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What I am as a date....

Your Result Your Result You're So Hot! You know all the right moves - you make eye contact, you flirt just enough to keep them interested and you trust your intuition. You're a great date - fun, flirty and definitely hot. hot.gifTake the Hot Date Quiz at QuizRocket.com!
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Learning How To Approach Women >HEY, take a minute and look at the programs I've created to help you learn how to meet women. You can look at all of them, plus watch some KILLER video clips of every one of them right HERE: Double Your Dating Catalog ***QUESTION*** Dave, I've been getting your newsletters for a while and I've also downloaded your e-book. The tips and techniques you offer are definitely useful and I'm working on incorporating them into my daily routine. So keep up the good work! Now the question. You've stated numerous times how personality is more important than the other 2 biggies: looks and money. What is your take on shows like "Joe Millionaire" where the star is usually has money and/or good looks? I mean, it's not called "Joe Personality", and they didn't pick Quasimodo to be the star, so it seems to me they're discounting the personality aspect altogether. Just curious about your opinion. Thanks... TJ Philly >>>MY COMMENTS: This is a GREAT question. I'm sure that more than one guy has read one of these newsletters, then driven downtown and has seen some handsome guy drive by in a Ferrari with a smoking hot babe next to him and thought, "Looks and money appear to be important factors when it comes to babes". It doesn't take 20 years of studying human behavior to figure out that looks and money attract women. But, what YOU'RE suggesting here, by the way you're phrasing your question, is that all other things being equal, LOOKS and MONEY are MORE important than personality... and that, in fact, if a man has those things, he can attract more women than a guy that doesn't have the benefit of good looks or money (but who has the most attractive personality). Did that make sense? That sounded like a math problem from middle school. Whatever. My point is, that if you have good looks, and lots of money, you will definitely have an advantage. Looks and money will allow you to hang out in places like the South Of France, where a drink is forty bucks... and there are lots of babes there. But here's the KEY... A guy who is AMAZINGLY handsome and SUPER rich will still fail MOST of the time with the women he interacts with if his PERSONALTIY isn't together. And especially if he's too much of a WUSSY. On the other hand, a guy who REALLY understands what makes women feel ATTRACTION, and knows how to interact with them in a way that grabs their attention and keeps it can succeed often, even if he's broke and ugly. You'll notice that the rich and handsome guys that are the REAL mac daddies are the ones who ALSO understand women - and have Cocky, Funny, Dominant personalities as well. The reason why the show you're referring to gets so much attention has NOTHING TO DO with the logic you're using. The appeal of the show is the CONCEPT, combined with the scandal/fairytale elements (not to mention a bunch of hot women to look at). Think about it. I get far too many emails from: 1) Guys who are successful and good-looking who are very unsuccessful with women, and... 2) Average-looking, average-income guys who have TONS of success with women... ...and believe that looks and money rule attraction. They help, but a man who understands women, communication, and ATTRACTION will be more successful than a rich, handsome guy who doesn't. A final thought for you: You've probably seen those "executive match making" services advertised in your local paper, or in the fancy car magazines. Do you know how much they charge men to be members? Some charge TWENTY GRAND or more. Put that one through your logic machine, and see what you come up with. ***QUESTION*** Hi David, After nearly 40 years on this planet, I had figured that the world consists of two types of men: those who have constant success with women and those who suck at it. I was in the latter category. After changing jobs from a company with thousands of employees and several activities clubs, social events, etc. to a company less than five employees, my social life went down the tubes. Reading your material gave me the confidence to find women anywhere: the park, the bank, the supermarket, the gym. I have never been happier. After studying your analysis of "attraction" versus "seduction," it all clicked for me. Anyway, here's my issue: I have no problem approaching women who are alone and don't fear the rejection if I'm blown off. However, when women are with others, I hesitate to approach them. Just recently, I spotted a really hot babe (9+) having lunch with a female friend (4 1/2) at a cafe. I really wanted to ask the 9 for her number. But what do I do? I could easily start a conversation with both of them, but when it comes time for the email address/phone number, do I ask both of them or just the one I'm interested in? I feel awkward not asking one woman for her number. She might think, "What's wrong with me?" But if I do ask her for her number, I'll never call her, which isn't too cool either. JK Pasadena, CA >>>MY COMMENTS: Well, there are a couple of schools of thought when it comes to this topic. I know a guy who is AMAZING at approaching groups of people and targeting one particular woman in that group. He uses a combination of animated storytelling, magic, and other interesting techniques to win the approval of everyone in the group, then moves to the woman he wants to meet. I also know guys who will walk up to a group of people or a couple of women and directly approach the woman that they're interested in. At the risk of sounding like I want to talk to your inner child, my gut tells me that your problem is different. It sounds to me like you have some subconscious or belief issues around other's opinions and what they mean to you. Look, if a woman who is VERY attractive is walking down the street with her good friend who is very UNattractive, then you can bet your last dollar that: 1) The attractive woman has been approached by a lot of men right in front of her unattractive friend. 2) The unattractive friend knows how to deal with it. 3) If you keep wasting time coming up with reasons to NOT talk to the hottie, you're going to have a CURIOUS DRY FEELING between your legs for longer than you need to. Look, get over it. You're going to live. Go talk to the babe, and get her number. It's OK. Just quit talking like you care so much about what other people will think if you talk to a hot woman. Don't make me come down there and bitch-slap the Wuss out of you! ***QUESTION*** Hi David, I heard your program and web page from a friend of mine. It's really amazing and it really works. I knew 90% of things even before I started to learn from you but right now I don't know what to do. I had success with many girls and it was always them coming after me (btw I'm 23 years old). Everything was ok until I met a special girl, unlike my past experiences, which I wanted to have in long term. In the beginning I had no problems at all, the girl liked me from the first time I met her and I didn't act like a WUSS so we both were in love with each other. These days were really my best moments of my life. And then, I started to act like a WUSS, started to call her too much, doing everything she wants, sacrificing my own hobbies for being with her, telling her how I feel for her etc. She's still with me and didn't pull herself too much but I clearly see that THE MAGIC we had, THE MAGIC she felt for me is lost now. She just isn't that much willing too see me kiss me sleep with me. She still do these things but I can't see that THING in her eyes anymore. So my question is: Is there any way I can have this girl back, or am I destined to dead end? Btw I must say that this is one of the most beautiful girls I ever saw and she have a lot of options, if I loose her once it's only a matter of time before an ultra- rich+handsome guy picks her. Thanks for your help. >>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, well if I were her, I wouldn't blame her for hooking up with the rich and handsome dude. I mean, even if he's a WUSS like you, at least she can enjoy some of the better things in life at the same time... right? Cummon, man... I already had to threaten a severe Wuss-Be-Gone Bitch-Slapping to the gentleman in the last email...don't force me to make it a two-for-one special. EVICT THE INNER WUSSY! Stop calling her so much. Get a life. Stop talking like a WOMAN when you're around her. Don't pretend that you're her personal assistant. Fire her as your therapy patient. Stop being predictable! You need to start being INTERESTING again. So, stop doing the wrong things and start doing the RIGHT things. I HIGHLY recommend my Advanced CD or DVD program to you. It would probably be the best investment you've made in your entire life. ***QUESTION*** Hello Mr. D. I have titled this email question/success, because with all the success that I have had, I had a question. First the success story. I have recently met a few 8.5-9.5's and have had so much luck with getting #'s and dates with the cocky funny routine. In fact, my buddy(who is a model) came up for the weekend and he commented on how well I have come into my own and how I remind him of ... him. He was usually the master of our 'click' to get the girls... he just had a way with it, but I noticed with him is that he'd find a girl he'd like and get all wuss- like. I tried to learn from him about the initial attraction, but could never really apply it. Then I got your book and applied that and not only was I impressed with myself, but he was impressed with the way I've changed(used to be a big shy wuss). I have learned that you dont have to be the best looking guy in the world to attract the women you want. Its all in the way you talk(slowly, and confidently), the way you compose yourself and walk. My question is: I met this girl who is a good 9-9.5. I was almost intimidated the first time we met, but I stuck to my guns and remembered your teachings. I was cocky, and funny. I bust on her all the time, yet she seems a little stand- offish. Although when I talk to and go out with other girls, she immediately wants to go out (hang out, whatever). She'll comment on "I love how you joke with me" and when i tell her things like..."Well thanks for flaking out on me the other night, you owe me anyway." She always say... " I owe you!, I know". Then I always joke with her about being a flake and that she must be a blond and shes fooling everyone (shes half black/half white with charcoal hair). Ok, well to the question: What is this girls deal? I see her maybe 2-3 times every 2 weeks or so, and we usually hang out until wee hours into the morning, and we always have fun. It seems like I see her more when I turn up 2 factors: The "Busting on her(cocky)" factor, and the "Not caring what your doing right now..im out with this other girl" factor. In my experience a girl is either into me, or shes not... point blank. This girl is more flaky, and ON and OFF than anyone I've ever know. Well all of that aside, you have turned my world around in the aspect of dating, and I thank you for it. Have a good one. ken oh >>>MY COMMENTS: Well, congratulations. I know EXACTLY how you feel... I love it that I can hang out with my guy friends who are "naturals" at meeting women and hold my own. I'm about to push the boundaries of my normally rather politically correct way of talking about women by venturing a guess... I'll bet you a hundred bucks that this girl is or has been either... 