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PerfectPointPleasure's blog: "Life's A Bitch"

created on 05/04/2008  |  http://fubar.com/life-s-a-bitch/b212974  |  3 followers

A blonde woman was on the way to winning $1,000,000 on a game show, but her final question was left for the next night.
Her husband snuck into the studio and found the question and answer.
He raced home and told his wife "Your question is, 'What are the three main parts of the male anatomy', and the answer is, 'The head, heart and penis.'"
The woman thinks about this throughout the night, but keeps forgetting the answer.
Her husband keeps reminding her, "The head, heart and penis."
Come the game show, she has forgotten again, and the presenter asks,
"For $1,000,000, what are the three main parts of the male anatomy? You have ten seconds."
"Um... the head."
"Good. Eight seconds."
"Um... the heart."
"That's right. Five seconds."
"Oh... um... damn. My husband drilled it into me last night and I had it on the tip of my tongue this morning..."
"That's close enough! You've won $1,000,000!"



I freeze Time this night
in making love to you
your mouth has within it forever-ness:
you've restored to me my mental virginity
in this my love-making with you

releasing those sexual bonds
which wrap around existence itself
making time cease
making my woman-hood feel complete
me taking your man-hood
  making it meld
with my woman-side


I feel you shudder
wrapping your heart
around me
embracing my need
drawing from me
more than I have ever given
making me rise for you
making me complete;
you and I

It is not merely the touching
but too, the release:
not merely the holding
but the sweling out-
the overwhelming
needful need;

not merely
our quiverings
but too the suckings
and the trembling out
the welcoming intensities
the thrusting;
animal lust
and the clinging



Draw away;
this moment now

my opening soul
seeks eternity
propelled by gushing
our hungry mouths


Why try to meet me?
When you're hoping and praying, 
That I won't kiss you sweetly...

You might want to keep me?
But don't… 
 “A high this good is not meant to last and it won't!” 
That's you talking. 
It also means you might turn a good man, 
into a dead man walking...shhh!/ 
If my final days have to be this way, 
then please don't let the governor pardon me./ 
Just let me embrace my destiny with bliss... 
because I enjoy taking the shot even if I miss. 
You see, I'm not scared of anything, 
and I know you could have any “thing”… you choose. 
But hopefully in time you'll choose mine and 
I'll redefine and show you, it's- not- just- any...thing./ 
Please forgive me... 
for the fire of my passion's light, 
For when inspired... it's not me, 
it's everything I desired to be, but then I relize... 
They call me Feenix because I burn when I take flight.  

Lets talk dirty?

Wondering what it takes to be a great mate potential for any man you like? Good looks, you say? Well, you’ll be surprised. Find out what men want in a woman, really.


Do you want to be the super woman in your man’s life? Or do you want to be the woman that all men desire?

Read these ten facts on what men want in a woman and you’ll be all this and more.

Most women assume that great looks is all that matters to make a guy swoon and fall head over heels in love.

And quite frankly, most men assume the same thing too.

But there are a lot of great looking women out there, leading an unhappy life in a bad relationship.

So what do men want in a woman they’re in a relationship with if it’s not just the looks? Could there be more to a desirable woman than just looks?

Of course, there is. Find out what men really want in the woman of their dream

#1 A gorgeous woman

Now don’t get us wrong, looks are pretty high in the wishlist of things that men want in a woman. But a drop dead gorgeous woman doesn’t really have to be born with a perfectly chiseled face and body crafted by the hands of the big guy on top when he’s high.

Some of the most gorgeous women on earth are not really pretty if you look at their features, but then again, they’re gorgeous. In reality, it’s all about how comfortable you are with your own body. Wear clothes that look good on you, and make an effort to look your best when you’re with him. You could be fat or skinny, but as long as you put in an effort, you’ve got all the makings of a movie star, gorgeous!

#2 A confident woman

We can’t stress this enough, but just understanding this one pointer can change a proverbial ugly duckling into the most beautiful princess overnight. There’s nothing more beautiful in a woman than her confidence. Note this, we said confidence, not cockiness.

Confidence is such a turn on in a woman, and men are suckers for it, even if they don’t realize it themselves. Can you handle yourself well no matter where you are? Can you talk to five men at once and still hold the reins of the conversation? A confident woman is awe inspiring and to a certain extent, intimidating. If there’s anything that men want in a woman, this is it. A confident woman can be beautiful, strong, determined and everything else rolled up into one, just as long as she makes up her mind.

#3 A woman who can take control

Men love it when they’re the “man” in the relationship. They like wearing the pants and they want to feel like they have the final say. Considering their epic egos, it’s understandable they want to be the one to steer the relationship forward.

