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He is my world.

He is my world. The one I can turn to when everyone else turns their backs. He can make me laugh when all I want to do is cry. He can ease my pain when I can't stop hurting. He understands my sorrows, but reminds me of my blessings. Perfection is a dream. His love is a reality. He is my world.

3G: I NEED YOU NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Please repost this. Please Help!!! Photobucket My before picture (who IS that girl?! lol) I've been sick with a nasty virus trying to win this damned contest. I was in first place at the beginning. Now I'm in third with 14,888 comments. I need to beat 32,117 comments to get back in first place. Now I usually DON'T enter contests. This is my first contest ever. I used to think I was ugly and wouldn't DARE think I could win something like this. I still struggle with that because I used to be very overweight. I've lost over 100 pounds in the last two years. My before picture link is at the top of the bulletin. I just want to prove to myself that I *CAN* win something. I'll do it with class, too. I'm NOT the girl who show you her NSFW pictures to get ahead. SORRY!!!!! Help me win this damn thing. Click the picture above and let's pwn some ass, aye? Send me a private message letting me know you helped and I will reward you with 11's and gifts. I'm determined to win this. Are you with me?!!?!?! Thanks a million, Meg aka |3G| GoofyGeekyGoddess (repost of original by '|3G|GoofyGeekyGoddess* :Teh Hawtness: Heart Breakah, Soul Takeh -PhattahThanCakeBattah-' on '2008-06-04 00:03:21') (repost of original by 'Joey BagaDonutz™' on '2008-06-04 04:47:20')
3547254906.jpg PLEASE HELP ME WIN! I've never been in a contest before, so this is new to me. I thought I may as well give it a try and hopefullyyyyyyyy I win it! The contest starts on Saturday 5/31! That's tomorrow for the day impaired. You know I love yee anyhow :D The picture I need you to comment on needs a total of 40,000 commentaries to win a 3 month VIP and a 1 day blast. You know I'd do it for you!!!!!!! Hell, I've done it for those of you who have asked me to. Come on and show GoofyGeekyGoddess a little love. ;) I promise to give you some elevens and platinum cherries if I win!!!!! Some of you will get fubling too. ;) Send me a message letting me know you helped me out and love will be given! Mmkay? Here yee, here yee, loves, click the texted link below to the contest you go. It's being run by DJ Edge. Meg aka '|3G|GoofyGeekyGoddess* :Teh Hawtness: Heart Breakah, Soul Takeh -PhattahThanCakeBattah-'

3G: MuMMers.

I am not writing this to you solely based on my experiences. I am writing this to you from what commentaries I've seen posted on various MuMMs. Much of the time it brings alive the high school girl in me. How so? It makes me think of the cliques. It makes me think of how cruel people can be. What you don't realize is behind every MuMM there is a person. Here's what I have to say regarding the MuMM I posted earlier today: I reposted the virgin MuMM on a dare. The second time around, I posted it as a global MuMM. I realize I should not have reposted it, but that is *COMPLETELY* besides the point. A majority of you took it on yourselves to put me down, calling me disrespectful names varying from ugly, stupid, inbreed and so on. I found myself disgusted by your willingness to put me down as a human being without realizing what REALLY matters. What REALLY matters is... I'm JUST like you. I bleed the same as you do. I have emotions like you do. I have a soul like you do. I'm not that different from any of you. You're not that different from me. The only thing that stands between us is we have lived different lives in different bodies. We built different aspects of our overall character from our life experiences, based on our choice of attitude. I take it on myself to be kind to others and not put them down. You take it on yourselves to put others down. What good does that do you? I admit I'm sensitive, but I'm also incredibly tough. I want you to look within yourselves before you look at others with disgust. I know it must be incredibly difficult and many of you use the internet as a form of escapism from the real world. Truth be told, so do I. I'd like to protect myself from people like you. You're the very people, when back in high school, said the things that made your fellow classmates feel terrible about themselves. I haven't cried over this. Instead I've taken this opportunity to write a blog in your behalf. I'm not taking this too seriously. You're taking this too lightly. Sometimes people post much more serious MuMMs where they're seeking advice from people who have possibly had similar life experiences. Perhaps you should take a visit to Oz and ask for a heart. Mind you, I'm not insinuating you're terrible people. I'm sure some of you are incredibly kind off of here, but there has to be a line drawn with the hatred you spread. Enough is enough. Have your fun, but be kind here and there too. -3G aka Grandma Fu-
I would vote for a man who didn't pledge allegiance to the flag merely because I know that he loves our country. He just doesn't believe in the words used in the Pledge of Allegiance. They go against the religion he was raised with. His mother was an Athiest, his father was a Muslim. Out of respect for his father and the morals he raised him with, he doesn't believe in pledging allegiance to the flag. A majority of Americans DON'T pledge allegiance to the flag merely because their religous beliefs don't fit with the pledge you have to say while you do so. If the words were rephrased then Buddhist Monks, Wiccans, Pagans, Jews and Muslims could all pledge allegiance to the flag. We don't live in the 1700's Christian dominated country anymore. There is this thing called diversity. ALTHOUGH BARACK OBAMA DOES ATTEND A CHRISTIAN CHURCH AND HAS CHRISTIAN BELIEFS, he is not 100% Christian. You have to respect the religion he was raised with. It's a part of him. He's a good leader despite your disagreeance with him not pledging allegiance. Just because he isn't EXACTLY like you, does not mean he is not worthy of Presidency. It does not mean he'd make any less of a great leader. Like I said before...... he's an outstanding person. Look at the person. Look at who he is. Look at what he can do for our country. He loves America, but we shouldn't force him to be somebody he is not. I respect him even more for his individuality, honestly. That just goes to show he'll always be true to himself and what he believes in... which says a lot about his overall character. He's the one who will fight to the end to make GREAT things happen for all of us, as a nation... as a world hand in hand. Who are you to judge him for not pledging allegiance? It's like you not wanting to play G.I. Joe with your buddies when you were a kid because they didn't like hot dogs too. Capeesh?!