1) An exotic dancer 2) An escort of some kind 3) A model or actress I know, I know... attractive women often are. But there's something about these "careers" that, in my personal experience, seems to lead to the exact kinds of flaky, wishy-washy, inconsistent behavior you're talking about. I mean, she could also just be a dingbat. Let's not rule that out. The reason you probably like this girl so much is BECAUSE she isn't predictable. I mean, you could have asked me anything here, and you chose to ask me about one particular situation with one particular girl. That tells me that whatever she's doing is WORKING, and it's probably WORKED all her life. You feel me? ***QUESTION*** Hi Dave! Your awesome! I got your book a while back and I got your CD series last summer and I have to thank you. You've opened up my mind and made everything crystal clear for me. Since I got your program I have had more success with women, hot women, then I ever thought possible and the funny part is that it just took me to be me and be the man that I am. Thanks buddy! Anyways...my question. I noticed something funny the past few times I was out with some hot women. I would make the meeting, we would get together and while we were together everything is going great then at some point deep in my head I would get the thought that this girl isn't what I want and she is lucky I'm here with her. My behavior didn't change, just the thought of not proceeding with her, but instantly they've turned into wussie's. It was like they could read my mind and know they weren't up to par with me. Whats up with that. Can they read stuff like that. It was an instant flip...I mean instant. One more question. If a girl of interest keeps on begging you to open up about your life, I'm not talking about feelings, just about your life, is that a bad idea. Is that wussie behavior? Thanks! CMI, Miami >>>MY COMMENTS: OK, you're touching on something here that is VERY powerful. I could probably write 20 pages on this topic alone. Here's the deal... Women are MUCH better at reading body language than men. And, as you've learned from my other materials, we humans respond VERY powerfully to body language in general. The more you interact with women, and the more you use what you're learning from me, the more you'll find that women will FOLLOW YOUR LEAD. In other words, when you chase a woman, she'll run. When you play hard to get, she'll pursue you. If you do things to make a woman feel ATTRACTION for you, then begin to lose interest and behave in a "less interested" way, women will become insecure and start acting like needy Wuss guys. Really. In fact, one of the things you'll find as you become more and more successful is that women will start becoming VERY attached to you VERY quickly. Next time you are at a coffee shop, walk up to the counter and greet the person at the register as if they're an old friend that you haven't seen for a few months. Say "Heyyyy... how have you been doing?" with a big smile. Watch as they respond to you THE SAME WAY. We humans respond to subtle body language so instantly and so powerfully that it sometimes scares me. ***SCATHING COMMENT!*** Dave it is without a doubt that a "whole" and discerning women many of which I know would see through your game in about 12 seconds. The good news for you is that they are a significant minority today, nevertheless spawning a new age of brash young players isn't what the world needs. Many think serial dating will bring them closer to "The One" when its the exact opposite that is true. Seeing as this has now become your livelihood I don't expect you to want to understand. Regards B >>>MY COMMENTS: Well, thanks for the input. I personally don't promote "serial dating". You're right... it's really a waste of time. If you're going to get out there and REALLY make a go of it, you should use "parallel dating"... or dating several women AT THE SAME TIME. And, what are you talking about when you say "Many think serial dating will bring them closer to 'The One', when its the exact opposite that is true"? Do you mean that not dating at all will help you find "The One" faster? The only "One" that I can imagine you referring to is MY CHICKEN. By the way, what exactly is "a whole and discerning women"? If you're going to spell it wrong, you might as well say "womens", because at least it's FUNNY. lol... thanks for the comedy interjection. (By the way, for all those out there who don't know what "lol" means, it stands for "Laughing Out Loud", which I was when writing the above!) ***SUCCESS STORY*** David, This might be long winded, but deal with it, I have alot to say. Just like everybody else seems to, I also wanna say how much your info has changed my life, honestly. I am a good-looking, athletic, smart, and funny guy who had no clue. I would usually just fall into relationships b/c the girls dug me, but I never found a chick who really made me flip. I couldn't really approach hot women successfully. I really was a wuss at heart and didn't know it. About six months ago I finally met a girl who flipped me. She was a 10 in every sense. Stunningly beautiful (think Cover Girl face meets porn star bod, girly (I love girly), shy, and had a slight Southern accent.) She completely enraptured me, and that's why I blew it. She turned me into a wuss, big time. I couldn't even think about being my normal self around me, b/c when we went out, she seemed to be interviewing me. She knew she a catch and was very particular about guys she dates. I was never funny around her, never cocky, because I was so trying to impress her. I told her she was beautiful about once a date (there was four). I called her about four times a week, and spent about $150 on her birthday. Just like you say, she ended it, and I went into a funk. That's when I started researching it and found you. I met about five girls in the month after I got your CD series. I even had this married chick try to molest me even though we'd been out together before!! The c&f stuff works!!! Oh my god. I met this girl out one night with some buddies who was being hounded by two guys. She was stellar. We all were talking about her. I started throwing my broken dart tips at her when she would look at me. She was shocked!!! Anyway, got the digits and we've been dating for a couple months now. I was dating another chick for the first month, but decided to be exclusive (for now). She tells me how she loves it when I'm cocky, she loves it when I follow it up with funny b/c "I don't take myself too seriously." She tells me I'm the first guy who doesn't seem to drop everything for her. I don't call her back right away, if at all. She loves it when I make plans and am forceful with her. Basically, she loves "manly" qualities. Now she tells me she's falling in love with me. Guys, just be a man and the girls will eat it up!!!!! My question is how do you deal with women who say one thing but really respond to and want the opposite. I am struggling with this at times. For instance, she will say she wants me to not be so cocky all the time, but when I do it, she gets this look in her eyes and kisses me immediately!!!! TS Ohio >>>MY COMMENTS: Hey man, I'm glad you woke up! I won't even address your story of going from failure to success, because it speaks for itself. And good job. You've asked a KILLER question. My answer: You have begun to realize a powerful fundamental truth about women. They don't always say what they mean, and they don't always mean what they say. When you can start communicating with them on a different level, and realize that many of the things they SAY are actually tests and distractions, you will evolve to a new level, and begin acting in a way that other guys will think must be magic. DO WHAT WORKS. And keep doing it. At some level, I believe that ALL women secretly want a man who does what she RESPONDS to (not what she says), and does it WITHOUT HER HAVING TO TELL HIM. If you want to learn the DEEPER "power skills" of this level of communication, then take a minute... and go read THIS: Sexual Communication ***QUESTION*** Hey Dave, I've got a question. Your stuff is great; it makes a lot of sense. However, how do you transform it into reality? I mean, I perfectly understand what I need to do but when push comes to shove I always get nervous and, as a result, always screw up. What's a secret to keeping calm? And don't tell me "experience" because this very problem is the only obstacle against getting experience in the first place. Thanks, J, Brooklyn, NY >>>MY COMMENTS: I know what you're saying here. The answer is to start small. Don't worry about what anyone else is doing, or what anyone else thinks. Just go out for a day, and go to a mall alone. Walk into every store in the mall, and start a conversation with a woman that works there. Don't worry about whether the woman is good looking, married, or whatever. You're just practicing. At first, let them start the conversations. When they say, "Can I help you find something?" reply with, "Yes, that would be great. I'm looking for joy, peace, and a rich girlfriend. Do you have any of those here?" Say it with a straight face, like a comedian would. After you've done this 20 times, reflect on what you learned. Think about what worked and what didn't. Think about the conversations that took place as a result. Take a break, and walk down to a department store, and spray some cologne on each wrist. On your right wrist spray Dolce and Gabanna, and on your left spray Armani Aqua Di Gio. Next, walk into 20 more stores. This time, try to make DIRECT eye contact with the first woman you see that works there, and HOLD it until she either starts talking to you, or she looks away. Then walk over to her, and say "Hi, I need a female perspective on something. Which of these colognes do you like better?" Then, when she chooses one, shake your head and look at her with a disapproving look and say, "You would." Then give her a sly smile, and say, "Why do you like it better? I want to be a chick magnet here, so tell me what you're thinking". If you do this exactly as I've described, you will have "gotten started", and you'll have a base of experience to work from. By the way, if any of the women are CUTE, feel free to say "Hey, I have to go. Do you have email?" ***COMMENTS*** I'm married. Have been for over 5 years. I love the married life, but things were getting too routine for my wife and I, especially after my son was born. Life was comfortable and stale. But your email list gave me clues to change that. This C&F routine is healthy for my marriage. My wife finds me more attractive and she's noticing that other women are noticing me too. Much of the vibrancy has returned for my wife and I; she responds to me better. So for those married men out there wondering if this might work for you, try it. It takes a little prudence concerning when to tease and make fun, but it's more about attitude and confidence: in a word, posture. And posture is a lifestyle (regardless of income). Don't just do it - live it. D in Des Moines >>>MY COMMENTS: This is pure truth. I have a lot of married men and women