her and placed her on a stretcher, moving her back to the awaiting ambulance. I wanted so much to go with her and be there for her but yet I could not leave. I was one person and still my son was down in that ravine and I wanted to be here for him. I watched as the doors closed and the siren on the ambulance sprang to life, echoing off the mountains that surrounded us. I was more optimistic now after seeing my daughter alive. I knew my son had to be alive as well, wondering how they could have survived the tumble down into the ravine. Minutes continued to slide past, unnoticed as I watched and waited. Another stretcher was on its way up and I prayed it was my son. As the basket approached the top I started forward, stopped by the chief as he shook his head at me. I knew then that it was not my son but another person from the other vehicle. Medical people picked up the basket that contained the person and turned towards another ambulance. From the light of the vehicles I could see it was a man whose face was badly mangled. They put him on a stretcher and I watched as they covered him, telling me that he had died. I felt sorrow fill me as it did every time I witnessed death. I knew somewhere a family or loved ones waited for this man to arrive home. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I knew in my heart that they always left the certified dead bodies until last. I truly understood the inured mattered the most as they desperately needed medical attention, more then could be given at the scene. My heart fell again as I knew my son was still down there somewhere. I walked over to where the chief as standing and talking to some of the firemen that had come up out of the ravine. They all looked at me, wanting to express the sympathy they had for me. We were a close knit family and one in pain from loss or tragedy effected each of us. The chief spoke first as he said, “I just got word that your sons body has been freed from the wreckage and they will be transporting him up soon.” I looked at him with a blank stare wanting to ask and he continued, “That is all I know right now, we will just have to wait and see.” “Wait and see,” he had said, did he understand what that meant to a mother knowing their child was in danger. I now waited for the next basket to come up out of the ravine, carrying my son. I was oblivious to everything around me now as I prayed for his life. Not being a totally church going person I hoped that God would be listening when I needed him the most. I heard the radio crackle and the words I longed for. One of the rescuers radioed, “We have them freed and we are ready to transport, take it really slow.” They had freed my son and they were starting to bring him up to the roadway. I watched the next ambulance pull up closer to the site where they would be, ready to give him all the medical attention he needed. There was no doubt in me this time, I would be riding to whatever hospital he went to in the ambulance with him. I heard one of the firemen exclaim, “I have it now, we can take it from here. The drawing of the metal over the rocks filled my ears. I knew my son was in good hands and I waited for him to come to me. Suddenly I saw the basket and ran to it. Dropping down on the ground beside it I looked into the basket. With his face covered in blood from a bad head wound, I saw my son laying there motionless. Fear gripped me again as I wondered if he was even alive. Rapidly the medical persons worked on him as others prepared him for transport to the hospital. I watched as they worked on him and loaded him onto the stretcher basket and all. I wanted so much to step in and be there for him and yet I knew I was not emotionally detached from the disaster. One thing we had been taught was to keep ourselves detached from the scene to assure that our judgment was not clouded in any way. I walked along beside the stretcher, to the back of the ambulance and watched as they slid him inside. I grabbed the door as it started to close, staring a cold and defiant glare at the medic that was inside. I saw her reach for my hand and she said, “I am sorry, of course you can ride along.” I climbed into the ambulance and the door closed. We were soon on the roadway, with lights and siren blaring, headed towards the hospital. I asked the attendant where my daughter had been taken and she assured me it as to the same one that my son was going to. I slid my hand into the basket and took his in it. I felt the coldness of his hand and I wondered if he was still alive. I would not let go of my son until I knew he would be all right. The ride went by unnoticed as we pulled into the emergency room entrance at the local hospital. The doors flew open and medical people were there with a gurney to transport my son inside. I waited until he was on his way before I climbed out and followed, leaving the doctors and nurses room to attend to him. Inside I watched as they took him into one of the rooms and began working on him. Looking through the window I could see more and more of his injuries as they cut away his clothing. I turned and walked away to the nurses desk. Knowing the head nurse on duty I walked over to her and as she looked up I could see she knew why I was there. She took my hand and guided me into her office and closed the door, the two of us sitting there side by side. She looked in my eyes and I could see the pain she was feeling trying to find the right words to say. She told me that my daughter was here and the doctors were with her, examining her injuries and as soon as there was any word she would make sure that I got it immediately. I thanked her and stood to leave the room when I heard her paged. Together we walked up to the nurses station desk and I saw a doctor standing there. Was this the man that brought me word on my children? Please give me the news that they will be all right and I can take them home with me. I knew in my heart that there was not much chance of going home together but it made me feel better at that moment. He looked at me and with a nod from the nurse he knew that I was the mother of the child he just left. He asked me to