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my sexual I.Q.

Merritt, your Sex IQ is 144 As you were taking the test, we measured how your sexual knowledge stacks up in the 8 areas that contribute to your Sex IQ: fertility, gender and sexual orientation, female sexual anatomy, male sexual anatomy, sexually transmitted diseases, safer sex practices, sex techniques, and communication. You got 44 out of 45 questions correct. Your IQ score was generated by comparing that number to the average score of others who took the test. Wonder which questions you got wrong? Then read on to find out! Tickle's Sex IQ test measured your knowledge in 8 critical areas of Sex Intelligence: fertility, sexual orientation, female sexual anatomy, male sexual anatomy, sexually transmitted diseases, safer sex practices, sex techniques, and communication. Here's how you scored, and interesting information about each of those areas. You've scored 44 out of 45. Fertility This area of expertise deals with questions of becoming pregnant, preventing pregnancy, and issues that directly affect whether or not a woman becomes or doesn't become pregnant. You answered 6 out of 6 questions correctly. Here are each of the fertility questions, followed by explanations of their correct answers. Fertility 6. Given perfect use, which of the following is the least effective method of birth control? Condom Depo-Provera Diaphragm The pill Of the four contraceptive methods listed here — condom, depo-provera, diaphragm, and the pill — a diaphragm is the least effective method of birth control. Sixteen out of 100 women who use the diaphragm will become pregnant during the first year of typical use. Six will become pregnant with perfect use. The effectiveness of the diaphragm can be compromised by having an improper fit, inserting it incorrectly, or removing it sooner than 6-8 hours after having sex — all of which can cause leakage of semen into the uterus. Some benefits of diaphragm use include: low expense, can be inserted hours before having sex, does not affect hormones, and side effects are rare. Condoms are slightly more effective than a diaphragm but less effective than depo-provera or the pill. Of 100 couples who use condoms, about 14 will become pregnant during the first year of typical use. Two will become pregnant with perfect use. The effectiveness of a condom can be compromised through improper use (see "How to use a condom"). Condoms have the added benefit of protecting you from sexually transmitted diseases as well as being a contraceptive. Polyurethane condoms are available for those people who are allergic to latex. Both the pill and depo-provera are representative of the hormonal methods of contraception which are highly effective at preventing pregnancy. With perfect use, both methods are almost 100% effective against pregnancy. Because the pill requires the woman to remember to take a pill every day to keep her contraceptive "guard" up, with typical use, the pill is less effective than other methods, such as depo-provera, which don't require daily management. Depo-provera is administered by an injection every 12 weeks. 7. Which of the following is not potentially dangerous to a man's fertility? Riding a bike a lot Spending a lot of time in the hot tub Masturbating twice a day Smoking a lot Masturbation does not have a negative effect on a man's fertility. Sperm is produced in the testicles continuously at a rate of approximately 200 million sperm per day. While millions of sperm are released with each ejaculation, millions more are being produced. In some cases where a man already has a low sperm count, he may wish to limit masturbation during his partner's fertile window (around ovulation). However, a man with normal fertility will not become less fertile due to masturbation. However, there are some lifestyle-related causes for temporary infertility in males. The following are some factors which may contribute to male infertility. Bicycling. The pressure from a bike seat during extended riding can damage blood vessels, nerves, and the scrotum. These injuries can lead to erectile difficulties and infertility. To reduce the risk of injury while riding a bike: take frequent rests, wear padded bike shorts, and use a padded bike seat at the proper angle. Drugs. Heavily smoking marijuana or doing cocaine can dramatically reduce a man's sperm count. Emotional stress. Stress can interfere with the hormone that produces sperm. Overheating testicles. When the testicles get too hot, sperm development can be impaired. Spending a lot of time in a hot tub or sauna can decrease a man's fertility. Smoking. A man who smokes is more likely to produce weaker sperm that die sooner and can't swim as well. 13. If a man and woman have no fertility problems and are under 30, they have a ___ chance of getting pregnant each menstrual cycle. 