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Billcashey's blog: "Earth For Energy"

created on 10/04/2009  |  http://fubar.com/earth-for-energy/b310761  |  1 followers

When the wind blows, kinetic energy is being create. If kinetic energy is captured, it can be turned into other forms of energy. Wind is a renewable source of energy because it never runs out. It is clean because it does not produce pollution or carbon dioxide. Click here to read more - Home Wind Turbine and Magnet Motor

Windmills in history

Windmills have been used to mill (or grind) flour for more than one thousand years. The first windmills were probably built in Central Asia in the 9th century. Hundreds of years later, people began using windmills to pump water out of the ground.

Capturing and converting energy

Windmills are machines that convert (change) the wind’s movement into the power to move machinery.

A wind turbine is a type of windmill that produces electricity. It has blades to catch the wind. The turbine converts the movement of the air into power for a generator. The generator uses that power to make electricity.

Producing power

Large wind turbines are very powerful. The biggest turbines can produce enough electricity for 1,500 to 5,000 households. Power stations using wind can be big or small. Some have a single turbine, while others may have hundreds. These large power stations, called wind farms, are cheap to build compared to other power stations.

Find out how you can generate electricity with wind power using a home wind turbine today. Also, you may be interested to look into a magnet motor


In many parts of the world, the cost of electricity has been increasing drastically and you can simply compare your last electrical bill with that of 5 years ago. Instead of searching for a new kind of energy, let's talk about reducing our electrical bills. A lot of times this possibility isn't taken into consideration, but wouldn't you be happy if you can save over 80% of your actual bill for all the next electrical bills? Click here to read more - How To Build a Solar Panel and How To Build a Magnet Motor

All you need to do is to learn how to build solar panel to produce your own electrical energy through solar panels. These solar panels take and keep the energy from the sun and turn it into usable electrical energy that we can use every day in our ordinary lives. Generally, the majority of people that knew about solar panels think that they won't benefit from its use because they just work in sunny areas. That isn’t the case. In fact, the new generation of solar panels can produce a lot of electrical energy even on rainy weathers.

Learning how to build solar panel is very easy: first they need to be installed (most of the time, on the roof of homes) and then they take the energy from the rays of sunshine and convert it from solar energy to electrical energy.

Solar panels must be kept from shading, as shaded cells draw energy for themselves from other cells.

Things you need to know:

1. Solar panels using monocrystalline cells have high conversion efficiency, and take up less space, but lack shade protection.

2. Solar panels using polycrystalline cells have even higher conversion efficiency, take up even less space, but still lack shade protection.

3. Solar panels using amorphous silicon cells have lower conversion efficiency, and take up more space, but do have shade protection. This can be especially important on a sailboat.

Once you have determined the size and number of solar panels needed, you will be better able to determine where they will be placed. The best places depend on the roof's length and size of the panels. Take your time and think it through.

The simple answer to how to build solar panel is none other than using the earth for energy.

And remember, when building your solar panels, select locations that will get maximum sunlight without shaded spots. In placing solar panels, consider the use of extra bars/braces to secure the panels. You obviously want them to remain stable.

Not many homeowners have the proper knowledge on how to make their own solar systems as they assume that the only method of having solar panels installed is to confront commercial companies to do it for them. However, do you know that when you Do-it-Yourself, you can save thousands of dollars. Plus, it isn't really a difficult task to make solar panels yourself. Click here to read more - Home Solar Power Systems and Generate Electricity

There are many ready-made solar system kits available out there that simply need to be assembled and installed. These kits tend be rather expensive and can cost almost as much as a professional installation. $30,000 really is too much for most households to pay for a professionally-installed solar systems.

These necessary materials are not difficult to find:

1. Acrylic
2. Electrical wiring
3. Sheets of glass
4. Photovoltaic cells
5. Clear PVC Sheeting
6. Copper Wire
7. General Tools (Drills, screwdrivers, glue)

Any hardware store should stock most of these items. Photovoltaic cells are the only thing that you might have to search online (or eBay) in order to purchase or else locate a specialty store that stocks them.

You will not regret saving money at times like now to make your own solar systems. You only need a good instructional guide that will take you through the process of building and installing your own solar systems. Most of these guides are written to cater to the average homeowners, so even DIY beginners will have no trouble following the instructions contained within.

The initial investment required in order to purchase a guide and the necessary materials for a simple solar panel system is a mere $200. This basic system will provide enough power for several small appliances. The advantage of learning how to make solar panels is that you can choose to make as many solar systems as you like whenever you feel the need or want to. You could even build enough solar systems to provide power for all the electrical appliances and lights in your home and save $1000's each year on your electricity bills. Such a full system might cost you slightly more than a thousand dollars to build and install, but the same system would cost an arm and a leg if installed by a commercial company.

So, why not start learning How To Build a Solar Panel today and cut your monthly electrical bills for good?

