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Doug's blog: "???"

created on 05/03/2017  |  http://fubar.com/-/b369496  |  2 followers

This game?? Wasting time

This game well i have been on here a few years now. I have realized its a popularity game. But it is what it is! I have tried to play the game like it should be played or so i was told. I get on like and rate profiles but yet i notice that the favor does not get returned. I have played the power ups as they should be played. I dont even get the likes i put out returned . Well its just seems like a waste of my time to do such. I do the w.c. as they should and i have noticed that i do not get the credit for some of the stuff i do. so why in the hell should i waste my time doing such  i dont get credited for some things.. Likes are another thiing that dont get returned. Another waste of time. So if i continue to play this game ( i will not kiss A$$ ) so i will just start returning the likes i get and give just a select few that i consider friends.It is what it is 

Big Bang ?? this sucks

Big Bang challenge??? Well i have to say this one really sucks out of a lot of them. Bang 100 well that is one of the stupidest things i have had to do on here so far {i am sure there is more though} Its not a hard thing to do but when you rate the profile, and the 10 pictures well that is not so hard. But the crappy thing about it is the profile comment!!!!! If you have to wait for the owners approval of your comment and the owner does not do it then you do not get credted it for it. So i just loose all the time i wasted doing what i just did for nothing. Does that sound fair at all?? Hell no it does not. So i will be stuck on the same level for a very long time. So why do i even bother wasting my time  and effort for something that does not work for me. What a freaking joke it is. So i will be on level 69 for a while. Like i said it is one of the stupidest things so far. Have a good day. Oh yes i forgot to add this as well. What good is running a big bang if some people are not alloweed to leave a comment on the profile, Does not make any damn sense to me.

What a shame

What a shame! Every year I will spend a average of $ 20 -$60 on toys for tots. Well this year i had just purcased a few toys and was leaving the store when i seen a lady holding a sign "just lost my job, homrless and trying to collect donations to feed my kids". Well i am a sucker for elderly people and kids.So i thought to myself what if that was me? so i pulled over and wrote a note sayiny "If you are realy homless and are hungry and want some money i know where you can find some real work to earn you some money I will pull in by this restaurant and you can talk to me and i can set it up for you and i will even buy you something to eat" left my name and number. I put it in a dollar bill and rode back by and rolled my window down and handed it to her. There was a few cars stopped at the light, so i looked in the mirror as she read the note and put it in her bag and just smiled. I pulled in the restaurant and made a phone call and waited 45 minutes.  The lady never showed up. I had a friend who could use som extra help with things around the house this holiday season and i was going to give her the address and phone number and even take her and introduce them. I know the risk of something like that. Well i take it she didnt really want to work for the money all she wanted was a free. So my point is the next time i see someone who could use some help do i just ignore them as a fraud? I know there is really some homeless peope out there that would take that offer to make money instead of just a free hand out.People like that are one of the reasons that people dont help the homeless and that is DAMN SHAME.  Wish everyone a very happy and safe holiday season.


So let me understand this correctly. Ownership of another person could be bought using "fubucks" which is related to the game as something you earned along the way. So now you can still purchase with "fubucks" some people. Credits are something you purchase,you pay fubar for the credits.You can buy people with credits. Here is where it gets confusing. Years ago there was something they called "slavery" which was buying a person for money. Also there is a term called "pimping" which is also buying someone or someones service for money. Now the dirty nasty term called "human trafficking" which is selling or bidding on someone for money.Now does that sound any different than the way the new ownership rules on here are? This is just my own personal thoughts. I will make a copy or two to send to a few friends that i know to protect what i said so it does not get turned around in some sort of way. Who knows i may even get banned from the game. If you care to leave your thoughts on this feel free to do so.

Maybe time for a break??

