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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

created on 10/28/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dr-turi-s-blog/b18948  |  1 followers

Nostradamus TV show

important note this type of newsletter will stop soon.. make sure to sign up if you like my work. Thank you DT sign up to my VIP 2008 "Cosmic Code" newsletter, be informed. www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter 10/29/2007 Dear Readers: THANK YOU so much for the tremendous support I received from many of you seeing me live on the History channel. As expected this show (like all Nostradamus' show) ended up with death and drama and nothing can be more far from reality in the great Prophet's work. "Advising" the end of time through his work, does not necessarily mean its the truth or the human race is doomed! Just because I did not endorse or support ALL "experts" apocalyptic views, 8 hours of teaching Nostradamus Divine astrology came down to a few seconds on national TV. But who can blame the producers or guests? SENSATIONALISM is what sells well and I did my best to translate the drawings and the majority of them are nothing else than Astrology at work especially the Dragon's Head and Tail. Nostradamus put a curse on the "Translators" for good reasons and unless you are a true Astrophile (divine astrologer) and fully aware of the Dragon's impact you are not supposed to transcribe his mystical quatrains. One of the guest "Lemesurier" for example has absolutely no Cosmic Consciousness and assured the audience that Nostradamus was incapable of making those drawings. Guess what, born with a Dragon's Head in the most artistic sign of the zodiac (Pisces/Michael Angelo was also a Pisces) Nostradamus work reflects the best subtle, creative values of this psychic, artistic sign. The psychic lady also endorsed the negative erroneous forecast especially when she mentioned the year 2012 and what the current and next Dragon Head and Tail have, are and will do for the next few years ahead of us. On George Noory last year I clearly "predicted" that Leo is a fire sign and will produce more fires and weather condition than usual. But how many of those guests know about the Dragon impact in the human affairs? NONE of them and this is why, like 99% of the world's religious population (endorsed by the Church Inc) they can only read, acknowledge and assume the end of time is near. What they do not know is that; all matter is ENERGY, and as "the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought" and they all are, in the name of fears and ignorance feeding this negative energy (or the dragon). My message was totally different and hopeful where I encouraged the world NOT to follow, learn, speak or teach anything negative as our common will is much stronger than the stars or any dragon. My positive message did not fit the current negative trend and ANOTHER dramatic gloomy Nostradamus movie was produced. All that I did was to teach the Prophet's astrology pointing out the curse placed on "charlatans" badly equipped spiritually to understand the true astrological and spiritual message of the Prophet left for the world to ponder. Nostradamus was born with a moon (emotions) in Scorpio (death/night/drama/family matters) and this is why he was himself victimized by the stars and lost his family to the plague. Nostradamus was born in December and faced the world as a Gemini (dual/2 marriages). This sign rules also writing and this is why he was a born writer. Nostradamus was born with a Dragon's Head (luck/fame/expansion/protection) in Pisces (psychic/artistic) and his Dragon's Tail was in Virgo (plants/homeopathic healing). Nostradamus was a loner due his moon in secretive Scorpio and this sign rules night (night study) and his natal moon in Scorpio brought the value of a hidden Moon in Pisces (drugs/hallucinogens) and as a doctor the Great Prophet knew the power of certain plants (hallucinogens) he used secretively to tap on the archetypal realm of consciousness through his subconscious. Luckily for him his natal Dragon in Pisces (protection) stirred a positive "view" of the future in time and space and allowed him to "see" the future. These are DEEP and PERSONAL information about the Prophet's psyche (UCI) and I KNOW being myself the only legitimate living Astrophile and I don't think Nostradamus' followers are ready to hear the facts about his celestial nature and true methodology. I know too much and I have NO fears and my job is to expose the TRUTH, as I know it is. Sometimes I really feel that Nostradamus was fed up with the total IMBECILITY and religious poisoning regimenting his time and he had a subconscious wish to CLEANSE (Virgo Tail) everything he saw or perceive as tainted with wrong knowledge. He knew the power, the manipulation, the control and the deadly means the church was using to keep the mass uninformed. He also knew that the Age of Pisces (religions/deception/illusion) was to come to an end sometime in the future to follow the Age of Aquarius (astrology/technology/UFO/end of Christianity and the Vatican) and could not explicitly write about it. This is why he drew those pictures that were immediately confiscated by the running Pope's nephew (business must stay in