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Self Discipline

Silence and self-control permeate the entirety of our lives." The Creator gave us all the Red Road and on this Red Road we are required to think and act in a spiritual way. To make sure I conduct myself according to the Red Road, I must make sure I develop my self discipline. Self control works best when we pray for the courage and power to do the will of the Great Spirit. We are here on the earth to do the will of the Great Spirit. Sometimes, we must battle ourselves to do this. Great Spirit, help me to have my self- control guided by spiritual ways. In my walk I ask that you help me to see myself openly and to be able to continually work in progress to make my life walk right in your ways. Please allow me wisdom to see, Humility to learn, and love to treat others as I wish to be treated. ><.><.><.><.>~rebelbreed~<.><.><.><.><.><.>


If you do anything, sincerely believing you worship One Above, then you are worshiping Creator. Your worship must be treated with respect, so long as your worship does not trespass on another's rights. You need not understand nor agree with another to respect their ways. Freedom of thought and worship must extend to all, not just to those with whom you agree. There's always more than one meaning, one under­standing or one voice. Life's road is traveled by many, side by side. You cannot know all the secrets, joy or shame of their hearts nor they know yours. You are only fellow travelers, not judges. Elect those in whose presence it is easiest to reach agreement; no good can be conducted in the presence of those with whom it is easiest to argue. To know a man's character, listen to his female relatives. To understand his character, watch him with children and pets; his true nature will show and the quality of his memories will be known. There is no future without the past and no past without honest memory. The present only connects the past and the future. None can exist without the others. Live your life so the fear of death never enters your heart and guides your feet. Give thanks for every­thing when you awaken each day. Give thanks for life, strength, your relations, the joy of living, sus­tenance and even problems. Problems give you opportunities to be a better person. If you find no reason to give thanks, rest assured the fault is your own and not another's. For traditional Creeks, every day one awakens is a holiday--every morsel a feast. What is Silence? It is the Voice of One Above. Sound is the voice of the created, not the Creator. Keep a Silence often to hear Creator's Voice. The fruits of Silence are self control, strength, courage, patience, endurance, dignity, wisdom and reverence. Silence is the foundation of character. Silence is the perfect balance of Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul. There is more than one kind of Silence. A beautiful flower is silent to the ears but music to the eyes. Silence is the voice of Creator--sound, the voice of creation. Laughter is the voice of the Soul--love is the voice of the heart. Silence can be like food--know what hunger to fill. Listen loudly but speak in whispers. Let Silence be your motto unless duty calls you to speak. Guard your tongue--your most dangerous weapon. Unlike the blade, word wounds are not clearly visible nor easily healed. Guard a youthful tongue and in venerable old age you may speak a thought that would be of service to your people. What you do tells more than what you say. Own words or they will own you. Understand and use the "talking stick" in council. Quick will be your work but slow will be your anger--right will be your actions. Speak but one word for every hundred you hear. When you address the council, carry cedar or willow in your hand closest to the heart, so that yours may be living words. Be careful when you speak: Words make thoughts prisoners or set them free. Either way, once loosed from a tongue, words are no longer one's own. In council, listen to everyone's words as though they were of great wisdom however much they may be otherwise--thereby you also learn. Words are a great treasure. Don't cheapen their value by misuse or thoughtless abundance. The body is home to the Spirit but memory's clothes are woven of words. How do you dress them--in rags or fine raiments? There is only One but many are the Names: Master of Breath, Creator & Source, God, Ruler and Author of all that is, was, or can be. One Above is eternal: invisible to the eye but not to the heart. Creator is omniscient, omnipotent, pure power without equal or match--self wrought by restraint called natural order. All that is, lives and moves within that order. One Above is impersonal yet able to be known by all things in creation personally. One Above may be individually experienced through all creation: through animals, birds, reptiles, clouds, mountains, rivers, lakes, plains, forests, women, children, men, dreams--stepping stones of reality--through anything with form, substance, purpose or place. Creator and Power are inseparable, impartial. All things in creation have equal access to Power. One Above is awe-inspiring. Approach the Power of Deity, One Above, with reverence, prayer, sacrifice, fasting, gift-giving and self-kept quiet vigils. One Above thought well enough of all things to cause them to be. Thus, all things have purpose and meaning to One Above, however little we may understand. Love and care for all Creator brought forth. Further, all things, all divisions and all parts of all things or divisions have two natures--just as Power has two natures. All proper choices result in balance; all selfish choices lead to destruction of first the part then the whole. One's life has four divisions: Infancy, Youth, Maturity and Old Age. Each of these has four parts which in turn has four parts and so on until all parts become the Indivisible Whole. The first four parts are really four pathways joined together; they form the Circle of Life in which all things connect. One who breaks the connection of anything in the Circle for any reason, is the destroyer--one without love for The Creator. If a destroyer weaken the Circle, all then become less because all pathways connect in this Circle. You travel the fourfold path of the Circle of Life in segments. Each segment--Infancy, Youth, Maturity and Old Age grants opportunities to develop every part or power you have - among them: Mind, Body, Spirit, Service and Personality. Not all your parts will travel the same segment at the same time or the same pace; thus, some Old Ones remain childlike while some Youth are called Elders. Love is the cement that binds life's parts into the Whole. Where love is not there is only existence, not life. Love is not an emotion--it is an attitude, it is both a moral choice and commitment. Memory defines