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With all the products on the market designed to keep your body healthy and functioning at full capacity, it's easy to overlook the part that governs it all: your brain. Feeding your mind and boosting your energy level can do wonders in your quest to look good, feel good and enjoy life. Bliss: Anti-Stress Formula Do you find that when you get stressed, even the simple things in life tend to overwhelm you, causing your heartbeat to speed up and your blood pressure to rise? Or maybe your reaction to stress is to withdraw and grow sullen. Sometimes, you just wish you could push through the stress without experiencing the highs and lows that can accompany it. Decreases anxiety Increases mental clarity Promotes relaxation without drowsiness Do you find when you get stressed even the simple things in life tend to overwhelm you? Your heartbeat speeds up; your blood pressure increases; your breathing quickens. Stress has been shown to have negative effects on the body such as adverse affects on reproduction, sexual behavior, weight gain/loss, mood swings, and weakening the immune system, making you more vulnerable to colds, flu, fatigue and infections. Recent research demonstrates that 90% of illness is stress-related. Bliss - Anti-Stress Formula is for those who need to decrease anxiety, increase mental clarity, and helps the body deal with the effects of stress naturally. Bliss promotes relaxation without drowsiness, helps stabilize your mood, and is ideal for any adult individual encountering consistent stressful days or an upcoming stressful event. So take control of your life today and give your mind and body the gift of Bliss. Ingredient Insight: L-Theanine - Theanine is the major amino acid found in green tea. Green tea contains 1% to 3% theanine. Theanine has historically been used for its relaxing and anti-anxiety effects. It's thought that theanine might work for anxiety by increasing levels of GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) and serotonin. In the central nervous system, GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter. It is synthesized in the brain by the decarboxylation of glutamate. GABA exerts anticonvulsant, sedative, and anxiolytic effects at the cellular level. Rhodiola - The applicable part of roseroot is the root. Roseroot contains a phenylpropanoid glycoside called salidroside. This constituent is also sometimes referred to as rhodioloside or rhodosine. This constituent is thought to be responsible for roseroot's stimulant, anti-stress, and adaptogenic actions (increasing resistance to the harmful effects of stressors). Other constituents isolated from roseroot include rhodioniside, rhodiolin, rosin, rosavin, rosarin, rosiridin, rosiridol, and lotaustralin. It is thought that these constituents might also be involved in roseroot's adaptogenic effects. Animal studies are reported to show protection from stressors such as cold and radiation, increased work capacity, decreased fatigue and improved learning and memory. Roseroot extracts might also prevent stress-induced cardiac damage by preventing rises in cardiac catecholamines and cyclic-AMP. Roseroot extracts also demonstrate potential for improving learning and memory. Ashwagandha - Some researchers think ashwagandha has a so-called "anti-stressor" effect. Preliminary evidence suggests ashwagandha might suppress stress-induced increases of dopamine receptors in the corpus striatum of the brain. It also appears to reduce stress-induced increases of plasma corticosterone, blood urea nitrogen, and blood lactic acid. Theoretically, concomitant use with herbs that have sedative properties might enhance therapeutic and adverse effects. Some of these include 5-HTP, calamus, California poppy, catnip, hops, Jamaican dogwood, kava, St. John's wort, scullcap, valerian, yerba mansa, and others. Eleuthero, Siberian Ginseng - Eleuthero is an "adaptogen" (an agent that helps the body adapt to stress). It is thought to help support adrenal gland function when the body is challenged by stress. Eleuthero has been shown to enhance mental acuity and physical endurance without the letdown that comes with caffeinated products. Passion Flower - Passionflower has sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, and antispasmodic effects. Some evidence suggests the passionflower constituent apigenin binds to central benzodiazepine receptors, possibly causing anxiolytic effects without impairing memory or motor skills. Although animal data suggest the constituents maltol and ethylmaltol can reduce spontaneous motor activity, prolong barbiturate-induced sleep time, and show anticonvulsant activity, not enough maltol is found in passionflower preparations to cause these effects. Some evidence suggests the harman alkaloids have central nervous system (CNS) stimulant activity via a monoamine oxidase mechanism; however, the sedative effects of maltol and ethylmaltol can mask these effects. Some studies have pointed to the flavonoids in passion flower as the primary constituents responsible for its relaxing and anti-anxiety effects. European herbal pharmacopoeias typically recommend passion flower products containing no less than 0.8% total flavonoids. Bacopa - Pharmacological activity of brahmi is attributed to the saponin bacoside and bacopasaponin constituents. Some evidence suggests purified bacosides A and B may facilitate learning ability and cognitive performance. Possible mechanisms for cognitive improvement include modulation of acetylcholine release, choline acetylase activity, and muscarinic cholinergic receptor binding. Directions: Take two per day. Warning: If you are currently taking warfarin (Coumadin), other anti-platelet/anti-coagulant medications, antihypertensive medications, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications or have an ongoing medical condition, you should consult your physician before using this product. Women who are pregnant or lactating should not use this product. This product may decrease the effects of stimulants and caffeine. