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Hello once again. I wanted to talk to you all today about what has recently happened to me. Just last week, I had a job interview with an insurance company called Combined. Now, I did not know what I was applying to, until I got the interview. At first, I thought it would be just an office job working at one of their offices. But, as the interviewing process happened, there were four parts to the interview I might add, I realized I ran into what it looks like a blessing. I saw I found myself in a wonderful opportunity; a job that is going to be my last job ever, and a job that is IBO friendly as well. The job I will be doing is going to our customers, picking up payments, extending their plans, and even selling new plans to them. This insurance company really caters more to huge companies and businesses, but also have some personal plans for people as well. I am very grateful for landing something like this, being that I have been wanting to get a better job for the past few months now. As I said there were four parts to the interviewing process that I had to endure; first off, there was the general interview, which was basic like any other interview for a job. Then, I had to take an aptitude test, to see how I analyze information, and I scored way above average from what they said, even though I didn’t finish the test. Then, I got to spend last Saturday with the District Manager on a day at the job. It was actually pretty cool. And finally, this past Monday I had an interview with the head manager and it turned out well, well enough for me to get the job! Now I get to enjoy my last week of freedom until Sunday comes along and I get to go to Glenview to their school where I will be getting trained for three weeks, staying at a nice hotel, with all meals and board paid for. Fun stuff, eh? I thought all of what was going to go on, and I realized that this is the best thing for me to build my business up to where I can retire from this job in about five years or even less. I know my mentors are going to say about this may take too much away from my business, but the amount of time that is going to be taken away is only three weeks. It is a five day a week job, 8 to 5, and once in a while evenings and weekends, which are not even a lot of time. With the driving that I am doing, I can build up a huge network of people on my team, while I make money with insurance clients. This is the best job for the position I am in, and I can owe this great debt to the team I became part of. This team has given me the strength to prove myself in such a big way, and now I am going to be reaping the rewards from what I have learned. All I know is, for the next three weeks at the school, I will be listening to the CD’s I got from my business and get educated on being an insurance agent! I feel as though that I have been blessed greatly, and now I can start seeing my dreams coming true. I will try to type some blogs while my time at the school. Also, I wanted to touch on my great blog about the difference between a Sox fan and a Cub fan, I knew it would ruffle some feathers of a few. Perhaps some people couldn’t handle the truth so easily. But oh well, there will be even crazier blogs to come, so hang on.

This is in response to a cam I saw on YouTube, where there was this lady talking about being in a marketing group similar to what I am in and saying they’re not what they talk about. She was saying that what the head people on her marketing team talked about is ninety percent hype, it was nothing but a crock and so on. After hearing her say of this about network marketing, I wanted to leave her a real nasty message in response, but I resisted and decided I should talk about my opinion on regards to what she was saying. Now, when this lady was talking about what they said at the conventions are “ninety” percent hype, that means really all the information they are telling you is no more than hype if you simply do not apply what they are teaching you. I mean, it’s no different when you take college courses or reading a how to book, if you don’t apply the knowledge, it’s merely useless. That knowledge just becomes a waste of brain space that could be used for something else. Also, she was talking about not following her mentors around because she’s not some dog that follows it’s master, I just wanted to snap. Most of those mentors she was talking about probably make more money in a week than what she makes in a year, and it’s only an option for them to have people hang around with them. What does she thinks they are going to do, automatically go to her house and teach them everything they know to her once she got registered? I’m sorry, like I said, those mentors are doing what they do as an option only, they made their money and if they really wanted to they can go “Fend for yourself now” without thinking about it. That lady should be grateful to be around wealthy people, because what she doesn’t realize is that who you hang around with is who you become, and being around wealthy people and getting that wealth mentality is valuable to gain. I mean, this is something have to realize; you may not know it, but your circle of friends that you deal with you gain influence from and it is acquired into your mind on how you act and think. When any of the big people in the group I’m part of is at somewhere doing a training session or just hanging out, I promise you that I will be there any chance I get. Then, she began to talk about the CD’s and the books she bought and saying they’re a waste of money and so on. She’s nuts, those CD’s are basically having a millionaire telling you how they got to where they are, and most of those are really not that expensive either. I mean, spending about seven or eight bucks to here a millionaire telling you how get to where they are to me is a bargain. Also, there are the books. I mean, even if someone quits at network marketing, those books are compatible to any endeavor they do afterward. I hate it especially when people talk negative about self improvement books, I can remember even before I got involved in the business I bought some Robert Kiyosaki books, and I was reading one of them and someone saw me doing this and began to talk about becoming rich. He started saying, “Well, I see you’re helping Mr. Kiyosaki get rich, you bought his books.” But there’s a difference on helping the author getting rich and you actually getting rich from their books, if you’re not applying what is being talked about, then you’re only helping the author get rich. However, if you say read some of their books, I’ll go with thirty dollars worth of books, and you start getting into some business endeavors and in a year make $250,000, I would say it was a great investment. But all in all, whatever information you gain, it’s really all up to you on how you use it. However, if it is not applied, then it becomes hype, only information taking up brain space.