individual life while collective memories define a people; dishonest memories are a nation's greatest lie and worst crime. Love is the purest form of memory; express it by deed--not word. Service, love expressed without judgment, is the highest expression of love and the greatest of human experiences--it is a form of worship. All Children of One Above are all called to some form of service. Love unexpressed is not good--often, it is dangerous. You own nothing; you are only a custodian. Your Body is physical. It is from Mother Earth and there will return. Your in-dwelling life, called Soul, is from the Author of life & Source of Creation. Your Spirit is the interaction of your Soul and Body. The boundaries of your Spirit are the boundaries of your life. The longevity of one's Spirit is found only in the memories of others--it cannot exceed beyond when those memories cease. Soul is immortal and does not depend on human memories for its existence because Soul is part of One Above, whose memory has no end. You are only a Soul's trustee. One day, you must give full account of your actions, accomplishments and failures. Soul's immortality should be reason enough to embark on the right road--a life of Service. Eyes are windows of the Soul. Soul is a private matter; a thoughtful Indian does not invade another's privacy. To stare into another's eyes is to be greedy for power. Soul theft is sin. To look into the eyes of one you love is a different matter; it is the deepest of sharing--intercourse for the soul. To steal memories is to steal life itself from others--the weight of which weakens your own life and memories. Whatever you steal will be taken from you in time. Sin is trespass against One Above's law--natural order, which brings its own punishment. It is no concern of yours unless it be your sin. Crime is trespass against the Tribe's law, the will of the people. It is to be fairly punished, corrected or forgiven by the Tribe. The crime and the criminal are not always the same. It is unjust for the guilty to escape punishment but more unjust if an innocent person be punished. One Above is not like a hungry beast demanding victims. One Above does not thirst for destruction. Creator caused us to discover Love--an attitude, Service--a pattern of living, Understanding--a responsibility, and Thankfulness--an action. One Above did not teach hate, greed, envy, lying, and fear. We discovered these on our own by forgetting our Original Teachings. We sometimes choose darkness over light and fail to heed our memories. Our choices do help make us become what we are. A great person quietly foregoes self to do the nation's will when needed; few will know it. A great one does not seek such attention. The petty make a great show of what they think and what they do; they never mention the needs of others. Their constant question: what is there for me? Their constant theme always begins with sounds that mean "I," "my" and "mine;" their breasts fill with sour milk. The great or noble forgive but never forget; they remember the lesson and do not repeat the error. Forgiveness is mother to moral strength and father to righteousness. The fool never remembers and always repeats the offense in countless new ways. Memory is one's most valuable asset; it is a sacred tool. Honor it! The mixed-blood's worst enemy is doubt--be it doubt of self or others. Yet, to be metis is to have double responsibilities, double opportunities and double dangers. Actions speak, words speak--do not be double tongued; know which language to speak. The Native American's worst enemy is not government, white men, other half breeds or even poverty. It is those Indians steeped, like bad tea, in ignorance, hate, self pity and filled with the false notion that someone else owes them everything. Those are the ones who have lost their red hearts by using Power without education--learning its traditions and wisdom. In the end, we each are our own worst enemy--our own best friend. Show respect for all but grovel to none. If you cannot solve a problem - beware - it may solve you. The Soul of an Indian can be one with the land even though the Indian holds no title to the land. If you own title to land and your Soul is not one with it, you cannot be Indian regardless what you are called or the identity of your mother. Stereotypes are hollow shadows behind which the ignorant stand. Ceremonies only mark the boundaries of life; they do not define life. Medicine Bundles are only catalogs of Power, not the source. Keepers of the Bundles are really Doorkeepers and Torch Bearers who guide beams of light into darkness. They open doors to other Worlds so you may step through. However, to journey there without a guide is to risk breaking your connection to all things because you chose dark ignorance over the light of experience. Everything rests on earlier foundations. You are the foundation of what will come. You strengthen or weaken the future by what you do in the present. Ceremonies, like the Power they express, are geographically specific. Sunflowers do not grow from the back of fish nor does corn sprout from pebbles; plants flourish only from their roots. Thus, beware of teachers who travel about with no attachment to their own roots or who mix traditions and cultures; they do no good. Strong roots produce beautiful flowers; to know a root study the flower. Words are like blossoms on trees. They wither and die if detached. They live longer on the tree. Then, when their life is done the seed remains. There are no problems to which there are no answers. Creator doesn't spoil the created by too many gifts or easily obtained answers. Everything has purpose; seek purpose always. Without seeking purpose and giving thanks, life remains only an existence. Purpose is not a gift but may be purchased by action, deed or quest. Create a purpose if you have none. Wisdom is a gift; an Elder's wisdom that challenges is the best of gifts. Old Ayo said, "When I sought quick answers, Elders insisted I dwell on understanding the questions. When I sought cures, they insisted on prevention." Own things; do not let them own you. You are more than what you were born; you are what you become, for you can remember and create. You know that all things are connected. Easily spoken promises are promises not easily kept. Animals talk--can you not hear them? They are wiser; they speak and teach without words. To become wise--learn to listen, to become stupid--talk. Everything is part of One Above's memory. Understand first silence, then the sound--first the symbol, then the word. In everything is a lesson. Tell no parable, story or fable if you find no meaning in it. Telling a story is to give a gift. A gift without meaning has no value. If you let One Above, Creator and Source make Sunrise in your heart you will live in light--not darkness.