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Mochatonix® A nutrionally balanced and delicious chocolate mocha drink, MochaTonix uses Advantra Z® to provide you with a pleasant burst of energy, increase your body's metabolism and heighten your energy, alertness and endurance levels. MochaTonix delivers essential nutrients to the brain to aid in the synthesis of noradrenalin, an important neurotransmitter, so you can feel more alert, concentrate better and think more clearly. Increases the body's metabolism Boosts energy Increases alertness and endurance levels MochaTonix™ is a nutritionally balanced and delicious chocolate mocha drink that not only provides you with a pleasant burst of energy, it increases your body's metabolism to help you lose weight. It heightens your energy, alertness and endurance levels. MochaTonix™ delivers essential nutrients to the brain to aid in the synthesis of necessary noradrenalin, an important neurotransmitter, so you can feel more alert, concentrate better and think more clearly. MochaTonix's™ advanced formula features a patented ingredient, Advantra Z® that helps to burn fat and increase physical performance. Derived from the Chinese herb Citrus aurantium, Advantra Z® promotes lipolysis, the breakdown of fat, and thermogenesis, the production of body heat in muscle and fat. By enhancing lipolysis and thermogenesis, Advantra Z® prompts your body to accelerate fat loss. Amazingly, this situation can lead to increased energy and physical performance, because during aerobic exercise, the body can efficiently convert free fatty acids released from stores of fat into additional energy. Combined with regular exercise and a sensible diet, Advantra Z® can contribute to weight loss. Our daily lives are demanding and stressful enough, so give your mind and your body a more competitive edge with MochaTonix™ - the fat-burning, energy-enhancing brain booster that can help you think and feel your very best. Mochatonix™ Lets You Gain Energy And Increase Mental Alertness! Safe, effective and great tasting, MochaTonix™ supports the function of the brain's neurotransmitters - the electro-chemical "messengers" of the brain that serve a vital role in governing emotions, mobility, alertness and memory. One of the most crucial neurotransmitters is noradrenalin (also known as norepinephrine), which is continuously synthesised by selected neurons on the brain. Noradrenalin contributes to mental alertness. If noradrenalin levels drop, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to stay alert, motivated or to think clearly. When you are subject to increased stress, a poor diet or extreme concentration and decision-making while working long hours, noradrenalin levels in the brain can be depleted. You definitely notice this at the end of a long day of desk work that requires plenty of thinking and decision-making - you feel completely exhausted because your mental workout has depleted your stores of noradrenalin. Rapid decision making places a high premium on supplies of noradrenalin. The amount of information your brain can process per second is significantly correlated to how quickly the brain can release noradrenalin. Your ability to perform at your very best greatly depends on the amount of neurotransmitters available to your brain through vitamins and minerals from your diet or from supplements. This is where MochaTonix™ can give you a competitive edge - it is specifically formulated to provide your brain with the precise nutrients and co-factors it can use to create noradrenalin. Supply Your Mind With What It Needs MochaTonix™ supplies your body with neurotransmitter precursors, such as phenylalanine, the precursor of noradrenaline. Your diet plays a crucial role in the availability of phenylalanine because levels could drop due to competition with other amino acids for transport across the blood-brain barrier. For instance, when your stomach digests proteins, other amino acids can block the transport of phenylalanine through your small intestine and out to the bloodstream. Only protein fosters such disruption, not carbohydrates and fats. Over-the-counter phenylalanine supplements could help, but only if protein is not a major component of your diet. The right co-factors, such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, folic acid and copper are needed in order to convert phenylalanine into noradrenalin. MochaTonix™ supplies your mind with these useful co-factors and more. It provides the brain with the raw materials and co-factors to make noradrenalin that is used up during the day through concentration, decision-making, stress and drinking caffeinated beverages - which helps to release noradrenalin, but it cannot manufacture noredrenalin. By supplying your mind with the right nutrients and precursors to maintain adequate stores of noradrenaline, MochaTonix™ can give an edge in long-lasting performance. Burn The Fat, Build Lean Muscle Mass The Amazing Avantra® Z MochaTonix's™ advanced formula features a patented ingredient, Advantra Z® that stimulates fat burning and increases physical performance. Advantra Z® is an extract derived from the immature dried fruit (zhi shi) of the Chinese herb Citrus aurantium, also known as bitter orange. The Chinese have used zhi shi for centuries to treat various ailments with no reported adverse reactions. Advantra Z® effectiveness derives from its ability to stimulate beta-3 adrenergic receptor types, one of four receptors in every cell that can support and