Nowadays, the government are getting way too much into how families should teach their children how to be. I mean, with our society becoming more “politically correct”, it’s making it to where if you just pinch your child you’ll get in trouble with the law. About a year ago, the state of Massachusetts was trying to make it illegal for parents to spank their children. I don’t know if it went through, but I think that is ridiculous. I know it is illegal in Sweden to spank your child, so I will never be living there. So what is a parent suppose to do if their child is getting in trouble, just talk to them, I mean, probably even yelling at them might constitute to verbal abuse. However, I can understand if there is a child getting abused by their parents, then yes, the law should be called in. But if there is a child that got into some kind of trouble and they need to be disciplined, them saying they’re going to call the police if they get spanked is uncalled for. That’s the problem with what is going on, people are over-exploiting stories about children getting physically abused by their parents. Along with kids hearing this, they think spanking is abuse so they can call the police if that happens to them. Also, there has been talk from so called doctors that say if you spank you’re child, they are more likely to get into more trouble than what they were doing. I don’t think that is true, because I remember when I was child and if I got spanked, I stopped whatever I was doing that caused that to happen. To me, what the kids that do call the police to prevent them from being spanked is going to ruin kids that are actually getting abused, because if they call the police, they are going to think, “Oh, that kid must have gotten in trouble and they’re trying to get out of getting spanked.” Plus, I don’t understand this whole prescription drug use among young kids. It seems as though if a child is hyper, all of a sudden he or she is diagnosed with some disorder, most commonly ADD, or HADD or whatever they call these stupid disorders. I can remember when a child was hyper, it was because they have had too much sugar! So, as a result, the parent will cut off their supply and if they whined, then they would get spanked. Now, kids are given these drugs that pretty much make them either pass out or brain dead zombies. It almost as though the government want children to be addicted to prescription drugs, so when they get older, they just become mindless beings and be much easier to control. It like the government wants to make everyone the same, to think inside the box, and not think for themselves, which the government is starting to target kids at a very young age. I remember I used to take some of those medications, like Zoloft and Serenquil, and I felt worse than how I originally was. Never in my life I felt like a paralyzed person, mentally. I immediately stopped taking the medicine, because it seemed that the doctor wanted me to get hooked on the crap so I can buy more. Then, I realized that the condition I had was just in my mind. It nothing that meditation cannot cure, and along with some great self help books. But I am seeing are country going down a wrong direction on disciplining our future leaders. I am almost scared to think how the future is going to be, considering that these kids whom cry abuse if they’re about to get spanked or drugged up on whatever prescription assigned to them are going to be the people that are going to be taking care of me when I get old. The government does not need to intervene with how parents teach their children. It will only make a bad situation worse.

