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Here we go N I dont ever make a big deal on this site ..but I have known this man for a long time probable as long as I have been on this site ..I just started to chat with him in his shout box n we became good friends n I mean just friends ..He is a older man that he admitted that loves women I didnt care cause I was his buddy ..It was nice getting to know what a nice n wonderful person he was to me ..I started helpin him out with leveling N out of the blue he tells me good bye today..N wont tell me what I did or said wrong to him ..alot of u folks might no him but I will keep that to myself ...Just a freakin shocker I would say..I was there  for him ..n just listened n show him I cared ..after all the emotions he was going through of his Mother passin n a few other things.. My heart went out to this man cause of course my heart is a big flippin heart ..N now I am blocked ..I cant believe it ..I am shocked with this ..can anyone tell me what I am missin ..Love ya All

Before I was a Mom -
I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed. I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.

Before I was a Mom -
I cleaned my house each day. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom -
I had never been puked on - Pooped on - Spit on - Chewed on, or Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and My thoughts. I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom -
I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests...or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom -
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life
so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom -
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.

Before I was a Mom -
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known The warmth, The joy, The love, The heartache, The wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

 And remember that behind every successful woman......
is a basket of dirty laundry....Happy Mothers Day..Love Ya All Harley (Suzanne)


1. Open a new file in your computer

2. Name it 'Barack Obama'

3. Drag the file into the Trash

4. Empty the Trash

5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama?'

6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'



Enjoy the sound of the trash being emptied!!!!...Have A KickAss Weekend Harley

The Roads We Travel...

My Friends....WrOte This For My Friend Tube Screamer aka Heavy Equipment he Is Going through alot as we speak...I will always be here for him n everyone of u...Each day we make a choice to live our lives....where we go..who we meet...who our friends are....who we care about....who we love....the job we have.... how we treat others....the life we lead.....each of these things makes up the roads that guide us on our life....we may not know where we are going and we may not know where we will end up...but we can live life and do the best that we can.

No one is perfect, we all make mistakes...its what we learn from those mistakes that helps guide us through life.....all I can promise is to be who I am and who I will be and wait and see how life will be...but I know..it will be.

So as we travel the roads today....I like to remember that each person I meet is a friend, and each friend has something to share with me...and its what I do with what they share that matters....because each friendship in one way or another is a world unto itself.

Some inspiration for today:

Roads Winter's
by Ron Carnell
I cannot speak for all who stem
'Long roads less traveled as their way,
Nor question choices made by them
In days long past or nights long dim
by words they spoke and did not say.

Each road is long, though short it seems,
And credence gives each road a name
Of fantasies sun-drenched in beams
Or choices turned to darkened dreams,
To where each road wends just the same.

From North to South, then back again,
I followed birds like all the rest
Escaping nature's snowy den
On roads I've seen and places been,
Forsaking roads that traveled West.

This journey grows now to its end,
As road reflections lined in chrome
Give way to roads with greater bend
And empty signs that still pretend
They point the way to home sweet home.

But all roads lead to where we go
And where we go is where we've been,
So home is just a word we know,
That space in time most apropos
For where we want to be again.

For even home, it seems to me,
Is still a choice we all must face
From day to day and endlessly,
To choose if home is going to be
Another road - or just a place....


Have A Great Labor Day...I Love Ya All...N Pray for Our Soldiers...N Lets keepTube Screamer aka Heavy Equipment in  Our prayers while he is getting through the hard times in his life..cause I will...Love ya Talon...