walk with him as we talked. I turned down the hallway and e walked a few steps, waiting for him to speak. I grabbed his arm and said, “Doctor give it to me straight, I want to know exactly what I am facing here.” He reassured me he would not hide anything from me. I thanked him as he opened a door to his office and stepped inside. He sat behind his desk as I sat in one of the chairs in front of it. He started to explain that my daughter was unconscious when they had brought her in and it was touch and go if she would survive. He told me of all the injuries she had sustained, each one logging in my mind as I put them together like a puzzle, the final goal achieving a picture of her overall well being. He went on and on with minor injuries that I knew were not life threatening, leaving me waiting for the but word to come at any minute. After he had filled my head with a list of assorted injuries, he leaned back in his chair and sighed. I knew this was it, this is here he would hit me with the bad parts. Looking into my eyes he smiled and said, “That is it, she will be a little sore for a while and a couple bones have to heal but she will be fine.” That was it? Was he silly or what? That was the best news I had received all day. My daughter would be fine, knowing I would take care of her until she was well once again. My joy was short lived as my mind now went to my son. I knew the news would not be as good. When I was told about his injuries. I had been an Emergency Medical Technician long enough to know what I had seen was not good. Suddenly I heard the alarm sound that signaled a response team to one of the rooms. I grabbed the door and looked down the hallway as nurses ran past me. The doctor pushed past me and headed back towards the Emergency Room. My heart raced as I followed along, praying with each step that was not my son they were going to. As I turned the corner I saw that my prayers were not being answered. I watched through the windows as doctors and nurses feverishly worked over my son. I knew all to well what all this meant, having seen it many times before. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stood there watching. My world was filled ith total silence now as I looked on helpless. Unable to protect the child I had brought into this world years ago with all the love I had. I had watched him grow into a well rounded young man, only to have it all snatched away this night in an accident. I was living a mother’s worst nightmare this night, not once but twice. The same doctor that had given me good news about my daughter was just coming out of my sons room. I could see the front of him was covered in blood and he was just pulling off gloves that had covered his hands while he worked. The strain on his face told of the gravity of the situation inside the room. He could see the horror on my face as he walked up to me. With his arm around my shoulder he turned and walked with me back down the hall. He reassured me that everything possible was being done to save my son. We stopped at a vending machine and he pushed a couple of buttons and before I knew it I had a cup of steaming hot coffee in my hand. I had not realized that hours had gone by and I had not even thought of being thirsty or how tired I was. I sipped the coffee slowly as we sat there in silence. After we had finished we walked back towards the emergency area and as I turned the corner I stopped dead in my tracks. The room where my son had laid minutes before was empty and all the machines were turned off. I looked around and saw no one. Was I imagining this or was I in a trance and at some other place? I looked over to the nurses area and it too was empty. With a blank look I looked at the doctor and I could see in his eyes that he too was confused. Suddenly the head nurse came around the corner and saw us. She came up to us and said, “I was just coming to look for you. I need you to follow me.” With each step we took I wondered what I was going to be presented with. Was I going to be told that my son had passed away? Was I going to hear that he would be a vegetable the rest of his life? I was unsure of what to think as I discouraged thoughts from taking control. I had always been a person who dealt in reality and facts so I wanted to wait until I knew what I faced. She turned and grabbed a door handle and opened it up. Stepping aside she motioned for me to go on in. My steps slowed as I entered, listening to all the machines that were going. As I entered the room I saw my son laying there with tubes coming from him and going into different machines. Pain ate into me and I quickly fought it back as I would not let it show. The nurse then started to tell me what they knew for sure so far. My son had many severe injuries and it would be touch and go for many hours as he fought valiantly for his life. I knew my son would not give up without a fight. Her words brought relief to me and yet I knew there was a major battle to fight ahead. She gave me a reassuring hug and she stepped out of the room and closed the door. There I was standing in a room where I had stood with many other patients before, watching them fight for their life. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that it would come to me being there watching my own children do the same. I walked up to his bedside and took his hand in mine. I told him that I knew in my heart that he would be ok and make it through all this. I leaned over and kissed him as he laid there motionless. My son, the only one that could carry on my husbands name laid there in front of me, standing at the door of death. I closed my eyes and prayed silently that there was no answer. I had not heard the door open behind me and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked and the head nurse stood there. She took my arm and told me that it was time to go and my son needed his rest. I walked out into the hallway and watched as the door closed behind me. This as a night of horror for me, one that would make me even stronger to go on with my life. © Tall Mountain Dreamer October 18, 2007
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