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Icarus's blog: "Somantics"

created on 05/23/2010  |  http://fubar.com/somantics/b332752  |  11 followers

[Fwah! that was good]

Hang on I gotta chug at least a liter of water after I take these pills...
makes me real full since I gotta take em on full stomach.


There were two things I'd never do as a child

three things.

1. Take naps/go to bed on time.
2. Eat cooked vegetables except starches and peppers.
3. Drink water.

Juice was better tasting and always had vitamins in it >>
it only made sense
but since I can't exceed a certain amount of vitamin C in a day, I can't drink cranberry juice and orange juice in excess ...
wait I can now!


Stupid regimens.


Tonight I made stir fry beef liver.

Oh my god it was good.

I'm gonna play around with it a bit but I got the recipe from an online source

Its filipino apparently, but where they used tomato- I omitted it completely in favor of a slight squeeze of chinese ketchup (hot sauce)
where they said garlic- I put in more onion (because I've been out of garlic for over 2 months)

You basically saute the liver for about 2 minutes
then you braise it in soy sauce (4 tblspoons soy sauce with some hot sauce and mustard powder)
add onion and bell pepper and then you cover it for five minutes
then add 1/4 cup of water

I thought this part was nutty.

"Why am I adding water here?"

bring to a boil- simmer for five minutes

my only theory is that it keeps the soy sauce from getting too gummy and it helps the liver retain moisture, deglazes the pan

without it
I could see the liver getting that ... powdery liver texture :P
and the soy sauce definitely would've got sticky.

I managed to cut my liver pretty thin and pretty small so I avoided a lot of the veins being in one clump.
Had I thought ahead I probably could've removed it entirely ahead of time. The vein does add some bitterness- and a texture interrupt.

if I hadn't made this
and I hadn't had liver before
I would've liked this.

I would've said "what cut of beef is this? It's really soft and tastes a little different"

Funny thing is its pretty similar to fajita in flavor compounds- just a change in delivery methods.

Instead of using a highly flavored marinade you're using a pan sauce.

High heat
quick cooking with aromatic vegetables.

I'd totally eat this stuff in a tortilla >>

the recipe says "serve on rice" and I did- but as usual I dumped about half of it into the pan and stirred it around a bit to give the rice some flavor.

That wasn't a bad idea at all.

Anyway- the stirfry came out a touch more chinese than filipino I think due to the swap out of the tomato and no garlic
I'm okay with that >>

Your key flavor components are pepper and spicey soy sauce.

If I were to do it all over again...

I really wouldn't screw with it much more than that- I mean, that's my goto on beef stirfry.
Its pretty much how my mom makes bell peppers and beef but she uses cornstarch and more water in her sauce, so its less intense, but there's a lot more of it.

I think this recipe would be great with some mushroom broth, sliced mushrooms, and ...
I'd be pretty happy with just a few mushrooms if I were keeping this chinese. Chili oil and pepper flake would be a nice addition though >> maybe some horseradish-mustard in the sauce.

I'm wondering how my standard flavor provile would work with it which is cumin/paprika/onion/bell-pepper/garlic
I kinda want to find a good dirty rice recipe for an alternate cooking method and just swap the chicken liver for beef.
That might be the pinacle dish and application for my flavors.

What else I got?

I dunno- next couple days are liver. Wanna use it before it spoils.

- People come to me with their problems.
Forgetting that I'm a tradesman not a hero.
"A maiden chomping razorbacked beast is terrorizing our village! We can pay you in cabbage!"
Or I can buy the skin from a reputable source...
"The mind-stealing slug is making all of our children mad!"
Spend the money you would've burnt on hiring me and place salt around the edge of your town and on your children's cheeks before bed.
I'm not doing this for the fame, the fortune, the castles, the titles.
I'm here for the wonder
for the craft.

The other day a mercenary approached me.
Or rather
an assassin.
What's the difference really? One flails wildly in battle for their gold, the other uses discretion in their targets.
They're both hired killers.

He asked me if I was interested in a rare prize.
He certainly knew the right way to approach me...
but what he was hunting...

I daresay I was interested in skinning.

Though... the pelt of a living god... an upright, walking, talking one at that.
I'd have to wonder how that would finish and wear...

[Real life update]
So Sunday I went into the urgent care for some diagnostic tests.

I don't really want to publically state what's wrong but here are some fun factoids.

It might be a chronic condition that I've had a long time.

Its not contagious.

Its fairly unique to my anatomy and "something guys just get".

And I've got some internal bleeding and infections as a result.


