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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

created on 10/28/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dr-turi-s-blog/b18948  |  1 followers
NOTE TO ALL MY READERS - YOU MAY SIGN UP TO RECEIVE MY FREE NEWSLETTER DIRECTLY TO YOUR MAIL BOX BECAUSE I HAVE NO MORE TIME TO POST HERE. http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Friday, May 23, 2008 Super Nova Window In Action 5/23/2008 Dear Readers; Just a little note to let you know (if you are a VIP) that "Cosmic Code 8 Booklet 2, Personal and Universal Guidance for June" should be in your mailbox. If you did not get it email Mike at Dr.Turi@cox.net or check your trash and if you find it there adjust your settings. Memo - Cosmic Code 8 Booklet 2 Dear VIP Readers: I have decided to send you June forecast earlier just in case you need to plan a trip somewhere. As always read carefully "The Universal Law" of the moon and realize how important it is for you and your loved one to plan in accordance to the "Universal Code" as to avoid troubles, accidents and enjoy your trip/event/meeting with my guidance. As you well know Memorial Day will fall in a waning moon (negative) in a Uranian window promising bad surprises, explosions, natural disasters and high possibility to be stopped or stuck in airports anywhere in the US. So now you know and if you have to go, be very cautious and be patient on the road. Mother Earth Screams Revolt Wind Water Fire Bloody Entrails Spit Above Men Shock Tremble Explosions Cosmos God True Message Some To See Quatrain Written by Dr. Turi 09/26/07 In any case if you did not order your 2008 Moon Power copy simply go to http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php and download your FREE copy then look for the section titled "The Universal Law of the Moon". While there check what the old Dragon in Pisces/Virgo axis did to your life and those you care by reading your personal Dragon forecast. Remember my 2008 Moon Power is available to all of you as an E book for only $15.00. Send your check to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd ST, Phoenix, AZ 85016 and TYPE or PRINT your email address so we can email it to you. I am working very hard to produce the 2009 Moon power and it should be available before the year is over. I have also found a way for you to help me in my request to endorse my work and get me as a regular on Coast To Coast with a working combined link. So please realize that I am working VERY hard to help all of you and I can only count on you my faithful reader to keep writing and making your requests to Clear Channel Executives directly. PLEASE do so and enjoy more of my wisdom and real guidance – Use this link http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html tell them WHY you want me there, mention my predictions, talk about George endorsing me so many times, tell them that its OK to have a regular there talking about UFO regularly but my guidance is as important for their audience. Tell them to have a pool on Coast To Coast and ASK their listeners if they want me there regularly, use your imagination but HELP ME to reach more people. Please contact every one of them at the same time and do it regularly. Our efforts will pay off in time and I can do it only with your help. Once more use http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html to do so. Thank you so much for your needed help. Blessings to all Dr. Turi Welcome to Your Day - to - Day Guidance For June 2008 SORRY THIS SECTION IS FOR MY VIP'S ONLY YES SAD ENOUGH ALL MY PREDICTIONS COMES TRUE A massive tornado tore into the northern Colorado town of Windsor and nearby towns Thursday, killing one person and damaging many homes and businesses, the town's mayor said. NO MORE EXCUSE BE PREPARED ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL AND UNIVERSAL PREDICTIONS, BE SMART5, SAVE YOUR LIFE, SAVE MONEY, SAVE TIME. As of TODAY the price for my " Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter will be brought down to only $35.00 until the end of the year. Note also you may order anytime and still get EVERYONE ONE of them and check your personal and Universal Dragon forecast, your daily guidance and benefit also from all sorts of good deals and large breaks on my services by doing so. Realize also that my rare wisdom and LEGITIMATE guidance is PRICELESS, thus for a quarter or less a day you will be taking care all throughout the year 2009 and get to learn a lot about the "Cosmic Code". The price for the 2009 "Cosmic Code" newsletters will be of a flat rate of $100 and $35:00 for senior's citizens and extended to anyone else born as of or before January 1955. Note that your personal Dragon forecast is based upon the year you were born thus lying on your factual age will not help you at all. I will ask every one of you to RE-submit your payment BEFORE January 1st 2009. My great Webmaster Alan will always accommodate me with the price variations (including the $35 new price as of today) and the new form with the new $100 price will be on my website in time so you do not miss your 1st 2009 "Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter. Click on the banner and pick the STUDENT Rate Option for $35.00 and join my World Wide Star Family. Thank you to all my newcomers, DT. http://www.drturi.com/orders3.htmlnewsletter BACK TO LIFE I created a very powerful Mother of ALL SECRET natural diet called "BACK TO LIFE". This all-natural healing methodology will indeed and totally CLEAN OFF all negative physical and spiritual condition. Thus if you suffer depressions low vitality, get sick too often and lost the "zest for life" let me rebuild your body mind and soul by