75% 50% 25% 10% For women under 30, it's estimated that the chance of becoming pregnant in any one cycle is 20-30%, given that the male does not have low fertility. A woman's fertility diminishes with age, beginning in her late twenties — the first dip in fertility usually comes at around age 27. Infertility is not solely a women's problem, infertility affects men and women equally. If you are actively trying to get pregnant for a year, it is advisable to see a doctor about infertility treatment. If the woman is over 35, seek treatment after six months of trying. 20. A woman: Creates one egg per month Creates several eggs each month Is born with all of the eggs she will ever have A woman is born with all of the eggs she will ever have. When a girl reaches puberty and her menstrual cycle begins, her eggs begin to be matured and released, generally at a rate of one per cycle. This cycle continues until a woman reaches menopause and stops releasing eggs. Males produce sperm on a different cycle. Instead of being born with sperm, males don't have sperm cells until puberty and then they produce them continually until death. 31. How long after intercourse can a sperm stay alive inside a woman's body? 24 hours 48 hours 5 days 10 days A sperm can stay alive inside a woman's body for about 5 days after intercourse when a woman is at the most fertile phase of her menstrual cycle. The length of time a sperm can survive inside a woman after ejaculation depends on where a woman is in her cycle. If a woman is near ovulation, the sperm can live up to 5 days. However, outside of a woman's fertility window (around ovulation), the sperm will only live for a couple of hours. 33. If the man withdraws before he ejaculates, the woman will not get pregnant. True False A man will secrete a small amount of fluid when he becomes aroused, called pre-ejaculate or pre-cum, which contains small amounts of sperm. If the man withdraws before he ejaculates as a method of birth control, the woman can still get pregnant because the sperm contained in his pre-ejaculate can fertilize her egg. Withdrawal is an unreliable form of behavioral contraception Why fertility is important to Sex IQ Because intercourse between a man and a woman can produce new life, having penis-vagina sex comes with the weighty responsibility of birth control. Methods of birth control range from abstinence to contraceptive devices or medications. Whichever method you choose, you are ultimately responsible for understanding your body's reproductive functions and making responsible choices. If you are gay or lesbian, you will have less of an issue with pregnancy prevention in your everyday sex life. However, knowledge of fertility can both be (1) useful in understanding the way your body works and (2) critical if you decide that you want to have a baby. After she turns 40, a woman's chances of becoming pregnant in any given month are lowered to 5%. As a woman ages, her fertility will decline, most notably in her mid-thirties and again after she reaches 40. However, there are many factors that contribute to a couple's chance of conception and fertility is largely influenced by genetics. Gender & sexual orientation This area of expertise deals with questions about sexual attraction and honoring differences in sexuality among people. You answered 6 out of 6 questions correctly. Here are each of the gender and sexual orientation questions, followed by explanations of their correct answers. Gender & sexual orientation 8. If a person has sex with someone of their same sex, it means they are homosexual. True False If a person has sex with someone of their same sex, in and of itself, this encounter does not make him or her homosexual. Many people experiment with having sex with their same sex and discover later in life that they are straight or bisexual. Many discover later in life that they are homosexual. You may find that you fall somewhere along the continuum of straight and homosexual. Or, you may find that your sexual orientation shifts over the years for any number of reasons — or for no reason at all. The truth is, the only person who can identify your sexual orientation is you. 14. Bisexuals are usually straight people going through a "gay phase." True False Many times bisexuals are thought of as going through a phase — both by straight and gay people alike! However, the truth for some is that they are perfectly happy in a relationship with either gender. Or, a bisexual may find that his or her sexual orientation shifts more toward heterosexual or more toward homosexual over the course of their lifetime. If a person identifies themselves as bisexual and then, a few years later, identifies as straight, this is not inherently a contradiction — neither orientation is "truer" than the other. The way a person identifies his or her sexual orientation at any point in their life is probably directly reflective of their experience at the time. 17. If a man has fantasies about having sex with other men he is homosexual. True False Much the same way that if a person has sex with someone of their same sex, in and of itself, this encounter does not make him or her homosexual, if a person fantasizes about sex with someone of their same sex, in and of itself, this fantasy does not make him or her homosexual. Many people fantasize about having sex with someone of their same sex, whether or not they actually enjoy having homosexual sex in reality. It's perfectly healthy to fantasize — it allows you to experience things in your mind that you may or may not want to act on. 21. A drag king is: A woman who cross-dresses A man who cross-dresses A man who wears a uniform A drag queen's date A drag king is a biological woman who dresses in masculine clothing for performance. A drag king, or male impersonator, will also affect a masculine manner and generally try to "pass" as a man. When a woman passes as a man, it means that most people cannot tell that s/he was born a biological woman. 