A woman who’s overly dominating could even jeopardize the relationship and make a man shrivel up where it matters. But that really doesn’t mean you should avoid taking control now and then. Men like it when a woman tells her man to sit back while she make all the decisions. Believing in each other’s capabilities is important. And when a man truly believes his woman is capable of doing anything he can do (perhaps even better), he’ll only respect her more and love her for the fact that she still wants him to take a lead in their lives together. [Read: 

#4 A woman who makes her man look good

Do you make your man look good? Now we don’t mean this in an accessory or arm candy way though. Do you stand up for your man in public no matter what? A knight loves rescuing a damsel in distress, but at times, the knight would be grateful for a rescue too. Brag about him when you’re out with friends, avoid bitching about him or correcting him in front of other people, and let him do the same for you.

#5 An independent woman

While a relationship is about bonding and spending time together, it’s also a lot more about growing as individuals. Become a better person every single day, and help him along the path too. Spend some time by yourselves or with your own friends, and learn to give space in a relationship. Men like a woman in need, but they hate needy women. If there’s an issue you can deal with yourself, don’t ring your man and ask him to come over. In fact, he’d respect you more if you’re someone he can come to for help! [Read: 

#6 A freak in bed

Psst… this is a quiet one, but we assure you, men love a woman who knows her moves in bed. Don’t be afraid to dominate your man in bed. That’s something men want in a woman. Have you ever caught your man staring at a hot girl doing something dirty on MTV? Gee, wonder what fascinated him so much. [Read: 

Most men may not be so vocal about their interests in bed, but they would absolutely love a woman who’s confident in bed. Be this woman, and he won’t be able to keep his hands off you! [Read: 

#7 A desirable woman

All men want to be with this woman, and all women want to be this woman. Have you seen her? Well, she’s inside you waiting to come out!

You may not realize this, but the secret to being a desirable woman is less about how you look and more about how you carry yourself and feel inside. Men love it when their woman can walk across a crowded hall, chitchat with a few people and become the cynosure of everyone around in an instant. Chris De Burgh had the lady in red, now who are you going to be? [Read: 

#8 A strong and determined woman

Do you occasionally take up pet projects and leave them unfinished? Or do you make up your mind to do something in the morning and forget all about it by nightfall? A woman who’s fickle minded will not inspire anyone, nor will she be taken seriously by the people around her.

On the other hand, if you’re a woman who puts her money where her mouth is, and never backs away from a challenge, your man would be inspired by you. It’s not easy to be a determined wonder woman, but if that’s what you are, hey, you’re his new role model. And quite frankly, there’s nothing more complimenting than knowing that your man wants to be more like you, is there?

#9 A happy woman

What men want in a woman in happiness. Happiness is a great thing. It can be so refreshing and fun, and can make lives so much better.

Men love a woman who can look at the bright side of life. Of course, the man should be a happy guy too. Can you get along with his family happily without really throwing a hissy fit? Would you welcome your man back home with a happy smile when he’s been out with his friends on his fortnightly boys’ night out?

Men love a cheerful, happy woman who can bring the fresh, citrusy sunshine into their lives. Boys are burly, girls are sugar and spice and everything nice. Men like it just the way it sounds. Don’t change that and your man will love you for it.

#10 A woman who makes him a better man

Everyone knows why the other person in a relationship is called the better half of the relationship. It’s not an empty compliment. It’s meant to be true. Do you help your man become a better individual by helping him correct his flaws and shortcomings?

Be a good listener and understand what’s really going on in his life. Help him with his big decisions when he asks you for advice. Spend time with him and help him realize his dreams and aspirations. Make him a better man and he’ll love you, respect you, and desperately want you all his life.

What do men want in a woman?

Now that you know what men want in a woman, see where you stand and work your way to becoming the perfect woman that your man wants. But at the same time, remember that he should make an effort to be the best man he can be too. There’s no point if all the effort is one sided. If he’s not trying to be even half the man he can be, perhaps it’s time you look for a greener pasture. [Read: 

After understanding these tips on what men want in a woman, it’s pointless to be with a man who can’t love you and respect you back for the great woman that you are.


nature VS love

There is something
All encompassing
The air, wind and waves

At times, you can smell
The rain before
It downpours.. ..

The wind whips around
As a warning
A thunderstorm approaches

On a secluded beach
Laying on a tattered blanket
We watch the storm

The tide comes in
Waves pounding
Against the shore

You start to shiver
I hold you close
To my soul

In return, you anxiously
Kiss me.. ..
As the thunder rolls

We lie side by side
Our eyes exploring
While our hands deliver

We kiss as it flash/thunders
All are passion drains
A stillness evolves


How does it feel?

You’re no more than a curve inside my glimpse
you won’t see me, touch me, nor peer into my eyes
as green as the fury of a cat's vengeance
I’ve sealed my mind against your gypsy smile

As I lean against the silence of my own wishes,
I can hear your voice leaning against time
it lulls me back to yesterday; the clock spoke
In warnings; tick tock, tick tock, tick tock
Slumbering words of what could have been
No longer awaken me to your presence
Gently my feet are kissed by the foamy waters
As I stand on the edge of tomorrow’s shore
Now, you write of winters with chestnut memories
As you sit forsaken in your bed of reality
Cover yourself with your journal of falsities
because I’ve thrown away your last goodbye



Lonely for the one I’ve said goodbye to

though knowing it best for both her and me

still ...

still there is the hole within

where our improbable love had been.


