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created on 09/20/2007  |  http://fubar.com/shady-s-buzz/b131733  |  3 followers
“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD...” —Proverb 19:17 Just because I believe in something don't always mean I walk the walk like I should.. I will be the first person to step up and say this momma is far from anything perfect. This is just what I believe. But No mater if you believe in God or not is not this point of this blog.. You don't have to be a believer of anything really to help someone you know that is having a hard time and it don't always just mean the homeless here. Maybe there is a struggling single mother that you know of that lives a block away or one who is a waitress at your favorite place to eat... Maybe is a single father whos spouse has perhaps passed on and hes alone now to raise the kids alone.. Anyone who is in need and struggling should be reached out to.. Everyone feel pain just as much as the next person and everyone has it hard. Just because someone is poor or having a hard time does not mean they are not trying.. This is just a reminder of what I feel everyone of us needs to practice.. Its all on you all. Do with this what you wish.. Just keep in mind when the times comes and your in need how will do you think you will feel when your friends are no longer around and there is no one there that has the time to worry about what you have going on. So now they are you the ones who are to tired to busy to broke to overwhelmed. Ya its cool your overwhelmed I understand totally. It only hurts when your the one who's in need. But in tell then shoot whats there to worry about right? Do what you know that right in your heart to do.. We need to eat every day to survive not just at Christmas. There are many different ways to help the homeless, ranging from simply providing them with a free packaged-meal and some Gospel literature, to going as far as providing a shelter for them to temporarily lodge for the night to escape the brutal cold. I would definitely recommend giving out blankets, gloves, hats and warm clothing during the winter months. It is heartbreaking to see someone living in a cardboard box in an alley as a makeshift home. It is common in big cities to see the homeless living down in the subways, away from the chilling winter winds, or sleeping on heated sidewalk air vents from nearby skyscrapers. The homeless are often shunned, despised and inhumanly treated by business owners. They are often beaten, bullied and robbed. Where are the poor to go? WHAT TO GIVE THE HOMELESS It is best not to give money to the homeless, it just makes them more vulnerable to be robbed. In addition, some of them will spend the money on alcohol. Tragically, many homeless people freeze to death during the winter months. The alcohol makes them feel warm, even though they are freezing to death, and they die. Consider what items you would likely need if you were homeless. It's a good idea to assemble some basic necessity gift packages, containing some of the following items: * New Testament Bible (the Gospel of John would be ideal) * doctrinally sound Gospel tract or booklet * Vienna hotdogs in a can (with easy open lid) * pre-cooked, easy-open foods * Granola Bars, Beef Jerky, Slim-Jims, snack chips * Snackables (cheese and crackers) * bottled water * today's newspaper * fresh fruit, nuts, a few pieces of wrapped candy * comb, nail-clippers * A couple small packs of Advil * tissues, handy-wipes * chapstick or lip-balm * hand-lotion for dry-skin * toothpaste and toothbrush * gloves, socks, earmuffs, scarf and blanket (during winter) * McDonalds gift certificates * Addresses and phone numbers of nearest helpful shelters (enclose $1 in change for phone calls) * Addresses and phone numbers of nearest good churches * a handwritten note of kindness (it may simply be a brief note; e.g., “given in Jesus' name”) * It's helpful to place all these items in some type of cloth carrying pack that they can continue using. * a small pillow (“...the Son of man hath not where to lay his head,” Matthew 8:20) . . . SOULWINNING AND THE POOR Helping the homeless must NEVER take precedence over preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ . . . “And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing ... Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth” (1st Corinthians 13:3,6). The word “charity” here means LOVE. 1st Corinthians 13:6 tells us that genuine Biblical LOVE rejoices in THE TRUTH. Sadly, many apostate religious groups today such as the Salvation Army have compromised their convictions, spending most of their time helping the needy at the expense of preaching the truth. What does it matter if we feed the hungry, cloth the naked and shelter the homeless if they die and go to Hell because we failed to preach the Gospel to them? I wouldn't give you a dime for any ministry that is not aggressively preaching the Gospel and placing the truth of God's Word at the forefront of their ministerial efforts. This is critically important. “Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?” (James 2:5). “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled” (Luke 14:23). Soulwinning is every believers calling and duty. God said in Luke 14:23 that He wants His house “filled.” The Bible commissions us to “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in.” One of the biggest problems with most churches today is that they meet behind closed doors a few times a month, but never obey the Lord's command to “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in.” Many churches operate more like a secret occult organization than they do a New Testament church. What behind those church walls? How will people know if you don't have outreach ministries? If we are to obey the Lord's command to “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in,” then we must “Go out.” This means putting forth a conscious effort to reach the lost for Christ. In Acts 20:20 (often referred to as the soulwinner's 20/20 vision) the Apostle Paul went soulwinning HOUSE-TO-HOUSE publicly . . . “And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house.” That is God's method of winning souls—public evangelism. SAFETY The foremost concern when dealing with the homeless should always be your own safety. It is a matter of common sense. ALWAYS have someone with you. It is unwise to minister alone in today's society. It's also recommended to minister in the daytime only, preferably in known areas where homeless people reside. It would be very helpful to speak with other ministries in the area who work with the homeless. Never trespass on private property or enter into secluded areas that may compromise your safety. Also, be aware of the reputation of the neighborhood you're in. Every major city has certain areas that are just too dangerous for ladies and children to enter into. Avoid high crime areas. If you do enter into such areas, keep in mind that there's more safety in numbers. The goal is to reach the poor for Christ and meet some of their basic necessities without getting mugged in the process. If you meet a homeless person who you feel needs medical attention, call 911 for them. It's not recommended to let them ride in your own vehicle, unless you have a partner with you. However, even if you have a ministry partner, NEVER allow someone of the opposite sex to enter into your vehicle. You can't be too careful these days. The Bible admonishes us to be careful . . . “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished” (Proverb 22:3). “Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1st Thessalonians 5:22). Also, it's never wise to wear expensive jewelry or watches when in public. If you come across any stray dogs that look threatening, reach down as if you are going to pick up a rock. This scars away nearly all dogs. It really works. I guess they know from experience. I didn't write most of this blog.. Most of it is a copy and paste but you all know me.. Believe me my two cents is in there also.. But no worries over what part came from my keyboard or not.. I agree on all that's said here so if its easier to just think I wrote every word then whatever.. Just do the right thing whatever that right things is for you. Just do it..
Hello everyone plz help me win a vip.. I'm just about half way there now.. Thank you!!! tn_2540964266.jpg THIS ONE I NEED 12.500 FOR AN AUTO 11'S SO YA I NEED A LOT OF HELP PLZ GUYS TY tn_2540964266.jpg k guys you just have to click on one of the two pics here and leave a few comments on them.. as soon as I reach the amount Im suppose to get I'll get the item.. thanks all


SO SO SO VERY SORRY ABOUT THE ATTENTION GETTER IN THE SUBJECT LINE BUT MAN ITS SOME DESPERATE TIMES HERE LOL OH BABY PLZ DON'T FORGET TO RATE THIS BLOG A TEN IF YOU WOULD PLZ TY TY I have been at this for over 2 hours now tossing the link out to everyone on my friend list and so far its got her 15 rates or so.. This is very tiring and hard work but I made her a promise that I would help. But omg you guys I'm for real getting so tired... Plz thank you for coming this far and if you rate them thank you again but also plz send your friends if you can. We are down about 100 rates and unless we kick some butt she they will both loose.. also people seem to repeat them selves on my friend list. I got as far as page 311 and I saw many people pop up twice by then so if I send you the link twice I'm very sorry.. I dont mean to but by page 311 and at this hour everything looks the same.. If I dont say thank you in the shout box its because I missed your shout is all.. I'm thanking all of you guys right here. So thank you so much lets get them to win this thing plz ty ty I think I have shouted so much that they are not letting me shout anymore.. God this site can suck some times tn_3352162103.jpg tn_2979130841.jpg PLZ HELP THEY ARE BOTH FALLING BEHIND. ALL THEY NEED ARE RATES.. IF YOU ALL COULD PLZ TAKE A SECOND TO RATE EACH ONE THAT WOULD BE FANTASTIC.. THANK YOU ooo by the way its a contest plz only rate just them two.. ty