34. Most people consider themselves bisexual. True False If bisexuality is defined by whether or not a person (1) identifies their sexual orientation as bisexual, or (2) has romantic relationships with persons of both sexes, then it is not true that most people are bisexual. While many people do have some amount of attraction to both sexes, most people don't act on it or identify themselves as bisexual for any number of reasons. 38. Which of the following people is not transgendered? A drag queen A "butch" gay man A female cross dresser A transsexual A person who is transgendered is one that crosses gender boundaries — a man or woman that adopts the attributes of the opposite sex. A drag queen is a biological man who dresses in feminine clothing for performance; therefore, a drag queen is transgendered. A female cross dresser is a biological woman who dresses in male clothing and tries to "pass" as a man; therefore, a female cross dresser is transgendered. A transsexual is a person who experiences a mismatch between the sex they were born with and the sex they identify with and may seek a sex change operation; therefore, a transsexual is transgendered. A "butch" gay man, on the other hand, is a masculine man who happens to be attracted to and/or have sex with other men. Since a butch gay man does not cross gender boundaries in his physical appearance or attributes, he is not considered transgendered. Why gender & sexual orientation are important to Sex IQ At some point in your life, it is likely that you will meet someone who has a different sexual orientation than you. Or, you may come to discover subtle nuances about your own sexual orientation. Many people conceive of sexual orientation as a polar dichotomy - either gay or straight. However, sexuality is rarely as cut and dried as that. Some people discover that their sexual orientation lies somewhere between these two extremes. And, on the other hand, some are certain that their sexuality is wholly gay or straight. In any case, sexual orientation is a gradation of sexual attractions that an individual discovers for him or herself. Up until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association included homosexuality in their official manual of mental disorders. At this historical moment, the board of the APA recognized that a significant portion of gay and lesbian people were satisfied with their sexuality and not in need of therapy due to their homosexuality. Female sexual anatomy This area of expertise deals with questions about female anatomy, and how it functions during sex, or when aroused. You answered 6 out of 6 questions correctly. Here are each of the female sexual anatomy questions, followed by explanations of their correct answers. Female sexual anatomy 2. How long does the average female orgasm last? Less than 5 seconds 5-10 seconds 10-20 seconds 20-30 seconds More than 30 seconds The average female orgasm lasts between 5-10 seconds, while the average male orgasm lasts from 3-5 seconds. Both sexes experience contractions at a rate of 0.8 seconds, especially in the genitals and rectal sphincter muscles. 15. When a woman has an orgasm, she experiences contractions of her: Vagina Uterus Anus All of the above When a woman orgasms, she experiences a series of multiple rhythmic muscle contractions. The first few contractions will be closer together, then start to taper off in intensity and frequency as the orgasm diminishes. These contractions occur in the uterus, vagina, and often the muscles of the anal sphincter. In addition, she may feel muscle contractions throughout her body as well as increased pulse and breath rate. An intense female orgasm can have in excess of twelve contractions. 