determine the body's response to adrenergic amines such as adrenalin and noradrenalin. It binds to beta-3 receptors and signals the fat cells to degrade stored fat. The adrenergic amines in Advantra Z® also heighten the resting metabolic rate without affecting sensitive alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-1 and beta-2 receptors that could initiate changes in blood pressure and cardiac function. Advantra Z® promotes lipolysis, the breakdown of fat, and thermogenesis, the production of body heat in muscle and fat. MochaTonix™ is used in tandem with a high protein intake and a moderate weight-training program, more amino acids are available to the body to incorporate into protein and build lean muscle mass. MochaTonix™ can help you to burn fat, build lean muscle mass, when combined with exercise, and increase your physical performance. Not only does it provide you with additional energy, it can help you use the stored energy you have in the form of fat more efficiently. Through the initiation of lipolysis and thermogenesis, Advantra Z® prompts your body to accelerate fat loss. Such a process contributes to increased energy and physical performance, because during aerobic exercise, the body can efficiently convert free fatty acids released from stores of fat into additional energy. When you combine MochaTonix™ with a sensible diet and regular, consistent exercise you can experience the weight loss that you were convinced could never happen. When MochaTonix™ is used in tandem with a high protein intake and a moderate weight-training program, more amino acids are available to the body to incorporate into protein and build lean muscle mass. In addition to Advantra Z®, MochaTonix™ provides other ingredients that can build on and increase the length and level of physical performance. An adaptogenic herbal blend of Rhodiola Rosea, American Ginseng and Panax ginseng provides increased and long-term physical performance. MochaTonix™ burns fat, increases physical performance and builds lean muscle mass, when combined with exercise, in a more efficient manner than by other weight loss and fitness agents. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Vita-Mind™ Mind Enhancement Formula The vitamins, minerals and natural herbs in Vita-Mind help create a healthier environment for the brain by boosting the brain's metabolism and fortifying it against stress. Designed for a greater mental resistance to stress, added mental clarity and improved memory. Boosts the brains metabolism Provides mental clarity May help improve memory The Brain Can Resist Aging As with every organ and system in the human body, the brain is subject to age-related changes. Consider making changes in your lifestyle and diet in order to maintain a keen mental edge as you advance in years. You can make a difference in how well your mind ages by doing some easy tasks each day. First, you have to challenge your brain daily by reading, writing, playing games and listening to audio books in addition to sustaining a level of physical activity daily. Second, feed your brain by eating a portion of cold water fish (cod, tuna, salmon, halibut, shark or mackerel) regularly. This supplies essential omega-3 fatty acids, acknowledged antioxidants which have been shown in studies to foster mental health and well-being. Whenever possible, supplement with a quality fish oil (omega-3) and be sure to include quality multi-vitamin and mineral supplements.Third, in order to create a natural health maintenance environment for your mind so it will perform more efficiently over time, feed your mind what it needs - Vita-MindTM, the "smart" move in dietary supplements! Vita-MindTM is a natural, safe and effective means to create a healthier environment for your mind and improve your mental acuity. It features a potent group of quality ingredients that have been shown to support brain health, function and efficiency. The vitamins, minerals, nutrients and natural herbs in Vita-MindTM help to create a healthier environment for the brain by boosting the brain's metabolism, fortifying it against stress and protecting it against the ravages of free radical damage. Vita-Mind's ingredients increase the amount of blood and oxygen to the brain, provide necessary "brain fuel" for mental energy and heighten electrical activity so that vital neurotransmitters can operate efficiently. As a result, you should notice a greater mental resistance to stress, greater mental clarity, alertness and improved working and long-term memory. Any adult who is stressed out, overwhelmed and in need of a specific nutritional supplementation product for mental clarity and overall mind health and maintenance should consider taking Vita-MindTM. Vita-MindTM is not a stimulant. Vita-MindTM allows you to create a health maintenance environment for your mind naturally so it can perform more efficiently. When you foster a healthier environment for your mind, you are more alert with greater mental acuity without the need for stimulants. Caffeinated beverages and other stimulants only provide a temporary solution to a lack of mental alertness and can leave wild side effect swings that you don't need. What you need is a way to fortify and nourish your mind long-term so it can cope better with stress and the demands of modern life. Vita-MindTM can contribute to increased mental clarity, alertness, memory and mood safely and naturally. Feed Your Mind What It Needs! Let's face it - the hustle and bustle of daily life in modern society can really tax your mind as well as your body. Sitting behind a desk all day and engaging your brain to solve problems and make decisions can tire you out as much as a 10-mile hike would with a full pack and gear. With all of the demands placed on you each day, it's easy for your