SO SO SO VERY SORRY ABOUT THE ATTENTION GETTER IN THE SUBJECT LINE BUT MAN ITS SOME DESPERATE TIMES HERE LOL OH BABY PLZ DON'T FORGET TO RATE THIS BLOG A TEN IF YOU WOULD PLZ TY TY I have been at this for over 2 hours now tossing the link out to everyone on my friend list and so far its got her 15 rates or so.. This is very tiring and hard work but I made her a promise that I would help. But omg you guys I'm for real getting so tired... Plz thank you for coming this far and if you rate them thank you again but also plz send your friends if you can. We are down about 100 rates and unless we kick some butt she they will both loose.. also people seem to repeat them selves on my friend list. I got as far as page 311 and I saw many people pop up twice by then so if I send you the link twice I'm very sorry.. I dont mean to but by page 311 and at this hour everything looks the same.. If I dont say thank you in the shout box its because I missed your shout is all.. I'm thanking all of you guys right here. So thank you so much lets get them to win this thing plz ty ty I think I have shouted so much that they are not letting me shout anymore.. God this site can suck some times tn_3352162103.jpg tn_2979130841.jpg PLZ HELP THEY ARE BOTH FALLING BEHIND. ALL THEY NEED ARE RATES.. IF YOU ALL COULD PLZ TAKE A SECOND TO RATE EACH ONE THAT WOULD BE FANTASTIC.. THANK YOU ooo by the way its a contest plz only rate just them two.. ty
I have been at this for over 2 hours now tossing the link out to everyone on my friend list and so far its got her 15 rates or so.. This is very tiring and hard work but I made her a promise that I would help. But omg you guys I'm for real getting so tired... Plz thank you for coming this far and if you rate them thank you again but also plz send your friends if you can. We are down about 100 rates and unless we kick some butt she they will both loose.. also people seem to repeat them selves on my friend list. I got as far as page 311 and I saw many people pop up twice by then so if I send you the link twice I'm very sorry.. I dont mean to but by page 311 and at this hour everything looks the same.. If I dont say thank you in the shout box its because I missed your shout is all.. I'm thanking all of you guys right here. So thank you so much lets get them to win this thing plz ty ty tn_3352162103.jpg tn_2979130841.jpg PLZ HELP THEY ARE BOTH FALLING BEHIND. ALL THEY NEED ARE RATES.. IF YOU ALL COULD PLZ TAKE A SECOND TO RATE EACH ONE THAT WOULD BE FANTASTIC.. THANK YOU ooo by the way its a contest plz only rate just them two.. ty
No Drama Queens Please

@ fubar I think this guy needs to be blocked i'm waiting for his reply if he calls me a cunt then yep he'll be the same looser in yet another profile trying to get us chicks of fubar on cam to get freaky deaky and unless its earning my ass 2.99 a minute im not doing jack. well if jacks hot i might do him but that's only if hes hot.. Ill get back to the blog in a few.. You all may want to check back.. if this is the same guy as im thinking hes a real ass and very abusive to woman.. he loves to call chicks that turn him down cunts.. omg hes such trash.. Check back and ill let you know.. ok hes not responding to me now. so i can not say for sure if this is the same guy.. but there is a guy that's starts the shout conversation with .. I have a question for you ok... that's how he always starts then he says do you have yahoo or msn and if you say no. omg all hell breaks loose.. Ill keep this here for a bit longer just in case.. My reply was what let me guess do i have yahoo or msn.. am i correct.. ? ya so he may not talk to me now knowing I have his game already.. but well see.. Ill be back ... ->Kaan: well you just blew it badly with your lack of self control ->Kaan: im sorry it is beyond me to understand pigs go away i dont need to speak or to see you again i reallly feel like i can puke now god gross thank you very much damn Kaan: i very like you Kaan: sorry, but understand me... ->No Drama Q...: becaue no i would never let you have my yahoo i dont know who you are ->Kaan: omg your a freaking pig kaan dont ever talk to me again you have just made me sick Kaan: can i look your photos for cum? No Drama Q...: what? why? ->Kaan: no dont do that its ok i get her to win no need to cheat i have many friends but ty for bring nice Kaan: lady, i need so to cum Kaan: ok, have other, i will make ->Kaan: thank you im trying to help her win a contest Kaan: ok, i do, 10 point ->Kaan: and its not personal about the marrage thing i dont marry anyone i tell everyone no for marrage i like to be free Kaan: ok, thanks, i wll wait ->Kaan: i know its okay give me some time and if i know you wont do that again maybe ill