Memory begins to qualify the imagination, to give it another formation, one that is peculiar to the self. I remember isolated, yet fragmented and confused, images - and images, shifting, enlarging, is the word, rather than moments or events - which are mine alone and which are especially vivid to me. They involve me wholly and immediately, even though they are the disintegrated impressions of a young child. They call for a certain attitude of belief on my part now; that is, they must mean something, but their best reality does not consist in meaning. They are not stories in that sense, but they are storylike, mythic, never evolved but evolving ever. There are such things in the world: it is their nature to be believed; it is not necessarily in them to be understood. Of all that must have happened to and about me in those my earliest days, why should these odd particulars alone be fixed in my mind? If I were to remember other things, I should be someone else.

Eagla Poem

2l3l5mbwuN To pray you open your whole self To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon To one whole voice that is you And know there is more That you can't see, can't hear Can't know except in moments Steadly growing, and in languages That aren't always sound but other Circles of motion. Like eagle that Sunday morning Over Salt River. Circled in blue sky In wind, swept our hearts clean With sacred wings. We see you, see ourselves and know That we must take the utmost care And kindness in all things. Breathe in, knowing we are made of All this, and breathe, knowing We are truly blessed because we Were born, and die soon within a True circle of motion, Like eagle rounding out the morning Inside us. We pray that it will be done In beauty. In beauty.