So I'm on a 10-20 day anti-inflamatory/anti-biotic regimen, I have to do some home-diagnostic tests, and I'm generally out of energy and in constant discomfort to slight pain along with some pretty high fatigue and lack of sleep and stress.

Cancer is ... pretty much out of the equation.
Unless I don't respond to medication and then I'm totally fucked.

*thumbs up*

But due to my test results and my age, all indications are that its an infection
not cancer.

I wonder who I'm trying to convince
me or you?

[/real life update]

[Long ass video game rant that I've probably already written]
Watching Initial D
playing the HELL out of Way of the samurai 3 (one of my favorite games, one of my favorite franchises- someone finally released a GOOD guide to all 23 endings and there's a couple hundred unique and necessary dialogue options and sequences in this game that you have to do correctly and in order- and this can include "kill this guy- don't kill this guy- kill this guy after this, talk to this guy after this- talk to this guy BUT ONLY AT NIGHT!!!)


for WEIRD Japanese games where you go out-collect, harvest, train, etc

2 Major cases in point
the Way of the Samurai Franchise (or WOTS)
and Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero.

I may have ranted about these games before- you're free to hit fastforward

the gyst is

WOTS- there's a chance a CHANCE that a major character or a random dude will be carrying a sword with BAD ASS stats and abilities on certain difficulties in certain areas.

The pride of my collection actually dates back to WOTS 1 where I got an "Axe" on super-hard mode.
There was a down-stance saw
a side stance naginata
a one-hand stance iron ball (AWESOME for breaking people's swords)
and the top-stance axe.

Most FAQ's aren't even AWARE of the damn thing- especially when I found it.

And I had to kill like... 100 guys in one playthrough (killed a couple thousand looking for it) in super hard mode- and ... just saw a dude walking around with it said "oh fuck! A rare sword" and anihilated him, and took it for my own.

My WOTS 1 and WOTS2 I consider "as complete as it gets"
I've got the main character weapons- the rare ones, the good swords, the shit swords, the swords NOBODY else knows about.

In WOTS3 I'm working on my collection again. And I spent over 4 hours hunting ONE sword this week. Spawning the same guy over and over and over again- and looking for slight changes in his sword design before challenging him- and murdering him

on instant kill mode

which means- even the most sloppy ass lazy thug is gonna kill you in one hit.

You'd better be good.
It'd be even better if you were perfect

but what WOTS3 fixed in the franchise was fast travel (teleportation) and mid-level saving

WOTS1- if you died, you lost your WHOLE in-game inventory- that includes maxed out swords, everything!

and it had an autosave function on startup

if you pressed restart when you died

you loaded up dead and you lost your inventory.

This ALSO meant that in the summer of 2002, I lost about 10 play throughs and about as many maxed out swords (these take hours to get) due to power outtages from hugegantor thunderstorms. I don't even play that game any more without a backup save somewhere far away from my PS, and without a backup generator or a suicide pact.

I even invested in a 5-minute battery surge protector.

WOTS3 sword hunting- even on "you're gonna die" mode
isn't a tenth as hardcore as WOTS1.

What really pisses me off though- is I saw the main boss with a rare sword on his hip and I had worked on that playthrough about 6 hours to get my reputation up- if I had attacked him then- it would've wasted 6 hours of bullshit and ended my game with the "nice job assassin" ending.

I had to ask myself "when's the next time I'm even going to see that sword? And will it take me more than six hours to get him to spawn it again when I'm specifically looking for it?"

Most times I just drop EVERYTHING I'm doing and go for the rare.

But the screwball thing is-
Most of the rare character swords are common drops on instant kill mode on ... just random assholes.

I may have already had that sword in my inventory for all I knew.


my progress is about ... 80% on sword collection
its about 20% on technique mastery

I haven't decided if I'm gonna learn every skill on every weapon.

I do have it for the draw/fencing stance. "Iaido" or "Battoujutsu" the "art of drawing the sword".

This is
probably my favorite fighting style.

You keep your sword sheathed, and rely on one perfect well timed slash.

It's got FAST WIDE slashes.
And you'd better believe this is useful on instant kill mode.
But ever since its introduction in WOTS2- I've been a big fan of this style.

Some noteable characters that use this fighting style
Kenshin Himura- Ruroni Kenshin
Kaun- Bushido Blade 2
Sasaki Kojiro- This dude's actually a real person. (Arguably Musashi's most famous duel)
About any character EVER based on Sasaki Kojiro. (and there's a fuckload)

Anyway- I've got that style collected and completed.