I just wanted to let you know i plan on taking a break for a while after this week i will not be on as much as i have been. I feel like i have to get back to some reality and take care of some things that I have neglected (me). which i have been told that i only think of myself well maybe i should start doing just that. If you want to still L/R it will be very appreciated and will not be forgotten. I will check in from time to time to see how people are doing. If your are in my family i will not forget you when i pop in from time to time. I have to much invested in this site to just leave it. If you have me in your famly feel free to remove me if you want to. I will understand  because if i am not here to help you then why not put someone in my spot that can help you benefit further in this game. I will do what i can to help if you need my help the rest of the wek through the weekend.  so good luck and take care. (h) (h) cya 

Seeing how i may be stuck at this level for a while. I dont see myself getting into the 50 most active anytime soon. So i figured i would just work on builng up some points. These things i will be working on as i get on each time and try and knock out what i can. Polish 50000 L.E. bling,Limited edition 50 (polish 2500 L.E. over 50), polish 100 golden head in a day, and polish 10 royal crowns of fubar in a day. So i will be looking and if you want any of yours polished feel free to let me know and i will get to it. i figured i might as well do something instead o just L/R . Have a nice day.

who i am

Who I am?? I have been called a ass,heartless,cold a selfish person,thats just to call a few of them off the top of my head. I have been told i think of no one except myself. well i look out for me. no one else does it because its not their place to do it. I have been generous to some in this game and its not benefited me as much as it has them. yes i gained from it but not as they have. I can be all as listed above when i have to be. i have purchased vip for people (because i wanted to) i have swapped bing with people (to help each other out).I have purchased high price bling for peolpe(because i wanted to) and have not asked anything from them in return.. I am not a wealthy person at all and dont pretend like i am. If i am on here and i see a bling that is 1 or 5 credits and it will help with achievement points for someone i will purchase it for several people. Yes i have certain people i will do it for more than others, some i wont get credit for and some i do. I like to see people get ahead in this game. so if i just out or random send a bling to someone, i expect nothing in return.  I dont sit in front of a computer 24/7 each day and i do not post comments on every ones pages. so if you get a bling from me its because i am trying to hel in some little way. I will not get on here and beg for bling or beg for nelp on this or that. I have noticed that the higher the level the more it will cost. so i have pretty much gone as far in the levels that I choose to go. I am sorry but i will not pay thousands of dollars for a virtual item that can be activated for one hour a day. I would rather donate that kind of money to the saving breast cancer . So if that makes me a ass, cold hearted or a selfish person then so be and i will wear the title with pride. So if you receive a little bling or something from me its because i wanted to do it DO NOT expect anything in return.  Thank you for taking the time to read this. All comments are more than welcome  thanks

The greatest gift  for a father. I have 2 kids a boy the oldest and a daughter who is 21 yrs old. A few weeks back my daughter had some medical problems and had to go to the hospital. The ran test on her and could not find out just what was wrong with her. She had lost 35 pds in 7 months. well they sent her to a stomach doctor and they suspected it was cancer related. They made her a apointment for another specialist. They took some samples and ran a bunch of test. being a father and not knowing what the outcome would be.can make you awreck inside. My daughter handled it alot better than i did. well finally the time had come for the results. well the results were negative for any type of cancer. great news.  i had  dinner with them both and thy asked me what i would like for christmas this year. Well without hesitation i said i have received my gift already. They both asked what it was. my answer was to have my child free of any type of cancer.  she has still have to go back and find out what it is. they are leaning towards  gluten free diet which is a hell of alot better than the other. I know my life and i know i am not a saint by any means at all. so really consider myself to be a very blessed person to have 2 kids in good health. Me and my kids have decided to take this christmas and give it to the less fortunate. so if you are as blessed as i am think about some that are not as blessed as you are. it dont take a lot of your time or your money to make someones christmas a little more special. If you can make a few people smile with such little gestures it will warm your heart and it will also make you smile. so remember this year that they are alot out there that have very little or nothing at all..  I want to wish everyone a very merry christmas and enjoy the time with your loved ones, because you may never know it will be the last time.                         Merry christmas and a happy safe new year