All Is Finished

Blue (A NI SA HO NI), who made medicine from a blue-colored plant to keep the children well. Also known as the Pantheror Wild Cat Clan. Long Hair (A NI GI LO HI), also known as The Twister, Hair Hanging Down or Wind Clan. They wore elaborate hairdos and walked with a proud, twisting gait. Peace Chiefs were usually of this clan. Bird (A NI TSI S KWA), skilled hunters of birds, using blowguns and snares. They may have been messengers, as are the birds in many Cherokee legends. Paint (A NI WO DI), who made red paint and served as healers and medicine men. They prepared teas for vapor therapy specific to each ailment. Deer (A NI KA WI), keepers of the deer. Known for their speed afoot and success as deer hunters. Wild Potato (A NI GA TO GE WI), gatherers of the wild potato in swamps along streams. Also known as the Bear, Raccoon, or Blind Savannah Clan. Wolf (A NI WA YAH), the largest and most prominent clan. Most war chiefs came from this clan, the only clan allowed to hunt wolves. I am A NI WA YAN The Wolf Clan ~rebelbreed~
It’s dawn. You wake up thinking this is going to be a busy day. Relatives are coming-people from your mother’s clan, the Wolf clan. And today is the New Green Corn Festival. After months of dry cornmeal, you can already taste the season’s first ripe kernels bursting beneath your teeth. The new turtle shell rattles you made sound crisp and ready for the Green Corn Dance. But first you must greet this day as you greet every day. Your whole village gathers on the banks of the Oconaluftee. All enter the water, face east, and pray to the seven directions the four cardinal points, the sky, the earth, and the center or spirit. You give thanks for the new day, and wash away any feelings separating you from your family, neighbors, or the Creator. This is duyuktv ‘the right way,’ the Cherokee Way. When you visit Cherokee, North Carolina, you can almost imagine yourself living this way. Here, the same mountains where the Cherokees have maintained their traditions for generations surround you. People who proudly preserve a culture far older than the new nation that surrounds them welcome you. The Cherokees believe that they have always lived in Western North Carolina. Indeed, finely crafted stone tools and fluted spear-points confirm that people lived here more than 11,000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age. Ancient Cherokee tales describe hunts of the mastodons that once foraged through the upland spruce and fir. By 8000 B.C., semi-permanent villages dotted this region. Over the following millennia, the people of these mountains developed settled towns, sophisticated politics and religion, thriving agriculture, stunning pottery, and tremendously effective archery. When the first Europeans passed through Cherokee territory in 1540, they found Cherokee hunters with great bows the Spanish soldiers were unable to pull back, propelling arrows with the power to pierce a horse from hindquarters to heart. More than a thousand years ago, Cherokee life took on the patterns that persisted through the eighteenth century. European explorers and settlers found a flourishing nation that dominated the southern Appalachians. The Cherokees controlled some 140,000 square miles throughout eight present-day southern states. Villages governed themselves democratically, with all adults gathering to discuss matters of import in each town’s council house. Each village had a peace chief, war chief, and priest. Men hunted and fished; women gathered wild food and cultivated ‘the three sisters’ corn, beans, and squash cleverly inter-planting them to minimize the need for staking and weeding. This was life that realized harmony with nature, sustainability, personal freedom, and balance between work, play, and praise. The land furnished all: food in abundance, materials for shelter, clothing and utensils, visual grandeur still vivid today, and herbs to treat every known illness until the Europeans came. For the first 200 years of contact, the Cherokees extended hospitality and help to the newcomers. Peaceful trade prevailed. Intermarriage was not uncommon. The Cherokees were quick to embrace useful aspects of the newcomers’ culture, from peaches and watermelons to written language this last single-handedly created by the Cherokee genius Sequoyah, who introduced his ‘syllabary,’ or Cherokee alphabet, to the national council in 1821. Within months, a majority of the Cherokee nation became literate. But, by then, nearly 200 years of broken treaties had reduced the Cherokee empire to a small territory, and Andrew Jackson began to insist that all southeastern Indians be moved west of the Mississippi. The federal government no longer needed the Cherokees as strategic allies against the French and British. Land speculators wanted Cherokee land to sell for cotton plantations and for the gold that was discovered in Georgia. Although the Cherokees resisted Removal through their bilingual newspaper and through legal means, taking their case all the way the Supreme Court, Jackson’s policy prevailed. In 1838, events culminated in the tragic ‘Trail of Tears,’ the forced removal of the Cherokees in the East to Oklahoma. One quarter to half of the 16,000 Cherokees who began the long march died of exposure, disease, and the shock of separation from their home. The Cherokees in Western North Carolina today descend from those who were able to hold on to land they owned, those who hid in the hills, defying removal, and others who returned, many on foot. Gradually and with great effort, they have created a vibrant society a sovereign nation of 100 square miles where people in touch with their past and alive to the present preserve timeless ways and wisdom. This is my home Land Cherokee North Carolina come see ~rebelbreed~

Native American Art

I put this todether i hope you like it

Rise Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Somewhere a good man must rise from the young ones among us.I rebelbreed am geting old!!!! "Will you ever begin to understand the meaning of the soil beneath your very feet? From a grain of sand to a great mountain, all is sacred. Yesterday and tomorrow exist eternally upon this continent. We natives are the guardians of this sacred place. We lived on our land as long as we can remember. The land was owned by our tribe as far back as memory of men goes. We are truly unique things because we are the descendants of our ancestors and we are the ancestors of our descendents. "Listen to the air. You can hear it, feel it, smell it, taste it.", "Animals are part of us, part of the Great Spirit. The winged and four-legged are our cousins...There is power in the buffalo. There is power in the antelope. There was great power in a wolf, even in a coyote. To us, life, all life, is The supreme law of the land is the Great Spirit's, not Man's law. "Until we meet again, may the Great Spirit make sunrise in your heart, And may your moccasins make tracks in many snows yet to come." ><><><><><>~REBELBREED~<><><><><><>

It Is Time !!!!!!!!!!!!

"I, as a spritual Indian man, am convinced that it is time to reach out to my white brothers and sisters and to share with whomever wishes to partake of what we, the indigenous people of this land, still have. It is time that the buckskin curtain be drawn back. It is time, I know it. You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round... Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing. Our tepees were round like the nests of birds, and these were always set in a circle. The nation's hoop, a nest of many nests, where the Great Spirit meant for us to hatch our children. I do not see a delegation for the four-footed. I see no seat for the eagles. We forget and we consider ourselves superior. But we are after all a mere part of the Creation. And we must consider to understand where we are. And we stand somewhere between the mountain and the Ant. Somewhere and only there as part and parcel of the Creation. Birds have always been important to the Indian because they go where they wish, they light where they may and they're free. ...The eagle flies highest in the sky of all the birds and so he is the nearest to the Creator, and his feather is the most sacred of all. He is the highest of the birds and so belongs to all the tribes, to all the peoples. All children are my children. I teach them the songs and whatever else I can. That's what Grandmothers are for - to teach songs and tell stories and show them the right berries to pick and roots to dig. And also to give them all the love they can stand. No better job in the world than being Grandmother.
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