22. The clitoris is formed out of the same sort of tissue as the: Nipples Shaft of a penis Head of a penis Vagina The clitoris is formed out of the same sort of tissue as the head of the penis. It may surprise you to find out that male and female sex organs are identical until a fetus is 3 months old. After that point, the cells that become the scrotum in the boy become the vulva in the girl and the cells that become the head of the penis in a boy become the clitoris in the girl. 27. Where is the clitoris located? Inside the vagina Between the inner labia Outside the labia The clitoris, usually a woman's most sexually sensitive spot, is located between a woman's inner labia. When looking at a woman's exterior genitals, you will see that she has two "lips" of fatty tissue, called the labia majora or outer labia. If you gently pull the outer labia open, you will see a smaller pair of lips that are not covered with hair, called the labia minora or inner labia. At the top of the inner labia, you will find that the labia meet to form a little fold of skin called the clitoral hood. If you pull the hood back, you will expose the glans (the tip) of the clitoris. Women vary widely in the type of stimulation that they prefer on their clitoris, so you should definitely experiment (on yourself) or ask (your partner) to find out what works best in your case. 35. Is it possible for a woman to ejaculate? Yes No It is possible for some women to ejaculate. Sometimes, when a woman is sexually stimulated — particularly on her G-spot, she will ejaculate an amount of fluid that is very similar to the fluid produced by the male prostate. While some people who are unaware of a woman's ability to ejaculate may think that it is urine, female ejaculate is definitely not urine. The ejaculate is produced primarily by a woman's skene's glands. It can be quite messy when a woman ejaculates; an easy solution is to visit your local drugstore and buy a package of super absorbent pads for your bed (about 18" x 24"), originally intended for incontinence. 39. All women have a "hymen layer" that is stretched or broken the first time they have intercourse. Yes No Not every woman is born with an intact hymen, and still others may stretch or break their hymen through active sports, riding a horse or a bicycle, using a tampon, or any number of other non-sexual activities. The myth that you can tell whether or not a woman is a virgin by whether or not her hymen is intact is false. That being said, the hymen layer is a stretch of skin, generally with small holes throughout, that covers the vaginal opening. If a woman's hymen layer is still intact when she has intercourse for the first time, it may be painful and cause bleeding as it is stretched. This is perfectly normal and is not a cause for alarm. However, if sex is painful for other reasons, you may try increased artificial lubrication and/or seeing a doctor. Why female sexual anatomy is important to Sex IQ Whether you are a woman or a man who has sex with women, knowledge of female sexual anatomy is a must-have in your sex life. The sexual anatomy of a woman is not only a mystery to some men, some women are also in the dark when it comes to knowing their own genitals. As a woman, knowing how to give yourself sexual pleasure can help you communicate your individual preferences to your partner. As a person who makes love to women, learning about her sexual anatomy can give you a head start in succeeding to give her pleasure — just the way she likes it. During orgasm, a woman's clitoris is retracted - drawn back and in. As a woman becomes excited, her clitoral shaft hardens and increases, however, during the plateau stage, the clitoris begins to retract and by the time she is experiencing an orgasm, the clitoris is fully retracted. After orgasm, the clitoris descends back to its normal state. Male sexual anatomy This area of expertise deals with questions about the male anatomy, and how it functions during sex, or when aroused. You answered 6 out of 6 questions correctly. Here are each of the male sexual anatomy questions, followed by explanations of their correct answers. Male sexual anatomy 3. Which is the most common penis size, when erect? 3 to 5 inches 5 to 7 inches 7 to 9 inches 9 out of 10 men have a penis that measures between 5 and 7 inches when erect. Many men worry that their penis does not measure up, but in reality, size is not what matters. People prefer different sizes or even thicknesses and some people just don't care about size at all. Since you can't really change the size of your penis without surgery, the best option is generally to love and accept what you have and focus on finding out what truly gives you and your partner sexual pleasure. You will probably find that you get little complaint with that approach — no matter what size you are! 5. When a man gets cold, his testicles: Rise toward his torso Lower away from his torso Remain where they are When a man gets cold — whether swimming in cold water, or being out in cold weather — his testicles will rise toward his torso. This is because proper sperm production takes place in the testicles at 4 to 5 degrees below a man's core body temperature. Too cold or too hot and the production of sperm will be compromised. The cremaster muscle functions to pull the testicles closer to the man's body to warm up in the cold or relax to lower the testicles away from the man's body heat in warm environments. 