Upper stance
Middle stance
Lower stance
Single stance
Ninja stance
Draw stance
Spear stance
*Dual wield
*Ninja Dual wield

*(mastered by consumeable items)

My favorites are
Draw (fast, difficult to use, shit defense, but if you've got great timing- and you SHOULD from playing this game- you're a lightning murder god, the people that use this stance are typically murderers, badasses, and ronin, and I'm not just saying the murderer/badass part because I use it- seriously, the guys that just... creep around at night "murderer" "random slasher" "suspicious person" to murder you use this sword, except the old samurai hunters and the female assassins)

(omg pwnsauce abilities and - its BROKE in this game, it combines the attack/defense/weight of BOTH swords you're using and none of their combos- so in other words, if you make 2 zero weight swords with 150+ attack, and no abilities worth mentioning, if you dual wield thise swords you have RETARDEDLY fast attacks, and around 300 attack and defense- the downside??? You have to use 2/3 sword slots of your inventory- but there's an NPC that travels with you, that if you unlock- she'll store your swords that you pick up for you- oh and don't even get me STARTED on my custom swords- they're double length nodachis that sweep across the WHOLE DAMN SCREEN! I kill people I can't even see!)

Spear (which is arguably just a weird variant of side-stance, all spears prior to this game actually were modified sidestance)

The rest have some pretty obvious weakness and awkward attacks to me. But I've been using them for nearly 10 years.


Side (fleurishy attacks that get you into trouble or when used correctly dodge and hit for way too much damage- all about timing, there are few remarkable exceptions to the side stance, they're all about the same in every game- though the main bad guy's sword in WOTS1- also available in WOTS2 had a TON of power, this is one of those "I'm too cool to be in this game" type sword, most people that use this sword type are vassals, personal attendants, some ronin, and foppish well dressed types)

ninja (one-hand's drug addled cousin. Lots of kicks, counters, jumps throws and crazy shit- some have takedown throws and do a ton of damage- but for every AWESOME technique on ninja- there's at least 6 shit ones, and good luck 1. finding ninja swords 2. finding ninja swords that don't have shitty att/def, or- aren't the size of a dagger in a game full of swords and long-swords, you need to be a badass to use ninja, but a different kind of badass than drawstance, favored by assassins and there's always at least ONE main character with a ninja sword behind the scenes fucking it up for EVERYONE in WOTS, so ... generally murderous self serving assholes use this weapon- "samurai hunters" in WOTS3 use em- and they're scary little old men that look exactly like the savepoint guys except they carry bow/arrow and ninja swords- if you ever see an old man walking quickly toward you in WOTS3 you've got two options- heal up and draw your sword, or fucking RUN!!!)

one-hand (fast, long combos, fairly short range, traditionally LOW damage, once you learn a single hand's attack chain- you can perfect-block the whole sequence... sometimes without even pressing block, and you'll have a "aww that was cute" moment and hit them with a "blast attack" for half their health, because they're usually open for a frame or two after the chain, I LOVE fighting onehanders because to me they're an opportuntity to practice my blocking timing- and then I get to put blood on my sword and awesome hat >> the exceptions to one handers are the bittekoutsu- WOTS2 and 3, and the iron ball WOTS1- the iron ball was a sword breaker with no damn range, and some very powerful but SLOW attacks- the bittekoutsu was the sword of an infamous loon in WOTS2 who ... god she just murdered fuckers, and its a bit slower, a bit more powerful and not NEARLY as dependant on combos as the other single's- it just... stabs, and flails and murders, binetsu is the iconic onehander- its an estoc originally wielded by one of the main character's foreign girlfriends from WOTS1, its delicate, flowery, and strings kicks, spins, spiral cuts backflips and all kinds of crazy shit together. Bittekoutsu and binetsu couldn't be more different- anyway, this sword is popular among the "undisciplined" characters, typically a bit rougish but skilled in posture and practice)