Find out how you can build your own DIY solar panels and generate up to 80% or more of your electrical needs, and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. Click here to read more - Home Solar Power Systems and How To Build a Solar Panel

Solar panels are one of the easiest and least expensive answers to our global need of reducing our dependency on fossil fuels. The United States itself accounts for over 25% of the global oil usage. By using solar panels, we can reduce our dependency on imported fossil fuels.

If more people were to build their own DIY solar panels, the world could reduce its dependency on fossil fuels by up to 50% or more. In a residential application, it's possible to generate up to 80% or more of your electrical needs using solar panels.

Once you've acquired the parts you need, and accomplish building the DIY solar panels, then the energy they produce is free for your use. Just imagine how much you'd save if you could cut your power use by half, and how quick the solar panels will pay for themselves. If your monthly electrical bill is $150, and you can cut it by half, saving $75/month, and it cost you $375 (usually less) to build it, then it will pay for itself in 5 months. From that point on, you'll be saving $75/month. What could you do with an extra $900/year? You may think that building a DIY solar panel is complicated or too technically advanced for the average homeowner, but if you are handy with common hand tools and can solder, then you can build your own DIY solar panels in a weekend or two.

Once you have your tools together, you'll need to find your materials, most of which you can probably find on eBay for a really good price.

We all need to be more aware of our impact on the ecology on a global scale and take steps in reducing our carbon output by a drastic amount, if we want our grandchildren to have a place to live. Just imagine how much cleaner the air would be, not to mention how much lower your electric bill will be. Learning how to build DIY Solar Panels isn't really a difficult task when you know how to get started along with the right tools work with.

Permanent magnet generator is one of the best ways of reducing your power bills. Power bills' costs are getting higher and higher as the years go by. Thus, if you are consuming a lot of electricity in your home, your monthly bill can easily make quite a big hole in your pocket. Try using a permanent magnet generator instead. Click here to read more - Permanent Magnet Generator and How To Build a Magnet Motor

Once you start using it, you can easily bring down the monthly electricity costs by more than 50 percent. And it is a much better option than the solar and wind option as it doesn't depend at all on the weather. Thus you can depend upon it for all the 365 days of the year. You can keep using electricity in your home even if the normal source of electricity gets run down during a storm. It's a popular renewable energy option for you if you want a clean source of electricity.

You can either buy a permanent magnet generator or even make one just by yourself. But it's much cheaper to make one than to buy one. Its not difficult to build one if you follow all the instructions that are given in the guide carefully. And all the parts that you need for building it can be easily found in most hardware stores around your locality.

The permanent magnet generator uses magnetic energy to produce electricity. Once you have seen the wonder of such a generator, you might feel like building or buying another one for your energy needs. That can actually bring down your energy costs to almost a negligible amount.

Finally the permanent magnet generator doesn't take much space when you compare it to the solar and wind energy options - you can easily use any part of your home to store it. Find out more about How To Build Magnetic Motors and Magnetic Power Generators today!

Generating free energy with the use of solar panel and wind turbine has always been a popular practive by many homeowners, However, do you know that you can generate even more energy by using free energy magnetic motors? Click here to read more - Permanent Magnet Generator and How To Build A Magnet Motor

If not then you are not alone because this energy is fairly new on the scene. Although they are relatively new, these motors are quickly establishing themselves as a reliable way to produce energy which can power your home.

How Do These Motors Work?

These magnetic motors work by using the abilities of magnets to create perpetual motion. The best part about these motors is the fact that they create this energy by themselves. That's right, no wind, sunlight, or any other source of energy is needed for these machines to do their thing and these are not the only benefits these magnetic motors will provide.

How Can Such A Motor Benefit A Household?

• Since these motors are small enough to fit inside your garage, they don't require as much maintenance compared to if they were outside at the mercy of the different elements.

• 100% safe to use because they are not flammable or combustible.

• They don't promote any pollution or anything that might harm the environment. Very eco friendly and a great way to help mother nature.

• The materials to build your own motor is very inexpensive and you can find everything you need easily.

• By constructing one motor you can completely eliminate your power bill.

The list goes on, but these are just some of the reasons why this new energy efficient technology is climbing it's way to the top. There are some people still skeptical but when they see it in action they are no longer questioning what these motors can do.

If you decide to implement one of these generators on a full-scale, it will independently power your household, meaning, you won't have to pay anything to the power company. Take a look at how you can begin producing free energy using a Permanent Magnetic Generator


Permanent Magnet Generators revolve around the theories of magnetic energy and magnetism. The repelling and attracting forces generate rotational motion inside and thus creating energy. This motion generated inside the motor is called perpetual motion, and this specific motion to generate electricity for your home. Click here to read more - Permanent Magnet Generator and Zero Point Energy

This technology used to be a home energy myth but installing your own magnet motor is far from being a myth these days. Anyone can begin benefiting from this device because building one is actually easier than constructing a solar panel or wind generator. It works in every home and you only need a small space reserved to place the motor. Also, the materials necessary to build one of these devices are cheap and don't require any additional maintenance since the motor can be installed inside your home instead of outside like other home energy systems.