chat with you ->Kaan: http:... Kaan: i understand, i sorry ->Kaan: plz rate this a ten for me just click the red link and rate only this one pic a ten plz ->Kaan: sorry hope you understand Kaan: ok, lady ->Kaan: maybe some other time ->Kaan: no i have no time now maybe some other time you really freaked me out when you asked me before to help you cum that was so very gross that im not sure if i can even talk to you now you really should respect ladies better kaan i know you said sorry and that is very good but you still have to live with what you did.. right now i dont really want to chat with you so much ok Kaan: no, ,? or yes, ,? Kaan: i need relax, i want some chat ->Kaan: ->Kaan: what do you need ten minutes of my time for kaan if you tell me and I find it worth it to spend ten minutes with you i will ok tell me what you need ten minutes for ->No Drama Q...: fuck no you got to be joking Kaan: lady dany, i don't understand No Drama Q...: do u have them? ->Kaan: no i will not help you take care of yourself that is yucky and no i wont marry you i wont marry anyone Kaan: i waiting you, pls answer Kaan: hello Kaan: i add you in marriage Kaan: will you give 10 mn to me? ->Kaan: yes im here Kaan: hi, lady shady, are you there? ->No Drama Q...: do i have yahoo or msn? am i corect? No Drama Q...: i have a question for u ok? well so far no drama hasnt called me cunt but I still think its the same guy as before.. This Kaan dude omg hes nasty as hell to omg i need off this site..


Photobucket I NEED YOU!! I can't sit back and just waste my time doing nothing.. It's so easy to forget or maybe in some cases ignore it but doing that only makes whats happening right here in our neighborhoods that much more sick.. It's one thing to be unaware but its a whole different ball game if you are aware and choose to turn your heads away.. Problems to big. I can't save the world. I don't have any money. I can hardly take care of my own let alone worry about other peoples problems.. If it where you how would that feel if a knowing person said I'm sorry I'd really like to help but the problem is to big and I don't have much time or money to do much so ya I'm sorry. Maybe the next guy will do something and help out.. We are all so very good at passing that damn buck except with the buck is ours.. Its time to stand up and take your spare time and do something worth while.. Not ragging on Fubar or Myspace at all.. Believe me I'm the worst but there comes a time when you stand back and say what am I freaking doing here? Hours and hours spent vegging on these websites for what? What is any of this getting me? A few new friends you may or may never meet but they are still friends none the less. If you spend 30 minutes less of your time here a week would that chance anything with you and these friends? Not with mine.. Not yours either I bet. What I'm saying here is we as a society have an obligation to protect the worlds most innocent.. Our children.. Who thinks the problem is to big? Ya one hurt or hungry child is a problem that is to big.. These things do and happen but we all know they shouldn't. So yes the problem is to big.. It's to big because we let it get that way.. We let it get to big.. If everyone of us stood up and took a stand and I mean every single one of us stood up and took a stand the famous phrase the problem is just to big wouldn't be anything we would be familiar with .. Its called taking a stand and taking back the ownership of your land and our people. Its not waiting until we see a case on the news to say awww how sad.. Its is sad.. But its not just that one case. This is an on going every day occurrence and someone needs to protect these kids.. If its not you then please tell me who then? I need help.. I need people to volunteer to help me organize a mini little fundraising group that will work at just that.. Keep the reality of our world fresh in our eyes and doing whatever it is possible to help put an end to hungry, beaten, neglected children of America.. I'm look for people to help me come up with ideas on how to motivate others to give a little of themselves for the sake of these children. Please leave a comment if you wouldnt mind joining me. Loves Saves Foundation
HELP HELP HELPS ME PLZ All I need from everyone is just one rate on each of these pics plz.. As you see there are only two of them so it wont take but a second.. Thank you all so very much.. Its an action also so if you like what either one is offering you might want to place a nice little bit there for them to but that's not necessary.. What is needed above that is the rates.. plz at least take that sec to rate them.. Thanks all. rock on tn_2979130841.jpg tn_3352162103.jpg Lets get both these people here to win this.. We can do it..

oh help help lol

Hello everyone plz help me win a vip.. I'm just about half way there now.. Thank you!!! tn_2540964266.jpg
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