This past week was almost like being in college again, only more cramming. As any of you didn’t know, I was hand picked to go up to Glenview, IL to get trained to become a licensed Insurance Agent, or they would like to call them “Producers.” Let me tell you, this past week was nuts. First off, the Sunday I was coming up to Glenview from Kankakee was not too bad, until reaching around 65th St. on the Dan Ryan and it was a complete standstill on the road. I mean, seriously, it looked like rush hour, at it was Sunday! Then, after getting off the expressway, I used some bogus directions I got from Goggle maps and got for an hour! Word of advice, do not ever use Goggle maps. I was suppose to be there between the times of 5:00 to 7:00, and I didn’t show up until about ten minutes before nine at night. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to check in, but in good faith, the times didn’t matter and I got to go into my hotel room. Also, I had a roommate, he was pretty cool, an older guy from Michigan. Anyways, I couldn’t sleep good that night due to my nerves being all shot up, so it made the next day fun. Then, around five in the morning, I started getting ready, and that was when I found out about George Carlin passing away, which I was crushed. But either way, I got ready, took the bus to the school, and went to class. There were five people in my class, and I was youngest one! I had to give the teacher some packets I obtained from my interviewer, and then it was time learn. The teacher was pretty cool, it was pretty much learning about all the different kinds of insurance and the laws on the practice of insurance selling. Well, the first day was bad for me, I mean, being I didn’t get any sleep the previous night took a huge toll for me. I wasn’t clicking at all, even coffee wasn’t doing anything for me. The class session lasted eight hours, and then after class I got study for another four hours! Hurray for me! But that wasn’t it, during that class, the teacher said I was supposed to be paired with someone in my class with the hotel room, and I wasn’t, in fact, no one in the class was. So, after the class was over and got back to the hotel, I had to move all the stuff I brought to my new room, which was only down the hallway. However, the next day I managed a good night sleep, and even got up at 5:00 with no problems. The second day is now where it got pretty interesting: on Monday the environment the trainers were showing us seemed to be like we were in the “Disneyland” of the corporate world, because everyone was smiling and friendly and all that good junk. Well, needless to say, that was flushed down the tubes when just before the class was out for the day, our teacher was asked to go out of the class to talk to someone, and in a few minutes after that, she came back pretty upset and started packing up all of her belongings and left. After she left, everyone in the class stopped working on the homework and we just started going about, “What Happened?” Then, after about ten to fifteen minutes after our teacher left, two people cam into the class and loathe and behold, they said our teacher was leaving due to personal reasons and our replacement was the man who designed the training course! So, talk about a change in events or what? So now we have a new instructor and everyone was supposedly back to normal and so on, but dam nit I was getting used to the other instructor’s teaching style, and now I have to adjust to a new person? Man, so anyways we continue on our training for the week and we’re just cramming away for our big test on Friday, it was sort taking me some time to learn all this information pretty quickly, but I still kept soldiering on shoveling all the stuff I was to know. However, as they said Friday was the day to test, the seat for testing were all full! So that meant only two of the students got to do the test on Friday, and the rest on Saturday. Guess when I got to test, on Saturday. At least it gave me an extra day to soak more info into my head. Then Saturday rolls around, and I have to drive in Schaumburg, which is only about fifteen miles away from the hotel, and take the lovely exam. I think getting to the testing facility was the easiest thing of the week! Anyway, I took the exam, there were two parts to it, the General Information on Insurance and the Laws connected to Insurance. I did good and bad, I did good on the law because I passed on that part, but I failed the General Information. I got a 68 on that part, and the passing score was 70. AHHHH! Well, I have talked to a couple people about it, and there was this one girl that had the same exact score as I did and they let her take the test again during the next week, so I guess I can be relieved about that, but I have to pay another exam fee. The cost to do an exam is $103, which I had to pay already for the first time, and now I got to pay another one. YAY! At least, however, I only have to take the insurance part of the exam, and not the law being I passed that one. So, after returning to the hotel, I called my instructor about my results, being that he said to do so afterward, and went to the whirlpool at the hotel to soak myself in some water and loosen my tighten muscles. This week, though, as been sort of a learning time for me, not just for insurance, but as to where I am in life. For the past five to six years now, the jobs I have had became more upscale, more professional. It seems like I am climbing up the success stairwell one step at a time, slowly but surely. Then, during the week, something just hit me; I am in the Big Leagues now. I mean, I am in a level of the working place that a lot of people tried to get into, but failed and quit, but I still have a Minor League attitude on things. I think it’s time for me to change my view on work and play with the Big League players. For this, I do have to owe a great appreciation to the people that supported me on this journey, but most of all, the LTD team that I am part of. I think if it wasn’t for them, the interview I had would have been a disaster. Either way, this is going to be the job I am going Diamond with. There’s no turning back now, my goal is set, and the best part of this, I am going to take my best friends for the ride.