23. A dry orgasm is: A female orgasm A male orgasm through masturbation A male orgasm without ejaculation A low intensity orgasm A dry orgasm is a male orgasm that occurs without an ejaculation. While the majority of men do ejaculate when they have an orgasm, sometimes the ejaculate is absent in the case of pre-pubescent boys and men with prostate disease, spinal cord or nerve injuries. Much more common is a reduced quantity of ejaculate as a man ages or if he has ejaculated multiple times within a short period of time. 29. Typically, how much semen does a man release when he ejaculates? About one teaspoon About one tablespoon About an eighth of a cup About a quarter cup Typically, a man will release about one teaspoon of semen when he ejaculates, although quantity varies from man to man. Just as quantity varies between men, so does color, texture, taste, smell, and the velocity with which it shoots out of the body when coming. These qualities of semen are largely influenced by genetics; however, some say that what a man eats can have an effect on his flavor. 40. How much of a man's ejaculate is made up of sperm cells? 90% 60% 30% 10% While with each ejaculation a man releases millions of sperm, only about 10% of a man's ejaculate is comprised of sperm cells. The other 90% of the fluid is referred to as seminal plasma and contains about thirty different substances which vary in amount and quantity by man. Part of the seminal plasma produced by the seminal vesicles provides nourishment for the sperm in the form of sugars. Part of it is produced by the prostate gland to protect the sperm from the acidic environment of the vagina and uterus. And yet another portion is produced by the Cowper's gland to provide lubrication in the man's urethra to speed the sperm along the path. 43. Which of the following will not increase the amount of semen that a man ejaculates? Drinking more fluids Waiting longer between ejaculations Increasing ejaculatory control All of the above The quantity a man ejaculates will not be increased by drinking more fluids. However, he can increase the amount through waiting longer between ejaculations and increasing his ejaculatory control — both will act to build up the volume before he orgasms. Waiting longer between ejaculations increases the volume by allowing his body to produce more sperm and seminal fluid; the longer he waits to ejaculate, the more fluid he will have. To increase his ejaculatory control, a man needs to practice bringing himself almost to the point of orgasm and then backing off. Because his body readies itself to come each time it nears orgasm, by reaching the point just before orgasm and backing off a few times, his body will have built up more fluid when he finally does allow himself to orgasm. Why male sexual anatomy is important to Sex IQ Whether you are a man or a woman who has sex with men, knowledge of male sexual anatomy is a must-have in your sex life. Contrary to common belief, not all men have the same preferences for the way they like to be touched sexually. As a man, knowing how to give yourself sexual pleasure can help you communicate your individual preferences to your partner. As a person who makes love to men, learning about his sexual anatomy can give you a head start in succeeding to give him pleasure — just the way he likes it. There is a "point of no return" just before a man orgasms when it is not possible for a man to stop himself from ejaculating. While a man can learn to control his ejaculation timing, once he is within seconds of coming, there is absolutely nothing he can do to stop the ejaculation. This is known as the moment of ejaculatory inevitability. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) This area of expertise deals with questions about sexually transmitted diseases, how to prevent them, and interesting stats about them. You answered 6 out of 6 questions correctly. Here are each of the STD questions, followed by explanations of their correct answers. STDs 9. Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases is currently at an all time low? Chlamydia Gonorrhea Herpes Syphilis The reported rate of syphilis in the United States is at the lowest level since reporting began in 1941. Since the introduction of penicillin and the efforts of the government to combat sexually transmitted diseases, syphilis has come near to being eliminated. If syphilis is treated, the progression of the disease is preventable and it can be cured with basic medical care. If the disease goes untreated, it can lead to genital ulcers, cardiovascular and neurological diseases, and blindness. 16. If you are HIV-positive, it means you have AIDS. True False If a person is HIV-positive, it does not mean that they have AIDS. AIDS stands for "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome" and is a separate diagnosis that is reached after the body has been weakened to the point that it has difficulty fighting off certain "opportunistic infections." There are medical treatments that can slow down the weakening of the body's immune system due to infection of HIV. 24. Forty percent of Chlamydia cases are reported amongst persons aged: 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 0ver 35 Forty percent of Chlamydia cases are reported amongst persons aged 15-19. Chlamydia is especially dangerous to women. If left untreated, a woman can develop PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) which can render her infertile. In addition, a woman who has an untreated case of Chlamydia is 3 to 5 times more likely to contract HIV. Chlamydia can be easily cured with antibiotics once a diagnosis has been made. This argues for getting regular testing for STDs if you are sexually active — the sooner you know whether you have a case of Chlamydia, the better. 