who subscribe to these newsletters, and the consensus is that this stuff makes LIFE more fun and interesting. ***QUESTION*** Dear Dave: I am beginning to learn how to control myself and have more confidence towards women thanks to your book, but there has been a problem I've had for quite some time now. The problem is: when should I do things for a woman? Such as if she asks me to go to her car for something, or to go and buy her something out a vending machine we have in our office. Or even making copies of documents for her. I usually don't mind doing these things for women, but I sometimes feel like I'm just some pet to her and she doesn't really care who I am as long as I'm her "do Boy". I would like the help of a experienced master for help. Thanks >>>MY COMMENTS: I actually think it's fine if you do things for women, buy them things, make copies for them... and fetch whatever her heart desires from the vending machine at work. But, you're missing one VERY important piece of the puzzle here. I recommend that you IMMEDIATELY go out and buy yourself a fine collar, and a good leather leash to go with it. The next time a woman asks you to go to the car for something, just mention that you needed a "walk" anyway, and ask her if she'd mind holding your leash. Then take it out, put it on yourself, and hand her the "Master" end of it. Any other questions? ***QUESTION*** Hello to everyone who reads the newsletter, and of course to you too Dave. I want to start off by saying if you haven't got the audio series yet- do it! If you don't have the success you want yet, you owe it to yourself, you will have no regrets I promise. Just to warn you this is kind've a long email, BUT ITS WORTH THE READ, I PROMISE!! I want to share an interesting story that I think will help many people realize the importance of body language. I'm a college student and I'm currently in a class called "Nonverbal Communication". The very first story in the textbook (this is a true story by the way) was about a horse called 'Clever Henry' who was very famous in the late 1800s. The horses owner taught Henry to add and subtract- he'd ask Henry questions and the horse would stamp out the correct answer on the ground (for instance, if the answer was 8, he'd stamp 8 times) Eventually the horse could also correctly answer multiplication and division problems in front of large crowds. People were stunned and thought it was a scam, but no one could see a way that Henry was cheating. Finally some people found that if they whispered a problem in Henry's ear- he would do nothing. He only answered a question when someone was right in front of him. It turns out that this horse was reading body language!!; when the person in front of him asked the question, knowing the correct answer in their own mind, they would naturally, (but unknowingly) make a subtle movement when Henry reached the correct number of stamps... they would for instance, nod their head just a quarter inch, or furrow their brow a little... this horse picked up on it and stopped stamping as soon as he saw this action!! Amazing! So my question for you readers is-if even A HORSE can pick up on the subtlest body language, how much more can a WOMAN pick up on these things!? just something to think about. Just as the audio series says- "what you say is not so important, but HOW you say it!" so guys, pay attention Now Dave, I have a question for you. I'm to the point where I can get a lot of phone numbers but I'm having trouble when it comes to the second meeting- having women flake out on me and what not. I remember you saying that you had the same trouble yourself along the way- getting tons of numbers, but realizing that wasn't the same thing as "success". I just wondered what it was that you did to solve this problem and get that second meeting (as well as the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and so on). You're advice is appreciated! thanks! BP Grand Rapids, MI >>>MY COMMENTS: Well, I LOVE the horse story... very interesting. And YOUR problem, my friend, is that you need to take what you've just said and THINK ABOUT IT. You're doing something either in that first meeting or on the phone/online when you ask women out, that's causing them to flake on you consistently. Try making the date sound more appealing. Say "I'm going to go somewhere really fun, and you should come along with me. Where are you RIGHT NOW? Come meet me!" Think about the horse, and figure out what subtle things you're doing that are causing women to avoid you after they meet you. You will learn a lot when you get my Advanced Program. Things you've never even imagined... ***QUESTION*** David, Another satisfied customer here! But, something is going wrong...two questions based upon that. 1. I have been doing C&F pretty well, and my dates respond as they should. The problem comes later. How should I end a date? What to say and do? 2. This is one that is throwing me off: At least five times recently, I ended a date that was very successful by all accounts. C&F kept it lively and my date interested and attracted. The date ends with her saying she really wants to get together again soon, etc. The next day, I receive an e-mail saying something like, "On my way home, I thought about the date and I just want to take things slowly" or "I apologize for being so forward, I don't know what came over me. I don't want to lead you on, and I have decided I am not going to date anyone for a while." !!! Three women told me I was their last date for a while because they were so confused! What is going on, Dave? SF , Seattle WA >>>MY COMMENTS: Oh, you are running into a VERY interesting problem here. And the answer is probably not at all what you'd expect. My guess is that these women are feeling VERY attracted to you, but you're not taking things to a PHYSICAL level with them, so they're getting confused and excusing themselves. If you go out with a woman, and she feels ATTRACTED to you, but you don't do anything with that attraction, and instead say "OK, good night", you will scare women away. If you're going to be turning them on, you'd better take the next step. That should solve your problem, my man. ***SUCCESS STORY*** Hey David, I've been a long time subscriber to your news letter and I actually bought your online book. The information you gave me is invaluable. I understand women a lot better now. Before I was your typical wuss boy kissing up to women. At one point in my life I almost gave up on the ladies. However, your newsletter and e-book changed my entire perception on women at what they're attracted to. The cocky funny routine works like a charm. I have women giving me e-mails and phone numbers left and right. One in particular just walked up to me and introduced herself to me and gave me her number. That was because I held my head up high and my back straight like I was king of the universe. So fellahs posture is as important than cocky funny. Now I met this fantastic girl that I WANT to keep. David, I used the C.F. over an internet chat at work. She was so interested by my attitude she came to pick me up from my job to go out. Well we ended up staying at my house and yaddi yaddi yadda I was really tired the next day. This girl can't get enough of me. To be honest I can't get enough of her. We would have never met if it weren't for you're advice. Guys buy his book and listen to his advice it works. I will suggest your newsletter to my wuss friends. They've been begging me to find out what my secret is. Thanks P. Canada >>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, I agree. Buy this guy's book... ***COMMENT*** Dave...your reply to not paying when out with women by not going to dinner, or going out for drinks was pretty lame....sooner or later in the relationship that's going to happen. There has to be a better way to handle these situations. I think you should get some feedback from other students.... B >>>MY COMMENTS: You know, you're RIGHT. As you said... "...sooner or later in the relationship that's going to happen...". It's a good thing I don't teach RELATIONSHIPS, isn't it? Look, my perspective is that you're going to have to date quite a few women before you're going to find a REAL GEM. You know, the kind of woman that has all aspects of her life together. Now, let's say that you have to date 25 women in order to find her. Let's also assume that you will know by date number 5 if a woman ISN'T the one, and therefore isn't worth dating anymore (I'm assuming here that you're actively LOOKING for a "relationship"). Further, let's estimate the cost of paying for dinner or a typical "date" at $50.00. If you do yourself a favor and AVOID typical "date" types of situations, and instead opt for more fun, interesting, and FREE adventures with the women you are seeing, you could potentially save up to... ...let's see... More money than you are probably worth. Now, quit heckling me, and next time you write in, write something helpful along with your question. ***QUESTION*** Hey Dave, amazing stuff, I've just read your newsletters, and I've seen ridiculous results! It makes girl's fall in love with you and they have no idea why, you hear them saying stuff like you're just different, I can just be myself, we really connect, etc. I just laugh and sit smugly thinking "it's pretty much only because I challenge you". If I ordered the cd or dvd, what about the print stuff you used to advertise, the bridges, etc. is that info. included, or has it been updated and incorporated, etc.? By the way, I've been studying social-psychology, and I've seen so much overlap from all these complicated theories based on psychological principles and it seems like what you have figured out on your own is the same as what these dorks in labs have toiled to figure out for years. Genius Dave. So what's the best move? If I order the latest, do I miss out on some basics? Or is it cumulative? -thanks, -D >>>MY COMMENTS: Thanks for the compliments. Isn't it strange that THIS is the stuff that makes women say "I've never met anyone like you before" and "You're just different" and "I just feel a connection with you"? Whodathunkit? To answer your question about which thing would be best to get... It's all great. I recommend that you read my eBook "Double Your Dating" and the three bonus booklets that come along with it. This will give you a foundation and basic understanding of my concepts and techniques. The Advanced CD/DVD series is just that... it's advanced. You don't HAVE to read the eBook first. You'll totally understand everything that you learn in the Advanced Program without it. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that my Advanced Dating Techniques series is just an "expanded" version of my eBook... or that it's me talking about the stuff in my eBook and repeating myself. This is NOT AT ALL true. In fact, you'll be surprised when you listen to my Advanced Program, because it's almost COMPLETELY new material. In short, start with the eBook, then work up to the Advanced Series. Or get both... I've put a lot of time, effort, and energy into making them great, and I know you'll learn TONS of amazing things from each. The eBook is here: Double Your Dating eBook The Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD Program is here: Advanced Series If you've already read my book and gone through my Advanced Dating Techniques program, and you're ready to take your "Approaching Women Skills" to the next level, then you really need to check out my Approaching Women DVD/CD program. An entire educational program dedicated to one single thing: Approaching Women and Starting Conversations. Go watch some video clips of the program here: Approaching Women I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