Man, when I heard for this, I almost started to cry. It happened this past Monday when the news came on that George Carlin, at the age of seventy-one, died from heart failure. It’s an end of an era, the man who stood up to conservatives and spoke his mind. George Carlin broke all kinds of barriers throughout his career, using his wit and knowledge taught from an early age. He was the man that kept the torch that Lenny Bruce started in the mid 1950’s, and soldiered on with it till his death. Without him, there would be no Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks, Steven Wright, Mitch Hedberg, and the list goes on. Almost at the beginning of birth, Carlin was deemed to make some noise. He was born on May 12, 1937 in Manhattan, New York. He grew up in a neighborhood called Morningside Heights, which the resides called in short “White Harlem”, because it sounded tougher. Carlin grew up in a Roman Catholic environment, which he was of Irish decent, and was raised mostly by his mother due to his father leaving the both of them when he was two years old. As a child, Carlin was exposed to the reality of life, as he noted what his grandfather would tell him, “I’m going upstairs to fuck your grandmother.” He said the reason behind it was that his grandfather was an honest man and wasn’t going to bullshit a four year old. Also, Carlin was a trouble maker in his youth. While in Junior High, he got expelled for selling a kid pieces of erasers and telling him it was heroin. Carlin was expelled and would end up jumping from school to school until dropping out at seventeen to join the Air Force. There, he studied to be a Radar Technician, and also was a disc jockey for a local radio station where he was stationed at nearby Shreveport, LA. After three years of service, Carlin was discharged for being an “unproductive airman” by his superiors. In 1959, he met Jack Burns and the two of them became a comedy team while both were working at a radio station in Fort Worth, TX. Performing around the city, the two captured huge success at a local beat coffeehouse called The Cellar. Then, in 1960, Carlin and Burns decided to move to California to gain a wider audience. They made an audition tape for the radio station in Hollywood called The Wright Brothers, and ended up getting a spot on the station for three months. As the two worked at the station, they worked on their material by performing at local beatnik coffeehouse in the area. With their popularity increasing, Carlin and Burns recorded an album called Live at the Playboy Club Tonight. The two would continue to perform together for two more years until parting ways. During his touring, Carlin would meet his wife Brenda Hosbrook. They would end up getting married in 1961, and in 1963 his daughter and only child, Kelly, was born. In the 1960’s saw Carlin becoming a popular comic, appearing on The Ed Sullivan Show, The Tonight Show, and on the comedy show Away We Go. In 1967, he would record his first comedy album, Take Offs and Put Ons. Also, during this time Carlin sported a more conservative look, wearing suits and keeping clean cut. It wasn’t until a performance in Las Vegas in 1969 where Carlin began to cuss at the audience, which consisted of older people and wealthy business people. It was here that a turning point came to Carlin’s future performance as a comic. In the following year, Carlin began sporting a beard and wearing faded jeans in place of the suits, which resulted in losing some TV bookings. His performance on The Ed Sullivan Show in the early 1970’s entitled “Hair Piece”, showed renewed popularity and would set track to what was to come. In 1972, Carlin would shock the airwaves by releasing his album Class Clown, which featured his famous skit, Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television. While performing in Milwaukee, he was arrested for violating the obscenity laws that resulted in a dismissal for causing no disturbance. This caused Carlin’s skit to be broadcasted on the radio in the afternoon, where a father of a child complained to the FCC about his son hearing it. The Supreme Court upheld the action by the FCC with a vote of five to four, that the routine was indecent but not obscene, so as a result the broadcast of the skit was to times when children were not asleep. The controversy would lead to a Supreme Court case in 1978, FCC vs. Pacifica Foundation, to challenged the seven words that were considered obscene. It would result in the words still being obscene, but Carlin’s popularity mushroomed in the 1970’s. He would appear in the first episode of Saturday Night Live in 1975 as their host, and in 1976 and 1977 would appear regularly on the variety show Tony Orlando & Dawn. In 1982 and 1983, Carlin would perform at Carnegie Hall that would result in an HBO special, Carlin at Carnegie. As his popularity was still rising, Carlin began to appear in numerous movies. His breakout hit came in 1987 with the movie Outrageous Fortune and in the same year would appear in Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. The 1990’s also saw Carlin appear in children shows such as Shining Time Station as the conductor from 1991 to 1993 , narrating on the show Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends until 1998, and appearing in the TV special Mr. Conductor’s Thomas Tales in 1996. Also, Carlin would appear in movies such as the sequel to Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey in 1991 and in the same year Prince of Tides. Against his wishes, Carlin would host a sitcom series The George Carlin Show, appearing as a taxi driver named George O’Grady. The show ran twenty-seven episodes in 1994 until it was cancelled after the first season was over. In 1997, Carlin would release his first book, Brain Droppings, which became an immediate best seller in that year and would continue to sell in the years to come. However, it was also a year when his wife, Brenda, would die from liver cancer just before his sixtieth birthday. It would be in 1998 when Carlin remarried to Sally Wade. The tale end of the 1990’s would feature Carlin in two Kevin Smith movies Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and in Dogma played a Roman Catholic Priest. In 2001, Carlin received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 15th Annual American Comedy Awards, and in 2003 would appear in another Kevin Smith movie, Jersey Girl. But in 2004, Carlin would again have problems in Las Vegas, when he got fired from his headlining position at the MGM Grand Hotel after an altercation with the audience. His set was poorly received by the audience, due to the content he was talking about that included suicide bombings and beheadings. Then, after being fired, Carlin said he couldn’t wait to “get out of this fucking hotel”, and began to insult people that go to Las Vegas just giving their money to the corporations that run it. Afterward, Carlin would enter in rehab for his alcoholism and addiction to pain killers. In 2006 saw Carlin going back into the children’s shows with the movie Cars, doing the voice of VW motorbus hippie. In 2008, he would appear in his last HBO special called It’s Bad for Ya, which featured topics on American Bullshit, Death, Old Age, and Child Rearing. Then, four days before his death, the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington DC announced Carlin as a nominee for the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. After his death, the committee talked to the Carlin family that he will be receiving the award, making it the first posthumous recipient. The legacy that George Carlin opposed on pop culture was that of different views. Some say he was too offensive on putting his point across, or he was the one responsible for opening the floodgates for profanity on the television, books, music, and even in some newspapers. I can see this being true, but I always saw how the language was being used. To me, George Carlin brought a new form of comedy, talking about society’s flaws and even at times addressing them through his skits, which was never been done before with the exception of Lenny Bruce. However, the difference between Carlin and Bruce was that Carlin was able to relate to an audience much better than Bruce, whom seem to insult just about everyone. Also, Carlin challenged conservative politics by simply revealing them, to show how dumb society can be. His religious views I wouldn’t agree upon, however, that was his opinion.

Man, it is done. After three weeks of pulverizing, cramming, beating into the head’s worth of information, I am now a licensed insurance agent. It was a long, strange trip, but it’s now complete. Now, at the start of next week, I go into the field to perform my skills I was trained to do with my District Manager. I’ll have to clean my car up and tune it up for some serious driving. I am so grateful to get such a great job like Combined Insurance. I mean, this is the perfect job to use to build my business. First off, I will be doing some driving all around the counties in my area; Kankakee, Will, Iroquois, Vermillion, and Ford. This is a perfect way to get an awesome network me to go Diamond in my business. Also, Combined Insurance has almost the same levels of achievement as what by business does, so my goal is to go Diamond in both endeavors. I even get a ring when become a Diamond, or they call it Grand Diamond, but it is quite a bit smaller than the ring I get in LTD. It is a nice ring, but smaller and much cheaper than that of the gigantic ring that LTD gives me when I achieve Diamond. And too, Combined goes by the same exact principles LTD goes by, or at least they say they do. Either way, this the job I am going Diamond, with an income of an average of $1,000 a week, I can keep my PV level at 300 every month, build a team with all the area I cover, and just build some serious belief. Now, some of you may think, “Well Bryan, you have a great job that has such a great package of benefits and money on top of that, why do you want to fool around with some business on the side?” I’ll tell you why, yes, the money is good and I can live comfortably without the business I am in, but as I said before, I am not signing my own paycheck, and therefore, I am not in control of my cash flow. You always have to remember, even if you make such much money that it’s coming out of your ears, if you are not signing the paycheck that means someone else is in control and they can take it away from you anytime they like. If may not it’s true, oh believe me, it’s true. In fact, the state of Illinois says any business can terminate an employee without reason. If you don’t believe me, look in the Illinois constitution. I mean, Combined seems like a great company, but I saw the other side of them when the teacher of my first class got fired literally in front of not only me, but by the rest of the classes