upper (this is an overhead stance- traditionally its slow to block- and it leaves the midsection WIDE open- so in game terms that means a relatively slow block speed, and slow predictable attacks, the problem with this stance is that MOST of its attacks are linear, predictable, a little slow- but POWA-ful!, some up-swords have some good LONG sweeping attacks and the knockback from upper stance is usually the best- the downsides are that you've got a lot of lunge attacks that MISS! regularly. Look at it this way- when you're stabbing- the surface area of the sword that's endangering you is 4 cm's in a line- when you do a big ass SWEEP attack like on a sidestance or draw attack- you can hit like 4 people at once- see the problem with using this sword?- step to the left and bonk the SHIT out of users of this style while they're mid swing, there's one sword in the franchise -and its been in every game, that breaks the norm, two- the Dai-Kuronoma which is a HUGE powerhouse sword with a ton of jumping slashes and overhead falling slashes, a helicopter spin, and a throw that's instant death in most of the games, and ... I forget the name of it but I call it the "shark fin" because its got crazy jaggies- and it attacks with this huge arcing windmill mostly linear swing, but it has counters and mid-windmill attacks to parry most situations- so if you charge the windmill, sidestep it, block it, whatever- it can usually respond, this is a bit of a lordly weapon- Dai Kuronoma was used by one of the bosses and he was quite the refined ruthless dictator, its POWER and the people that use it tend to seek it, its not very popular among crucial characters since WOTS1 though, side and secret characters fucking love it)

middle (this is the stance most people have seen "forward guard" it has a great balance of covering the torso and head, and sacrifices little in speed and power, all stances have a sword swing associated to them- most stances are only one step away from "middle" bearing that in mind- middle is a GOOD stance.. but its BORING! its got some sweeps, some throws, some ... meh combos and chains, I've not been impressed by a mid stance sword in quite some time- except this crazy one I got in WOTS1 that had a 780 damage throw that was basically a fucking blender. Start the throw- slashslashslashslashslashslashslash... profit, this is every man's stance, a lot of the samurai, dojo types and ronin use this style, but its actually pretty rare in WOTS3.)

lower (this is the "opposite" of upper stance- a ton of rolling, lunging, flailing attacks, the head and spine is unprotected, the body is covered from the posture- lots of lunges, sweeps, rolls- and antics. I've not been a fan of "downstance" since the beginning, but I did like the "saw" from WOTS1. Its kind of a random ass- dodge style that lacks power but has quite a bit of athleticism and speed- one could say that the draw stance is the offspring of side and down stance, but... it only managed to take in the good. Like I said- Saw is the exception to this stance, and it had this awesome throw where you'd make a single slow slash- and if it made contact, it'd burrof into the enemie's shoulder, and go Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah up and down and spray blood EVERYWHERE! Ton of damage too. The Bittekoutsu has a similar attack, and it is hilarious because it just DIGS into guts and spins around. I've died a few times to that attack, this is an unrefined style- most NPCs that have used this are hooligans, thugs, and screwoffs.)

Ninja dualwield (its pretty much the same category as dualwield, but with some of the acrobatic CRAZY of ninja stance, so I didn't think it warranted its own section)

(... For the "brokeness" of dualwield and simlarly ninja dualwield which requires 2 ninja swords, but oddly enough if you have one ninja sword and one standard you default to just dualwield- barehands is the wimpness.
Alright- I'm not entirely sure how attack power is modified on barehands, but I know this much
its WEAK!!!
Even when I have 300 att on dual swords and I switch to barehand mode
I am wailing on one generic bad guy for minutes.
The advantage to barehand is that all of your attacks are unblockable.
But so are the attacks made on you!!!
You can't block, you can't parry, you can't do SHIT! except dodge.
Sword comes down and you're not hitting a dude first
you're gonna get cut and bleed all over mom's carpet.

And for typically a LOT more damage.
No instant kills
no blocks
just unblockable bonks and a couple throws.

Nobody uses this! Even unarmed characters just run away instead of putting up their dukes- I suggest you do the same!
Only the main character uses this if he's STUPID enough to elect to do so, the guides that say "do a barehands ending" always recommend doing it on easy mode on a light combat ending- and even then its a fucking chore!- if this feature is in WOTS4- out March 2011 in JP

[end long ass video game rant]

Initial D
Racer manga/anime.

Its what made the fast and the furious.
Only ... Initial D has about 100x more interest, story, and character.

I recommend it, its on hulu, its actioney and character driven.

[Secondary video game rant]
And it got me thinking "fuck I wanna play Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero"
see that above rant?
Apply everything about sword collecting to TER0
... now make it twice as hard
and twice as crazy

sometimes you have to be driving at 7 PM on a thursday (according to your PS clock) for a racer to appear. Or, you have to have all 4's in your money. Or ... prime numbers of cars, or only specific cars will spawn other specific cars
100% completion on that game=facing off against the hardest fucking racer
After doing some of the weirdest shit
on one of the hardest racing games

And your lifebar is not just your distance from the opponent, its also the damage your car takes from bumping, colliding, or just outright crashing.