Don't make me leave the site over stupid shit like this.....I am pretty much sadden by folks coming to me n telling me I talk about them to others ...Please Let me tell u one thing before I start ...I come on here to have fun It makes time go by when I have nothing to do when I am working ...ok here I go ...I thought I had good friends on here but WTF....I joke n kid alot in my status N I put my stalkers but I  mean nothing towards it ...Some R Being Two Face...N I sure dont like it...Y in the world would I be Jealous of anyone on here...F--k ...I am a bikerchick N I mind my own f--kin business...N If u r a Friend...be a true friend damn it...My Heart is huge N I like n love everyone of u on here..I share my inside feelings with everyone of u ...So what have I done for this to happen ....Would u please take some time out n think N if u dont want me to be a friend ...Please remove my Ass....I want nothing more than for u to enjoy the site just like I do...I dont want no sorrys just be happy with my Friendship N

Lets Have Fun Damn it....So Be Women/Man enough to come forward N explain just y this f--kin happen...I want everyone to be Happy n Smiling all time....Have A Wonderful Day ....Someone had to break HarleygirlCali heart by stupid shit....Suzanne 


Heeeee heeeee...Come On N Don't Be Shy....I Just Love These Kinds Of Things..

The Idea Is That I Will Start A Story With 3 Words..

And Then Everyone Will Add 3 More Words To The Story By Posting A Comment...

Play As Often As You Like, Just Please Let Someone Posted Between Your Own...And....

Who Know Where Our Story Will Go???? ....:)..OK..

To Start Things Off The First 3 Words Are:

It Was Inevitable....

When are friends truly friends ?
When is The line crossed from Internet flirting and Reality ?
You say one thing and it is read one way
While all the while You know what they Say
Yet They say they didn't write that.
Then you bring back the letter
They say you miss read that

Then you show where they explained
And they say they did not mean that.
When some one writes that they want to work with you
Or what ever they write...
When Is it time for them
To mean What they say
Say what they mean
And stick to it

If you are one who speaks the truth
who speaks to ones who don't
How are you to know ?
You believe what is said to you
You meet what is not.
All I know is that We
Are to be careful
For objects(people)
May seem to be closer than they Are.

All words I write Are
My Words Come from deep with in,
Mine are how I feel and
Mine are ,
Knowing what I want and wanting what I know
...I Love My True Fubar Friends N U Know Who U R..Ride Safe Harley


I MANAGED TO YELL AS I SOARED PAST THE TREES, HAPPY EATING TO ALL; PASS THE CRANBERRIES, PLEASE. MAY YOUR STUFFING BE TASTY, MAY YOUR TURKEY BE PLUMP, MAY YOUR POTATOES 'N GRAVY HAVE NARY A LUMP, MAY YOUR YAMS BE DELICIOUS, MAY YOUR PIES TAKE THE PRIZE, MAY YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER STAY OFF OF YOUR THIGHS. May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Night! We do have so much to be thankful for - and one of the best is good friends Happy Thanksgiving Night to you and yours! From...Harley n Her Family..Ride Safe 


 You're helping them up.  

Note: This is not the topic of this blog, just thought it was a thought provoking quote. *smiles*

Here is my story...

I'll never forget the time when I invited a customer of mine to join my family and I for Thanksgiving, as she didn't have anywhere to go, her family lived in southern California (which at this time I was Married n living in Az.) and she wasn't able to travel.

Ms. Ruth was a soon to be author with a best seller in the works ;) She'd been working on a book for over two years and was told that it was going to be amazing!!! for sure a top seller!!!

She was a very sophisticated woman in her late 50's who retired early, she had exquisite taste and admiration for fine art, her house had plenty to see and she had a love for playing bridge.

When I arrived to work that morning, she was on the phone discussing her plans to stay at home for Thanksgiving. When she hung up I felt it in my heart to ask her to join my family and I for Thanksgiving, but she declined and mentioned something about going to a neighbors house if she decided to have dinner. So I immediately felt a sense of relief that she had a place to go and that I didn't have to do any spring cleaning before having her over. Off the hook, right?

So the night before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Eve, she calls and tells me that she has had a change of plans and would love to join my family and I for Thanksgiving and of course I tell her that we'd love to have her, but inside I was thinking, Oh man!!! I just wished that she would have let me know sooner than later. O.K. so now I'm concerned, will my house be clean enough? will the table setting look o.k.? Will she like the menu? Oh my, what have I done!!! ;)

So praying while cleaning, trying to make sure everything looks perfect, checking over the menu and so on, trying to relieve some stress about the whole situation, I remembered she is a buddist! Oh my!!! how do buddist celebrate Thanksgiving? I haven't a clue!!! what if our family traditions don't sit well with hers? hmmmm!!! what to do? do I call her and ask her? do I cancel?