President Barack Obama.

In response to your question: What will make Barack Obama an outstanding President? He's an outstanding person. He's genuine, unlike his opponents. He's somebody you know you can count on to listen to the people and their needs instead of ignoring them. He's a very likeable person. He gets along with nearly everybody he meets. He wants to make changes that would benefit not just our country, but the world. Global warming NEEDS to be addressed and he KNOWS it. He also wants to focus on providing equal health care for every LEGAL U.S. citizen. His primary focus is on our country, as it SHOULD be. He isn't a man of greed. He doesn't invade other countries for the sheer enjoyment of an inflating wallet. He wants to better our education system. He wants to fix the economy as it SHOULD have been fixed by now. He KNOWS what it's like to struggle and not have everything handed to you, like many of us do. He's somebody we can all relate to. He's somebody we can count on to lead this country to being it's very best. I know in my heart he'd make an outstanding leader. I see it. I feel it. I KNOW it. I'm 100% for Barack Obama. Those of you who DON'T want to see a positive change can go ahead and vote for whomever you like, but do take into consideration that you are gypping this country of a mighty fine leader if you DON'T vote for him. You're letting this country down. You're letting this world down. The man knows people. The man knows what they want. The man knows. Hillary Clinton is NOT the right person for the job. John McCain is NOT the right person for the job. Barack Obama IS the right person for the job. Why should we focus on staying the same? Why should we vote for a menopause pwned candidate? I may be a woman, but I'm not stupid. We all know that hormones can easily control a human being and well.... look at Hillary's record. She's an untameable piranha. Why do you think Bill whipped out the cigar on M. Lew? I could go on, but I think I got my point across. Point being: Barack Obama is the right person for the job. He'd never do his woman wrong, as he has well proven with his standing up to the media when they personally attack her. As I said, he is a TRUE gentleman. We need a real person in the White House and he is 100% real... like USDA approved organic food. :D SCORE!
Statistics of Battered Women 7% of women (3.9 million) are physically abused by their partners, and 37% (20.7 million) are verbally or emotionally abused. Every 9 seconds a woman is physically abused by her husband. 95% of assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are committed by men against women. 30% of women presenting with injuries to the emergency department had injuries caused by battering. From 7% to 26% of pregnant women are abused. 42% of murdered women are killed by their intimate partners. Within the last year, 7% of American women (3.9 million) who are married or living with someone as a couple were physically abused, and 37% (20.7 million) were verbally or emotionally abused by their spouse or partner. (The Commonwealth Fund, N.Y. 1991) Every 9 seconds a woman is physically abused by her husband. (The Commonwealth Fund, N.Y. 1991) The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 95% of assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are committed by men against women. (Assessing Violent Couples, H. Douglas, Families in Society, 11/91) Domestic violence is a repetitive in nature: about 1 in 5 women victimized by their spouse or ex-spouse reported that they had been a victim of a series of at least 3 assaults in the last 6 months. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 10/93) 30% of Women presenting with injuries to the emergency department were identified as having injuries caused by battering. (American Journal of Public Health, 1/89) Pregnancy is a risk factor. Several studies indicate a range of incidence from 17% to 26% of pregnant women. (Public Health Nursing, 9/87) 42% of murdered women are killed by their intimate partners. (FBI's 88-91 Uniform Crime Reports)

Awakening to heartbreak.

I loved you whole. I told you all my flaws. I exposed my soul to you. In return, you hid your soul from me. I tried desperately to draw you out of your shell. I coaxed you into telling me the truth a few times, but never could you be whole with me. Never could you love me whole. You loved me with bits and pieces of your true self. I was naive to believe you'd love me. You don't love yourself. How can I expect you to love me? All I was to you was a dream. I'll never be your reality. You won't let yourself awaken to the love standing before you. It's your greatest fear to be loved. All you ever knew of love was hurt. I'd never hurt you. I'd never abandon you. Instead, you did it to me. You pushed the dream away. All I ever wanted was you..... not your little white lies. My eyes were closed because my heart was so forgiving. Now I open them.... and I am awakening to heartbreak. I do not regret you. I do not regret loving you. My only regret is... your regret you will have when you lose me. The line has been drawn. I have been pinched. I want to hang on. I want to... but I can only take so much. I don't know if I can believe you'll save me from drowning in this hurt you caused me. I'm not too good for you. I'm too honest for you. I'm awakening to heartbreak.