inserting more magnetism in your life. This service can only be done either in my office in Phoenix or in the privacy of your home. I do fly all over the US helping people suffering serious mental and/or physical conditions. If you decide to bring me to your home for a day or visit my "Healing Room" in phoenix for a Cabalistic Session read this important information first - http://www.drturi.com/news/1137272476.html and check my Healing Room at http://www.drturi.com/healingroom.php then call me at 602-265-7667. ON AIR Dr. Turi with Rebecca Jernigan May 24th 7to 8 Arizona time http://www.myspace.com/journeyswithrebecca ON AIR - Dr. Turi and Anna Robles May 27th 9:00 PM CST http://www.myspace.com/anael33 JOIN US IN PHOENIX http://www.past-az.com/ Dr. Turi on Captain Jack Show on youtube – A show you will truly enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r TO ALL MY READERS With the help of Craig we found a way for you to help me in my request to endorse my work and get me as a regular on Coast To Coast with a working combined link. So please realize that I am working VERY hard to help all of you and I can only count on you my faithful reader to keep writing and making your requests to Clear Channel Executives directly. PLEASE do so and enjoy more of my wisdom and real guidance – Use this link http:////3rdstone.net/mailto.html tell them WHY you want me there, mention my predictions, talk about George endorsing me so many times, tell them that its OK to have a regular there talking about UFO regularly but my guidance is as important for their audience. Tell them to have a pool on Coast To Coast and ASK their listeners if they want me there regularly, use your imagination but HELP ME to reach more people. Please contact every one of them at the same time and do it regularly. Our efforts will pay off in time and I can do it only with your help. Once more usehttp://3rdstone.net/mailto.html to do so. Thank you so much for your needed help. Blessings to all Dr. Turi You may WRITE YOUR OWN, edit, add copy and paste From Ota's great endorsement; Hello and Blessings to you! I am writing to urge you to have Dr. Turi on your programs as often as possible. Imagine what a difference it would have made if the victims of the recent tornadoes, the cyclone, and the massive quake in China had been privy to Dr. Turi's predictions! So many lives could have been saved! The human suffering in these disasters could have been mitigated! I have been an astrologer for over 40 years and I have also given on the air readings for radio stations in the Southeast. Nothing bothers me more than charlatans and phonies that take advantage of people and who are only deceivers out for personal gain! Dr. Turi is "the real thing" and he is deeply dedicated to serving humanity! I was not allowed to be on the air until I had read for nearly everyone at the radio stations and they knew I was not bogus. Dr. Turi is Genuine!!!! Please be a part of helping humanity through these challenging times and allow Dr. Turi to speak and be a beacon of light to help humanity navigate these times in which we live! It is a matter of life and death! The very future of our children is at stake! Is it not obvious that the old paradigms of learning and treatment and dominate culture and institutions are crumbling and no longer working? Let's work together and support Dr. Turi! I thank you so very much! Sincerely, Ota 3rdstone.net/mailto.html ONCE MORE PARTICIPATE AND THANK YOU Dear VIP readers: Call me at 602-265-7667 if you want to join us in Sedona next July or the next one in February 2009. Blessings to All Dr. Turi Sharing emails; Dr Turi I am looking for your personal email to apologize for any inconvenience it has brought you about today..'s show this has not happen to me ever. The show has a technique issue and it couldn't be fixed on time for the show. Please feel free to email me at anael32@sbcglobal.net. I would love to reschedule this show please if you can fit me in your schedule I would appreciate it . Once again I do apologize. Blessings Anna DT- No worries a Supernova window will specifically affect all for form of communication not just the weather and aim also for radio station electronics. No one to blame but the Universal Code" of God lol. See you next Tuesday. Blessings DT Dr. Turi, I hear your concerns and desire to reach an even greater humanity with your messages. I am not sure as to how I can help you. I am interested in your work and do believe in you. I am taking care of my elderly mother and as a result am pretty much homebound and on a very low budget for us for the time being. Sincerely, Barbara DT- Hello Barbara, you can do very much for me by following the direction mentioned above and email ALL of them at http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html Blessings and thank you again. DT Good Morning Dr. Turi, I get your newsletter and YES I am listening and seeing your information is very real. I would like to speak with you regarding getting you out to the public with your most important information. Please reply back to me if you are interested. I have a radio show on bbsradio.com twice a month and if you are interested I would like to have you on once a month. I will send you my guest request information when I hear back from you if you would like to join me as my SPECIAL GUEST each month. Please contact me by e-mail for my show schedule dates. I would like to get you on the 31st of this month (May 31st 2008) if that is ok with you as your information is so very IMPORTANT to get out to the peoples. My e-mail address is as follows and my phone number... Much Gratitude Dr. Turi Juliyanna Dear Juliyanna I am sure you realize that I am asked everyday to host my own