>NOTE: If you want to know the RIGHT way to get women to notice you AND respond to you, you need to know how to become the kind of man who NATURALLY attracts women. To find out how, read this: On Being A Man This Dating Tip is going to be short and to the point. There's a HUGE mistake that I see guys making ALL THE TIME when it comes to women and dating. And it goes a little somethin' like this... GUYS OFTEN MAKE THE MISTAKE OF "SELLING" TOO FAR IN ADVANCE INSTEAD OF JUST GETTING TO THE NEXT STEP. For example, let's say that a guy is talking to a woman at a coffee shop. Maybe she's sitting at the next table over and they strike up a conversation about the weather. Further, let's say that the woman is unusually attractive and the man is unusually AVERAGE in his approach and method of communicating that he's interetsted. This guy might say something like: "So, let me guess... you have a boyfriend, right?" Or... "OK, I have to tell you... I find you really attractive and I'd like to take you out sometime." I'm sure you've seen this kind of thing a thousand times in your life. But what's going on here? Is the guy actually asking a casual question? HELL NO. The guy is literally communicating that he'd like to PURSUE A RELATIONSHIP with the woman. Yea, and even worse, he's doing it within a few minutes of meeting her! Explained differently, the guy is trying to sell the woman on a relationship in the future based on five minutes of conversation. And what happens? Of course... The woman puts up the resistance INSTANTLY. It's all kinds of wrong in all kinds of ways. It's WUSSY behavior in its purest form. It's one of the biggest mistakes men make, period. And of course this is only the tip of the iceberg. Guys do this kind of "selling too far ahead" stuff all the way along. Guys ask things like: "So, am I your type?" ...and... "How do you like me so far?" ...and... "What do you look for in an ideal partner?" Ahhhhhhh! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! You can't do this stuff! If you do you'll create an instant barrier to success! So what's the alternative? I really thought you'd never ask. The alternative is to know all the steps from the first meeting all the way to the bedroom (and beyond), and ONLY WORK ON GETTING TO THE NEXT STEP in each situation. If you're talking to a girl, just get her email. If you're talking on the phone, just arrange a meeting for a cup of tea. If you're kissing, just go back to your place to be alone. Never again try to sell past the very next step. THE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT If you own a copy of my eBook "Double Your Dating", then open up the bonus booklet called "Bridges: How To Go From One Step To The Next... From The First Meeting To The Bedroom" and read it again. Get a clear picture in your mind of each of the 10 steps that are listed in that booklet, and get a clear mental image of how each step fits into and flows into the next. Notice how you might be doing things at different steps that are trying to sell too far in advance. For instance, you might realize that you always get too deep into family and relationship talk with women before you even kiss them. Think about how you're going to ONLY GET TO THE VERY NEXT STEP in your particular situation... and then plan exactly how you're going to do it in the future. In the booklet you'll get some great ideas for how to transition from one step to the next, so use them. If you HAVEN'T YET downloaded your copy of my eBook (and your free copy of my "Bridges" bonus booklet), then you need to do that first. Go to: Double Your Dating eBook ...to get it. Read it, then go back and do the homework. This ONE piece of the puzzle will make a BIG difference. And if you already have my ebook and are ready for a more in-depth, advanced education in how to attract, approach, and date ANY woman you want, take a look at the free clips from my "Advanced Dating Techniques" program right here: Advanced Series Talk to you again soon! Your Friend, David D.
A "Trick" For Getting A Woman's Number >I get a lot of questions about how I learned this stuff about women and dating. If you'd like to read my story, just go here: Double Your Dating Catalog ***QUESTION*** Hey Dave, Your material is awesome. I have met more women in 4 weeks with your material than in the previous 4 years of dating! I have, however, come across a problem which requires your expertise. I can easily obtain a woman's email and during the follow up email get their number. However, I get their voice mail often when I call them up. What is your feeling about leaving a message with them? I mean if you call several times (and they have caller I.D.) and don't leave a message they will think you are some kind of weirdo. For example I got this hot woman's email but whenever I call her (3 times in the past week) I get her answering machine. Should I leave a cocky/funny message on the third attempt or should I email her back or just keep calling until I get in touch with her? Thanks for your help, D. in Alabama >>>MY COMMENTS: I'm going to answer your question in two different ways... one is the direct answer, and one is the "bigger picture" answer... First, the bigger picture answer: Most problems, like this one, boil down to a rather simple formula: NOT ENOUGH PROSPECTS = TOO MUCH CONCERN FOR ONE TOO MUCH CONCERN FOR ONE = MIS-FOCUSING ENERGY MIS-FOCUSING ENERGY = MISSING OTHER OPPORTUNITIES Are you with me here? If you were out getting more emails and numbers every day instead of worrying about this one, you would have called her the first time and said, "Hey, it's me. Call me, here's my number..." A few days later you would have probably emailed and said, "Hey, you'd better call me, because my week is filling up fast..." Finally, you would have forgotten about her because you got too busy seeing other women. When you become too concerned with one woman, you do things like CALLING HER THREE TIMES IN A WEEK... without her calling you back. What's the message you're sending to her? Of course... "I tolerate and even pursue women who don't call me back." That's not what you want to communicate, man. By not leaving messages, you also add the charming TWIST to the overall message of "I might be a stalker, because I don't leave messages." So, get out there and meet more women! That's the bottom line. And now, the direct answer... Call the first time and if you get voicemail say, "Hey, it's [your name here], call me. My number is..." If she doesn't call you, then send her an email that says: "What, trying to play hard to get already? Call me." If she doesn't call you, then YOU have to decide what to do. WHATEVER you do, don't call or email her again for awhile. Give it a week or two if she isn't responding to you. Then, when you do contact her again, make sure she gets the hint that you're busy, that you're dating other women, and that you're not impressed with the fact that she's a flake. ***QUESTION*** Dear Dave, Love your material. I have gone ten years looking for material on dating and your knowledge is second to none. I have learned tremendously from your ebook and emails. I do have a question though. I had met a hottie the other night and using C & F she was all over me, making out with me in a bar. However when i got her back to my place and we continued "making out" she kept saying "I usually don't do this" and "what are you thinking (about us hooking up so quickly)?" Needless to say I continued forward with my manly duties, but I was wondering 1) why was she asking these questions and 2) what is a good way to respond to such questions in the future. Your new follower, A in Vermont >>>MY COMMENTS: Here, let me ask YOU something... What would YOU do if you were a woman who: 1) Had a self image that didn't include "hooking up" with a guy the first night you meet him. 2) A STRONG sexual attraction to a guy that you just met, and you want to hook up with him the night you met him? Of course... You'd say things like, "I'm not this kind of girl" and "I don't usually do this" and "What do you think about this?" etc. etc. etc.... You've asked me what I think of this, and how to respond to it when it happens. First, I think it's normal and natural for a woman to behave this way. Get used to it. Secondly, as far as responding to this kind of thing... I have a couple of thoughts for you. 1) Don't Expect Anything I think that guys get their hopes up when a woman "comes home" with them... and they get more and more excited about the possibility of "hooking up"... to the point where they're UPSET if it DOESN'T happen. When you put this much importance on something, you set yourself up for failure... and often do things to CAUSE failure. When you WANT something, it costs more. Right? So don't EXPECT anything. Be OK with whatever happens. Lean back. Chill. Be cool. 2) Make Sure She Knows The next step is to let the woman you're with KNOW that whatever happens is cool. Don't PUSH. When you start using all the different concepts and techniques that you've learned together... and you start to smoothly transition from one step to the next... you will start to see women responding VERY powerfully. But, part of this powerful response will USUALLY be some sort of "resistance". WHY? Because women aren't used to meeting men who KNOW all this stuff! They're not used to being swept away by the powerful sexual emotions that you're triggering with your communication, body language, and touch. I'm not kidding here. Don't be surprised when some women get so freaked out that they literally run out the door or start shaking with nervousness. Women just aren't used to men who know how to make them feel things this powerfully! Now, if a woman says "I don't know if this is a good idea, I don't usually do things like this with a guy I've just met"... you basically have a couple of choices. You can PUSH, in which case you'll usually meet with resistance... or you can PULL BACK, then let things start again slowly... which will make it far more likely that things will continue to the next level. The real key here is walking into every situation with a woman NOT EXPECTING anything... or being overly concerned with the outcome. Don't worry about it. And expect this kind of thing from women... it's normal and natural. ***SUCCESS STORY*** Dave, I got your e-book a few months ago thinking it would be a big joke. But I have spent $40 on a bad date so figured I would take the gamble and I am so glad! Before I read your material I was the total wuss boy, I was just way too nice and got no respect. Now I have confidence! It didn't take long to use C&F, posture, etc, but what I noticed is that when I SLOWED DOWN, women started looking. Walk slow across the room, using deliberate movements, shoulders back, head high, and you will just FEEL more confident, and women pick up on that. Easy to get emails and numbers when they feel your confidence! Thanks for the tips. I want to say that your "kiss test" has worked 100% with my last 5 dates! Playing with her hair and looking her in the eyes while relaxing on the couch has gotten me lots of kisses, then I BACK OFF for a few minutes and it drives them