26. If a mosquito bites a person who is HIV-positive and then bites you right afterwards, is it possible for you to get HIV? True False No, you cannot get HIV from being bitten by a mosquito. After a mosquito sucks blood from one person, they generally travel to a resting spot to digest the blood. Even if they did bite another person immediately, there would not be enough blood on their mouthparts to infect the second person and they do not inject the previous person's blood into the second person. Instead, they inject their own saliva to lubricate their feeding. Other diseases, such as malaria, can be transmitted through certain mosquito's saliva, but this is not the case with HIV. 30. A Hepatitis infection causes inflammation of the: Urethra Gastro-intestinal tract Liver Ovaries/testicles A Hepatitis infection causes inflammation of the liver. Of the five major types of Hepatitis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C can be transmitted through sexual activity where there is an exchange of blood, saliva, semen or vaginal secretions. Symptoms appear gradually over time and eventually cause chronic liver problems. Hepatitis A (which you can get through eating contaminated foods) and Hepatitis B (which can be sexually transmitted) can be prevented by getting vaccinated. Currently, there are no vaccines for Hepatitis C or E, but Hepatitis D is effectively prevented by getting vaccinated for Hepatitis B, given that there is not an existing Hepatitis B infection. 41. Which of the following STDs is not curable, even if caught in the early stages? Chlamydia Gonorrhea Herpes Syphilis Safer sex practices This area of expertise deals with questions about minimizing your risk of disease when having sex. You answered 5 out of 6 questions correctly. Here are each of the safer sex questions, followed by explanations of their correct answers. Safer sex practices 10. Which is the best place to keep condoms with you while you are on-the-go? Glove compartment of your car In a small box In your wallet Thrown into your bag loose Of these options, the best place to store condoms when you are on the go is in a small box. Condoms are best when kept in a cool, dry place. The more exposed they are to the elements (air, heat, light), the more likely they are to break. Always store your condoms someplace that will keep them away from any sharp objects and keep them from being rubbed against. The problem with keeping condoms in your wallet or loose in the bottom of your bag is that they are very likely to get abraded or punctured by too much friction or sharp objects, such as pens or keys. Keeping condoms in the glove compartment puts them at risk for overheating as well as being punctured by whatever else you shove into the glove box. No matter where you keep your condoms, be sure to replace them when they reach their expiration date. 11. If you are going to have sex in a hot tub with a latex condom, which lubricant should you use? Saliva Massage oil Water-based lubricant Silicone-based lubricant Based on the information given in this question, a silicone-based lubricant is the best choice. You probably would not want to choose a water-based lube or saliva because the water in the hot tub will dilute and disperse it, leaving the condom and the area to be penetrated effectively "dry." Of course, everything will be "wet" because of the water, but this is not the same as being lubricated. Lubrication is slippery, water is not. After eliminating water-based lube and saliva from the choices, you are left with massage oil and silicone-based lubricants, both of which will not come off in the water. Since a latex condom is being used, massage oil — or any oil-based lube — is a bad choice because the oil will cause the latex to break down and provide insufficient protection against pregnancy and STDs. The remaining option is a silicone-based lubricant, which are better than water-based lubes at staying wet and not getting sticky as well as holding up in water. You can find silicone-based lubricants for sale at erotic boutiques, sex toy shops, or online shops that ship products in plain brown boxes. 18. What should you avoid doing just before performing oral sex on a new partner? Take a shower Use the restroom Brush and floss your teeth Wash your hands Brushing or flossing your teeth irritates your gums, sometimes causing small amounts of bleeding, which puts you at increased risk for contracting several types of sexually transmitted diseases while performing oral sex, especially fellatio. While your chances of getting an STD from unprotected oral sex is lower than it is from having unprotected penis-vagina sex, it is better to be safe than sorry. You can use barriers for both cunnilingus (try a dental dam or saran wrap) and fellatio (use an unlubricated condom), which will also significantly reduce your risk level. 