100 MPH head on collision with anything in that game is instant loss.
And some guys won't appear if you have under 100% win ratio.

its fucking HARD.
Oncoming traffic while you're DRIFTING in a viper.

Because the viper is about the only car that can win certain races (believe me we tried)

with oncoming traffic, and barricades and crazy shit.

Its not one of those racing games like NFS or Initial D where ANY car can win any race.

only the super cars can win
by a narrow margin
with perfect racing
and that's after you tune it specifically to one of about 100 tracks
gear ratios
tire grip
I practically had to go to votek just to play this game.

I really have spent over 5 hours tuning one car for one race.
And it wasn't even my game file.

I've beat Speed King with 2 cars.
A total of 4 times.
One was just from stupid luck of him being WAY out front, and crashing.

And I had to set him up on my favorite course, with my favorite cars with a slight lead starting out.

He's not even the hardest racer in the game.

You'll have to block
you'll have to charge
you'll have to pit
you'll have to slide
you'll have to weave between cars at
you'll have to ram people into barricades and divides
you'll have to drive a V-12 with butter tires and NO frame reinforcement
all at the minimum of 100 mps- I think 210 is our record top max speed.

you will load, and save, and load, and save, and load, and save
and you will leave your game running while the car goes on autopilot while you go to work every day of the week to do the "mileage" trick to get the top tier modifications. And then STILL get your ass handed to you.

Initial D?
King of all racer franchises in every media?
Bring it.

I've got my blackbelt in bad relationships
collection games
and driving simulators

Too bad I actually suck at this game in arcades >>
[/secondary video game rant]

What's for lunch?

Fuck its nto even 9 yet...

[Oh happy day]

1. Ever been compelled to fill out an asinine survey?

Regularly >>

2. Ever tear the tag off of a mattress depsite risk of fine and/or imprisonment? Mine actually wore off after a while

3. Ever used an aeresol can other than directed (bonus cool points for as a flamethrower to kill a spider)

Yeap. I like spiders though.

4. Ever put in excess of 5 pringles in your mouth at once?

Truth be told, I probably have

5. Ever been driving and kinda flinch because you dont remember part of the ride?

Yeah, long boring stretches of highway in eastern kansas have a hypnotic effect on me. I might be able to drive Highway 75 in my sleep.

6. Ever sneezed in your hand, and then were immediately confronted by someone that wanted to shake?

yes... and I said "Oh, I'm terribly sorry- I just sneezed, could you please forgive me"


 7. What diversion did you create to get them to shake the other hand? See above. I didn't shake at all.

 8. Ever been so drunk you ate all the individual components of a sandwich, but never actually made a sandwich? 

Isn't that how everyone eats fried bacon/egg sandwiches?

9. Not counting medical facilities or online...Whats the largest number of people that have seen you naked at once?

uuuh 2? Maybe three? Wait no... shower pounce/sexual assault- about a dozen

10. What was the situation in question 9?

Gym class wanted to see my dick (carpets match drapes), so they ganged up held me down, and pulled my shorts off. Fun memories...

 11. Have you ever recycled a miss work excuse?

 And did anyone remember you already used that one?

You've never had flu twice in the same year? You suck.


 12. Ever knock one off in traffic?

Can't say as I have.

13. Ever peed on a jellyfish victum? No.

 And did they ask you to first? No.

 or did ya just let it fly? No.


14. Have you ever verbally said an internet acronym in r/l?
Regularly with my friend Chris.

15. What is the most embarassing concert youve attended that you dont normally mention?

I don't like concerts.

16. Have you ever pitched a beer can out the passenger window into the bed of a pickup and it was sucked back in the back sliding window and nailed the driver in the head?

Nope. Open container law is srsbsness.

17. Have you ever shot a road sign?

Yep! Hit the O dead center, while going down a gravel road at about 50

18. Have you ever had an injury and lied about the cause?

Regularly- check out all these knife fight scars.

19. Ever been asked to leave a late night breakfast joint?

Nope. I'm a good tipper and used to be a regular when I was working nights.

20. Explain in one sentence, no less than 10 words, no more than 15, how you feel about RediWhip

Who the fuck gives a flying fuck about my opinion on rediwhip?

[In office chairs]

Just doesn't have the same effect as "in cars".

Couldn't sleep. Woke up and had to piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiss.
That's kinda rare for me. I thought for a moment maybe I was getting old, but ... nah. Couldn't be.

The good news is that it wasn't too far from 4:00 and I just got $5 from my aunt for v-day, and a coupon for bogo egg mcmuffins.

Fuck yeah!