Building one of these motors will fully power your home, where as you would have to build up to 6 solar panels to match the power this motor provides. Truth be told, electric permanent magnet motors are the best home energy solution. By 2020 experts estimate that everyone will be using one of these motors in their home.

If you decide to implement one of these generators on a full-scale, it will independently power your household, meaning, you won't have to pay anything to the power company. Take a look at how you can begin producing free energy using a Permanent Magnetic Generator.

By learning the relatively easy method of building your own solar water heater, you can make this expense unbelievably minimal and learn a lot about the application of these systems at the same time. Click here to read more - DIY Solar Water Heater and Solar Hot Water Heater

Using the sun to heat domestic hot water is the most practical application of solar energy at this time. While vast improvements to design and a reduction in the cost of photovoltaic cells are making other solar systems very practical as well, heating water for your home is the easiest and least expensive way to get involved in a solar energy solution for your home. The solar water heater of today is as equally effective as water heaters powered by more conventional power sources, namely: gas and electric. A solar hot water panel can heat your home’s water to temperatures of up as much as 140° F.

In general, there are two kinds of solar water heater – passive and active. Both collect radiant heat from the sun into a solar hot water panel, and both can serve much of any household’s hot water needs, while at the same time, both can cut back considerably on energy costs.

An active system circulates water (or other heat-transferring fluids) through a solar water pump, while a passive system circulates the liquid(s) through use of a process called natural convection.

Whichever type of solar water heater system one uses, both utilize certain similar components, most notably: a collector and a storage tank.

Using solar power at home have become very popular around the world due to the rising costs of energy and the increased awareness of our impact on the global environment. The internet is offering a goldmine of information to people about the new and exciting innovations in solar energy. It is a fact that a person can now build their own solar powered system at home, saving boatloads of money and helping reduce the strain on the environment. Click here to read more - How To Build A Solar Panel and Earth4Energy Review

If you have ever thought about learning how to build solar panels for your home, you are not alone. Many people have successfully outfitted their homes with arrays of solar panels. In some cases, these people have become completely independent from the power grid. Others even are running their meters backwards and selling back the surplus power to the electric company! Imagine getting a check every month for something that only requires a small initial investment and a few days worth of labor. Read on and see how you can be one of those lucky people.

There are plans available that explain in detail how to build such solar energy systems for your home. The beauty of the whole thing is that you can decide how much you want to invest in the beginning, and if you're doing things on the cheap you can add more later over time. These plans are very accurate and detailed, but the steps are explained in plain English.

Here are 3 reasons that you should upgrade your home to use a solar powered system:

Save Money

If you make a small initial investment, it will pay off tenfold in the long term. Solar panels are quite cheap now and many people are building systems at home using common parts that you can buy at any hardware store. The more you add to your home, the more your electric bill will be reduced every month. If you're into helping the environment while taking part in a fun DIY project, then you should give it a try.


It's no secret that oil and gas prices continue to rise year after year. The demand for energy only continues to grow as the world population does. While greedy oil executives are making record profits, the average American is stuck with the bill. Free yourself from your dependency on oil and take control!

Go Green

Adding solar panels is one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Solar power uses nothing more than the energy from the sun along with a few batteries that store the power to get you through the night. There is absolutely no pollution involved.

Solar power systems are one of the easiest and least expensive answers to our global need of reducing our dependency on fossil fuels. The United States itself accounts for over 25% of the global oil usage. By installing solar power panels, we can reduce our dependency on imported fossil fuels. Click here to read more - Home Solar Power Systems and DIY Solar Water Heater

If more people were to learn how to build their own solar power systems, the world could reduce it's dependency on fossil fuels by up to 50% or more. In a residential application, it's possible to generate up to 80% or more of your electrical needs using solar power systems.

Once you've acquired the parts you need, and accomplish building the solar power systems, then the energy they produce is free for your use. Just imagine how much you'd save if you could cut your power use by half, and how quick the solar panels will pay for themselves. If your monthly electrical bill is $150, and you can cut it by half, saving $75/month, and it cost you $375 (usually less) to build it, then it will pay for itself in 5 months. From that point on, you'll be saving $75/month. What could you do with an extra $900/year? You may think that building a solar power system is complicated or too technically advanced for the average home owner, but if you are handy with common hand tools and can solder, then you can build your own solar power systems in a weekend or two.

Once you have your tools together, you'll need to find your materials, most of which you can probably find on eBay for a really good price.

We all need to be more aware of our impact on the ecology on a global scale and take steps in reducing our carbon output by a drastic amount, if we want our grandchildren to have a place to live. Just imagine how much cleaner the air would be, not to mention how much lower your electric bill will be. Learning how to build your own solar power panels isn't really a difficult task when you know how to get started along with the right tools work with.

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