36. Which lubricant will destroy a latex condom? Saliva Massage oil Water-based lubricant Silicone-based lubricant Never, ever use an oil-based lubricant with a latex barrier, such as a condom or glove. Oil-based lubricants include massage oil, petroleum jelly (Vaseline), mineral oil, baby oil, and most lotions. If you use one of these or other oil-based products with a latex barrier, the interaction between oil and latex will cause the latex to start breaking down. This significantly weakens the barrier, making leakages more likely. Leakages of bodily fluids — even very small leakages — pose a risk for contracting many different sexually transmitted diseases. Make sure your barrier method is as effective as you intend it to be by using a water-based or silicone-based lubricant with latex. 42. Nonoxynol-9, found in some condoms, is effective as an STD preventative. True False Be careful if the condom you are using to protect yourself against STDs is coated with Nonoxynol-9. Not only does Nonoxynol-9 not prevent STDs, it can make it easier for some diseases to be transmitted. This is because Nonoxynol-9 can cause small tears in fragile mucous membranes (such as in the vagina or anus) that act as doorways to diseases. Some persons may not experience this level of sensitivity to Nonoxynol-9, but it is common enough to raise concern. On the other hand, Nonoxynol-9 performs well as a contraceptive and if your main concern is to prevent pregnancy, a condom with a coating of Nonoxynol-9 may be the best choice for you. 45. If you don't know the HIV status of your sexual partner(s), which is usually less risky? Using condoms carefully and consistently with multiple partners Not using a condom or other barrier with a single partner Sex techniques This area of expertise deals with questions about having and giving better sex. You answered 6 out of 6 questions correctly. Here are each of the sex techniques questions, followed by explanations of their correct answers. Sex techniques 4. The G-spot is a sexually sensitive area: Inside a vagina Outside a vagina On the underside of a penis Anywhere on the body The G-spot is a sexually sensitive area inside a vagina. You can find a woman's G-spot by inserting your finger into her vagina about 2 inches, with your finger pointing up toward her abdomen. You will probably feel a small area of spongy tissue — this is the G-spot! To stimulate the G-spot, curl your finger and extend it repeatedly, making a kind of "come hither" gesture with your finger. Ask her how it feels and if she wants the stimulation to change or stop. Some women don't like G-spot stimulation, while others find it absolutely orgasmic. It is also true that some women will ejaculate when their G-spot is stimulated. 19. You can do pelvic muscle exercises to increase your sexual pleasure. True False This is true! If you aren't already toning your puboccocceygeus (PC) muscle, there's no time like the present. Strengthening your PC muscles is easy and it makes you more aware of your genitals, makes orgasms stronger, and gives men more control over when they ejaculate. It's easy to find and practice using your PC muscle: Next time you urinate, try stopping the stream of urine before your bladder is empty. The muscle you used to do this is your PC muscle. You can exercise this muscle by clenching and releasing it quickly (just as you did when urinating) 30-100 times. After you have practiced for awhile, you can try holding the muscle for longer periods of time. You can exercise your PC muscle at any time — no one will know what you are doing. Over time, and with practice and patience, your PC muscle will get stronger. 25. Which of the following doesn't supply its own lubricant? Mouth Vagina Anus They are all naturally lubricated The anus does not supply its own lubricant. In fact, the anus and rectum are absorbent and require lots of artificial lubrication when doing any sort of anal penetration. That means, anytime you penetrate the anus with a finger, a sex toy, or a penis, you need to use lots and lots of lube. The anus and rectum are very delicate and tears in the tissue are a common effect of using too little lubricant. Start off using more lubricant than you think you need, then apply more lubricant as time wears on and the lube begins to dry out and be absorbed. 32. Which of the following is considered "fisting?" Putting a hand completely inside a partner's: Anus Vagina Either Neither Fisting is when one person puts a hand completely inside a vagina (vaginal fisting) or anus (anal fisting) of another person. Fisting takes time, patience, and lots of trust. However, many people who have succeeded at receiving a whole hand vaginally or anally say that the experience is phenomenal. If you are interested in fisting, make sure you talk to your partner about it in advance of trying it and take it slow, checking in with your partner often to make sure you are both comfortable. 