the family I may add) and stuck for centuries in the 7 miles of secret library under the Vatican. It is very clear as predicted on Art Bell Coast To Coast syndicated radio show on March 26, 1995 that the core of religions (the Middle East) is the first to undergo the dramatic changes. Muslims sees this "invasion" as a threat to their own Prophet Allah's teachings and will die to preserve their beliefs. The 100 years religious war between the Catholic and Protestants we suffered in France killed millions of religious imbeciles but the lesson has NOT been learned and luckily for us Charles Martel (Charles Martel, 714-741 A.D. and Pepin, 741-768 A.D. www.authorama.com/famous-men-of-the-middle-ages-11.html Years later Charle Martel stopped the Muslim's invasion in Poitier, France just in time or we may all be Muslims today. History tends to repeats itself and the "new" religious/oil current war is also the last one and marks the end of the Age of Pisces. Nostradamus knew how difficult it is for regular, easily manipulated god-fearing people to "swim upstream" against the tide of ignorance and knew about those changes and simply made us aware of them. But those drastic changes of consciousness do not have to kill us in the process. This is "The Tower" for example signifies both the physical and spiritual changes ahead of us. The tower being a representation of the head and the mind undergoing stress then relieved once true wisdom is assimilated. On the physical level the tower can be attributed to the burning New York Twin Towers in Nostradamus' predictions. But the tarot (I am an expert)does not only work for the physical plane! You are not going to "erase" 2000 years of religious BULL easily would it be in the US or the Middle East to make it simple. I wish I had been given a chance to express my wisdom and Nostradamus Divine Astrology or even elaborate on the Dragon a bit more on national TV but they felt the world is not exactly ready for my advanced perception of the truth and my predictions. However, like the "Lost Book Of Nostradamus" in time,when the stars are perfectly aligned and when the world is ready for me; the plain truth will come out. Now the curse! NOSTRADAMUS' LAST IMPORTANT ADVICE To those of whom, and there will be many throughout the centuries, who want to translate my verses, I offer this warning. That, when they read them, they reflect on them profoundly, so that, in their great understanding, they will find words to keep the profane and the ignorant far away. Likewise, popular Astrologers, deceiving writers, fools and charlatans. "Let him who ignores this warning be cursed, according to the rites and ceremonies." Time does not exist. To love, to want, infinitely, that is all, and all is that. SOLI DEO Le 27 Juin 1566 Michel De Notre Dame Learn more by reading HE POWER Of THE DRAGON www.drturi.com/books.php HE IS WISE WHO UNDERSTAND THAT THE STARS ARE LUMINARIES CREATED AS SIGNS AND THAT IS HE WHO WILL CONQUER THE STARS THAT WILL HOLD THE GOLDEN KEYS TO GOD'S MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE ~ Nostradamus * When you control someone source of information you control that person's life and this form of mind control must cease. My work is dedicated to man's cosmic consciousness ~ DR. LOUIS TURI Sharing emails ---- Original Message ----- From: Linda I have just watched the Nostradamus show on TV and was VERY disappointed in the whole thing. I was mostly disappointed that your segment was all of 45 seconds long (I don't really know how long it was but it sure seemed that way). They were stupid experts that had no idea about astrological signs. I would like to have seen less of the fear mongering and more 'legitimate' interpretations. Sorry you got cut; I know you probably had some enlightening things to say. Linda DT -Yes over 500 guests were invited and I was lucky I made it. Indeed none of them are Astrophiles for sure or practice only mundane astrology. Yes I had terrific things to say but they were not interested in astrology. Blessings DT ----- Original Message ----- From: Donna Dr. T I live in the Central Time Zone, the show aired at 6 pm and went until 10:00 pm. I saw you in the segment from 9 to 10. I thought it was a great program and although Astrology wasn't necessarily the MAIN topic of the show, if people were observing, astrology WAS the main theme of Nostradamus, not only in his writing, but his drawings of all the symbols, showing the dragon many times in his symbolic paintings. It was absolutely fascinating and you looked great. Thanks so much for informing us of this program. ~~ Donna ----- Original Message ----- From: Joi This is scary; I hope you explain the apocalypse to us later. Joi ----- Original Message ----- From: Craig SuperNova window and Space shuttle Trouble Found on Space Station Device http://www.abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=3787075 SuperNova wipe out - 5 die in fiery head-on collision in Chicago http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/10/28/chicago.crash.ap/index.html About the fires in CA. This idea will pass as Mercury Retrograde passes (SuperNova window) and humanities mind clears. Will Dr. Turi prove to be right that this came from the Middle East? Separatists claim responsibility for California