Equality: I love you.

In response to: way2xsf {SHADO... (night yall) Chattanooga, TN April 27, 2008 @ 8:04 pm #53 of 89 nope wouldnt do it i am a firm believer that all races deserve the purity of there races notice i said all races this is not a b/w subject..now as far as being social going to dinner hangin out no problems in the world but there again(personal opinion) all races deserve the purtiy of there races all ppl have cultures and beliefs that should be handed down through generations and when races and ppl are mixed it drastically changes the heritage of ppl in a perfect world all ppl should get along in harmony but as sad as it is this isnt a perfect world 3G says: Look at how white MY skin is. People have said racist remarks to me regarding other races not realizing that I am multiracial. My main heritage is Black Irish which is a mixture of Irish, Hispanic and Portuguese. I am also part French Indian (Iroquois) and Egyptian. Those are only a few of my many, many, many ethnicities. Skin color doesn't mean crap. Ethnicity doesn't mean crap. Religion doesn't mean crap. Economical status doesn't mean crap. Your height doesn't mean crap. We all bleed the same color. We are all made to be loved. What good does it do to hate? All it does is eat up the love you have inside. You could be contributing wonderful things to this world by embracing diversity. However, you choose to be like the other ignorant pigs that look down on me as I hold my nephew's hand while walking in a store because I appear white and he is black. I hope you have a spiritual epiphany someday. I hope you open your eyes and open your heart before it's too late. I hope your hatred dies and the love within you learns to live. America's Most Wanted Missing Children

Men: are you too needy?

10 Signs You're Being Needy By David Wygant Special to Yahoo! Personals Updated: Apr 21, 2008 RATING THIS ARTICLE Average (604 votes) Rate it: Sign in to rate! Read all 10 comments TOOLS Email Article Printable View Add to del.icio.us Add to Digg In my ten years of coaching men and women on the perils of dating and relationships, the one journey women tell me they never want to go on again is meeting and hanging out with the "needy and clingy" man. Nothing turns women off more than a guy who is really needy. Nothing turns women off more than a guy who is really needy. Now, I can practically hear men's voices protesting from everywhere, saying "But David, there are a lot of needy women too!" This article is not about them... it's about you. Below are ten signs that you are being needy. Remember you are trying to attract women, not turn them off. So if you suffer from any of these signs of neediness, you need to immediately stop those actions. 1. You just walked a woman to her door at the end of a date. Instead of kissing her, you ask her if she had a good time. Women are attracted to confident men. They don't want to have to tell you that they had a good time on a date... they want you to be secure enough in yourself to assume that they had a good time. 2. You called a woman last night and she has not yet called you back, so you either email her or call her again to ask her if she received your message. If you want to push her away, this is one of the best ways to get her to quickly run away from you. 3. You start texting a woman you just began dating five or six times a day. You are over-texting her. You don't need to check in every two hours. That's a sign of neediness and clingy behavior that turns women off. 4. You miss a call on your cell phone from a phone number that you don't recognize. You call the woman you're dating, and to whom you talked just two hours before, and ask, "Did you just call me?" This kind of behavior is going to push and scare her away. 5. You agree with everything the woman you're dating says. Women are not looking for a man who agrees with everything they say. Women want a man who challenges them and from whom they can learn. When a man agrees with everything a woman says, he is telling her that he'll do anything to have a relationship (which is another sign of being needy). 6. The woman you're dating is out for the evening with her friends. She promised to call you when she got home. It's getting late and you haven't heard from her. You just can't resist and you call her cell phone several times until she answers it. This is a sign of being needy and insecure. She's out with her friends... not out with another guy. Let her have some personal space and she'll respect you more. 7. You are too available. If you have plans with a friend, keep those plans even if the woman you're dating asks you to do something that night. Women don't want men who are like a 7-Eleven -- convenient and ready 24/7. 8. You try to please a woman all the time. I'm all about men doing nice things for women, but she has to earn it. Some men will let a woman walk all over them, and then continue to be a sponge and allow it over and over again. Stand up for yourself and she'll respect you more. Letting a woman walk all over you is a clear sign to her that you're needy. 9. Don't be afraid to challenge a woman. If you don't agree with something a woman says, don't just sit there and agree with her thinking it's what she wants. Women are looking for someone who is going to stimulate their mind... not bore them. Women are not turned on by men they can completely control. 10. Be the man! Have a plan and stick with it. Women like men who plan out evenings of fun. Don't always ask a woman what she wants to do. Listen to what she likes when you're having conversations with her Don't always ask a woman what she wants to do. Listen to what she likes when you're having conversations with her, then come up with a fun plan that you will already know she'll like. A needy man will do whatever a woman wants. A man of action will create plans for what they will do. Being a man of action will lead her to find you a lot more attractive in the long run. Women are attracted to men who are confident and real. Women want to feel like you need them... but only after you already have your own life, your own ambitions, and your own goals. The moment a man starts getting too clingy, a woman will run for the hills. This is exactly like how you will pull back from a woman who becomes clingy and needy.
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