Though I’ve never seen the lady,

 though she’s never seen me…


Lonely for the words we’ve written

and the thoughts we’d shared

and the countless lines of...


She has a husband I have a wife

neither, we say, will leave our life,



Lonely for the lines of passion

that were felt by both.




Though distant as the moon

lonely for the world...


I may be an ogre

she may be a beast,

can we really trust a picture

that may or may not truly be



Lonely for the world we shared

bound by nothing more than

our fingers that wrote the words

that tightened the bonds of love

in our instant message world...


That tightened the bonds of love

in our instant message,

cyber world where only existed

the two of us.


In our private world where only existed

her and me and our never to be...


In our private world where only existed  

we two that loved the heart pounding

instant message love that could never be.


Sorry it had ended?

I know I should not be!




Yet there is still the hole within

where our cyber romance had been.



I will make love to you so preciously
so tenderly, even as I become more passionate
you will begin to talk in ancient tongues

I cover your mouth with my own
and you speak into my throat words you can't contain
saying you're feeling sensations a female is supposed to feel
you cannot stop the words
they keep coming with assault weapon efficiency
until they turn into shrieks into my hand
which by now is slightly bloody and saliva sopped
as you passionately utter; You are privy
to woman's primitive passion's worth . . .

Secrets the seduction queen keeps in her purse behind closed doors

I wait for her move, but instead I am pinned to the concrete floor

I don’t even know her name yet she knows all my lore and gore

The steam is hottest at black night when I could feel her colossal roar


She plays games with my heart until my fragile mind and soul breaks apart

All I do is give her my love every night, but I get it back in an empty cart

One of these days this woman will get stung by a sharp steel thorn dart

But until then I will try my best to step into the hectic city for a restart


Her clandestine liar of fire stays secret for now in the apartment of desire

What we all need in the building is something to get us much higher

But until the mystical drug store in the clouds remains chained with liars

We all have to wait until the tropical storm puts out the wires of fire


The Touching

It’s ten in the morning and you’re taking

My breath away again, leaving my lungs

Tight from lack of air and I am aching

For the touch of you and a thousand tongues.


Wrapped in your arms, your whisper awakens

Yearnings not felt since you held me last night.

A new but familiar passion burgeons;

I am the script and you are the playwright.


Beyond a symbiotic love affair,

We share a profound mutual respect

Admiring the other’s virtues. Oh, rare

Is such a friendship we choose to protect.


Love bites bruising my body still appear

From neck to thigh, mapping the course of lust

Expressed with no words but what I revere—

With such love, I cannot be a deist.


Dominance and authority take hold,

Exposing my neck with my head pulled back;

Your heated breath at my chin, arms enfold,

Fingers dig into my waist; all your knack.


The determination seen on your face,

The power I feel under your strong hands…

Reprobate, scoundrel, yes, even scapegrace,

Every touch and every word sets your brands.


Lost in you, exposed and vulnerable,

I abandon my will to your command;

I relinquish all desire unable

To deviate from anything you’ve planned.


I am bound to you by love’s servitude;

Freely and willingly I give you all

Of me in this, our lover’s interlude—

Your hunger never permits us to loll.


The game we play of Master and his Slave

Is the foreplay, practiced stimulation.

When I am in control, what say you, knave?

Will you serve me in this lover’s union?


Tomorrow. That is your ready answer.

Tomorrow, but for now you desire me.

Every season, from spring to winter,

Whatever you want is alright with me.


Your cool finger strokes down my warm cheek;

It feels so highly inappropriate

That they grow hotter under your magic

And I burn with something that is tacit.


With your hands on either side of my breasts,

You lift me easily, let me lower;

I feel the tip; my longing thus arrests.

I impale myself; you pull me closer.


“You belong to me. You are mine,” you say.

In perfect time, we move together in

This dance, in this couple’s perfect ballet

Of two bodies in unison of skin.


I whimper and mewl with sexual need.

I gaze at you and your eyes have darkened.

“Yes,” I mumble. “And you belong to me.”

Then, in the cool water, we both descend.


Kisses like there is no tomorrow flow

Passionately over face and neck and

Legs still wrapped around you should let you know

You had me at you’re mine; keep me in hand.


Draw me like a lodestone to your rising sea;

Cast over the edge of this orgasm,

As lights flash, I scream your name. You carry

Us back to earth, love filling the chasm.


Wrapped in your arms, your whisper soothes my heart.

I hold on and say your name privately.

In our secret world, you call me sweetheart;

Brush my lips with your kiss so lovingly. 


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