37. Which is not a phase in the progression of the Masters & Johnson sexual response cycle? Excitement Ascension Plateau Orgasm Resolution Ascension is not one of the four phases of the sexual response cycle as defined by Masters and Johnson. The four phases are: Excitement, when the body first becomes sexually aroused — the breath and heart rate quicken, blood flow increases causing erection and hardened nipples. Plateau, when the body is on the brink of orgasm — the clitoris and testicles withdraw, muscles tense up or may experience contractions. Orgasm, when the body releases the sexual energy that has built in the previous phases — the genitals undergo a series of rhythmic contractions, sexual tension releases forcefully. Resolution, when the body recovers from the sexual encounter and returns to the normal, non-aroused state — swelling reduces, heart rate and breath return to normal, a general feeling of relaxation occurs. Both men and women experience these four phases in sequence, although intensity and length of phases varies by person. In addition to the four phases, a man also experiences something known as the refractory period. The is the time after orgasm when he is unable to have another orgasm. The refractory period can be quite short, or it could last several hours. 44. If a man masturbates to orgasm an hour or two before having sex, will he be less likely to have a "pre-mature" ejaculation? Yes No It's true that if a man masturbates to orgasm an hour or two before having sex, he will be less likely to have a "pre-mature" ejaculation. Many men find that it takes longer for them to come when they've already come recently. However, if a man is not experiencing difficulties with pre-mature ejaculation, masturbating so near the time when he has sex may make it more difficult for him to reach orgasm. Why sex techniques are important to Sex IQ Learning how to make sex more fun and more pleasurable is a lifelong pursuit. As you get into the flow of your sex life, your tastes will likely change and evolve, even if only slightly, over time. Allowing yourself to go with your desires and follow your curiosities can lead you to some surprising and unexpected discoveries. Give yourself permission to find out what you like when it comes to sex. BDSM is shorthand for bondage and discipline (BD), domination and submission (DS), and sadomasochistic play (SM). Generally, BDSM scenes are negotiated in advance between responsible and consenting adults and safety is very seriously considered. BDSM activities commonly include one of three elements: Role play, Control play, or Pain play and can incorporate sex play (or not), depending on the relationship between participants. Communication This area of expertise deals with the ability to identify what you and your partner want, and how to communicate that during sex. You answered 3 out of 3 questions correctly. Here are each of the sex communication questions, followed by explanations of their correct answers. Communication 1. If you know the right techniques, you don't need to ask your partner if they're enjoying it. True False False. Since people enjoy a wide array of stimulation — some like soft, teasing touches while others like hard, aggressive grabs — you aren't likely to know what they really like without asking them to give you feedback. Sure, some feedback is in moans and other non-verbal signals, but when in doubt, ask. Polishing up on your techniques is a great thing to do, but realize that even your most practiced sexual trick will likely need to be modified to suit the lover you are with. 12. All women like cuddling after sex. True False False. Many women enjoy cuddling after sex, as do many men. Some women don't enjoy cuddling after sex. It is an individual preference. The best way to find out if a woman likes to cuddle after sex is to ask her. She may like to cuddle, she may not, or maybe she likes to cuddle some of the time but not all of the time. After you know where you each stand, you can try to come to an agreement that feels good to both of you. Because people have different needs, it is a mistake to make assumptions about them based on generalizations about things like gender. 28. All men like receiving oral sex. True False False. Most men enjoy receiving oral sex, but not all men do. If you are great at fellatio and love to give men oral sex, you may be surprised — or even disappointed — some day when you meet a man who does not appreciate your talents. If you go into a sexual encounter knowing that there isn't one thing that absolutely everyone likes, you will likely be more focused on finding out what the man (or woman) you are with likes. The more you focus on what they like, the more excited and sexually satisfied they are likely to be. a
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