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Johnnydevil's blog: "Fu Education"

created on 03/02/2012  |  http://fubar.com/fu-education/b346824  |  32 followers

Hey kids! Just in case any of you are late to this party or didn't know but Fu has launched and ENTIRE NEW series of FREE ACHEIVEMENTS that can be used with your ABILITY POINTS !!

And also a ton for interacting with newbie profiles including liking, rating and commenting both profiles and photos!

Why let those Ability points go to waste right?

Take advantage of this chance, I know I will be!

If you are unaware or read this after they dissapear from the "New"  drop down they all can be located via the MISC drop down link that you can view from your My Achievements, it looks like this:

Have funnnnnnnn!

Tell a friend !

Don't forget to rate, subscribe and follow!


HI kids.

How are we? Ready for the holiday weekend? I know I sure am ready!


This is about Salutes.

This is word for word what the Fubar Bible (aka Help) says about salutes:

Okay cool. So if your salute is edited in any way, grainy as all hell, edited so badly that the entire left side of your body (including your hair) is say like, I don't know...grey...and the edges of the paper look like the blocks from the original Mario Brothers or they fell out of a paint program from 1999 - then your salute is edited and invalid.

Snapchat salutes are also invalid as are photoshopped ones obviously.

Otherwise all of the Fubar females would look like they were all 19 years old, thin faces, perfect skin and oh, have bunny ears.

The males would all have perfect complexions, muscles , 100 dollar bills hanging from their shirt pockets and who knows what else.

See why this doesn't work? Just because you are real doesn't mean your salute is valid and acceptable.

This is a huge difference and what seems to be a source of serious misunderstanding.

Please read the official Fubar bible information linked below:


Accurate information and knowledge are they keys to preventing well, ignorance.

Have a great weekend!


Hi kids. Welcome to the first "friends only" installment of this blog! (see previous ones as to why this is like this)

I'll just do something simple here that you may or may not have known. 

But there's a faster way to get your lazy likes done without running all kinds of powerups, blasts or whatever. 

I mean aside from generally just staying logged in and let people rate and like you that do it every day.

It's actually kind of simple.

Like people running a Likeanado.

They automatically like you back and THOSE LIKES COUNT toward your Achievements.

Hope this helps some of you and pass this along as well, but please make sure you tell them where you found it.

That's all. You're welcome. 

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Let's not forget the REAL reason for this holiday.


Hello kids, Happy Easter and April Fool's Day!..Hope you are doing well. This one is specifically for the people who play the "game" portion of the program...

Today's topic:

Famplifiers, Rates, Red and Your Family

It amazes me that almost eight years after the Famplifier was released that people still have a hard time grasping the impact that it has had on the game and what actually is all involved.

See, a long time ago, before "Famps" as we call them, people actually busted their ass for rates, they rated profiles, they made friends, they actually had a reason to spend what amounted to some for a large part of their day (no judgement, just fact) rating profiles hoping to get a rate back from anyone. The would "welcome" people to Fubar via profile comments on newbies. They ran blasts to bring attention to their page, and if I am not mistaken, ran boomerangs (before famps) to get rates, etc. That was in like, the pre-mid 2010 era.

Then the "Top Dudes and Chicks of the Week" came along and with it, the "Fake" red darker tone name that the Top 10 males of the females get on a weekly basis.

Here's a Q&A I created to make this easier for people to grasp:

Q: What determines what male and female profile get that "fake red" name every week?

A: It simple - they have the most combined profile rates obtained either on their own or by being "rated by (someone's) famplifier."

That's really it.

The week for this starts on Thursday reset Fubar time and ends the following Wednesday night at Fubar reset. Every week. So the people that get the most combined profile rates during that timeframe in each gender get that "fake red" color.

In the very beginning of this, people that were , shall we say "popular" were in so many families and their weekly ranks were very high just because they knew people and they ran famps and well, the weekly rank came along with it.

But then came the concept of the "buy in."