Internet radio but I'd rather do solid radio stations for now because my time is so precious. Thank you so much for the efforts it is appreciated. Blessings DT Hello Dr. Turi, I am the current host of The APSR paranormal talk radio show, and am interested in having you on the show. Would you be interested? Looking forward to your reply. Regards. Michael A.P.S.R. PARANORMAL TALK RADIO Host - http://www.apsrradio.com - tune in T....W....Th 9PM to 11PM est http://www.myspace.com/djozzie You bet but again I am so busy and I can not do Internet radio anymore. Are you an FM? AM? Radio station? Let me know please. Blessings and thank you for the offer. Dear Dr. Turi; Hello I want to offer my comment. I read from some woman down under in Australia saying ,about the high number of murders in this country. The United States of America.And saying that guns were to blame .You were trying to explain the simple fact that the cops have no mandate to protect the We The people. Which is truth. The cops have to prime directive the individual. Now for the non- educated out there the Constitution says just that. We The people have the right to defend ourselfs. This was put in place during the framing of the constitution by the founding fathers. Who fleeing the tyranny of King George in England. And coming to a new land wanted freedom and peace from the wrongful oppression of we the people. To engage in life, liberty and to have the right to do business with out the oppression of regulation and excess taxes. Now the Revolutionary war was just what this was all about. For the We The People out there who were not taught nor learned this in school This country its principles of border and language and worship of God and freedom were what the Revolutionary war was about. I like to say we were born of a Revolution and defined by the Civil war of the 1800s. Now once again we find ourselves in the same dilemma. We have no freedom other than to pay for the HUGE BLOATED all Consuming Government. The steals from us all the while saying we will make it better. The last thing We The People want to do is let the Gov get our Guns. As Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin and Samuel Adams and John Hancock and hundreds more patriots new. They all new that to give up ones protections I.E. GUNS would mean to give up and let the GOV take over all of our lives. And once again to loose our freedoms. Right now The We The Peoples right to hold and bear arms to protect ourselves is on the verge of a decision in the U.S. Supreme Court. The ruling should come down sometime in June. So to sum up the right to bear arms guarantee us The We The People to protect ourselves and our families from the murderer and the rapist and the criminal Vermont as well as our own repressive Government. And as the founding fathers new all to well the biggest abusive of power is the Government that was elected by we the people. Ever wonder why the best intentions of a person running for whatever office are quickly lost in the dark evil black hole of the Government. Answer it is not of and by the people anymore. To you people out there arm yourselves have lots of ammo set aside take a firearm safety class. Dr. Turi went into detail about this and how to do it. There is nothing to fear except FEAR- ITSELF. Knowledge is FREEDOM and POWER from the Fear, which we all project. So to the woman in Australia I've been to OZ. When you see the rats in an alley In Melbourne or Sydney hitting an old lady for her purse and she is killed while you good people just walk by thinking its not you concern. That's the difference from you all down under and the we the people who will stand up for what is right. We need all the Patriots in this United States to stand up and let it be known this is our country we will not be led down the path of destruction. So get your asses of the couch turn out the moron box with your sports trash games. Educate yourself and take a stand for your country before its gone....And listen to Dr. Turi he knows more that all of us... Greg in San Diego DT- Well thank you for the lesson in history and your feedback my friend…I chose to arm myself because NO criminal will hurt me or my loved one and I know the cops are too busy out there for me, so I can only rely on me. Blessings DT From Tom; Please add something to your V.I.P.'s about antibiotics. Lynn has just finished her 3RD round this year!!! I am really concerned about her. Antibiotics destroy the immune system. DT- I am sure many people are aware of this fact too my friend. I hope she will feel better soon. Blessings DT Dr. Turi, Thank You for answering my email about my sons horse accident. I knew about the Leo children and had intuitive thoughts about what is to come. Thank You for that inner voice of yours. As always you have made me feel better. Bless you, Jeri DT –Yes keep reading my work and it will all make sense to you. Take care of your baby an detach him the "Cosmic Code". Blessings DT Dragons Head in Aquarius, and Mercury Retrograde (supernova window)... DT predicted plenty of *"freak weather were it has not happened before"* and Here you go: Tornado kills 1, rips apart buildings in Colorado*Story Highlights* - *NEW:* Twisters reportedly seen near Moreno Valley, California - Another tornado hits schools, store, homes in Laramie, Wyoming - Colorado twister strikes about 80 miles north of Denver - Funnel clouds, large hail reported in northern Colorado http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/05/22/colorado.tornado.video/index.html Craig Hi Craig thanks for the link http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html and your great help man… Blessings DT
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