eyes. Before that had happened, the company was making out that it was a heaven for corporations, but in the end, heaven has no place in the corporate world, the devil rules the roost. Finally, another reason why I am not giving up my business is simply this: my business was the reason why I got this opportunity. LTD gave me the strength and ability to overcome fear and doubt in my life to accomplish this such feat. I am forever in debt with LTD, if you thought that no one could pull me away from them before, the glue has gotten much more stickier now because no one can tell me to quit. I see this as a path to freedom, a path for financial independence. Just think, to not live your based around a dollar bill, it can be done. That is one of my goal, I mean, I don’t want to be rich just so I can tell everyone I am rich, or compare money on a table to say, “My stack is bigger than yours!”, I want to be rich so I can never make a decision based on a dollar bill again. I just to be able to do something, and not think how much it’s going to cost me or will this make me go broke. All it does is take financial responsibility and changing your thought process. Even if there are people that don’t want to do what I am doing as far as my business goes, I would love to help people accomplish their path to financial glory. However, I’ll automatically tell them that the business I am in is the best vehicle for that, but if there is a venture someone wants to do, I would help them as much as possible and give them the proper tools to accomplish so. Anyway, I think I may have gone on a tangent here about my business, but it seems good anyhow. As far as the training went, it was like being in a college course and boot camp at the same time. The trainer literally pour information into your faster than you can get it to stick. Plus, the stupid license exam I kept getting a sixty-eight when the passing score was seventy. I think I was the only person ever in their history to get two straight sixty-eight scores, and the environment I was in taking the exam was in what it looked like was a prison. I mean, there were cameras almost in every direction, you had to put all of your personal belongs from your pockets into a locker so you cannot cheat. However, I snuck in my shamrock and cross for luck the third time, because I did not want to be back in there again! Also, I prayed, not just once but twice, which helped considerably as well. And then, on the third try, I passed with flying colors. I take it three times the charm, and thank God because those tests are not cheap. The licensing tests are $103 a pop, but I will have that paid back in a matter of a few weeks. The insurance license alone is $180, and it has to be renewed every two years. I think I am going to keep it even after I retire from the insurance industry, it will be my backup. I remember one of the trainers was a Cub fan and he kept giving me crap with me liking the White Sox, oh well, there were a ton of Cardinal fans in the class, being a lot of people in the class were from Missouri or southern Illinois, so I had a bit of backup behind me, because my second favorite team is the Cardinals, mainly between them and the Red Sox. Anyway, besides the learning, or more like cramming, the classes and the people were fun. The hotel I stayed in was awesome, it was called the Wingate, a hotel specifically designed for business trips. There was no pool, but a whirlpool that was nice, and the continental breakfast was the best, I don’t think I ever ate that good for breakfast as I did while staying there. All in all, for all the pressure of the learning and tests, I wouldn’t mind doing it again. However, you were not allowed to drink alcohol in the hotel, and you couldn’t bring a woman in your room either. Also, they said that friends and family weren’t allowed to visit you either, which I thought it was weird, but it was their policy. I had no problems with their policies, because I didn’t drink, even when some people were drinking in the bar near the hotel, and I am single and plus I don’t sleep with co-workers. I had a roommate the first week, then he cut after me and him took our licensing exam. I felt bad for him, he failed both parts of the exam we took, while I passed one and failed the other. He said he was leaving to go home for the night and was going to come back the following night, he never showed up. I was suppose to be paired back with another person, but the trainers never really went through it so the remaining two weeks I was solo, which I loved because I had a nice comfortable room to sleep in and keep the temperature like an ice box without someone complaining! In other words, I am grateful, blessed, whatever you want to call it on getting this opportunity. I can see now my goals being accomplished, I feel nothing can stop me. The thing I would have to say about is that no matter what obstacle gets in your way, or who tells you you’re nuts on trying to achieve something, you have to do is protect your dream, hold it in a safe place in your mind, and not let anyone steal it from you. It’s our dreams that keep us going in life, it’s not money, love, or even food, it’s a dream. That is all I have to say about that. By the way, after seeing the power of a prayer, I should pray everyday up until October for the White Sox to win another World Series. Let’s see who God favors more! Ha, just kidding, nah, I think I will do it.