People would offer you (x) amount of credits to get into your family if you were running a famplifier (especially if you were running one during a happy hour) to soak up the profile rates you get and pass along to them via the famp.

I mean, that's fair right? The concept of "family" on Fubar began to take a nose dive into the dumpster rather rapidly due to this and people figuring it out (and it really hit rock bottom before they added the extra family spots for VIP.) But, bling costs real money. So as with any kind of game be it online, Xbox, Playstation or whatever, the more money and time you put into it, the better the outcome. The site has to make money also, let's not forget Fubar is a business. So that makes sense from that point of view.

But then families were gutted and replaced with those who "bought in" or also ran a lot of power up bling. If you didn't run you were labled a "freeloader." And promptly booted out.

Like if you look at older profiles and picture comments, they all basically stop toward the end of 2010 from a volume point of view. When the famp started, the interaction ceased. It's like that layer of sediment that scientists used to determine when meteors killed the dinosaurs. It's that drastic. People struggle for 100 comments on a pic these days. Back in the day that would literally take an hour - and so many, so many people would status it and help out until they got it.

Now? It's like if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it does it even make a sound?

So simply, the more profile rates they get, the closer toward the goals of that "fake red" name and "real red" name they get. It's really a very simple process.

The problem becomes when those people compete and some of them don't have the money to get that red name.

They will lie to you, they say they will swap (for the record, a male swapping with a female is RARELY a fair swap because they simply don't get the rates a female does) they will offer nominal "help" or promise you with world as long as you put them in YOUR famp to get free rates. They don't care, some of them, not all of them by any means, but some of them are total parasites. Honestly most hope you forget you added them and ride your rates until you wake up and take them out.

They all compete so much they have more drama than most lounges. And that's only because to be honest, who visits lounges anymore?

That's the problem. So if someone wants in your famp to soak up your profile rates to sponsor their journey toward either the fake weekly red name or the real lifetime red name - make them pay. With real money. With real credits or with real bling. Don't fall for some of their lines because my friends they have been doing this for so long they know every angle.

Some even use their own profiles to sell monthly spots like a subscription. I mean, if you do the math that explains why so many of them have those nice shiny exotics! Profit is good when other people pay for your bling to run I guess right?

But the biggest crime they commit is straight up telling you who to put in your family and who to kick out. That's a crime like betting on and playing professional sports to manipulate the outcome. Think Pete Rose or just about every NBA, NFL or College Basketball official. Same concept.

You determine who your family is. You determine how you handle YOUR Fubar business. In order to stop this nonsense, you people:


This is the ONLY way these people can be held accountable in most cases. I am tired of people saying "oh so and so told me that" and when I ask where the screenshot is they say "oh I lost it" or "oh I didn't get it."

That's like dumb AF and infuriating because that's another chance for  us to rid ourselves of these true freeloading parasites.

If you don't then you are letting them play you for a fool.

Are you a fool?

There are plenty of honest, good people here that offer credits or bling to be added to your famp. Swaps are a slippery slope and well, usually suck for at least one party involved. And of course, I always advise to leave those people who are your real friends in your family no matter what, they are the ones that matter. With maybe less than 10 exceptions these fake red name people come and go like the wind. Is that worth losing a friend over? If you have a VIP you have 105 family spots and there's nowhere near 105 people playing the "buy in" game. You're good. That number is well below that, maybe not even half, but who's to know.

So that wraps this up. Any questons? Feel free to ask and comment below. I hope this little educational program helps those of you who didn't know the reality or are new to running bling , God modes and having happy hours understand why you are being bombarded with these people in your shoutbox asking to be added.

The above is why.

They want your profile rates for their rank and colors - it's that simple.

The choices you make and how you handle them -  are up to you.

But if you read this, you can no longer say you had no idea.

Please tell a friend about this blog before they turn on a famp or have a happy hour.

You'll be doing them an amazing service.