Wildfires http://www.cnnheadlienews.com/2007/US/10/25/fire.mecha/index.html You can see the sharks circling this idea, and possible truth. This would fit the Super Nova window, as we find it hard to focus... yet are getting close to the source of this. Honestly I hope DT is wrong, I really do. But ... ----- Original Message ----- From: Rebeca Thanks for your blessings for us during this times. David and I came close to evacuation, now I know why I was having such bizarre dreams and a feeling of impending doom for a week prior to the fires. Stay well and thank you for your good work. Rebeca I liked the 'just trust Jesus' woman too. Maybe "law of attraction" Brought her to you. What I mean is we are all like Puzzle pieces, and who/what ever fits Comes along. In some way she must be longing to get away from her Jesus stuff. You have good composure. Somehow I have a lack of empathy and no desire to "help" people like that. It seems that they need to burn it out. We all can look back at our lives (if we have lived a little) and say "I was so stupid". I have done the most dumb ass things... and of course been altruistic and heroic also. Guess we all have to "do stupid" in some ways during each lifetime. It is just the nature of duality. People who do manage to get away from any time of "church mind" usually have a scar going through their brains that never heals. It is like a recovered drug addict. Or like someone who had every bone in their bodies broken in some accident and lived, although maybe not for the best. Always find myself in awe of the profound mind control power of the evil church. Your best friend can turn on you... and kill you, with a joyful madness while praising The Lord! C ----- Original Message ----- From: C DT, Natural and Rising. I have come to call the Astropsychology housing (Natural Houses) and housing based on the rising as (Rising Houses). The whole western astrology world bases the 1st house on rising sign. I don't think it works to well. I think it works at all because more important that house number are the planets in it. Mars in Aries tells a lot about a person, regardless of house #. I am amazed with all the books out there on western astrology that blabber endlessly (too often quoting getting lost in "aspects" and the bible and that Jesus guy for me) and say NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING. I is just Piffle. They lack duality (as in don't want to say anything bad) and are passive in meanings. They need to be passive, because they don't have Astropsychologys' strength, accuracy, and confidence. Craig ----- Original Message ----- From: Thomas Hi Dr. Turi Well the Supernova Window 's been hitting hard- here is a link to a tragic accident a few days ago in Germany. The corpses of the construction workers could not be recovered yet. still hanging there in the wind- a tragic monument of so called human progress. (aries ruling steel among other things...) http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,513766,00.html copy and paste. Be well and many blessings. Thomas ----- Original Message ----- From J Three adults die trying to save children who got caught in treacherous waters on Portugal's coast and today 10/28/07, seven students die in beach house blaze. Dragon's Tail in Leo Dr. Turi Single superbug case shuts school system http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/10/27/mrsa.school.cleaning.ap/index.html Train kills 5-year-old boy http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/10/27/train.death.ap/index.html ----- Original Message ----- From: Stephanie Dr. Turi, You were right once again. The fires were about 15 miles away from our home and then started moving north. By the grace of God, we are safe, our home and all of our possessions. We have so much pain, sadness, and sympathy for the 500,000 San diegans that were and are still displaced from their homes. It has been a living inferno hell here in San Diego. The only comfort I had was my brief discussion with you, and a little bit more after I had packed my car in preparation for evacuation. Thank you Dr. Turi. I love and respect you a lot. Your friend, Stephanie, San Diego ----- Original Message ----- From: Beverley haha watch it! gotta luv this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81XolzElwR4 ----- Original Message ----- From: B Dr. Turi The full moon on Thursday will be in Aires, more fire's, according to Astrol Delux Report Writer, that will be in the 8th house for Cal. My my y this is going to be really sad indeed. The 8th house being a water sign o you think it will start to rain and not stop for two weeks? One worldorder for sure but not the way they want it. Mother Nature is going to ive us some of the most extreme weather everywhere and we are going tohave to start to help each other just to survive. A new time when botherhood and sisterhood takes over and we stop killing each other because we need each other. Come on Aquarius and save us from all of his crape. I wish you could have had a real conversation with that christen girl. Did she have some Gemini going on? She sure could talk, even you couldn't get a word in. To funny. B ----- Original Message ----- From: M DT; The 8th house, problems with and for insurance company's. The DH oving into the 8th house