crazy! I just keep thinking GO SLOW! I am a good looking guy, but the problem I have had with women is the "friend" category. Now after 4 months I have a girlfriend that can't get enough, and I can't thank you enough. I am never going to be the wuss again! BTW- I did get her flowers, I told her I made the arrangement myself and the flowers were exotics as I made up names and places they were each from, she just laughed so hard it broke all Valentine tension and I didn't need a barf bag. CA >>>MY COMMENTS: Sweeeeeeet! A quick thought... It is AMAZING how powerful the idea of "backing off" is after you've kissed a woman, etc. Moving two steps forward, one step back is one of the easiest and strongest way to amplify attraction. Good job. ***QUESTION*** Mr. DeAngleo, I have your e-book Double Your Dating and it's just plain excellent. You have a keen insight into the communication necessary to gain the respect and admiration of da ladies. And you're a quick study of the human condition called "a relationship". I look forward to studying your audio program. Even though your stuff is great, it seems to skew towards younger, never married girls. Am I right that an older women who have been around the block with kids, would be more worldly and have more of a personal agenda? Or that these women are the "new and improved gold diggers"? I'm in my late forties and am realistic to the age bracket I'm going to encounter and date. Sure I look great and athletic, but the funny and cocky attitude would seem to only work with young girls rather than pre-married model. Are guys my age stuck with working just the personals and local church festivals? I mean no matter how suave, cool, cocky, and funny I am, aren't I always fighting the age different thing? That a man in his forties, has to use the power, fame and money, rather than personality? Is the cocky, funny personality going to work with older women? We're not all James Bond's you know. I look forward to your answers because you really are the expert on this topic. And whether you'd like to admit or not, you'll be my age sometime soon, and then what will you do? Man, that's something to think about! Keep up the great work, LP Wisconsin >>>MY COMMENTS: I'd like to give you some long, detailed, profound answer to this question, but I just have to say: WOMEN OF ALL AGES LOVE THIS STUFF. My stuff doesn't skew towards ANY types of women. I flirt with every woman I meet... of every age. They all love it. And I get emails from guys of all ages who use this stuff to meet women of all ages. Try it... you'll like it. ***QUESTION*** Dave, All I can say is wow! Thanks a lot, the Dating Tip; What To Do When She LIKES You, couldn't have came at a better time! It's the first message I read over, hell I even read it 3 times! And now canceling something tonight so I can read over your book and past letters, the information is truly amazing, I was shocked at how well this book was written. And you really helped me with remembering how great the gift of missing you works, would have f***ed that up 2nite! Last night I went out with 3 beautiful women and because my Escalade is at a friends (he is installing a few screens for me, can't wait!) I invited a male friend to come along that the girls have meet before to drive, When they entered the car they said how much they missed me, the gift of missing you is SO powerful I can't explain it enough. Then at the end they all said "thanks for spending time with us", I was thinking, aww I feel so special! Said a c/f comment and got a few hugs/kisses goodnight. And my friend didn't even get a "thank you". He drove around and spent over $100 paying for us to do stuff(total wuss, husband material, he's 18 so that's not good)! I paid nothing and received great benefits because of you, where do I send the cash donations!? I suggest you all look over the materials you have, or purchase the e-book now if you have not already. Look, your wasting lots of time, money, and lots of great opportunity's to get to know wonderful women by not listening to this stuff. I can't even put together words on how well this stuff works, Dave does a GREAT job teaching! Question: This one girl with a 9.5-10 personality and great looks has this sparkle in her eyes that I really LOVE. How can I mention it in a non- pussy way? Bust on her about it (making fun of it)? But I like it! hmm -JB, Chicago IL, where sheep are only in zoo's! ;) >>>MY COMMENTS: Sheep in zoos? Dude, what are you doing talking about where the sheep in YOUR town are? It makes me nervous when men know exactly where the local sheep hang out is. Now, to answer your question... Why is it that men feel such STRONG urges to compliment women early on? I don't know what's with us. I have to say, I know EXACTLY how you're feeling, because I have to watch this myself... it's like we come pre-wired with a "nice guy compliment" mechanism. Well TURN IT OFF for the first 10 dates or so, OK? Look at those beautiful eyes, and when she says, "What? What are you looking at?" say, "Oh, just my reflection in your eyes...". ***QUESTION*** Hey David: I have a question that I'm not sure you've addressed in your book. Have you ever come across a situation where you're working on a girl and her construction worker boyfriend shows up ready to pound you one? Any idea on how to handle that situation? I've been there and lets just say that I'm damn lucky my front teeth don't look like some of the hidden back ones! In fact, it's instilled an added fear into me that has made it really hard to approach women for the last 13 years. Some guys are crazy and if they see another guy making his girlfriend all excited, it could be bad news. M >>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, I have a great response for this... Walk away. What did you expect me to say? Beat him up? I know that secretly a lot of guys have a fear of the husband or boyfriend showing up and becoming violent. Does it happen? Sure. How often? I don't know... but, I can tell you that I've never heard of it happening to a guy for just talking to a girl... and I know a LOT of guys that meet a LOT of women. Just walk away. Risk is a part of life, and you have to accept it if you want to enjoy unusual levels of success. ***SUCCESS STORY*** David, Many guys write in and tell you about their success with this specific girl, or that specific girl etc. Those are great stories and encouraging to the rest of us. My success story is a little different. Today I was browsing my emails and something happened that struck me. I have been corresponding with this really attractive girl who I met through the personals. In her first email to me (a response to my initial contact) she asked when/where we could meet. In her third, which I read this morning, she gave me her phone number and asked me to call her 'really soon'. I will call this evening. I thought about this in context of my current situation: last night I had a 3rd date with a really cute Japanese girl who hardly speaks english and who I met at a bar some time ago, the night before I had a first date (tea @ Starbucks) with an attractive tall blonde (who asked me, before I brought it up, when we can meet again), and the night before that I was at a girls place making dinner for her, almost having a food-fight, laughing and joking and poking fun of her family pictures in her apartment (on our 3rd date). I could go on but won't. The point I'm trying to make is that my success story isn't about any of the above successes. You see, when I read the email this morning which had a phone number and a request to call 'really soon', my reaction was pretty casual. And it struck me that my reaction would have been totally different 1 year ago. I would have been so surprised and happy and excited. And I would have told myself 'wow, this girl actually wants to meet, ok now, don't screw this up...blah blah etc etc' The success story I'm talking about is ME. My reaction to the email sums it up; I'm not even surprised when I get that kind of email any more. Pleased, but not surprised. I'm starting to REALLY understand the difference between the INNER and OUTER game. It's not dissimilar to the difference between success with a single woman, and my own success in ME and my situation. Plug for Dave: I got the ebook about 1 year ago and I've been following the newsletters. I've been slowly shedding the inner wussy and it's thanks to your teachings. I can only imagine what kind of success I might have if I actually ponied up for the CD series. Question I mentioned above that I am dating a really cute Japanese girl. She speaks English, but not much (certainly more than I speak Japanese!). I got her email at a bar and we've been out 3 times. I can sense that she likes me, and I think things are proceeding well. In fact, she's coming to my appartment tomorrow to cook Japanese dinner for me. My question is this: how can I tease her when she doesn't understand anything but the simplest of English. I actually told her what 'tease' means and then tried some examples to demonstrate. This worked to some degree, but I'm feeling a little held back. Thanks for any insight you can offer. S. in Vancouver >>>MY COMMENTS: About your "inner" success... I can remember a moment a couple of years ago when I realized that the inner insecurity that I used to carry around with me was GONE. It's hard to explain an emotional feeling, but it was as if there had previously been a certain insecurity that was always with me... that affected every part of my life...and then, without me realizing it was going... it was gone. It's a great feeling, isn't it? As far as your situation with your Japanese girl goes... I have a friend who is great with women who likes to date Japanese women, and he tells me that they are different because of their culture... and that they are often more reserved. I've never thought of TEACHING a woman what teasing means, but it's a great idea! I personally think that it's difficult to communicate in a subtle way when there is a language barrier... but that's just my take. If you can figure this one out, write in and share the wisdom! ***COMMENTS FROM A WOMAN*** Dave, - I ended up on your newsletter mailing list just the same way I always ended up in boys P.E., I have one of those names that gets confused as being male. At first, I found your letters just funny and a bit odd... until I started seeing that you are absolutely right. The qualities you explore and recommend in your stuff is exactly what I am attracted to. Wow, what an eye opener. Wussies are a waste of time. Give me a C & F real man anytime. By the way, I find it very attractive in you too! Kisses! TM, Dallas,TX >>>MY COMMENTS: NOTE TO WOMEN FANS... SEND PICTURES! If you want to pucker, so I can get an idea of what the "kisses" look like, feel free. Love it. ***COMMENT*** Hi Dave, I've been enjoying your emails in the last few months. You've offered some valuable advice on how to deal with people. But, I am sorry to say I'm finding your advice less valuable. You are focusing on being cocky and funny with people. But you are forgettign one thing. You have to make sure you make people feel good. Otherwise, they will be like - fu** you, I don't to talk to you - you are a piece of sh**. I'm just trying to help you get on the right track, man. Nothing personal. Just read your last email. You are encouraging someone's comment who tells a complete stranger that their dress is made of