Well, I am back home, barely. For the past month, since getting this job as an insurance agent, I have been away from where I live, literally. As I said before, I was up in Glenview at the school getting some training, which lasted for three weeks, and now I have been in the Danville area for the past two weeks. This coming week, I am going to be in the Quad cities area, on the Illinois side, getting one hundred units signed up to Combined Insurance for some Ardmore week the company has twice a year. At first, I thought this job would be perfect for me; it will manage my time on the field and with my business, I will be free from supervision breathing down my neck, and I can practice my skills on meeting people. Now, it’s starting to look like this job wants me to think only about Combined Insurance and nothing else. I mean, it made as though you cannot have a life other than this, and it’s starting to disappoint me. Thankfully, I got my car tuned and fixed up being I have to drive almost everywhere, but I didn’t want a job that was going to be ten to twelve hours everyday. In the interview, they did say there might be some days that I would have to work twelve hours, but I would not think every week. Man, I don’t know how some of these people that were in my class are getting by, because a lot of them have families to tend to. This company while in the school always kept saying that they support family values, but how are you going to be able to keep a family when you’re gone for weeks on end, and don’t even have a full weekend to take care of family activities? This week is going to be interesting, I am literally going to be working fourteen hour days from Monday to Saturday, trying to sign up as many people as possible. My managers are sugar coating the situation by saying there will be prizes being given away, but I am not even going to think about that. I just hope after this week goes by, I will be away from management and just go out there and do my thing. So now, my goal is this: I am going to make Grand Diamond in their company, just to show I can do this, and then leave, unless they give me a position where I am not going to the outer fringes of society trying to get people to buy insurance. I mean, some of the places I was going to around Danville, these small towns and such, I really stuck out like a soar thumb! Here I was, around a bunch of rednecks and farmers, talking in a southern twang, and I am dressed in a shirt and tie looking and sounding like a city slicker! Oh man, no wonder why no one was interested in insurance, I am an outlander to them. I was being nice and all, and I was not rude at all, but my fast pace style couldn’t handle their down home country slowness. Oh well, I’ll be in Moline this coming week so I should get much better results. Right now, I am studying more on my material for the presentations, and looking forward to a week of some good cash flow. Also, I am planning on how to revolve my business with my job, and I believe I got a excellent system for that. I am going to designate time for both fields, and make sure I get to at least one meeting for my business a week, regardless where I am at. Either way, I am going to make this work, as I said before, if it wasn’t for LTD, I wouldn’t have gotten this opportunity.

Here is a topic that needs to be explained to some people. Now, I am not putting down tattoos and piercings, I have no problems with them, but if you want to be successful or want a prosperous life, you may want to stay from both of these things. Over the past twenty years or so, there has been a tremendous increase in people having tattoos, and now people with piercings almost anywhere on the body, as it seems. Most people would think, as with society changing, so would the view on body art as well. For those people that thought about that, well, there in for a nasty surprise. I mean, would you think that if you get into the corporate world, people there were going to accept someone with piercings all over their place and tattoos all over their body. Well, at least with tattoos, you can cover them much easier, depending on where you have them, and some piercings you can get away with by covering them as well. But as the times change, the workplace has remained the same as far as dress code and appearance. I mean, think about it, if you were a manager, would you want someone working in the office, say, handling accounts, and they have a couple piercings on their face? I wouldn’t. Would you want a girl that has a target tattoo or tramp stamp or whatever they call them, wearing low cut pants to where when they sit down their tattoos is in full view? I certainly would not allow that. Even if a girl has a tattoo on their ankle and their wearing a skirt I think is unprofessional. To me, any tattoo of any kind shown in perfect view to all employees is unprofessional. I remember when I was in high school, I wanted to get my eyebrow and nose pierced, but I witnessed two managers working at the Burger King I was at have piercings on their face get told either remove them or get fired, and they got fired because they refused to take them out, being it cost a pretty price to get them done. After that experience, my mind of getting piercings on my face changed the other way around. Also, I always wanted to get a tattoo, but I never did get one because I didn’t know what to get as a picture, because I know it’s going to be on me for the rest of my life and I will not get it removed. I am actually happy now that I never did get a tattoo when I was younger because I could have gone crazy with them and then all of a sudden I have a bunch of tattoos I am going to hate in the next five to ten years. However, when I do get a tattoo, I will go by the military rules: as long it can be easily covered and none on the hands or face. I saw a report about tattoos and piercings in the workplace, about how some people that are in the corporate world that do have tattoos and want to get them removed because they thought it was unprofessional just to have them, and they were in places where they cannot be seen. I don’t think I would remove them just thinking it is unprofessional to have them, but as long as it can covered with no problem, I don’t see anything wrong. Thinking about appearance in the office, I know I would be a strict manager about that one. First off, all guys have to wear dress pants or khakis, no jeans, and a dress shirt and tie or a polo shirt with nothing obscene on it. As for women, dress suits and dresses that cover the knees when sitting down, no mini skirts. I will literally have a ruler handy if someone tested me on that one, because I am sorry, mini skirts need to be kept at the night clubs, not at work.