for the U.S. in Dec. and flooding in New Orleans and a drought in Atlanta. Hard time coming for insurance company's. Lot' of work in California this next couple of years. So cool how this all woks like a well oiled machine. I just love weaving it all together. M. ---- Original Message ----- From:Donna Just a comment...I just heard Fox News say that there was word that one of he fires in Calif. was seen being set and that there had also been a report that Al Queda was going to use wildfires against us. This goes with exactly what you stated on Coast to Coast just this morning. I wanted to make you aware of what I just heard on Fox and Friends not 2 minutes ago. Donna ----- Original Message ----- From: E Thank you Dr. Turi for this email - will listen - Also, thank you so much for the "hook-up" to the Dark Matter Michael Parker interview - I put this in my favorites and have only heard half of this interview and what a gift this is - you are such a gift to us- thank you again for your unending support, advise, and love to everyone. Eileen ---- Original Message ----- From: Dear Dr. Turi: Thank you always for being such an outstanding messenger of truth. I feel you are like a John The Baptist crying in the night...and no one wants to hear you. Only the light workers know you and respect you. I heard you last night on Coast To Coast ( I myself was on March 31, 2006). People will one day say "We should have listen to Dr. Turi. he was a champion of Mankind. " They will listen Dr. Turi...when everything else fails. You know your God Consciousness and you give your all to all of us. I for one deeply appreciate you. You give me the courage to go deeper into my pet ministry and really tell people about reincarnation and that their dear pets still live on the other side or can come back. This would bring them so much comfort. I am also a minister of healing so now I will not be afraid to say what spirit is giving to me in my heart. Again, May the Universal Creator continue to bless you. Rev. Renee, Minister and Animal Communicator. petministry2000@yahoo.com or www.joyouscelebrationsministry.com ----- Original Message ----- From:Ted Hey Dr. Turi, I listened to the entire show when you were on "Dark Matters" the other day. Great show. Great talk about Pisces. As you already know, I am a big fan of yours, but I still do my research and read and listen to others in astrology and also astronomy. If we don't challenge what we think and what we believe, I think that in the end we end up with our heads up our own arse. Wouldn't you agree? For example, what is your take on "Moon Sign Astrology"? Also, some astrologers assert that the earth has a wobble and that we were not in fact born in the sign we think we were born in. What are your views on this? I've been reading your book, "Moon Power 2007" everyday since I downloaded it. Your work is very powerful and I am learning more and more with every day that passes. Thank you! Ted ----- Original Message ----- From: LA Hi maybe Dr. Turi was right? last night: "In the last hour, seer _Dr. Louis Turi_ (http://www.drturi.com/) shared his predictive & astrological analysis. The San Diego fires took place while the moon is in Pisces and Mercury is retrograde, which led him to conclude these fires were started by terrorists...." COAST TO COAST AM WITH GEORGE NOORY: SHOWS#recap_ (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2007/10/23.html#recap) i don't necessarily believe in this islamo-fascist cover too many real false flags to trust that but there are crazed Pro-Mex groups that have gone goofy did I mention false flags? well anyway -- stunning hit by Turi. His only short time mentioning Iran should be revisted -- perhaps ? as well as mortons ? and corsi's? add Alex to the mix but have some one taste your food and drive back to LA. Peace, Hugs, and Purrs, Carolyn St. Louis, Missouri. ----- Original Message ----- From: Angela Thank you Dr. Turi for these wonderful revelations found in Israel. I was enthralled to view the pictures and yes, the zodiac has been vindicated. Best of everything to you. Angela ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott" Good Morn Dr.Turi, Thought I was the only fish going through hell ! (LOL) Great job tonight talk to you later its 4a.m.Oh got my head in the bible kidding. I think I will stick with your teachings. Scott P off to bed ----- Original Message ----- From: Julie Hi Dr. Turi, Just wanted to send a quick note and let you know that I listened to your most recent interview on Karma Air, and wanted to share that something you mentioned (can't recall specifically) helped to make a big positive life shift for me - so thank you! Also, back in June I told you that I was diagnosed with breast cancer... and I wanted to share that through holistic, spiritual and utilizing energy as you speak about - I am now cancer free : ) I believe it has made a difference just to have people like you and other healing like-minds as a part of my life energy circle ... Kind Regards, Julie sign up to my VIP 2008 "Cosmic Code" newsletter, be informed. www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail was sent to (Sample: dr.turi@cox.net) because you are subscribed to at least one of our mailing lists. 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