a shower curtain. Did you ever stop to think that it does not make someone feel good? I mean if someone directed a rude comment like that to me - I'd be like fu** you - you are a piece of sh** - I don't want to talk to you. Or, I would imagine a girl would think something like - Why are you talking to me? Go eat sh**. I don't want to talk to you. I would say something like - 'Wow! That's nice shoes!' (or Wow! That's a nice hat!) Make a compliment when you meet a stranger - that helps. Instead of making them feel like a piece of sh**. Take your fu**ing 'cockiness' in the whole new direction MON! You are going in the wrong direction. I want you to stop before you lose everybody on your mail list MON!!! You've gone a little overboard on that, mon. Come on, admit it. I think you will probably make some cocky and funny comment about that. But even then, please do not go overboard with cocky because there is a border line between cocky and rude. And I take it, you who study human personality, should know where that border line lies. >>>MY COMMENTS: Well, MON... Do me a quick favor. Go learn how to attract women, then write me an email. You sound like a "Couch Based Expert". In other words, I'll bet you couldn't get a woman's phone number if you were giving away CASH PRIZES... OK? Now, to be fair, from time to time I do get an email from someone who says "It sounds to me like you're suggesting to men that they act like jerks", etc. What does this tell me? The most IMPORTANT thing it tells me is that you haven't read my book or listened to my Advanced Series... and you just don't get it. This isn't about making women feel BAD, it's about making them feel GOOD. You might not have noticed, but half of the Cocky & Funny equation is FUNNY. If you're funny, then you don't have to worry about what you say, because it's HUMOR. I'm not sure that "Wow! That's nice shoes!" is the answer. OK, MON, get up off your couch and go learn how to meet some women. And stop being a whiner. ***SUCCESS STORY*** Dave, You may not consider this a true success story since it's not about scoring with every good- looking girl I meet. Rather it's about the change in my feeling about myself. In the past few months I've gone from feeling absolutely crushed by "rejection" or seizing up to recognizing that there are so many attractive women out there, IT DOESN'T MATTER if one of them shoots you down. I've also reached the point where I can approach a cute girl and get her e-mail/number. I admit sometimes it's not her real info, but this is a work in progress. I'm on several online dating/chatting sites, working my stuff. I'm even using the arrogant humour routines on two of my former love interests and am starting to see some smoke rising as a result. I'm working the material on the servers at the restaurants I frequent. And on and on... At first, I didn't think it could take three years to "get it down," but last night I had my first cup-of-tea-at- Starbucks date and now I understand even more what you talk about on the CDs. It does take time to become "totally congruent" with this. But it's going to be so much fun getting there! So, in conclusion, I already consider myself to be a success simply because I feel so much more empowered as a man. Thank you. CPAG Tucson, Arizona >>>MY COMMENTS: Actually, this is to me, the BEST kind of Success Story there is. Getting a hot woman's number isn't a big deal once you know how. But, changing how you FEEL inside and how you feel about YOURSELF is huge. Great job. If you want to learn more about how develop yourself into that MAN that naturally attracts women, then you should check this out: On Being A Man It's the GOODS. ***QUESTION*** Hi Dave, I got your book and subscribed to the emails about a year ago. It's great stuff. A lot of it is new to me - but so much is obvious (with hindsight!!). I am seeing my inner game change slowly but surely, so that I feel less and less that I need a woman and more and more that they are lucky to have me. Looking back (I am 40) I reckon I have been most successful with girls when I was most relaxed and confident - they say success breeds success! Here are a couple of interesting experiences I have had that confirm your approach - I had a 19 yr old foreign student as a girlfriend a while back. The first night back at my place I offered to call a taxi for, her put her in the spare bedroom or she could sleep with me. Obviously she chose to sleep with me! I was just trying to be a gentleman - but my theory now is that by 'pulling back' I challenged her expectations (that most guys would be desperate for her to stay) and I forced her to take responsibility for choosing what SHE wanted (whereas most girls spend their time rejecting what GUYS want). My latest girlfriend is 29 and a total babe. But she is a bit spoilt. She often gets sulky if she feels she isn't getting enough attention from me. In the past I would have done whatever she asked. Now I realise that is a game you can never win. Instead I ask her if she treats her friends like this - no - so why does she think it is ok with me? She has actually said that she really respects me for not letting her be a spoilt brat. Also sometimes she threatens to find another boyfriend. I always tell her that I can't stop her if that's what she wants. Then she always says she doesn't want anyone else. It seems so obvious now - why should a woman respect a man she can control?? I read your latest email about getting numbers. The point about not hiding your intentions is so true! Of course a woman knows what you want. If you pretend otherwise you just seem weak (& also you have made it really hard to bridge to getting the number Doh!). BUT - why do you say turn away & then turn back as if it is an afterthought?? Isn't this exactly the pretence you said not to do? Why not just say 'I've got to go now, but I'd like to talk to you again. Have you got email?' Isn't that less wussy? Or am I missing some subtlety here. (I have tried the turning away thing, but without success. I think maybe I am not a very good actor) Thanks for the fantastic information, Dave, N. England. >>>MY COMMENTS: It's fine to NOT turn away and just ask a woman for her email address directly. You're making me reflect on how I developed my "3 Minute Email And Number" technique... In the beginning, I imagined that it was basically impossible to walk up to a woman who was a complete stranger and have her just give her number to me. So, I started learning different kinds of tricks and techniques, from palmistry to handwriting analysis... and all kinds of other freaky and almost embarrassing ideas. I basically figured that I would have to somehow "distract" a woman from the fact that I was "interested" and get her number without her really understanding that I WAS interested. The turning away, then turning back is something that is kind of "left over" from those days of being clever. Turning away, then turning back basically demonstrates to a woman that you're OK with walking away without getting her number... which is a good exercise if you're at the stage where you get nervous asking for a woman's number/email. Feel free to just say, "Do you have email?" and then, "Great, write it down... I want to talk to you again" etc. As long as you are cool and calm with all of your other communication, you'll be fine. ***SUCCESS STORY*** Saint Dave- I'll skip all the 'you're so great' stuff and get to the point. I've been learning and practicing you're techniques. And, as you know, they've been working. But I'm not writing to tell you about my successes- rather I've got a story I find humorous. Currently I'm going to college in California, but I'm moving to NYC in May. Somehow my EX-girlfriend (who lives in NYC) heard through the grapevine that I was moving there. Out of the blue she calls me- after 3 THREE YEARS and a very unpleasant break-up. At first the conversation is strained and awkward, but I'm using the all C&F stuff unconsciously. As I do I feel her start to loosen up to me, and she offers me a place to stay 'for one night' when I get to New York. I hit her back with 'Well, I'm pretty busy. But if you wear a sexy dress, cook me dinner and give me a massage, maybe I could find time in my schedule.' We go back and forth like this for a minute or two and then I end the whole conversation abruptly. Since then she's been calling and sending emails all the time, virtually begging me to come and stay with her 'for as long as I like'. Now the point of this story was that I was not even TRYING. I had no intention of re-kindling the old flame, or even hooking up for a one-nighter. But the C&F stuff was so ingrained to my behavior, that even my ex- girlfriend who hated my guts was falling for it. Thanks man- you're helping humanity. PF San Fran, CA >>>MY COMMENTS: Yeah, well surprise surprise. Here's something that I'm hearing more and more from guys who REALLY understand how to make women feel ATTRACTION... and who have more dates then they can handle: "You know, it's funny... the more I ignore and don't pursue women, the more they call me and won't leave me alone." Why is this? Think about it. Because when you don't care, you DO all the right things, and you SAY all the right things. Be careful, it sounds like you might turn your ex into your new stalker! ***SUCCESS STORY*** Dave, Your stuff helped me to consciously identify for the first time what I had done right all these years (approximately 18 years, counting "courtship") to get and keep an incredibly beautiful wife (she's in her low 40's but gets carded every time she orders a drink). But, more importantly, you've shone a light on those few bleak and sadly deficient skills that I'd let slip, "'cause we're married". Let me tell you, "My wife is much happier, now!" (I couldn't understand why she got so irritated when I didn't care where we ate. I really don't care, but she'll never hear it from me again.) In fact, we spent a Saturday afternoon and evening this weekend that could make a lot of your single guy/player types jealous! One final thought that I suppose you could count as another success: I'm ashamed to say, (from the context of a married guy) a friend of my wife appeared to have gotten a little too attracted from her time hanging out with us. So, I turned it ALL on ... in REVERSE! You know, "I don't want to hurt my wife, but I love you. I know we shouldn't do anything, but I NEED you..." (You know, once you stop, it's kind of weird to act like a wussy on purpose!) Anyway, it worked like a charm, you could almost see the little cartoon cloud where she had been standing! Well, that was more than I intended, I just wanted to be counted if you start tallying up the married guys that respond to your Q&A. E. Fla. >>>MY COMMENTS: You know, I love it when married guys like yourself write in (which happens more and more often) and tell me how this stuff is making their relationships better. Women never stop wanting a man to do the right things... if only more men knew this. And your thought about how to act like a Wuss on PURPOSE to make a woman run away is great. Isn't THAT interesting? ***QUESTION*** dear Dave, I have used both your email book and the cd seminar with tremendous benefit. I have more than doubled my dating! I always chuckle at the guys out there who say you "make up these emails",. I have at least 10 friends who subscribe to the newsletter and have written you, and you have reproduced their emails