my side of it

my side of things, Believe it or not. It all started on 11/25/17. I was pimped handed by somone i knew nothing about.  Why i dont know?? I was told that  someone told someone else that we had got into a argument. And the one that pimped me had nothing to do with it. The only thingf i could think of is the one i pissed off got her to do it. (she will never own up to it) if she did then her so called nice and friendly ways would be made to look badly.  Well then a couple days i started noticing the things that put them two together. and i pimped handed the one that did it to me.  well then again on 12/1/17 i got pimped again not once but several times over and over and over . (no biggie to me) so i pimped haned the one that was started it all.  and she got very upset and and posted pictures of me and put captions on it.. I put in my status that i appreciated all the good points it seemt o get me . Well then she pimped handed me  which did not nother me at all. we messaged back and forth and she said this "i dont even know the person who did that ". Well thats kinda odd seiing how she was put in her family shortly after all this happened..Now she is in the top part of her family. Just think its kinda strange?? You can check out the picytures in her album and also can check out the ones in mine marked (i didnt start this). You know i could really care less about it all but i dont want people to think i am such a bad person. What really gets me is  i was doing my best to comfort someone who had 2 terrible things happen to them within a few months apart. then its like all of a sudden they didnt need my comfort anymore and treated me as if i didnt even exist. well i know they will deny it all  which is ok with me. I own my bad doings and yes i am the damn idiot that pimpp handeed that lady. Yes i did butonly pimped her for 3 things only and then she put up a pimp shield. Which if i wanted to i would have dome it also, but instead i let her #2 pimp hand me all night.. Well i just wanted people to know my side of it.. This same person is someone i thought was a good friend but come to find out that i was wrong about it. I never used her to get ahead in this game at all. I was totaly up front and honest with them. but they handed me a whole bunch of crap and i was not falling for it. at all. i was told a whole of crap right before she got back n here and when she got back on here its as if i did not exist. But yet i am the one that used her???  Well you can believe this or not that is your choice. not all is as it seems to be presented. I have nothing to hide or nothing to gain.   well thanks for reading this... have a great day.


Someone said i used them to advance in this game. BULLSHIT! I never used anyone to get here.  I have helped more peole with little things and have not asked for anything. I am the type of person that if i am  looking and rating people and i see they need 1 or 2 little things to get them to a acheivement i will do it and ask nothing in return. I will see a bling that is good for a acheivement and will just send it to them. just to see them get it. I have done this for that person as well and sometimes i would get something from it and sometimes not. No big deal to me. the same person would ask me things about the game and i would help them as much as i could time and time again. Not knowing a lot about it myself. I did the best that i could. i was a head a few levels then, but it was not a bad thig though.  we would swap bling from time to time to help each other out.  they would swap with other peopl also but would not think about swapping with me. so be it. Well something happened and they were gone for a bit. We stayed in contact and finally they got back to the game and then its as if they had no use for me anymore. But i used them to advance in this game. yeah i might not have the "exotic " bling you can use from time to time and never goes away. Thats ok with me i will just keep buying the little ones.  i have spent may more than i should have on this game. I finally read something someone said and it made since and that made me realize they are so correct. " what you dont spend here to level up you will have more to spend in real life" Now that was the truth for me. I still spend on little things but i will not spend on the big things. I will not waste alot of money on here, because it gets you nothing. if the game was to fold up tomorow and shut down i can live with what i lost. I hate to see people waste their money and it get you nothing. hell i will sell you some butterflies,ponies,icky stickys,and hearts and cubes.  I will give you a lot more for alot less. you get to look at them as you do the bling. When its all said and done you may have the exotic bling, but i will have my bills paid and  enjoy spending money on the things i can touch see and enjoy. The way i look at it is that exotic bling makes you no more special than me except here on this game. outside of the game it does nothing for you. But i have used people to advance in this game.  Yeah some will say it is whinning . but it dont matter call it what you shall. All i know it is the truth.  so if any other person on here thinks i used them to advance, please let me know. Have a nice night.  :) :)

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