Ever since that great, wonder pill Viagra was released to the public ten years ago, it seems as though our televisions have been flooded with ads of medication to improve one’s sex drive. Honestly, I think it’s very sickening. I mean, if you are having dinner with your family; kids, grandparents and so on, and everyone is watching the TV set when all of a sudden an ad on male enhancement comes on, how is everyone in the room going to feel after viewing that? Come on now, the people in charge of TV ads need to think about some of the crap they are allowing to be viewed. It’s bad enough that some of the sitcoms that are on now are so filthy with sexual content, and the sad part of it is some of the rating for them are only PG! I remember when I was a little kid, the only way you could view any shows that had any cussing, nudity, or violence was you either had to have cable, which was most of the case, or watch TV after 10:00PM, and even then there would be a lot of content edited out. Not anymore, considering that the only way to watch TV is to have cable in the first place, but some of the shows that are rated MA are being viewed in the evening. Anyways, as I am going off on a tangent here, back to what I was talking about. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I would trust a medicine to improve my sex drive. First off, from some critics, I don’t need it. In fact, it may be overkill if I do take it. Secondly, when you watch those ads, they say all the side affects in one fast sentence as though the person is saying it in one breath. Some of those side affects sound as though the medicine can backfire on you, not improve it but worsen your sexual drive to where you don’t have one at all! Plus, they say blood clots, no one with a bad heart, or any other condition under the sun should not take this drug without consulting a physician. I mean, it’s bad enough that our society is so drowned in pills and medications that are supposedly to help out people, which I think is a complete lie. I always feel that some of these medications are only to help the government control people, like you see in some older science fiction movies. Now they want to control someone’s sex drive? That’s kind of going a little too far there. At least if they’re going to do something like that, they should make a pill to lower people’s sex drive, and distribute it to people that need it, like players that keep having sex with women and once getting someone pregnant leave, hookers that just spread STD‘s to people, and anyone else that are so irresponsible with sex or just plain stupid that they should never reproduce. Now that may be going a little too Nazi-like, but for some things that need to be controlled. Think about it, how many times do you see a trashy looking, ignorant couple or just one of the parents with, like, five or six dirty looking kids? Those kids will most likely grow up in that same environment and when they are older just replicate what their parents were, creating another generation of degenerates and their kids will do the same thing. However, if you get down to it, the only way to really improve your sexual drive is to simply exercise. Yes, if you exercise, your sex drive will always be vibrant and there will never be any problems with it. Unfortunately, too many people are lazy or feel they don’t have enough time in their lives to exercise, so they just take some stupid pill.

For the past few months, I realized something. Now, for some of you that know me well, happen to like music a lot. Ever since as far as I can remember, say, first hearing The Beatles when I was about four years old, I seem to have been hooked on with music. I taught myself how to play guitar when I was in high school, and along with that the bass guitar and little bit of keyboard work. My music taste ranged from classic rock through grade school and junior high, heavy metal in junior high through the end of high school, and alternative rock all through high school and into today. I began to like jazz in college, and old rhythm and blues therefore. However, for the last year or two, I began to see myself liking metal again. I don’t know if this is a bad thing or good, but I felt something happened. I saw my music taste go into like how a Pink Floyd record goes, in full circle. If you ever listened to a Pink Floyd record, you’ll notice the beginning music and the ending music is the same, as though they just went full circle in what they were talking about. That’s what seemed to happen with my music tastes, I pretty much got a handle of all the music I enjoy. My boundaries have been set, even though I will always explore and be open minded to new kinds of music, but it almost feel as though I went as far as I can go with music. I don’t know, perhaps it is old age, or not really looking anymore as much as I used to. I know my schedule is quite busy now than it ever is, after getting this insurance job and all, but I should try to keep myself in touch with, well, myself. I do want to keep moving forward with what I want to accomplish, but I don’t want to lose myself in the process. I still have to be me, even after becoming a rich man, and when I get older, perhaps be called a far out old man, as oppose to being a creepy old guy. Ha, I don’t know, I cannot predicted the future and I cannot change the past, I just have to keep moving on and be control of my own destiny. However, I do not being called a music snob, which I do know some people that may think I am and I do admit that I can be particularly picky with my music. I’m sorry, but I like a certain kind of creativeness in music, but something that a person took from someone else to make their song. I think that’s unoriginal, but unfortunately, that seems to be the case in pop music, or the overproduction of new music now. From what it sounds like, it might as well have been made my robots!
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