verbatim. Now for my question. I have, on several occasions, met women and , as a segue to cocky and funny, told them I am chippendale dancer when I responding to the question of "what do you do for a living". Now I don't look like a chippendale dancer, (actually I'm a businessman) but these woman start believing my story and I run with it all night and I am cocky/funny to the max (for example, I'll state that I hate women coming onto me since I'm a dancer, and that women only use me because I'm a dancer). Now the question I have is how should I respond when these women find out I am not a dancer? I know in your cd seminar one of the people you interviewed stated he would state outrageous occupations such as a slave trader. How far is too far? I can go the whole night with a make-believe occupation and play along with a woman. When do you break them the news that you are not who you state you are, ie dancer? Eventually you have to to be honest, right? Is there a point that you have to be honest because if you are not the woman may think you are a total liar and not trustworthy. I mean I have played this role of dancer so convincingly that they actually believe my story and the attraction level increases with C & F and they start attacking me, but I am afraid of the ramifications of what will happen when they find out that I am not a dancer. Need some advice from the Mack Master, Al in D.C. >>>MY COMMENTS: LOL... Dude, this is funny stuff. So, let me get this straight... you tell women that you're a male stripper, and then they fall for you... and you don't know how to "let them down easy"? If a woman actually BELIEVES crazy things like this, I like to turn it up a notch and say, "Well, actually I used to be a male stripper, but now I'm a porn star... are you OK with that?" I don't like it if a woman believes something that isn't true for too long... remember, you're just kidding. And if a woman DOES believe something for too long, and then gets a little upset, just say, "What?! You weren't actually dumb enough to BELIEVE that I was a male STRIPPER, are you? I don't think this relationship is going to work. I would NEVER be with a woman that would date a STRIPPER..." And by the way, thanks for mentioning that I faithfully print the emails that I use in my newsletters, because I do... they're all real. Thanks for your email. ***QUESTION*** David, First off, i realize you hear this a lot but your ebook istotally the mack- i've seen a big difference in my interaction with women which i'll contribute much of my success to your book. I've recently been giving some serious thought to ordering your advanced materials. Here's my question: With the other 1 billion "buy our stuff and your success with women will boom for three easy payments of $19.99" sites, how would you compare your $195 advanced audio tape series to [other dating products] which tout basically the same types of things for about half the price? Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying your stuff isn't brilliant, and i realize that i've easily spent $195 in dates/on women, i just wondered what your take is. Thanks a ton and keep up the great work! -M. >>>MY COMMENTS: Well, here's the deal... I'm about to say some things that are going to make me sound a little too confident, so get ready... I spent YEARS trying to figure out how to be successful with women and dating. YEARS. I read books, listened to tapes, went to seminars... and tried all KINDS of things. I mean, if you knew half of the stuff that I tried, you'd laugh your ass off at me. Most of it didn't work... and the stuff that did work actually worked IN SPITE of the fact that it was lame. I mean, if you do ANYTHING it will work SOME of the time. I'm going to tell you something that is both simple and profound at the same time. The thing that makes my Advanced Program different from all the other stuff out there is that it's BASED on watching and learning from guys who are "naturally" good with women. The experience that REALLY took my success to a high level was watching, learning from, imitating, testing, and refining what I learned from these guys. In fact, I invited several of my friends who were the MOST influential on me to participate in the live seminar that was edited into the Advanced Dating Techniques program, and when you listen to it, you'll watch and/or hear me interviewing five of them LIVE. I've worked hard to create a great set of tools and techniques, and a logical way to learn them, understand them, and start using them. I will bet you that if you listen to or watch the entire 12+ hours of this program at LEAST 5 times... there are so many killer ideas inside, you will be thrilled. You can watch some samples of the program and get all the details here: Advanced Series And if you haven't downloaded my online eBook yet, then go do that NOW. You can download it in a few minutes and be learning some of my best techniques right from the comfort of your computer. It's here: Double Your Dating eBook I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
How To Get Past A Woman's "Defenses" >NOTE: You can look at all of the video and audio training programs I've created to help you learn how to approach and meet women right HERE: Double Your Dating Catalog Here's an interesting story... A few hours ago I was standing in a "posh" bar in San Francisco. I was standing near to the bar, looking around at the people, when the guy next to me starts talking to a girl that he doesn't know. She turned and looked at him with a look that said "I don't know you, I don't want to talk to you, and you have no chance with me". The look on her face couldn't have been more clear. As soon as he started talking to her, she put up her defenses. The more he tried to talk to her, the more annoyed she got. It was painful to watch. Then things got REALLY interesting. The guy turned to me and started making conversation with me. He asked me how I was "doing" with the ladies at the bar. I told him that I had just arrived, and I wasn't particularly in the mood to talk to women at the moment... I was just enjoying my drink and relaxing. He then started to talk about how "meeting women was a numbers game" and how he had been "laying rap" on women all night... but he didn't have any "luck" so far. We started discussing our different approaches to meeting women. I told him that when I decide to talk to a woman that I really find attractive, I am confident that I'll be successful with her. He kind of laughed and told me that meeting women was a game of luck, and if you wanted to win, you had to just keep playing the numbers... and hope you find one that likes you. Right at that moment, two cute women walked up to the bar. One of them was very hot. He looked at the hotter girl, pointed to her, and said "I like that". I said "Well then go talk to her". He decided to go "order a drink" (in other words, he was going to go up to the bar and FAKE like he was there to order a drink, and then "accidentally" start a conversation with her). Of course, he already HAD a drink, so he fumbled around trying to find a place to put it down so he could walk up to the bar with no drink and not look like he was "on the make". It was pretty damn funny. Anyway, he squeezes in next to this girl, and tries to act like he's just there to get a drink. He then turns to her, and tries to start a conversation. What happened? Of course... Her defenses went up INSTANTLY. She said a few words to him, but then turned away from him, took her drink and her friend, and walked away from the bar. He came back over to me and made no comment about the interaction with her... I watched him try to talk to more women after that... all with the same result. Their defenses went up AS SOON as he started talking to them. This guy's theory of "talking to a lot of women until you get lucky and find one who likes you" was working pretty well... Except for the fact that he WASN'T getting "lucky" at all, and NO women liked him.... One of the problems he had was not understanding this thing that I call "Sexual Communication". If you'd like to learn more about this particular topic, then take a minute and look at THIS: Sexual Communication HITTING THE WALL Have you ever been in a situation talking to a girl, and you could just FEEL that she had her "defenses up"? Or have you ever been out on a date with a woman, and had a bad feeling in your GUT about the situation... and no matter what you did, the situation only got worse, and she seemed to get further away from you? If you're like me, then you've been in a LOT of these situations. In fact, I think it's happened to me so many times that I have "female defense radar". It's like I can tell INSTANTLY if a woman has her defenses up... and it doesn't feel GOOD. You've been there... one minute everything is OK, and the next minute she has flipped on some kind of force-field that is PERMANENT. You know what I'm talking about... And once the defenses are up, it's as if she has become a DIFFERENT person. And trying to make it better, only makes it worse. Always. That's called HITTING THE WALL. And once you hit it, there's no bouncing back. A WOMAN'S DEFENSES, AND HOW THEY WORK So what's up with that? Why do women have this "defense mechanism"? What triggers it? And how can we, as guys, get past it? Well, the reality is that a woman's defense mechanism is something that PROTECTS her. It saves her time. And it saves her headaches and hassles. You've heard me say that attractive women are approached ALL THE TIME by men. In one way or another, an attractive woman is CONSTANTLY approached and pursued by men. Women can't afford to spend even a FRACTION of their time with every guy who shows interest, so they use "time management" techniques. How 21st century of them. One of these "time management techniques" is their defense mechanism. If a girl decides that she isn't interested in being with a particular guy... and it doesn't matter if it's within the first five seconds or the first five months... the mechanism kicks in. It creates an invisible wall that protects her. You can feel it. She can feel it. And even though neither of you can see it, you both know that it's more powerful than a real wall... because most men don't know how to get PAST it. I know that you've thought about this issue at some point. If you're like me, you've thought about it a LOT. Maybe even obsessively. Maybe you have even schemed and tortured yourself trying to figure out the magic way to get past a woman's defenses... Are you with me here? A NEW WAY OF LOOKING AT THINGS... What if I were to tell you that YOU are the one who actually controls her defense mechanism? And what if I were to tell you that all this time, YOU'RE THE ONE who's been causing women to put up their defenses, and shut you out? And what if I told you that looking for the magic way to "get past her defenses" was really a waste of time? What if I told you instead that the ULTIMATE way to "get past" her defenses was to NEVER CAUSE HER TO PUT THEM UP in the first place. See, the reality is that her defenses are a RESPONSE or a REACTION to something YOU are doing. YOU are the one who's doing things that kick off the sequence of events. In fact, if you think of it from this particular perspective, you'll realize that you REALLY ARE controlling her defense mechanisms. BACK TO MY STORY... Shortly after his "bad luck" episodes, the guy I was talking to in the bar walked