Here's another statement I'd like to make
mint shakes
why only one month a year?

Mint is probably my second favorite dessert flavor.

Moving on-
First thingymaflip: why the hell is there so much god damn king of the hill up in here?
Secondly: Calf thruster is arguably done.
3 more to go... *sigh*
I'm still not 100% on the outcome but... I dunno, I'm thinking it can be fixed- or I'm just being too fucking critical.

I could either build moar thruster, or I could kill more samurai.
Both have their merits, but I think I'm gonna- try - to build moar thruster.

story later. It's gonna be a long morning.

1. First thing you wash in the shower?

I had to think for a second, but probably my chest.

2. What color is your favorite hoodie?

My favorite black hoody was decomissioned years ago, but current is grey.
I'd probably like an olive-drab or brown one, I do earth tones well.

3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

Who the fu... yeah probably, y'know if she wasn't married and pregnant now. Okay... at least not pregnant. Not that I think pregnant chicks are gross- just that I gotta draw the line of immorality somewhere.

4.Do you plan outfits?

Fuck no, are you kidding? Blood spattered jeans, flour spattered hoody? New boxers >> that's planning?

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?

WIRED!!! Waaaaay too much caffeine.

6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red?

My exacto knife's handle.

7. Do you say aim or a-i-m?

Aim. ... And I say "wow" not "W-O-W" since I can say world of warcraft even faster. Actually- I usually say World of warcraft. People that say "wow" kinda annoy me.

8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?

I was in a bazaar and buying food, and I think part of an adventuring group.

9. Did you meet anybody new today?

Not really. I did wave to some state troopers, and had a brief talk with some blue hairs at the coffee shop.

10. What are you craving right now?

Meat. My food is minimalist when it comes to meat these days.

11. Do you floss?

Nope. My gums bleed enough without being garrotted.

12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?


13. When was the last time you talked on aim?

uuuuuuuh never?

14. Are you emotional?

Not really, not a good 99% of the time.

15. Would you dance to the taco song?

the taco song?
What in the fuck are you talking about?

16. Have you ever counted to 1,000?

Yes. And a few times in prime numbers to manage pain.

17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?

Depends on if I'm in a hurry or something.

18. Do you like your hair?

Yes. Yes I do.

19. Do you like yourself?

Most of the  ... some... part... sure?

20. Have you ever met a celebrity?

Steve. Steve from the Urge.
I asked for his hairpiece but he didn't hear me. And was pretty high.
I think I've met some other people- but Steve sticks out in my head.

21. Do you like cottage cheese?

I do. Not as much as I like mozorella in whey though.

22. What are you listening to right now?

I was listening to this crazy beck remix but the track ended. *turns it back on*

23. How many countries have you visited?

4 other than this one. And I'm counting them since they were sovereign territories of european countries- and Japan.

24. Are your parents strict?

Yeah. I got grounded for C's.

25. Would you go sky diving?

Yes. Yes I would.

26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?

Only to get close enough to murder him.

27. Would you throw potatoes at him?

Sure. Shoes too.

28. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in?

Polished steel, and lightbulbs.

29. Have you ever been in a castle?

I have not... *puts that on the todo list* Well... there's actually a couple in kansas, and I've been in those, if waaaay overdesigned stone buildings count.

30. Do you rent movies often?


31. Who sits in behind you in your math class?

wow... wonder who this survey is designed for.
I do not fucking remember. Highschool was almost 10 years ago.

32. Have you made a prank phone call?

Yeap. Multiple.

33. Do you own a gun?

I do. Its an antique. Circa WWI/WWII.

34. Can you count backwards from 74?

. . . who the fuck can't???

35. Who are you going to be with tonight?

My dog.

36. Brown or white eggs?

It actually doesn't matter. The difference is purely cosmetic if you're buying them from the grocery store- however, what does effect the taste is feedtype for the chickens.

37. Do you own something from Hot Topic?

Oh my, yes... from eons ago.

38. Ever been on a train?

Several times actually- cross country trips.

39. Ever been in love?


40. Do you have a cell-phone?

I do.

41. Are you too forgiving?


42. Do you use chap stick?

Not unless the situation is pretty dire. And it gets that way in the winter.

43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow?

Uuuuh working?

44. Can you use chop sticks?

Rather well in fact.

45. Ever have cream puffs?

Oh my yes. They're fantastic.

46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?

Unfortunately. And it did reinforce my hatred of Ashton Kutcher.

47. What was the last question you asked?

How much coffee is "too much coffee"?