mind to become overwhelmed and wander off into indecision or dullness. If you're like most people, you attempt to sharpen that mental dull finish with caffeinated beverages, but caffeine provides only a temporary boost and rather unpleasant side effects. To keep a keen mental edge each day, your objective should be to create a natural health maintenance environment for your brain - to literally feed your brain what it needs so it can perform in a healthy and efficient manner. Medical and scientific research has shown that certain vitamins, minerals, nutrients and natural herbs can foster brain health, maintenance and vitality. Ideally, you should be able to incorporate these elements in your daily diet through select foods and nutritional supplements, but life is seldom ideal. Poor dietary choices and stress cannot only dull your mind, they can alter and dampen your mood and attitude. But you can avoid such a vicious cycle by including a dietary supplement that features a comprehensive group of effective vitamins, minerals, nutrients and natural herbs. Market America has created the very dietary supplement for the mind you're looking for - Vita-MindTM! Create A Healthier Environment For Your Mind! Vita-MindTM is a natural, safe and effective means to create a healthier nervous system and improve your mental acuity. It features a potent group of quality ingredients that have been shown to support brain health, function and efficiency. If stress and the challenges of daily life have blunted your mental edge, sharpen it back up with Vita-MindTM. Stimulants only provide a temporary solution to a lack of mental alertness - what you need is a way to fortify and nourish your brain long-term so it can cope better with stress and the demands of modern life. Vita-MindTM can contribute to increased mental clarity, alertness, memory and mood without the wild side effect swings of stimulants. Safely and naturally, Vita-MindTM allows you to create a health maintenance environment for your brain so it can perform more efficiently. Natural And Effective Ingredients for Your Brain Ginkgo Biloba is one of the oldest living tree species known to man. Extracts of this powerful antioxidant herb can improve brain function by increasing cerebral blood flow and the supply of oxygen to the brain. It boosts the brain's energy metabolism of glucose and heightens electrical activity. (1) Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that can synthesize two important neurotransmitters (electro-chemical "messengers" that transmit signals between nerve cells in the brain): dopamine and norepinephrine, that contribute to mental alertness. Phenylalanine helps to elevate mood, increase memory and learning as well as to decrease pain. (1) Glutamine is a free amino acid and neurotransmitter that can easily pass the blood-brain barrier and be transformed into glutamic acid, which is vital for brain function. This "brain fuel" helps to improve mental activity. (1) Gotu Kola has been used as a part of Ayurvedic (Southern Asia) culture for thousands of years as a nerve tonic and to strengthen white and grey matter in the brain. It can decrease low moods and fatigue. (1) A Potent Ginseng Combination Korean Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is used throughout Asia to provide extra energy. As an adaptogen, its active ingredients, ginsenosides, counteract stress, assist in prolonging mental tasks and improve intellectual performance.(2) Gotu Kula does not contain caffeine. Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is used to restore memory, concentration and cognitive abilities which may be impaired by improper blood supply to the brain. Its active ingredient, eleutherosides, helps to handle stressful conditions. Siberian Ginseng works extremely well with Ginkgo biloba, and the combination has been shown to improve working and long-term memory. (1) Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that is similar in function to vitamin E and serves as a critical element in the creation of cellular energy. It stimulates immune function, possesses anti-aging characteristics and benefits the cardiovascular system.1 Recent studies have indicated CoQ10 could help protect the brain by improving brain metabolism.(3, 4) Vitamin C is an antioxidant necessary for the growth and repair of tissue, adrenal gland function and gum health. It enhances immune function, protects against infection, heightens the absorption of iron and may help cardiovascular health. It has been shown to operate as a signaling molecule to regulate the synaptic efficiency of neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamic acid.(1, 5) Folic Acid is required for the production of energy, the creation of red blood cells and proper cell division and replication. A true "brain food," it is vital in pregnancy because it helps govern embryonic and fetal nerve cell development. It works well when combined with vitamin C and vitamin B12. (1) Vitamin B12 is necessary to prevent anemia and is helpful in cellular formation and longevity. It is associated with the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine that contributes to memory and learning. (1) Potassium is an important mineral for the health of the nervous system and proper heart rhythm. It works to maintain good circulatory health on the brain and is a vital component of cellular chemical reactions, nutrient transfer and electrochemical impulses. (1) Lecithin is a lipid that every cell in the body needs. Cell membranes surrounding neurons are composed of lecithin. This nutrient guards against cardiovascular disease and helps improve brain function.(1) The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. michellevarner.unfranchise.com
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