away from me. I stood at the bar thinking of what he had just said and done... and how so many guys I've met think the same way. Right then, a woman asked me if I'd move over a little bit so she could order a drink. I said "sure", and turned sideways so she could squeeze in next to me. At first, I turned my back to her. After a minute or two, I turned back around, and started talking to her and her friends. I was teasing them and making fun, and generally being a pain in the ass. There were a total of four girls there together, and I was talking to three of them. I turned my attention to the quietest of the three, and started teasing her. I asked her why she was so quiet, teasing her about it, etc. Every time I asked her a question or said something, she either shook her head "no" or nodded her head "yes". No words. Finally, she held up her left hand and proudly displayed her wedding ring. She said "I'm married". I laughed at her and said "Wow, good for you. I guess if I was trying to pick up on you I'd be pretty upset right now... but I'm not, so you don't have anything to worry about". Now, the REALITY of the situation was that I was NOT trying to "pick up on her". She was the least attractive woman in the group, and her personality was about as interesting as a mule's. Her friends heard me say this to her, and they turned and looked at me with wide eyes. They couldn't believe that I had just said that to their friend, and they could tell that I was being VERY serious, and that I could care less what she thought of me. I went on talking to these four girls for the rest of the night... about another hour or so. I mixed up the conversation. Sometimes I talked to one of them... sometimes two... sometimes three... sometimes all four. I teased them all, busted on them, called them all kinds of freaky-chick names, and generally acted like they were my four, bratty little sisters that annoyed me... but who I still loved (a little). By the end of the evening, I was sitting on a little couch with three of the girls. At this point, there were almost NO women left at this bar. I'd say the guy/girl ratio was about 6 or 7 to 1. I could see about 30 guys standing around me, and maybe 5 or 6 women. And I had 3 of those 5 or 6 on the couch next to me. At one point, two of them were on either side of me MASSAGING me at the same time. It was funny. Of course RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT the guy from earlier walked by, stopped, and looked at me. The look of shock in his eyes was priceless. He didn't even say hi... he just walked away. The evening ended with two of the girls kissing me, and one of them getting my number because she was going to be in my area in a few weeks and wanted to see me... Let's get down to the point... The reason why I was so successful with these particular women was because I didn't do what every other guy that they ran into did... I didn't trigger their DEFENSE MECHANISMS. They had time to get to know me... they had time to get comfortable with me... and I had time to spark all kinds of sexual tension and attraction with them. Now let me tell you how I did it... WHAT TRIGGERS A WOMAN'S DEFENSE MECHANISM... AND HOW TO AVOID IT I'm about to give you a VERY important insight into how women interact with men. Pay close attention to this. It's taken me a LONG time to figure this out... Women are VERY perceptive. They know what a guy is thinking by looking at his body language, and listening to his voice tone. Some experts estimate that women are as much as TEN TIMES better than men at reading body language. To most women, men are an OPEN BOOK. Guys have no idea just how obvious they are... And there's one particular thing that triggers a woman's defense mechanism faster than a chubby kid eats cake... It's SEEKING APPROVAL. In every situation with a woman, you can say WHATEVER you want to say in a way that either: 1) Seeks her approval 2) Doesn't seek her approval Think about it. You're either SEEKING APPROVAL... or you're NOT... And most guys ARE when they're talking to a woman that they're interested in. As I watched the guy in the bar walk up to women and try to start conversations all night, the ONE thing that was obvious to all that had the eyes to see, was that he wanted APPROVAL. He wanted the women to LIKE him. I guarantee you that this man was an honest- to-goodness certifiable WUSSY... and every woman that he tried to talk to could SMELL it on him. On the other hand, when I talk to a woman, I avoid seeking approval. I make it clear, no matter what I'm saying or doing, that it doesn't matter whether or not she likes me... I could care less. The more I made it clear to the women I was talking to, that I DIDN'T need their approval, the more they LIKED ME. If you want to get past a woman's defenses, the best plan of action is to NOT TRIGGER them IN THE FIRST PLACE. Now, the reality of this situation is that some women are walking around with their defenses already up. Maybe they're married, or maybe they're angry at men... or maybe they're just very shy. We live in the real world, and this is part of it. But in most situations YOU are the one who triggers the defenses. It's YOU. I have several friends who I've watched interacting with women MANY, MANY times... and these particular guys RARELY, if EVER get the "defensive" cold shoulder from women. Why? Because they're not seeking approval. They're just doing what they want, and being themselves. If you can spend an hour talking to a woman, and not seek her approval the entire time, you stand a DRAMATICALLY better chance of taking things to the next level with her. That simple demonstration of showing her a full hour of non-approval-seeking behavior and communication will separate you from 99% of all the guys that have approached her in her life. And the best part about this particular technique is that it's NOT MANIPULATION. In fact, seeking approval is far more manipulative than what I'm saying here. In fact, one of the reasons why women don't like a guy who seek approval, is because they INSTANTLY sense that the guy is using a MANIPULATIVE tactic. If you think through the situations that you've been in with women, you realize that this is the case. So stop seeking women's approval when you meet them. Stop it! Learn how to say things in a way that clearly communicates that you don't need her to like you or approve of you. Then learn how to be Cocky & Funny. When you can make a woman laugh while you're NOT seeking her approval, you have a powerful combination that sparks ATTRACTION. Which leads me to the VERY BEST way of all to "get past a woman's defenses". MAKE HER FEEL ATTRACTION FOR YOU. If a woman feels a powerful ATTRACTION for you, then the kinds of defenses that we're talking about here don't even come into play. Attraction is such a powerful physical and emotional response that it temporarily disables a woman's defense mechanisms... It's the one thing, if you know how to do it, that women WISH you would trigger inside of them. Once a woman starts to feel that magical emotional and physical response called ATTRACTION, the entire situation changes, and you start having the kinds of success with women that most men only dream about. And most women go through life WISHING, HOPING, AND DREAMING that they will someday find a man that can make them feel this amazing feeling... That man should be you. And what's the best way for you to learn how to trigger this magical response that we're talking about here? I thought you'd never ask... The best way to learn is to invest in the programs that I've created to TEACH you this stuff. Start with my book "Double Your Dating". It will take you through the basics... and teach you my main concepts, theories, and techniques... very quickly. You can download it right now and be reading it within a few minutes. Get it here: Double Your Dating eBook Next, you want to get yourself a copy of my Advanced Dating Techniques DVD/CD program. This is a "Boot Camp" style training... and it will teach you exercises for overcoming your fears and raising your self image with women... along with hundreds of different concepts, theories, and specific step-by-step techniques for all aspects of meeting women and getting dates. You can learn all about it here: Advanced Series Once you've finished with those programs, and you'd like to get more in-depth training in specific areas, check out some of my more intensive, focused programs... Check out my Approaching Women program here: Approaching Women Check out my Body Language program here: Body Language And check out my Deep Inner Game program here: Deep Inner Game You can watch some great video clips of each program on these web sites... You'll get a ton of great insights just by watching these clips. Of course, you'll get a THOUSAND times more by investing in the programs. So do yourself the favor, and make the investment in yourself. Talk to you again soon. Your Friend, David D.
My New Year Reevaluation's are 1. To Finalize my divorce and to be married to Mike. 2. Get my Permit and car (Start driving by Spring) 3. To bring my GPA back up to a 3.0 or close to it to get into Athens. 4. To have a healthy relationship with my partner, family, and friends. 5. To try new things and expanded my mind. 6. Breeding my dragons and start selling them 7. Here next fall I want to start doing taxes and working. 8. By Christmas next year spend more time with both sides of the family. Hard to do when school is in. 9. Pray for a miracle that I will get my kids back home. You know I found it more easier to make a list of things and save them so you know what to stick to, it will help you out later on down the road and not forget. I know we all make wishes and stuff. But, really do you sit down and remember to stick to it. IF you do great if you don't you may want to take my advise and do it. Instead, of saying that you are going to quit smoking do it. I went cold turkey it has been 2 years since I quit.
Well this has been a crazy week we just found out from the doctor that Mike has to wear a 24 heart monitor for his heart, he has been having some chest pains, then he has to get blood work done, that is not going to be fun at all. So, tomorrow he has to get it taken off. We will find out the results at his next appointment. Until next time Merry Christmas...*smile*

New Dragon

Today Mike got me a New Water Dragon a female, she is 17 in a half inches. My male is now 12 inches long. Age wise they are 18 months and 12 months, about this time next year I will have eggs. They will hatch in Spring. I will be selling them for 20 to 50 depends on the size you want. I have an email and cell phone. Contact me privately to get them and let me know if you or you know someone that wants one. They make a good pet of kids. Easy to feed and clean up not like a cat or dog. lol

Which one fits me

What Crystal Means C is for Charismatic
R is for Refreshing
Y is for Yummy
S is for Striking
T is for Tender
A is for Alert
L is for Luxurious
C is for Casual
R is for Responsible
Y is for Young
S is for Sporty
T is for Tempting
A is for Altruistic
L is for Likeable
C is for Casual
R is for Radiant
Y is for Young
S is for Special
T is for Trendy
A is for Articulate
L is for Lucky
C is for Cynical
R is for Radiant
Y is for Yummy
S is for Striking
T is for Trustworthy
A is for Amazing
L is for Logical
Now you tell me which one fits me
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