48. What was the last CD you bought?

uuuuuuuuuh... Plastic Beach? We'll go with that.

49. Boys or girls?


50. What is your bus number for school?


51. Is your hair curly?


52. Last time you cried?

Just now- man, onions burn ze eyes!

53. Ever walked into a wall?

I have, and I've walked on a wall. NINJA!!

54. Do looks matter?

Oh my. Yes. What did you expect me to lie like the rest of you?

55. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun?

uuuh... probably not in the last decade.

56. Have you ever slapped someone?

Yes. And it was hilarious.

57. Favorite time of the year?

Used to be winter, but the harsher those get, and the more ice I skid on the less I enjoy it.

58. Favorite color?

Black or german blue.

59. Are you sarcastic?

No. Never...

60. Do you have any tattoos?

Nope, and I intend to never have one.

61. The last person you held hands with?


62. Do you sleep with the TV on?

Nah, I'm a pretty light sleeper, noise makes me wake up and grab my knife.

63. Where was your default picture taken at?

my living room- then I photoshopped it up a bit.

64. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?

Yes. Thousands upon thousands more than 3.

65. Do you like your life right now?

Not really. I could stand to have a career, or at least some fucking income.

66. How often do you talk on the phone?

Probably twice a day.

67. What is your favorite animal?

My doggy!

68. What was the most recent thing you bought?

Coffee. It was pretty good.

69. Do you have good vision?

Fair. Especially for someone that legally requires corrective lenses to drive.

70. Can you hula hoop?

Not for very long.

71. Could you ever forgive a cheater?

Nope. And I never will- depending on your arrangement and the risks being taken/that you're agreeing to- that shit can end lives.

72. Do you have a job?


73. Can you handle the truth?

I can.
You can't handle the truth.

74. What are you wearing?

A pink lacey bra and matching panties??

Busted ass chuck taylors.
Wool socks.
Blood spattered jeans.
navy sleaved/collared 3/4 shirt with yellow chest
new boxers from V-Day
grey hoody

75. Have you ever crawled through a window?

I have.
Several times, and not always for 100% legal reasons.

"On the first day there was passion, fire, chaos.
On the second there was awe, breath of the land, wonder.
On the third he brought contemplation, stillness, thought.
On the fourth day was life, all the noise of grass and earth, joy
On the fifth day there was song, lamenting the loss, understanding.
On the sixth day there was rest, silence returning to the land, death.
On the seventh day there was cold, waiting to emerge, reborn anew."

The chorus of veiled, middle aged men stood silent after their prayers amongst the procession. Their Godking raised his splendorous hand, his robe of  all colors, colors unseen, colors unimagined, sparkled before the gathering of hundreds.
His most devout, and loving children all packed into the tiny inner sanctum of his greatest cathedral. Abuzz with hope, the room was alive with silent admiration and worship.

The face of their Godking having not aged for as long as their grandfathers' grandfathers could remember. His smile embracing, cooling, and soothing them with assuredness. Their god walked among them. All was well. Their god touched their lives, and brought all the good, and all the necessary suffering of passing and growing.
The challenges to test and overcome, to weed out the infidels, and to embolden the devout in their victory.

He appeared to be no older than twenty, his face fair and smooth, though his voice when raised in greeting to his children carried the weight and authority of eons.
"My children, may the light touch your face, and hearts."
Women, men, children wept as his light was cast from all directions, caressing his followers in blessing.
"Many days you have travelled in your pilgrimage, and I have watched over you, offering safe passage and whispers of my boundless love"
The Godking turned to his left, he beckoned to a particularly lovely maiden dressed in indigo, with a faint nod, and a willing smile, she approached
"But there is sorrow in my lands, unrest among my unfaithful- I have seen this mistrust in me, this cry for justice and simplicity, that my graces should ease the suffering of my beloved-"
The girl placed herself kneeling at her godking's feet, and he placed one hand lovingly upon her face and hair, stroking her idly as one would pat a well-fed cat.
"Do you bear this burden of mistrust willingly my child?"
"I do my lord," Her eyes full of devotion and what appeared to be unparalleled love.
He leaned down and kissed her bare forehead.
Stroked her fine, chestnut hair once more, and snapped her neck like a fragile twig under foot.
There was great praise and cheering from the gathered devout. A scramble of volunteers.
"Please! Take me lord! Let me bear the sin of your fallen!"
"Bring us love, bring us unto your heart my lord!"
"My lord! There is drought to the east! Take my wife for their crops! For I love her almost as much as I love you!"
"My lord! Take my son! He loves you with all of his heart!"
"My lord!"
"My lord! I love you the most!"