I know many of you are looking for or are asking if where the rolling point box is.

What I've seen around is that it has been removed to make things faster and they don't know if it will be back.

If you need to check your points they update in your stat box on your homepage.

In case anyone was wondering.

Here's an update on it and a link to Scrapper's blog with the information:



Hey ladies and gents, just some kind of word on all of those Chrome for Windows issues you may be having (because a lot of you use it) and the new St. Patty Achievements that aren't counting correctly at the moment....

The latest version of Chrome had phased out the old library that that was being used and it was only discovered last week and the site is in the process of removing it so...just be patient and your stuff will be flying around back to normal soon enough. It hit me too. I feel like a sloth but before anyone loses their mind, that's the actual story about that. I literally was looking at new computers!

Also the St. Patty's credit-toward-achievement thing as shown below:

WAS only currently registering an older way (one bling toward the acheivement instead of per credit.) 

If you send or receive a new one then the counters will reset correctly. 

In the event you don't I am sure that if you contact support after St. Pattys (or whever the bling is removed) they will assist you.

Have a good night!

More FUN stuff to come in the near future!


Update 3/14/18: Please contact scrapper if you are still having issues with the information needed in his status. Thank you

I see SO many people looking for Love Monsters to polish so I figured I would add this to the list.

All of the Love Monsters on the site are located at the link below.

It changes as people are getting more of these on a semi regular basis:


1. Start off with the older ones on the last page, start by focusing on white names first.

White named people, or non-VIPs are more than likey not to have their bling locked.

2. Timestamp, Timestamp, Timestamp.

The timeframe for bling to be polished is anywhere between one hour before and one hour after the time it was polished the day before. This is important and will be a common theme throughout these. Write down the time on paper, make a bookmark, a spreadsheet, something. This will also save you time and aggrivation.

3. Make sure you actually rate and like the people that have the blings you are polishing.

This is common fubar courtesy. If you don't well, you probably won't be polishing that one again. Because that pisses everyone off.

4. Be peristent and patient.

You'll get there sooner than you think.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to rate and subscribe for future updates!

Hey everyone, just saw that there were some cool new free achievements dropped starting today. They are all related to the "booty" you get when you login, so check them out! If you mess up the booty chest on accident, you can always click it up here at any point during the day:



No spoilers today. They are pretty self explanatory!

Kudos !

Sometimes people take the game to a stupid level. This is one of those instances. While the upper levels clearly need famplifier rates for their achievements to level, this is probably not a good way to go about doing it. We've heard rumors of this for years, but now finally someone has been caught in a screenshot. Paying people to remove others from families? Is that where we are at? Are the rates really worth it?...Some good advice, don't.

Anyway, see for yourself and make your own conclusions...

I'd just love to know who trained this person how to do this because something just doesn't seem right to me....

Enjoy. If you get anything like this, please screenshot it.

Click to see screenshots!


So these are the new ones for re-inviting people.

When you re-invite someone, basically they receive an email stating "this person" invited you back after you've been gone awhile.  How long exactly a while is, I don't know but it is at least 30 days.

You find pages that have this in the upper right hand corner:






Click it and it will take a second to auto refresh their page, and you will notice that the button goes away and you should receive a pop up saying "Successfully Sent Reminder!"


A lot of people will be doing them, and there's only so many pages out there so you are probably better off taking your time with this one as of this posting, there's more than enough to go around. 

2. You can find quite a few in the profiles that have been around a long time with white names by doing a level or user ID search  - or raid someone that's been here a long time's friends/fans list.  just make sure they have a profile picture as the ones don't have the invite link on it at all and it will be a waste of your time, but some might and apparently have counted.

3. This isn't a quick or easy one, just do a few each time you're here and you won't even notice. Don't forget to hit the holiday balls while you are there.

4. This is a PC or Mobile Web Only one at this time ie, not on the APP.

Any questions or suggestions, feel free.  

Thanks, don't forget to rate, share and subscribe!

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