Well after driving myself crazy with concern again for what seemed like forever but was only a matter of 5 minutes, I took a deep breath and just accepted the fact that it is what it is and she will either love it or not ;) That we were going to celebrate like we always do. *smiles*

She arrived with the traditional greenbean casserole in a gorgeous crystal bowl trimmed in real gold. It sure stood out among all my stoneware bowls on the table, but really helped to dress up the table *smiles*

As we sat down to eat, my Daughter n Son reached out for her hand and Ms. Ruth looked a little puzzled but took it and smiled as she saw all of us holding hands as well. My hubby at the time began to give thanks and she bowed her head, then smiled when he was done. I'm thinking this is going great so far, yesss!!!

Now was the time when we go around the table and each person takes a turn giving thanks for something that they are most thankful for during the year. As we began taking turns, I could see Ms. Ruth was enjoying this but then when I turned to look at her again, she was weeping. It seems that she was touched by the stories of thanks and when it was her turn she was most thankful for the invitation to join us for thanksgiving, with both of us weeping now, we smiled and began to enjoy our meal.

After a delicious dinner we had desert while watching a wonderful movie and again she weeped. It was that kind of a movie ;) very touching *smiles*

When she left that evening she HUGGED me with such love and appreciation, thanking me over and over!!! my heart was smiling big time!!! I was so glad that she had a wonderful time, thank you Jesus!!!

I didn't hear from Ms. Ruth the next week during the time of her regular house cleaning and just thought that she might be busy and to give it a couple days, then I'd call her to see if all was o.k.

I remember the phone ringing, picking it up I was stunned to hear her daughter's voice on the other end. She began to tell me about a terrible accident, which I remember hearing about a car going over the embankment but I never expected it to be someone I knew!!!

Ms. Ruth died instantly, didn't feel a thing. My heart ached for days, replaying Thanksgiving dinner over and over in my head, remembering her smiles, her tears of joy and feeling her enormous HUG!!! *smiles*

I will never forget Ms. Ruth and I will always be thankful to the good Lord above for giving me the opportunity in having Ms. Ruth join our family in celebrating Thanksgiving.

Have A Wonderful Heartfelt Thanksgiving Everyone,  filled with lots of opportunities!!!Love ya all Ride Safe Harley








Time and Happiness ....

What is Happiness??? I have been wondering this lately. What makes someone happy?? Some would say that having money would make them happy, or being famous would make them happy. But if you look towards the so called celebrities..who have money and fame…very few of them seem truly happy. Money is NOT the answer to ‘make you happy’, it may make things easier but its not the be all and end all of happiness. Some people who seem to have nothing are very happy.

Some people who seem to have everything are not. Some jet-setters seem happy while some moral crusaders are miserable….lol… Happiness seems very unpredictable, inconsistent, irrational. So what is the secret? What makes a person happy?

I think that happiness is an emotion like anger, fear or guilt. That it is a state of mind, where we have to enjoy life and look at each day as a gift where we have things to be thankful for. Of course bad things will happen but we need to look at the day, week or month in the long term and see what we can be happy about. To see what we can truly enjoy about life and all that goes with it.

So happiness is something more permanent and refers to your life in general - if your personal and professional life are great and meet or exceed your expectations, then you can be "happy". I guess that its something that only we can do for ourselves…..that deep inside ourselves we have to evaluate what is important to us and what we need to make us happy… I don’t expect to be a millionare….nor a celebrity…. All I can do is be me and enjoy the gifts that god and fate has thrown my way….love, friends, family ….a job I love….and take each hurdle as it comes.

Thank YOU for making me smile each day and for making me happy!

So my friends I wish you happiness in your lives. And feel free to leave me a comment and let me know what makes you happy!


Ride Safe Harley

OnlineHave A Blessed 🥲 Sunday
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