There were seven sacrifices that day.
One for each color of the prism... for each perceived transgression of his people. Near or far, rumored or witnessed, real or imagined. Despair having the greatest consequences, a small boy was consumed by light, his orifices errupting in brilliance, his body crumbling in a limp heap at his god's feet. His parents were ecstatic, promising him another beautiful, unspoiled son in the coming seasons.
Not one among them a criminal, not one sentenced to death, or accused of witchcraft, heresy, blasphemy or any such imaginary indiscretion of spitting within the vicinity of their Godking's idols.
They gave themselves willingly to him.
In the name of his infinite love and wisdom, in the name of their God.
The prince of light.

Dyroneus if you must be heretical,
and call out to him by name.

In curse or ecstasy...

[Keeping the light]

K I'm kinda working out some background story or at least some plotlines for
"the bad guy"
in that novel I've started and stopped 20 times.

Fun factoids:

In the present form of the book there's several forces.

Humans (no surprises there)
Gods (not that surprising)
Devils (again, with Enkechel... not that surprising)
And titans (Whoa!? ... I dunno, that's the best word for it proto-gods)


Actually you can think of "Gods" more as a anamoly unique to this setting. They're neither good nor bad (much like the devils/demons) but unlike the demons they were willed into being by man.

A desperate, powerful, or deranged enough human wills these gods into being, and consequently, reality gets torn a new one. Every time.

I think that MIGHT be the reason that there's an absence of arcana in this story, in favor of heroism demonology and deific powers and mundane anti-heroes.

That being said there's this guy I've had as a concept for a while
this kinda... lordly type menace. All seeing type, prideful, powerful.
His symbol is a six sided prismatic lens

And there's some debate as to whether he himself is a god, or if his power as a human is greater than gods
hence his position in society.

The titans are at war, fearing that the new gods and the emergent powers of man will some day devour them

some are for this saying: Hey, that's life, we've outlived our usefulness, lets go with the flow of evolution/progress
others say: that's bollocks lets wipe out man before its too late
some say: let man prove their worth and lets fling challenges their way.
some say: lets align ourselves with the most powerful and pray favor
and a handful say: I'm going to kill everything, who cares what you idiots think

We haven't met -THE- Hero yet.
I know that he's John Q. Hell, I haven't decided if he's even literate at the start of the book.
And he's completely unremarkable in every way.

This guy
this Prince of light is based a bit on the king priest of ishtar (dragonlance) the morning star (lucifer) and ... every vaguely terrifying iron fisted Godking-tyrant you're ever going to encounter

But I haven't decided on his style, methods, personality or even appearance.

wanna jump right into it then?

Part 1:
Bringing the light.

Part 2:
Holding the light.

Part 3:
Extinguishing the light.

I reserve the right to burn this in favor of another interpretation.

Its actually quite warm in here right now.

So ... my power outage and internet outage this morning ate my last blog post, so I'll give you the gist of it

Spent $20 on beans, potatos and whole tilapia.

Moving on.

So, tonight I made the potato variant of what I had been eating over and over and over and over again

sofrito (onions, peppers, tomato)
black beans
and just a small amount of chorizo

I took 2 russet potatos, cubed and boiled, tossed them into my sofrito and spices and beans
and some reserve starchy water from the initial boil (enough to cover)

brought the combo to a simmer- covered and put it on low heat for 20 minutes.


so creamy
it'd be better with some dairy and stock in it
like... a trillion times better
bacon would work too.

Anyway, came out kinda funky looking all mushy and yellow, but it was tastey.

Probably could've used some olive oil at the finish too.

And some greens like, chives or parsley.

I haven't checked my mail since this morning... but I can't wait to get rejected for that case manager job.

[I deserve a treat]

This be Gouf post.

K- let's just say this real quick.

I cut out 12 demi-panels
filed em to look about the same.

and then I build a booster on my gouf's calf with a 3part half-shape fame.

End reuslt.



You can stop asking "wtf is he talking about???"

There's a progressional how-to in my plamo folder.

I'm pretty -fucking- stoked after that.
And I think I want a treat.

... I dunno what that'd be since I'm broke.

Moar update- I perused last week's classified (yeah... I know its sunday morning and I'm just now looking at a paper I bought 7 days ago) and was not impressed.
So I bit the bullet and sent resume and cover letter to the adult mental health care agency/facility here in town.

Keep your fingers crossed.

but don't hold your breath.

Who's up for a third cup of coffee and porn?

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13 years ago
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